L.1030 - E-Waste Management Framework For Countries

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I n t e r n a t i o n a l T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n U n i o n

ITU-T L.1030



E-waste management framework for countries

Recommendation ITU-T L.1030



Cable structure and characteristics L.100–L.124
Cable evaluation L.125–L.149
Guidance and installation technique L.150–L.199
Infrastructure including node elements (except cables) L.200–L.249
General aspects and network design L.250–L.299
Optical fibre cable maintenance L.300–L.329
Infrastructure maintenance L.330–L.349
Operation support and infrastructure management L.350–L.379
Disaster management L.380–L.399

For further details, please refer to the list of ITU-T Recommendations.

Recommendation ITU-T L.1030

E-waste management framework for countries

Recommendation ITU-T L.1030 provides an e-waste management framework for countries. It
summarizes the different steps that countries need to adopt in order to put in place an e-waste
management system. The different steps of the e-waste management system described in this
Recommendation will be further elaborated in future Recommendations. In addition, the
Recommendation provides highlights concerning the environmental impact of improper handling of
e-waste as well as the economic opportunities that could emerge from the sustainable management of

Edition Recommendation Approval Study Group Unique ID*
1.0 ITU-T L.1030 2018-06-13 5 11.1002/1000/13577

e-waste, EEE, EPR, framework, management, standards, system, WEEE.

* To access the Recommendation, type the URL http://handle.itu.int/ in the address field of your web
browser, followed by the Recommendation's unique ID. For example, http://handle.itu.int/11.1002/1000/11

Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018) i

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency in the field of
telecommunications, information and communication technologies (ICTs). The ITU Telecommunication
Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of ITU. ITU-T is responsible for studying technical,
operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing
telecommunications on a worldwide basis.
The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA), which meets every four years, establishes
the topics for study by the ITU-T study groups which, in turn, produce Recommendations on these topics.
The approval of ITU-T Recommendations is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSA Resolution 1.
In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-T's purview, the necessary standards are
prepared on a collaborative basis with ISO and IEC.

In this Recommendation, the expression "Administration" is used for conciseness to indicate both a
telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency.
Compliance with this Recommendation is voluntary. However, the Recommendation may contain certain
mandatory provisions (to ensure, e.g., interoperability or applicability) and compliance with the
Recommendation is achieved when all of these mandatory provisions are met. The words "shall" or some other
obligatory language such as "must" and the negative equivalents are used to express requirements. The use of
such words does not suggest that compliance with the Recommendation is required of any party.


ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may involve
the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, validity or
applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of
the Recommendation development process.
As of the date of approval of this Recommendation, ITU had not received notice of intellectual property,
protected by patents, which may be required to implement this Recommendation. However, implementers are
cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the TSB
patent database at http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/ipr/.

 ITU 2018
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the prior
written permission of ITU.

ii Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018)

Table of Contents
1 Scope............................................................................................................................. 1
2 References..................................................................................................................... 1
3 Definitions .................................................................................................................... 2
3.1 Terms defined elsewhere ................................................................................ 2
3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation ......................................................... 2
4 Abbreviations and acronyms ........................................................................................ 4
5 Conventions .................................................................................................................. 5
6 Scope for regulation and standardization ..................................................................... 5
7 Definition of waste electrical and electronic equipment .............................................. 7
8 E-waste management system design ............................................................................ 8
9 General legal requirements ........................................................................................... 8
9.1 Use of manufacturer and equipment identifiers ............................................. 10
9.2 Financing models............................................................................................ 10
9.3 Collection phase ............................................................................................. 11
9.4 Processing phase ............................................................................................. 12
9.5 Information responsibility .............................................................................. 13
9.6 Enforcement mechanisms and sanctions ........................................................ 13
9.7 Targets and reporting obligations ................................................................... 14
10 International standards .................................................................................................. 15
10.1 For the detailed aspects of e-waste management: .......................................... 15
10.2 For the minimization/reduction of e-waste/circular economy: ...................... 15
10.3 Success stories on e-waste management can be found in: ............................. 16
10.4 Others information on minimization/reduction of e-waste/circular
economy ......................................................................................................... 16
11 List of indicators/key performance indicators .............................................................. 17
Annex A – Overview of electrical and electronic equipment properties and their
influences on end-of-life management ......................................................................... 18
Annex B – Materials, substances, components and hazardous properties in electrical and
electronic equipment ..................................................................................................... 19
Annex C – SWOT analysis of baseline conditions for e-waste system design........................ 21
Annex D – Hazardous materials contained in e-waste ............................................................ 22
Appendix I – Definitions of waste electrical and electronic equipment .................................. 23
Bibliography............................................................................................................................. 26

Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018) iii

Recommendation ITU-T L.1030 identifies the main steps for the design and implementation of an e-
waste management system. It takes into consideration the different standards and supplements
produced by ITU-T as well as other key standardization bodies.
It notes the environmental impact of e-waste if improperly handled, as well as the economic
opportunities it could provide if properly managed. This Recommendation was drafted with support
from and in consideration of activity in other standards developing organizations (SDOs) and other
types of organizations.
Recommendation ITU-T L.1030 is designed to ensure that countries have a simple blueprint for e-
waste management systems, that complements the different focused standards produced on the
various steps of this framework. It is also meant to address the ICT divisions within countries which
could play an important role in designing and facilitating the proper e-waste management systems in
cooperation with the entities in charge of the environment.

iv Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018)

Recommendation ITU-T L.1030

E-waste management framework for countries

1 Scope
This Recommendation provides a set of guidelines that countries can refer to when designing or
adjusting their e-waste management systems. It provides guidance on policy/legal frameworks,
resource mobilisation, collection mechanisms, financial mechanisms and engagement with all
relevant stakeholders.

2 References
The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the
editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision;
users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently
valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. The reference to a document within this
Recommendation does not give it, as a stand-alone document, the status of a Recommendation.
For all revision update to be checked
[ITU-T L.1000] Recommendation ITU-T L.1000 (2011), Universal power adapter and
charger solution for mobile terminals and other hand-held ICT devices.
[ITU-T L.1001] Recommendation ITU-T L.1001 (2012), External universal power adapter
solutions for stationary information and communication technology devices.
[ITU-T L.1002] Recommendation ITU-T L.1002 (2016), External universal power adapter
solutions for portable information and communication technology devices.
[ITU-T L.1010] Recommendation ITU-T L.1010 (2014), Green battery solutions for mobile
phones and other hand-held information and communication technology
[ITU-T L.1020] Recommendation ITU-T L.1020 (2018), Circular economy: Guide for
operators and suppliers on approaches to migrate towards circular ICT
good and networks.
[ITU-T L.1021] Recommendation ITU-T L.1021 (2018), Extended producer responsibility –
Guidelines for sustainable e-waste management.
[ITU-T L.1100] Recommendation ITU-T L.1100 (2012), Procedure for recycling rare
metals in information and communication technology goods.
[ITU-T L.1400] Recommendation ITU-T L.1400 (2011), Overview and general principles of
methodologies for assessing the environmental impact of information and
communication technologies.
[ITU-T L.1410] Recommendation ITU-T L.1410 (2014), Methodology for environmental life
cycle assessments of information and communication technology goods,
networks and services.

Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018) 1

3 Definitions

3.1 Terms defined elsewhere

This Recommendation uses the following terms defined elsewhere:
3.1.1 audit [b-ISO/IEC 17000]: Systematic, independent, documented process for obtaining
records, statements of fact or other relevant information and assessing them objectively to determine
the extent to which specified requirements are fulfilled.
3.1.2 component [b-SBC, 2011b]: Element with electrical or electronic functionality connected
together with other components, usually by soldering to a printed wiring board, to create an electronic
circuit with a particular function (for example an amplifier, radio receiver, or oscillator).
3.1.3 distributor [b-EU, 2012/19/EU]: Any natural or legal person in the supply chain, who makes
an EEE available on the market. A distributor may also be a producer.
3.1.4 electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) [b-EU, 2012/19/EU]: Equipment which is
dependent on electric currents or electromagnetic fields in order to work properly and equipment for
the generation, transfer and measurement of such currents and fields and designed for use with a
voltage rating not exceeding 1 000 volts for alternating current and 1 500 volts for direct current.
3.1.5 e-waste [b-UNEP]: Electrical or electronic equipment that is waste, including all
components, sub-assemblies and consumables that are part of the equipment at the time the equipment
becomes waste.
3.1.6 generation (of WEEE) [b-UNU, 2014]: The weight of discarded products (waste) due to
national consumption from a national territory in a given reporting year prior any activity (collection,
reuse, treatment or export).
3.1.7 orphan waste [b-Hester]: Products deposited for recycling that are the responsibility of a
company that is either no longer present in the market or has not paid for its recycling.

3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation

This Recommendation defines the following terms:
3.2.1 circular economy (based on [b-EMcA]): An economy that is restorative and regenerative by
design, which aims to keep products, components and materials at their highest utility and value at
all times.
NOTE – A concept that distinguishes between technical and biological cycles, the circular economy is a
continuous, positive development cycle. It preserves and enhances natural capital, optimises resource yields,
and minimises system risks by managing finite stocks and renewable flows. A circular economy works
effectively at every scale.
3.2.2 disposal (based on [b-StEP, 2014]): Material that cannot be recycled into raw material for
use in manufacture of new electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) or other products would need
to be disposed of using other methods, such as energy recovery or landfill.
3.2.3 exporter of WEEE (based on [b-Basel]): Any person under the jurisdiction of the state of
export who arranges for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) to be exported.
3.2.4 extended producer responsibility (EPR) (based on [ITU-T L.1021]): An environmental
policy approach in which a producer's responsibility for a product is extended to the post-consumer
stage of a product’s life cycle with two related features of that policy: the shifting of responsibility
(physically and/or economically; fully or partially) upstream toward the producer and away from
municipalities, and to provide incentives to producers to incorporate environmental considerations in
the design of their products.

2 Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018)

NOTE – EPR is a policy principle to promote total life cycle environmental improvements of product systems
by extending the responsibility of the manufacturers of the product to various parts of the entire life cycle of
the product, and especially to the take-back, recycling and final disposal of the product.
3.2.5 formal sector (based on [b-PMID]): E-waste represented by that which is regulated by
environmental protection laws specifically designed for e-waste.
3.2.6 gate fees (based on [b-Chalmin]): The "exchange value" associated to waste electrical and
electronic equipment. It identifies the monetary flow from collection or treatment facilities operators
to producer compliance schemes when the e-waste value is higher than management costs, e.g.,
recovery, recycling, re-use. The inverse money transfer takes place when e-waste management
activities generate a net cost for the facility. Some of the factors that concur to determine the gate fee
are the potential energy generated, the presence of recoverable materials and the ratio between
secondary and primary raw materials price.
3.2.7 illegal traffic (based on [b-Basel]): Any trans-boundary movement of hazardous wastes
or other wastes that has not been notified nor received consent, or whose consent has been obtained
"through falsification, misrepresentation or fraud"; whose content "does not conform in a material
way with the documents" or "that results in deliberate disposal" ([b-Basel], article 9).
3.2.8 lifetime (or residence time) (based on [b-PMID]): The time that electrical and electronic
equipment spends at household businesses and the public sector, including the exchange of second
hand equipment among and between households, and businesses.
3.2.9 importer of WEEE (based on [b-Basel]): Any person under the jurisdiction of the state of
import who arranges for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) to be imported.
3.2.10 producer (based on [b-EU, 2012/19/EU]): Any natural or legal person, established in a state,
who manufactures or markets or resells electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) under his own
name or trademark; places on the market of that state, on a professional basis, EEE from a third
country or from another state; or sells EEE by means of distance communication directly to private
households or to users other than private households in a state, and is established in another state or
in a third country.
3.2.11 put-on-the-market (based on [b-EU, 2012/19/EU]): First making available of a product on
the market within the territory of a Member State on a professional basis.
3.2.12 recovery (based on [b-EU, 2012/19/EU]): Any operation the principal result of which is
waste serving a useful purpose by replacing other materials that would otherwise have been used to
fulfil a particular function, or waste being prepared to fulfil that function, in the plant or in the wider
3.2.13 recycling (based on [b-EU, 2012/19/EU]): Any recovery operation by which waste materials
are reprocessed into products or materials whether for the original or other purposes. It includes the
reprocessing of organic material but does not include energy recovery and the reprocessing into
materials that are to be used as fuels or for back-filling operations.
3.2.14 re-use (based on [b-StEP, 2012a]): Re-use of electrical and electronic equipment or its
components is to continue the use of it, for the same purpose for which it was conceived, beyond the
point at which its specifications fail to meet the requirements of the current owner and the owner has
ceased use of the product.
3.2.15 treatment (based on [b-EU, 2012/19/EU]): Recovery or disposal operations, including
preparation prior to recovery or disposal.
3.2.16 used electrical and electronic equipment (based on [b-StEP, 2014]): Any electrical and
electronic equipment (EEE) that is discarded by the owner as waste with the intention of re-use for
the same purpose for which it was conceived, beyond the point at which its specifications fail to meet

Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018) 3

the requirements of the current owner and the owner has ceased use of the product. Products could
be donated or traded before or in this phase.
3.2.17 waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) (based on [b-EU, 2012/19/EU]):
Electrical or electronic equipment which is "Any substance or object which the holder discards or
intends or is required to discard" [b-EU, 2008/98/EC], "including all components, sub-assemblies and
consumables which are part of the product at the time of discarding".
NOTE – WEEE is a complex mixture of materials and components that because of their hazardous content,
and if not properly managed, can cause major environmental and health problems. Moreover, the production
of modern electronics requires the use of scarce and expensive resources (e.g., around 10% of total gold
worldwide is used for their production). To improve the environmental management of WEEE and to
contribute to a circular economy and enhance resource efficiency the improvement of collection, treatment and
recycling of electronics at the end of their life is essential.

4 Abbreviations and acronyms

This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations and acronyms:
AC Alternating Current
CE Circular Economy
CFC Chlorofluorocarbons
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
DC Direct Current
DVD Digital Versatile Disc
EEE Electrical and Electronic Equipment
EHS Environment, Health and Safety
EPR Extended Producer Responsibility
EoL End of Life
e-waste electronic waste
ICT Information and Communication Technology
ID Identifiers
IT Information Technology
KPI Key Performance Indicator
LCA Life Cycle Assessment
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
PCB Printed Circuit Board, Polychlorinated Biphenyl
PCS Producer Compliance Scheme
POM Put-On-the-Market
ppm parts per million
RE Resource Efficiency
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
StEP Solving the E-waste Problem
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

4 Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018)

TV Television
UPA Universal Power Adapter
WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

5 Conventions
This Recommendaion uses the following conventions:
Al Aluminium
Ag Silver
Au Gold
Cu Copper
Fe Iron
Pd Palladium

