COST REDUCTION - Building Economics

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Cost of building is viewed in two contexts:-

• Initial cost- short term cost
• Life cycle cost – long term cost
INITIAL COST :- cost which goes into making of the building
• Cost which is incurred over the entire life span of building and includes
• The initial cost of the building
• Operational cost of the building – HVAC, Lighting, Water Supply etc.
• Cost of maintenance – parts replacement cost
• Disposal cost or salvage value
• Depends on useful life of the building
To promote economy in buildings


• Design with least amount of wastage & negative spaces.
• Stick to right angles and simple room shapes to minimize complexity of construction.
• Where design is form based- avoid negative spaces or spaces having acute angles
• Build multi-storied construction- foundation and roofing costs per square foot are
• Don't increase slab heights Design Lean- Decrease self-load of building
• Don't design for additional floors if not required
• Use same flooring in all rooms/toilets, --to reduces wastage.
• Plan Electrical/Plumbing- services carefully-.o Don't compromise on quality--reduce
requirements to fifty our budge to Look at the life-cycle cost rather than initial cost to
achieve real cost effectiveness- Initial cost only 10%, operational cost- 90%:
• Good Architectural design based on following principles
• Define clearly the goals/agenda of building right in the beginning.
• Building performance must be monitored even after the building is made
• Design a compact building with minimum footprints Workout the building
details right in the beginning
• Involve all the professionals right in the beginning for designing and detailing
• Avoid changes during construction Design buildings based on specified norms
and standards to avoid their over/under-designing
• Adopt a shape which leads to minimum length and area of walls.
• Design -- most powerful tool to achieve cost-effectiveness
• Buildings need to be designed by adopting integrated approach to building
design which include;
• Optimizing the macro climate- climatic zone
• Optimizing the local climate
• Optimizing the Orientation
• Optimizing the Solar movement-- to maximizes use of free solar energy for
heating /lighting- Generating electricity
• Optimizing Wind direction-air flow
• Optimizing site planning--- planning with nature, making best use of site
climate/ site potential/ climate, orientation, landscaping
• Optimizing space planning in building
• Optimizing Design of Building envelop- Height, openings, projections,
shading devices -- with minimum energy implication Designing.
• Design -- most powerful tool to achieve cost-effectiveness
• Buildings need to be designed by adopting integrated approach to building
design which include;
• Optimizing the macro climate- climatic zone
• Optimizing the local climate
• Optimizing the Orientation
• Optimizing the Solar movement-- to maximizes use of free solar energy for
heating /lighting- Generating electricity
• Optimizing Wind direction-air flow
• Optimizing site planning--- planning with nature, making best use of site
climate/ site potential/ climate, orientation, landscaping
• Optimizing space planning in building
• Optimizing Design of Building envelop- Height, openings, projections,
shading devices -- with minimum energy implication Designing.

• Promote Sharing--Adopt a system of building common walls between adjoining

houses to economize on space, materials, time / structures
• For multi-storied buildings--- repeat floor plans one above other -with no change in
structural components Keep/club your spaces that need plumbing --close together or
above each other to minimize cost
• Design all public health services near to supply / drainage network to reduce length
of pipes and cost
• Design Green Buildings - saves lot of water and electric energy- makes building
cost-effective over entire life cycle
• Provide standard sized doors with limited variations- minimize sizes of doors
• Minimize number of doors
• All finishing/fittings- floor, windows, glass, paneling etc…

• Green building though considered expensive in initial cost- saves much

more money- Makes Building cost-effective -- against ordinary
buildings ---houses, office buildings, schools, factories etc because they
save;-energy,- water,- have lower maintenance/operational cost---money
spent on its creation ensures return at least 10 times.
• Study by Californian Sustainable Building Task Force--in 2003.-- Even
20% of higher investment into green building makes 10 times more
• Green Building makes a business sense- It provides win-win situation
for owner, user, client
• Green building can be expensive as much as a conventional building
• Optimum design solution is one that effectively emulates all natural systems
and conditions of pre-developed site-after development is complete.

