Operation of Driver Controlled Differential Locks (DCDL)

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Operation of Driver Controlled Differential Locks (DCDL)

Introduction to DCDL in the Vehicle: • No special friction modifying oil

additives like some clutch pack
The AxleTech Driver Controlled Differential traction devices and does not generate
Lock (DCDL) is a carrier-mounted traction wear particles.
device manually operated from the vehicle • “Driver Controlled” means the DCDL is
cab. used only when needed, otherwise it
The purpose of the DCDL is to fully lock operates as a typical differential with
all the associated benefits.
the differential and provide maximum
vehicle traction when encountering
unfavorable operating conditions.
When encountering a poor traction
condition, the operator can activate the
DCDL to temporarily force each driving
wheel to use all the tractive effort
available to the axle, and then deactivate
as soon as the vehicle is through the area.
A DCDL consists of a shift assembly
mounted on the axle carrier.
Actuating the Differential Lock moves a
shift fork, connected to a rotating shift
collar, along the splines of the axle shaft,
toward the differential case. When the
splines on the shift collar engage with the
splines on the differential case, the shafts Figure 1: Differential case half showing shift collar, shift
fork (red), and actuator.
and the differential assembly lock
together, forcing both wheels to turn at
the same speed and with equal torque.

Features and Benefits of DCDL

A fully locked differential provides superior
vehicle traction and control over other
traction assist devices.
• Fewer parts compared to other traction
control devices which means lower
cost, less maintenance; easily Figure 2: DCDL consists of 7 unique components
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DCDL Vehicle Setup One way to ensure this engagement
sequence is to install the DCDL on the
Actuation of the DCDL is typically by an declutched axle. This would require that
instrument panel switch, allowing the both front and rear drive axles be engaged
driver to lock or unlock main differential before use of the DCDL.
action as poor traction conditions are
encountered. This setup, in effect, allows drive torque to
be available to at least three of the four
wheels. If the vehicle encounters a
situation where three wheels are slipping
(three wheels on ice), locking a second
DCDL would send nearly 100% of
available torque to one wheel. It is likely
that the design limits of the axle shafts
and planetary gearing will be exceeded.
It is recommended that a maximum speed
for DCDL lockup be set based on how the
vehicle will be used, configuration, and
expected handling behavior. In any case
Figure 3: In-cab Differential Lock Switch
speed must not exceed 25 mph (40 kph).

Indicator lights on the instrument panel The DCDL system on some vehicles can
are highly recommended to ensure be connected through the low speed
operator awareness of DCDL actuation range of the transmission. This type of
status – light on when the DCDL is regulation ensures that the differential
engaged, light off when not engaged. can be locked only if the transmission is
operating in the low speed range.
Signals verifying DCDL clutch collar
position are provided by a sensor in the Key Operating Tips:
DCDL unit. It is important that the driver remember
An audible signal indicating a DCDL lock to…
condition is also a good idea. An • Never actuate or use when going
alternative is to use a hold-down type downhill or while going around a
switch to apply the DCDL, which corner or sharp curve;
disengages it when the button is released. • Never engage while the wheels are in a
It is recommended that the vehicle system spinout condition.
• Only use at low vehicle speed; under
be set up such that front and rear wheel
25 mph (40 kph);
drives must be engaged, through the
transfer case, before the DCDL can be