6 Scope for regulation and standardization

This Recommendation aims to draw the attention of policymakers to one of the main environmental
problems and economic opportunities of our time: the generation of waste electrical and electronic
equipment (WEEE).
The increasing amount of WEEE or electronic waste (e-waste) is still an emerging global
environmental threat in terms of management and disposal due to the hazardous components therein.
This threat has become more significant over the past two decades in most countries due to the
enormous uptake of information and communications technology (ICTs), and specifically with the
introduction of mobile telephony and now the recent migration from analogue to digital technologies.
The use of ICT equipment and products comes with an known rate at which these gadgets become
obsolete due to technology advancements and hence the need to be replaced by their owners which
has led to an enormous increase in the generation of related waste.
E-waste is now considered as one of the fastest growing solid waste in the world. In developed
countries, it amounts to 1% of total solid waste on average.
The management of e-waste has thus experienced rapid changes in response to a variety of
developments which include among others: components used and the need to recover, reuse and
recycle; changes in energy consumption associated with both the manufacturing and use of
equipment; and the expanding global market for reused and counterfeited/substandard devices. There
are a variety of economic, environmental and social factors that influence the end of life (EoL)
management of WEEE
There are many reasons why countries should establish or reinforce their e-waste management
national systems. According to the European Union (EU) WEEE directive, the appropriate
management of WEEE is paramount due to the presence of hazardous substances, such as "mercury,
cadmium, lead, hexavalent chromium, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and ozone-depleting
substances" [b-EU, 2012/19/EU]. Consequently, if not treated properly, WEEE could have significant
negative environmental, economic, and social effects.
It has been observed, for instance, that improper management of e-waste can have severe effects on
human health, causing allergies, respiratory diseases and cancer [b-Puckett]. Furthermore, leaching,
open-air burning and heating, as well as uncontrolled discharge of scrap, acids, cyanides and other
by-products from processing operations pollute the soil, groundwater and food [b-Terazono]. On the
contrary, effective recycling of e-waste has a direct positive impact on the environment, economy
and society.

Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018) 5

Prevention is paramount as 20-50 million tonnes of e-waste is generated globally each year
[b-UNEP, 2013a]. E-waste is one of the fastest growing waste streams in the world. E-waste is also
an economic opportunity. Equipment can contain rare metals, including gold, silver, palladium,
lithium, ruthenium, antimony, indium and tin [b-UNEP, 2013a], as well as base metals (e.g., copper,
lead and zinc). E-waste is a rich source of precious metals compared to primary ores [b-ATMI]. The
case is often made that for every ton of ore at a gold mine only 5 g of gold can be extracted, whereas 1
ton of mobile phones can contain up to 400 g of gold [b-SMG]. One ton of used mobile phones
(around 6000 handsets) contains approximately 3.5 kg of silver, 340 g of gold, 140 g of palladium
and 130 kg of copper. The combined present value is just over $25000. Moreover, one ton of personal
computer waste contains more gold than 17 tons of gold ore [b-ATMI].
The extraction of precious and base metals from e-waste is a major economic driver due to their
associated value, as summarized in Table 1 [b-ATMI].

Table 1 ‒ Weight vs. value distribution

Weight vs. value Plastics
Fe (wt%) Al (wt%) Cu (wt%) Ag (ppm) Au (ppm) Pd (ppm)
distribution % (wt%)
TV-board 28% 10% 10% 28% 280 20 10
PCBs 7% 5% 20% 23% 1000 250 110
Mobile phone 5% 1% 13% 56% 1380 350 210
Portable audio 23% 1% 21% 47% 150 10 4
DVD-player 62% 2% 5% 24% 115 15 4
Calculator 4% 5% 3% 61% 260 50 5
Value-share Fe Al Cu Sum PMs Ag Au Pd
TV-board 4% 11% 42% 43% 8% 27% 8%
PCBs 0% 1% 14% 85% 5% 65% 15%
Mobile phone 0% 0% 7% 93% 5% 67% 21%
Portable audio 3% 1% 77% 19% 4% 13% 2%
DVD-player 13% 4% 36% 47% 5% 37% 5%
Calculator 0% 5% 11% 84% 7% 73% 4%

As primary materials are increasingly more difficult and expensive to extract, recycling becomes an
attractive option. Recycling would, in fact, contribute to preserving natural resources and move
toward more sustainable production practices.
The use of secondary raw materials allows energy savings [b-Cui] and greenhouse gas emission
avoidance [b-Khaliq]. For example, recycling 1 kg of aluminium saves 95% of the energy required
for primary production as shown in Table 2 [b-Cui].

Table 2 ‒ Recycled materials energy savings over virgin materials

# Materials Energy savings (%)
1 Aluminium 95
2 Copper 85
3 Iron and steel 74
4 Lead 65
5 Zinc 60
6 Paper 64
7 Plastics >80

6 Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018)

Furthermore, reuse, refurbishing and recycling offer direct business development opportunities for
communities, thus contributing to job creation. On a per-ton basis, sorting and processing recyclables
alone generate 10 times more jobs than dumping or incineration. For example, computer reuse and
recycling creates 296 more jobs for every 10000 tons of material disposed each year [b-ILSR].
Finally, improving the effectiveness and pervasiveness of national e-waste management systems
contributes to counteracting and preventing illegal shipments of e-waste. These flows
disproportionately affect developing countries due to the presence of low-cost, low-skilled labour and
loose environmental, health and safety (EHS) requirements and controls. According to [b-Gartner],
global shipments of electronic devices (personal computers, tablets, ultra-mobiles and mobile phones)
were expected to reach 2.5 billion units in 2014, a 6.9% increase since 2013. This equipment will
eventually become waste. Therefore, countries must have an appropriate management system in
place. Yet, according to a report by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (2008), only
19% of e-waste is recycled whereas 81% is disposed in landfills [b- EPA, 2008].

7 Definition of waste electrical and electronic equipment

E-waste has been defined similarly by different international organizations. The legislations of most
countries refer to electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) as "any device that for functional reasons
is dependent on electric currents or electro-magnetic fields in order to work properly. It becomes
e-waste when the holder discards, intends or requires to discard" [b-Morselli].
The EU defines electrical and electronic equipment as "equipment which is dependent on electric
currents or electromagnetic fields in order to work properly and equipment for the generation, transfer
and measurement of such currents and fields and designed for use with a voltage rating not exceeding
1000 V for alternating current and 1500 V for direct current" [b-EU, 2012/19/EU].
Solving the E-waste Problem (StEP) refers to e-waste as a term used to cover items of all types of
EEE and their parts that have been discarded by their owners as waste without the intention of re-use.
The EU defines e-waste (WEEE) as: "any substance or object which the holder discards or intends or
is required to discard" [b-EU, 2008/98/EC], "including all components, sub-assemblies and
consumables which are part of the product at the time of discarding" [b-EU, 2012/19/EU].
Appendix I contains a list of some definitions that may be used as a reference for policymakers. The
term e-waste is generally used interchangeably for both electrical and electronic equipment due to the
increasing integration of electronic components into electrical appliances.
It is important to note that the definition includes all types of EEE, as there is no room for regional
variance or preference in a global definition; the fact that the item in question meets the definition
"with circuitry or electrical components with power or battery supply" qualifies it for inclusion
[b-StEP, 2014].
E-waste does not include used EEE as the latter is still considered a commodity. "Reuse of electrical
and electronic equipment or its components is to continue the use of it (for the same purpose for
which it was conceived) beyond the point at which its specifications fail to meet the requirements of
the current owner and the owner has ceased use of the product" [b-StEP, 2014].
Annex A of the aforementioned directive provides an indicative list of categories and types of waste
electrical and electronic equipment. However, should policymakers in countries need to prioritize
certain types or categories, taking into account their environmental impact and socio-economic
relevance, Annex B and D of this Recommendation, can be used as a reference to determine the
environmental impact. National statistics and inventories should be used to determine the socio-
economic relevance of each category or type of WEEE.
A preliminary nucleus could be constituted, for example, by refrigerators, clothes dryers, washing
machines, computers, cathode ray tubes (CRTs) and liquid crystal display (LCD) screens, printers,
mobile phones and lamps.

Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018) 7

In a subsequent stage, the following e-waste categories could be considered:
– temperature exchange equipment;
– large household appliances;
– fluorescent lamps;
– photovoltaic panels;
– small equipment, especially IT and telecommunication equipment.

8 E-waste management system design

As a preliminary step for the preparation of drafting e-waste management legislation, countries must:
1) identify sources of e-waste generation and compile an inventory of e-waste in the country
keeping in view the categorization mentioned in clause 7;
2) consult producers, traders, service operators, academia, industry associations, voluntary
producer compliance schemes, municipalities, collection and treatment facilities operators,
informal operators (i.e., collectors, dismantlers, recyclers, and scrap dealers), consumer
associations and civil society organizations;
3) ensure the availability of public funds to:
a) Promote cooperation among competent ministries and enforcement agencies
(e.g., customs, police);
b) Organize nationwide, publicly funded awareness-raising campaigns to inform consumers
of available e-waste collection points and of the risks that improper handling and
management of e-waste may cause to human health and the environment;
c) Define incentives for adequate collection;
d) Assess e-waste technologies, practices and skills already available in the country
compiling an inventory of:
• available collection and recycling facilities (name, address and specialization);
• available repair, dismantling and treatment technology.
4) conduct a survey to assess the level of expertise of personnel in collection and recycling
a) Conduct a cost-benefit analysis of different e-waste management system designs,
considering economic, environmental and social factors, including potential job creation
or suppression in each economic sector involved;
b) Estimate the size of the informal sector and evaluate the possibility to collaborate with
and/or empower them. It is possible to derive the amount of WEEE handled by the
informal sector from the estimate of WEEE generated. The latter can be estimated via a
"multivariate input-output analysis", including "sales, stock size, stock age composition,
lifespan profile, quantity of e-waste generated and e-waste age composition" [b-Wang 2];
c) Extend the scope of public agencies and authorities to include e-waste;
d) Establish a register for all stakeholders addressed by the legislation.
Annex C provides a framework for the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
(SWOT) to assess baseline conditions.
For concrete success stories on e-waste management, [b-ITU-T L.Suppl.27] provides specific case
studies for consultation.

8 Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018)

9 General legal requirements
In order to comply with extended producer responsibility (EPR) provisions, manufacturers and
importers must set up individual producer compliance schemes (PCSs) or join a collective one.
Examples of system designs are displayed in Figure 1. See [b-Lazzarinetti].

Figure 1 ‒ Extended produce responsibility models

Prior to drafting provisions on producer responsibility, policymakers should decide which system
design better suits the country's conditions: a "non-competitive" or more "competitive" one [b-Hester]
relative to the number of PCSs operating in the national market that manage the same categories of
e-waste equipment.
Single national compliance schemes can either specialize in the management of specific categories
of e-waste, and cohabit with a limited number of schemes, or include in their mandate all waste
electrical and electronic equipment. In both cases, their membership may or may not be compulsory.
These are generally not-for-profit consortiums [b-Hieronymi]. Although these schemes take full
advantage of the economies of scale, avoiding duplication [b-Magalini], they risk becoming
monopolies, with all the drawbacks this case implies, including higher recycling costs [b-Hester]. It
should be noted that the categories of EEE do not necessitate a "one size fits all" approach for effective
management through their end of life, but rather specific considerations for similar categories
depending on the stakeholders as well as on country/region basis. While benchmarking on
international experiences and success stories is important, replicating these may not be feasible
especially between developed and developing countries. Different approaches are therefore required
for e-waste management of EEE in order to adopt approaches that best fit a situation.
The presence of multiple schemes for the same categories of e-waste can encourage competition and
drive recycling costs and fees down [b-Magalini].
To facilitate coordination between compliance schemes in such pluralistic systems, countries could
establish a clearing house, a non-profit body, which generally includes representatives of PCSs, but
that could also involve government representatives. The clearing house guarantees homogenous and
quality operations over all the national territory and it allocates responsibility on e-waste generated
among PCSs [b-Jacob]. It might also facilitate agreements between stakeholders and prevent PCSs
from selecting and managing only valuable WEEE (also called "cherry-picking") [b-Magalini]. In
case the clearing house is run directly by governmental agencies, it might be in charge of setting and
enforcing treatment standards [b-UNU, 2009]. In developing countries, the clearing house could also
facilitate agreements between state-of-the art treatment facilities and informal operators. Given the
extent of its responsibilities, it is advisable that PCSs are compelled to join the clearing house, if
present. Otherwise, it might not be able to fully exercise its functions.
Finally, pluralistic systems that lack a clearing house might have higher compliance costs for
manufacturers and guarantee only limited access to e-waste stored in collection sites [b-BIS].
PCSs shall submit a feasibility plan to the appropriate authority including at least:

Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018) 9

1) proof of adequate financial resources and technical capacity to manage e-waste placed under
their responsibility;
2) the operators under contract;
3) the total put-on-the-market (POM) and market share;
4) proof of registration.
PCSs could be encouraged to:
1) manage the scheme's financial resources in a transparent way;
2) pay for the costs incurred in proper e-waste management;
3) fulfil bureaucratic requirements on behalf of their members (e.g., reporting obligations and
4) request operators involved in the network to undertake periodic audits.
If deemed acceptable by all parties involved, and only after consultations, policymakers may set up a
public fund to support the nascent e-waste treatment industry.
A fund may also be established to cover the costs of an intermediary association, appointed or
established to facilitate collaboration between informal and formal operators.
For more details about the EPR models, [ITU-T L.1021] provides a theoretical background and a
number of case studies.

9.1 Use of manufacturer and equipment identifiers

A manufacturer’s trademark should be clearly visible on the equipment in a way that would be
difficult to remove. It should specify either the name of the producer, the registration number or
registered logo. For countries that do not manufacturer, it is important to ensure that imports are from
identified manufacturers, and registered with the PCS.
Serial number or other identifiers, including radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, quick
response (QR) codes and handle IDs shall also be associated to equipment and components.
Reference could be made to [ITU-T L.1100] standardizing procedure for recycling rare metals in ICT
goods. The Recommendation, which details considerations on rare metals contained in ICT goods in
all phases of the recycling process, and suggests a communication method and format to provide such
information, considers the use of barcodes, vermicides or RFID tags to facilitate the recycling process
is [ITU-T L.1100].
Furthermore, policymakers could encourage tracking mechanisms aimed at:
1) tracking equipment from the collection point to the treatment facility;
2) sharing information regarding the equipment through all stages of post-consumption.

9.2 Financing models

Upon consultation with all relevant stakeholders, having analysed the country-specific characteristics
(refer to clause 9), policymakers should define clear provisions regarding the financing of e-waste
management systems. It is important to note that there is no optimal financing model for all countries.
Each country should identify the most appropriate one and adjust it to its needs.
The legislation should specify the following:
1) the stakeholder charged (directly or indirectly) with the payment of the fee,
for example, manufacturers, importers, customers, final users;
2) the method of calculation of the fee,

10 Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018)

for example, market share, return rate of individual producer's products, statically valid
sample of the producers' products relative to the total e-waste collected;
3) the time of leverage of the fee, for example,
upon POM, purchase or disposal [b-UNU, 2009].
In addition to the selected financing model, after consulting and obtaining the consensus of the parties
involved, countries may consider introducing a provision on financial guarantees. This consists of a
deposit made by manufacturers and importers when the EEE is put on the market. The deposit can be
made, for instance, in the form of a blocked bank account or a recycling insurance. Financial
guarantees can prevent the generation of orphan waste. Hence, they avoid placing additional costs on
individual and collective PCSs [b-Ökopol]. Financing models are appropriate for equipment with a
long lifespan [b-Lindhqvist]. However, if accountability mechanisms are not in place, and if there is
a high risk that the deposit will not be managed transparently this option should be avoided.
Policymakers may decide to place partial or full EoL responsibility on donors of used EEE as well.

