Shinjin: Dragon Ball RPG

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Born from the fruit of a magical tree found in Otherworld known as the Kaiju, Shinjin
are the natural born gods of their respective universe. However, that doesn’t make them
inherently superior, nor does it make them invincible. Many Shinjin go on to take the
rank of Kaio, also known as Lord of Worlds, whose job is to oversee one respective
galaxy. Special Shinjin born from a different type of Kaiju fruit are predestined to
become Kaioshin, also know as the Lord of Lords, a normal Kaio may be promoted to
Kaioshin if they perform exceptionally well.

While many Shinjin eventually become either a Kaio, many who haven’t been selected
for a Kaio role spend their time learning more about mortals so they can become better
guardians if they become selected as the next Kaio.

Shinjin who are rebellious and have evil hearts are called Makaio, and oversee the
Demon Realm, or simply try to sow chaos in the mortal realm.

Your Shinjin character gains the following traits, and in addition they must pick either
Kaio or Makai as a subspecies.


Attribute Bonus
God Ki: Specialized training gives you
AG -
greater efficiency and control over your
ST -
spiritual and physical energy. Reduce the
TE - cost of all actions that require ki by 1/2th
SC +4 of your Spirit (SP) modifier, for a
IN - minimum of one (1).
SP +3
PO -
PE -
Health Modifier: (+3) Far Seeing Arts: When making a
Clairvoyant or Knowledge check, roll one
Skill Proficiency: additional d10.
Use Magic, Clairvoyant

Kaio: Vision: Exceptional

Makai: Hearing: Exceptional

Kaio. Typical Shinjin who tend to be good people, although some might do
villainous things in the name of their own idea of justice. These Shinjin have
useful supportive skills that make them an asset on any team.

Unlock Potential: Upon reaching Heroic Tier, you may unlock grant one
being, including yourself the Potential Unleashed transformation. The
power up will only come into effect after the recipient takes an Extended
Recovery. See Chapter 10 for more information on Potential Unleashed.

Natural Healer: Once per combat encounter, when using Transfer

Essence, roll 1d10 + SP and add that to the amount healed.


Makai. A rare breed of Shinjin born with malice in their heart, they reside in the Demon
Realm where the even the Grand Kaioshin’s all-seeing-eye can’t look. Makai love to sow
discord and destroy the creations of the Kaioshin. While naturally evil, they do have the
potential to think for themselves, and be redeemed.

Vision: Exceptional

Kiri Drain: As a full action, you may make a special ranged attack that drains ki instead
of life points. This action costs 3 ki, roll strike and dodges rolls as normal. If the attack
lands, roll 1d10 + SP, and the target loses that many ki points, and add that total to
your ki pool.

Demon God Forms: Using the energy stolen from other life forms, Makai can transform
into powerful, more monstrous forms. If you have used Kiri Drain in the past 3 turns,
reduce the stress test by five (5), additionally for every time you’ve had someone
Transfer Essence (ki) to you, reduce the stress test by four (4)


Demon God

▪ Transformation.
▪ Stress Test: 25
▪ Tier of Power: Paragon
+2 +2 - - - +4 +4 -
Spiteful Strike. When attacking
someone who has attacked
you in the past three turns,
add 1d10 to your wound roll.

Vile Vengence. When you take

damage at that knocks you
into the Injured or Wounded
threshold, you may make a
counter attack, if the attack
lands, deal lethal damage
equal to half of the damage
you just took



▪ Transformation.
▪ Stress Test:
▪ Tier of Power: Imperfect
+4 +4 +2 - - +5 +4 -
Inspiring Evil. Every evil aligned ally within eyesight of you gains +2 to all
rolls for as long as you are conscious.
Kiri Kasap. You can use Kiri drain as a standard action once per turn.
Additionally, you can spend the ki you drained and add it to your stress test



The most durable of the mortal races in both Universe 6 and 7, the Metalmen are known
for their incredible duribility and strength. While large and powerful, their mental
fortitude leaves a lot to be desired. Even the smallest insult can leave a Metalman
devastated. While they don't speak the common language, they seem to understand it
just fine, and anyone who has spent a short amount of time with them can learn to
understand them easily. Their normal vocalization are variations on the phrase "Choo

Your Metalmen character gains the following traits. There are no subspecies for the
Metalmen race.


Attribute Bonus
Heavy Metal: Increase the NT to grapple you by your
Stamina score, you cannot be knocked prone by anyone
AG -1
with a Strength score lower than your Stamina score.
ST +4 Decrease your ground speed by 2 yards, and your flight
TE +4 speed by 6 yards.
SC -
IN - Natural Armor: For every 5 points of Stamina you have,
add an additional +1 to your soak score and reduce your
SP -
dodge score by 2. If a ki attack hits you but does 0
PO - damage, flip a coin, if heads, the attack ricochets back at
PE -1 the attacker using the same strike and wound rolls.

