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Design Review Stages and Submissions 

Community and Government Services 

Technical Services Division 

Version 2.0 

Date: July 22, 2013
Table of Contents 
1.0 General Design Review Objectives  
2.0 Review Stages and Submission Requirements 
3.0 Building Types 
4.0 Design Review Team 

Design Review is intended to provide independent expert and impartial design advice on selected projects 
to  assist  those  projects  achieve  design  excellence.      The  Technical  Support  Services  team  tasked  with 
providing  Design  Review  services.  It  is  an  advisory  group  supporting  the  Project  Management  Process.  In 
undertaking  its  role,  the  Technical  Support  Services  team  promotes  and  encourages  design  quality  for 
significant  public  projects  delivered  by  the  Project  Management  Office  on  behalf  of  the  Government  of 
Nunavut.  It acts as an enabler of design quality and enhanced value outcomes and promotes an enthusiasm 
for design by initiating and promoting a forum for discussing design‐related issues.   

The purpose of this document is to provide additional details regarding design submissions at each stage of
the design process outlined in the A/E Contract. The A/E Contract provides little detail regarding the content
of each submission. This document must be referenced in all Design RFP’s. The intent of the document is
to clarify what is expected at each stage of the Design Review Process. Doing so will not only ensure that all
proposals received in response to an RFP can be compared equally, it will also provide a benchmark
throughout the design review process. This document should be used by the A/E in the process of preparing
their proposal and determining schedules. It should then be used throughout the design process as a guide
for preparing each submission. Submissions made by the A/E shall be compiled and submitted from a single
source. The intent is to ensure that the A/E has assessed the work and that the design effort has been
coordinated with all of the disciplines. Each submission will be evaluated by the Project Officer for
‘completeness’ prior to being submitted for Technical or Regulatory review. An incomplete submission that
does not include all disciplines is a direct indicator that the disciplines involved in a design have not been
coordinated. Incomplete submissions will be returned to the A/E with a list of the incomplete items.
Submissions will need to be completed and re-submitted. The result of this effort should be a consistent
design approach shared by all firms providing service to the Government of Nunavut. In turn, the
Government of Nunavut will respond with a consistent approach to Design Review.

1.0 General Design Review Objectives

The General Design Review Objectives are to produce buildings that:

 satisfy the spatial and functional needs of the users as described in the Project Brief;
 are designed specifically for the actual climate and other physical parameters of the site; and
 are designed for the minimum capital cost consistent with lowest life cycle costs.
 meet the requirements of the ‘Good Building Practices Guideline’
 meet all applicable Codes and Regulations

Guiding Principles: 
Design  review  is  independent:    It  is  conducted  by  Technical  Officers  who  are  separate  from  the 
project.  It  offers  impartial  advice  which  is  not  influenced  by  the  client,  the  local  authority  or  the 
design team and is based solely on the design quality. 
Good  design  review  is  advisory:  It  does  not  make  the  decisions,  but  offers  impartial  advice  for 
decision makers.   It offers constructive, impartial, peer advice that will help assess designs from a 
broader perspective and identify any fundamental weaknesses as opposed to providing alternative 
design  solutions.  It  does  not  provide  advice  to  redesign  schemes,  rather,  it  offers  comments  that 
will lead to their improvement. 

Design Review Stages and Document Submission Requirements Page 1 of 16

Good  design  review  is  accessible:  Findings  should  be  clearly  expressed  in  language  that  decision 
makers  and  clients  can  understand  and  use.    The  design  review  process  is  as  transparent  as 
Good design review is proportionate: It is used where projects are significant enough, at either a 
territorial, regional or local level, to warrant the public investment needed to provide the service. 
Other methods of appraising design quality should be used for less significant projects. 
Good design is timely: It takes place as early as possible in the life of a design, because this is when 
changes can be made with the least time and cost implications. 
Good design review is focused on outcomes for people: It evaluates how a building or place can 
better meet the needs of the people using it and of anyone who is affected by it. Design quality is 
an essential component of the creation of sustainable places.  
Good  design  review  aims  to  improve  quality:    It  constructively  seeks  to  raise  the  quality  of  all 
buildings and places by providing advice that enables better quality design solutions. 

