Attendance & Leave Policy..
Attendance & Leave Policy..
Attendance & Leave Policy..
Attendance & Leave Policy (V 1.0)
1. Purpose
1.1. To regulate & control employees attendance at work so as to ensure optimal
productivity through punctuality & regular attendance.
1.2. To provide a clear guideline on various kind of leave, employees are entitled
2. Organisational Scope
2.1. All the employees of the company and al its SBUs, unless otherwise specified
in the instrument of their contract of employment.
2.2. Supervisors are responsible for communicating the attendance policy to staff
& for fair & consistent application of the policy.
2.3. The Management Committee may from time to time, issue such instructions
or discretions as may be necessary.
3. Attendance Policy Content & Guidelines
3.1. Working Hour
3.1.1. The normal working hour shall be 8 hours a day. However extra time
may need to be put in frequently to achieve the target & objective.
3.1.2. The normal working hour is from 10:00AM to 6:00PM, which includes
a lunch break of 45minitues.
3.2. Weekly Off:
3.2.1. Friday shall not be a workday.
3.2.2. Every Saturday of the month shall remain as a workday for the
employees until further official decision.
3.2.3. Rule 3.2.2 is not applicable (if any) to the employees who are
responsible for any ongoing project on that particular day or required
to work to meat deadlines.
3.3. Government/ Public Holidays:
3.4. Public holidays/ the most commonly observed holiday in Bangladesh as per
Govt. schedule will be applicable to each employee as per Management
Committee’s decision. Such holidays will be decided at the beginning of
every calendar year & shall be communicated to the employees.
3.5. Daily Attendance :
3.5.1. All employees are expected to report at work on time which is
10.00AM everyday, and to maintain a satisfactory record of
3.5.2. An employee is allowed to 10 minutes grace time, subject to the
condition that this privilege shall not be misused as a matter of
normal course.
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Prepared By: PeopleScape
Attendance & Leave Policy (V 1.0)
3.5.3. An employee attending office more than 10 minutes late but not more
than 30 minutes late shall be marked LATE in the attendance register
& every 3 such late attendances will be treated as 1 day’s casual leave.
3.5.4. If an employee is unable to report at work on time, s/he must notify
respective supervisor within 45 minutes of the reporting time, failing
of which s/he should be deemed as absent / casual leave.
3.5.5. If an employee has to be out of office on duty, as such not able to
report on time at office, must notify through detailed text messages to
IT Department (01923366655/ 01914499912) within 10 minutes of
reporting time, failing of which s/he should be deemed as absent /
casual leave.
3.6. Automated Access Control System
3.6.1. Every employee must place their finger print in the biometric Access
Control and time attendance system to register their attendance,
failing of which should mark him ABSENT.
3.6.2. If an employee fails to place their finger print in the biometric Access
Control and time attendance system to register their attendance, must
drop a mail to IT department notifying it & the time of sending out
the mail would be considered as reporting time, failing of which s/he
should be marked absent/ Casual leave.
3.6.3. If an employee is not been set finger print in the biometric Access
Control and time attendance system, shall sign the Register book
maintained at the Reception Desk with Entry Time.
3.6.4. The HR/Admin Dept in coalition with the IT Department will be
responsible for verifying & maintaining the daily attendance record of
the employees.
4. Leave Policy Content & Guidelines
All leaves of MAPL are applicable only to those employees whose service has
been officially confirmed. All confirmed employees are entitled to avail the
following types of leave.
4.1. Annual Leave
4.1.1. An employee shall be entitled to avail Annual leave only after he has
completed 6months of service with the organization, which shall be
calculated on the basis of Annual Leave Calculation.
4.1.2. An employee shall be entitled to 17 days annual leave every year.
4.1.3. An employee, should not take less than or equal to 5 continuous
working days leave at a time every year. However Management
Committee/ SBU Head retain the right to permit extra days leave in
case of extraordinary situation.
4.1.4. An employee willing to avail Annual Leave for 5 working days or
more must apply by completing the appropriate Leave Application
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Prepared By: PeopleScape
Attendance & Leave Policy (V 1.0)
Form 2 weeks in advance, and incase of 4 working days or less, 1
week in advance.
4.1.5. Unused Annual Leaves may be carried forward in the next year,
subject to a maximum of 10 days.
4.1.6. An employee, while spending leave must inform the company about
his/her place of stay & contact telephone no, to be contacted in case of
any emergency.
4.2. Casual Leave
4.2.1. Casual leaves are meant for covering the absence of the employee due
to certain unavoidable circumstances which is beyond his/her control.
4.2.2. An employee is entitled to get 10 days Casual Leave in a year.
4.2.3. Casual leave shall not exceed 3 days at a time.
4.2.4. Casual leave cannot be merged with Sick leave.
4.2.5. Casual leave of maximum 3 days at a time can be approved.
4.2.6. Weekly holiday or any other kind of holidays, if falls in the course of
Casual leave will be accumulated as Casual Leave.
4.2.7. Casual leave can be approved by Management on prior application by
leave applicant n prescribed form.
4.2.8. In case employee is not in the position of prior application, an
application for leave of absence can be approved & submitted within
2 (two) days s/he joins work after such leave. It is to be noted that, in
this case employee must inform the SBU head/ Head of Admin about
his/her inability over phone on the first day of leave itself.
4.2.9. Any activity of leave, which has not been observed as per the above
mentioned guidelines of Casual leave should be treated as Leave
without Pay.
4.3. Sick Leave
4.3.1. An employee shall be entitled to 15 (fifteen) days Sick leave each year.
4.3.2. Sick leave for more than three days should be supported with Medical
Certificate from Company Medical Practitioner or Registered Medical
Practitioner stating the nature of illness & your inability to attend at
4.3.3. Unused Sick leave cannot be carried forward for the next year.
4.3.4. Sick leave cannot be merged with Casual leave but can be merged
with Annual leave.
4.4. Maternity/ Paternity Leave
4.4.1. Maternity Leave, as the term implies, is applicable only for confirmed
female employee maximum twice in the total employment history.
4.4.2. On application, a female employee will be entitled for maternity leave
for 16 weeks in total, which can be enjoyed either before or after the
confinement on ground of maternity( Child‐birth), as desired by the
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Prepared By: PeopleScape
Attendance & Leave Policy (V 1.0)
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Prepared By: PeopleScape