9.3 Collection phase

Collection is a key phase in adequate management of e-waste. E-waste legislation should compel
consumers to return their EoL equipment through proper channels: authorized permanent collection
facilities, collection bins in public areas, retail stores, distributors, manufacturers, or importers. In
some cases, it may be necessary to put incentives in place for collection.
Provisions should be made to ensure that manufacturers, importers, retailers and service operators
take back e-waste from end users, and transfer it to a designated collection facility or directly to a
treatment facility. This obligation should not be extended to small assembler industries if they do not
have the financial or the infrastructural capacity to set up a take-back scheme.
Collection facilities must have:
1) impermeable surfaces and drainage systems;
2) decanters, cleanser and degreasers;
3) weatherproof covering;
4) separated areas from other wastes;
5) different unit loads for different categories of e-waste;
6) scales;
7) storage space for equipment containing hazardous substances (listed in Annex B);
8) deposit area for WEEE designed for repair and refurbishment.
Permanent collection facilities should be registered and authorized by the competent authorities.
Policymakers are encouraged to ensure that the number of collection facilities per inhabitant is
9.3.1 Distributors' responsibilities
Distributors should be compelled to take back e-waste at the point of sale free of charge, provided the
following non-mutually exclusive conditions are met [b-EU, 2012/19/EU]:
1) the sales area is at least 400 m2 (400 m2 is a proposed value, different limit can be used taking
into consideration the national distribution situation);
2) the product was originally purchased at the store;
3) the distributor sells similar equipment to the one returned;
4) the distributor sells equipment pertaining to the same brand.
Distributors should not be compelled to take back e-waste that would endanger their health.

Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018) 11

Distributors are subject to the following minimum obligations:
1) arrange the transportation of e-waste to collection facilities or authorized treatment facilities;
2) inform their customers of the correct means to discharge their EEE at end-of-life.
Distributors should be allowed to comply with their take-back responsibilities individually or
collectively. Sensitization of appropriate take back schemes should be done in cases where
appreciation is low.
Preferential access to e-waste should be granted to individuals or companies, formal or informal, who
intend to repair and sell for reuse WEEE that has not reached its EoL yet.
On-line distributors need to be taken into consideration based on the distributor's volume of sales.
9.3.2 Engaging and handling the informal sector
In many countries, the informal sector is a key stakeholder that policymakers cannot and should not
ignore, but should rather empower. It is widely acknowledged that the informal sector should be
integrated in the formal e-waste management system. E-waste often represents the only source of
sustenance for the underprivileged. However, there is no single solution to this challenge. If deemed
acceptable by all parties, public authorities could, for example, facilitate agreements between
informal collectors and manual dismantlers, on one side, and authorized recycling facilities, on the
other. With such an agreement, the first party would accept to hand over to the second the e-waste
collected, after having pre-sorted and manually dismantled it.
There is a need for study towards framing stringent but rational policies in developing nations.
There is also a need to devise specific action plan for reuse of WEEE in the direction of creating
"green jobs" for the informal sector. For more details about the recycling in the informal sector,
[ITU-T L.1021] will address the accreditation systems for recyclers.

9.4 Processing phase

National e-waste legislation should mandate that WEEE is recycled only if reuse, repair,
reconditioning, refurbishing and remanufacturing are not viable, according to the principle of the
waste hierarchy.
E-waste processing involves three stages:
1) pre-processing: manual dismantling, i.e., separation and sorting of materials and components
for further treatment [b-Blaser]; mechanical dismantling, using, for instance, belts, optical
sensors, and metal-separation machines; removal of parts containing hazardous substances
(depollution), liquids and gases, as well as easily removable valuable materials;
2) shredding and further mechanical dismantling operations;
3) end-processing: further treatment of segregated components (e.g., PCBs, batteries, plastics,
CRTs) through mechanical, chemical, thermal or magnetic processes.
Any facility undertaking treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment, including
components, subparts and supplies should:
1) successfully undertake an independent audit;
2) obtain a licence from the competent authority;
3) have a local/national legislation fulfilment to operate.
Audits should be done regularly, if possible, and they should assess compliance with environmental,
health and safety national regulations and international standards, as well as quality and labour
In particular, treatment facilities should at least:

12 Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018)

1) remove data, fluids and gases from WEEE;
2) comply with emission limits;
3) decontaminate and dispose by-products properly;
4) provide adequate training for employees;
5) establish a plan to prevent and address spillages;
6) lay out a plan in case the facility must be closed;
7) install a ventilation system; and
8) set up a comprehensive emission control system.
Recycling facility operators must carry out material flow analysis, keeping track of income and
outcome flows [b-Blaser]. To this end, reporting obligations must be put in place (see clause 9.6).

9.5 Information responsibility

Policymakers are encouraged to introduce provisions that compel manufacturers, importers and
distributors, including those who use distance selling channels, to inform their customers about:
1) their obligation to dispose of WEEE separately from municipal waste;
2) designated collection points and other collection services;
3) environmental and health impact caused by the improper disposal of e-waste
[b-EU, 2012/19/EU].
Manufacturers and importers should be encouraged to share repair, reconditioning, remanufacturing
and recycling businesses information regarding:
1) key components for dismantling, rare metals, materials, mixed materials;
2) location of hazardous substances, heavy metals and other metals;
3) assembling chain.
The legislation may specify standard submission format and procedure. Reference should be made to
[ITU-T L.1100], Appendix II, which provides "example formats for collecting rare metal
Provisions leading to the infringement of intellectual property rights shall not be enforced.

9.6 Enforcement mechanisms and sanctions

All actors involved in the commercial handling and management of e-waste in a specific country,
including manufactures and importers of EEE, producer compliance schemes (individual and
collective), collection facilities, logistics operators, repair and refurbishing businesses, dismantling
and recycling facilities, and exporters of WEEE must be registered in a dedicated national register.
In particular, manufacturers and importers, including those selling EEE via distance communication,
should be registered to the relevant chamber of commerce prior to introducing the equipment on the
national market for consumption. Measures should be put in place to ensure that all EEE imports at
the points of entry in countries are registered.
The legislation (or an implementing decree) should indicate the procedure to register.
In particular, manufacturers and importers should be asked to provide at least the following
information for registration and reporting:
1) name and address, including code;
2) the quantity, type, origin (domestic or professional), brand (and trade code, if applicable) of
products POM;
3) the producer compliance scheme joined or established.

Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018) 13

Manufacturers and importers should not be allowed to put their products on the national market prior
to registration.
In order to avoid responsibility and duplication of efforts, policymakers are encouraged to identify
the public authority responsible for monitoring of producer compliance schemes (individual and
collective), collection facilities, logistics operators, dismantling and recycling facilities, and exporters
of WEEE.
In particular, it is suggested that regional or local environmental agencies are entrusted with the
responsibility to audit and grant licenses to collection facilities, repair and refurbishing businesses,
dismantling and recycling facilities for WEEE. On the contrary, authorization to producer compliance
schemes should be granted at the national level, by environment agencies.
The legislation can provide for sanctions and incentives to promote the proper handling and
management of e-waste, as well as to discourage illegal traffic.
The legislation should specify the procedure for collaboration between:
1) ministries, environmental agencies and enforcement authorities (e.g., customs, police); and
2) chambers of commerce and national enforcement authorities.
9.6.1 Obligations for exporters and importers of used EEE
Exporters and importers should hold a license issued by the country of origin and import authorization
from the country of destination.
Import taxes should not be too high, as a high import tax may provide an incentive for illegal action.
Exporters should be compelled to prove that shipments are not destined for disposal or improper
Systems should be in place with various regulation or standards bodies to approve/accept the products
manufactured or imported in the country. Thus, exporters should be requested to accompany the
equipment with:
1) a proof of functionality test;
2) a copy of the contract;
3) information regarding the year of production, date of disposal and remaining lifespan;
4) the brand of the equipment.

