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Gamers Handbook of the

Days of Halloween


Marvel Universe
thejackolanterns Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe
Compiled by Jason Lark
The '48 Virus 3 Dark Seekers 57
Abraham Lincoln 4 Darkness 59
Abraham Van Helsing 6 David Kessler 62
Andre Toulon 8 Donovan's Brain 65
Angelique Bouchard-Collins 13 Dr. Adam Spektor 67
Anthony Fremont 16 Dr. Herbert West 69
Azazel 18 Dr. Henry Jekyll and Mr. Henry Hyde 71
Barnabas Collins 19 Dr. Moreau 73
Baron Victor Von Frankenstein 21 Dr. Phibes 75
Beast Squid 22 Emeric Belasco 77
Big Daddy 24 Eva Galley 80
Blind Dead 26 Fleshless Ones 82
Blob 28 Frank Black 84
Bride of Frankenstein 30 Frankenstein's Monster 86
Buttonhead 32 Freddy Krueger 88
Car 33 Gabriel 91
Carrie 34 Gabriel Van Helsing 93
Chucky 36 Ginger Fitzgerald 95
Colonel Ives 38 The Governor 97
Count Andreas Petofi 40 Graboid 99
Count Orlok 43 Headless Horseman 101
Creature, Gill-man 45 The Heap 103
Creeper 47 Henry Frankenstein 105
Cthulu 49 The Horla 107
Damien Thorn 51 Imhotep 109
Daniel Torrance 53 Invisible Man 111
Darkman 54 Irena Gallier 113

The '48 Virus 3

A virulent bio-weapon developed by the Nazis and used in the last days of WWII, the 48
virus killed a majority of the worlds population within weeks of the release, leaving
those survivors who were broken down into two categories: Those suffering from The
slow death, in which the virus would ultimately be fatal, and the survivors who
possessed A/B Blood who were immune.

The virus forces those exposed to make an Endurance FEAT vs. Rm (30) intensity or
begin the dying process. Death is a painful experience, lasting 1-10 rounds and is called
The Blood Death for a reason, as the organs rupture and the victim suffers complete
exsanguinations. Should the victim survive the initial exposure, and are not blood type
A/B, they must make an additional Endurance FEAT vs. Rm (30) intensity. The second
FEAT is used to determine the length of time before the victim succumbs to the virus:

- White: Less than an hour
- Green: One to Six Weeks
- Yellow: One to Six Months
- Red: Six Months to Two years.

Victims suffering from the slow death have blackened extremities and move with
increased slowness and effort, giving them a zombie-like gait (-2cs to begin with for
FASE, degrading further as the victims succumb).
Victims who make a Red FEAT may make an additional FEAT vs. Rm (30) intensity to
retain their physical capabilities. In addition, the victims lifespan is extended up to two
years (The leader of the Black Shirts, Hubble, has lived for several years). The additional
strain of the virus also forces the victim to make a Psyche FEAT vs. Rm (30) or slowly
begin to go mad (As Hubble was).

Abraham Lincoln 4

F: Rm (30)
A: Gd (10)
S: Ex (20)
E: Rm (30)
R: Gd (10)
I: Ex (20)
P: Rm (30)
Health: 80
Karma: 60
Resources: Various throughout life, from Pr (4) to Ex (20), although as President, he had
access to upwards of Mn (75)
Popularity: 100 (Abraham Lincoln is thought to be one of the greatest presidents of all
time) /-50 (To Vampires)

Talents: Outdoorsman, Oratory, Law*, Military*, Weapon Specialist: Axe*, Wrestling
Politics*, Leadership*, Firearms, Occult Lore: Specialist in Vampires, Administration

Iron Will: If anyone truly possessed an Iron Will, it would be Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln
is considered to have Rm (30) Iron Will, and as such, can also ignore Stun effects of Rm
(30) or less, simply through sheer force of will. In addition, Lincoln simply ignores
damage less than 1/2 of his health, allowing him to absorb up to 30 additional points of
damage if his health is at 1/2 or better.
Combat Sense: Lincoln is an experienced enemy of vampires, and as such, understands
their abilities and their powers better than most men alive. Lincoln can anticipate attacks
with Ex (20) ability, granting him an additional +2 to initiative and allowing him an

intuition FEAT in dangerous situations. 5
Resist: Mind Control: Lincoln's willpower is considered to be Am (50) when attempting
to control him, as well as attempting to ensnare him with hypnotic means. Lincoln's will
is considerable to resist persuasion, and once his mind is set, he is unstoppable.
Axe: Lincoln's use of an axe was legendary, and while vampire hunting, Lincoln
continued to use a specific axe he had since young adult hood. In his hands, Lincoln could
do additional damage (+1cs), as well as allowing him two additional attacks a round.

Contacts: Lincoln's contacts are numerous, and he could potentially draw on any
resource within the US government while President. Lincoln encountered many figures,
but several stood out:
Edgar Allan Poe: A friend from New Orleans, Lincoln and Poe had a secret friendship
while studying vampires.
Henry Sturges: Lincoln's vampire associate and friend, who helps shape him into a
vampire killing weapon

Secret: Lincoln maintains his secret of being a vampire hunter, even after being
Vow: After the death of his mother, Lincoln swore to destroy vampires where ever they
Honest: Lincoln is known for his honesty, and once he has given his word, he keeps it.

Abraham Van Helsing 6

F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Gd (10)
E: Rm (30)
R: Ex (20)
I: Ex (20)
P: In (40)
Health: 56
Karma: 70
Popularity: 15 (as Medical Doctor and expert in supernatural)
Resources: Gd (10)

Talents: Doctor*, Knowledge: Hemotology, Knowledge: Occult Lore: (general),
Knowledge: (Vampirism), Mesmerism, Resist: Domination*, Sharp Weapons,
Knowledge: Victorian Occultism, Knowledge: Old World customs, Multi-lingual,
Horseback riding, Knowledge: Ancient Languages, Knowledge: Ancient History,
Knowledge: Alchemy, Psychology, Guns, Knowledge: Religion, Faith*, Knowledge:

Equipment: Van Helsing maintains a library of older text in his home and base of
operations, but also includes the following:
Ghurka Knife: Gd (10) material, can do 10 pts slashing damage

Medicine Bag: Outside the usual trappings of a medical doctor, the bag contains 7
several wooden stakes, crucifixes, vials of holy water, pieces of the host and sacrament,
garlic and assorted herbs, mirrors, journals, and silver bullets.

Contacts: Survivors of the Dracula incident, Various medical contacts throughout
Europe, Various scholars throughout Europe

Andre Toulon 8

F: Typ (06)
A: Typ (06)
S: Pr (04)
E: Typ (06)
R: Gd (10)
I: Ex (20)
P: Rm (30)
Health: 20
Karma: 60
Resources: Gd (10)
Popularity: 0/5 (In WWII Intelligence circles)

Talents: Occult Lore*, Resist: Domination*, Knowledge: Ancient Rituals, Knowledge:
Ancient Languages, Artist: Sculptor, Artist: Puppet maker, Performer: Puppeteer, Sleight
of Hand, Stage Magician

Magician: Andre Toulon is a talented man with some knowledge of the occult, passed on
to him by another magician he rescued in Egypt from agents of Sutek. As such, Andre
Toulon has figured out how to perform the following spells:
Animate Object: Andre Toulon can permanently animate inanimate objects,
specifically puppets and similar creations, either granting them their own animus
or transferring spirits (See Below). Toulon must make a Psyche FEAT in order to
do so, and can achieve permanent effects with a Yellow result. In addition,
Toulon's puppets are very unique (So much so that the Axis attempted numerous
times to capture Toulon and his puppets. Toulon is considered to be the master of
this spell (Hence his popularity).
Soul Transfer and storage: Andre Toulon can transfer the spirit of individuals
into the puppets he creates, and has done so in the past with little preparation or

ritual. Toulon can do this with Rm (30) ability, which gains a +1cs if he 9
is on good terms or friendly with the target. Toulon loses karma if he does this,
and has only done so a few times in the past.
Wards: Toulon has learned to ward areas and his puppets against the powers of
Sutek and those who would seek to destroy them. As such, Toulon can ward
himself with a Rm (30) Resistance to Magic ward, and can extend this to his
Free Spirit*: Although not expressly stated, Toulon's spirit has remained after
death, and as he became more heroic in later movies, advised his successors.
Additional Abilities: Toulon may have had additional abilities, but they were not
defined in the prequel films or the reboot.

Contacts: Toulon's contacts are limited usually to his own puppets, who are incredibly

Obsession: Early on, Toulon was obsessed with resurrecting his deceased wife, stopping
at nothing to do so.
Obsession: Protecting the secret: Toulon was also obsessed in protecting the secret of his
Enemy: Axis Powers: Toulon is a sworn enemy of the Axis.
Enemy: Sutek: Toulon has inherited the ire of the god Sutek.
Single-Minded: Toulon places the protection of his puppets above everything else.

Toulon's Friends:
Toulon has created over a dozen unique puppets, each with their own abilities and skills,
all of which are fanatically loyal to him and his designated allies. Most of the puppets
share the following abilities:
Body Armor: Pr (04) body armor against physical attacks
Immunity to Toxins, Disease, aging, or any other biological attacks
+2cs to dodging and evasion due to size (The tallest puppet is 17'' tall)
All puppets do not require food, water, or air to exist, although in the second
movie, it was alluded that they required regular doses of Toulon's life-giving
serum, which was later retconned.
Every Puppet can repair itself or others, requiring a complete destruction of the
puppet to destroy it.
Of all of his puppets, only three have been featured in every Puppet Master film:

Blade 10

F: Ex (20)
A: Gd (10)
S: Fe (2)
E: Gd (10)
R: Typ (06)
I: Gd (10)
P: Gd (10)
Health: 46
Karma: 26
Popularity: 0
Resources: 0

Talents: Sharp Weapons, Leadership*

Puppet Form: See Explanation Above
Blade and Hook: Blade has a right hand which is a sharpened blade and hook for the
left, which can do Ex (20) slashing/piercing damage, which halves normal body armor
effectiveness. Blade can perform two attacks per round.
Stealth: Blade has Pr (04) stealth. often attacking from surprise.

Jester 11

F: Gd (10)
A: Ex (20)
S: Fe (02)
E: Gd (10)
R: Typ (06)
I: Ex (20)
P: Gd (10)
Health: 42
Karma: 36
Popularity: 0
Resources: 0

Talents: Acrobatics, Tumbling, Leadership*

Puppet Form: See Explanation Above
Obvious Target: Jester can make himself the obvious target for the others, drawing
attention to his actions. Jester gains a +2cs to dodging and evasion, as well as grants his
allies +2cs for surprise attacks. Jester is the most colorful of the puppets, adding to his
ability to distract individuals.

Pinhead 12

F: Gd (10)
A: Typ (06)
S: Ex (20)
E: Ex (20)
R: Pr (04)
I: Typ (06)
P: Typ (06)
Health: 56
Karma: 16
Resources: 0
Popularity: 0

Talents: Brawling

Puppet Form: See Above
Body Armor upgrade: Pinhead is the most physically powerful of the puppets (although,
other puppets have been made later who were slightly physically more resistant). As such,
Pinhead in considered to have Typ (06) Body Armor.

Angelique Bouchard 13

F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Typ (06)
E: Rm (30)
R: Gd (10)
I: In (40)
P: Am (50)
Health: 56
Karma: 100
Resources: Varies, usually around Ex (20)
Popularity: 0/5/-5 (General/Some occult circles/Most occult circles)

Talents: Occult Lore, Knowledge: Demonology, Knowledge: Runes, Knowledge:
Spiritualism, Knowledge: History, Knowledge: Occult Locations, Knowledge: Curses
Knowledge: Ancient Lore, Knowledge: Ancient Artifacts, Multi-Lingual, Knowledge:
Collins Family, Resist: Domination*, Business/Finance (More a nod to the 2012 movie)
Knowledge: Human Nature, Acting

Witch: Angelique is no ordinary witch, in many ways she is The witch. Angelique's
powers and skills are formidable, even being a match for Count Petrofi and the

Leviathans, as well as being able to hurl powerful curses and grant herself 14
immortality. Angelique is well-versed as a witch, and has displayed the following
Elemental Control: Am (50) control over the four basic elements.
Weather Control: Rm (30) ability to affect weather, ranging from creating
storms to localized events.
Necromancy: Angelique is a mistress of voodoo and death magic, and as such,
has displayed Am (50) ability to capture spirits and bind them, raise the dead,
raise zombies and control them, exorcise other spirits, bind and store spirits with
Am (50) ability, and communicate with the dead with Am (50) ability. In addition,
a deceased spirit does not simply make a resistance to Angelique's power: They
must make an opposed Psyche FEAT.
Sympathetic Magic: Angelique has mastered the ability to craft dolls and figures
of individuals, and force her will onto those individuals, making them do as she
pleases. Angelique must have something of the target, and then must make an
opposed Psyche FEAT. If the target fails, Angelique has control of them, so long
as the doll/figure fetish exists. If it is destroyed or Angelique loses it, the figure
loses power over the target. In addition, if commanded to take an action which is
something the target might lose karma for, the target gets an additional Psyche
FEAT at +2cs to break the hold.
Conjuration: Angelique can summon and control other beings to her service,
such as elementals or infernal spirits with Rm (30) ability. Angelique must make a
ritual, but can supplement her ability by +2cs if she knows the spirit and/or being
she's attempting to summon.
Curse: Angelique is mistress of curses, and is the being responsible for cursing
Barnabas Collins as well as freeing Quentin Collins from his lycanthrope at times.
As such, Anqelique must make a ritual which can take anywhere from 1 - 100
turns depending on the severity of the curse. Angelique then rolls against Am (50)
intensity to determine the power of the effect, with a natural red result meaning
permanency. NOTE: Angelique gains a bonus against members of the Collins
family, requiring a yellow FEAT to permanently affect a Collins family member.
Angelique can remove a curse with little effort, except for those in which she
achieves a natural red result.
Spells and Rituals: Angelique has amassed a great deal of knowledge, and can
has quite a library of occult lore in which to draw from. As such, Angelique has
shown that she is very capable of improvisation and/or learning new spells and
magical rituals.
Free Spirit*: Angelique has been murdered three times, and has shown her ability
to survive her death. If reduced to 0 health through conventional means,
Angelique immediately becomes a free spirit, capable of existing as a spirit for
Immortal Youth: Angelique has long ago granted herself an eternally youthful
appearance, which she maintains through mystical methods.

Contacts: Angelique has numerous contacts through occult circles, ranging 15
from spirits to demons to other practitioners. In addition, ironically enough Angelique has
contacts within the Collins family, especially Barnabas and Quentin, especially Barnabas.

Bound to Dark Powers; Angelique has made many, many deals with dark powers, and
has many promises and pacts still outstanding. As such, Angelique was more than once
blindsided by her own actions.
Obsession: Collins Family: Angelique is absolutely obsessed with the Collins family,
often acting out of anger and spite and always in directly involved with their activities.
Angelique suffers a -1cs for any reactions when initially dealing with the Collins family
Easily Spurned: Anqelique can be fickle and can easily be spurned. As such, Angelique
can easily be made into an enemy.
Devotion: Barnabas Collins: Despite being his adversary and responsible for making
him a vampire, Angelique is absolutely devoted to Barnabas, and will destroy anything
that she perceives standing in her way.
Enemies: Angelique has made many enemies, some of which were encountered during
the original Dark Shadows run.

