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I n t e r n a t i o n a l T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n U n i o n

ITU-T G.9801


Access networks – Optical line systems for local and
access networks

Ethernet passive optical networks using OMCI

Recommendation ITU-T G.9801



Metallic access networks G.9700–G.9799
Optical line systems for local and access networks G.9800–G.9899
In premises networks G.9900–G.9999

For further details, please refer to the list of ITU-T Recommendations.

Recommendation ITU-T G.9801

Ethernet passive optical networks using OMCI

Recommendation ITU-T G.9801 describes requirements and specifications of Ethernet passive
optical network (EPON) systems using the ONU management and control interface (OMCI), which
is called OMCI-EPON.
OMCI-EPON is based on IEEE 802.3 and IEEE 1904.1 for user data transport, and applies Annex C
of Recommendation ITU-T G.988 for its management. OMCI-EPON supports 1G-EPON,
10/1G-EPON and 10/10G-EPON architectures defined in IEEE 802.3, and provides a mechanism
that enables coexistence with the existing PON systems using time division multiple access (TDMA)
technologies and/or wavelength blocking filter (WBF).


Edition Recommendation Approval Study Group Unique ID*

1.0 ITU-T G.9801 2013-08-29 15 11.1002/1000/12009-en

* To access the Recommendation, type the URL http://handle.itu.int/ in the address field of your web
browser, followed by the Recommendation's unique ID. For example, http://handle.itu.int/11.1002/1000/11

Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013) i

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency in the field of
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establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T study groups which, in turn, produce Recommendations on
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ii Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013)

Table of Contents
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 1
2 References..................................................................................................................... 1
3 Definitions .................................................................................................................... 2
3.1 Terms defined elsewhere ................................................................................ 2
3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation ......................................................... 2
4 Abbreviations and acronyms ........................................................................................ 5
5 Conventions .................................................................................................................. 6
6 Architecture of the optical access network ................................................................... 8
6.1 Network architecture ...................................................................................... 8
6.2 Reference architecture .................................................................................... 8
6.3 ODN architectures .......................................................................................... 9
7 Scenarios and services .................................................................................................. 11
7.1 Scenarios......................................................................................................... 11
7.2 Services........................................................................................................... 12
7.3 Maximum/Mean signal transfer delay tolerance ............................................ 12
7.4 Frame length ................................................................................................... 12
7.5 Synchronization features and quality ............................................................. 12
7.6 QoS and traffic management .......................................................................... 13
8 Requirements ................................................................................................................ 13
8.1 Physical layer and MAC layer requirements .................................................. 13
8.2 System level requirements .............................................................................. 14
8.3 Operational requirements ............................................................................... 14
8.4 Resilience and protection on ODN ................................................................. 15
9 Optical network requirements....................................................................................... 15
9.1 Physical medium dependent (PMD) sublayer ................................................ 15
9.2 Media access control (MAC), extensions of the reconciliation sublayer
(RS) and physical coding sublayer (PCS)/physical media attachment
(PMA) ............................................................................................................. 15
9.3 OMCI-EPON management ............................................................................ 17
Bibliography............................................................................................................................. 18

Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013) iii

Recommendation ITU-T G.9801

Ethernet passive optical networks using OMCI

1 Scope
The Ethernet passive optical network (EPON) system is a general name for PON systems that are
based on the IEEE 802.3 standard and the IEEE 1904.1 standard. This Recommendation focuses on
EPON systems that apply the ONU management and control interface (OMCI) defined by
[ITU-T G.988] to create an effective PON operation system. This Recommendation calls these
OMCI-EPON includes 1G-EPON, 10/1G-EPON and 10/10G-EPON architectures defined in
[IEEE 802.3].
The requirements and specifications of OMCI-EPON conform to [IEEE 802.3] and the
IEEE 1904.1 Package B standard and to the operational requirements and specifications defined by
Annex C of [ITU-T G.988]. The requirements and specifications of OMCI-EPON enable the use of
OMCI to manage IEEE 802.3/IEEE 1904.1 Package B compliant systems, thus providing
1G-EPON and 10G-EPON solutions to network operators who prefer OMCI management.
As much as possible, this Recommendation maintains backward compatibility with existing optical
distribution networks (ODN) that comply with the existing PON systems defined by [IEEE 802.3]
and ITU-T Recommendations such as [b-ITU-T G.983.x], [b-ITU-T G.984.x] and
[b-ITU-T G.987.x]. Furthermore, this Recommendation provides a mechanism that enables
coexistence with the existing PON systems using TDMA technologies and/or wavelength blocking
filter (WBF).