• Adopting integrated approach to building design for reducing energy in

buildings involve: Site planning with nature making use of site potential -
location, shape, size, orientation, accessibility, vegetation, surroundings,
topography, physical barriers, bye-laws, zoning, electric lines future
development, soil, wind direction, services, land use view etc

• Evolving minimum energy consumption building envelop design.

• Escape Promoting higher order of building efficiency

• Integration of renewable energy sources to generate energy on site.

Architects Role in reducing construction cost

• Architects must continue to participate in the construction of the house, as they

can provide information and provide an interpretation of the adaptation of the
elements of the project to the budget/cost of a House; it’s only possible if there
is open communication between the architect and the contractor.
• Here we will discuss in more detail ways that architects can save time and
money before and during the construction of the house and best practices for
communication, site visits, and problem-solving.
Saving Money Before and During Construction Stage:
• One of the critical ways Architects can contribute to economic and efficient
construction is to anticipate the construction phase and consider the
contractor’s perspective from the planning phase’s outset.
• The architect knows what the contractor needs during the construction phase
and helps keep the project within budget.
• Other proactive measures that can help Architects reduce construction costs
during the design phase include building profitable construction projects and
finding affordable building materials.
• The changes made during the design stage are much less expensive than the
changes made during the construction stage.
• Therefore, Architects need to note all options to reduce the cost of innovation.
Follow Top Communication PRACTICE : RFI’s:
• Open and transparent communication is crucial for the management of
construction projects and, ultimately, a construction project’s success.
• Considering the contractor’s prospects, openness and active listening during
communication, architects can articulate questions, concerns, and solutions
more effectively and build better relationships.
• The RFI (Request for Information) is an essential element of communication in
home construction management.
• RFI is the best method to keep contact between architects and contractors
organized and reliable.
Visiting the Site during Construction Stage:
• The architects must visit the workplace during the construction phase.
• The best course of action that architects should follow during visits is an
observation rather than inspection.
• The architects observe the work progress of the contractor and communicate
this to the client.
Follow Best Practices for Problem Solving:
• The traditional design-bid-build way to house construction projects, where
contractors suggest proposed projects, can put the architect and contractor in
an unfavorable relationship, making problem-solving difficult.
• Architects will always use the best practices to minimize the negative impact
of this sometimes tricky relationship and be more productive in solving work
related issues.
Keep the communication channels open:
• It would help if you did not underestimate the importance of open and effective
• If a problem occurs, be sure to communicate openly with the contractors to
find the best solution.
Consider the requirements of all the concerned parties:
• When problems occur in the workplace, think beyond design requirements.
• Consider customer needs and how this issue can affect everyone involved to
bring life to the building concept.
Stay open-minded:
• Many people are reluctant to make changes after creating a plan.
• However, both the architect and the building contractor must keep an open
mind when making solutions to any problems during house/building
• While architects can minimize potential problems through a proactive
approach, there are inevitably some problems.
• In these cases, best practices such as economic planning, open communication,
and a collaborative problem solving approach will help make the final project a
Following are the best ways to save construction
1. Selection of Plot

• This starts with selecting a plot for your home. Always go for a roadside plot where
transportation facility and communication to every necessary center is possible. Because that
can reduce your transportation cost for a lifetime.
• But many sellers are there who take the opportunity of high demand and sell the roadside
plots at a very high price. So be careful while choosing the plot. If you are getting it a little
far from the main road then it is ok.
2. Conduct Soil Test

• While selecting a plot, just not focus on the communication facility but do soil test which is a
much essential part of the construction. Because there are different types of soils are available, and
each soil behaves differently. Before buying the plot check the soil if it is a paddy field,
agricultural field, or soil with hard soil.
• Because if the soil is not good or if it is loose soil then there you will have to expense a huge cost.
And after if it comes to know that plot having a paddy field then the foundation cost is huge and
again to get permission to make the home is huge. This is the best check when you are searching
tips for how to reduce the cost of house construction
3. Confirm Electrical and Water Supply in Area

• If there is no electric and water connection near your plot then you have to apply for a separate poll connection near your home
and have to make a separate connection for plumbing, which is again expensive. So look after these factors before buying a plot.