Anthony Fremont 16

F: Fe (2)
A: Pr (4)
S: Fe (2)
E: Typ (6)
R: Typ (6)
I: Rm (30)
P: Rm (30)
Health: 12
Karma: 66
Popularity: (In Peaksville, OH) 100/-100 (But you'd better not let Anthony hear you)
Resources: (See Powers)

Talents: Student*

Reality Alteration*: Anthony Fremont has the ability to alter reality with a whim,
possessing Cl1000 ability to do so. Anthony can permanently affect reality in a variety of
ways and means, including:
Weather control, instantly changing seasons and/or environmental situations
item creation, including his favorite foods and/or his favorite items
changing individuals into new shapes such as removing aspects, massive
transformations such as into beasts and/or jack-in-the-boxes.
sending a person away, 'Into the Cornfield', which is effectively destroying them.
Recreating individuals, objects, and/or environments at will
Telepathy: Anthony is a telepath, capable of reading surface thoughts without any issue
with Rm (30) ability. Anthony cannot at this age probe deeper than surface thoughts (It
simply doesn't occur to him to do so).

Environmental Awareness*: Not necessarily the power as it is normally described,

Anthony is fully aware of the area he is in, allowing him to perceive subtle 17
changes and interactions across a town-wide area. Anthony is rarely surprised by events,
as her is usually fully aware of the world and microcosim around him.
Peaksville, Ohio: Anthony has separated his hometown from the rest of existence
through his power, and can shape and change it as he see fits. within Peaksville, Anthony
is fully aware of all transactions, and limits if not eliminates access to the 'outside' world.
It is assumed that while in Peaksville, people age but do not die of natural causes (Usually
eliminated by Anthony by being send to the cornfield.

Contacts: Anthony has no real contacts, as everyone is secretly afraid of him. Anthony
can usually call upon anyone within Peaksville to do as he sees fit.

Emotional Maturity: Anthony has the emotional range of a pre-teen, and cannot
understand the scope of his actions. As such, Anthony reacts as a child would: badly to
criticism and/or anger, seeking approval for his actions, and generally behaving as a bit of
a brat. Some of the adults have found that they can manipulate Anthony to a limited
degree by playing on these facts, but only so far.
Mortal Limitations: Despite the immense power that Anthony has, it is assumed that
Anthony still is effectively a child, and suffers from the same limitations a child has.

Azazel 18

F: Various
A: Various
S: Various
E: Various
R: Gd (10)
I: Rm (30)
P: Am (50)
Health: Various
Karma (Normally): 90
Popularity: - 2
Resources: Various

Talents: Mystic Origins*, Multi-Lingual, Theology
Theoretically, Azazel has countless talents as being an near-immortal being.
Demon: Azazel is a fallen angel, who exists as a pure psychic creature capable of
possessing individuals through either touch or through the death of its current host.
Azazel is capable of the following abilities:
Immortal*: So long as Azazel has a host, it is effectively immortal and is capable of
moving through various hosts.
Possession*: Azazel can possess a host with Am (50) ability, through either touch or
through the death of its current host. Azazel can jump through multiple hosts in one
round if they are touching, or can possess animals as necessary. Azazel is in complete
control of its host, and has tale-tell signs of possessing someone: Azazel is always left-
handed, has full memories of itself, likes cornflakes, and sings 'Time is on my side' by the
Rolling Stones. Should a host be terminated while Azazel is possessing them, Azazel will
simply move to the next living creature.
Psychic strength: In true psychic form, Azazel has greater intuition and psyche, upwards
of +1cs for each.

Contacts: While possessing a host, Azazel can use the same contacts the host would

Holy Ground: For obvious reasons, Azazel cannot cross holy ground inside of a host.
Must possess to live: Azazel can only exist while inside a living host, and cannot survive
long without a host. Azazel must have a host, and if no living creature is nearby within
four rounds, it will begin to perish. Azazel can only exist for up to 1/6th of a mile without
a living host. If one cannot be found within a full minute, Azazel perishes.

Note: No picture provided....just imagine Aunt May singing 'Time is on my side'

Barnabas Collins 19

F: Ex (20)
A: Rm (30)
S: Rm (30)
E: In (40)
R: Gd (10)
I: Rm (30)
P: In (40)
Health: 120
Karma: 80
Popularity: -5 (As the mysterious killer)/ 10 in Collinsport
Resources: Rm (30)

Talents: Mystic Origin*, Martial Arts A, Occult Lore: Demonology, Resist: Domination
Occult Lore: I-Ching, Multi-Lingual, Mystic Potential*

Vampire: Barnabas Collins is a vampire of the traditional Hollywood sort, displaying
many of them both in the show in the comics. As a vampire, Barnabas has the following
Bio-Vampirism: Barnabas requires blood to survive, and can pass his curse onto
Hyper-Speed: Barnabas can move with Good (10) speed (As seen in the Gold
Key comic)
Hypnotism: Ex (20) ability to hypnotize individuals who make eye contact with
Natural Weaponry: Fangs: Ex (20) damage when biting
Animal transformation: Bat: While not often seen in the show, Barnabas often
changed into a bat in the Gold Key Comic.

Invisibility: Ex (20): Barnabas can disappear and reappear at will. 20

Sorcery: Barnabas is a talented sorcerer, capable of using a variety of spells but shown to
be able to perform several key spells:
Exorcism: Ex (20)
Mystic Detection: Ex (20)
Time Travel: Through using the I-Ching, Barnabas can send his spirit back in
time to occupy his own body in the past. Barnabas can only travel to periods he
exists in.

Contacts: The Collins Family, Dr. Julia Hoffman, Willy Loomis

Barnabas has the following limitations:
Vampire: Barnabas has the traditional limitations of a Hollywood vampire, such as
crosses, garlic, and requiring an invitation to enter among others
Dark Secret: Barnabas is posing as his own descendant, and as such, his vampiric nature
is not widely known outside of a small circle of contacts
Enemies: Barnabas has many enemies, from the Leviathan cult to his most famous
adversary, Angelique. As such, all of enemies of Barnabas know to use his allies against

Baron Frankenstein 21

F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Typ (6)
E: Rm (30)/Ex (20)
R: In (40)
I: Rm (30)
P: Rm (30)
Health: 56/ 46
Karma: 100
Popularity: - 30 in his time period
Resources: Varies from Ex (20) to Pr (4)

Talents: Medicine*, Physics, Alchemy (Chemistry), Electrical Engineering, Surgeon
Multi-Lingual, Firearms, Marksman*, Chemistry*, Knowledge: Philosophy,
Knowledge: Education, Knowledge: Biochemistry, Metaphysics (Occult Lore)*
Resist: Domination, Crime*

Indomitable Will: Ex (20)
Scientific Advancements: Frankestein has made several key advancements, including:
Soul Transferal : Frankestein has developed a means using electricity and
metaphysics of transferring souls into new bodies with Ex (20) ability.
Cryogenic suspension: Frankenstein has developed the means of placing
individuals in suspended animation with Rm (30) ability. The process is not
complete, as those who have used it (Namely the good Baron) have suffered a
permanent Endurance loss.

Contacts: Hans: Long-term assistant

Limitations: Dark History: Most of Europe is fully aware of Frankestein's activities.
Wanted: Frankenstein is a wanted fugitive in most countries in Europe.

The Beast Squid 22

F: Rm (30)
A: Rm (30)
S: Am (50)
E: Mn (75)
R: Pr (04)
I: Rm (30)
P: Pr (04)
Health: 185
Karma: 38
Resources: Fe (2)
Popularity: -20 (In Bermuda, when discovered)

Talents: None

The Squid's Physiology: The Squid is a fearsome oceanic predator, which has very few
equals. Size, ferocity, and adaptation has made the Squid more than capable of dealing
with threats both ocean-born and land-based, and it remains something that is deftly
adapted for its world.
Aquatic Adaptation: While the body is massive, it is unique adapted for its
environment. The Squid can move with In (40) Hyper Swimming, while it is also capable

of +1cs while in water for combat actions. The Squid has water freedom 23
and water breathing, although it does not have an air bladder...it's unique body emits
ammonia chloride to keep it buoyant.
Multiple-Attacks: The Squid against up to Six attacks per round, with two attacks being
the massive whip-like arms which can grapple with +2cs. Each arm is studded with
curved hooks which do Rm (30) edged damage as well as the crushing damage. In
addition, if the Squid makes a successful Grapple check, it begins doing Strength Damage
against an opponent as well as slashing damage from the claws.
Tracking: The Squid can track prey through the water by feeling vibrations made and
through scent. The Squid can track with Am (50) intensity while in water.
Luminescence: The Squid can shift it's skin colors based on mood, from a red to a
neutral gray and can camouflage itself with Rm (30) ability
Size: The Squid is at least 40 M long. As such, normal weapons have problems damaging
it (As seen in the books), as the Squid shrugs off most gunshots and anything short of a
high caliber. The Squid can hit targets up to 3 areas from itself.
Beak: The Squid has a razor sharp beak capable of shredding steel, bone, and plexiglass
with Am (50) ability.

Contacts: None

The Squid's Physiology:
The Squid's own physiology works against it too:
Size: The Squid is +2cs to hit, easily
Water Dependence: The Squid requires an oceanic environment to survive. It cannot
operate in fresh water, nor can it exist outside of water for long before suffocating.
Must Feed: The Squid must feed at least 1 per day to maintain itself, otherwise it begins
to enter a state close to hibernation, or arrival of prey
Animal instinct: As seen in the book, the Squid is tricked by forcing it to react to its
instinctual nature.

Big Daddy 24

F: Typ (6)
A: Pr (4)
S: Typ (6)
E: Ex (20)
R: Pr (4)
I: Typ (6)
P: Typ (6)
Health: 36
Karma: 16
Popularity: -5 (Not personally, as a zombie)
Resources: Fe (2)

Talents: Theoretically none, but Big Daddy displayed elements of: Auto-mechanics
(From previous life, in so far as to understand how to light a fire, use tools, and
understand what gas is), Leadership*: (Theoretically)

Undead Zombie State: Big Daddy is a zombie, and as such, does not need to technically
eat, sleep, breath, or any biological function. Big Daddy cannot be stunned, although he
can suffer slams, and cannot be killed through Kill results, but only by reducing his health
and Endurance to 0.
As a product of the infection, Big Daddy's decomposition rate is far slower than that of a
normal corpse. As stated in the movie, it has been three years since the infection, and
several of the zombies still look relatively 'fresh' despite being deceased for some time.
Big Daddy is not a typical zombie, as most zombies do not have his ability to reason,
awareness, or willpower.

Romero Zombies possess the following characteristics: 25
Immunity: Romero Zombies are immune from normal pain or conditions that would
warrant a stun. As a product of their being undead, they cannot speak, but can utter
grunts, growls, and moans despite their inability to breathe.
Limited Mobility: Romero Zombies can move only one area per round, and cannot
'sprint' nor can they dodge area affect attacks. Romero Zombies do not run.
Drive: Romero Zombies, like Big Daddy, are driven by the need to eat, and will eat
anything living, from animals to preference of people. The bite of a Romero Zombie is
considered toxic, and no living creature has survived more than 12 hours after being
Zombification: Romero Zombies spread due to bite. If a victim is bitten, they will have 1
- 12 hours based on Endurance before they 'turn'. A person could avoid being turned only
if the bite was on a limb, and the limb was immediately severed. A Endurance FEAT
would be necessary to ensure the infection did not spread after the amputation, as
sometimes amputation is not quick enough.
Communication: As seen with the movie, Big Daddy and other zombies have begun a
limited form of communication through guttural sounds, and can coordinate to a limited
level. The communication chain is significant, and spreads zombie to zombie, thus
'chaining' large groups of zombies together.

Contacts: None, although technically you could say the zombie horde.

Zombie: Big Daddy is obviously a zombie, and as such, is unable to hide (or understand
to hide) his condition
Rage: Big Daddy understands rage, especially at seeing what was done to other zombies.

The Blind Dead 26

F: Gd(10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Typ (06)
E: Rm (30)
R: Typ (06)
I: Rm (30)
P: Gd (10)
Health: 56
Karma: 46
Popularity: - 5
Resources: Fe (2)

Talents: Mystic Origin*, Knowledge: Knight Templar Order, Sharp Weapons,
Horsemanship, Knowledge: Medieval History, Knowledge: Hunting, Knowledge:
Medieval Weapons

Undead State: The Blind Dead are undead, more similar to revenants than zombies.
They do not require rest, do not require nourishment from traditional sources, and have
other abilities, which include:
Immunity: The Blind Dead are immune from toxins, disease, poisons, and other effects
that would impair or kill a normal human, as they are already dead. The Blind Dead
cannot be stunned in conventional means, and do not suffer from stun effects. In addition,
the Blind Dead do not
Hyper-Hearing: The Blind Dead navigate through the use of sound, and can hear a
human heartbeat amid other noises in an area. The Blind Dead must make an Intuition
check to spot specific living beings in crowded locations, and are considered to have Gd
(10) hyper hearing.
Horrid visage: The Blind Dead's appearance can cause a Psyche FEAT against Ex (20)

intensity, or cause panic in victims. Victim's suffering the effects of their 27
visage will flee the area or scream for 1d10 turns, which is useful by the dead for hunting.
In addition, for every group of Blind Dead above five, the effect goes up to the maximum
of In (40) effect, representing the entire host (Of about thirty or so).
Weapons: The Blind Dead use longs words which halve effective body armor and do
traditional damage.

Contacts: Theoretically, the Blind Dead only have connections to one another.

Blind: The Blind Dead were blinded in their last minutes in life, which forces them to use
other 'senses' to navigate and hunt. Through using sound, the Blind Dead track and kill
Fire: Fire based attacks do +1cs additional damage to the Blind Dead.
Sunlight: The rays of the sun cause the Blind Dead to return to their rest, making them
crumble into nothingness.

The Blob 28

F: Pr (4)
A: Pr (4)
S: Sh X (150) (representing the Blob under full strength and mass)
E: Sh X (150) (representing the Blob under full size and mass)
R: Fe (2)
I: Fe (2)
P: Fe (2)
Health: 308
Karma: 6
Popularity: - 10
Resources: N/A

Talents: None

Amorphous Physiology: The Blob's biomass is one central organism that grows and
gains strength through the absorption of organic material. The Blob initially begins as a
small mass, then latches onto a larger organism devouring it and increasing its own mass.
Ultimately, The Blob will continue to absorb and convert organic material until there is
none left. Essentially, The Blob exists only to feed and grow. The larger The Blob is, the
faster it consumes material. As such, The Blob has the following abilities:
Consume organic material: The Blob is permeable, and as such is capable of enveloping
large prey with ease. The Blob's ability to consume organic prey is akin to acidic
consumption, utilizing a organic acid whose strength is based on size. The larger The
Blob is, the stronger the acid. The Blob can dissolve organic material up to it's strength
score per round, doing damage accordingly.

Binding: The Blob attaches to a victim, requiring an appropriate Strength 29
FEAT to detach it, depending on size and scale. The Blob can then pull victims into the
center mass with a simple FEAT, allowing it to absorb and digest.
Growth: For every 100 pounds of organic material The Blob absorbs, it can grow by 1
point. Initially, the Blob starts very small, then absorbs organic material accordingly.
Theoretically the Blob's actual limit of growth is uncharted. The Blob's strength and
endurance is directly tied to the amount of mass it takes on.
Movement: The Blob moves similarly to a snail, using a 'foot' to maneuver and
occasionally lash out. The Blob's movement rate is tied directly to its size, and while
deceptively slow, The Blob is capable of quick moves
Invulnerability*: The Blob is invulnerable to all forms of physical attacks, disease, toxins,
and some energies. As such, attempts to attack the blob are often met with disastrous
results, causing The Blob to separate. The Blob cannot be stunned or slammed, causing it
instead to break into pieces when red FEATs are made against it.

Contacts: None

Despite the abilities of The Blob, it has several key weaknesses:
Inability to digest inorganic material: The Blob cannot consume inorganic material,
such as metals, glass, or plastics. As such, defenses can be constructed to prevent The
Blob from moving forward, allowing it to be contained.
Fire: Fire will affect the Blob, causing it 'pain' as it were, and doing superficial damage to
it. Fire does a -2cs damage to the Blob.
Cold: Cold is the real weakness to the Blob, causing it +2cs damage and freezing it. The
Blob can be contained indefinitely with cold and ice.