Project Brief

The Project Brief is a document which outlines project requirements for the client and delivery
departments, establishes a basis (functional, spatial, and technical criteria) for evaluating design
solutions/alternatives, provides a reference document for design consultants, and provides a
reference for post-occupancy evaluations.

Good Building Practices Guideline

The Good Building Practices Guideline assumes an advisory role, while renewing the challenge to
builders to be innovative in applying the practices. Builders are encouraged to present alternatives to
the suggestions detailed in the Good Building Practices Guideline, or to present new or innovative
ways of resolving technical problems or of reducing building life-cycle costs.

The Good Building Practices Guideline incorporates years of experience in northern construction
practices. The Good Building Practices Guideline was refined through input from architectural and
engineering consultants, building contractors, suppliers, facility operators, Community and
Government Services and client department staff, who worked together to achieve a consensus
regarding northern building practices that are appropriate, economic and realistic. Simple,
straightforward examples are used to illustrate and validate the practices.

The guidelines are not intended to replace mandatory codes or regulations, but to supplement the
National Building Code of Canada, specifically where the GN believes that:

 More stringent practices should be applied relative to those of the National Building Code of
Canada or the local municipality;
 Code requirements should be clarified;
 Its experience has demonstrated that conditions particular to remote northern communities
require an approach different from typical Canadian building industry practice; and
 Its proven preferences for specific products, systems or methods should be employed.

Design Review Stages and Document Submission Requirements Page 2 of 16

Regulatory Review

It is a requirement of the AE to submit construction documents for Regulatory review, including but
not limited to review by the Office of the Fire Marshal and the Electrical Section of Safety Services.
In addition to the submission requirements outlined in this document, any items identified at any time
in the design that may be open to more than one interpretation should be submitted for Regulatory
review and official response must be received.

Design Review Scope 
"Design"  is  a  word  that  encompasses  a  number  of  activities  within  the  fields  of  Architecture  and 
Engineering.  During the design phase of any project several documents are usually produced, each 
with  a  specific  scope  and  objective.    The  scope  of  the  Design  Review  and  the  resulting  report  is 
limited  by  the  scope  of  the  design  contract,  specifically  the  Terms  of  Reference  and  other  listed 
documents.      The  specific  scope  and  objective  at  each  Design  Review  stage  varies  based  on  the 
stage of design as outlined in the Design Review Stages and Submissions document with respect to 
the Good Building Practices Guideline.     
Note  that  while  issues  related  to  improper  application  of  applicable  Codes  and  Regulations 
identified through the process are noted and included in the resulting report, the Design Review is 
not  a  comprehensive  Code  Review.    It  is  assumed  that  all  solutions  proposed  by  the  Design  Firm 
meet  a  standard  acceptable  to  the  relevant  Authority  Having  Jurisdiction.    The  Design  Review 
references the Functional Plan or Operational Program as outlined in the Design Brief only when the 
service  has  been  specifically  requested.    Typically,  for  the  purposes  of  the  Design  Review  it  is 
assumed that all aspects of the Design Brief have been satisfied by the design submission.   
The  Design  Review  Scope  is  further  defined  by  the  Project  Team  by  completing  a  Design  Review 
Request  for  Services  form.    The  form  identifies  the  review  services  offered,  allowing  the  Project 
Team  to  select  the  services  it  deems  necessary.    It  also  outlines  the  intended  schedule  and  any 
specific  Design  Review  requirements  such  as  participation  in  design  related  meetings  and  special 
research requirements. 
Design Review Output 
The output of Design Review is a formal report.  The report is cumulative and documents the full 
Design Review history of the project.  Design reviews are represented in table form.  The report is 
also collaborative.  It contains both the comments offered by the Technical Support Services team 
and the related response from the Design Firm.  Significant design decisions are recorded.  Specific 
design  elements  that  require  additional  research,  such  as  the  proposed  use  of  new  materials, 
technologies  or  methods  that  have  not  been  proven,  are  documented  in  detail  with  specific 
recommendations.  The intent is to provide the Project Team with the information that it requires 
to make design related decisions in a timely fashion to move the project forward.   
Accessing Design Review Services 
Design  Review  services  can  be  accessed  by  contacting  and  consulting  the  Director  of  Technical 
Services or the Manager of Technical Support.  This consultation should occur as part of the process 
of developing the Request for Proposal (RFP) for Architectural and Engineering services.  The need 

