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The case for Methanol H2 Supply Systems

(MHSS) for Fuel Cell Mobility Applications

H2WORLD 2019 Conference & Forum

4-6 September 2019

Element 1 Corp
David S.W. Lim, VP, Asia

Affordable. www.e1na.com
Element 1 Corp
Scalable, Reliable, and Affordable H2 Generation

➜ e1 is a leading developer of small-scale advanced H2 generation

systems supporting the fuel cell industry
➜ e1 collaborates with its strategic licensing partners to produce
state-of-the-art H2 generation systems used in clean energy
➜ e1 has a license business model to get product to market to
address a wide range of products and applications
➜ e1 seeks to partner with global companies that have the capital
and market channel to broadly commercialize e1 technology Founded in 2010 in Bend, Oregon

Element 1 Corp Introduction Video (Hyperlink)

www.e1na.com Confidential 2
Management Team
Dr. Dave Edlund Ph.D., Founder & CEO
➜ 30 years experience developing fuel reformers and H2 purifiers
➜ 100 H2 generator and fuel cell patents. Co-founder of IdaTech, LLC (later sold to Ballard Fuel Cell Systems)

Robert Schluter, Founder & President

➜ 20 years business operations, sales and marketing experience
➜ Founder of Pangaea Technology Resources
Greg Haugen, CFO
➜ VP Finance and Administration for Advanced Power Technology, Inc.
➜ Helped lead successful IPO of APT in 2000. Extensive M&A experience
➜ Public accounting experience with KPMG

David S.W. Lim Ph.D., Vice President Asia

➜ 15 years experience in H2 and fuel cell industry with
collaborations with Ballard, IdaTech, and other industrial players
➜ Former CTO and co-founder of Pfemtoquest LLC
Koji Hoshi, Dir. Of Engineering
➜ 15 years of fuel reformer and fuel system engineering experience
➜ Formerly Sr. System Engineer for Ballard Fuel Cell Systems

www.e1na.com 3
e1 Markets and Products
Scalable, High-Value Solutions at an Affordable Cost

Critical FCEV H2 Material Mobile H2

Infrastructure Refueling Stations Handling Generation
Reliable and cost- Scalable H2 generators On-site H2 generators for Mobile (on-board) H2
effective H2 generators supporting fleet FCEV your material handling generators for bus, truck,
supporting critical refueling stations fleets tram and marine fuel cell
infrastructure solutions

S-Series L-Series M-Series

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e1 H2 is compatible with many PEMFC and has been
integrated with:

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e1 Business Model
Customer Profile
➜ Develop H2 technology
➜ Assemble and provide sample (demonstration) products for
evaluation by partner companies
➜ Licensing business model to get product to market worldwide
(not a commercial manufacturer of H2 generators)
➜ License partners manufacture e1 H2 generator products and
provide the sales channel to defined markets
➜ e1’s Customer Profile:
o Fuel cell technology developers
o Fuel cell system integrators
o Market leading OEM’s who want to acquire fuel cell related
technology to maintain or grow market share

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Methanol: A Very Practical Liquid Fuel
Methanol has Four Times the Energy Density of 350 bar Gas H2

• Good energy density
• Liquid fuel = easily
• Very accessible

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Safer for theLethal
dosis (fish)
LC50, LC
Lethal dosis
Concentration in water,atat(fish)
inwater, whichhalf
which halfthe
population died within a
specified died within the specified test duration

Methanol[1] (LC50, LC=Lethal

Methane Concentration):
[5] Diesel by
Heavy Fuel Oil[3] Diesel[4] Gasoline[2]
Safer than a
15400 (mg/l) Concentration in(mg/l)
49,9 at which
of 240 times half79the population died within
(mg/l) a
65 (mg/l)
Methanol has been
8,2 (mg/l)
specified test duration. proven safe by
Methanol Methane[5] Heavy Fuel Oil[3] Diesel[4] Gasoline[2] numerous studies in
15400 (mg/l)
15,400 (mg/l) 49,9 (mg/l) 79 (mg/l) 65 (mg/l) 8,2 (mg/l) many countries
including China

