Leave Policy: 3.types and Entitlement of Leave

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To define types, entitlement & process of availing the leave.

2.Applicability :

This policy will be applicable to all confirmed employees.

3.Types and entitlement of leave:

3.1 Privilege Leave (PL)

Employee may avail PL for planned absence from work. Being a planned leave, it must be
approved by Head of Department, before availing the same.
 Every employee who has worked 240 days or more in company will be allowed for
15 days PL in subsequent year.
 Employee whose service commences otherwise than on the 1st day of January he
will allowed if he worked for two third of total number of remainder of the calendar
 In calculating proportionate leave fraction of leave of half day or more shall be
treated as one full day’s leave and fraction less than half day leave shall be omitted.
 PL can be accumulated up to 30 days. All available PL can be encashed at time of
 PL can be suffixed or prefixed with weekly off and holidays. However, weekly off and
holidays falling in between PL will be considered as part of PL.
 Approval to avail PL should be advance at least 7 days before availing it.

3.2 Casual Leave

 For any unplanned and personal work exigency, employee may avail Casual Leave. If
possible Casual Leave should be pre-approved, or else it should be approved within 2
working days of resuming the duty. When leave is taken without prior sanction (under
certain unavoidable circumstances), the absence should be notified to their respective
managers on the same day either through phone / email.
 Confirmed employees are entitled to avail maximum 7 days Casual Leave per calendar
year on pro-rata basis.
 Not more than 2 CL may be avail in a single stretch. Half day CL can also be availed.
 CL can be prefixed or suffixed with weekly Off or holidays. However, weekly off or
holiday falling in between CL will not be considered as part of CL.
 CL is credited at beginning of Calendar year and cannot be carried forward or encashed.
Un availed CL will be lapsed at the end of year.
3.3 Sick Leave

If an employee is medically unfit to attend the office or work, then he may avail SL for the period.
Employee must inform the Head of Department about the absence at the earliest.

 Entitlement- SL is credited @ 7 days per annum . For those who joining during middle of the
year, SL is credited on pro rata basis. Employees who are covered under ESIC Act are not
entitled to avail benefits of SL.
 If SL is availed more than 3 days, medical certificate by registered medical practitioner is
required and on joining Fitness Certificate issued by medical practitioner must be submitted.
 CL can be prefixed or suffixed with weekly Off or holidays. However, weekly off or holiday
falling in between CL will not be considered as part of CL.
 SL can be availed for half day.
 Un availed SL will be lapsed at the end of the year.

3.4 Maternity leave:

Female employees who have completed six month of service shall entitled to application of
maternity leave and maternity benefits in accordance with the provisions of Maternity
Benefit Act, 1961.

4. Procedure for granting of Leave

 Employee who desires to avail leave should forward his mail to head of department and
copy to HR Department. He must furnish the address during period of leave on leave
 Application for leave of absence for 3 days or less should ordinary be made at least 24 hours
prior to time from which leave is required.
 Application for leave of absence of more than 3 days shall be ordinarily made at least 7 days
before the date from which leave is required.
 An employee who desire to extend the his leave shall mail his application to head of
department before the expiry of leave already sanctioned. If application of leave is on
medical ground then he should submit with his application a medical certificate stating
prescribed period for which leave is required.
 On receipt of such application the Departmental Head through HR Department shall
immediately inform the employee in writing at address given by the employee whether the
extension of leave have sanctioned and if so for the period or whether the extension has
been refused. In case an employee overstays the unsanctioned leave availed will be treated
as absence from duty.
 The department head can also cancel the once sanctioned leave on situational / need basis.
If an employee proceeds to avail the cancelled leave then those days will be treated as
absence from duty and the rules pertaining to absence from duty will be applied.
5. Leave without pay (LWP)

 LWP can be applied by an employee when no other leave is available or when an

employee is on the probation period.
 In case of LWP, the employee will be not entitled for any pay or allowance.
 LWP can be implicated on disciplinary grounds with regard to attendance by the
management regardless to the availability of the other types of leave.

6. General Rules:

If an employee to be relieved from the service and he has availed more number of CL against the
number of months he has worked, then the excess leave salary will be deducted during his full &
final settlement.

If an employee remain absent without leave or permission, from duty continuously for more than 8
consecutive days (including any National / Festival / Declared / weekly off days which may fall in-
between) , he shall be considered/deemed to have voluntarily left and abandoned the employment,
and terminated his services with the company .

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