9.7 Targets and reporting obligations

Policymakers are encouraged to set minimum collection and recovery targets, preferably per category
of e-waste (or product), and to identify a clear deadline for their attainment. In particular, collection
targets can be calculated on a weight basis, relative to the total WEEE generated (or POM) in a given
year, taking into account [b-EU, 2012/19/EU]:
1) the life cycle of different types of WEEE generated in the country; and
2) non-saturated markets.
The EU WEEE Directive introduced the following collection rates: 85% of WEEE generated; 65%
of the average weight of EEE placed on the market in the three preceding years [b-EU, 2012/19/EU].
It should be noted, however, that there is no target that may suit every country [b-Wang 2].
The recovery target could be calculated by dividing the weight of input WEEE that enters a recovery,
recycling or reuse facility by the weight of WEEE collected. It is advisable to identify a different
target for each category of WEEE (%) [b-EU, 2012/19/EU].
Such provisions would not be applicable if reliable statistics or inventories are available.

14 Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018)

In order to assess progress toward these targets, minimum reporting obligations must be introduced:
1) manufacturers and importers must report the types and quantities of EEE put on the market;
2) PCSs must report the type and quantity of WEEE collected, specifying whether they have
been destined for reuse, recycling or export;
3) collection and treatment facilities must have a material flow monitoring system in place to
keep record of input and output waste electrical and electronic equipment, their components,
materials and substances [b-EU, 2012/19/EU]. In particular, they should report:
a) the weight of input WEEE that enters a recovery, recycling or reuse facility;
b) the weight of output WEEE that exits a recovery, recycling or reuse facility;
c) the weight of WEEE collected [b-EU, 2012/19/EU].
Quantities shall be measured preferably in weight.
Policymakers are encouraged to set up an online information submission system, managed by a public
authority, in parallel to a paper-based one.
In addition, the legislation should clearly specify:
1) a reporting declaration model, to be submitted annually; and
2) a procedure for online reporting.
A selected national agency, e.g., the environment agency, should be entrusted with responsibility to
keep a register of the weight of WEEE recovered, as well as its components, materials and substances.
The environmental agency should also monitor progress toward minimum collection, reuse and
recovery targets.

10 International standards
In order to successfully address e-waste challenges, policymakers are encouraged to adopt
international standards.
This Recommendation suggests that policymakers adopt the following ITU-T Recommendations:

10.1 For the detailed aspects of e-waste management:

1) [ITU-T L.1021] Extended producer responsibility: The Recommendation offers a description
of the EPR system in dealing with e-waste. The Recommendation details different existing
forms of EPR globally, not only in theoretical terms but also with a practical view to their
feasibility, challenges and prerequisites.
2) [ITU-T L.1100] Procedure for recycling rare metals in information and communication
technology goods: The Recommendation provides information on the recycling procedures
of rare metals in ICT goods. It also defines a communication format for providing recycling
information of rare metals contained in ICT goods.

10.2 For the minimization/reduction of e-waste/circular economy:

1) [ITU-T L.1000] Universal power adapter and charger solution for mobile terminals and other
hand-held ICT devices: This Recommendation sets out technical specifications for a
universal charger compatible with a wide variety of consumer electronic devices, reducing
waste and improving user convenience. When fully implemented around the world, the new
standard will eliminate an estimated 82000 tons of redundant chargers and at least 13.6
million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions annually [b-ITU-T E-waste].
2) [ITU-T L.1001] External universal power adapter solutions for stationary information and
communication technology devices: This Recommendation establishes technical
specifications for a universal power adapter (UPA) designed to serve the vast majority of

Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018) 15

stationary ICT devices. This Recommendation will substantially reduce the number of power
adapters that need to be manufactured by widening their application to more devices. The
UPA would benefit from a longer lifetime and reduced energy consumption relative to other
adapters. Furthermore, it promotes reuse and reduces the volume of e-waste generated [b-
ITU-T E-waste].
3) [ITU-T L.1400] Overview and general principles of methodologies for assessing the
environmental impact of information and communication technologies: This
Recommendation presents the general principles on assessing the environmental impact of
information and communication technologies (ICTs) and outlines the different
methodologies that are being developed. The Recommendation also provides some examples
of opportunities to reduce the environmental load due to ICT.
4) [ITU-T L.1410] Recommendation ITU- T L. 1410, Methodology for environmental life cycle
assessments of information and communication technology goods, networks and services:
This Recommendation deals with environmental life cycle assessments (LCAs) of ICT
goods, networks and services. It is organized in two parts: Part I: ICT life cycle assessment:
framework and guidance; Part II: "Comparative analysis between ICT and reference product
system (baseline scenario); framework and guidance". Part I deals with the life cycle
assessment (LCA) methodology applied to ICT goods, networks and services. Part II deals
with comparative analysis based on LCA results of an ICT goods, networks and services
product system, and a reference product system.
5) [ITU-T L.1010] Green battery solutions for mobile phones and other hand-held information
and communication technology devices: This Recommendation defines a minimum set of
parameters necessary to identify green battery solutions that should be considered by
developers/manufacturers to reduce the future environmental impact of battery use. The
provision of so-called green batteries is to extend the lifetime of handsets, reduce global
resources consumption and preserve the environment.
6) [ITU-T L.1002] External universal power adapter solutions for portable information and
communication technology devices: This Recommendation defines the requirements, and
provides guidelines on the environmental aspects, of UPA solutions designed for use with
portable information and communication technology devices.
7) [ITU-T L.1020] Circular economy: Guide for operators and suppliers on approaches to
migrate towards circular ICT goods and networks: Guide for operators and suppliers on
approaches to migrate towards circular ICT good and networks: This Recommendation
suggests approaches of circular economy for ICT goods and networks. It focuses particularly
on the next steps in improving circularity in the operators′ supply chain. The
Recommendation provides a guide on how operators could work with their supply chain to
improve circular economy (CE) aspects for ICT goods and networks but it does not provide

10.3 Success stories on e-waste management can be found in:

1) [b-ITU-T L.Suppl.27] Supplement on success stories on e-waste management: This
Supplement sheds light on e-waste management success stories in different countries. The
Supplement covers different policies, legislation, initiatives, and different stakeholders'
involvement (government, private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and
informal sector).

10.4 Others information on minimization/reduction of e-waste/circular economy

1) [b-ITU-T L.Suppl.28] Circular economy in information and communication technology;
definition of approaches, concepts and metrics: This Supplement investigates current
approaches, concepts and metrics of CE and resource efficiency (RE) and their applicability
for the ICT infrastructure goods.

16 Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018)

2) [b-ITU-T L.Suppl.20] Green public ICT procurement: This Supplement provides technical
guidance to public authorities to improve their procurement practices to purchase green ICT
goods and services. To this end, this Supplement collects and presents relevant standards,
ecolabels and certifications from different organizations to help public authorities achieve
green ICT public procurement practices. The guidance can be also used by private
organizations interested in improving their green ICT procurement practise.