© 2018 AxleTech International, LLC AMT-0938E 2

We also recommend placing a warning 3. When the DCDL has locked the axle,
label (available from AxleTech) on the the vehicle’s turning radius will increase.
dashboard in view of the vehicle operator. This condition is called “understeer.” The
driver must use caution when operating
the vehicle with the DCDL locked.
4. Always unlock the DCDL as soon as the
need for maximum traction has passed.
5. The DCDL should not be engaged
during spin-out or while in a turn. Tight
turns must be avoided while the
differential is locked and the DCDL should
never be engaged while in a full-lock steer
Figure 4: Typical Caution Label
The DCDL is intended to be used only in
6. Do not lock the DCDL when the vehicle
poor traction conditions and unlocked as
is traveling down steep grades; changes in
soon as traction improves:
vehicle stability could result in loss of
• Poor surface condition = ground vehicle control.
coefficient less than 0.4 typically
encountered in mud, snow, or ice. Locking the DCDL:
• Improved surface condition = ground Follow these recommended steps when
coefficient greater than 0.4; pavement, encountering poor operating conditions
packed dirt, or packed gravel. where maximum traction is needed:
DCDL should never be engaged on 1. Without the wheels spinning, slipping,
improved surfaces due to potentially or losing traction, engage the DCDL lock
unexpected changes in vehicle handling switch while maintaining a constant
characteristics and risk possible driveline vehicle speed under 25 mph (40 kph).
2. Let up momentarily on the accelerator
1. The DCDL can be locked or unlocked if to relieve torque on the gearing, allowing
the vehicle is standing still or moving at a the DCDL to move into lock position.
constant low speed when the wheels are
3. When the DCDL is fully activated, an
not spinning, slipping, or losing traction.
indicator light will be on and/or an audible
2. When the DCDL is locked, operate the signal will alert the driver.
vehicle at low speeds.

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Unlocking the DCDL: The IAD Lock, like the DCDL, is driver
controlled. A locked IAD delivers equal
Follow these recommended steps to speed and torque to each axle of the
disengage the DCDL when the vehicle can tandem.
safely operate at speeds below 25 mph
(40 kph) and driving conditions have Unlike the DCDL, IAD Lock may be
improved, engaged at-speed (assuming both axles
are rolling and spin-out has not started to
1. Disengage the DCDL using the unlock occur), and can remain engaged for long
switch when the vehicle is stopped or periods of time during poor weather
when the wheels are not spinning, conditions such as snow or heavy rain.
slipping, or losing traction.
DCDL on each axle, combined with an IAD
2. Let up momentarily on the accelerator Lock between the tandem axles, locks all
to relieve torque on the gearing, allowing wheels together for maximum traction (all
the DCDL to unlock. It may take a wheels turning at the same speed and
considerable driving distance before the with equal traction).
clutch collar can fully disengage.
Recommended Sequencing of Traction Devices:
3. When the DCDL is deactivated, the
indicator light should be off or the audible AxleTech’s recommended sequence for
signal should stop. driving in poor traction conditions is:
4. Resume driving at normal speed using 1. Engage front and rear drive axles.
good driving judgment.
2. If with a tandem axle setup, engage the
Difference between DCDL and IAD Lock IAD lock.

An inter-axle differential (IAD) is a 3. If adequate traction is still not available,

differential mounted in the carrier of the engage the rear axle DCDL(s).
front axle of a tandem axle set. It’s
4. If traction is still not available, engage
installed between the input shaft of the
the front axle DCDL.
front axle and output shaft to the rear
An IAD works in a similar manner to a
standard axle differential. An IAD allows
for speed differences between two axles
of a tandem set rather than two wheel
ends of an axle.

Figure 5: Typical IAD switch

© 2018 AxleTech International, LLC AMT-0938E 4

DCDL Background Information: While not intended for use on improved
surfaces, an exception is when one wheel
When used improperly, axle component has no load to provide tractive effort for
life can be significantly reduced or lead to movement (i.e. one wheel off the ground).
driveline damage. In this scenario, an attempt at movement
Because of this damage risk, drivers of by first engaging all drive axles is
DCDL equipped vehicles require a higher preferred before using the DCDL. If the
level of training on proper use than they DCDL is then required, its use should be
would with vehicles equipped with some only momentary with wheels pointing
other traction control devices. straight ahead.

The damage risk is due to undesirable Remember that the DCDL is intended to
high torque wrap-up in axle shafts if used be used only in poor traction conditions
improperly. For example, with a front axle and unlocked as soon as traction
DCDL engaged (differential locked) during improves.
steering, an axle shaft will wrap to tire slip For further information, contact AxleTech
torque in a very short distance; within a Customer Service at 1-877-547-3907.
few feet at full steer.
AxleTech Planetary Axles are not designed
to experience frequent slip torque events
on high-traction surfaces. The axle shafts
in particular are highly stressed at this
torque level. Designing for frequent tire
slip would require a significant increase in
axle size and weight.
The vehicle speed at which the DCDL is
engaged is not as important to component
life as the relative speeds of the tires. A
difference in wheel speeds can prevent
the DCDL lock collar from fully engaging.

© 2018 AxleTech International, LLC AMT-0938E 5

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