The Bride of Frankenstein 30

'Eve', 'Eva'

F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Ex (20)
E: Rm (30)
R: Ex (20)
I: Ex (20)
P: Gd (10)
Health: 70
Karma: 50
Popularity: 0
Resources: Fe (2)

Talents: None

Surgical Composite: The Bride is a creation of reanimated dead flesh and bone, brought
again to life with electricity and unusual chemical compositions. As such, the Bride's
physiology grants several unique properties:
- Body Resistance: Either due to the unique nature of her creation, the chemicals used to
restore the flesh, or other unseen aspects, the Bride has Ex (20) resistance to physical
attacks, Gd (10) resistance to energy.
- Regeneration: The Bride is capable of regenerating with Gd (10) ability

- Invulnerability: The Bride does not age or suffer from normal diseases or 31
- Total Memory: Like the monster, it is assumed that the Bride would possess a near
perfect memory for things.
- Suspended Animation: The Bride is capable of entering a state of suspended animation
when encountering extreme cold, capable of being perfectly preserved.

Contacts: Doctor Frankenstein: Creator, Doctor Septimus Pretorius: Co-Creator,
The Monster Adam: Designated 'Mate'

Blank Slate: The Bride is a blank slate upon her first awakening, with no knowledge nor
skill. As with Adam, it is clear that she could be made to learn quickly and could
ultimately surpass her creator's intellect and knowledge.
Unusual Looks: While outwardly exotic, the Bride has several scars across her body
representing the surgical aspects used to bring her to life.

Buttonhead 32

Dr. Philip H. Decker

F: Ex (20)
A: Gd (10)
S: Typ (6)
E: Gd (10)
R: Gd (10)
I: Ex (20)
P: Ex (20)
Health: 46
Karma: 50
Popularity: 2 / - 5
Resources: Gd (10)

Talents: Sharp Weapons, Resist: Domination*, Law Enforcement*, Psychology
Sociology, Medicine, Forensics, Detective, Stealth

Powers: Prior to his 'death' at Midian, Buttonhead had no powers.

Contacts: Doctor Decker was a well-respected psychologist, law enforcement asset, and
community leader, with various contacts in those areas and fields. As Buttonhead, Doctor
Decker had none of those, and was actually a wanted serial murderer.

Secret ID: The general public, law enforcement, or anyone dealing with Doctor Decker
had no idea he was a prolific serial killer.
Dark Secret: Doctor Decker is far from the kind physician, and is a sociopath monster

who is insane.
The Car 33

Body: Rm (30) Speed: Rm (30) Control Rm (30)

Self-Repair: The Car could repair itself completely with In (40) ability, unless it was
completely destroyed.
Stealth: The Car had Ex (20) stealth
Ramming: The Car could ram with Ex (20) ability, passing through objects of up to
+2CS material strength without having to make a body check while doing so. The Car
could charge using its body as its endurance for the purposes of damage.
Fear Generation: Most people who see the car must make a Psyche FEAT vs. Gd (10) or
be stunned for 1-10 rounds in fear.

Destruction: The Car could be destroyed if destroyed completely, and could not rebuild
itself if necessary.
Holy Objects: As the Car was apparently the housing for a demon, Holy objects seemed
to repel the creature.

Carrie White 34

F: Pr (4)
A: Typ (6)
S: Pr (4)
E: Ex (20)
R: Typ (4)
I: Typ (4)
P: Ex (20)
Health: 34
Karma: 28
Popularity: 0
Resources: Pr (4)

Talents: Student*

Telekinetic: Carrie is a powerful telekinetic, born with her innate abilities and capable of
raining down destruction at an early age. At the time of her death, Carrie was just
beginning to understand the full potential of her powers, and thus she only has Rm (30)
ability. Carrie could have the potential to go higher, as was seen in the novel when the
incident with the destruction of the nearby buildings revealed. Carrie has been successful
shown to manipulate and break material strengths of at least Rm (30) ability, and prevent

access to emergency exits from ten people at a time while manipulating 35
other items.
- Multiple actions: Carrie was shown to manipulate several objects at once both in the
movie(s) and in the novels with independent actions. Carrie can manipulate three other
actions at once with a successful power FEAT, while still taking normal action such as
walking, speaking, and such.

Contacts: Carrie has no real contacts.

Psychologically unstable: Carrie is the victim of serious abuse throughout her life by her
mother and her peers. As such, Carrie is borderline unstable, and can be incredibly
violent. Carrie ultimately is a victim, and as such, someone showing her true kindness
might be able to help her.

Chucky 36

Charles Lee Ray

F: Gd (10)
A: Typ (06)
S: Pr (04)
E: Rm (30)
R: Gd (10)
I: Ex (20)
P: Rm (30)
Health: 50
Karma: 60
Popularity: - 4/10/-15(As Charles Lee Ray, The Good Guy Doll, and as Chucky post
"Bride of Chucky" due to the movie)
Resources: Pr (4)/Fe (2)

Talents: Occult Lore, Crime, Sharp Weapons, Firearms

Voodoo Practitioner: Charles Lee Ray was adept at Voodoo, knowing specific rituals
and spells, most notably the capability of transferring his spirit between objects. After
being mortally wounded, Ray managed to transfer his soul to the Good Guy doll Chucky.
It is assumed Ray knows other rituals and spells, although his scope is limited by
- As part of his lingering transfer, Charles seems to be able to maintain himself after
death, inhabiting other Good Guy dolls. Prior to the events of The Seed of Chucky, so
long as a piece of Chucky remained, Charles remained.
- Each time Charles is forced to transfer his soul, he must make a Psyche FEAT. Each
time Charles fails his Psyche FEAT, he permanently loses a rank of Psyche. Once his
Psyche reaches Shift, he is destroyed.

Chucky Body: The FASE of Chucky is based on a average of Charles 37
Lee Ray's experience and the abilities/limitations of his current body. As Chucky, Charles
Lee Ray no longer requires food or sleep, is immune to disease and most toxins that effect
humans, and is virtually immortal. The Body is made of Typ (06) material, but suffers a -
1cs to all fire and acid attacks. Chucky's health is actually the material strength of his
body in effect: The more health he loses, the worse wear and tear exists. Chucky cannot
heal in traditional means, and only gains Health back when repaired or if he is forced to
inhabit a new body.
Unassuming: Unless obviously damaged or exposed, Chucky gains a +2 to his initiative
for first strikes, due to the apparent child-like innocence he conveys.

Contacts: While Charles Lee Ray had many contacts in the criminal world, Chucky only
has his 'wife' Tiffany and his two children, Glen and Glenda. It is doubtful after the
transfer of souls between Tiffany and Jennifer Tilly that Tiffany nor the children would
help him.

Doll: For all intents purposes, Chucky is made of plastic and fabric, and suffers wear and
tear which could make it impossible for him to continue. As a Doll, Chucky suffers
"Unusual Looks" and after the third movie, "Urban Legend".

Colonel Ives 38

Colonel Ives/F.W. Colqhuan

F: Rm (30)
A: Rm (30)
S: Ex (20)
E: In (40)
R: Gd (10)
I: In (40)
P: Ex (20)
Health: 120
Karma: 70
Popularity: - 2
Resources: Pr (4)

Talents: Military, Survival, Marksman*, Unarmed Combat, Sharp Weapons, Cooking

Windigo: In many ways, Ives is the truest interpretation of the Native American legend
of the Windigo, granted superhuman powers from feasting on human flesh. Prior to his
initial feast, Ives was dying of Tuberculosis, and found himself not only empowered but
fully healed. Trapping victims and seeking to convert others, Ives gained the following
Altered FASERIP: Ives's stats are a result of his ingestion of human flesh. These
attributes are permanently increased, and as such, he is far stronger and capable of greater
feats of Endurance than his wirey frame suggests. In addition, Colonel Ives's perception
and senses are increased, granting him the increased intuition
Regeneration: Ives can recover from near fatal wounds with Rm (30) ability, which can
be accelerated with ingestion of human flesh (See Recovery).
Recovery: Rm (30) ability to recover endurance ranks and/or health at an alarming rate.
Ives can gain a +2cs increase to his Recovery when eating people, as seen in the movie,

recovering from near fatal wounds nearly instantly. 39
Hyper Speed: Pr (4): Ives has increased physical speed as a result of his transformation,
and can move far faster than a trained military officer.
Increased Senses: Smell: Ives has gained an increased sense of smell at Gd (10)
Iron Will: Ives has Ex (20) Iron will, capable of ignoring gunshots and other forms of
damage to a point. While the damage is still done, Ives ignores it.
Longevity*: While not expressly stated, it is clear that the feast of flesh rejuvenated Ives,
and possibly extended his lifespan.

Contacts: None, although he converts Colonel Hart to his dietary plan, Hart would not be
considered a contact.

Dark Secret: Ives is a cannibal
Addiction: Ives must feed on human flesh. Every day without a serving causes him to
become neurotic, reducing his regeneration and recovery attributes (but strangely leaving
his adjusted FASE). Ives needs a Psyche FEAT to maintain control of himself, and
especially during moments of 'The kill'

Count Andreas Petofi 40

Count Andreas Petofi

F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Typ (06)
E: Rm (30)
R: Gd (10)
I: In (40)
P: Am (50)
Health: 56
Karma: 100
Popularity: -10 (in occult circles, - 15)
Resources: Gd (10) to Ex (20)

Talents: Occult Lore, Scholar, Multi-Lingual, Knowledge: Ancient Cultures,
Knowledge: Modern Cultures (For the mid to late 19th century), Firearms, Demonology
Ritual, Magical Theory, Knowledge: High Society, Knowledge: Gypsy Culture

Warlock: Petofi is a master warlock, having studied magic, spells, and the occult for well
over a hundred and fifty years prior to his first real encounter with Barnabas Collins in
1897. Petofi is considered to be one of the greatest warlocks of his era, possessing

multiple powers and abilities, including but not limited to: 41
Necromancy: Petofi can raise the spirits of the dead with In (40) ability
Healing: Rm (30) ability
Cursing: Petofi can manipulate and curse individuals with In (40) ability
Immortality*: Petofi has rendered himself effectively immortal from aging,
although can be killed by certain means (See limitations)
Telepathy: Ex (20)
Mind Control: Rm (30)
Mind Probe: Ex (20)
Hypnotic Control: Ex (20)
Elemental Control: Rm (30)
Mystic Shields: Ex (20)
Mind Transferal: Rm (30)
Petofi's ability also allows him to perform rituals and/or complex curses, with greater
effect depending on the amount of time he has to prepare as well as what ingredients are

The Hand of Petofi

Count Petofi transferred a great deal of his power into his right hand, which became an
artifact onto itself. The Hand of Petofi was capable of increase Petofi's already impressive
powers by +1cs, as well as raise Petofi's Intuition by +1cs. In addition, Petofi would also
gain the following abilities:
Teleportation: Rm (30)
Erase the personality and/or mind of an opponent (opposed Psyche FEAT vs. Rm
(30) intensity). Petofi would then implant new memories or personalities.
Reduce effective resistance against his powers by - 1 cs.
Hold and control undead such as zombies and intelligent undead (such as
Vampires) with Rm (30) ability (But not spirits).
The Hand of Petofi was highly sought after, especially by Petofi. Once in possession of
the hand, it would re-attach mystically to Petofi, and function normally. In addition,
Petofi was terrified by the concept that the hand would fall into enemy hands, leading

some to speculate that the hand could be used to reduce Petofi's abilities 42
(+1cs when using the hand to attack Petofi).
Former Werewolf: Although when encountered Petofi had long since been cured, Petofi
was at one time a lycanthrope and knew a great deal of the curse.

Contacts: Petofi maintained connections throughout the world, specifically in occult
circles. Aristede: Petofi's bodyguard and Associate.

Despite Petofi's abilities, he was bound by several limitations:
Enemy: Gypsies: Petofi's betrayal of the Gypsies and subsequent murder of the Gypsy
King made them powerful enemies, and one of the few groups that understood the nature
of Petofi including the importance of the Hand of Petofi and his weaknesses. Petofi had
genuine fear of the gypsies hunting him, and sought to permanently find a way to deal
with them.
Obsession: Recover the Hand of Petofi: Count Petofi would stop at nothing to recover
his right hand, willing to make deals, betray allies, and even subvert innocents to recover
Unusual Looks: Prior to recovering the hand, Petofi was missing his right hand, using a
wooden hand in its place. In addition, Petofi has problems speaking above a whisper due
to a supposed wound received 100+ years prior
Nearly Blind: Petofi is nearly blind, having serious issues to bright lights, suffering a -
1cs for all ranged attack as well as -1cs for any visually based Intuition based FEATS.
Power Limitations: Spirits: Petofi cannot control intelligent spirits (Although he can
ward them to some degree). Indeed, the spirit of the executioner, who was seeking
Petofi's ally Aristede ultimately is responsible for his 'death'. If Petofi attempts to use his
powers to control a spirit, the spirit gains a +4cs to resist.

Count Orlock 43

F: Ex (20)
A: Rm (30)
S: Rm (30)
E: Am (50)
R: Gd (10)
I: In (40
P: In (40)
Health: 130
Karma: 90
Popularity: - 10 (As the spreader of the plague)
Resources: Rm (30)

Talents: Business/Finance, Mystic Origin*. Multi-Lingual, Acting, Disguise

Nosferatu: Orlock is a Nosferatu (Bird of Death), but is only vaguely similar to the types
of vampires that are reflected by Dracula. Orlock's limitations are more severe, and
cannot easily make others of his kind. Those who die by Orlock's hands do not rise as
vampires, nor is Orlock able to remain active during the hours of daylight. Orlock
however does not have the traditional limitations of vampires at the same time. Orlock's
abilities and limitations include:
Increased FASERIP: Orlock's physical presence is greatly increased, and is capable of
superhuman acts as shown in the Book of the Vampyre read by Hutter and his fianc.
Shadow casting: It is suggested that Orlock can shadow cast with Ex (20) ability, as
shown in different scenes within the original silent movie and the remake in the 1970s.
Terrifying presence: When Orlok is not disguised, he generated Pr (4) fear generation as

seen to cause me to freeze with fright 44
Vampyre: Similar to Bio-vampirism, Orlok is not specifically stated to require lifeblood
to live, but does kill a number of people for it. Unlike the traditional vampire, Orlok does
not suffer from not feeding, as his life-force is tied more to his native soil than blood. In
addition, Orlock cannot create others of his kind as a vampire does. The exact means that
Orlock would create other vampyres is unknown. As a vampyre, Orlok is virtually
immune to damage, and can only be killed either by sunlight or through decapitation. The
advised means to kill Orlok is to stall him with the blood of a pure girl as the sun rises.
Natural Weaponry Claws: Orlok has wickedly sharp claws capable of doing Ex (20)
damage, halving effective body armor. If a yellow or red result is achieved, the victim
must also make an Endurance FEAT versus disease.
Plague Carrier: Orlok carries a variation of the Black Plague, and spreads it through
bites. Orlok is often suggested to be the origin of outbreaks of the plague across
Germany. Orlok does this with Rm (30) ability.
Rat/Insect Control: Orlok controls rats and insects with Rm (30) ability
Heightened Senses: Orlok possesses heightened senses with Ex (20) ability.

