DIGEST Abagatnan vs. Clarito

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August 7, 2017

G.R. No. 211966

Abagatnan et. al. vs. Spouses Clarito


Wenceslao Abagatnan and his late wife acquired a parcel of land designated as Lot 1472-B located
at Barangay Cogon, Roxas City by virtue of a Deed of Absolute Sale executed on August 1, 1967. In 1990,
respondents allegedly approached Wenceslao and asked for permission to construct a residential house
on a 480-square meter portion of the said lot. Wenceslao allowed them to do so provided that
respondents will vacate the subject property should he need the same for his own use.
In September 2006, petitioners decided to sell portions of Lot 1472-B, including the subject
property which was then still being occupied by respondents. They offered to sell said portion to
respondents, but the latter declined. Petitioners then sent respondents a Demand Letter requiring them
to vacate the subject property, but was ignored. Thus, petitioners filed a Complaint for Unlawful Detainer
and Damages against respondents in the MTCC.
Petitioners alleged that prior barangay conciliation proceedings are not required as a pre-
condition for the filing of the case in court, given that two of the petitioners are not residents of Roxas
City. Respondents argued that prior barangay conciliation is a mandatory requirement that cannot be
dispensed with, considering that the non-resident petitioners had already executed a SPA in favor of their
co-petitioner and sister who is a resident of Roxas City.
The MTCC ruled against respondents ordering them to vacate the property and pay rent. The RTC
denied respondents’ appeal. At the CA however, respondents’ appeal was granted and the petitioners’
complaint was dismissed without prejudice for lack of prior referral to the Katarungang Pambarangay. CA
denied petitioners’ MR, hence this petition for review.

ISSUE: Whether or not barangay conciliation is a pre-condition to the filing of the complain Commented [u1]: Another issue is the failure to raise the
issue of lack of barangay conciliation proceedings in the pre-
Yes. The Local Government Code requires the parties to undergo a conciliation process before the
Lupon Chairman or the Pangkat as a pre-condition to the filing of a complaint in court. The LGC further
provides that "the lupon of each barangay shall have authority to bring together the parties actually
residing in the same city or municipality for amicable settlement of all disputes,” subject to certain
exceptions enumerated in the law. One such exception is in cases where the dispute involves parties who
actually reside in barangays of different cities or municipalities, unless said barangay units adjoin each
other and the parties thereto agree to submit their differences to amicable settlement by an appropriate
The express statutory requirement of actual residency in the LGC pertains specifically to the real
parties in interest in the case. Said requirement cannot be construed to apply to the attorney-in-fact of
the party-plaintiff. Thus, the fact that two of the petitioners who do not reside in Roxas City had already
authorized their sister and co-petitioner to act as their attorney-in-fact is immaterial. The residence of the
attorney-in-fact of a real party in interest is irrelevant in so far as the "actual residence" requirement
under the LGC for prior barangay conciliation is concerned.

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