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Kids’ Travel

Activity Book

Brought to you by the editors of FamilyEducation

Table of Contents

Absurd Amphisbaena Maze............................................................................................... Page 1

Hidden Words: Family Reunion.......................................................................................... Page 2
Look Alikes: Identical Shapes and Patterns......................................................................... Page 3
Crazy Animal Riddle........................................................................................................ Page 4
Hidden Message Puzzle: It’s My Favorite ............................................................................ Page 5
Rhyming Words/ Hidden Items.......................................................................................... Page 6
Bad Body Noises Word Search........................................................................................... Page 7
Moving Around Logic Puzzle............................................................................................. Page 8
Picture Writing............................................................................................................... Page 9
Hidden Items: Ride the Bus............................................................................................. Page 10
Idiotic Idioms ................................................................................................................ Page 11
Funky Fertilizer Word Grid................................................................................................ Page 12
Losing Lunch Superlatives................................................................................................ Page 13
Hidden Words: Silly Chefs . .............................................................................................. Page 14
Birthday Word Find Riddle................................................................................................ Page 15
Enchanted Kingdom Logic Puzzles..................................................................................... Page 16
Clean the Fridge Acrostic.................................................................................................. Page 17
Hink Pink Rhyming Words/ Onomatopoeia Word Search....................................................... Page 18
Hidden Items: Tea Time.................................................................................................... Page 19
Crazy Crayons Maze ........................................................................................................ Page 20
Feed Me Puzzle............................................................................................................... Page 21
Awfully Ancient Code...................................................................................................... Page 22
Answers................................................................................................................... Pages 23-27
Absurd Amphisbaena
This strange little monster is supposed to have two snake- Help the amphisbaena in the
like heads, one at each end, but a body like a goose. To add center of this maze to roll
to the mix even more, the amphisbaena has two little ears away from the elves who are
like a squir­rel. trying to catch her.
When frightened, one head grabs
the other head and the whole
monster turns into a
sort of hoop and
rolls away!


The female amphisbaena
may look strange, but she
is a very good mother. END
While one head sleeps,
the other one watches
the eggs in her nest!

Jumbo Travel Activity Book Copyright © 2007, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications
Company. All rights reserved.

Family Reunion
Find the word “HUGS” 11 times in this happy family reunion. See if you can also find the
snake, snowman, kite, teapot, snail, umbrella, lightning bolt, and head of a bunny.

Jumbo Travel Activity Book Copyright © 2007, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications
Company. All rights reserved.

Look Alikes
See if you can find shapes and patterns that are the same in both pictures.

HINT: The shape might be the same, but the way it is used might be
completely different! For example, the cloud in the top picture is the
same shape as the icing on the cupcake in the bottom picture!

Jumbo Travel Activity Book Copyright © 2007, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications
Company. All rights reserved.

What do you get when To find the answer to this riddle, think of a word that best
fits each of the descriptions below. Write the words on
you cross a skunk, an the numbered lines, and then transfer each letter into the
owl, and a mountain? numbered grid. The black boxes are the spaces between

Jumbo Travel Activity Book Copyright © 2007, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications
Company. All rights reserved.

It’s My Favorite!
Solve each of the following problems. Watch the signs carefully! Shade each answer on
the number grid to discover the hidden message. HINT: When there’s an equation with
parentheses ( ) around two numbers, do the part of the problem inside the parentheses first.


Professor Proof’s bum- 25 x 1 =______________ 5 x 11 =_______________

per sticker tells about 18 + 9 =_____________ 29 x 2 =_____________
his favorite kind of cal-
15 + 15 =_____________ (60 x 2) - 60 =_ ______
(15 x 2) + 4 =_ _______ 16 + 16 + 16 + 16 =____
1 x 1 =________________
(18 + 18) + 1 =_ ______ 80 - 10 =_____________
2 + 1 =_ _____________
(14 x 3) - 3 =_________ (10 x 7) + 3 = ________
2 + 2 =______________
(12 x 4) - 5 =_________ (10 x 7) + 7 =_________
12 - 6 =______________
(12 x 4) - 1 =__________ (10 x 8) + 1 =_________
3 + 3 + 1 =__________
25 x 2 =_____________ 41 + 41 =_____________
5 x 2 =_______________
52 - 1 =______________ 41 + 41 + 1 =_________
22 - 11 =_ ____________
(25 x 2) + 2 =________ (84 x 2) - 84 =_______
22 - 11 + 5 =_________
(17 x 3) + 2 =_________ (10 x 8) + 8 =________
7 + 7 + 7 =_ _________
(17 x 3) + 3 =_________
25 - 2 =_ ____________

From Everything Kids’ Math Puzzles Book Copyright © 2003, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W
Publications Company. All rights reserved.