Contacts: None

Bloodlust: Orlok is bloodthirsty, and while not necessarily needing it for survival, will go
out of his way to feed. Orlok suffers -2cs to actions to prevent him from feeding.
Vampyre: While not a traditional vampire, Orlok is a Vampyre (There is a marked
difference). Orlok is completely vulnerable to sunlight, which will kill him within
seconds. Secondly, Orlok must have soil of his home to rest and regenerate his powers.
Without such, Orlok dies.
Repugnant: Orlok is hideous, suffering a -1cs reaction bonus

The Creature from the Black Lagoon 45

F: Ex (20)
A: Ex (20) (In Water), Gd (10) on land
S: Rm (30)
E: Rm (30)
R: Typ (6)
I: Ex (20) (in Water), Gd (10) on land
P: Gd (10)
Health: 100/90
Karma: 36/26
Resources: Pr (4)
Popularity: 10/-10 (As attraction/Scientific Curiosity and as Rampaging Monster)

Talents: Underwater Combat, Underwater Survival, Area Knowledge: Amazon River,

Amphibious Nature: The Gill-Man is an amphibious creature, capable of living on both
land and water, being adapted for life as necessary. It is believed the Gill-Man's
physiology is standard for its species, but no evidence has been supported to provide such
one way or another. As such, the Gill-Man's physiology allows him the following:
- Armor skin: Typ (6) protection against physical attacks (all though not bulletproof), as
well as pr (4) protection against energy attacks
- Body Adaptation: Pr (4): The Gill-Man's body adapts to its environment, from growing

new lungs to support a life out of the water to shedding damaged scales 46
and other parts of itself.
- Hyper-Swimming: Ex (20)
- Water Freedom
- Water Breathing
- Natural Weaponry: Claws: Ex (20)
- Resist: Temperatures: Gd (10) protection against temperature damage, such as heat
and cold

Contacts: Theoretically None, although different individuals have attempted to help the
creature in later movies.

Unusual Looks: -2cs when dealing with individuals due to its visage
Water Dependency: The Gill-Man must hydrate himself or begin to suffer accordingly if
not given opportunity to adapt.

The Creeper 47

F: Rm (30)
A: Rm (30)
S: Rm (30)
E: Am (50)
R: Gd (10)
I: Am (50)
P: Rm (30)
Health: 140
Karma: 90
Resources: Pr (4)
Popularity: - 10 as an urban legend

Talents: "Artist", Sharp Weapons, Aerial Combat, Weapons crafting, Thrown weapons
Driving, Mystic Origin*, Survival

Monstrous Physiology: The Creeper's physiology is unique among monsters, granting it
several abilities that make it more than formidable as an opponent. Among these abilities
- Regeneration*: The Creeper can regenerate missing or worn out parts by ingesting
human parts. The process in quick, allowing the Creeper to fully regenerate limbs,
internal organs, and the like in minutes by eating or replacing such. The Creeper's
physiology allows it to adapt the parts to its own body with Mn (75) ability.
- Longevity: The Creeper is possibly hundreds of years old, and as such, is incredibly
- Natural Weaponry: Claws: The Creeper can do Ex (20) slashing
- Natural Weaponry: Bite: The Creeper's serrated teeth do Rm (30) damage
- Flight: Due to bat like leathery wings, the Creeper is capable of Rm (30) airspeed,
keeping pace with a moving car at 80 miles an hour.
- Tracking: Rm (30)

- Enhanced Sense: Smell: The Creeper's sense of smell is extraordinary, 48
capable of Rm (30).
- Empathy: The Creeper is empathic, specifically picking up on the emotion of fear. The
Creeper uses the fear response to 'tag' its prey, and actually uses the empathy for tracking
specific prey at Rm (30)
- Recovery: The Creeper can recover endurance ranks quickly when lost
- Body Resistance: The Creeper has some degree of resistance, capable of shrugging off
some damage with Ex (20) protection against physical and Gd (10) vs. Energy.
- Serial Immortality: As with the Longevity, the Creeper seems to be unable to truly be
killed, capable of resurrecting itself from destruction or death.
- The Creeper can see in perfect darkness.

Contacts: None

Activity: Despite the power of the Creeper, it is only able to be active for 23 days every
23 years. During that time, it exists to feed and to stock up on necessities during it's
hibernation. During that period, the Creeper is voracious. At the end of the 23 years, the
Creeper goes inert and is in a deathlike state.
Psychic Impressions: Those with psychic powers pick up on the Creeper's activities and
can predict with some certainty what it wants and needs, even gaining unwanted
understanding into the creature's mind.
Enemies: The Creeper has several enemies, usually those who are related to its victims.
'Jeepers Creepers': Before the Creeper attacks, the old 1938 Johnny Mercer song plays
(at least in the first movie).
Theatrics: The Creeper seems bound to the idea of creating a sense of fear in prey,
specifically with those that possess the organs it needs. As such, the Creeper will intensify
the experience as necessary, prolonging the fear until the right moment.

Cthulu 49

F: Sh X (150)
A: Pr (4)
S: Sh X (150)
E: CL 1000 (1000)
R: Un (100)
I: Un (100)
P: Cl 1000 (1000)
Health: 1340
Karma: 1200
Resources: N/A
Popularity: - 30/ -100

Talents: Theoretically, Cthulu possesses every talent mankind has access to, specifically
professional and knowledge talents, although in Call of Cthulu no significant talents are

Elder Alien Being: While often mistaken for a 'God', the manifestation of Cthulu is
actually an alien being, originally born in deep space and on Earth. Cthulu is not a
creature that one could completely catalog, displaying unusual physical characteristics
and capable of many abilities when awakened, which occurs during certain planetary
alignments and prompted by human cultists. Cthulu is an age-old threat, whose full
powers and extent of abilities are not fully marked in any of his Lovecraftian appearances.
Cthulu has displayed the following attributes:
Invulnerability: Cthulu is invulnerable (Cl1000) to standard forms of common damage,
such as toxins, radiation, disease, deep space, great depths, environmental, aging, or any
of the other normal means of damage. Cthulu's body can be damaged, as seen when its

head was destroyed by a ship ramming it, but it does not actually take 50
damage unless done under certain undefined conditions.
Alien Mind: Cthulu's mind is alien, granting it the ability of Telepathy, Mind Probe,
Mind Drain, Psychic Shield, Mind Blast, and Dream Travel all at Mn (75). Cthulu's alien
mind prevents telepathic contact, granting it cl1000 Psi-Screen, while at the same time,
anyone attempting to read Cthulu's thoughts will suffer a Psyche FEAT against Un (100)
intensity or suffer madness/be incapacitated for a length of time determined by the judge
(While this part is not in the novel, it is probably as many of those who allowed Cthulu to
enter their thoughts in the short story were mad due to it).
Regeneration: Cthulu can regenerate its body with Sh Z (500) ability, as its head began
to reform moments after it was struck by the small yacht and destroyed
Permanent growth: Cthulu is well over 200' feet tall, having permanent growth
Self-Sustanence: Cthulu does not need to eat, breath, or even sleep (Although it can be
put to sleep) to survive.
Cosmic Awareness: As it stated within the story, Cthulu is aware of everything within
the universe, possessing Cosmic Awareness at Cl1000
Flight: While Cthulu did not fly in the short story, it was clearly stated it possessed wings
and had arrived on Earth from outer space. It would be safe to assume Cthulu could fly
with Cl1000 ability, capable of warping to other worlds.
Natural Weaponry: Claws: Cthulu possesses large claws, capable of rending most
materials with Un (100) ability.
Multiple Attacks: As described as a kraken, Cthulu is probably capable of multi-attacks,
at least at Am (50)

Contacts: Various human cults around the world, Other elder beings. RPG companies.

Forced Slumber: Cthulu is only active for a short time due to a special alignment of
stars, which do not come into alignment often. As such, Cthulu is forced into sleep amid
the ruined submerged city of R'yleth. Cthulu is completely in a state of suspended
animation, and cannot interact with the world.
Enemies: Cthulu's activities are often opposed by other beings.
Monstrous looks: Cthulu is hideous

Damien Thorn 51

(age 30)

F: Ex (20)
A: Gd (10)
S: Gd (10)
E: Rm (30)
R: Gd (10)
I: Am (50)
P: Am (50)
Health: 40
Karma: 110
Resources: In (40) Personal, Access up to Mn (75)
Popularity: 40/-40 (In public and/or In occult circles as the Anti-Christ, See Below)

Talents: Mystic Origin*, Politics, Business/Finance, Knowledge: Biblical Lore
Knowledge: Ancient History, Leadership*, Psychology, Demonology, Military

Anti-Christ: Damien Thorn is the Anti-Christ, granted supernatural powers due to both
his parentage (as the son of the Devil) as well as legacy. As the Anti-Christ, Damien has
many powers and abilities, not limited to:
Telepathy: Damien can read the thoughts of those around him by Am (50) ability
Resistances: Damien is Immune to traditional diseases, toxins, and poisons.
Self-Revival: Damien can restore himself from death after reaching 0 Health, and
cannot be killed through traditional means (See limitations)
Empathy: Damien can sense the emotions of those around him with Am (50)
Emotion Control: Damien can manipulate the emotions of those around him with
Am (50) ability
Charismatic Control: Damien can convince anyone of anything given a short

time, and can do so with Mn (75) ability. Damien can draw upon his abilities to
sway crowds and nations, requiring less than three combat rounds to do so and
requiring an opposed Intuition FEAT vs. Monstrous (75) to notice or 'break' the
control. Those aware of Damien's true nature are apparently immune.
Probability manipulation: Things happen to those that Damien either favors or
dislikes with Am (50). Most of Damien's enemies suffer horrific accidental deaths
(such as being impaled by church spires, pecked to death by ravens, or freezing
after falling into a lake). In contrast, Damien's followers and allies gain benefits,
such as increased luck or financial windfalls due to sudden deals, thus endearing
Damien further to them. The power is more reactionary than directed, although
Damien can focus his efforts to cause things to happen with Mn (75) ability.
Animal Communication and Control: Large dogs and similar creatures seem to
be at Damien's beck and call, allowing him to control animals with Ex (20) ability.
Army of followers: Damien has a number of followers in every walk of life that
have assisted his ascension. Damien may spend an action to call upon a follower,
who has usually placed themselves in places and positions of power. Damien's
'network' is incredibly and surprisingly vast, vast enough to place him in the circle
of the most powerful beings in the world.
Damien has powers that are just being discovered, and can easily be molded and shaped
into any sort of adversary necessary.

Contacts: Damien's contacts range the gambit, from diplomats to world leaders and
businessmen. Damien can call upon any of those positions of power to assist him (See

Antichrist: Damien's main limitation is the same as his powers: He is the anti-christ, and
as such, has many limitations:
True Nature: Those with the ability to sense the occult or unholy will gain a
strong reading from Damien - He cannot hide what he is, and cannot shield it from
those who know. In addition, Damien has the numbers '666' on the back of his
head, hidden in the hairline. These numbers identify him as the anti-christ.
Recognizable: Once Damien has been recognized as the Anti-Christ, his abilities
to control an individual vanish - Although, several individuals continue to serve
The Seven Daggers of Megiddo: Damien is nearly un-killable, and cannot
permanently be destroyed unless stabbed by the seven daggers of megiddo,
ancient artifacts designed to destroy the Anti-Christ. As powerful as Damien is, it
only takes a single Red FEAT with the dagger to end him, as he immediately
begins the dying process and cannot use any of his abilities (Or karma) to save

Daniel Torrance 53
F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Typ (6)
E: Gd (10)
R: Gd (10)
I: Rm (30)
P: Am (50)
Health: 36
Karma: 90
Popularity: 0
Resources: Typ (6)

Talents: Psionic Combat*, Occult Lore*

Psionic Prodigy: Daniel Torrance is a powerful psionic, capable of feats not normally
seen. Daniel's abilities include:
- Telepathy: Ex (20)
- Astral Perception: Rm (30)
- Empathy: Rm (30)
- Postcognition: Rm (30)
- Incarnation Awareness: Daniel Torrance has the unique ability to communicate with
himself in the past, and as such, appears as a manifested vision only younger Danny is
aware of.
- Astral Project: Rm (30)
- Dream Travel: Danny can travel into his own dreams and into others (as seen in the
novel) with Rm (30) ability
- Telekinesis: Danny can manifest his emotions in telekinetic force with Ex (20) ability
- Psionic Manifestation: Danny can create objects and give force to psionic
manifestations with Am (50), such as making hedge creatures come to live, give form and
substance to the dead, and create force to illusions.
- Precognition*: Daniel has In (40) precognitive abilities, some from conversations with
his future self, others through dreams.
- Postcognition - the 'Shining': Danny can perceive the past and items with history with
In (40) ability. Danny does not necessarily need to touch an item to gain said powers.
- Total Memory: Daniel has some degree of perfect recall with Gd (10) ability

Contacts: Richard Halloran: Family Friend, fellow psionic, and mentor.

Age: Daniel's powers are represented here as a young adult. As a child, Daniel is
considered not to have access to most of these powers, and is also considered to have the
'uncontrollable' aspect.

Darkman 54

Dr. Peyton Westlake

Note: Westlake's stats are included prior/post accident.
F: Typ (06)/ Ex (20)
A: Gd (10)/ Rm (30)
S: Typ (06)/Ex (20)
E: Ex (20)/ Rm (30)
R: Ex (20)
I: Ex (20)*
P: Ex (20)*
Health: 42/100
Karma: 60
Resources: Pr (04)* (See Below)
Popularity: 4 (As Westlake's reputation as a scientist), 10/-10 (Urban Legend and/or to

Talents: Medicine*, Chemistry, Crime, Jack of All Trades - A little explanation:
Westlake is a genius who seems to pick up any skill he needs fairly easily, thus he does
not suffer the penalty to try skills untrained., Repair/Tinker*, Brawler

Impervious Will: Westlake's body has suffered 4th degree burns, and as such, had to

have experimental surgery done to shut down the pain receptors. As a 55
side-effect, Westlake has gained the following pseudo-powers:
Immunity to Pain: Westlake cannot feel pain, and will not react to any intensity
below Gd (10).
Westlake's physiology has changed due to the increased production of adrenaline,
thus granting him the bonuses to his stats (and providing the limitation - See
Immunity to stun: Westlake cannot be stunned in conventional means, granting
him the ability to act even if a stun or K.O. effect is applied. Mechanically,
Westlake gains a second endurance FEAT for every stun effect, successfully
resisting on a Green FEAT or better. Westlake can still be slammed and damaged
as normal.
Iron Will: Due to either Westlake's impervious will or the bio-physical aspects of
his condition, Westlake can push himself to ignore effects that would otherwise
incapacitate him. It is also Westlake's will which allows him to not fall into
complete psychosis.
Synthetic Skin: Westlake's greatest creation is a synthetic skin which mirrors real skin in
every way. The synthetic skin can be molded and crafted into a variety of appearances,
granting Westlake the following abilities:
Imitation: Westlake can craft 'masks' of individuals so perfectly that they cannot
immediate determine that they are fake. While Westlake is limited to someone
near his build and/or gender, Westlake's masks have fooled individuals with Ex
(20) ability, allowing Westlake to conduct business as the individual without
being found out.
Healing: Westlake has invented a skin in the past which has none of the
limitations and can act to perfectly heal a person suffering from extreme damage
and/or effects. This special skin grants the Recovery power of Ex (20), and
effectively bonds to the damaged areas. Westlake has only perfected this special
skin once.
Karma Loss Immunity: Westlake's situation as a hero is very unique: Westlake suffers
no karma loss for killing, destroying property, stealing, or any other actions so long as
they are against 'villains' or criminals. In addition, Westlake's standard resources are Pr
(04), but can be influenced by what he steals from criminals, and can go as high as Ex
(20) in certain situations. Westlake maintains a rigid version his basic moral code (See
below in 'limitations')

Contacts: Westlake had a number of contacts in both the scientific and social
environments, but all of them believe him dead. Darkman has no contacts, as he severed
his last contact with his ex-fianc to protect her.

Psychotic: Darkman is nearly psychotic and is not above using extreme violence to
achieve his ends. While Darkman suffers, he is not without a moral code, which he
follows obsessively - Vengeance against evil at all costs, protect the innocent. Darkman

can easily be provoked emotionally, and empathy attacks gain a +1cs against 56
him. In addition, any emotional stimulus of Gd (10) or better will cause Westlake to
overreact, as was seen in the original film. Westlake cannot control his anger or rage, and
will react as if the slightest event is as important as the most extreme.
Hideous Looks: Darkman suffers from 4th degree burns, and is considered hideous. Any
social FEAT is at a -2cs when dealing with Darkman unmasked.
Hunted: Darkman is a hunted figure, by both police and criminals. The police for the
most part do not believe in Darkman, but the criminal underworld does, and will stop at
nothing to stop him.
Power Limitation: Synthetic Skin: Darkman's synthetic skin suffers from a serious flaw,
and that is that it breaks down after 90 minutes after being exposed to light. The skin
completely dissolves after three rounds. The only successful attempt to replicate the skin
to resist this was used by Westlake to heal a child.
Obsession: Justice: Initially, Darkman was dedicated to restoring himself to normal
through perfection of his synthetic skin. After the end of the original film, Darkman has
become obsessed with punishing the guilty, and will stop at nothing to achieve his goal.

