Fire Code Illustrated Commentary Salvage Shops &yards

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Ontario Fire Code


Illustrated Commentary

Office of the
Fire Marshal
Salvage Shops Illustrated Commentary 1

3.5.1. General
Roof storage prohibited The roof of a building located in a salvage yard shall not be used for
storage purposes.

Article applies to all buildings on a property where salvage work is performed, including
those used for storage, vehicle shelters, administration and sales.

The intent is to prevent storage of materials on roofs in order to decrease the likelihood that the
building will collapse in the event of fire.

Roof storage prohibited.

Building means any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy.
2 Illustrated Commentary Salvage Shops

3.5.1. General
Fires prohibited Fires shall not be permitted in a salvage yard except when used for
heating purposes or for operating machinery or welding or cutting

In salvage yards, controlled flame sources such as cutting torches and salamanders may be used
for heating or work. Article is intended to prohibit fires/burning such as bonfires or
burning of refuse piles.
Salvage Shops.doc Illustrated Commentary 3

3.5.1. General
Fires prohibited Gas tanks on vehicles to be salvaged shall be drained and ventilated

prior to salvage operations.

Salvaging parts from vehicles may involve using cutting torches that operate at very high
temperatures. Article is intended to prevent fires and explosions, resulting from the
ignition of gasoline or gasoline vapours that may be present in gas tanks, during salvage work.

Gas tank drained and

ventilated prior to
salvage operations
4 Illustrated Commentary Salvage Shops.doc

3.5.1. General
Fire access gates Where storage areas are fenced or otherwise enclosed, gates having a
clear width of 3.5 m shall be provided to permit the entry of fire
department vehicles.

Making certain that all areas of salvage yards are accessible to fire department vehicles allows
firefighters to contain fires and extinguish them with maximum efficiency. Clearance for fire
department vehicles needs to be considered in the layout of access routes throughout the salvage
yard. This is in order to allow those vehicles access to all areas within the site. The intent of
Article is to ensure that gates are wide enough to accommodate fire department vehicles.

Fence Building

Storage rack
racks Storage piles Building
Storage rack

Gate opening
Fence Fire department access route ≥ 3.5 m wide

Scrap pile Fence

Fire department means a group of firefighters authorized to provide fire protection services by a
municipality, group of municipalities or by an agreement made under section 3 of the Fire Protection and
Prevention Act.
Salvage Shops.doc Illustrated Commentary 5

3.5.1. General
Fire extinguishing provisions Except where all salvage and scrap material is noncombustible and
free of combustibles, water barrels of 200 L capacity with three 12 L
pails or portable extinguishers having a 2A or higher rating
conforming to the requirements of Section 6.2 shall be provided, so
that the maximum travel distance from any part of the yard to a barrel
or extinguisher is 25 m. Portable extinguishers in conformance with Section 6.2 shall be
provided in each building located in a salvage yard.

First aid fire fighting equipment is required in salvage yards containing combustible materials
and in buildings located in salvage yards. Article ensures that extinguishing equipment,
i.e. water barrels or fire extinguishers, are readily available in yards containing combustible
materials. Article is a reminder that buildings must be provided with fire extinguishers
under Section 6.2.

Water stations or extinguishers

having a 2A or higher rating Fire extinguishers inside

Max. 25 m Max. 25 m Building

Storage racks
Storage Storage
racks racks Storage Max. 25 m
piles Building

Storage racks

Max. 25 m Max. 25 m

Building means any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy.
6 Illustrated Commentary Salvage Shops

3.5.1. General
Hydrant systems and water supply Except as required in Article, where a municipal hydrant

system exists and is adjacent to the yard, the hydrant system
shall be extended into the yard area so that all parts of the
salvage yard can be reached by using not more than 60 m of
hose. Article does not apply where the fire protection that is
provided by the municipal street hydrants and mobile pumping
equipment is approved as being adequate in the circumstances.