Stink Pinks Disgusting Dump
The answers to Stink Pinks are It doesn’t take much to make a whole can-full of trash smell

two rhyming words that each have pretty putrid. Can you find a used diaper, a slimy banana

one syllable. Use the clues to fig- peel,

ure these out! a rotten egg, a half-eaten chicken leg, a bunch of stinky fish
bones, moldy wheel of cheese, moldy slice of bread, a dirty
sock, and an old onion? For extra “fun,” how many cartons

Jumbo Travel Activity Book Copyright © 2007, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications
Company. All rights reserved.

Bob’s Bad Body Noises
One day Brenda counted her brother Bob making eight
different disgusting noises! Can you find how many times
Bob made each one? Use a light-colored marker to run
a single line of color through each word you find. Make a
mark in the box next to a word each time you find it.

EXTRA FUN: Use a dark marker to color all the letters X.

What do you see when you’re done?

Jumbo Travel Activity Book Copyright © 2007, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications
Company. All rights reserved.

Moving Around
See if you can use logic to solve the puzzle about four fast friends: Gary, Har-
ry, Larry, and Mary who lived in Los Angeles. One day, the four friends got
news that they would be moving to four different cities: Atlanta, Boston, Chi-
cago, and Dallas. By listening to their parents talk, the friends learned the
✱ Gary’s family was moving to either Boston or Dallas.
✱ Harry’s family was not moving to either Boston or Chicago.
✱ Either Harry or Mary was moving to Atlanta.
✱ If Harry moves to Atlanta, then Gary moves to Chicago.
✱ If Larry moves to Chicago, then Gary does not move to Dallas.
Who is moving where? Use the table to figure out the answer.

Atlanta Boston Chicago Dallas





From Everything Kids’ Math Puzzles Book Copyright © 2003, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W
Publications Company. All rights reserved.

Picture Writing
The ancient Egyptians used
beautiful writing called
“hieroglyphics,” made up of 24
basic pictures used to spell out
words. There were also pic­tures
to show who or what was being
writ­ten about, and other pictures
to describe ac­tions. Al­to­geth­er,
there were more than 700 different
pic­tures and sym­bols! Egyp­tians
were pretty flexible about their
writing—hi­ero­glyph­ics can be
read from left to right (like our lan­
guage) or from right to left. How
do you know which way to read?
You look at which way the animal
char­ac­ters are facing. If their noses
point to the left, you read from left
to right. It’s like watch­ing a parade!

Keep track of the hi­ero­glyph­

ics you pass from START to
END. Copy each one into the
blank space pro­vid­ed. When
you’re fin­ished, see which
pharaoh’s name you have

Draw the hieroglyphics from left to right.

No one uses hieroglyphics today,
but there are plenty of examples
left in the tombs and temples.
Even ancient grocery lists and
pages of math homework have Hatshepsut Tutankhamun Ramses II
been found!

Jumbo Travel Activity Book Copyright © 2007, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications
Company. All rights reserved.

Ride the Bus
Look carefully at these two buses and see if you can find the hidden pencil, snail,
capital letter E, lightning bolt, umbrella, and book.

EXTRA FUN: See if you

can find four other things
that are different between
the bus on the top and the
bus on the bottom.

Jumbo Travel Activity Book Copyright © 2007, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications
Company. All rights reserved.
Wacky Word Play
Idiotic Idioms
An idiom is a phrase that cannot be understood from the mean­ings of the separate words in it.
Look at the pictures and see if you can guess the expressions for the following meanings.

