CAS Booklet 2018
CAS Booklet 2018
CAS Booklet 2018
For students graduating in 2017 and after
Academic Honesty is strictly enforced. Any breach is considered a malpractice
What is Creativity, Activity & Service?
C – Creativity:
Exploring and extending ideas leading to an original or interpretive product or
Creativity provides students with the opportunity to explore their own sense of original thinking and
expression. Creativity will come from the student’s talents, interests, passions, emotional responses,
and imagination; the form of expression is limitless. This may include visual and performing arts, digital
design, writing, film, culinary arts, crafts and composition. Students are encouraged to engage in
creative endeavours that move them beyond the familiar, broadening their scope from
conventional to unconventional thinking.
A – Activity:
Physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle
The aim of the “Activity” strand is to promote lifelong healthy habits related to physical well-being.
Pursuits may include individual and team sports, aerobic exercise, dance, outdoor recreation, fitness
training, and any other form of physical exertion that purposefully contributes to a healthy lifestyle.
Students are encouraged to participate at an appropriate level and on a regular basis to provide a
genuine challenge and benefit.
S – Service:
Collaborative and reciprocal engagement with the community in response to an
authentic need.
The aim of the “Service” strand is for students to understand their capacity to make a meaningful
contribution to their community and society. Through service, students develop and apply personal
and social skills in real-life situations involving decision-making, problem-solving, initiative,
responsibility, and accountability for their actions. Service is often seen as one of the most
transforming elements of programme by promoting students’ self-awareness, offering diverse
occasions for interactions and experiences and opportunities for international-mindedness. Use of the
five stages in developing a service experience is recommended for best practice. Service benefits all
involved: students learn as they identify and address authentic community needs, and the
community benefits through reciprocal collaboration. Service fosters development of abilities,
attitudes and values in accordance with the IB mission statement and the IB learner profile. As such,
the service experiences are unpaid.
Academic Honesty is strictly enforced. Any breach is considered a malpractice
Students are expected to:
1. Approach the activities & projects with a proactive attitude.
2. Contribute and give impact to themselves & communities around them through
their activities & projects.
4. Ensure a suitable balance between creativity, activity and service in their activities.
5. Take part in a variety of experiences, some of which are self-initiated, and at least
one project
8. Discuss plans for the activities with the advisers and/or coordinator.
9. Explore personal values, attitudes and attributes with reference to the IB learner
profile and the IB mission statement
10. Become more aware of personal interests, skills and talents and observe how these
evolve throughout the experiences.
11. Understand the reflection process and identify suitable opportunities to reflect on
the experiences
14. Communicate with the adviser &/ coordinator in formal and informal meetings
(recorded three interviews)
16. Maintain a portfolio and keep records of the experiences including evidence of
achievement of the seven learning outcomes & IB Learner Profile.
Academic Honesty is strictly enforced. Any breach is considered a malpractice
An activity must:
fit within one or more of the strands (Creativity, Activity or
Academic Honesty is strictly enforced. Any breach is considered a malpractice
Creativity Activity Service Project
1. Students must be involved in at least one project during their 18 month programme.
7. All projects should use the stages as a framework for implementation to ensure that
all requirements are met.
Academic Honesty is strictly enforced. Any breach is considered a malpractice
The Five Stages
1. Investigation:
Students identify their interests, skills and talents to be used in considering opportunities
for the experiences, as well as areas for personal growth and development. Students
investigate what they want to do and determine the purpose for their experience. In the
case of service, students identify a need they want to address.
2. Preparation:
Students clarify roles and responsibilities, develop a plan of actions to be taken, identify
specified resources and timelines, and acquire any skills as needed to engage in the
3. Action:
Students implement their idea or plan. This often requires decision-making and problem
solving. Students may work individually, with partners, or in groups.
4. Reflection:
Students describe what happened, express feelings, generate ideas, and raise questions.
Reflection can occur at any time during activities to further understanding, to assist with
revising plans, to learn from the experience, and to make explicit connections between their
growth, accomplishments, and the learning outcomes for personal awareness. Reflection
may lead to new action.
