Aria Curriculară: Limbă Şi Comunicare Disciplina: Limba Engleză, L1, 2 Ore / Săptămână Unitatea Şcolară Manual

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Aria curriculară: Limbă şi comunicare

Disciplina: Limba engleză, L1, 2 ore / săptămână

Unitatea şcolară: Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.1 – Firtanesti, Galati

Manual folosit: Manual de LIMBA MODERNA 1 ENGLEZA- Clasa a V-a, Editura BOOKLET

Programa Nr. 3393 / 28.02.2017

Profesor: Serban Ioana


Unitatea Compe- Continuturi Nr. de Saptamana Observatii
de invatare tente ore
Starter Unit all
Vocabulary: The alphabet;Numbers;Colours;Introductions&greetings;Addresses 2 S1
WHAT IS Grammar: To be; The indefinite article;Subject pronouns
YOUR Listening: Listening for specific information;Completing short exchanges 11-15.09

Unit 1 Vocabulary:Points of the compass;Countries and nationalities;Jobs;Days&months

Grammar:Ordinal numbers;To be;Question words;Object pronouns;Titles
WHO’S 1.1;1.2; Reading:Reading about role models and what makes a role model
1.3;2.1; Speaking:Asking for/giving personal information
YOUR :Talking about countries, nationalities,location,jobs 4 S2-S3 Initial Test
ROLE 2.2;2.4;
3.2;3.3; Listening:Identifying role models;Filling in a registration form;The sounds /ei/,/ae/
MODEL? Writing:Writing an email about your role model 18-22.09
Cross-Curricular: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll 25-29.09
Geography:Interesting facts about the Earth
Project: Interesting facts about your country
Unit 2 Vocabulary: Family members; Appearance & special features
Grammar: Have got;Can/can’t;Possessive case
A BIG Reading: Reading about famous families in the UK and USA
HAPPY Speaking:Describing physical appearance;Talking about a character;
1.1;1.2; :Talking about abilities S4-S6
FAMILY 1.3;2.1; 6 5 oct.2017,
Listening: Identifying family members;The sounds /u/, /^/
2.2;2.4; Writing: An email describing family members 2-6.10 Ziua
3.2;3.3; Cross-Curricular: Diary of a Wimpy Kid, by Jeff Kinney 9-13.10 Educatiei
4.1;4.2 History: The Tudors 16-20.10
Project: Describing a famous historical figure from your country