Dark Seekers 57

F: Ex (20)
A: Ex (20)
S: Ex (20)
E: Rm (30)
R: Pr (04)
I: Rm (30)
P: Pr (04)
Health: 90
Karma: 38
Popularity: (As a group) -50
Resources: Fe (2)

Talents: Feral Combat

Infected When the Krippen virus mutated, it created a fast moving retrovirus that killed
90% of humanity, and rendering 80% infected, granting them a sallow appearance,
recessed gums, superior speed, agility, strength, and senses. The infected were shown in
the theatrical cut to be little more than animal intelligence, with some possessing great
cunning and ability to reason. The infected had the following powers:
Natural Weaponry: Claws: Ex (20) rending damage, capable of rending body armor and
materials at 1/2 their value
Bite: Ex (20) damage
Enhanced senses: Infected have their sense of hearing and smell enhanced to Gd (10),
allowing them to track prey with Typ (06) ability
Hyper Running: Pr (4) ability to move 4 areas a round

Hyper Climbing: Pr (4) ability 58
Thermal Vision: While not immediately explained, it is clear that the infected can see in
the dark with Gd (10) ability
Recovery: Rm (30) recovery of damage.

Contacts: None

Infected Limitations: All infected have the same limitations, due to the nature of the
Krippen Disease. The limitations include:
Unusual Looks: All Infected are bald, possessing odd colored eyes, recessed gums
(Appearing to have fangs, and are easy to spot.
Known: Infected are known around the world (Hence the negative popularity), and
neither attempt to disguise themselves and are not capable of doing so.
Animal Intellect: Infected lose their ability to reason, and exist in an almost animalistic
state. Pack mentality is strong within the Infected, with an alpha pair being in command.
Ultra-violet light: For some reason, the infected suffer +4cs damage from ultra-violet
light, which will ultimately kill them. Most infected remain in hidden locations during
daylight hours, emerging at night to feed.
Relentless: Infected do not give up on quarry regardless of losses or situation, as seen in
the movie.

Darkness, the Lord of Evil 59

Darkness, the Dark One, the Dark Lord, His Infernal Majesty

F: Mn (75)
A: Rm (30)
S: In (40)
E: Mn (75)
R: Rm (30)
I: Mn (75)
P: Mn (75)
Health: 220
Karma: 180
Popularity: -100
Resouces: Shift X (150)

Talents: Mystic Origin*, Demonology, Weapons Master*, Knowledge: Culture,
Knowledge: World Knowledge, Knowledge: The Balance, Leadership*, Seduction:

Demonic Form: Darkness is the epitome of Darkness and evil, and as such is physically
powerful and almost indestructible. Darkness's powers are more subtle than other
representations of the Lords of Darkness, and while capable of many actions and
activities, is still bound by the rules of 'The Balance' between light and dark. Darkness
cannot act outside of his fortress at the beginning of the movie, and is bound to remain

there, away from humanity and suffering from the light, relying on minions 60
outside of his tower. As such, Darkness's nature allows him many benefits, such as:
- Immortality: Darkness does not seem to age or grow old, and appears the same
indefinable age. True death seems ultimately beyond Darkness, as the rules of The
Balance states, "There can be no good without evil"
- True Invulnerability: Darkness is incredibly hard to damage, granting him Am (50)
True Invulnerability to standard methods of damage, but not complete (See Darkness's
- Environmental Awareness: Shift X (150) ability to sense the goings on in his tower
when he's focused. Darkness knows every element of his home and reacts accordingly.
- Raise Undead: Darkness can raise the dead who line his halls to do his bidding or
defend his tower with Un (100) ability.
- Shadow Shaping: Darkness can manipulate the shadows his in his tower, creating near
solid creatures and/or objects with Mn (75) ability, such as beings, illusionary images of
loved ones, or shadowy dancers.
- Telepathy: Darkness can read the minds of those touched by guilt, avarice, darkness,
sin, or whatnot with Rm (30) ability
- Teleportation: Darkness can gate from one part of his tower to another with Un (100)
- Resist: Fire: Darkness is completely immune to fire and heat.
- Clairvoyance: Darkness can see things far away with Un (100) ability, also possessing
Claudience at Un (100), allowing him to communicate with his servants as they do his
- Spirit Communication: Darkness can communicate with the dead with Un (100)
- Magic Control; Darkness can control magic within his realm with Un (100) ability.
- Hypnotic Control: If a person has sinned, Darkness can slowly mesmerism them from
a distance as he did Princess Lily with Am (50) ability, swaying them to accept their role
and sin, slowly corrupting them.
- Telepathic Shield: Cl1000 protection from psionic attacks and to read his mind.
Servants: Darkness has multiple servants who range the gambit and are utterly devoted
to him, under penalty of death (or worse).

Contacts: Darkness has few true contacts, outside of favorite servants and the powers
above him.

While Darkness is powerful, whose abilities cannot be fully listed, there are clear
Sunlight: Darkness cannot abide sunlight, which not only wounds him but could destroy
him. Light is Darkness's opposite in 'the balance' and is capable of truly wounding him.
The slightest ray causes serious damage, bypassing the TI and other resistances.
The Balance: Darkness is bound the rules of 'The Balance', which means he cannot force
anyone to do anything that they do not choose for themselves, such as vanity in touching

a unicorn or forcing them to sin. 61
Bound to his Tower: Curiously, Darkness cannot leave his tower and is bound within.
While his powers are immense inside his tower, Darkness cannot leave and must rely on
agents and operatives to carry out his will.
Vulnerability to magic wielded by an innocent: Darkness was vulnerable to the attacks
from Jack, and it is perceived that Jack's innocence and opposite role in 'the balance' was
the reason.

David Kessler 62

David / Werewolf

F: Typ (06) - Ex (20)
A: Typ (06) - Rm (30)
S: Typ (06) - Rm (30)
E: Gd (10) - In (40)
R: Typ (06) - Fe (02)
I: Typ (06) - In (40)
P: Gd (10) - Pr (04)
Health: 28 - 120
Karma: 22 - 0*
Resources: Pr (04)
Popularity: 0/-5 as Werewolf

Talents: Student*

Curse of the Werewolf: David was bitten by a werewolf while backpacking on the
moors with his friend, Jack. As such, David has become a werewolf himself, and suffers
greatly from the curse. Each full moon, David undergoes a painful transformation into the
beast, which rampages where it is for blood, flesh, and mayhem. David has the following
abilities as a Werewolf:
Werewolf Transformation: David undergoes the transformation every night of
the full moon, beginning with a feverish feeling which grows in intensity. The
transformation lasts four rounds as David's body completely changes into the
werewolf. David's stats as a werewolf are outlined above.
Tracking: The Werewolf has Ex (20) tracking ability, Capable of tracking
specific individuals across Metropolitan London without issue
Heightened Senses: It is assumed that the werewolf has Rm (30) enhanced
senses, specifically smell and taste due to the actions.
Immortality*: Although not expressly stated, the werewolf cannot die through
normal means, requiring either self-destruction, silver, or extreme violence in

order to end its existence. While not explored in depth in the film, it is 63
clear that David's recovery from wounds and the attempts to stop the beast only
slowed it down for a short while, and that according to the undead victims
(specifically his former friend Jack), David will not stop until he either commits
suicide or is killed by silver.
Hyper Running: The Werewolf can run at Ex (20) land speed, capable of easily
keeping pace with vehicles and maneuvering quickly throughout the city streets.
Natural Weaponry: Claws: The werewolf's claws are capable of rending soft
metals with ease, granting it Ex (20) slashing damage, halving effective body
armor by 1/2.
Bite: The Werewolf is able to put tremendous force behind its jaws, granting it
Rm (30) ability to bite and sever limbs and/or heads.
Recovery: The Werewolf has Rm (30) recovery, halving Endurance related
effects by 1/2 and able to recover Endurance FEATS.
Sense Undead: Anyone killed by the werewolf suffers in a twilight state between
living and dead, appearing to the werewolf in their human guise, slowly
decomposing with each appearance. The more people the werewolf kills, the more
victims appear. The victims also appear as they died, therefore, if a victim was cut
in-half or gruesomely scarred (as with David's friend Jack), the werewolf
perceives these things. The curse seems to spread throughout the bloodlines, as
Jack was a victim of the werewolf that bit David. Others might be able to perceive
the undead if they have the 'sense dead', True Sight, or Astral Perception ability
and make a successful power FEAT at Ex (20) intensity. The undead will attempt
to persuade the werewolf to end their curse by ending their lives, and will remain
constant. It is uncertain how much they can interact with the environment, as Jack
ate food off of David's plate and could actually be felt/heard by David.

Contacts: David has his girlfriend Alex as a contact, as well as his friend Jack
The Werewolf has no contacts.

Curse of the werewolf: While David is functionally immortal while a werewolf, there
are similarly strong limitations:
Zero Karma: During the duration of the werewolf curse, David cannot earn or
maintain karma, and is limited to his initial RIP score. The werewolf does not gain
karma through criminal actions, as it is purely driven by animal instinct. As such,
David is limited as he is fully aware of his condition, and therefore responsible for
Bloodthirsty: The wolf must have flesh and blood, and will murder anyone it
comes across as gory as possible. In situations in which blood or potential victims
are present, the wolf is at a -2cs to resist attacking.
Silver: The wolf is vulnerable to silver, granting a +2cs to damage (Although, this
is not clearly stated in the movie)
Undead: The undead sense is not voluntary - The werewolf is plagued by its

victims, and is constantly reminded of its actions. 64
Unwanted Victim: David does not wish to be a victim of the curse, and
ultimately wants to be rid of it before he harms anyone else, willing to kill himself
if necessary to stop the curse. As such, David suffers a -1cs to his Psyche while
under the curse, as he is tormented by his nature.

Donovan's Brain 65

W. H Donovan

F: -
A: -
S: -
E: Gd (10)
R: Ex (20)
I: Rm (30)
P: Am (50)
Health: 10
Karma: 100
Resources( As WH Donovan) Rm (30)
Popularity: 5 as Donovan (Before the accident)

Talents: Business/Finance, Crime*, Pilot

Disembodied Brain: WH Donovan has become a disembodied brain, capable of many
acts of psychic ability, including but not limited to:
- Telepathy: Ex (20)
- Telekinesis: Gd (10)
- Mind Control: Rm (30)
- Possession: Rm (30) Unlike regular possession, Donovans Brain can slowly possess
a victim, reducing their effective ability to resist the possession. The longer a being is
near Donovans Brain, the easier it is for them to be possessed. For each 24 hour period
spent in the area with Donovans Brain, the targets psyche is reduced by -1cs, which acts
cumulative A targets psyche can be reduced up to -4cs, although resistance powers and
such things like Resist: Domination provide an additional Psyche FEAT against the
power rank. In some adaptations, Donovans Brain is shown capable of affecting multiple
targets. Donovans Brain usually focuses on one target, seeking to ensure its own growth
and survival. In addition, Donovans Brain gains the knowledge of its victims, capable of
passing as the individual in question for short periods of time (See Limitations)

Contacts: WH Donovan has many contacts within all walks of society, 66
usually limited to business, high society, and the criminal element.

Unusual Looks: Donovans Brain is a large brain, suffering a -2cs for initial social
Life Support: Donovans Brain is hooked to life support system. Without the Life
Support system, the brain begins the dying process immediately, no Endurance FEAT.
The Brain can exist up to six rounds without life support before it withers and dies.
Mannerisms: Whoever is directly possessed by the brains influence adopts WH
Donovans mannerisms, from the way they walk to the way they act. The most noticeable
mannerism is a verbal tic, in which the victim answers questions with a SureSure.
The verbal tic is the most obvious of the mannerisms, although in later stages the victim
is often mistaken for WH Donovan.

Dr. Adam Spektor 67

F: Ex (20)
A: Ex (20)
S: Gd (10)
E: Ex (20)
R: Gd (10)
I: Rm (30)
P: In (40)
Health: 70
Karma: 80
Resources: Ex (20)
Popularity: 15 (In Occult Circles)

Talents: Occult Lore*, Sharp Weapons, Demonology, Ritual, Knowledge: Ancient
Cultures, Knowledge: Ancient Languages, Knowledge: Forbidden Knowledge,
Knowledge: Multi-Lingual, Knowledge: Monsters (Occult and Other),
Medicine*, Psychology, Wrestling, Blunt Weapons, Guns, Marksman*,
Martial Arts : A, Martial Arts: C, Martial Arts: D, Martial Arts: E, Alchemy


Capable Occultist: Dr. Spektor is a very capable Occultist, having vast 68
resources and a library of occult lore at his fingertips. While not a magician in the
traditional sense, Spektor maintains a vast assortment of books, artifacts, and resources
dealing with the occult. As an action, Spektor can consult his library which grants him an
additional Reason FEAT in learning about obscure and/or specific information.
Occult Armory and Lab: Spektor has been collecting mystical artifacts for some time,
and has a wide range of traditional and mystical weaponry and items which he can draw
upon. Spektor has such mundane things as blessed wooden crosses as well as silver
bullets, as well as mystical items such as magical spheres capable of producing flame or
alchemical formulas to cure vampirism and/or lycanthrope (Although, not initially).
Spektor can draw upon his resources during an adventure by spending 1 full turn, and
produce an artifact or weapon specific to the investigation (Although limited to Rm (30)
ability). Aforementioned mundane items are always accessible.

Contacts: Spektor maintained several allies during his investigations: Elliot Kane, -
Lakota Rainflower, Anna Sara Spektor, Lui San
In addition, Spektor had various contacts in the occult world, including various monsters
and mystic beings.

Overzealous: Spektor is always overzealous in dealing with a threat, preferring a 'Hands
On' approach to resolving issues. As such, Spektor usually is directly involved in fighting
the forces of evil, and is known for it.
Enemies: Spektor has made several powerful enemies during his time as an Occult
Investigator, many of them long-term adversaries.
Former Werewolf: For a short time, Spektor was infected with Lycanthropy before
being cured. As a Werewolf, Spektor had no control of his actions.

Dr. Herbert West 69

F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Typ (06)
E: Gd (10)
R: In (40)
I: Ex (20)
P: Rm (30)
Health: 36
Karma: 90
Resources: Varies from Pr (4) to Ex (20)
Popularity: Varies from 0 to - 10

Talents: Chemistry, Medicine*, Knowledge: Forensics, Knowledge: Multi-Lingual,
Psychology, Crime* (As with the third movie), Knowledge: Administration

Science (Iron) Will: Herbert West is near manic in his determination to conquer death,
and is completely unfazed by the horrors he has unleashed. As such, West is considered
to have the ability simply to shrug off horrors with Rm (30) intensity for the good of
science, as well as physical discomfort and the occasional murder of a supervisor while
re-animating their body/head as two separate entities.
The Reagent: A development of West's, The Reagent will reanimate a dead being with
Am (50) intensity, granting them a semblance of life, although depending on the dosage
administered, it will lead to horrific mutations. By West's own admission, the formula
isn't completed or refined, and only in the third movie has it come close to being
'perfected'. Any being raised will immediately make a Psyche FEAT at -4cs requiring a

Red FEAT to gain control of themselves, otherwise, they'll go on a rampage 70
seeking to destroy whatever they can. When faced with individuals who have connections
to the re-animated corpse, the corpse may make an additional Psyche FEAT to gain
control for 1-10 rounds. The Reagent goes to work immediately: Once administered, it
will work within 3 rounds. West has further perfected The Reagent so that it can animate
body parts or a sewn together corpse.