Salvage yards may take up a large area of land for the storage of salvaged materials. Installing
private hydrants inside the yard so that any part of the yard can be reached by 60 m or less of
hose can save valuable time in fire fighting. The intent of article is to ensure that an
adequate water supply is available in order to maximize fire fighting efficiency.

The Chief Fire Official may decide to waive this requirement, based on his evaluation of the fire
protection provided by existing street hydrants and fire equipment owned by the municipality.

Private hydrant system 60 m

extended into the yard

60 m Street
Area covered
by public Public
60 m hydrant system hydrant
Area covered by
public hydrant system


Approved means approved by the Chief Fire Official.

Salvage Shops Illustrated Commentary 7

3.5.1. General
Smoking prohibited Smoking shall be prohibited in salvage yards, except as permitted in

Subsection 2.4.3.

Subsection 2.4.3 states that “smoking is allowed only in approved areas where it does not present
a fire or explosion hazard to flammable or combustible materials or vapours” (that exist in
salvage yards). “No Smoking” signs must be posted in areas where smoking is not permitted.
8 Illustrated Commentary Salvage Shops

3.5.1. General The telephone number of the fire department and location of the
nearest telephones shall be posted conspicuously in working
locations in the open yard and in each building.

This requirement is intended to inform people who discover a fire to call the fire department and
know where the nearest phone is situated. Posting this information in work areas where people
will see it can save valuable time in notifying the fire department.


CALL – 555 –1212

Municipal Fire Department

Nearest phone to this location is:

At Crane Operator’s Hut

Building means any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy.
Fire department means a group of firefighters authorized to provide fire protection services by a
municipality, group of municipalities or by an agreement made under section 3 of the Fire Protection and
Prevention Act.
Salvage Shops.doc Illustrated Commentary 9

3.5.2. Piling
Pile clearance and dimensions Piles that include combustible salvage shall be 3 m from property

lines, and not more than 3 m in height and 100 m2 in area. Piles of salvage material shall be separated by a clear space of 3 m
that is kept clear of grass and weeds.

The intent of these Articles is to limit the amount of available fuel for fires by keeping piles of
combustible salvage separated by clear lanes and limiting the size of piles.

• Allows firefighters to work between storage piles and fences

• Helps to prevent the spread of fire to neighbouring storage piles or properties

Storage pile line fence
max. 100 m2 area

3 m clearance
Storage pile
4m max. 100 m2 area 3m
25 m

The storage piles in this illustrated example have a base area of 100 square metres (4m x 25m)
and have adequate clearance between both piles and property lines.
10 Illustrated Commentary Salvage Shops.doc

3.5.2. Piling
Piles of tanks or drums Tanks or drums shall be stored in piles separate from piles of other

Salvaged tanks or drums may have contained hazardous materials, flammable liquids, oils or
greases and may contain flammable residue. The intent of this article is to keep tanks and drums
separate from other materials and decrease the likelihood of the residue posing a problem should
a fire occur.

Drums separated from

piles of other materials
Salvage Shops.doc Illustrated Commentary 11

3.5.2. Piling
Combustible metals Piles or containers with metal shavings, turnings and dusts shall be
stored in an area separate from other salvage materials and
identified with warning signs.
(2) Warning signs required in Sentence (1) shall
(a) be visible from all directions of approach, and
(b) have the name of the metal and the words "COMBUSTIBLE
METAL - DO NOT USE WATER" displayed in plain legible
letters as described in Sentence (3).
(3) Lettering on warning signs shall be red or white letters 114 mm
high with a 19 mm stroke on a contrasting background.

Certain metals (e.g. titanium, magnesium, hafnium, thorium, tungsten) are highly combustible
when in shaving, dust or powder form. Many react with water and release hydrogen, which can
spontaneously ignite. In addition, using water on some combustible metal fires can cause a
steam explosion. This results when water comes in contact with the extremely hot burning
metals. Article is intended to ensure separate storage and proper labeling of these
materials as required in order to reduce the fire potential presented by such metals and to reduce
the spread of fires caused when these metals combust.