1. All at once 2. Try something new

____ ___ ____ 3. To study

______ ____ ___ ___ ___ _____

4. On top of things 5. Undecided 6. Tell a secret

__ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

____ _____ __ ___ ___

7. Get some sleep

_____ ____ _’_

Everything Kids’ Puzzle Book Copyright © 2000, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications
Company. All rights reserved.

Funky Fertilizer
These two farmers are having quite a conversation about their
cows’ stinky manure. To see what they are saying to each oth-
er, figure out where each puzzle piece goes in the empty grids.
Then, write the letters in their proper places.

Jumbo Travel Activity Book Copyright © 2007, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications
Company. All rights reserved.
Losing Lunch
Have a friend help you finish this story. Don’t show them the story first! Ask your helper for
the kind of word needed for each blank line (a description is written underneath). Write in the
words your helper chooses, then read the story out loud.
EXTRA FUN: Use a pencil, then you can erase the words and try again!

Jumbo Travel Activity Book Copyright © 2007, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications
Company. All rights reserved.
Silly Chefs
Can you find nine words that might be used when describing the creations
these silly chefs are cooking up? Look for: yum, slurp, delicious, good, tasty, munch, won-
derful, sweet, and hot..

Extra Fun: While you are browsing in this kitchen, also look for the hidden knife,
fork, oven mitt, cookbook,and measuring cup.

Jumbo Travel Activity Book Copyright © 2007, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications
Company. All rights reserved.
Why did that guy . . .
To find the answer to this riddle, think of a word that best fits
each of the descriptions at right. Write the words on the num-
bered lines, and then transfer each letter into the numbered

Jumbo Travel Activity Book Copyright © 2007, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications
Company. All rights reserved.
In the Enchanted Kingdom

he logic puzzles on this page take place in an enchanted kingdom, at a castle

inhabited by four princesses—Ruby, Sapphire, Jade, and Topaz—as well as

their mother, Queen Diamond, and their four pet dragons.

Taming Dragons
These princesses don’t need anyone to rescue them—they are dragon tamers
and have four days to tame their four dragons. Every day, each one must
work with a different dragon. On the second day, Ruby tamed Spitfire
and Sapphire tamed Forktail. On the third day, Jade tamed Blaze and
Topaz tamed Smokey. On the fourth day, Sapphire tamed
Smokey and Topaz tamed Forktail. Which dragon did each
princess tame on each‑day?

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4


The Marriage Proposal

Prince Pyrite came to the enchanted castle to ask for Princess Ruby’s
hand in marriage, but Ruby didn’t like him. The Queen didn’t want to offend
Prince Pyrite, who was her guest, so she told him to go to her garden and put
one black and one white pebble into his purse. If Ruby picks a black pebble, they
will marry. If she picks a white one, the prince will have to go home alone.

As the prince went out to the garden, Ruby followed him and saw him put two black pebbles
into the purse. At first, she’s dismayed but then gets an idea. How can Ruby trick the prince?

From Everything Kids’ Math Puzzles Book Copyright © 2003, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W
Publications Company. All rights reserved.
Clean the Fridge!
Know how leftovers get when they have been in
the fridge a reeeeeeally long time? Fit the eight­
een words that describe how gross they look (and
smell) into the grid, right. When you are done,
read down the shaded column to find the answer
to the riddle. We left you a few L-E-F-T-O-V-E-R-
S to help!

Jumbo Travel Activity Book Copyright © 2007, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications
Company. All rights reserved.
Hink Pinks
The answers to Hink Pinks are two rhyming words of one syllable each. We did the first one for you!

1. happy boy................................. G L A D L A D Teeny

2. not real reptile........................ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hink
3. splendid group Pink
What is
of musicians............................ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mervin
4. a group yell.............................. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dream­ing
5. a skinny female ruler.............. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6. a large branch.......................... _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7. a cold swimming place........... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8. a drink at noon....................... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9. a made smaller
black & white animal.............. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
10. a ditch in Paris........................ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Onomatopoeia simply means a word that sounds like
its meaning, for example click or hum. Look at the
pictures below and see if you can find their sounds
in the letter grid.


Everything Kids’ Puzzle Book Copyright © 2000, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications
Company. All rights reserved.

Tea Time
The Thompson kids are having a tea party. Can you find at least 20 things that start with the
letter “T”? EXTRA FUN: Try and find 10 more “T” words!