Design Review Stages and Document Submission Requirements Page 3 of 16

for specific submissions and the submission schedule is established at that time, ensuring that the 
schedule is reflected in the Project Plan and the RFP.   

2.0 Review Stages and Submission Requirements

The building design is divided into three stages, such that each stage culminates in a distinct product
requiring reviews and approval. The three stages are:

.1 Schematic Design Phase – 2 Submissions (Part I – Schematic Alternatives, Part II

Schematic Design)
.2 Design Development Phase – 1 Submission
.3 Construction Document Phase – 3 Submissions (Part I – 50% Construction Documents, Part
II – 75% Construction Documents, Part III – 100% Construction Documents)

2.1 Schematic Design Phase

Part I – Schematic Alternatives

In this stage, the consultant is given an opportunity to demonstrate practical and imaginative
responses to the Project Brief. Alternatives for site, functional layout, building sections, and
elevations are developed considering the objectives, assumptions and criteria in the Project Brief and
the governing codes and regulations. The alternatives are reviewed and evaluated. The most cost-
effective and technically appropriate alternative is selected for development of a schematic design.

Schematic Alternatives Submission Requirements

The purpose of this submission is to review alternatives presented by the consultant exploring ways
of achieving the owner's goals and objectives. Project cost, relative benefits, and project schedule,
are reviewed for each alternative so the owner can make practical and informed decisions within the
given budget restraints. Depending on the type of building, limitations created by site or specific
program requirements there may need be one alternative submitted. In any project, there should be
no need for more than three alternatives

Documents required for this review:


Freehand sketches are acceptable as long as they are to scale and the scale remains consistent.

 Site plan alternatives

 Floor plan alternatives
 Building section alternatives
 Elevation alternatives

Report/Written Information:

A formal report is not required. Report(s) on the following in a letter format is sufficient at this stage.

 Adequacy of site, program areas, and budget.

 Foundation/structural alternatives worth considering.

 Plumbing system alternatives worth considering.

Design Review Stages and Document Submission Requirements Page 4 of 16

 Heating system alternatives worth considering.

 Ventilation system alternatives worth considering.

 Power system alternatives (i.e. phase/loads) worth considering.

 Lighting system alternatives worth considering.

 Other electrical systems alternatives worth considering.

 A summary table or listing of applicable code requirements and proposed responses.

 Preliminary cost estimate information that will allow the owners to confirm the project budget

 Class "D" Estimate

Additional project information, clarification or elaboration requested by the consultant should be

provided. Finally, the consultant accepts the provisions of the Functional Program, Technical
Requirements, site information and cost objectives as the basis of the design before commencing
any design work.

 Technical Status Evaluation

If the project brief calls for a Technical Status Evaluation of an existing building, the consultant
should report on the following:

All building systems should be reviewed in terms of their current condition, performance and potential
service life. Building systems include but are not limited to the following:

- Site (drainage and amenities)

- Foundation
- Structural systems
- Building envelope (roof, walls, floors) doors and windows (including hardware)
- Interior finishes
- Plumbing systems
- Heating systems
- Ventilation systems
- Electrical system
- Lighting
- Alarms
- Fire protection systems

Recommendations to repair or replace the above building systems should be made. Any
recommendations made should be accompanied by a life cycle cost analysis. If alternatives are
presented, a cost benefit analysis should be included.