5. Demonstration:
Students make explicit what and how they learned and what they have accomplished, for
example, by sharing their experiences through their portfolio or with others in an informal
or formal manner. Through demonstration and communication, students solidify their
understanding and evoke response from others.
Academic Honesty is strictly enforced. Any breach is considered a malpractice
7 Learning Outcomes:
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4. Show commitment to and perseverance in the experiences
The student:
demonstrates regular involvement and active engagement with the experiences
& a project.
is able to foresee potential challenges to the initial plan and consider valid
alternatives and contingencies.
demonstrates adaptability to uncertainties and changes.
gets involved in long-term experiences and project.
Ideas of the School Initiated CAS Activities:
1. Arts & Music
Binus Youth Music Society
School Orchestra
2. Internship
Food Industry
Please contact Ms. Aisha Bibi for more variety experiences
3. Humanitarian
Buku Berjalan, English for Fun & Teen2Kids
HOPE Indonesia
4. International Relations
Model United Nations
World Scholar’s Cup
5. Public Relations
BINUS Journalists
6. Student Council
7. Sports
Futsal & Soccer
Table Tennis
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IB Learner Profile
Inquirers They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to
conductinquiry and research and show independence in learning. They actively
enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.
Knowledgeable They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance.
so doing, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a
broad and balanced range of disciplines.
Thinkers They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to
recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical
Communicators They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively
more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They
effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.
Principled They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and
respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take
responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them.
Open-minded They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and
open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and
communities. They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points
of view, and are
willing to grow from the experience.
Caring They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of
others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive
difference to the lives of others and to the environment.
Risk-takers They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and
and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies.
Theyare brave and articulate in defending their beliefs.
Balanced They understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance
achieve personal well-being for themselves and others.
Reflective They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They
able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support
theirlearning and personal development
Academic Honesty is strictly enforced. Any breach is considered a malpractice
Being reflective is one attribute of the IB learner profile: “We thoughtfully consider the
world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and
weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.”
While not formally assessed, students reflect on their experiences and provide
evidences in their portfolios of achieving the seven learning outcomes. Reflection is
central to building a deep and rich experience.
2. Expressing feelings
Students articulate emotional responses to their experiences.
3. Generating ideas
Rethinking or re-examining choices and actions increases awareness about self
and situations.
4. Asking questions
Questions about people, processes or issues prompt further thinking and
ongoing inquiry.
Academic Honesty is strictly enforced. Any breach is considered a malpractice
All students are expected to assemble evidence of their involvement in the experiences,
and their reflections upon them that show the learning outcomes have been achieved.
A variety of forms are acceptable including but not limited to: timeline, logsheet,
supervisor review, reflection, completion form, blogs, written journals, artwork, music
compositions, annotated photo diaries and audio or video diaries.
Academic Honesty is strictly enforced. Any breach is considered a malpractice
CAS in Student Desk
(Step by Step)
1. Create Proposal
1st click
2nd click
4th click
Academic Honesty is strictly enforced. Any breach is considered a malpractice
2. Upload reflection
1st click
2nd choose
4th click
5th click
Academic Honesty is strictly enforced. Any breach is considered a malpractice
Academic Honesty is strictly enforced. Any breach is considered a malpractice
Name/Home Room
SUPERVISOR EVALUATION: It is to the best of my knowledge that the candidate has completed the
activity above with honesty. My signature is verification that the candidate has experienced the learning
outcomes written below.
Supervisor Review
Thank you for supporting the programme at BINUS SCHOOL Simprug. Please take
the time to fill out this evaluation form. Please comment on the student’s
progress (skills), effort and commitment (filled by supervisor):
(Supervisor Signature)
(Adviser/Coordinator Signature)
Academic Honesty is strictly enforced. Any breach is considered a malpractice
First Interview
Do you have any questions or concern about Creativity Activity Service programme?
Which aspect of the programme excites you the most? Which aspect seems most challenging?
What do you most hope to achieve from Creativity Activity Service programme?
How do you think your activities and projects will enable you to grow? How do these areas of
growth apply to the attributes of the IB Learner Profile?