11 List of indicators/key performance indicators

a) List of indicators
1) EEE placed on the market (kg/inhabitant);
2) WEEE generated (kg/inhabitant);
3) WEEE exported for reuse (kg/inhabitant) [b-PMID];
4) WEEE exported for recycling (kg/inhabitant).
b) List of key performance indicators (KPIs)
1) WEEE collected through formal channels (kg/inhabitant).
Data related to different categories (or products) of WEEE should be recorded separately.

Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018) 17

Annex A

Overview of electrical and electronic equipment properties and their influences

on end-of-life management
(This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation.)

Unit or Influences on end-of-life Mainly determined

Product property
indicator management by
Intrinsic Weight and – kg/unit; – arrangement of Product functionality
property volume – m3/unit. collection; and product design.
– pre-processing
Material – kg/kg; – material separation and
composition – kg/unit; refinery technologies;
– material value; – recycling revenue and
– environmental cost.
impact score.
Material – kg/kg; – requirements for
composition – kg/unit; separation and
(toxics) – environmental detoxification;
impact score. – cost of the recycling
Extrinsic Product price €/unit Incentive for reuse. – product design;
property – production cost;
– marketing strategy.
Quantity of Units Scale of take-back system – product function;
product sales (or pieces). treatment facilities. – market conditions;
and stock – socio-economic
Product Years Expected time until – product design;
lifespan product is discarded and – technology cycle;
the quantities of e-waste – user behaviour;
– socio-economic
Source: [b-Wang 2]

18 Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018)

Annex B

Materials, substances, components and hazardous properties

in electrical and electronic equipment
(This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation.)

Key components for dismantling Source

CRT glass, PCB (in CRT black-and-white TV set); CRT cone glass,
PCB (in CRT color-TV set); insulation materials, compressor (in
refrigerators); electromotor (in washing machines); CRT cone glass,
PCB (in computer monitor); PCB (in mainframe computer). Other
components are: capacitor (electrolyte capacitors, PCB containing
capacitors); LCD panel; mother board, battery (e.g., lead acid
accumulators, nickel cadmium accumulators, button cells or unsorted
batteries); gas discharge lamps; cartridges; speaker, screws, plastics, [b-SwitchAsia]
case, switch, electrical wiring, connectors, floppy disk drive, compact
disk drive, hard disk drive and power supply (in waste computers);
liquid crystal display; fluorescent lamp; cooling system; plastics;
insulation; rubber.
Metal rich components: PCB, drives, power supply unit, motors, coils,
compressors, getter plates, integrated circuits.
Rare metals:
Indium, chromium, tungsten, cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, [ITU-T L.1100];
vanadium, yttrium, gallium, arsenic, titanium, neodymium, barium,
zirconium, tantalum, among others. [b-SwitchAsia]

– glass: panel glass, funnel glass, mixed (panel and funnel) glass,
glass from LCD panels, flat glass;
– plastics: polypropylene, polyethylene, ABS, polycarbonate,
Polystyrene, Polyurethane, mixed plastics, other plastics;
– iron;
– steel;
[b-ITU-T L.1100];
– aluminium;
– copper;
– wood dust: chipboard, contaminated wood.
Other materials: luminescent powder; oil from compressors;
chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) R12; CFC R11.
Mixed materials: concrete, plastic or metal mix, residual material
Hazardous substances:
– antimony (antimony trioxide);
– asbestos;
Annex III to [ITU-T L.1100];
– americium;
[b-EU, 2008/98/CE];
– BBP (Butylbenzyl phthalate);
[b-Wang 1];
– chlorofluorocarbons, HCFC, HFC;
[b-Wang 2];
– DBP (Dibutylphthalate);
– DEHP (2-ethylexyl phthalate);
– HBCDD (hexabromocyclododecane);
– MCCP (medium- chained chlorinated paraffins);

Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018) 19

Key components for dismantling Source
– nonylphenol;
– PBB (polybrominated biphenyls);
– PBDE (polybrominated diphenyl ethers);
– PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls);
– PVC (polyvinyl chloride);
– SCCP (Short- chained chlorinated paraffins);
– TBBA (tetrabromobisphenol-A).
Heavy metals and other metals:
– arsenic (diarsenic trioxide, arsenic trioxide);
– barium;
– beryllium (beryllium oxide, beryllium metal);
– cadmium;
– chromium VI;
– lead;
– lithium;
– mercury;
– nickel (dinickel trioxide);
– selenium;
– zinc sulphide.
Hazardous properties:
– explosive;
– oxidizing;
– flammable;
– "sensitizing", harmful, toxic, carcinogenic, infectious, "toxic for
reproduction", "mutagenic" (if inhaled, ingested or touched);
– corrosive;
– releases toxic or very toxic gases in contact with water, air or an
– toxic for the environment;
– radioactive.

20 Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018)

Annex C

SWOT analysis of baseline conditions for e-waste system design

(This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation.)

Table C.1 contains a SWOT analysis of baseline condition for e-waste system design.

Table C.1 – SWOT analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
– legislation on wastes and hazardous wastes – long hibernation period for EoL electrical and
already in place; electronic equipment;
– stakeholders have been identified and the – poor coordination among ministries, enforcement
consultation process launched to inform the authorities, between national and local
definition of a legal framework for e-waste administrations, and between local
management; administrations and voluntary take-back
– presence of voluntary take-back initiatives, schemes;
(or programme/projects) and willingness of – lack of awareness;
producers, distributors, service operators to take – lack of collection and processing infrastructure
responsibility for e-waste; and capacity;
– availability of treatment facilities with adequate – inadequate training for recyclers;
capacity for managing e-waste; – dumping of e-waste that could be reused,
– pre-existent collection infrastructure, logistic repaired, reconditioned, remanufactured or
network and contractual relationships between recycled or that would require decontamination.
manufacturers/importers and waste management
– levels of collection, repair, refurbishment,
recycling already achieved in both the formal
and informal sector;
– availability of a market for second-hand
electrical and electronic equipment;
– availability of public funds for the
implementation of the e-waste legislation.
Threats Opportunities
– environmental and health impact of improper – job creation in the collection, repair,
processing practices and unregulated disposal of reconditioning, remanufacturing, recycling,
e-waste in landfills; logistics, disposal sector;
– illegal shipments of e-waste; – revenue generation;
– illegal shipment of used electrical and electronic – waste prevention;
equipment nearing their end-of-life. – urban mining, i.e., the recovery of rare metals
from "landfills sites, incineration ashes or waste
waters" [b-Dodson];
– possibility to either formalize informal operators
or facilitate collaboration between the formal and
informal sector.

Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018) 21

Annex D

Hazardous materials contained in e-waste

(This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation.)

Table D.1 contains the list of international recognized list of hazardous materials at the publication
date. The table can be updated in the future.