If Community and Government Services has completed the Technical Status Evaluation on the
existing building then it must be reviewed, analyzed and included in the development and the
evaluation of alternatives.

Design Review Stages and Document Submission Requirements Page 5 of 16

A full Technical Status Evaluation template is available from:

Manager, Technical Support

Community and Government Services
P.O. Box 1000 – Station 620
Iqaluit, NU X0A 0H0

Phone: (867) 975-5400

Fax; (867) 975-5457

 Evaluation of Alternatives

All alternatives presented must be evaluated. Recommendations must be presented. The

alternative selected must be technically feasible. It must also meet the specified objectives and
criteria described in the Project Brief. In this document the consultant must:

 Present an evaluation of the alternatives. The consultant must limit specific

recommendations to those matters related to the technical aspects of the project.
 Use the objectives, assumptions and criteria provided in the Project Brief and good
architectural and engineering practice to evaluate alternatives. Although the selection and
evaluation of alternatives must be thorough, it is not intended that the consultant undertake
detailed design to evaluate alternatives.
 Document, and quantify the advantages and disadvantages of alternatives. Identify the
apparent risks and potential problems with each alternative.
 Document and address community concerns.
 Ensure that proposed alternatives are technically feasible, practical, and economical. Serious
problems or issues should not arise in the design development phase that would cause the
alternative to be abandoned or to significantly alter the concept, design, cost, or cost
effectiveness because of pertinent information were not collected.
 Prepare cost estimates for alternative concepts and systems. Prepare economic analysis of
the alternatives.

Part II - Schematic Design

Based on the agreed criteria and the preferred alternatives established within Part I, the consultant
prepares schematic design documents, consisting of drawings and other documents illustrating the
general scope, scale and relationship of the project components. Designs produced will be
conceptual in character, indicating the proposed plan form, site plan and appearance of the facility
with relation to orientation, topography, adjacent land use and utilities, as well as general approach to
structural, mechanical and electrical systems. Furthermore, the consultant outlines major
mechanical, electrical, structural and architectural sub-systems to demonstrate that the preferred
alternative can be implemented, that it represents the best solution to the requirements of the Project
Brief, and that it complies with all governing codes and regulations.

Schematic Design Submission Requirements

The purpose of this review is to assess the suitability of the schematic alternative in meeting the
requirements of the Project Brief, community aspirations, and budget objectives. Architectural,
Mechanical and Electrical systems will be outlined in greater detail to clearly reveal project design
direction, cost implications and how the building systems are integrated.

Documents required for this review:


Design Review Stages and Document Submission Requirements Page 6 of 16

 Location and site plan
 Schematic floor plans
 Preliminary furniture layouts
 Schematic cross sections
 Typical envelope assembly (roof, walls, and floor)
 Building elevations
 Structural plans
 Plumbing, heating and ventilation plan(s),
 Electrical and lighting plan(s)

Report/Written Information:

 Changes to any pre-design information prepared for the consultant and agreed to at the previous
review are to be documented and incorporated into the Schematic Design.

 The Occupancy Classification under the National Building Code as approved by the Office of the
Fire Marshal is to be stated.

 A summary table or listing of applicable code requirements and proposed responses.

 Description of any design "features" or important site conditions that may not be apparent from
the drawings alone.

 The rationale behind any important design decisions that may assist in explaining choices, which
may not appear to be appropriate.

 Summary of floor areas compared to program areas.

 Foundation/structural system description.

 Identify areas where the design deviates from the Good Building Practices Guideline,
providing substantiation and costing.

 Mechanical and Electrical Information (and Drawings) required as part of Design Submissions:

 Include a copy of preliminary design calculations for the heating load, ventilation rates, fuel
oil storage, water tanks, sewage holding tanks, and expansion tanks.