Methanol better than

• Diesel by factor 240 Lethal Concentration [mg/l]
Methanol• better than by factor 1900
• Diesel by factor 240 The larger the safer,
• Gasoline by factor 1900 The smaller the more lethal
[1] ECHA, European Chemicals Agency, registration dossier Methanol
[2] Petrobras/Statoil ASA, Safety Data Sheet, ECHA registration dossier Gasoline
[1] ECHA,[3]
European Chemicals Agency,Safety
GKG/ A/S Dansk Shell, Data dossier
Sheet Methanol
[2] Petrobras/Statoil ASA, Safety Data Sheet, ECHA registration dossier Gasoline
[4] ECHA, European Chemicals Agency, registration dossier Diesel
[3] GKG/ A/S Dansk Shell, Safety Data Sheet
[5] ECHA, European Chemicals Agency, registration dossier Methane
[4] ECHA, European Chemicals Agency, registration dossier Diesel
[5] ECHA, European Chemicals Agency, registration dossier Methane
Additional Source: Meyer-Werft
Courtesy of the Methanol Institute
MethaShip – Daniel Sahnen (MEYER WERFT - RD) 11
MethaShip – Daniel Sahnen (MEYER WERFT - RD) 11
www.e1na.com 8
Emissions Comparison
Electrolyzer, Coal to H2, Methanol

Emission of Methanol is low

and carbon neutral when
renewable methanol is used
(1) Coal gasification: C + O2 → CO2; C + CO2 → 2 CO; CO + H2O → CO2 + H2
(2) Does not include cost of H2 transportation from centralized coal-to-H2 plant to point of use
(3) US Department of Energy, standard tube trailer (180 bar and 280 kg H2)
(4) US Department of Energy, standard tank trailer (34,065 L methanol or 26,230 kg methanol; yields 4,160 kg H2)

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Superior, Hydrogen-Dense Transportation Fuel
A high-volume commodity liquid hydrocarbon fuel (methanol) allows for:
➜ High-energy fuel density reducing storage space
➜ Low-cost of fuel (with the right technology)
➜ Low-cost of liquid fuel storage
➜ Low-carbon fuel, with a renewable future – Just like H2 and RNG
➜ Clean exhaust emissions: NO NOx | NO SOx | NO Particulate Matter

www.e1na.com 10
e1 H2 Generators
Technology Made Simple

➜ Core Knowledge: e1 team has 120-man years in small to Woodward Reactor

micro-scale catalytic reactor and process designs, H2 Controls Box
purification, and process controls
➜ e1 IP: 19 issued patents (U.S. and foreign), and 20 Box
pending applications
➜ H2 Purifier: Patented membrane-based H2 purifier has no
moving parts and is simple, reliable, and very low cost
➜ Differentiator: Track record of simplifying complex
chemical operations to achieve industry leading low-cost,
scalable H2 generation products

L-Series H2 Generator

www.e1na.com 11
S-Series H2 Generator
Small-Scale, On-Site, On-Demand H2 Generator
➜ S-Series: Was designed to displace expensive cylinders of compressed H2
for critical power applications where long runtimes are required
➜ Feedstock: Methanol & DI water feedstock
➜ Product H2: >99.99% with <0.2 ppm CO and <0.2 ppm CO2. Delivery
pressure 10 psig to 30 psig
➜ Target uses: 4G/5G Telecom, railroad infrastructure, broadband cable
Key Advantages
➜ Low cost of H2 & Low initial cost of equipment
➜ Mature Technology: Proven design, developed over 20
➜ Scalable: Economically support 1 to 7.5 kW fuel cell
power solutions
➜ Long run times, 100% turndown, Compact design