Table D.1 – Recognized list of international hazardous materials

Substance Occurrence in e-waste
Halogenated compounds:
– PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) condensers, transformers, TV enclosures.
– TBBA (tetrabromobisphenol-A); flame retardants for plastics (thermoplastic components, cable
– PBB (polybrominated biphenyls); insulation, TV enclosures); TBBA is presently the most widely
– PBDE (polybrominated diphenyl used flame retardant in printed wiring, TV enclosures; boards and
ethers). casings, housing of CRT screens.
– CFC cooling and freezing units, Insulation foam.
– PVC (polyvinyl chloride) cable insulation.
Heavy metals and other metals:
– arsenic small quantities in the form of gallium arsenide in light emitting
– barium getters in CRT.
– beryllium power supply boxes which contain silicon controlled rectifiers and
x-ray lenses.
– cadmium rechargeable Ni-Cd batteries, fluorescent layers (CRT screens),
printer inks and toners, photocopying machines (i.e., printer
– chromium VI data tapes, floppy disks.
– lead CRT screens, batteries, printed wiring boards, solders.
– lithium lithium batteries.
– mercury fluorescent lamps, some alkaline batteries and mercury wetted
– nickel rechargeable Ni-Cd batteries or Ni-MH batteries, electron guns in
– selenium older photocopying machines (photo drums).
– zinc sulphide interior of CRT screens, mixed with rare earth metals.
– toner dust toner cartridges for laser printers or copiers.
– radioactive substances medical equipment, fire detectors, active sensing elements in
– americium smoke detectors.
– asbestos older appliances such as electric heaters, coffee pots, toasters and
Source: [b-Wang 2]

22 Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018)

Appendix I

Definitions of waste electrical and electronic equipment

(This appendix does not form an integral part of this Recommendation.)
Reference Definition
Argentina [b-Buenos Aires] "Waste electrical and electronic equipment [refers
to] electric and electronic equipment discharged or
to be discharged, including its components, subparts
and supplies, both domestic and professional, from
the time of disposal".
Australia [b-ABS] "Waste electrical and electronic equipment that is
dependent on electric currents or electromagnetic
fields in order to function (including all components,
subassemblies and consumables which are part of
the original equipment at the time of discarding)".
[b-Bhuie] and [b-Cairns] in [b-Kahhat] "Electronic and electrical equipment, including all
components, sub-assemblies, and consumables,
deemed obsolete or unwanted by a user" ([b-Bhuie],
[b-Cairns]), excluding used electrical and electronic
equipment [b-Kahhat].
Cameroon [b-Opencamer] "Equipment which is dependent on electric currents
or electromagnetic fields in order to work properly
and equipment for the generation, transfer and
measurement of such currents and fields and
designed for use with a voltage rating not exceeding
1000 volts for alternating current and 1500 volts for
direct current".
Canada [b-Canada] "Surplus electronic and electrical equipment that is
not suitable for reuse. Electronic and electrical
equipment includes any equipment with a plug,
battery or that uses electricity to perform its
intended function excluding vehicles and vehicle
parts. Electronic assets are considered surplus when
they have reached the end of their intended useful
life and can no longer be reallocated within a
Colombia [b-PCG] E-waste as "electric and electronic equipment cast
away or discarded. It includes all components,
supplies and subparts that are part of the product
when discharged, unless they are considered
hazardous on their own. In this case they would
receive treatment foreseen for such wastes".
Costa Rica [b-Costa Rica] E-waste is "all equipment at end of life, dismantled
and discharged whose original function was to
transfer signals, data, images, sound and information
through telecommunication network, including
those provided through television and radio
broadcasting network".

Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018) 23

Reference Definition
EU WEEE Directive [b-EU, 2012/19/EU] electrical or electronic equipment which is "any
substance or object which the holder discards or
intends or is required to discard"
(Directive 2008/98/EC [b-EU, 2008/98/CE),
"including all components, sub-assemblies and
consumables which are part of the product at the
time of discarding".
India [b-MOEF] "Electrical and electronic equipment means
equipment which is dependent on electric currents
or electro-magnetic fields to be fully functional".
Information Technology Association of South "Discarded EEE that no longer can be reused and
Africa [b-ITA-PEG] needs to be recycled".
[b-King] "Electrical and electronic waste is defined as all
appliances run by electricity that does not exceed
1000 volts for AC and 1500 volts for DC". It is
likely that higher value equipment will be collected
and managed directly by manufacturers without
even entering official take back systems [b-King].
Malaysia [b-MDOE] "The SW 110 [code] wastes are defined as wastes
from the electrical and electronic assemblies
containing components such as accumulators,
mercury-switches, glass from cathode-ray tubes and
other activated glass or polychlorinated biphenyl-
capacitors, or contaminated with cadmium, mercury,
lead, nickel, chromium, copper, lithium, silver,
manganese or polychlorinated biphenyl".
Mexico [b-SEGOB] "Electronic waste refers to used, end-of-life products
and products that have been withdrawn from the
market or discharged, that have been manufactured
by the electronic or information technology
industry, that are dependent on electric currents or
electro-magnetic fields in order to work properly
and that have reached the end of their useful life,
including accessories, peripherals, raw materials and
components that constitute them".
[b-Morselli] "Any device that for functional reasons is dependent
on electric currents or electro-magnetic fields in
order to work properly. It becomes e-waste when the
holder discards, intends or requires to discard".
OECD EPR Guidance Manual [b-OECD] "Any appliance using an electric power supply that
has reached its end-of-life".
Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment "End-of-life computing equipment: Individual
(PACE) [b-SBC, 2011b] computing equipment that is no longer suitable for
use, and which is intended for dismantling or final
disposal. It also includes off-specification or new
computing equipment which has been sent for
material recovery and recycling, or final disposal".
Peru [b-MINAM] Electrical and electronic equipment are equipment
that depend on electric currents or electromagnetic
fields in order to work properly, and devices used to
generate, transmit and measure such currents and

24 Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018)

Reference Definition
Republic of South Korea [b-Eco-Frontier] Electrical and electronic equipment is "equipment or
device (including components and parts thereto)
operated by electric currents or electromagnetic
[b-SINHA] "An electrically powered appliance that no longer
satisfies the current owner for its original purpose".
Solving the E waste Problem (StEP) Initiative "E-Waste is a term used to cover items of all types
[b-StEP, 2014] of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) and its
parts that have been discarded by the owner as waste
without the intention of reuse".
Turkey (Regulation n.28300) [b-Turkey] Waste electrical and electronic equipment refers to
all components, items and consumables contained in
the products at end-of-life. EEE is defined as
equipment, devices, appliances which are designed
to operate on alternating currents of up to 1000 Volt
and direct currents of up to 1500 Volt, and which
are dependent on electrical power or
electromagnetic fields to work properly. The term
includes also the equipment used for production,
transfer and measurement of such currents.
United Nations Environment Programme "Discarded computers, office electronic equipment,
[b-UNEP, 2013b] entertainment device electronics, mobile phones,
television sets and refrigerators. This definition
includes used electronics which are destined for
reuse, resale, salvage, recycling, or disposal".
United States Congressional Research Service "E-waste refers to obsolete, broken, or irreparable
[b-EPA, 2013] electronic devices".
[b-Widmer] "Electronic waste or e-waste for short is a generic
term embracing various forms of electric and
electronic equipment that have ceased to be of any
value to their owners".
Africa [b-Africa] "Anything that works with electricity or batteries
and you no longer need it or it is no longer

Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018) 25


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26 Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018)

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Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018) 27

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ces équipements.

28 Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018)

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Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018) 29

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Assessment Review, Vol. 25, Issue 5, pp. 436-458.

30 Rec. ITU-T L.1030 (06/2018)


Series A Organization of the work of ITU-T

Series D Tariff and accounting principles and international telecommunication/ICT economic and
policy issues
Series E Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors
Series F Non-telephone telecommunication services

Series G Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks

Series H Audiovisual and multimedia systems

Series I Integrated services digital network

Series J Cable networks and transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia
Series K Protection against interference

Series L Environment and ICTs, climate change, e-waste, energy efficiency; construction,
installation and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant
Series M Telecommunication management, including TMN and network maintenance

Series N Maintenance: international sound programme and television transmission circuits

Series O Specifications of measuring equipment

Series P Telephone transmission quality, telephone installations, local line networks

Series Q Switching and signalling, and associated measurements and tests
Series R Telegraph transmission
Series S Telegraph services terminal equipment

Series T Terminals for telematic services

Series U Telegraph switching

Series V Data communication over the telephone network

Series X Data networks, open system communications and security

Series Y Global information infrastructure, Internet protocol aspects, next-generation networks,

Internet of Things and smart cities
Series Z Languages and general software aspects for telecommunication systems

Printed in Switzerland
Geneva, 2018

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