12 Illustrated Commentary Salvage Shops.doc

3.5.3. Outdoor Tire Storage Yards

Application Despite Subsection 3.5.2., this Subsection applies with respect to

the outdoor storage of tires or shredded tires where the bulk
volume of stored product exceeds 300 m3.
(2) This Subsection does not apply where the stored tires or shredded
tires are covered by a minimum depth of 150 mm of
noncombustible material.

Rubber tire storage exceeding 300 m3 in an outdoor area presents a significant fire/environmental
hazard and deserves special consideration. Subsection 3.5.3. outlines requirements for outdoor
storage of tires in excess of 300 m3. As an alternative to complying with Subsection 3.5.3., the
tires or shredded tires may be covered by a minimum of 150 mm of noncombustible material,
such as earth.

2 m high

10 m wide
15 m long

A tire storage pile of these dimensions is 300 m3 (these are sample measurements). Subsection
3.5.3. applies to volumes greater than illustrated.
Salvage Shops.doc Illustrated Commentary 13

3.5.3. Outdoor Tire Storage Yards

Prohibitions Open air burning is prohibited in storage yards.

(2) Cutting, welding or heating devices shall not be operated in storage
(3) Smoking is prohibited in storage yards except as provided in
Subsection 2.4.3.
(4) Storage piles shall not be located beneath electrical power lines
with a voltage in excess of 750 volts or that supply power to fire
emergency systems.

The intent of Article is to eliminate all ignition sources such as welding and cutting from
yards where rubber tire storage exceeds 300 cubic metres. Smoking is allowed only in approved
areas where it does not present a fire hazard. Electrical power lines may be damaged in cases of
fire, cutting off emergency fire systems. For this reason storage piles must not be located
beneath power lines as described in Sentence (4).

Sentence (1) Sentence (2) Sentence (3)

14 Illustrated Commentary Salvage Shops.doc

3.5.3. Outdoor Tire Storage Yards

Fire safety planning Except as provided in Sentences (2) to (4), storage yards shall

comply with the requirements of Section 2.8.
(2) The fire safety plan shall include provisions respecting access for
water tanker shuttle operations within the fire department access
routes, if water tanker shuttle operations are required in the
circumstances of the storage yard.
(3) At least one copy of the fire emergency procedures shall be
prominently posted and maintained at the storage yard.
(4) The telephone number of the fire department and location of the
nearest telephone shall be posted conspicuously in attended

Section 2.8 of the Ontario Fire Code details the requirements for emergency planning and fire
safety plans. A fire safety plan must include: procedures for sounding the fire alarm, procedures
for notifying the fire department, provisions for fire department access and training requirements
for supervisory staff regarding their duties in the event of a fire. The requirements stated in
Sentences (2) to (4) of Article, are specific to salvage operations. They are intended to
increase effective response to fire emergencies and ensure that all employees of a salvage yard
know and understand what to do in case of fire.


CALL – 555 –1212

Municipal Fire Department

Nearest phone to this location is:

At Crane Operator’s Hut

Fire department means a group of firefighters authorized to provide fire protection services by a
municipality, group of municipalities or by an agreement made under section 3 of the Fire Protection and
Prevention Act.
Salvage Shops.doc Illustrated Commentary 15

3.5.3. Outdoor Tire Storage Yards

Pile dimensions Individual storage piles shall not be more than 3 m in height and
100 m2 in area.

Individual storage piles must not exceed the dimensions described in Sentence Tire
storage piles that are larger make it more difficult to contain and extinguish fires. The intent of
this article is to limit the amount of fuel that an individual storage pile contains.