 Indicate approximate location of the exterior oil tank, sewage pump out connection(s), water
fill connection(s), chimney(s), plumbing vent(s), intake(s) and exhaust hood(s).

 Provide separate floor plans for each floor, including crawlspace and mezzanine.

 Provide preliminary layouts of mechanical room(s) indicating all equipment to correct scale.

 Provide information and description of major equipment and components to be used in the

 Include location of main electrical service equipment and existing or proposed utility power
locations (site plan).

 Provide separate electrical drawings for each floor, including proposed lighting and power

 Description of existing and/or proposed electrical systems and sub-systems:

Design Review Stages and Document Submission Requirements Page 7 of 16

- Distribution - Generator - Lighting
- Voice & Data - Public Address - Music Systems
- Security - Engine Generator - Fire
- O & M Considerations - Power - Television
- Specialized Electrical - Exit & Emergency

 Class “C” Estimate

 Preliminary Code Analysis

A Preliminary Code Analysis to be provided. The Code analysis should identify the following:
‐   A list of applicable Codes and Standards  
‐  A Building Description including:  
  ‐  Major Occupancies 
  ‐  Building Area 
  ‐  Number of Stories 
  ‐  Number of Streets   
  ‐  Building Classification 
‐  Major Fire Protection and Life Safety Requirements including: 
  ‐  Building Construction  
  ‐  Spatial Separation and Limiting Distance  
  ‐  Fire Separations 
  ‐  Egress and Exiting  
  ‐  Occupant Load and Exit Capacity 
  ‐  Location of Exits 
  ‐  Water Supply  
  ‐  Sprinkler Systems 
  ‐  Fire Detection and Alarm System  
  ‐  Fire Department Access 
  ‐  Barrier Free Requirements  
  ‐  Discussions on any elements that may be open to interpretation or be of concern to the 
Office of the Fire Marshal. 
‐  Drawings  
  ‐  Proposed Site Plan 
  ‐  Proposed Floor Plan 
  ‐  Proposed Elevations 
  ‐  Proposed Floor Plans (Identifying  Fire Separations) 

 Additional Reports and Studies as Required

- Snow Study
- Geo-technical Report

2.2 Stage 2 - Design Development Phase

In the Design Development Phase, the consultant prepares sketch drawings based upon the
selected schematic design alternative, in order to determine more precise aspects of planning,
appearance and construction. These documents illustrate and define the design concept in terms of
site, plan form, character, materials, and the systems for structural, mechanical and electrical.
Design Review Stages and Document Submission Requirements Page 8 of 16
The drawings and preliminary specifications produced during this phase shall be based on the
selected and approved schematic design alternative and typically will be of sufficient detail to allow
for client and community reviews. Site plans, floor plans, elevations, representative sections,
drawings outlining the mechanical and electrical systems, as well as a description of all the critical
components of the building technology, materials, and equipment are presented. These documents
will not, however, be sufficient to enable construction nor tendering of the project. Also, the interior
and exterior color schemes are addressed along with the use of natural and artificial lighting and
acoustical treatments.

Design Development Submission Requirements

The purpose of this review is to finalize design related issues, technical criteria, technical
performance objectives, and budget forecasts so that the contract documents can be prepared. The
Design Development submission must fully convey the design intent. Further advances to the
project documentation should not proceed until the design development has received

Documents required for this review:


- Site plan - Preliminary door and window schedules

- Floor Plan - Preliminary hardware schedules
- Foundation plan/floor framing plan - Preliminary sign schedule
- Roof framing plan - Interior elevation details
- Building cross sections - Furniture layout
- Roof, wall, floor sections - Preliminary finish schedule
- Color Boards (at least 2 alternatives) - Exterior elevations
- Mechanical site plan - Mechanical/electrical room plan detail
- Plumbing/heating/ventilation plan(s) - Piping and/or system schematics
- Electrical site plan - Electrical details
- Power/other electrical system plan(s) - Main distribution single line diagram
- Lighting plan - Fixture mounting details(s) (if usual)

Report/Written Information:

 Record of any revisions or clarifications to the project requirements made since the previous

 The Occupancy Classification under the National Building Code as approved by the Office of the
Fire Marshal (reaffirmed or revised from previous submission).