Health Modifier: (+1) Thick Plating, Thin Skin: Increase your Corporeal Saves
by 5, reduce your Morale saves by 3. Additionally, treat
Skill Proficiency:
all slashing damage as normal damage instead of direct
Survival, Athletics
damage. If your character is insulted by someone inside
of combat, roll a morale save with an NT of 5, if failed,
treat impose the same penalties a wounded threshold
would give for the next round. If succeeded, you cannot
be affected by insults for the next 3 rounds.

Stryka (Hit’s race)

Known best for their ability to rapidly adapt, Stryka are often a people who stay on the
edges of society. Their ability to learn and use esoteric techniques is uncanny, and
makes them some of the most versatile fighters in their universe.

Your Stryka character gains the following traits. There are no subspecies for the Stryka


Attribute Bonus
Vital Strike: If attacking a target during a surprise
round, add 1d10 to the wound roll and treat the
AG +3 damage as direct. Additionally, if attacking someone
ST - that is either prone or has the guard down condition,
TE - increase the strike and wound roll by 1d10.

SC - Advanced Adaptation: When using a perk to gain

IN +3 Technique Points, gain 3 extra TP, and gain 1 TP
SP - every time you increase in power level.
PO -
Vanish Master: When using the Rapid Movement
PE - action, reduce the ki cost by 3. Additionally, when
using Rapid Movement before an attack you gain
Health Modifier: (+3) 1d10 to both strike and wound rolls instead of
choosing strike or wound (see Chapter 7 for more
Skill Proficiency: info on Rapid Movement)
Stealth, Consealment

Vision: Exceptional



Natives of the planet Tsufuru before the Saiyans invaded, drove them away,
appropriated their technology, and renamed it Planet Vegeta, the Tsufurians were a race
of incredible technology and progress. Their natural aptitude for weapons helps them
level the playing field when facing naturally strong opponents. Tsufurians can also be
found on Universe 2 and 6, but their histories are more mysterious.

Tsufurians come in two types, natural and Machine Mutant. Natural Tsufurians are
normally weak but have technical expertise and training that allows them to compete in
combat. Machine Mutants are a special type of Bio-Android with the power to possess
another being.

Your Tsufurian character gains the following traits, and in addition they must pick either
Natural or Machine Mutant as a subspecies.

Attribute Bonus
Intelligent Fighter: You may use your
Scholarship Modifier instead of
AG -
your Haste modifier when making a strike roll.
ST -
TE -
SC +4 Strong Mind, Weak Body: Increase your
IN +3 Cognative and Morale saves by 5, but reduce your
SP - Corporeal saves by 2

PO -
PE -

Health Modifier: (+3)

Skill Proficiency:
Craft, Science


Machine Mutant Tsufurian. The result of genetic experiments, the Machine Mutant is a
potent fighter designed to get revenge against the Saiyan race.

Parasitic Possession: When any creature is in either knocked prone, in a Bloodied

condition or worse, you can use a standard action to liquify and attempt to control their
body from the inside. When a target is being possessed, they must make a Corporeal
save, if they succeed, their body will reject you and the attack will have done nothing. If
they fail, you enter their body, and they must make a Cognitive save, if they succeed,
they may take another Corporeal save to expel you from their body, if they failed you
have total control over their body, and may use any of their racial abilities, techniques,
and identity.

When possessing someone, use the fusion rules found in Chapter 10 to determine your
new stats. For your soak total, use the host’s instead, when taking damage, both you and
the host take the damage. If the host dies or fall unconscious, you cannot take any
actions while still inside them.


Natural Tsufurian. The true natives of Planet Vegeta, the Tsufurian’s tend to favor
technology over brute strength. Tsufurians tend to take offense to the name “Tuffle”, a
mistranslation of their race’s name by the Saiyans.

Latent Hatred: When attacking a Saiyan or Half-Saiyan add 1d10 to your wound roll. If
the target is also in their Great Ape form, add 3d10s instead.

Technical Expert: When rolling to pilot a Battle Jacket, reroll any 1s or 2s, when
attacking with a ballistic weapon, reroll any 1s or 2s. Additionally, at character creation
add extra d10 to your starting wealth.



Born on planet Kanassa, the Kanassans are born with an innate psychic ability that
assists them in battle. While they can see the future, that doesn’t guarantee that they
can change it. In the year, 737 age, most of their species was wiped out by a team of
low class Saiyans. The survivors keep a low profile and are often nomadic. They’re also
able to pass this gift of precognition in the form of a curse when they have been
wronged. The target will gain troubling visions of the future that they will be unable to
change. Your Kanassan character gains the following traits. There are no subspecies for
the Kanassan race.

