Renewiq: Intelligent Solutions For Oilfield Water Reuse
Renewiq: Intelligent Solutions For Oilfield Water Reuse
Renewiq: Intelligent Solutions For Oilfield Water Reuse
Maturing oil and gas assets produce more water. Unconventional
water demands are increasing, and the world’s need for clean water
continues to grow. Extracting more energy with fewer resources
has become increasingly critical. Only Nalco Champion, an Ecolab
Sustainable Water Management
These offerings control biofouling, well and reservoir souring, and microbiologically
Better Technology
influenced corrosion, all of which can negatively impact cost, safety and the environment.
RenewIQ solutions can also reduce hydrogen sulfide and iron sulfide in the production
system. Rapidly reacting, broad-spectrum biocides oxidize proteins in microbial cells for
exceptional bacterial control. And all Nalco Champion RenewIQ solution chemistries degrade
into byproducts with a lower environmental footprint.
2011 Today
Beyond identifying the appropriate chemistry as part of the RenewIQ offering, we can
also survey your equipment layout to determine the optimal chemistry injection location
Comprehensive Programs
and specially designed equipment is provided to safely pump the oxidative solution.
Furthermore, we train your employees on the equipment’s proper use and work with you to
define and monitor program metrics. We regularly report on performance against
these metrics.
As the world’s largest water treatment company, Nalco Champion delivers unparalleled
bacteria control developed with a water heritage extending more than 85 years. Our
programs offer more than best-in-class chemistry—they include leading analytical,
application and monitoring support, as well as unmatched service.
Through the application of RenewIQ programs, operators can reduce freshwater
consumption and its associated handling costs, from sourcing to disposal. By decreasing
hydrogen sulfide treatments, improving injectivity, and reducing well workover costs and
required filter changes, operators realize lower production costs and improved profitability.
Additionally, operators benefit from reduced plugging, corrosion and well souring, as well
as their costly treatment and correction.
RenewIQ solutions also offer measurable safety and environmental benefits. Unlike
chlorine dioxide that requires mixing up to three hazardous raw materials in the field,
Proven ROI
our equipment delivers finished chemistry for safe and easy application. Our oxidative
solutions break down to sustainable byproducts such as vinegar and water when their
useful life is complete. Nalco Champion has safely applied oxidizers worldwide for more
than 25 years.
Hydraulic Fracturing | New Mexico, USA Salt Water Disposal Well | Wyoming, USA
SITUATION: A Mancos shale operator was SITUATION: A saltwater disposal well (SWD)
repurposing fracturing fluids and produced operator was injecting both produced water
water for reuse in multiple completion stages trucked in from various local operations
Case Studies
but also paid premium prices for additional and delivered by pipelines from two water-
high-quality water to ensure fracturing fluids collection facilities. Water quality varied
performed as intended. It was increasingly substantially and treating for issues including
difficult to obtain water and the escalating cost high bacteria levels, H2S, and dissolved and
of acquiring enough water to support drilling suspended solids was challenging. These
and completion activity made this strategy issues caused safety, corrosion and well
untenable. plugging concerns and led to additional THOUSAND
maintenance, pumping energy and chemical
SOLUTION: Nalco Champion collected costs to manage the risks. ANNUAL CHEMICAL AND OPERATIONAL SAVINGS
field fluid samples, identified incumbent
chemicals used by the operator, conducted SOLUTION: Nalco Champion recommended
a series of performance tests to assess the the application of EC6734A biocide to reduce
efficacy of current and potential biocides, and bacteria and H2S levels in both the aqueous
recommended its oxidizing biocide EC6779. and gas phases and to improve water clarity.
Since replacing the incumbent biocide, the The program delivered this and more:
operator reduced their total water-treatment improved oil quality reduced the volume of
cost by 25 percent. Additional savings were fluids going to the slop tank for additional
also seen by reducing water-hauling and settling time. Additionally, the operator was
water-purchasing costs while minimizing able to replace the injection of five separate
water-disposal fees. Logistical savings have treatment chemicals with one injection
amounted to $15,000 to $18,000 for every of EC6734A, which saved approximately
10,000 barrels of water repurposed compared $500,000 annually in chemical and
to the incumbent. operating costs. Safe implementation was
paramount, and the customer was happy
with the level of testing, training and
engagement provided.
Together, We’re Taking Energy Further TM
Nalco Champion, an Ecolab company, offers a singular focus on providing specialty chemistry programs
and related services for upstream and midstream oil and gas, refining and petrochemical operations.
Through onsite problem solving and the application of innovative technologies, we deliver sustainable
solutions to overcome complex challenges in the world’s toughest energy frontiers. Together, we’re
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