4. Choosing Construction Materials

• In any type of construction building materials play a major cost-effective role. Among all the construction material bricks,
cement, rod, and sand make a large part of the construction material.
• If you purchase material in the lot (mane one order for whole material) manner then there will be less expenditure regarding
construction material. Because the dealer will give you more discount as you purchase more amount of material.
5. Prepare Structural Drawings
• Preparing structural drawings for the house is essential. The majority of people ignore this and don’t know about the
structural drawings of buildings.
• They only thought about the architectural drawings of the building. But structural drawing is all about foundation plan
detail, framing plan detail, column & beam plan detail and other structural components of buildings.
• From this structural drawing how much amount of rod, sand, cement, and bricks will be required can be calculated in
advance. And if this is done accurately then there is a chance of saving lots of money. This is important while you are
searching for how to reduce building construction cost.

6. Saving in Finishing Materials:

• Not only is the construction material only responsible for rising costs. Along with that finishing, the material is also
responsible. While we consider finishing work there is flooring material, doors and windows, and especially wooden
works for interior absorbs a huge cost.

7. Do not Make Change After Construction Starts

• Sometimes people approve one plan before construction and during construction, they suddenly change their plan. This
is one of the major reasons which again increases the construction cost. Try to avoid this thing unless & until it is
8. Go for Pre-facbrication Work

• To minimize the cost of house construction you use modern technology. Use prefabricated parts for the construction
of your home. In this type of construction, a part of the building is constructed at the factory or in a separate place and
then combined to a site to make the house. It has a lot of benefits. It not only reduces the cost but also reduces the time
of construction.
9. Use Fly Ash Instead of Red Bricks

• If you want to reduce the cost then choose to fly ash bricks instead of red bricks or other bricks. Fly ash bricks are less
costlier than red bricks but have good strength for construction. It can reduce the cost of construction in a considerable
amount. By adopting these tips you can significantly reduce construction cost of house.
11. Buy Material from Local Vendors
• While purchasing materials for construction try to purchase from local vendors because it will reduce your
transportation cost as the transportation of construction material is costly.

12. Saving in Labor Cost

• Labor cost is also a large part of the construction which can not cut easily. But try to calculate the works in hours how
much labor will be required to finish work and how much time. In this way you can save your cost by estimating the
labor cost otherwise the labor will work according to their time and you have to expense more.

13. Saving in Machinery Cost

• Construction machines are always hired on a rental basis and their rental cost is too high. So try to take maximum
advantage of construction machinery in a calculated way by which construction cost can be saved. By taking care of this
point you can save cost in construction.

14. Saving in Flooring

• Flooring can be done both costly or economically. Tiles come in a wide pricing range. Select one of them according to
your budget. Also, cement flooring is a great option for reducing cost and one of the long-lasting flooring. Red oxide
flooring is also a good option.
15. Saving in Wooden Work
• As far as possible, if there is no essential need for wooden work try to avoid it. You can also try to avoid the use of
costly woods for construction Instead You can use a jackfruit tree, wild jack (jungle jack) and similar wood most
available in your place to reduce the total cost of wood up to 50%.

16. Selecting Good Shape of House

• The shape of the house also contributes to increasing the cost of construction. When the size of the home increases it
increases the surface area and ultimately the cost of construction. So try design a house in such a way that it
will reduce the surface area and reduce the cost. This is the best suggestion for your search of how to reduce
construction cost in india

17. Reduce Numbers of Wall

• Make the home more spacious by reducing the number of walls. It ultimately reduces the surface area and also
decreases the cost. It also permits natural light to enter the house and decreases the number of electricity


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