www.e1na.com 12
L-Series Hydrogen Generator
Designed to displace expensive compressed or liquid The L-Series H2 Generator
H2 and electrolyzer to support hydrogen fueling and Provides the Lowest Total Cost of
stationary power H2 for Fuel Cell Solutions
➜ L-Series: Was designed to displace expensive electrolyzers and
deliver the lowest total cost of H2 for refueling applications
Reactor Box
➜ Scalable H2 production: from 50 kg/d to 500 kg/d
➜ State of the art safety & controls: Woodward Flex 500
Woodward Controls
➜ Minimal power requirements: (<2 kW for L100; < 6kW for L500)
Purifier Box
➜ Feedstock: Methanol & DI water feedstock
➜ Product H2: >99.99% with CO < 0.2 ppm and CO2<0.2 ppm
➜ Low Cost, Great Customer Value
➜ Compact design
➜ Target uses: H2 fueling for fuel cell vehicles and large stationary fuel
cell power solutions

www.e1na.com 13
L-Series H2 Fueling Station for Heavy Duty Vehicles
Installed and operations at Nation Synergy, Guangdong, China
The L-100 H2 generator is designed for applications such as:
• H2 refueling stations for heavy duty motive vehicles
• Maritime
• The demo system has been operating in Guangdong
province successfully
• On-going testing is being carried out on routine basis

缓冲罐 缓冲罐压力

纯化器 纯化器压力

反应器 反应器压力

2nd 泵压力(PT04)

2nd 泵速率

1st 泵压力(PT03)

1st 泵速率


18:30 Dec 16. 2018 22:36 Dec 20, 2018

0 hour 100 hour

www.e1na.com 14
Customer’s Stationary Fueling Station Concept
Provided by courtesy of Nation Synergy CO LTD, China

系统输出氢气参数 System parameters

流量 Flow rate 46 Nm³/h
压力 Pressure 20MPa
纯度 H2 purity >99.99%

电力消耗-power consumption
待机 Standby 2kw
运行(压缩机工作) 30kw
Operating (Compressor)
www.e1na.com 15
L-Series H2 Mobile Refueling Station for HD Vehicles
Proposed by Customer in China
L-Series H2 Generator on Skid
• H2 fueling to support fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEV) On Demand
• Methanol reformer produces 50 kg to 500 kg per day
• Lower CapEx: 25% cost of Electrolyzer
• Lower CO2: <20% of Electrolyzer e1 content (reactor, purifier, controls)

www.e1na.com 16
L-Series Compared to Electrolyzer
e1 L-Series Electrolyzer
➜ Pure H2 produced from methanol & water ➜ Pure H2 produced from electricity & water
• 6.3 kg methanol yields 1.0 kg pure H2 • 55 kWhr electricity yields 1.0 kg pure H2
• At US$410/ton methanol → 6.3 kg methanol costs • At US$0.10/kWhr → 55 kWhr costs US$5.50
US$2.58 • At US$0.05/kWhr → 55 kWhr costs US$2.75
• Minimal maintenance cost • Significant maintenance cost to deliver high-purity
water to the electrolyzer
➜ CapEx is less than 35% to 50% that of
electrolyzers ➜ High CapEx
• In commercialization, CapEx is estimated to be: • Approx. $560,000 to $750,000 for 100 kg H2/day
o $100,000 to $150,000 for 100 kg H2/day • Approx. $950,000 to $1,400,000 for 300 kg H2/day
o $250,000 to $300,000 for 300 kg H2/day
➜ If renewable electricity is used, zero net CO2
➜ If renewable methanol is used, zero net CO2 emissions

www.e1na.com 17
Mass Deployment Comparison
Methanol Vs. H2

1. Methanol station capacity: 600,000 Gallon/mo., avg = 25 mpg, 1,000kg H2/hour
2. Charging station capacity: 200 miles/car, needs 1.5 hour/charge, 2 charger/station, 24 car/day
3. H2 refueling capacity: 150 kg/day, 60 miles/kg
www.e1na.com 18
H2 Cost Comparison
(Includes tube trailer transport for 200 km distance)

