Annual Operation Plan SY: 2017-2018: A. Philosophy, Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives
Annual Operation Plan SY: 2017-2018: A. Philosophy, Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives
Annual Operation Plan SY: 2017-2018: A. Philosophy, Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives
SY: 2017-2018
A clear, unique, well- To have a clear, We will form a PVMGO Review April 2017 PVMGO Review 3,000.00
aligned, active and unique, well-aligned, PVMGO review Committee Committee.
living statement of active and living Committee from the
philosophy, vision, statement of Principal, Assistant Minutes of the
mission, goals and philosophy, vision, Principal, Department- meeting.
objectives. mission, goals and in-Charge and PTA
objectives. representative. .
Dissemination of the To disseminate the The PVMGO will be Students and school All year Principal 1,000.00
PVMGO to all PVMGO to all discussed during the personnel know the Assistant Principal
stakeholders. stakeholders. Parent and Student PVMGO by heart. Faculty
Orientation. Parents
To explain the The PVMGO will be
meaning of the published on the
PVMGO to the student Handbook
stakeholders for deeper
The PVMGO will be PVMGO Posters in all Principal 15,000.00
conspicuously posted offices, classrooms and
in all offices, general areas. PPM officer
classrooms and general
areas. IT Personnel
Opportunities for the To provide The PVMGO will be All the school All year Principal 0.00
personnel to opportunities for incorporated in the activities will be All school personnel.
implement the personnel to teacher’s lessons. aligned with the
PVMGO in their implement the school’s PVMGO.
assignments. PVMGO in their Other school personnel
assignments. must conduct their
businesses and chores
with regard to the
PVMGO of the school.
TOTAL 20,000.00
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