 A summary table or listing of applicable code requirements and proposed responses (reaffirmed
or revised based on previous submission).

 Description of any design "features" or important site conditions (reaffirmed or revised based on
previous submission).

 The rationale behind any important design decisions (reaffirmed or revised based on previous

 Summary of floor areas compared to program areas.

 Structural assumptions used to calculate both floor and roof loading.

Design Review Stages and Document Submission Requirements Page 9 of 16
 Mechanical and Electrical Information (and drawings) required as part of Design Submissions:

 Indicate all plumbing fixtures, floor drains, plumbing and waste piping on floor plans.

 Provide structural support details for all domestic/fire water and sewage storage tanks, if

 Provide fire protection system detail, including level of coverage, type and zoning. Indicate
hand held fire extinguisher locations.

 Provide heating distribution system and ancillary component layouts including: complete
boiler room piping schematics, heating coil piping takeoff locations, and heating coil piping
and pumping configuration details.

 Provide ventilation system layouts including: system schematics, sequence of operation,

single line main, and branch duct runs, terminal devices, fire dampers, and accessories.

 Provide equipment schedules on a dedicated mechanical drawing to include: all mechanical

components such as boilers, pumps, coils, heaters, fans, tanks, control valves, diffusers,
grilles, terminal heat transfer units, and other accessories. The schedule is to include
information on equipment identification, model, size, flow, pressure, voltage, CV, capacity,
and other remarks.

 Provide control system schematics including system types, layouts, and sequence operation.
Include a description of the mechanical alarm system.

 Provide legible Product Data sheets on all major mechanical components.

 Provide in the specification, detailed information of products intended for use including
manufacturer, model numbers, type, style, phase, voltage, capacity for equipment
components specified in the project.

 Provide legible Product Data sheets on all major electrical components, and fixtures
(Catalogue cuts are acceptable with visible indication of proposed product). Provide Main
Distribution single line diagram.

 Provide drawings of power, lighting and other electrical system locations with proposed
device zoning, circuit number, panel designation, for:

- Power - Lighting - Switching

- Security - Other - Fire Alarm

 Provide complete electrical room details with equipment layout.

 Provide fixture-mounting details, if unusual.

 Provide service and feeder calculations, c/w lighting and power demands.

 Demand factors for existing or proposed building.

 Panel & Motor schedules.

 An outline specification.

Design Review Stages and Document Submission Requirements Page 10 of 16

 Product information for all major equipment must be provided listing specific equipment
manufacturers (catalogue cuts are acceptable).

 Class “B” Estimate

 An Updated Code Analysis (if changes have occurred) – see ‘Schematic Design
Submission’ for further details

2.3 Stage 3 – Construction Document Phase

In this phase, the consultant prepares construction documents consisting primarily of working
drawings and specifications. Working drawings are graphic representations that include plans
elevations, sections, construction details and site plans. These drawings also illustrate coordination
of structural, mechanical, electrical and utility plans and details where applicable.

A major part of working drawings consists of detail drawings, which are large scale representations of
certain parts of the project, clearly showing arrangements, assemblies, profiles and dimensions: they
may be furnished with the working drawings or when construction is in progress. Specifications are
written descriptions of all elements that are best described rather than delineated, including
requirements related to the manufacture, methods of installation, design, testing, commission
performance criteria and workmanship of materials and equipment.

Part I – 50% Construction Documents

50% Construction Document Submission Requirements

The purpose of this review is to ensure that the design intent will be adequately communicated to
potential bidders or those responsible for the construction of the facility. The documents, reviewed for
completeness and coordination.

