Flow Assurance For Offshore Flow Assurance For Offshore Production - FAOP Production - FAOP

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F low Assur a nce f or Of f shor e

P r oduct ion - F AOP

Dis cip line: Production and Completions Engineering
L evel: Intermediate
Durat io n: 5 days
Ins t ruct o r( s ) : Phillip Notz

Flow assurance is a critical component in the design and operation of offshore

production facilities. T his is particularly true as the industry goes to deeper water, longer
tiebacks, deeper wells, and higher temperature and pressure reservoirs. Although gas
hydrate issues dominate the thermohydraulic design, waxes, asphaltenes, emulsions,
scale, corrosion, erosion, solids transport, slugging, and operability are all important
issues which require considerable effort. T he participant will be presented with sufficient
theory/correlation information to be able to understand the basis for the applications.
T his intensive five-day course has considerable time devoted to application and design
exercises to ensure the practical applications are learned. One personal computer is
provided, at additional cost, for each two participants.

"Interactive - good discussion through problems and explanation of theory for practical
solutions. " - Project Engineer, Australia

"Good visual aids. Questions well answered. Very helpful and informative spreadsheets
provided." - Design Engineer, United Kingdom

Des ig ned Fo r:
Engineers, operators, and technical managers who are responsible for offshore
completions, production, and development; technical staff needing a foundation in
principals, challenges, and solutions for offshore flow assurance. T he course is also
appropriate for persons involved in produced fluids flow in onshore production

Y o u Will L earn:
How T o:

Identify the components of a complete flow assurance study and understand how
they relate to the production system design and operation
Interpret and use sampling and laboratory testing results of reservoir fluids relative to
flow assurance
Understand the basic properties of reservoir fluids and how they are modeled for the
production flowline system
Understand the thermohydraulic modeling of steady state and transient multiphase
flow in offshore production systems
Evaluate and compare mitigation and remediation techniques for: gas hydrates,
paraffin (waxes), asphaltenes, emulsions, scale, corrosion, erosion and solids
transport, and slugging
Understand the elements of an operability report for subsea production facilities,
flowlines, and export flowlines

Co urs e Co nt ent :

Overview of flow assurance

PVT analysis and fluid properties
Steady state and transient multiphase flow modeling
Hydrate, paraffin, and asphaltene control
Basics of scale, corrosion, erosion, and sand control
Fluid property and phase behavior modeling
Equations of state
Fugacity and equilibrium
Viscosities of oils
T hermal modeling
Multiphase pressure boosting
Slugging: hydrodynamic, terrain induced, and ramp up
Commissioning, start-up, and shutdown operations

Ins t ruct o rs :

DR. PHIL NOT Z is an offshore industry consultant for flow assurance issues. He worked
as a chemical engineer for DuPont from 1968 to 1971, a research scientist and reservoir
engineer for Getty Oil Company/T exaco/Chevron from 1978 to 2002. He worked for
offshore engineering and construction firms, Doris Inc. (2002-2004) and T echnip USA
(2004-2008) as flow assurance manager. While at Getty/T exaco, Dr. Notz taught
courses in surfactant polymer flooding, reservoir engineering, carbon dioxide flooding,
reservoir fluid properties and flow assurance to operations in the US, UK, Ecuador and
Saudi Arabia. He was T exaco's representative on the GPA research committee, the
Colorado School of Mines Gas Hydrates Consortium and the DeepStar Flow Assurance
Committee. Dr. Notz has a BS from the University of Wisconsin in Chemistry (Chemical
Engineering minor) and a PhD from Michigan State University in Analytical Chemistry.

In-Ho us e Co urs e P res ent at io ns

All courses are available for in-house presentation to individual organizations. In-house
courses may be structured the same as the public versions or tailored to meet your
requirements. Special courses on virtually any petroleum-related subject can be
arranged specifically for in-house presentation. For further information, contact our In-
House T raining Coordinator at one of the numbers listed below.
T elephone 1- 832 426 1234
Facsimile 1- 832 426 1244
E-Mail inhouse@petroskills.com

P ub lic Co urs e P res ent at io ns

How to contact PetroSkills:
1-800-821-5933 toll-free in North America or
T elephone 1-918-828-2500
Facsimile 1-918-828-2580
E-Mail registrations@petroskills.com
Internet www.petroskills.com
Address P.O. Box 35448, T ulsa, Oklahoma 74153-0448, U.S.A

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