School Improvement Plan

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School Improvement Plan


As the long-range planning for improved school facilities continues in the implementation phase, it is critical to
continually update the plan including the current needs for preschool and student services educational space both
short-term and long-term. This goal includes the implementation of the student assignment plan to reduce
overcrowding at some schools and to match the student population to the newer, enlarged schools.

A. Continue to update Teaching and Learning facilities.

B. Approve and Implement a plan for student assignment in order to relieve space at overcrowded schools.

C. Implement protocol for elementary school transitions to new facilities.


Promote and support effective use of technology for curriculum and instruction, and ensure reliable and efficient
technology infrastructure.


A. Curriculum and Instruction: Promote and support effective use of technology.

B. Infrastructure: Ensure reliable and efficient technology infrastructure.

Improvement Strategies/Activities Goal/Objective Outcomes and


Transition Back to our Neighborhood 1C Students, teachers and

School Site families will have a smooth
1. School council, in conjunction with transition into a new school,
staff, will develop new routines for adjusting to our new school
arrival and dismissal. building and growing school
2. Staff will develop new routines for size.
students traveling through and
working within the new school.
3. New school open houses will be
held for the school community.

Promote Effective Use of New 2B Students will have multiple

Technology opportunities to enhance their
1. Staff will explore typing programs learning across the curriculum
and other impactful technology through technology. Students
resources to broaden students’ will be comfortable typing by
proficiency with typing and use of the end of 5th grade.
2. Staff will develop guidelines and
recommendations for use of
technology for homework.
3. Principal will hold staff meetings
that focus on teachers sharing best
practices and learning new
techniques around integrating
technology into all domains.


The Newton Public Schools are actively cultivating a culture of equity and excellence by creating and sustaining
curriculum and instructional practices that lead to high-quality learning for each and every student. We build the
capacity of our educators to meet challenges and opportunities of teaching and learning in a dynamic and evolving


A. Provide curriculum and instruction that inspires and engages students.

B. Foster a cycle of continuous instructional improvement through the use of data, collaboration and
instructional support.


Narrow achievement gaps with respect to race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status and increase the achievement of
students with special needs.


A. Create and build upon promising initiatives to meet the needs of all learners and ensure that all students

Research Advisory Group

A Research Advisory was established to provide expert advice to the
Defra Project Board and Project teams. Its responsibilities included
reviewing draft SIP deliverables to ensure research is robust, value for
money, crosscutting, peer-reviewed, of the highest standard and
scientifically complete; ensuring interaction and communication with
relevant domestic and international research organisations and
initiatives; and ensuring that the SIP's research scope is aligned to
Research Council priorities, reflective of stakeholder needs and is
designed to achieve impact; and to stimulate new ideas for research and
identify areas of uncertainty.

Engage both the parent and non-parent communities through both face-to-face communication and digital means.


A. Engage the community through multiple means.

Improvement Strategies/Activities Goal/Objective Outcomes and

Building and Engaging with our Community 1A Maintain and deepen our
1. Parent community, with support from close school community and
the principal, will develop “walking our meaningful parent-
school busses” to encourage students teacher collaboration and
and families to walk to school. partnership.
2. PTO will increase opportunities for
families to connect with one another
through school events.
3. Teachers will hold classroom events
that highlight students’ learning and
grade level curriculum.
4. Principal and the PTO will develop
structures to welcome new families,
such as creating a buddy system for
new families.
5. Teachers will develop opportunities
for cross grade collaboration and
relationships, such as buddy classes.
6. The principal, staff and parent
community will support the transition
of the ABA program from
Countryside School to Zervas School.
7. School community will provide
opportunities for students to engage
in meaningful community service

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