Contacts: West has only one contact, his old friend Dan Cain whom he ultimately sways
to his way of thinking.

Obsession: To suggest West is obsessed is an understatement. West is completely
devoted to his goals, suffer a -2cs to any situation which forces him to choose between his
research and anything else. At the end of the first movie, West is willing to be killed to
save his research, murder his co-workers, and even co-opt his friend's life to see things
Felon: West is a convicted Felon by the third movie, with the country knowing what his
research not only did but what it could do.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 71

F: Pr (4) / Rm (30)
A: Pr (4) / Ex (20)
S: Pr (4) / Rm (30)
E: Typ (6) / Rm (30)
R: Gd (10) / Typ (6)
I: Typ (6) / Rm (30)
P: Typ (6)
Health: 18 / 110
Karma: 26 / 42
Popularity: 4 / - 10
Resources: Ex (20) / Typ (6)

Talents: As Henry Jekyll: Medicine*, Chemistry, Biology
As Edmund Hyde: Crime, Brawling, Sharp Weapons

Transformation: Dr. Jekyll can initially use a potion to bring out his worse nature, the evil
and initially deformed Edmund Hyde. The changes reflect in the initial FASE changes,
but does not grant him additional abilities. After a time, Jekyll does not need the potion in
order to transform, transforming at will.

Jekyll had many contacts within British society, and his ever loyal butler Poole.
Edmund Hyde had some contacts in the British underworld, but nothing significant.


Addiction: Dr. Jekyll could be considered addicted to his transformation 73
potion, often needing it.
Amoral: Edmund Hyde was completely without conscious, capable of acts of vicious
brutality without fear.

Dr. Moreau 73

F: Gd (10)
A: Typ (06)
S: Typ (06)
E: Gd (10)
R: In (40)
I: Rm (30)
P: Ex (20)
Health: 32
Karma: 90
Resources: Ex (20)
Popularity: 3 in scientific circles

Talents: Medicine*, Biology, Zoology, Chemistry, Multi-Lingual, Eidetic Memory,
Vivisection, Genetics/Evolutionary Theory, Knowledge: Scientific Theorists,
Knowledge: Culture, Knowledge: Renown Scientists, Knowledge: Medical Theory
Trainer*, Animal Handling*

Powers: None, although Moreau's surgical, biological, and medical experience place him
as one of the world's foremost experts on what would be later known as genetics and
recombinant theory of evolution.

Contacts: Montgomery: Assistant and associate, M'Ling: Converted animal to assistant
Any of his creations (Prior to the failing of the Law), Lota/Maria/Aissa - Panther/human
hybrid, and adopted daughter.

Coldly Scientific: In nearly all of the appearances of Moreau, he remains a detached
figure whose single-minded pursuit of scientific breakthrough makes him oblivious to
morale action, suffering, or anything short of his goals. In such cases, Moreau actually

suffers a -1cs to his Intuition to either recognize the danger of his actions 74
or to empathize with his subjects or guests.
Unethical: In most portrayals, Moreau is represented as unethical, and is willing to break
the law or subvert and manipulate people when necessary. As such, it is implied in most
adaptations that Moreau is not only shunned by the scientific community, but also
perhaps wanted for his actions.
Arrogance: In addition to his inability to empathize, Moreau is often portrayed as
incredibly arrogant, caring very little for others and often becoming infuriated if
questioned. Moreau's arrogance can get the better of him, granting a penalty of -1cs to
actions when enraged.

Doctor Phibes 75
With Mask
Without Mask

F: Gd (10)
A: Typ (6)
S: Gd (10)
E: Ex (20)
R: Rm (30)
I: Rm (30)
P: In (40)
Health: 46
Karma: 100
Popularity: -10
Resources: Ex (20)

Talents: Medicine*, Occult Lore*, Metaphysics, Religion, Repair/Tinker, Engineering,
Ancient History, Ancient Languages, Psychology, Alchemy, Performer*, Mystical

Potential* 76

Iron Will: Rm (30)
Serial Immortality*: Phibes seems to be unable to die under conventional means,
whether it be from his own hand or others. While probably more akin to Self-Revival,
Phibes is apparently unable to be killed through conventional means.

Vulnavia: Dr. Phibes's loyal assistant

Vengeful: Dr. Phibes is incredibly vengeful and perhaps unhinged due to his injuries and
Hideous: Dr. Phibes is hideous to view, and often uses a mask fashioned within his old
Devoted to Victoria: Phibes has an almost obsessive devotion to his wife, seeking to both
avenge her and raise her from the dead.

Emeric Belasco 77

F: Sh0
A: Sh0
S: Sh0
E: Sh0
R: Rm (30)
I: Rm (30)
P: Am (50)
Health: 0
Karma: 110
Popularity: - 5/-10 while alive (and in occult circles), -20 in Occult Circles after death
(With Hell House)
Resources: In Life - In (40)

Talents: Occult Lore, Psychology, Business/Finance, Crime, Parapsychology, Resist:
Domination*, Stage Magician, Knowledge: Counter-Culture, Multi-Lingual,
Knowledge: Ancient History, Engineering, Chemistry, Metallurgy, Psionic Potential*

Free Spirit: Emeric Belasco has remained a consciousness after his suicide, allowing him
full reign of his home due to its unique construction and his own care in how he secured
his body. Unlike normal Free Spirits, Belasco's strength of will and capabilities are
different, granting him several advantages that a normal Free Spirit would not have:
Telekinesis: Belasco can throw and manipulate objects with Rm (30) strength,
often throwing things around or hitting individuals.
Possession*: Belasco can possess individuals and animals with Rm (30) ability,
often possessing the being with the weakest psyche to do his bidding.
Telepathy: Belasco possesses Gd (10) Telepathy, capable of reading and
anticipating the thoughts of those inside of the house
Mind Probe: Typ (06) ability to probe individuals within the house, which grants

him the ability to best figure out how to manipulate them. 78
Presence Mask: Belasco is able to mask his presence with Am (50) ability,
preventing people from identifying his spirit as the one which causes the issues.
Belasco has managed to convince everyone that the spirits inhabiting Hell House
are numerous, when in fact, it's simply Belasco himself.

Contacts: None

Ego: Belasco's will is only surpassed by his ego, which can be used to rile Belasco into
revealing himself as the sole prescience. It is Belasco's Ego which also leads to his
downfall: The revelation of Belasco's own stature leads ultimately to his downfall in the
afterlife. If Belasco is antagonized, he suffers a -2cs reaction bonus. In addition, if
Belasco's secret shame is revealed (He was slightly deformed, having amputated his own
legs and replaced them with prosthetics to grant him his gigantic height), Belasco suffers
a -4cs and cannot affect the corporeal world for 1-10 turns.
Bound to Hell House: Unlike a regular ghost, Belasco anticipated that electromagnetism
might allow the conscious mind to exist after death. As such, Belasco cannot extend his
mind or abilities outside of Hell House.
Vulnerability to Electromagnetism: As with the book, Belasco would normally be
vulnerable to the machine that is developed to purge the electromagnetic spectrum.
Belasco hides in his well-shielded vault, which protects him from any Electromagnetic
effect. Belasco suffers a +2cs damage from electromagnetic effects.

Hell House

Named the Belasco house after the designer and resident Emeric Belasco, Hell House
gained its reputation beginning after its completion. A dinner party was massacred by its
builder, Emeric Belasco, who promptly disappeared, leaving many to believe the house
was cursed. Believed to be haunted by the spirits of all of Belasco's victims, the house
was largely abandoned, with occasional attempts to 'cleanse' the house meeting with

In reality, the house was constructed based around radical theories about 79
electromagnetic energy remaining after death, with the house acting to focusing and
controlling it. Belasco used this energy to maintain his consciousness after death, even
creating a room where his body remained after death that was completely shielded and
hidden. Belasco's own spirit continued its psychotic and sadistic desires, promoting the
myth of many ghosts rather than just a single spirit. Once cleansed of Belasco's spirit once
and for all, it simply was a house....nothing more.

Eva Galley 80

F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Typ (6)
E: Rm (30)*
R: Typ (6)
I: Ex (20)
P: In (40)
Health: 56*
Karma: 66
Popularity: - 5
Resources: Pr (4)

Talents: Occult Lore*, Observation:

Specter: Eva Galley is a specter, who seeks vengeance against the four men who were
responsible for her 'murder'. Apparently drowned in the 1920s, the spirit of Eva Galley
waited until the men were old and sought to destroy them and those they sired. As a spirit,
Eva has the following abilities:
Immune: Eva is immune to most forms of damage as she is a ghost. While Eva can
project herself as both her original human form and current state, Eva cannot be
harmed by physical means.
Project: Eva can project herself over thousands of miles from the location of her
submerged burial, capable of finding her targets at the same time as she did with
Don and his brother.
Immaterial: Eva can render herself immaterial at will, appearing as a translucent
Fear Generation: Eva can generate horrific fear in her intended targets, either by

revealing her true nature or by showing horrific images with Rm (30) 81
ability. Eva cannot outright kill with this ability unless she rolls a Red result, which
forces an Endurance FEAT which causes a heart attack in the target.

Contacts: Eva employs two individuals, a young feral boy and a thug, named Fenny and
Gregory Bates.

Obsessed: Eva is obsessed with gaining her revenge, and will kill whomever will benefit
her or use her associates to do so. There is no reasoning with her.
Tied to body: Eva is nearly indestructible, but she will be dispelled if her body is located
and properly revealed. Eva's body is still active under the lake where she was dumped,
still within the remnants of the car she was left in. As such, should the body be found it
immediately dispels her hold in the mortal world.
Cold to the touch: Eva is cold to the touch, a fact noticed by those who are intimate with
Water: If submerged while in her 'projected form', Eva will become frantic (reminding
her of her own death) and require a Psyche FEAT to maintain control.

The Fleshless Ones 82

F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Typ (06)
E: Ex (20)
R: Typ (06)
I: Gd (10)
P: Gd (10)
Health: 46
Karma: 26
Resources: Gd (10) to Ex (20) depending on the cabal
Popularity: -10 to the occult world

Talents: Mystic Origin*, Sharp Weapons, Underworld Knowledge, Military
Medicine*, Engineering, Knowledge: Fleshless One Culture

Fleshless Existence: The Fleshless Ones are a race of humanoid skeletons, that are
pseudo-undead, possessing none of the restrictions of the living. Dedicated to
overthrowing and destroying humanity, Fleshless ones were driven into the underworld in
ancient days. Fleshless One are immune to toxins, disease, and/or aging. Fleshless ones
do not require food, rest, or sleep, and cannot easily be affected by attacks that are
illusionary and/or hallucinatory (+2cs to resist). Fleshless Ones can still operate and move
until they reach Shift 0 Endurance, and do not make Endurance FEATS for any effect that
would affect standard biology (such as biophysical control). Fleshless Ones possess a Gd

(10) material strength, and can be destroyed if 70% of their body is destroyed. 83
Disguises: Fleshless Ones utilize hollowed skins of victims and former sacrifices (Who
are usually Fleshless Ones themselves), used through a pseudo-scientific process. The
disguises are indistinguishable from normal humans, only an Intuition FEAT against an
Gd (10) intensity can spot a fleshless one. Fleshless Ones keep their disguises on hand,
often exchanging them between themselves as necessary.

Contacts: Each Fleshless One cabal has contacts with other cabals, and presumably, the
Fleshless Ones use the contacts they have through their assumed identities.

Inhuman: Fleshless Ones are inhuman, and as such, suffer a -1cs in reaction bonuses
when confronted with human culture or experience. When revealed, the Fleshless Ones
suffer a -2cs reaction bonus.
Obsession: Destroy Humanity: Fleshless Ones have an obsession in destroying humanity,
and will stop at nothing to achieve this. As such, Fleshless Ones may overlook well-
thought out plans or ally with those they believe capable of helping carry out their plans.

Frank Black 84

F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Gd (10)
E: Ex (20)
R: Gd (10)
I: Rm (30)
P: Rm (30)
Health: 50
Karma: 70
Popularity: 5
Resources: Gd (10)

Talents: Law Enforcement*, Occult Lore, Psychology, Knowledge: Millennium Group,
Knowledge: Forensics, Knowledge: Serial Killers, Sociology, Marksman*, Detective

Psychic*: Frank Black is a psychic, capable of receiving insights and flashes into the
minds of killers and murderers, as well as other beings. Frank is wracked with problems
due to his gift, which increased from the first season to the second, and ultimately was
one of the biggest problems in his life (See below). Frank's unique psychic gifts allow
him the following abilities:
Iron Will: Frank's will couldn't easily be broken. NOTE: Frank's Iron Will does
not grant the traditional benefits from the power, rather, supplement his Psyche
Score as well as resist occult damage with Rm (30) ability. Frank could not resist

pain or damage per the normal use of the power 85
Psychometry: Frank would occasionally gain insight while handling items
belonging to killers and the like with Ex (20) ability
Awareness*: Frank gained certain perspectives by seeing a crime or the work of
an individual, granting him the ability to place himself in the individuals shoes.
This ability was very taxing on Frank, and uncontrollable (He could not shut it
off), allowing him Rm (30) ability to gain insight and perspective. Furthermore,
whenever a FEAT roll is required to gain information or predict an individual's
motives or actions, Frank would only need a Green FEAT.
True Sight: Gd (10): Frank saw the world as it truly was, including being able to
perceive demons and other beings (As seen in the very excellent demon episode).
As a drawback, the beings can also notice Frank has perceived them with a simple
intuition FEAT.
Resist: Disease: After being inoculated by the Millennium Group, Frank has Gd
(10) resistance to most diseases and Ex (20) versus their manufactured virus.

Contacts: Frank had many contacts within the FBI that would still assist him, as well as
other defunct members of the Millennium Group who have broken away prior to the
group's ultimate destruction. Frank still maintains connections with many local law
enforcement agencies.

Uncontrollable power: Frank's powers are always on, and often leave him emotionally if
not physically drained. Frank spent time in a mental institution after his burnout at the
FBI, and prior to his work with the Millennium Group due to it.
Dependent: Frank has a young daughter that Frank would absolutely do anything to
protect, including violating his own code vs. killing
Code vs. Killing: Frank is firmly against killing, and refuses for some time to even carry
a gun. This is not to say Frank will not kill or will not commit acts of violence as
necessary: Frank once killed a murderer threatening his wife's life.
Reputation: Frank has a reputation, which works against him in many circles. In
addition, Frank has a reputation with the supernatural, they know who he is.

Frankenstein's Monster 86


F: Ex (20)
A: Gd (10)
S: Rm (30)
E: Am (50)
R: Rm (30)
I: Ex (20)
P: Rm (30)
Health: 110
Karma: 80
Popularity: -10
Resources: Pr (4)

Talents: Crime, Survival, Blunt Weapons

Surgical Composite: Frankenstein's Monster is a creation of reanimated dead flesh and
bone, brought again to life with electricity and unusual chemical compositions. As such,
the monster's physiology grants several unique properties:
- Body Resistance: Either due to the unique nature of his creation, the chemicals used to
restore the flesh, or other unseen aspects, the Monster has Rm (30) resistance to physical
attacks, Ex (20) resistance to energy.
- Regeneration: The Monster is capable of regenerating with Gd (10) ability

- Invulnerability: The Monster does not age or suffer from normal diseases 87
or toxins.
- Total Memory: The Monster possesses a near perfect memory, teaching himself to
speak fluently within weeks of creation and capable of amassing and recalling
information without problem.
- Suspended Animation: The Monster is capable of entering a state of suspended
animation when encountering extreme cold, capable of being perfectly preserved.
- Revival: Even if reduced to 0 health and 0 endurance, the Monster can be revived with
the proper amount of electric current. For each rank of electric current the monster
receives, he gains 1/2 endurance and health. Example: Ex (20) Electricity would grant
him 10 health and Gd (10) endurance during his revival.