Cost of H2: Won/KG

3,000 6,000 9,000


Onsite H2 Generation Distributed


Cost of H2: Source:1. 国金证券研究所 2017

2. Chinese customers’ input 19
Site Safety

➜ H2 fueling station accidents

• Gangneung, S. Korea: May 23, 2019, H2 tank explosion
• Sandvika, Norway: June 10, 2019. H2 fuel station destroyed
• Santa Clara, California: June 1, 2019. Fire occurred when filling
tube trailer
➜ In all cases the cause was high-pressure H2 leak
➜ L-Series H2 generator is safe
• H2 is consumed as it is generated
• No high-pressure H2 is stored on the vehicle
• No need to transport compressed H2

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Lifetime and Maintenance
➜ Definition: End of life is when the residual value of the H2 generator is less than the cost of
➜ Very little maintenance is required
➜ Few moving parts to wear
➜ Operating > 20,000 hours; Designed up to 40,000 hours

Maintenance Schedule
Item Interval Labor
Inspect filters and air blower 6 months 0.2 hours
Replace methanol/water filter and H2 filter 12 months 0.5 hours
Replace methanol/water pump and air blower 24 months 1.0 hours
Replace reactor core 120 months 8.0 hours
Replace H2 purifier 120 months 8.0 hours

www.e1na.com 21
M-Series H2 Generator
On-Board H2 Generation for HD Trucks
Designed to displace compressed or liquid H2 to support
mobile fuel cell propulsion solutions
➜ Mature Technology: Developed over 20 years, multiple product lines
➜ H2 Production: Can scale to support 30 kW to 300 kW
➜ H2 Purity: >99.99% with <0.2 ppm CO and <0.2 ppm CO2
➜ Vibration Resistant: Designed for transportation applications
➜ Operation: Designed for cyclic and variable operation
➜ Feedstock: Methanol and DI water
• 6.3 kg methanol/ mix water yields 1.0 kg pure H2
➜ Power Required: < 6 kW per 500 kg/d of H2 produced M-Series H2 Generator
➜ Lifetime: Designed for greater than 10,000 hour lifetime (H2
➜ Manufacturing: Under e1 manufacturing license

www.e1na.com 22
Key Advantages of Methanol H2 Supply System (MHSS)
1. Very Low TCO:
• Very low CapEx and OpEx, produce H2 for $3 to $5 per kg. Extreme cold
2. Reduced Emissions: weather operation
• No NOx | No SOx |No PM (Soot)| CO2 emissions significantly reduced. available with
(zero net CO2 if renewable methanol is used) methanol
3. Occupies smaller space compared to compressed H2
4. Scalable:
• Fueling station (L-series): 50 – 500 kg modular fueling facilities
• HD vehicle (M-series): Support 30 kW to 300 kW fuel cells per MHSS
5. Simple / Familiar Feedstock Storage:
• No stored high-pressure H2 required, improved safety

www.e1na.com 23
The End
For more information contact:
林紳運 David S.W. Lim Ph.D.
VP, Asia
Element 1 Corp
Phone: +886.918560463

Scalable. Email: dlim@e1na.com

Affordable. www.e1na.com
What is a H2 Generator?
A completely self-contained machine that converts feedstock to purified H2
➜ Electrolyzer (water split by electricity into H2 and oxygen)
• High CapEx and OpEx
• 55 kWhrs electricity → 1 kg H2 (US$8.25 at $0.15/kWhr)
➜ Natural gas reformer (methane plus water reacted to make H2)
• High CapEx, only possible where there is good NG pipeline infrastructure
➜ Methanol Reformer (methanol plus water reacted to make H2)
• Lowest CapEx, no supporting infrastructure required
• 6.3 kg methanol → 1 kg H2 (US$3.15 at US$500/ton methanol)
e1 H2 Generators have
➜ Methanol mixed with water is feedstock for e1 H2 generators
• 33% of product H2 is derived from water the lowest CapEx, and
• CH3OH + H2O → CO2 + 3H2 produces the lowest
• Cost of produced H2 about US$4 to US$5/kg total cost of H2
• Compressed H2 at fueling stations in California sells for up to US$16/kg

www.e1na.com 25
Energy Density
Methanol Vs. Batteries
One m3 of Methanol contains the same amount of energy as the battery capacity of 222 BMW i3’s

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