20 metres

3 metres maximum

5 metres

(maximum pile area not to exceed 100 m2)

Illustration of storage pile dimensions (these are sample measurements) that comply with

16 Illustrated Commentary Salvage Shops.doc

3.5.3. Outdoor Tire Storage Yards

Pile separations Storage piles shall be separated by a clear space of at least 6 m

from piles of other stored product.

The purpose of this Sentence is to limit the possibility of a fire spreading from one pile to

The 6 metre clearance:

• allows fire department vehicles and personnel access to all areas of a salvage yard

• helps prevent the spread of fire from burning tire storage piles to other materials stored in the

Tire storage pile

6 metres

6 metres Salvaged scrap metal or

minimum a pile of other materials
Tire storage pile
Salvage Shops.doc Illustrated Commentary 17

3.5.3. Outdoor Tire Storage Yards

Pile clearance Storage piles shall be located at least 15 m from property lines.

(2) Storage piles shall be located at least 15 m from buildings.
(3) Despite Sentence (2), the separation of storage piles from
buildings may be determined in accordance with Appendix C,
"Guidelines for Outdoor Storage of Scrap Tires", of NFPA 231D,
"Storage of Rubber Tires", and NFPA-80A, "Protection of
Buildings from Exterior Fire Exposures".
(4) Individual storage piles shall be separated from other piles of
salvage by a clear space of at least 6 m.

The intent of Article is to protect both buildings on the property and adjoining properties
from damage due to storage of rubber tires and to prevent the spread of fire from one storage pile
to another by requiring:

• At least 15 metres of clear space between storage piles and property lines;

• At least 15 metres of clear space between storage piles and buildings;

• At least 6 metres of clear space between all storage piles.

Under Sentence (3) the clearance between a storage pile and a building may be reduced,
depending upon the construction features of the building. The standards referenced allow lesser
clearances to be determined based upon the construction of the walls facing the storage piles.

Building means any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy.
18 Illustrated Commentary Salvage Shops.doc

3.5.3. Outdoor Tire Storage Yards

Clearances from vegetation Storage yards shall be maintained free of combustible ground

(a) over a distance of 4.5 m from the stored product to grass and
weeds, and
(b) over a distance of 30 m from the stored product to brush and
forested areas.

The purpose of this Article is to prevent a fire spreading along ground vegetation and involving
the stored product.

At least 4.5 metres

cleared of
Brush or ground vegetation
forest area

At least 4.5 metres

cleared of
At least 30 metres ground vegetation
cleared of Tire storage
combustible pile
ground vegetation

At least 4.5 metres Grass and

cleared of weeds
ground vegetation
Salvage Shops.doc Illustrated Commentary 19

3.5.3. Outdoor Tire Storage Yards

Fire breaks Where the bulk volume of stored product is more than 4800 m3,
fire breaks shall be provided around the perimeter of each group of
storage piles in accordance with Sentences (2) and (3).
(2) Individual storage piles shall be arranged so that there are not more
than 16 individual storage piles per group.
(3) Fire breaks shall be at least 22 m wide.

The individual storage piles described here must conform to the storage pile dimension
requirements stated in Sentences and (2):
• Not more than 3m in height and 100 square metres in area: 3 x 100m² = 300m³.
• Be separated from other piles of stored product by at least 6m.
The intent of Article is to limit the concentration of storage piles and ensure that an area,
that is free of all other combustibles and at least 22m wide, is provided to allow access for fire
department crews and vehicles, and to help prevent the spread of fire to other groups of stored
tire piles.

Maximum of 16 individual
Storage piles piles in a group

≥ 22m ≥ 22m ≥ 22m

fire break fire break fire break

≥ 22m fire breaks between other groups of storage piles

20 Illustrated Commentary Salvage Shops

3.5.3. Outdoor Tire Storage Yards

Alternative measures Despite Articles to, other pile arrangements that will
prevent the spread of fire and that are approved may be used.

This Article permits alternative pile arrangements to Articles to provided that
fire spread is prevented and the arrangements are approved by the Chief Fire Official.