Contacts: Theoretically, the Monster has no contacts.

Hideous: As described in the novel and represented in most media as completely hideous,
the creature suffers a -1cs to all dealings. Normal humans will turn away and be spooked,
with some branding the monster a 'monster' on sight.

Psychotic: The Monster has no real basis for his emotional growth or outlet, and as such
is considered psychotic throughout most of the book until the final pages.

Hunted: The Monster is hunted by his creator, VIctor Frankenstein and later descendants.

Fear of Fire (movie version): The movie versions of Frankenstein display a noted fear of
fire, which grants a +1cs to affecting Frankenstein. If Frankenstein's Monster fails a
Psyche FEAT with a white result, he will become enraged.

Freddy Krueger 88

F: Rm (30)*
A: Rm (30)*
S: Ex (20)*
E: Am (50)*
R: Gd (10)*
I: Am (50)*
P: Rm (30)*
Health: 130
Karma: 90
Popularity: - 2 / - 10 (As a child killer, and to the parents and children of Elm Street)
Resources: N/A (See Below)

Talents: Crime, Weapons Specialist: Glove, Knowledge: Human Nature

Dream Spirit: Unlike other free spirits, Krueger has become free spirit limited to dreams.
Within dreams, Krueger has nearly absolute mastery, which grants him additional
abilities to affect the living and/or targets within dreams. Due to the nature of dreams,
Krueger's appearance and/or FASERIP is based around the idealized conception of the
'boogeyman', and specifically, of his charred appearance. Krueger's unique state of
existence grants him several abilities, which include:
Dream Travel: As Freddy exists in dreams, he can travel between targets with
Rm (30 ) ability, interacting with his victims within their dreams and affecting
their physical beings. Freddy is limited to the children and grandchildren of his

original murderers, and cannot affect his murderers directly in the 89
dreaming, at least initially. A victim simply needs to go unconscious and remain
unconscious for 10 rounds in order for Freddy to enter their mind, at which point
the victim remains unconscious unless awoken by someone or significant external
stimulus. While dreaming, a victim is at -1cs for all FEATs, and suffers all related
damage as real. In addition, even if a victim realizes they are dreaming, they
cannot awaken on their own. Attempts to do so require an opposed Psyche FEAT.
Any damage done in the dream will also show up, although if the victim is killed,
their death will seem to be something natural, such as heart attack or the like.
Only a Yellow Intuition FEAT of Rm (30) or better, supernatural methods,
psionic, or heightened senses will determine that something is 'odd'.
Dream Manipulation: Although seen more predominantly in later movies,
initially Freddy could manipulate the dreams of his victims to achieve greater
results. Freddy could increase his FASE by +1cs through manipulating the dreams
of his victims, and his adjusted FASE is a result of his victim's impression of him.
Invulnerability: Freddy seems invulnerable to damage, but in reality, is only as
invulnerable as his victims allow him to be. In the case of Nancy, Freddy could be
stunned and even slammed slightly. A victim must make an opposed Psyche
FEAT at the beginning of any assault. As such, depending on the color depends on
the amount of invulnerability Freddy possesses. As example, if Freddy attacks a
victim and the victim rolls a white FEAT, Freddy is near indestructible, but
should a victim achieve a red result, Freddy has few protections.
Free Spirit: Freddy is a free spirit, and can make Psyche FEATS to survive
destruction. As a Free spirit, Freddy does not need his body to act, although, he
cannot interact with the waking world without a proxy, at least initially. Due to his
existence. Freddy does not require anything to sustain him, nor can he easily be
destroyed (See below).
Glove: Made by Freddy prior to his death, the glove features five long razor
blades across each finger, and his honed to a sharpness capable of rending flesh.
While in the dream world, Freddy often uses the glove for coup-de-grace. The
glove does Ex (20) edged damage, halving body armor and considered to reduce
artificial armor by -2cs. In addition, Freddy always spends karma for kills results
with the glove, which require an opposed Psyche FEAT from the target. If the
target fails, they begin the dying process regardless of amount of health and as if
their endurance was Typical (06).
Victim 'Sense': A form of telelocation, Freddy is able to track his intended
victims even during the waking world, and is capable of sensing when they are
asleep or about to go to sleep.

Contacts: None

Freddy has a number of limitations, tied into his unique nature as an undead dream spirit:
Prey Exclusivity: Freddy hunts specifically the children of his murderers, and as

such, ignores other targets initially. Freddy cannot seem to affect 90
Hideous: Freddy suffers -2cs reactions due to his hideously burned features
Horrific nature: Freddy's nature and past is made up of horrific instances, and as
such, is well known to the authorities and the parents of Elm Street. The children
of Elm Street are for the most part unaware of Freddy's history.
Vulnerable to the waking world: As seen with Nancy's last action, Freddy can
be pulled out of the dream world, which requires an opposed Psyche FEAT. If
brought out of the dream world, Freddy will apparently disappate within 1 - 10
Rounds, especially in sunlight. Freddy's FASE immediately drop to Pr (04), and
each round he is in the waking world he must make a Psyche FEAT vs. Death, not
Vengeful: Freddy is very vengeful, and seeks targets based on those who
murdered him or thwarted his revenge.

Gabriel 91

F: Rm (30)
A: Rm (30)
S: Rm (30)
E: Am (50)
R: Ex (20)
I: Mn (75)
P: Am (50)
Health: 140
Karma: 145
Popularity: *
Resources: *

Talents: Conceivably, Gabriel could have nearly all of the fighting talents and weapons
talents as a being literally older than recorded history, as well as a diverse amount of
talents. As such, this write-up is only focusing on the talents displayed within The
Prophecy and not the follow-up movies or folklore/religion.
Sharp Weapons, Mystic Origin*, - Occult Lore: Angelic, - Occult Lore: Demonic
- Occult Lore: Places of Power, Religion, Acrobatics, Resist: Domination*,
Ancient History, Ancient Languages, Musician

Angelic Nature: Gabriel is an angel, and cannot be killed in conventional means. Gabriel
does not need rest, does not suffer from disease, toxins, radiation, or any of the traditional
vulnerabilities of the flesh. In The Prophecy, the only certain way to kill an angel is to
remove their heart, which renders them inert/dead. As the angel of death and the central
villain of the movie, Gabriel displayed the following abilities:
- Invulnerability: To aging, toxins, radiation, fire, disease, pain, and death
- Mystical detection: Gabriel can sense mystical effects through sight and most

importantly, smell. 92
- Animate Dead*: Gabriel can prolong death among those who have attempted suicide
and have yet to cross over. Gabriel can force the unfortunate spirits to resume residence in
their bodies if they are brain dead, and force them to do his will. Gabriel does this with a
Psyche FEAT versus the target's psyche. Should the victim die through conventional
means or be mortally wounded, the victim cannot be 'raised' again, forcing Gabriel to find
a new thrall. Gabriel cannot have more than one thrall at a time.
- Teleportation*: Gabriel can teleport in a burst of ravens to different locations that are
either line of sight or known to him.
- Telepathy: Gabriel can read the minds of all mortal beings with Rm (30) ability,
allowing him to also probe an individual's memories and/or control/influence animals.
- Angelic sense: Gabriel can sense the presence of other angels and individuals touched
by angels (no pun intended) with Am (50) intensity, limited to line of sight or a 2-area
- Healing: While Gabriel's corporeal body cannot be killed, Gabriel can sustain wounds
and damage that are apparent, requiring him to spend 1 - 10 rounds to heal such damage.
Gabriel can heal such wounds quickly through ingestion of sugar for some reason (As
shown with all angels in later movies).
- True Sight: Gabriel sees things as they truly are with Ex (20) ability
- Mystical Attacks: All of Gabriel's attacks are considered mystical, and as such, do
strength damage, halving body armor and suffering no resistance. Gabriel can easy shred
through standard non-mystical materials and can pull a heart from a human chest.
- Exorcism: It is assumed at Gabriel and most of the other angels possess the ability to
draw spirits and such beings from other bodies with an opposed Psyche FEAT.
Gabriel's horn: featured in the movie as more of a prop, Gabriel's horn does Am (50)
sonic generation and treats as a mystical attack, capable of shattering glass or affecting
specific targets within an area. Gabriel can allow others to use the horn if he holds it, as
seen in the movie.

Contacts: The Host: Gabriel had many contacts within the Heavenly Host prior to the
schism, and as such has contacts within his own faction.

No working knowledge of Technology: Gabriel does not have knowledge of
technology, and must have individuals drive him or use certain technology. While not
significant, Gabriel's inability to use technology may be more significant that just
Enemies: Among Gabriel's enemies are Lucifer and other members of the opposing
factions of angels.
Arrogance: Gabriel is extremely arrogant and vindictive towards humanity.

Gabriel Van Helsing 93

F: In (40)
A: Rm (30)
S: Gd (10)
E: Am (50)
R: Gd (10)
I: Rm (30)
P: Rm (30)
Health: 130
Karma: 70
Resources: Gd (10)/Rm (30)
Popularity: -10/10

Talents: Weapons Master*, Mystic Origin*, Dual Weapon use, Marksman, Bows, Guns,
Horsemanship, Multi-Lingual, Knowledge: Europe, Knowledge: Church Doctrine

Fallen Angel: As revealed in the novelization and movie bible, Gabriel Van Helsing is
actually the angel Gabriel who has fallen to Earth for some unknown reason. Gabriel has
been stripped of most of his divinity, except for the following:
- Danger Sense: Rm (30)
- Longevity: While Gabriel cannot age, it is not certain he cannot die. Van Helsing can
certainly be wounded and harmed like a man
- Iron Will: Rm (30)

- Recovery: Ex (20) 94

Steam-powered Crossbow Rifle: Van Helsing utilizes a steam-powered crossbow,
capable of firing four bolts a round and capable of hitting with Ex (20) intensity strength.
The bolts are considered to be normal, but Van Helsing has shown that they can be
doused with Holy Water if necessary.
Crucifix Throwing Blades: Van Helsing uses crucifixes that double as throwing blades,
doing Gd (10) damage.
Hand-cranked saws: Van Helsing has used a pair of hand-cranked buzz saws with do
Rm (30) slashing and reduces effective armor by -1 CS.

Carl: A friar within the order and Van Helsing's occult expert and lead inventor
Knights of the Holy Order: The religious order in which Van Helsing is the lead agent.

Amnesia: Van Helsing has no memory of his past life, although as it is suggest and
shown in the movie, Van Helsing is the archangel Gabriel in human flesh. Van Helsing
has no memory save the last few years as being an agent of the order.

Wanted: Van Helsing's actions as an agent of the Holy Order is secret, and his activities
have made him one of the more wanted figures in Europe. Van Helsing continues to be
hunted despite his works.

Ginger Fitzgerald 95

F: Pr (4) / Typ (6) / Gd (10) / Ex (20)
A: Pr (4) / Typ (6) / Gd (10) / Ex (20)
S: Pr (4) / Typ (6) / Gd (10) / Ex (20)
E: Gd (10) / Ex (20) / Rm (30) / In (40)
R: Typ (6) / Typ (6) / Typ (6) / Pr (4)
I: Typ (6) / Gd (10) / Ex (20)/ In (40)
P: Typ (6) / Pr (4)
Health: 22 / 38 / 60 / 100
Karma: 18 / 20 / 48
Popularity: 0
Resources: Typ (6)

Talents: Student*

Werewolf: Ginger is infected with Lycanthropy, slowly transforming into a werewolf
over the course of several days and stages. Ginger slowly will change fully into a large
wolf, and along the way will inflict damage and violence in her wake. Ginger, much like
the previous write-up of imhotep, gains powers during the slowly stages she transforms:
Stage One: Initial Stage, no change
Stage Two: (Reflected in the second set of FASERIP), Gains Heightened Senses Pr (4),
Regeneration Pr (4), and slowly physically begins to transform. She also gains Natural
Weaponry: Claws Gd (10), and infect individuals with lycanthropy.
Stage Three: (Reflected in the change in FASE) Gains Heightened Senses Gd (10),
Regeneration Gd (10), Recovery Gd (10), Natural Weaponry Claws Ex (20),
Stage Four: (Reflected in the change in FASE), All powers go to Ex (20), gains Natural
Weaponry: Bite RM (30).

Contacts: Brigitte Fitzgerald 96

Monk's Hood: Ginger is capable of being cured by the herb Monk's Hood
Unusual Looks: As the changes progress, Ginger becomes less and less human. The
changes are occasionally painful and are very noticeable.

The Governor 97

William "Billy" Blake, AKA Philip Blake

F: Ex (20)
A: Gd (10)
S: Gd (10)
E: Rm (30)
R: Gd (10)
I: Ex (20)
P: Ex (20)
Health: 70
Karma: 50
Popularity: 0/5/-5 (Generally/Citizens of Woodbury/To most other survivors).

Talents: Sharp Weapons, Blunt Weapons, Guns, Marksman*, Leadership*,
Survival, Knowledge: Post-Apocalypse, Knowledge: Walkers

Will to Live: Like Rick Grimes, the Governor has a will to live, even after suffering
greatly at the hands of the Atlanta Survivors. If the Governor suffers a kill result and
make an Endurance FEAT, he will automatically stabilize. In addition, the Governor can
draw upon the karma of the Woodbury citizens to make additional FEAT rolls so long as
he remains in charge. Not really a power, just an effect of his leadership (brutal, but
effective). In addition, the Governor does not suffer any karma loss for any violent action.

Contacts: Woodbury Citizens (while Leaders), Philip Blake (Young Brother, while

alive). 98

Psychotic: The Governor has gone slightly mad (depending on your interpretation) and
has desensitized himself to his world, the needs of individuals, or any crimes he might
Mauled: The governor is missing an arm and an eye after the escape of the Atlanta
survivors, suffering a -1cs to all FASE and -1cs to Intuition accordingly.

Graboids 99

F: Ex (20)
A: Gd (10)
S: Rm (30)
E: In (40)
R: Pr (4)
I: Mn (75)
P: Pr (4)
Health: 100
Karma: 83
Popularity: (At the end of the first movie) -10
Resources: N/A

Talents: N/A

Subterranean adapted physiology: The Graboid is ideally suited to its underground
existence, capable of the following powers:
- Armored Skin: Rm (30) resistance to Physical (It is practically immune to small arms
fire), Ex (20) vs. energy
- Hyper-Burrowing: Am (50) through rock and porous earth
- Vibration detection: Am (50) - The Graboid can detect the smallest vibration across
several miles
- Protected Senses: Sight: The Graboid cannot be blinded, as it is already
- 720 degree "vision": The Graboid cannot be blindsided, although it is capable of being
- Mouth 'Tentacles': The graboid utilizes several appendages capable of grappling with
In (40) ability and doing Ex (20) edge damage, limited to about 6-8 feet. The typical
graboid can have between 4 - 6 such tentacles, and uses them to snare prey.
- Natural Weaponry: Bite: A Graboid can tear through obstacles and food with In (40)

- One Area Charge: The Graboid's physiology allows it to be able to enact 100
a charge within one area. A graboid's head is reinforced and capable to handling a
- Land Stealth: A Graboid is capable of Ex (20) stealth, and can perform a sneak attack
if not encountered in the same area.

Contacts: None

Limited Senses: A graboid is functionally blind, and is extremely reliant on its vibratory
sense. Kinetic or vibration area attacks gain a +2cs bonus to stun a graboid. A graboid
suffers an additional 1d10 rounds of stun if it fails its Endurance FEAT.
Monstrous Size: A graboid is between 15 - 25 feet in length, and as easily spotted when
near the surface. If spotted, the Graboid loses its ability to make a sneak attack.