2 References
The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the
editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision;
users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the
currently valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. The reference to a document within
this Recommendation does not give it, as a stand-alone document, the status of a Recommendation.
[ITU-T G.902] Recommendation ITU-T G.902 (1995), Framework Recommendation on
functional access networks (AN) – Architecture and functions, access types,
management and service node aspects.
[ITU-T G.984.1] Recommendation ITU-T G.984.1 (2008), Gigabit-capable passive optical
networks (GPON): General characteristics.
[ITU-T G.988] Recommendation ITU-T G.988 (2012), Optical network unit management and
control interface specification.
[IEEE 1904.1] IEEE 1904.1-2013, IEEE Standard for Service Interoperability in Ethernet
Passive Optical Networks (SIEPON).
[IEEE 802.3] IEEE 802.3-2012, IEEE Standard for Ethernet.

Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013) 1

3 Definitions

3.1 Terms defined elsewhere

This Recommendation uses the following terms defined elsewhere:
3.1.1 access network (AN) [ITU-T G.902]: An implementation comprising those entities (such
as cable plant, transmission facilities, etc.) which provide the required transport bearer capabilities
for the provision of telecommunications services between a service node interface (SNI) and each
of the associated user-network interfaces (UNI).
3.1.2 Ethernet LAN service (E-LAN) [b-MEF 6.1]: An Ethernet service type that is based on a
multipoint-to-multipoint Ethernet virtual connection.
3.1.3 Ethernet line service (E-Line) [b-MEF 6.1]: An Ethernet service type that is based on a
point-to-point Ethernet virtual connection.
3.1.4 Ethernet tree service (E-Tree) [b-MEF 6.1]: An Ethernet service type that is based on a
rooted-multipoint Ethernet virtual connection.
3.1.5 Ethernet virtual connection (EVC) [b-MEF 6.1]: An association of UNIs to which the
exchange of service frames is limited.
3.1.6 service node (SN) [ITU-T G.902]: A network element that provides access to various
switched and/or permanent telecommunication services.
3.1.7 service node interface (SNI) [ITU-T G.902]: An interface which provides customer access
to a service node.
3.1.8 user-network interface (UNI) [b-ITU-T I.112]: The interface between the terminal
equipment and a network termination at which interface the access protocols apply.

3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation

This Recommendation defines the following terms:
Terms related to optical access architecture
3.2.1 Ethernet passive optical network (EPON): A general name for PON systems that are
based on the [IEEE 802.3] standard and the [IEEE 1904.1] standard.
3.2.2 OMCI-EPON: An EPON system that applies the ONU Management and Control Interface
(OMCI) defined by [ITU-T G.988].
3.2.3 optical access network (OAN): A part of an access network whose network elements are
interconnected by optical communication channels.
NOTE – An OAN may or may not extend all the way to the UNI, so that the user-side interface of the OAN
does not necessarily coincide with the UNIs of the AN.
3.2.4 optical distribution network (ODN): A point-to-multipoint optical fibre infrastructure. A
simple ODN is entirely passive and is represented by a single-rooted point-to-multipoint tree of
optical fibres with splitters, combiners, filters, and possibly other passive optical components. A
composite ODN consists of two or more passive segments interconnected by active devices, each of
the segments being either an optical trunk line segment or an optical distribution segment. A passive
optical distribution segment is a simple ODN itself. Two ODNs with distinct roots can share a
common subtree.
3.2.5 optical line termination (OLT): A network element in an ODN-based optical access
network that terminates the root of at least one ODN and provides an OAN SNI.
3.2.6 optical network terminal (ONT): An ONU supporting a single subscriber.