REVISION All the previous contents: Grammar and Vocabulary Practice 2 S7

Units 1&2 all Consolidation of all skills 23-27.10
Unit 3 1.1;1.2;
Vocabulary:School subjects;Hobbies
Grammar: Verbs of likes & dislikes;Prepositions of time
1.3;2.2; Reading: Reading about strange hobbies around the world
I’M HAPPY 2.3;2.4; 6 S8-S10
Speaking: School subjects; Telling the time;Expressing preferences
WITH MY 3.1;3.2; Listening: Identifying types of hobbies;Pronouncing the sounds /a/, /ae/
HOBBY 3.3;3.4; 30.10-3.11
4.1;4.2 Writing: An email/SMS to a friend 6-10.11
Cross-Curricular: The Selfish Giant, by Oscar Wilde 13-17.11
Quiz: How to choose a hobby
Project: Class survey to find the most popular hobby
Unit 4 Vocabulary: Houses & buildings; Types of shops
Grammar: Plurals;There is/are; Demonstratives; The definite article;
: Prepositions of place & movement
NO PLACE 1.1;1.2; Reading: Funny ways to live
LIKE 1.3;2.2; Speaking: Asking for and giving directions 6 S11-13
HOME… 2.4;3.1; Listening: Identifying types of houses / locations
3.2;3.3; Writing: An email of invitation 20-24.11 30 nov.+
3.4;4.1; Cross-Curricular: The Railway Children, by E. Nesbit 27-29.11 1 dec. :
4.2 Project: Your dream house 4-8.12 Sarb.legale
REVISION all All the previous contents: Grammar and Vocabulary Practice 2 S14
Units 3 & 4 Consolidation of all skills 11-15.12
Unit 5 1.1;1.2; Vocabulary: Weather forecast; Clothes & materials
1.3;2.2; Grammar: Present Progressive ; Adjectives
Reading: Reading about fashion
FIT LIKE A 2.3;2.4; S15+S16
Speaking: Talking about weather & clothes; Describing actions happening now
GLOVE 3.2;3.3; Listening: People talking about fashion; Acting out dialogues 4
4.1;4.2 Writing: A postcard 18-22.12 Vacanta de
Cross-Curricular: The Wind in the Willows, by Kenneth Grahame 15-19.01 iarna:
Geography: Types of climate around the world 23.12-14.01
Project: Article about climate in your country
SELF- all Grammar and Vocabulary Practice 2 S17 24 ian.: sarb.
ASSESS- Consolidation of all skills legala
MENT 1 22-26.01
MID all All the previous contents: Grammar and Vocabulary Practice 2 S18
REVISION Consolidation of all skills 29.01-2.02
On holiday 5-11.02 5-11.02
Vacanta intersemestriala
Unit 6 1.1;1.2; Vocabulary: Food & beverages;Kitchen utensils & processes ; Containers Semestrul
1.3;2.2; Grammar: Countable & uncountable nouns; Some/any/much/many/a lot of; al II-lea
YOU ARE 2.3;2.4; : Expressing amount / quantity
4 S1+S2
WHAT 3.2;3.3; Reading: Healthy eating habits
YOU EAT 4.1;4.2 Speaking: Food preferences; Ordering / preparing food; Food quantities
Listening: People talking about food and drinks; Pronouncing the sounds / S/, /Z/ 12-16.02
Writing: A shopping list, a recipe 19-23.02
Cross-Curricular: Millions, by Frank Cottrell-Boyce
Science: The Digestive System
Project: Romanian cuisine
REVISION all All the previous contents: Grammar and Vocabulary Practice 2 S3
Units 5 & 6 Consolidation of all skills 26.02-2.03
Unit 7 1.1;1.2; Vocabulary: Daily routines & chores
1.3;2.1; Grammar: Present Simple- affirmative form; Adverbs of frequency
2.2;2.4; Reading: Unusual daily routines
3.2;3.3; Speaking: Talking about daily routine/schedules
SHINE ! Listening: People talking about routines;Pronouncing the sounds /s/, /z/, /iz/ 6
Writing: Writing about daily routine 5-9.03
Cross-Curricular: The Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein 12-16.03
History:Ancient civilizations 19-23.03
Project: Daily life of your favourite character in a book/cartoon/video game
Unit 8 1.1;1.2; Vocabulary: Wild animals and pets; Habitats; Animal body parts
1.3; Grammar: Present Simple – negative and interrogative forms; WH- question words
2.1;2.4; Reading: Animals in danger
MEET THE 4 S7 + S8
3.2;3.3; Speaking: Describing animals
ANIMALS ! Listening: People talking about animals
Writing: A blog entry about your favourite wild animal 26-30.03 Vacanta de
Cross-Curricular: The Jungle Book, by Rudyard Kipling 11-13.04 Paste :
Biology: Animals 31.03-10.04
Project: Endangered animals in your country
REVISION all All the previous contents: Grammar and Vocabulary Practice 2 S9 S10 – Scoala
Units 7 & 8 Consolidation of all skills 16-20.04 altfel :
Unit 9 1.1;1.2; Vocabulary: Sports & sports equipment
1.3; Grammar:Can/can’t (ability and permission);May/may not(permission);The imperative
2.2; 2.3; Reading: Unusual sports
READY, 6 S11-S13
2.4; Speaking: Talking about sports;Asking for permission
STEADY, Listening: People talking about free time activities
3.1; 3.2;
GO ! Writing: An invitation to see a sports celebrity 30.04-4.05 1 mai: sarb.
4.1;4.2 Cross-Curricular: Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja, by Marcus Emerson 7-11.05 legala
Sports Events : The Olympic Games 14-18.05
Project: A sport celebrity in your country
Unit 10 1.1;1.2; Vocabulary: Types of holidays;Means of transport; Festivals
1.3; Grammar: Present Simple: Revision ; Present Progressive : Revision
2.2; 2.3; Reading: Unusual holidays
OFF WE 4 S14+S15 28 mai +
2.4; Speaking: Talking about travelling / holidays
GO ! 3.1; 3.2; Listening: People talking about holidays 21-25.05 1 iunie:
3.3;3.4; Writing: An email while on holiday 29-31.05 Sarb. legale
4.1;4.2 Cross-Curricular: Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe
Geography: Our Amazing Planet
Project: Amazing holiday destinations
REVISION all All the previous contents: Grammar and Vocabulary Practice 2 S 16 5 iunie:
Units 9& 10 Consolidation of all skills 4-8.06 Ziua
SELF – all Grammar and Vocabulary Practice
ASSESS- Consolidation of all skills 1 S17
MENT 2 11-15.06
all Completing specific tasks to assess language skills
FINAL Writing sentences using Present Simple and Present Progressive 1 S17
Reading short sentences /paragraphs and skim to get the general idea
REVISION 11-15.06
Talking about yourself/ others and daily routines
Competenţe generale : Clasa a V-a

1. Receptarea de mesaje orale în situaţii de comunicare uzuala

2. Exprimarea orală în situaţii de comunicare uzuala

3. Receptarea de mesaje scrise în situaţii de comunicare uzuala

4. Redactarea de mesaje în situaţii de comunicare uzuala

Competenţe specifice

1. Receptarea de mesaje orale în situaţii de comunicare uzuala

1.1 Identificarea sensului global al unor mesaje si dialoguri uzuale, clar articulate

1.2 Identificarea semnificatiei unor schimburi verbale uzuale si clar articulate, in situatia in care interlocutorul ofera ajutor pentru a facilita

1.3 Manifestarea curiozitatii fata de unele elemente specifice spatiului cultural al limbii studiate
2. Exprimarea orală în situaţii de comunicare uzuala

2.1 Prezentarea simpla a unei persoane / a unui personaj

2.2 Stabilirea de contacte sociale pe baza unor formule conversationale simple(salut,bun ramas, prezentare, multumire, instructiuni)

2.3 Exprimarea preferintelor

2.4 Manifestarea disponibilitatii pentru participarea la dialog

3. Receptarea de mesaje scrise în situaţii de comunicare uzuala

3.1 Identificarea informatiilor din panouri si semne aflate in locuri publice pentru facilitarea orientarii

3.2 Extragerea informatiilor dintr-un text scurt, insotit de ilustratii

3.3 Identificarea informatiilor din mesaje scrise simple de la prieteni sau de la colegi

3.4 Manifestarea curiozitatii pentru lectura de orientare

4. Redactarea de mesaje în situaţii de comunicare uzuala

4.1 Redactarea de mesaje simple si scurte

4.2 Descrierea unor aspecte ale vietii cotidiene (oameni, locuri,scoala, familie,hobby-uri), folosind propozitii scurte

4.3 Manifestarea disponibilitatii pentru schimbul de mesaje scrise simple

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