The Headless Horseman 101

Real Name Unknown

F: In (40)
A: Ex (20)
S: Rm (30)
E: Am (50)
R: Gd (10)
I: Rm (30)
P: Rm (30)
Health: 140
Karma: 70
Popularity: -20 (Most have heard the legend of the headless Hessian)
Resources: N/A (As a spirit, there is no need of 'resources'

Talents: Military, Horsemanship, Mystic Origin*, Swords, Guns, Dual Fighting,
Thrown Weapons

Undying Spirit: The Headless Horseman is unable to be killed or permanently destroyed
as the power that binds him to the mortal plane makes him nearly impervious to
traditional damage. While the Headless Horseman can be reduced to 0 Health, the
Horseman will simply vanish, to be restored on the following night. The Horseman is
immune to stun effects, lifeform control powers, and spirit control.

Unnatural Prescience: Seeing the Headless Horseman causes individuals to 102
make a Psyche FEAT of Excellent or better, or be stunned in fear for 1-10 rounds. The
Horseman's sheer prescience can cause animals to retreat from an area, water to freeze,
and flames to be extinguished.

Hellish Sword: The Headless Horseman's calvary saber is considered a mystical slashing
weapon, performing Rm (30) slashing damage as well as Ex (20) mystic heat damage.
The Horseman's sword can cauterize wounds instantly when inflicting them.

The Glowing Pumpkin: The Horseman carries a lit pumpkin, used occasionally for the
replacement for his head. Some say that the pumpkin is lit by an ember from hell, and can
be seen long before the Horseman himself. The pumpkin can be thrown two areas,
inflicting Typ (6) mystical fire damage as it shatters. The Horseman always appears with
the pumpkin to inflict the most fear within a group.

The Horseman's Steed: The Horseman is carried by the spirit of his great warhorse, a
hellish steed that's speed is unmatched, sharing many of his characteristics. The Horse can
move at Ex (20) land speed, and can easily avoid obstacles and pitfalls in its pursuit of the
unwary. the horse is intelligent and bent to the will of its master, as well as capable of
recovering endurance and hit points in the same manner as the Horseman. So long as
either one remains, the other will remain, so should the horse be defeated, it will respawn
within 1-10 rounds, similar to the Horseman.

Contacts: None

Limitations: Despite the Horseman's powers, he has several limitations:
Bound by Night: Unless truly summoned from his grave, the Horseman's apparition only
appears at night. The Horseman never appears during daylight hours.

Cannot cross running water: The Horseman cannot cross a running stream or brook due
to the ancient powers of running water against the undead.

Cannot enter Holy or Sanctified places: The Horseman cannot cross or enter holy
places, and cannot affect those inside directly, but can however use objects to attack
them, such as Iron spikes from a gate as a spear, etc.

Controlled by his skull: (From Sleepy Hollow): The Horseman's actions can be directed
by the use of his skull, and can be commanded accordingly. Should the skull be returned
to the Horseman, he will return to hell taking the person who was commanding him with

The Heap 103

Baron Eric von Emmelman

F: Ex (20)
A: Gd (10)
S: In (40)*
E: Am (50)
R: Typ (06)
I: Typ (06)
P: Rm (30)
Health: 120
Karma: 38
Resources: Fe (2)
Popularity: - 5/5

Talents: Mystic Origin*: (In the later appearances involving the goddess Ceres), Pilot
Military, Multi-Lingual (Prior to being the Heap) English, German

Plant Body: The Heap's entire mass is made of vegetable matter, and is capable of
resisting many forms of damage. The Heap is completely immune to natural disease
toxins, as well as having other abilities such as:
Armor Skin: The Heap's bio-mass is considered to give him Am (50) armor skin

Invulnerability: The Heap is invulnerable to natural disease and toxins. 104
Increased Strength: The Heap can regenerate its mass and increase its strength to Am
(50) through a simple Psyche FEAT. The Heap's health also increases
Immunity to Stun: The Heap cannot be stunned in conventional means. Any situation
that requires a stun effect is ignored by the Heap.
Amorphous Body: As a being made up of vegetable matter, the Heap ignores certain
kinds of attack, such as traditional shooting attacks or thrown weapons (The weapons
either pass through the Heap or have a chance to be stuck). The Heap can also grab
opponents and 'smother' them in its mass, requiring an opposed strength check or begin
the drowning process.
Regeneration: The Heap can regenerate damage simply by absorbing nutrients from
other organic sources, such as plants, nutrients from soil, or animal matter (See
Limitation Below)
Resist: Magic: The Heap has some natural resistance to magic, at Ex (20) ability, brought
out in the Aircel revised origin that included the goddess Ceres.

Contacts: Airboy, Skywolf, The Goddess Ceres, Ricky Wood

Limitations Despite his powers, the Heap has several key limitations:
Vegetable Body: As a plant-based being, attacks specifically against such do an
additional +2cs damage to the Heap. In the case of powers based around plant control, the
controller must make a power FEAT vs. The Heap's psyche. If the Heap loses the contest,
the Heap's form is under the whim of the plant controller.
Monstrous Visage: The Heap is a gigantic (7' to 9' tall) monster, which requires anyone
encountering the Heap to make a -2cs Psyche check in initial dealings.
Mute: The Heap cannot speak.
Limited Skills: While the heap has awareness of its previous life, it cannot use the skills
of the Baron.
Dependency on outside types of Oxygen: The Heap has been shown in the past to need
to absorb nutrients and most importantly oxygen from outside sources, usually using
cattle or similar herd stock!

Henry Frankenstein 105

F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Gd (10)
E: Rm (30)
R: In (40)
I: Ex (20)
P: Ex (20)
Health: 60
Karma: 80
Popularity: 10 within the medical/scientific world
Resources: Rm (30)

Talents: Medicine*, Astrophysics, Physics, Engineering, Energy Research, Philosophy
Surgeon, Multi-Lingual, Firearms, Chemistry

Obsession: Simply put, Henry Frankenstein is beyond obsessed, and it takes a great deal
when he is pursuing his scientific goals to force him to quit. Henry's obsession works
similarly to Iron Will, in that it allows him to keep going when everything says stop, and
allows him to overcome the frailty of the flesh as well as surviving events that should kill
a man. Henry has this ability at Gd (10), which explains how he was able to recover
taking several beatings from the monster, tossed over the side of a windmill, hitting the
windmill on the way down, and then slamming into the ground - while able to make a full
recovery in days.

Contacts: Unlike the other representations of Frankenstein, Henry Frankenstein has
numerous contacts, including: Baron Frankenstein - His Father, Elizabeth Frankenstein -
his bride, Victor Moriz - Family Friend, Fritz - Hunchback Assistant, Dr. Waldman -
Mentor and friend

Dark Secret: Early on, the secret of the monster's origin is not known, and Henry isn't

keen to reveal it. It is only during the sequels that the origin of the monster is 106
realized, and Dr. Frankenstein's name is associated to it.
Obsession: Dr. Frankenstein suffers from great obsession, which among other things
lures him into creating a second monster (The Bride). Frankenstein suffers a -1cs to any
reaction at stopping or halting his work, and later a -1cs to stopping in his hunt for the
Loyalty: Frankenstein has shown great loyalty to his contacts, willing to revisit his work
in order to save Elizabeth for example. As such, Frankenstein can (and has been)
manipulated into action through their coercion.

The Horla 107

F: Sh 0
A: Sh 0
S: Sh 0
E: Sh 0
R: Mn (75)
I: Mn (75)
P: Mn (75)
Health: 0
Karma: 225
Popularity: - 5
Resources: N/A

Theoretically, the Horla is a creature of pure alien intellect and purpose. As such, talents
have very little meaning as it could theoretically understand and develop new aptitudes.
The Horla has shown the following skills: - Psychology, - Survival

Alien Nature: The Horla is an immaterial and insubstantial creature, capable of
interacting with the physical world only in a limited basis, and requiring emotional energy
and water to survive. The alien and vampiric nature of the Horla grants it the following
- Astral Body: The Horla is considered to exist both in physical space and Astral space.
As such, the Horla is immune to all physical attacks and can only be affected by Psionic
or mystical means.
- Vampirism: the Horla is a vampire in the truest sense of the word, and is considered a

psionic vampire. The Horla does not simply drain the psyche of a victim, it 108
also drains the life-force, and can prolong such an attack over days or weeks depending.
Should a victim reach 0 Psyche, they do not become like the Horla as a traditional
vampire, but instead become a thrall and cannot act without the Horla. In addition, Psyche
and Endurance are permanently reduced by - 2cs if the horla reduces a victim to 0 Psyche.
- Hallucinations: The Horla can project hallucinations, as it did with to the narrator with
Am (50) intensity, allowing its victims to believe that it is dead or not.
- Emotion Control: The Horla can control the emotions of others with Am (50) ability,
capable of affecting many individuals at a time.
- Psi-Screen: The Horla possesses a formidable Psi-Screen, capable of shielding its
thoughts with Un (100) ability, as its purposes were always unknown and could not be
readily understood.
- Invulnerability: The Horla seems completely impervious to physical damage, and can
survivor travel unaided with the rigors of space
- Dream Travel: The Horla can project itself into dreams and use its Hallucination power
to create vivid nightmares. The Horla does this to 'feed'.
- Possession*: While not expressly stated within the work, the implication is that the
Horla possessed its hosts, albeit from a point that it remained in the background. The
Horla works through its hosts to travel and to find new hosts, subjugating them to terrors
as well as psychic assault. As such, the nature of the passive possession is such that many
do not realize the Horla has possessed them until feeding has begun.

Contacts: None

Vampiric Need: The Horla requires both life-energy and water in all forms for it to
continue survival. As such, the Horla's weakness might be in those areas. The Horla must
continually feed to survive, requiring constant supply of victims. If the Horla is reduced
to 0 RIP, it is considered destroyed for the most part.
Alien: The Horla is an extra-terrestrial, and as such, is completely alien to Earth.

Imhotep 109

F: Ex (20)
A: Ex (20)
S: Rm (30)
E: Am (50)
R: Gd (10)
I: Rm (30)
P: Am (50)
Health: 120
Karma: 90
Popularity: - 2 (-10 in Egyptology/Occult Circles)
Resources: Ex (20)

Talents: Occult Lore, Religion, Multi-Lingual, Sharp Weapons, Blunt Weapons,
Priestly Vestments

Mummy: Imhotep is a powerful undead sorcerer, capable of many abilities when either
fully regenerated or even half-regenerated. Imhotep's powers derive from his curse from
killing the Pharaoh, and can only be fully killed either by drawing his Ba out of his body
and then killing his living form (When fully regenerated), cast into hell, or completely
destroyed either psychically and physically. Imhotep also has the increased stats as shown
in his FASERIP. Imhotep has the following powers:
Invulnerability: Imhotep is immune to attacks that affect the living, such as toxins,
disease, poisons, and such things. Imhotep simply ignores such attacks.
Undead state: As an undead, Imhotep cannot be 'killed' in the traditional means,
although he can be slammed and affected by attacks of Rm (30) ability.
1st Stage of Regeneration: At the first stage of regeneration, Imhotep has regained his
stats, and has the ability to 'regenerate' damage with Ex (20) ability, drawing in life force
from individuals who have disturbed him.

Second Stage of Regeneration: At the second stage, Imhotep can control the 110
weather with Ex (20) ability, as well as change his body into sand with Rm (30) ability.
Third Stage of Regeneration: Imhotep begins to control weather with Rm (30) ability,
as well as control through mind control various individuals with Psyche's below Typ (6).
Imhotep also gains the ability to inflict the 10 plagues of Egypt, including insect control
at Ex (20), matter conversion (Water to Blood) with Ex (20) ability, Plague Generation at
Ex (20), among other powers.
Fourth Stage of Regeneration: Complete Regeneration, Imhotep gains In (40) weather
control, as well as Rm (30) earth control. Imhotep can teleport through sand with Rm (30)
ability, as well as transport others seemingly on the winds.
Mystic: Imhotep was the high priest of Egypt, and can perform magic from the Book of
the Dead with Ex (20) ability. Imhotep has shown proficiency in raising the dead,
controlling the elements, and animating mummified soldiers.

Contacts: Cult of Imhotep: Imhotep has a cult of devoted followers who will do
whatever he demands.

Devotion to Anck Su Namun: Imhotep is completely devoted to his lost love, and will
do whatever he can for her.
Cats: Prior to his fourth stage of Regeneration, Imhotep cannot face cats, suffering a -2cs
reaction bonus and is forced to flee in their presence.

The Invisible Man 111

Dr. Jack Griffen

F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Gd (10)
E: Ex (20)
R: Rm (30)
I: Ex (20)
P: Gd (10)
Health: 50
Karma: 60
Popularity: -15 as the Invisible Man
Resources: Varies, but usually around Gd (10) average, as high as Ex (20) or as low as Pr

Talents: Medicine*, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Engineering, Physics

Invisibility: Through the use of Monocane, Dr. Griffin has rendered himself permanently
invisible. While permanently invisible, the good doctor has the following benefits and
- Invisible: Griffin cannot be seen via the visual spectrum, although possesses mass, the
ability to see (even with the color rods in the eyes rendered clear), and the ability to
discern depth and color. Griffin can be seen with infra-red/Ultraviolet, and can be picked
up with heightened senses or tracking. Griffin is considered to have Rm (30) invisibility.

Contacts: Dr. Kemp: Associate and fellow scientist, prior to his death

Limitations: 112
Insane: Due to the amount of Monocane and the permanency of his invisible state, Dr.
Griffin is quite mad, suffering from delusional grandeur and paranoia at the very least,
making him very unstable.
Permanently Invisible: Griffin is permanently invisible, and remains such until his death
with no way to reverse his condition.

Irena Gallier 113

F: Gd (10)
A: Ex (20)
S: Typ (06)
E: Gd (10)
R: Typ (06)
I: Ex (20)
P: Gd (10)
Health: 46
Karma: 36
Resources: Typ (06)
Popularity: 0

Talents: Mystic Origin* (although Irene is not aware of the history of her people initially,
nor does she immediately possess any occult lore)

Were-Panther: Irene and her brother paul are from a long-line of were-panthers, in
which they are destined to transform into a panther when sexually active. As a were-
panther, Irena has some benefits, which include:
Heightened Agility: Irena is able to deftly avoid danger as shown in the film by
being able to scale a large tree with little effort.
Hyper-Climbing: Irena seems more than capable of climbing with Pr (04) ability
in human form.
Heightened Senses: As slightly indicated in the movie, Irena's sense of smell is
greater, granting her Gd (10) heightened senses. It is implied that Irena also can
see in near darkness, and is often comforted by it.
Stealth: Again, as indicated in the movie, Irena is shown to be somewhat stealthy,
granting her Pr (04) stealth.
Transformation: If sexually active with anyone except her brother, Irena will
transform into a large female panther. Irena will remain a panther until she takes a
human life, which she is very reluctant to do. As a panther, Irena maintains a

majority of her intellect and awareness. Irena's stats as a panther are as 114
F: Ex (20) A: Ex (20) S: Gd (10) E: Ex (20): R: Pr (04) I: Rm (30) P: Typ (06)
Health: 70
Karma: 42
Resources: Fe (2)
Pop: 0
Natural Weaponry: Claws Gd (10), Bite Ex (20)

Contacts: Paul - Brother (while he was alive, although Irena will be very, very reluctant
to contact him after she learns the truth), Oliver Yates

Curse of the were-panther: Irena suffers the curse of her ancestors - She will transform
into a panther, requiring a human death in order for her to become human. Sexual activity
with anyone outside of her familial line will hasten the transformation, and only by
breeding with a member of her family can she stop the transformation. As such, Irena has
been ignorant of her true nature for most of her adult life, and as such, attempts to deny
her legacy.
Reluctant to Kill: Even though it means her humanity and happiness with Oliver, Irena
chooses to become a panther permanently rather than to kill another. Irena will not
willingly hurt someone else, granting her a Psyche FEAT when provoked into situations
where she might have to.
Loyalty: Irena is extraordinary loyal to Oliver, and recognizes him even as a panther.
Irena's one concession to her nature is if Oliver was in danger of being hurt.
Animal Nature: Irena's were-panther nature is apparent to any other animal, causing
occasionally violent reactions. Animals (especially other cats) suffer a -1cs reaction to

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