Approved means approved by the Chief Fire Official.

Salvage Shops.doc Illustrated Commentary 21

3.5.3. Outdoor Tire Storage Yards

Fire Department Access Each tire storage yard shall be provided with fire access routes.
(2) The fire access routes shall,
(a) have a clear width of at least 6 m,
(b) be designed to support the loads imposed by fire fighting equipment,
(c) be surfaced with material designed to permit accessibility under all
climatic conditions,
(d) be connected with a public thoroughfare in at least two places that are
located as remotely as is possible in the circumstances from each other,
(e) be located within all pile clearances identified in Sentence,
(2) or (3) and within all fire breaks required in Article,
(f) be within 50 m of any point in the storage yard where storage piles are
(g) be at least 6 m from any storage pile, and
(h) be maintained accessible and unobstructed at all times.

The intent of Sentences and (2) is to ensure that firefighters have access for bringing
their equipment into the yard, getting to the fire quickly thereby increasing the efficiency of fire
fighting efforts.

Public Fire department

thoroughfare access route (d)

Fire department access route (d)

Access route is within ≥ 6m from any

50 m of storage piles (f) storage pile (g)
22 Illustrated Commentary Salvage Shops

3.5.4. Outdoor Tire Storage Yards

Fire department access Despite Sentences (1) and (2), alternate fire access routes may be
provided if
(a) the routes permit fire fighting vehicles and equipment access
and permit the use of fire suppression techniques appropriate in the
circumstances, and
(b) the routes are approved.

The intent of Sentence is to allow an alternate layout for Fire Department access in
the yard.
Alternate fire routes may only be used where approved by the Chief Fire Official. The alternate
access routes have to permit access for fire fighting vehicles and necessary equipment. These
alternative fire access routes will permit the use of the fire suppression techniques that are
appropriate for the respective yard.

Approved means approved by the Chief Fire Official.

Salvage Shops.doc Illustrated Commentary 23

3.5.3. Outdoor Tire Storage Yards

Fencing Where the bulk volume of stored product is more than 600 m3, the
storage yard shall be surrounded by a firmly anchored fence or
other approved method of security that controls unauthorized
access to the storage yard.
(2) Where a fence is used, the fence shall be at least 1.8 m high and
constructed to discourage entry.
(3) The fence shall have gateways with a clear width of at least 3.5 m.
(4) The gateways shall be high enough to permit the entry of fire
department vehicles.
(5) The gateways shall be kept clear of obstructions so that the gates
may be opened fully at all times.
(6) The gates shall be locked when the storage yard is not staffed.

The intent of Article is to ensure the security of salvage yards, prevent malicious acts
(e.g. arson), and to ensure that gateways will allow access by fire department equipment to
salvage yards. Fencing, gateways and security precautions must comply with the requirements
set out in this article. Alternative security measures are permitted where approved.

Salvage Yard
Clear of obstructions
High enough
≥ 1.8 m high to permit
(2) entry of fire
Locked when yard (4)
not staffed (6)

Concrete anchors ≥ 3.5 m clear width (3)

for fence (1)

Approved means approved by the Chief Fire Official.

Fire department means a group of firefighters authorized to provide fire protection services by a
municipality, group of municipalities or by an agreement made under section 3 of the Fire Protection and
Prevention Act.
24 Illustrated Commentary Salvage Shops.doc

3.5.3. Outdoor Tire Storage Yards

Water supply A public or private water supply shall be provided such that any
part of the storage yard can be reached by using not more than 150
m of hose.
(2) When the quantity of stored product is between 300 m3 and 1200
m3, the water supply system shall be capable of supplying 1860
L/min for 3 hours.
(3) Where the quantity of stored product is 1200 m3 or more, the
water supply system shall be capable of supplying 3780 L/min for
3 hours.

The intent of Article is to ensure that an adequate public or private water supply is
available for fire fighting.