Documents required for this review:


A partial completed set of drawings and details is required which contains enough information to
allow a full understanding by the review of the intended choices of materials, assembly, design
features, spatial requirements of equipment, fittings and fixtures. The emphasis should be on
providing basic information on almost all aspects of the project rather than issuing fully completed
segments separated by near blank information gaps. Approximately 2/3 of the total effort devoted to
construction documentation would normally have to be expended to convey this amount of

Report/Written Information:

Product selections and system descriptions should be complete.

Part II – Construction Documents

75% Construction Documents Submission Requirements

The purpose of this submission is to verify that all comments provided on 50% submission have been
incorporated and that all issues have been resolved. At this stage, if all issues that were noted at
prior stages have been resolved, no further review or comment should be required.

Part III – Construction Documents

Design Review Stages and Document Submission Requirements Page 11 of 16
100% Construction Documents Submission Requirements

The purpose of this submission is to ensure that all systems, products and assemblies are
adequately communicated to potential bidders or those responsible for the construction of the facility.
The documents are reviewed for completeness and coordination. All comments should be fully
incorporated at this stage and documents should be ready for tender.

Class "A” Estimate must be submitted at this review.

3.0 Building Types

Reviews are intended to assist in advancing technically appropriate, functionally sufficient, economic
solutions to building projects. Facility Planners and Project Officer shall use Table 3.1 to identify
review stages and submission requirements when preparing requests for proposals for
Architectural/Engineering (A/E) services.

Table 3.1 – Design Review Stages

50% 75% 100%

Schematic Schematic Design Construction Construction Construction
Building Type Alternatives Design Development Documents Documents Documents
Schools – New &
Learning Centers X X X X X X

Arenas X X X X X X

Offices X X X X X X

Community Center X X X X X X

Libraries X X X X X X
Air Terminal
Buildings - New & X X X X X X
New & Renovated
Health Centers
Fire Halls X X
Parking Garages X X
Prefabricated X
Municipal Works X X X X X X
Petroleum Products
Storage and

Note: For repeat designs, certain reviews can be eliminated. All reviews are coordinated
through the Project Officer (or Project Manager).

Design Review Stages and Document Submission Requirements Page 12 of 16

For specialty projects a Preliminary Code Analysis may be submitted to the Office of the Fire
Marshal for review to ensure that there is agreement regarding the occupancy classification
and other key elements of the building.

4.0 Design Review Team

The Project Officer is responsible for effective team building to ensure the project is delivered in
compliance with the Project Brief, applicable government codes, regulations and standards.
Maintaining contact with the client, user, consultants, contractors, suppliers, Facility Planners,
Technical Officers, and regulatory agencies, the Project Officer guides the delivery of the project in
the community. By requesting project reviews, the Project Officer calls upon the resources of Facility
Planners and Technical Officers who can bring the perspective and experience of other regions and
similar projects to the table. A list of personnel and the stage at which they will participate in the
Design Review process is shown in Table 4.1. Contact information is provided in Table 4.3.

Table 4.1 - Design Review Team

Phase Project Technical Facility Fire Safety
Officer Officer Planner Client User Marshal Services
Construction X X
Construction X X
Construction X X X X

NOTE: Schematic Alternatives will be presented to the Technical Services Division of

Community and Government Services well in advance of delivering Community consultations
or client presentations that may inadvertently create false expectations.

