Crack Width
Crack Width
Crack Width
For My
Design bending moment = 268.5 KN-m
Effective depth of the slab (d) = 650 mm
Reinforcement required = 979.6 mm2
Area of minimum reinfocement = 840 mm2
Spaciing Required = 320.7 mm
Provide 20 mm dia bar @ 250 mm C/C at the bottom
Area of the reinforcement Provided = 1256.64 mm2
Percentage of reinforcement provided = 0.1933 %
> Required Renf. Hence Ok
Check for shear
b = 9.91
(Plate no. 690, Load case 101)
Maximum shear stress from STAAD Pro. = 0.230 N/sq. mm
Ultimate shear stress,tv = 0.345 N/sq. mm
Allowable Shear Stress,tc = 0.391 N/sq. mm
As per IS 456:2000, cl., Permissible shear stress shall be k*tc
k = 1.00
Premissible Shear Stress,k*tc 0.3906 N/sq. mm
b = 15.01
(Plate no. 943, Load case 101)
Maximum shear stress from STAAD Pro. = 0.2 N/sq. mm
Ultimate shear stress,tv = 0.3 N/sq. mm
Allowable Shear Stress,tc = 0.326 N/sq. mm
As per IS 456:2000, cl., Permissible shear stress shall be k*tc
k = 1.00
Premissible Shear Stress,k*tc 0.33 N/sq. mm
For crack width limited to 0.2 mm
fcu= 25 N/mm2
fy= 415 N/mm2
Area of reinforcement " Ast " = 1414 mm2
b= 1000 mm
h= 300 mm
Effective depth, d = 245 mm
Permissible compressive stress in bending, scbc = 8.5 N/mm2
Minimum cover to tension reinforcement " CO " = 50 mm
Maxmum bar spacing " S " = 150 mm
Bar dia " DIA " = 10 mm
" acr " =(((S/2)^2+(CO+DIA/2)^2)^(1/2)-DIA/2) as default or enter other value = 88.0 mm
"acr " is distance from the point considered to the surface of the nearest longitudinal bar
Applied service moment " Ms "= 67.00 kNm
Modulus of elasticity of concrete " Ec" = 5000 * (fcu)^0.5 = 25.0 kN/mm2
Modulus of elasticity of steel " Es " = 200.0 kN/mm2
Modular ratio " m " = 280/(3scbc) = 10.98
" Pt " = Ast/bd = 0.006
depth to neutral axis, "x" = ( +(( + .d =
2 0.5
73 mm
" Z " = d-(x/3) = 221
Reinforcement stress " fs " = Ms/(As*Z) = 215 N/mm2
Concrete stress " fc " = (fs*As)/(0.5*b*x) = 8.31 N/mm2
Strain at soffit of concrete beam/slab " e1 " = (fs/Es)*(h-x)/(d-x) = 0.001417
As per IS 3370 (Part-2) : 2009, Annexture B
Strain due to stiffening effect of concrete between cracks " e2 " =
e 2 = b.(h-x).(a'-x)/(3.Es.As.(d-x)) for crack widths of 0.2 mm Used
e 2 = 1.5.b.(h-x).(a'-x)/(3.Es.As.(d-x)) for crack widths of 0.1 mm n/a
e 2 = 0.000353
Average strain for calculation of crack width " e m "= e 1-e 2 = 0.001064