Where private or public fire hydrants are used, they must be situated such that any part of the
salvage yard can be reached by using not more than 150 m of hose.

Quantity of stored product Minimum water supply required

> 300 m3 and < 1200 m3 1860 L/min for 3 hours

1200 m3 and more 3780 L/min for 3 hours

Salvage Shops Illustrated Commentary 25

3.5.4. Outdoor Tire Storage Yards

Water supply Where on-site reservoirs or other established water supplies are

used as a fire department draft source to meet the requirements
of Sentences (1), (2) and (3), they shall be equipped with dry
hydrants in accordance with Appendix B of NFPA 1231, "Water
Supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting".

The purpose of this Article is to ensure that on-site water supplies are readily accessible at all
times by using dry hydrants that comply with Appendix B of NFPA 1231.

Appendix B
"Water Supplies for
Suburban and Rural
Fire Fighting"

Dry hydrant

Fire department means a group of firefighters authorized to provide fire protection services by a
municipality, group of municipalities or by an agreement made under section 3 of the Fire Protection and
Prevention Act.
26 Illustrated Commentary Salvage Shops.doc

3.5.3. Outdoor Tire Storage Yards

Alternative measures Despite Article, other water supply systems or other

measures may be used if the systems or measures will provide
sufficient fire suppression capability in the circumstances and if the
systems or measures are approved.

The intent of Article is to allow the use of alternate water supply systems or, where
water is not available, the use of other measures.

Alternative systems or measures may only be used where approved by the Chief Fire Official.
These alternative systems or measures must have sufficient fire protection capability given the
circumstances before they can be approved.

Approved means approved by the Chief Fire Official.

Salvage Shops.doc Illustrated Commentary 27

3.5.3. Outdoor Tire Storage Yards

Fire extinguishers Fuel-fired vehicles operating in the storage yard shall be equipped

with a 2A:10BC or higher rated portable extinguisher conforming to
the requirements of Section 6.2.

This requirement specifies that each fuel-fired vehicle operating in the storage yard shall be
equipped with a listed 2A:10BC or higher rated portable fire extinguisher mounted in brackets
designed to accommodate the effects of jarring or vibration.

Fuel-fired vehicles can be an ignition source. Faulty electrical systems, hot engines or exhaust
systems may create enough heat to ignite materials.

Placing a fire extinguisher on the vehicle, provides the operator with immediate access to first
aid fire fighting equipment.
28 Questions and References Salvage Shops.doc

Q1 How must gas tanks on vehicles being salvaged be treated before salvage begins?
A1 Refer to Ontario Fire Code

Q2 Where salvage yards are fenced, what is the minimum requirement regarding the clear
width of gates?
A2 Refer to Ontario Fire Code

Q3 Do municipal hydrant systems that are adjacent to a salvage yard have to be extended
into the yard?
A3 Refer to Ontario Fire Code and

Q4 Is smoking allowed in salvage yards?

A4 Refer to Ontario Fire Code

Q5 What is the maximum height allowed for storage piles that include combustible salvage?
A5 Refer to Ontario Fire Code

Q6 How must piles of salvaged tanks or drums be stored?

A6 Refer to Ontario Fire Code

Q7 What labeling is required on storage containers holding combustible metal shavings?

A7 Refer to Ontario Fire Code

Q8 Are cutting and welding operations allowed in tire storage yards?

A8 Refer to Ontario Fire Code

Q9 In tire storage yards, what is the maximum volume allowed for individual storage piles?
A9 Refer to Ontario Fire Code

Q10 In tire storage yards where the volume of stored product exceeds 4800m³, what is the
minimum required width of fire breaks?
A10 Refer to Ontario Fire Code

Q11 What is the minimum required width for fire access routes in salvage yards?
A11 Refer to Ontario Fire Code

Q12 What rating must portable fire extinguishers carried by fuel-fired vehicles operating in
outdoor tire storage yards have?
A12 Refer to Ontario Fire Code

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