Jumbo Travel Activity Book Copyright © 2007, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications
Company. All rights reserved.
Crazy Crayons
Crayons were originally made in Europe around the 1700s and were imported
into this country at a high price. Nowadays, crayons are made in the United states
by mixing a few types of waxes, such as paraffin, beeswax, and carnauba wax. The
waxes are melted in a huge pot. Workers then add colored powders to make thou-
sands of different shades. Today you can find so many varieties of crayons—basic In 1996, the Binney & Smith
colors, neon shades, multicolored crayons, and crayons with glitter inside! Company produced the 100
billionth Crayola™ Crayon!

Start col­or­ing the path with

one crayon. Fill in the whole
path from side to side.
When you come to a
dot, switch colors.
Do this all the
way to the

How many
colors do you
think it will
take to get to the
middle of this

Jumbo Travel Activity Book Copyright © 2007, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications
Company. All rights reserved.
Feed Me
I am a plant that eats flesh. I like ants, spiders, and juicy bugs. When an insect
lands in my open mouth—SNAP! I slam shut and trap the bug inside where it is
slowly digested. Use a dark color to fill in the shapes that have the letters F-E-E-D
M-E. The leftover white shapes will show what kind of predatory plant I am.

Jumbo Travel Activity Book Copyright © 2007, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications
Company. All rights reserved.
Awfully Ancient
For more than 3,000 years humanity has been plagued by an infectious disease
called “leprosy” which attacks the nerves of the hands, feet, and face. Doctors
only found a way to treat it about 50 years ago. However, if left untreated, lep-
rosy can have some awful results!
In each row, cross out the letters that appear more than three times. The
remaining letters will spell out the answers.

Nail Biter
Use this hint to break the coded answer.

Flip Flop

Jumbo Travel Activity Book Copyright © 2007, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications
Company. All rights reserved.
page 2 • Family Reunion
page 1 • Absurd Amphisbaena

page 3 • Look Alikes

page 4 • What do you get . . .

page 5 • It’s My Favorite

page 6 • Stink page 6 • Disgusting
page 9 • Picture Writing
Pinks Dump

page 7 • Bob’s Bad Body Noises

page 8 • Moving Around

Gary is moving to Boston, Harry is moving to
Dallas, Larry is moving to Chicago, Mary is moving
to Atlanta.

page 10 • Ride the Bus
page 11
Idiotic Idioms

1. cold turkey
2. get your feet wet
3. hit the books
4. on the ball
5. on the fence
6. let the cat out of the bag
7. catch some Z’s

page 12 • Funky Fertilizer

page 13 • Losing Lunch

page 14 • Silly Chefs

page 15 • Why did that guy . . .
page 16 • Taming Dragons
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Ruby Smokey Spitfire Forktail Blaze
Jade Forktail Smokey Blaze Spitfire
Sapphire Blaze Forktail Spitfire Smokey
Topaz Spitfire Blaze Smokey Forktail

page 16 • The Marriage Proposal

Ruby can take out one pebble and “accidentally”
drop it into the river. Then, she’ll insist that the
pebble was white. Since the other pebble in the
purse is black, everyone has to assume that she
dropped the white pebble—and she won’t have to
marry the sneaky prince!

page 17 • Clean the Fridge! page 18

Hink Pinks

1. happy boy = glad lad

2. not real reptile = fake snake
3. splendid group of musicians = grand band
4. a group yell = team scream
5. a skinny female ruler = lean queen
6. a large branch = big twig
7. a cold swimming place = cool pool
8. a drink at noon = lunch punch
9. a made smaller black & white animal =
shrunk skunk
10. a ditch in Paris = French trench

page 19 • Tea Time page 20 • Crazy Crayons

top hat, three, teeth, thumb, teacup, triangles,

tassles, tablecloth, teapot, treats, teaspoon, turtle-
neck, tiara, turtle, telephone, thumbtack, tree, tulips,
tabby cat, tail, table, teddy bear, tie, tile floor, truck,
tires, top, tag, tricycle, tennis ball, toy soldier, trum-
pet, toes, TV.

You would need

22 different col-
ors to make it
to the center of
this maze!

page 21 • Feed Me page 22 • Awfully Ancient

page 22 • Nail Biter


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