Table 4.2 - Design Review Time Requirements

Time is required to complete a design review. During the course of technical and regulatory review,
issues may arise that require redesign. Any work undertaken by the A/E during the design review
period is performed at their own risk. All times commence from the day received at the office of the

Design Phase
Time Required For Review
Schematic Alternatives 2 Weeks
Schematic Design 2 Weeks
Design Development 3 Weeks
50% Construction Document 3 Weeks
75% Construction Documents 2 Weeks
100% Construction Documents 2 Weeks
Design Review Stages and Document Submission Requirements Page 13 of 16
Table 4.3 – Design Review Team Contact Information

Team Member General Address

Project Officer/Manager Community and Government Services

(Headquarters) Government of Nunavut
P.O. Box 1000 – Station 620
Iqaluit, Nunavut, X0A 0H0

Phone: (867) 975-5400

Fax: (867) 975-5457
Project Officer/Manager Community and Government Services
(Baffin Region) Government of Nunavut
P.O. Box 379
Pond Inlet, Nunavut, X0A 0S0

Phone: (867) 899-7302

Fax: (867) 899-7328
Project Officer/Manager Community and Government Services
(Kivalliq Region) Government of Nunavut
P.O. Bag 002
Rankin Inlet, Nunavut, X0C 0G0

Phone: (867) 645-8150

Fax: (867) 645-8196
Project Officer/Manager Community and Government Services
(Kitikmeot) Government of Nunavut
P.O. Bag 200
Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, X0B 0C0

Phone: (867) 983-4125

Fax: (867) 983-4124
Technical Services Community and Government Services
Government of Nunavut
P.O. Box 1000 – Station 620
Iqaluit, Nunavut, X0A 0H0

Phone: (867) 975-5400

Fax: (867) 975-5457
Facility Planning Community and Government Services
Government of Nunavut
P.O. Box 1000 – Station 620
Iqaluit, Nunavut, X0A 0H0

Phone: (867) 975-5400

Fax: (867) 975-5457
Client Request Contact Information from Project Officer/
User Request Contact Information from Project Officer
Office of the Fire Marshal Community and Government Services
Government of Nunavut
P.O. Box 1000 – Station 700
Iqaluit, Nunavut, X0A 0H0

Phone: (867) 975-5318

Fax: (867) 975-5315
Safety Services Community and Government Services
Government of Nunavut
P.O. Box 1000 – Station 610
Iqaluit, Nunavut, X0A 0H0

Phone: (867) 975-5423

Fax: (867) 975-5453
Design Review Stages and Document Submission Requirements Page 14 of 16
Additional Information

1. In order to allow time for proper document reviews, the Project Officer should advise and
coordinate the scheduling of documents with the Design Review Team well in advance of
meeting dates. A copy of the Design Schedule that forms part of the A/E Contract should be
provided to the Manager of Technical Support

2. The Facility Planner is the primary contact in Headquarters for all matters related to the
Project Brief.

3. All major projects should have a design start-up meeting. Those attending include the Project
Officer, Client, Consultant(s), Facility Planner and a Technical Officer/Manager. Items for
discussion include design requirements, interpretation of the Project Brief, budget, roles and
responsibilities, and lines of communication. Unless otherwise requested, all communication
to the various parties is through the Project Officer.

4. Meetings with consultants, communities, and/or the client are to be coordinated by the
Project Officer. If the Project Officer or regional backup is unavailable, the Facility Planner
can coordinate the meeting on behalf of the Project Officer if requested by the Regional
Project Manager.

Design Review Stages and Document Submission Requirements Page 15 of 16

Table 4.3 - Lines of Communication for all Design Stages

All design submissions must be made through the Project Officer

Community Facility Programming, Budget
Allocation, Community Liaison,
Facility Programming, Project Design Review, Project
Approval, Project Reviews Approval

Project Officer Facility Planner

(Project Manager) Community and Government
Community and Government Services
Services Project Brief, Design Reviews, Budget
Overall Project Coordination & Review, Client Liaison

Manager, Technical Support

Community and Government
Design & Construction Document
Reviews, Technical Status Evaluations

Regulatory Agencies

Consultants Code Compliance

Design and Contract documents

Other Stakeholders as Required

Informatics, Facility Management

Office, etc.

The relationships between key stakeholders are illustrated in the above chart. Once again, design
reviews; community consultation, regulatory approvals and client participation and input are
coordinated by the Project Officer (or Project Manager).

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