Attribute Bonus
Daily Visions: At the start of the day, roll 1d10 per tier of
power you’re in. Record those numbers, you may use that roll
AG - in place of any roll, including enemy and ally rolls. After an
ST - extended rest, you may use this ability again, and reroll and
TE - record your dice.

SC - Perceptive Fighter: You may use your Insight modifier

IN +3 instead your Agility modifier when making a dodge roll.
SP +3
Kanassan’s Curse: When striking a target with a blitz. The
PO -
target must take a Cognitive check with a TN of 10 plus 5 for
PE - every tier of power available to the character. If the check is
passed, nothing happens. If the test is failed the target suffers
Health Modifier: (+3) impediment for the remainder of the combat scene. On the
target's turn they can spend a standard action to making
Skill Proficiency: another Cognitive check. Reduce any subsequent Cognitive
Clairvoyant, Perception checks by 5 multiped by the number of rounds since effected
with Kanassan Curse trait. This effect can only apply to one
Hearing: Exceptional target at a time.



Sometimes called Yardies, Yardrats are the native to the planet of the same name. The
natives of Planet Yardrat are an agile race with the uncanny ability to teleport. Instant
Transmission or Instantaneous Movement, also known as Shunkan Idō in Yardrat's
native tongue, is the primary technique used in combat by a Yardrat. Some say a young
Yardrat learns how teleport before walking. This technique can be taught, but never with
the same level of efficiency and ease as a Yardrat.

As a people, Yardrats are very selfless and ready to help someone in need. Refugees that
come to Planet Yardrat are treated with excellent hospitality, however, they are still a
race of powerful fighters, and are more than capable of fending off anyone who mistakes
their kindness for weakness.


Attribute Bonus
Jittery: When making an Impulsive Save, add an
additional +5 to your roll.
AG +4
ST - Short Range Instant Transmission: When using a
TE - move action, you can instantly teleport to your
SC - destination, avoiding obstacles and preventing counter
IN - actions. This can also be used as a reaction to instantly
free yourself from a grapple.
SP +1
PO - Long Range Instant Transmission: A Yardrat can use
PE - this technique to instantly teleport to any ki signature
that they can sense. This takes around 30 seconds to
Health Modifier: (+4) focus, and therefore is impractical to use in an active
combat situation. without allies covering your escape. You
Skill Proficiency:
can bring up to two other willing people that are directly
Survival, Athletics
touching you. Any items you are carrying or holding will
Hearing: Exceptional
come with you as well.

Instantaneous Save: When an ally is successfully hit by

a melee attack by an opponent, you may teleport in front
the attack and take the hit in their place



Coming in all shapes and size, this is a race for any player to come up with whatever
species they want. Keep in mind this one is still incomplete.

Size: Choose from one of three sizes, Small, Medium, and Large. This size will alter your
stats slightly.


Attribute Bonus Attribute Bonus Attribute Bonus
(Small) (Medium) (Large)

AG +2 AG - AG -2
ST -1 ST - ST +1
TE -1 TE - TE +1
SC - SC - SC -
IN +1 IN - IN -1
SP - SP - SP -
PO - PO - PO -
PE - PE - PE -

Attribute Score: Attribute Score: Attribute Score:

Increase one attribute by Increase one attribute by Increase one attribute by
3, another by 2, and a 3, another by 2, and a 3, another by 2, and a
third by 1. third by 1. third by 1.

Health Modifier: (+3) Health Modifier: (+4) Health Modifier: (+4)

Skill Proficiency: Select Skill Proficiency: Select Skill Proficiency: Select

4 skills to be proficient in 4 skills to be proficient in 4 skills to be proficient in

Hearing/Vision: Choose Hearing/Vision: Choose Hearing/Vision: Choose

one to be exceptional one to be exceptional one to be exceptional


Strange Techniques: Take 24 Technique Points at character creation.

Hidden Talents: Take one additional talent at character creation.

Enhanced Senses: Select one of the following options:

• Exceptional sensory - vision, or hearing, or smell
• Exceptional save - impulsive, or corporeal, or cognitive, or morale
• Exceptional attribute - ST, AG, TE, SH, IN, PE, PO, PE

Psychic Powers: Gain the abilities “telepathy” and “telekinesis” for free.

Impressive Speed: Increase your movement speed by 1 square multiplied by

your Agility modifier.

Powerful Ki: Increase the wound total of ki attacks by half your power level.

Hidden Talents: Take one additional talent at character creation.

Affluence: Increase your starting wealth by 4d10

Power Boosting: Gain access to the Power Boosting transformation at character




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