Spoken Word Poetry Mechanics, Guidelines and Criteria

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V- Bicol
Schools Division Office of Albay
Municipality of Tiwi
Naga National High School
Pioneer of Geothermal Education in the Philippines



Registration : September 16-19, 2019
CONTEST DAY : September 26, 2019
1. SPOKEN POETRY is a performance art that is word based. It is a writing that is meant to be spoken or
delivered with emotions to an audience. It is an oral art that focuses on the art of word play, rhythm,
improvisation, intonation and voice inflection.
2. The contest is open to all JHS and SHS students of Naga National High School (Grades 7-12).
3. The spoken word poetry piece must be an original composition. It could be written in Filipino or in
English but not in Taglish.
4. The piece must be related to the theme and must not contain any malicious and offensive content.
5. Each contestant is given 3-5 minutes to recite or deliver his/her piece.
6. Sounds, instrumental or music background is allowed to complement the delivery. No deduction
shall be made if the contestant opts not to have a musical background.
7. Contest pieces will be automatically


a. Message/Content 40%
 The content of the spoken piece is relevant and related to the theme.
 The piece has a powerful and meaningful message to the audience.
b. Delivery and Performance 40%
 The spoken piece as delivered from the heart.
 Connection to the audience was established from the start.
 Facial expression, hand and body gestures emphasized the different elements of the
 Eye contact pulled the audience to the message of the spoken words.
 Audience’s attention and interest were captured and sustained thoroughout the delivery.
 Enunciation is clear. Audience can understand what is being spoken.
 Words are pronounced distinctly and correctly. Does not stutter nor stammer.
c. Originality 10%
 The piece must be an original composition by the contestant.
d. Overall Impact 10%
 The student’s physical presence, voice and articulation, dramatic appropriateness, and
evidence of understanding all seem on target and unified to breathe life into the piece.
 Total success of the performance, the degree to which the recitation has become more
than the sum of its parts. Did the student bring the audience to a better understanding
of the theme through the poetry piece?

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