What have you learned about the stages, and how can the stages help you in activities and
How will you plan for an equal distribution of Creativity, Activity, and Service across your 18
What organizational and time management strategies do you have in place to ensure that the
Creativity Activity Service programme remains an ongoing focus of your IB journey?
What are your main interests? How can you incorporate these interests into your Creativity
Activity Service activities & projects?
What do you enjoy doing after school? Could this be part of any Creativity Activity Service
activities & projects?
What are your personal goals? How could they be achieved through Creativity Activity Service?
What do you expect to gain from the activities and projects? What do you hope to accomplish?
How can you advance your skills and talents through the activities and projects?
What school community or other groups or team are you already involved in?
Have you had any previous experiences that you would view as activities or projects?
How could something you do currently (for example, swimming) be made into an activity with
new opportunities to add skills and meet challenges?
What do you think your role could be in effecting change for the better?
What issues of local significance concern you most? How could you address these in your
activities and projects?
How do these local issues also have global significance?
What would you enjoy doing for Creativity? Activity? Service?
Have you made any plans for creativity, activity & service? For each, what are you hoping to
learn or do you have skills you want to develop?
Have you researched any groups that you could become involved in for any of the strands
(Creativity, Activity, and Service)? What are you doing to expand your options?
What ideas do you have for a project? Are these ideas worth developing for a month or more?
What additional ideas do you have or backup plans if this is not viable?
Who will you work with for the project?
How would you summarize the 7 learning outcomes?
Can you summarize each of these learning outcomes in your own words?
From the plans you already have, do you see any opportunities that may be helpful in meeting
these 7 learning outcomes?
What learning outcomes appears as something you will easily do?
What learning outcome might present a significant challenge?
What learning outcomes might you address in the first six months of your Creativity Activity
Service programme?
Have you thought of how you will keep evidence (and types of evidence) that you are
engaging with Creativity Activity Service and are meeting the outcomes?
How often do you plan to use your portfolio?
How will you reflect on your experiences? Are there any preferred ways you like to reflect?
(Note: the student may use diverse approaches to develop reflections)
How can you keep track of your plans and meeting the learning outcomes through your
Academic Honesty is strictly enforced. Any breach is considered a malpractice
Second Interview
What has been the most enjoyable and beneficial for you thus far in the
activities and projects?
What has been a highlight activities &/or projects of Creativity? Activity?
What do you hope to achieve most from these activities? How can you do this?
When have you investigated, prepared and take action so far in the creativity,
activity and/or service, or with your projects.
What have you developed for your projects – your goals, who are you
collaborating with, whether the project involves creativity, activity and/or
service, your roles and responsibilities, and you progress to date?
What have been the biggest challenges for your activities and projects, and how
have you overcome them?
What difficulty has been hardest to overcome? Where might you need support at
this time?
Have you ensured an equal balance across the three strands? If not, how will
you rectify this?
What have you learned from your involvement in the activities and projects?
How have you used reflection to gain insights or understandings?
In what ways have you especially enjoyed and learned from reflecting?
Do some of your reflections include the four elements – what happened, how
you feel, ideas and questions?
Can you describe a situation where reflection happened very naturally and
easily? Did you have a guided reflection opportunity that was helpful?
Does your collected creativity activity service evidences show ongoing
involvement? Are there ways in which this could improve?
In what ways have your experiences, including your project, assisted you in
achieving one or more learning outcomes?
Outline skills that you have strengthened or developed from engaging in the
creativity & activity experiences?
Outline a contribution you have done to the community around you from
engaging in the service experience?
Explain something that has happened in the activities and projects that
provoked some strong emotions (“I was excited when ……..”, “I was sad
when……..”, “I was upset when…..”, “I was really happy when…….”).
Choose a learning outcome and discuss your evidence of achieving it, and what
stands out as most significant and memorable.
Five years from now, describe what is likely to stand out as a highlight from
creativity activity service.
Academic Honesty is strictly enforced. Any breach is considered a malpractice
Third Interview
Academic Honesty is strictly enforced. Any breach is considered a malpractice