2 Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013)

3.2.7 optical network unit (ONU): A network element in an ODN-based optical access network
that terminates a leaf of the ODN and provides an OAN UNI.
3.2.8 passive optical network (PON) system: A combination of network elements in an
ODN-based optical access network that includes an OLT and multiple ONUs and implements a
particular coordinated suite of physical medium dependent layer, transmission convergence layer,
and management protocols.
Terms related to optical parameters, power and loss budget
3.2.9 attenuation: The total relative optical power loss of an optical signal propagating through
the ODN. Attenuation is caused by absorption and scattering of light in the fibre (caused by fibre
impurities and imperfections, fluctuations of the refractive index, material dispersion), as well as
connectors, splices, splitters, wavelength couplers, attenuators, and other passive optical
3.2.10 differential fibre distance: The absolute difference between the fibre distances of two
particular ONUs connected to the same OLT PON interface.
3.2.11 dispersion: A physical phenomenon comprising the dependence of the phase or group
velocity of a light wave in the medium on its propagation characteristics such as optical frequency
(wavelength) or polarization mode.
3.2.12 dynamic range: An optical receiver characteristic that represents the difference between
the worst-case sensitivity (i.e., maximum over the operating conditions) and the worst-case
overload (i.e., minimum over the operating conditions), and is usually expressed as a ratio of the
former to the latter.
3.2.13 extinction ratio: With respect to a digital signal generated by an optical source (laser
diode), the ratio of the two optical power levels corresponding to the high and low intensities of
light emission.
3.2.14 fibre distance: The overall length of fibre (and, if applicable, equivalent fibre runs
representing delay-inducing components) between the R/S and S/R reference points.
3.2.15 mean optical launch power: An optical transmitter characteristic expressing the average
optical power of an optical signal transmitted into the fibre and carrying a given digital sequence.
When specified as a range, the minimum mean launch power provides the power level that the
transmitter should guarantee at all times, and the maximum mean launch power provides the power
level that the transmitter should never exceed. When applied to burst mode transmission, the term
pertains to the time interval during which the transmitter is fully active, and excludes possible
starting and ending transient behaviour.
3.2.16 nominal line rate: The total number of bits that can be physically transferred per unit of
time over a communication link. Nominal line rate accounts for useful data as well as for all
possible protocol overheads and necessarily exceeds the effective data rate on any given protocol
3.2.17 optical path penalty (OPP): The apparent reduction of receiver sensitivity due to
distortion of the signal waveform during its transmission over the optical path. The optical path
penalty accounts for total degradations including the effects of reflections, intersymbol interference,
mode partition noise, and laser chirp.
3.2.18 optical return loss (ORL): The total reflection at the source reference point of the optical
signal propagation path associated with both discrete reflections at the refractive index
discontinuities and distributed backscattering, such as Rayleigh scattering, along the path. Optical
return loss is measured as a ratio of the transmitted power to the reflected power.
3.2.19 overload: A receiver parameter that characterizes the maximum value of the average
received optical power to achieve the BER at or below the specified reference level.

Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013) 3

3.2.20 reflectance: The reflection from any single discrete reflection point in the optical signal
propagation path, which is defined to be the ratio of the reflected optical power present at a point, to
the optical power incident to that point.
3.2.21 sensitivity: A receiver parameter that characterizes the minimum value of the average
received optical power to achieve the BER at or below the specified reference level.
3.2.22 tolerance to reflected power (receiver): A receiver parameter that characterizes the
minimum admissible ratio of the average optical input power incident at the receiver to the average
reflected power regarded as a noise.
3.2.23 tolerance to reflected power (transmitter): A transmitter parameter that characterizes the
maximum admissible ratio of the average reflected optical transmit power incident at the transmitter
to the average optical transmit power.
Other terms
3.2.24 activation: A set of distributed procedures executed by the OLT and the ONUs that allows
an inactive ONU to join or resume operations on the PON. The activation process includes three
phases: parameter learning, serial number acquisition, and ranging.
3.2.25 activation cycle: A time interval between ONU's consecutive entries into the Initial state
3.2.26 bandwidth allocation: An upstream transmission opportunity granted by the OLT for a
specified time interval to a specified traffic-bearing entity within an ONU.
3.2.27 dynamic bandwidth assignment (DBA): A process by which the OLT distributes
upstream PON capacity between the traffic-bearing entities within ONUs, based on dynamic
indication of their traffic activity and their configured traffic contracts.
3.2.28 effective key length: The number of randomly generated bits of a cryptographic key. The
effective key length may be less than the nominal key length of a particular cryptosystem, if a part
of the key is replaced by a well-known bit pattern.
3.2.29 equalization delay (EqD): The requisite delay assigned by the OLT to an individual ONU
in order to ensure that the ONU's transmissions are precisely aligned on a common OLT-based
upstream frame reference. The ONU's equalization delay is assigned as a result of ranging and is
subject to in-service updates in the course of burst arrival phase monitoring.
3.2.30 Logical Link Identifier (LLID): A numeric identifier assigned to a Point-to-Multi Point
association between an OLT and ONU established through the Point-to-Point Emulation sublayer.
Each Point-to-Multi Point association is assigned a unique LLID. The Point-to-Multi Point
association is bound to a logical ONU, where a MAC would observe a private association.
3.2.31 ONU management and control interface (OMCI): An operation and management
channel between the OLT and an ONU that is message-based and employs an extendable
management information base.
3.2.32 physical layer OAM (PLOAM): An operation and management channel between the OLT
and the ONUs that is close to real time and is based on a fixed set of messages.
3.2.33 quiet window: A time interval during which the OLT suppresses all bandwidth allocations
to in-service ONUs in order to avoid collisions between their upstream transmissions and the
transmissions from ONUs whose burst arrival time is uncertain. The OLT opens a quiet window to
allow new ONUs to join the PON and to perform ranging of specific ONUs.

4 Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013)

3.2.34 ranging: A procedure of measuring the logical distance between the OLT and any of its
subtending ONUs with the objective to determine and assign the appropriate equalization delay,
which is necessary to align the ONU's upstream transmissions on a common OLT-based upstream
frame reference. Ranging is performed during ONU activation and may be performed while the
ONU is in service.
3.2.35 requisite delay: A general term denoting the total extra delay the OLT may require an
ONU to apply to the upstream transmission beyond the ONU's regular response time. The purpose
of requisite delay is to compensate for variation of propagation and processing delays of individual
ONUs, and to avoid or reduce the probability of collisions between upstream transmissions.

4 Abbreviations and acronyms

This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations and acronyms:
AN Access Network
BER Bit-Error Ratio
BW Bandwidth
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
CBU Cell-site Backhauling Unit
CIR Committed Information Rate
CO Central Office
DBA Dynamic Bandwidth Assignment
DSL Digital Subscriber Line
E-LAN Ethernet LAN service
E-Line Ethernet Line service
EPON Ethernet Passive Optical Network
E-Tree Ethernet Tree Service
EVC Ethernet Virtual Connection
FEC Forward Error Correction
FTTCell Fibre to the Cell site base stations
FTTx Fibre to the x (B – building, business; H – home; C – cabinet, curb, P – premises)
G-PON Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network
ID Identifier
IP Internet Protocol
IPTV Internet Protocol TV
LAN Local Area Network
LLID Logical Link Identifier
MAC Media Access Control
MDU Multi-Dwelling Unit
ME Managed Entity
MIB Management Information Base

Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013) 5

MPCPDU Multipoint Control Protocol Data Unit
MTU Multi-Tenant Unit
OAM Operation, Administration and Management
OAN Optical Access Network
ODN Optical Distribution Network
OLT Optical Line Terminal
OMCI Optical network unit Management and Control Interface
ONT Optical Network Terminal
ONU Optical Network Unit
OPEX Operational Expenditure
PIR Peak Information Rate
PLOAM Physical Layer Operations, Administration and Maintenance
PM Performance Monitoring
PMD Physical Medium Dependent (protocol layer)
PON Passive Optical Network
QoS Quality of Service
RE Reach Extender
R/S Reference point at the interface of the ONU to the ODN
R'/S' Reference point at the interface of the Reach extender to the OTL
RF Radio Frequency
Rx Receiver
S'/R' Reference point at the interface of Reach extender to ODN
S/R Reference point at the interface of the OLT to the ODN
SNI Service Node Interface
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
Tx Transmitter
UNI User Network Interface
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
VoIP Voice over IP
VPN Virtual Private Network
V-Rx Video Receiver
V-Tx Video Transmitter
WBF Wavelength Blocking Filter
WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing
X/S Crosstalk-to-Signal ratio

6 Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013)

5 Conventions
OMCI-EPON has sublayers in both the physical layer and the data link layer for the user data
channel and has some clients and functions for the management channel, as shown in Figure 5-1.
The sublayers are detailed in [IEEE 802.3], while the clients and functions are detailed in
[IEEE 1904.1]. OMCI-EPON replaces the OAM client functions which IEEE 1904.1 Package B
defines with OMCI client functions defined by Annex C of [ITU-T G.988].
The physical layer consists of the physical medium dependent (PMD) sublayer, physical medium
attachment (PMA) sublayer, physical coding (PCS) sublayer and reconciliation sublayer. The
medium dependent interface (MDI) connects the optical fibre to PMD. The gigabit medium-
independent interface (GMII) and 10 gigabit medium-independent interface (XGMII) are defined
between PCS and reconciliation. The PMD sublayer and MDI make reference to clauses 60 and 75
of [IEEE 802.3], and the other sublayers and interfaces refer to clauses 65 and 76 of [IEEE 802.3].
The data link layer consists of a media access control (MAC) sublayer, multipoint MAC control
(MPMC) sublayer, operations, administration and maintenance (OAM) sublayer and MAC client
sublayer. The specifications of the MAC sublayer are the same as gigabit Ethernet except for the
preamble, and make reference to clause 56 of [IEEE 802.3]. The MPMC sublayer makes reference
to clause 64 of [IEEE 802.3]. The OAM sublayer makes reference to clause 57 of [IEEE 802.3].
MAC client sublayer makes reference to clause 6 of [IEEE 1904.1].
The management channel consists of the MAC control client, OAM client and their functions. The
MAC control client is a pointer between the MPMC sublayer and its functions, and OAM client is a
pointer between the OAM sublayers and OMCI, which corresponds to OAM client functions. These
clients and their functions make reference to clause 5 of [IEEE 1904.1].
When OMCI is used for EPON ONU management, the same functionality as G-PON PLOAM can
be adopted by EPON. The MAC control extension which is defined in Annex 31C of [IEEE 802.3]
is a suitable control channel for some requirements such as power management (clause 10.5.4 of
[IEEE 1904.1]) and protection (clause 9.3.7 of [IEEE 1904.1]) because of its broadcasting
capability and lack of frame rate limitation. The use of the MAC control extension frame payload in
OMCI-EPON is described in clause 9.2.4.
ITU-T Recommendations such as [b-ITU-T G.984.x] and [b-ITU-T G.987.x] separate PON
specifications into three documents: PMD layer Recommendation, TC layer Recommendation and
OMCI Recommendation. The PMD layer Recommendation corresponds to the specifications of the
PMD sublayer and MDI of EPON. The OMCI Recommendation corresponds to the OAM client
functions of EPON as described above. The TC layer Recommendation corresponds to the
specifications of the other sublayers, clients and functions of EPON.

Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013) 7

<User data> <Management>
MAC Client
OAM functions
Data link OAM Client
layer OMCI
Multi-Point MAC Control
MAC Control MAC control
Client client functions

and/or GMII
Physical PCS


ITU-T G.988 IEEE 1904.1 IEEE 802.3

Figure 5-1 – Layer structure of OMCI-EPON

6 Architecture of the optical access network

6.1 Network architecture

The optical section of a local access network system can be either active or passive and its
architecture can be either point-to-point or point-to-multipoint. Figure 6-1 shows the architectures
considered, such as fibre to the home (FTTH), fibre to the cell sites (FTTCell), fibre to the
building/curb (FTTB/C) and fibre to the cabinet (FTTCab). The optical distribution network (ODN)
is common to all architectures as shown in Figure 6-1; hence the commonality of this system has
the potential to generate large worldwide volumes.
Access network [ITU-T G.902]
ONU Fibre

NT Copper ONU Fibre OLT

NT Copper ONU Fibre

Home network Access network [ITU-T G.902]

ONU Optical network unit G.9801(13)_F6-1
OLT Optical line termination
NT Network termination
UNI User network interface
SNI Service node interface

Figure 6-1 – Network architecture

The differences among these FTTx options are mainly due to the different services supported and
the different locations of the ONUs rather than the ODN itself, so they can be treated as one in this

8 Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013)

Recommendation. It must be noted that a single OLT optical interface might accommodate a
combination of several of the scenarios described in clause 7.

6.2 Reference architecture

A high level and simple reference architecture of OMCI-EPON is depicted in Figure 6-2 which
shows a high level reference architecture very similar to those of [b-ITU-T G.983.x],
[b-ITU-T G.984.x] and [b-ITU-T G.987.x].
As depicted in Figure 6-2, the ONU provides the UNI towards end users, while the OLT provides
the SNI towards core networks. The interface types of UNI/SNI depend on the services offered by
the service provider. Typical interfaces are Ethernet interfaces such as 10/100/1000 Base-T. The
interface at reference points S/R and R/S at OLT and ONU optical port is a PON-specific interface
based on Ethernet frames.

Access network management functions

Service node
ONU (V) Reference point
UNI (a) Reference point
(T) Reference point
User side Network side

Figure 6-2 – High level reference architecture of OMCI-EPON

6.3 ODN architectures

OMCI-EPON can use the same ODN architecture as existing PON systems such as B-PON
([b-ITU-T G.983.x]), G-PON ([b-ITU-T G.984.x]) and XG-PON ([b-ITU-T G.987.x]) defined in
ITU-T Recommendations, and 1G-EPON and 10G-EPON defined in [IEEE 802.3].
The PON systems can be categorized into 1G class PON and 10G class PON by their downstream
line rates. 1G class PON includes 1G-EPON described in [IEEE 802.3] and G-PON defined by
[b-ITU-T G.984.x]. 10G class PON includes 10G-EPON described in [IEEE 802.3] and XG-PON
defined by ITU-T [b-ITU-T G.987.x]. 1G class PON, 10G class PON and video distribution
services can co-exist on the same ODN because their downstream signals use different wavelengths.
However, TDMA technology is necessary for multiplexing upstream signals of 1G class PON and
10G class PON because some of their wavelengths are the same.
Figure 6-3 is a reference diagram of the ODN architecture that supports the coexistence of 1G class
PON and 10G class PON by OMCI-EPON. Typical line rate of OMCI-EPON is 10G class, but it
permits dual rate mode of 10G-EPON and 1G-EPON because clause 75.6 of [IEEE 802.3] defines
the dual rate mode. The figure assumes that wavelength blocking filters (WBFs) are used when 10G
class EPON, 1G class EPON and video signal are shared within the same ODN.
Note that this diagram simply provides a reference architecture of the ODN and WBF, and is not
intended to limit future designs and implementations. For example, when only 10G-EPON is used,
WBF is not necessary. In addition, the coexistence of the 10G-EPON and the 1G-EPON can be
achieved by TDMA, but the method of TDMA implementation lies outside the scope of this clause
since this would not affect WDM configuration.

Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013) 9

Logic Tx WDM
Rx WBF -10G

ONU(10G-EPON+video) IF10GEPON, IF Video

Logic Tx
Rx WBF IF1GEPON OLT(10G/1G dual rate-EPON)
Splitter Splitter Rx Logic
ONU(1G-EPON) IF1GEPON (Second (First -10/1G-L
stage, stage, Tx
Logic Tx WDM 1 by M) 2 by N)
Rx WBF -1G IFVideo OLT(video)

ONU(1G-EPON+video) IF1GEPON, IF Video

Logic Tx
-1G' ODN

Figure 6-3 – Reference optical architecture for EPON coexistence through splitter

Functions of WBFs and WDMs that enable the 10G-EPON and the 1G-EPON coexistence, shown
in Figure 6-3, are listed as follows:
Tx Optical transmitter
Rx Optical receiver
V-Tx Video transmitter
V-Rx Video receiver
WBF Wavelength blocking filter for blocking interference signals to Rx.
WBF-V Wavelength blocking filter for blocking interference signals to V-Rx.
WDM-10G WDM filter in the 10G-EPON ONU to combine/isolate the wavelengths of the
10G-EPON upstream and downstream.
WDM-10G' WDM filter in the 10G-EPON ONU to combine/isolate the wavelengths of the
10G-EPON upstream and downstream and isolate the video signal(s).
WDM-1G WDM filter in the 1G-EPON ONU to combine/isolate the wavelengths of the
1G-EPON upstream and downstream.
WDM-G' WDM filter in 1G-EPON ONU to combine/isolate the wavelengths of the
1G-EPON upstream and downstream and isolate the video signal(s).
WDM-10G-L WDM filter in the 10G-EPON OLT to combine/isolate the wavelengths of the
10G-EPON upstream and downstream.
WDM-10/1G-L WDM filter in the 10G/1G dual rate-EPON OLT to combine/isolate the
wavelengths of the 10G-EPON and 1G-EPON upstream and downstream.

10 Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013)

7 Scenarios and services

7.1 Scenarios
7.1.1 FTTH scenario
Within this scenario, the following service categories are considered:
– Asymmetric broadband services (e.g., IPTV, digital broadcast services, VOD, file
download, etc.);
– Symmetric broadband services (e.g., content broadcast, e-mail, file exchange, distance
learning, telemedicine, online-game, etc.);
– Voice services – the access network must be able to provide, in a flexible way, narrow-band
telephone services.
7.1.2 FTTO scenario
Fibre to the office (FTTO) has the same architecture as FTTH, but it addresses business ONUs
dedicated to small business customers. Within this scenario, the following service categories are
– Symmetric broadband services (e.g., group software, content broadcast, e-mail, file
exchange, etc.);
– Voice services – the access network must be able to provide, in a flexible way, narrow-band
telephone services;
– Private line – the access network must be able to provide, in a flexible way, private line
services at several rates.
7.1.3 FTTB scenario
The FTTB scenario is divided into two scenarios, one for multi-dwelling units (MDUs) and the
other for businesses or mixed environments (MTUs). Each scenario has the following service
7.1.4 FTTB for MDU served residential users
Within this scenario, the same service categories as FTTH are considered.
7.1.5 FTTB for MTU-served business users
Within this scenario, the same service categories as FTTO are considered.
7.1.6 FTTC and FTTCab scenario
Within this scenario, the following service categories have been added to the FTTH scenario:
– xDSL backhaul.
7.1.7 FTTCell wireless scenario
Within this scenario, the ONU is called CBU and will have to offer connectivity to wireless base
– Symmetric TDM services (e.g., 2G cell site backhaul);
– Symmetric/Asymmetric packet-based broadband services (e.g., 3G/4G cell site backhaul);
– Hot spots.
7.1.8 Environment conditions in outdoor scenarios
To support the wide range of scenarios and applications, optical parameters for the OLT and the
ONU should be determined to allow outdoor operation.

Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013) 11

7.2 Services
Telecommunication networks are evolving from traditional circuit-based networks to packet-based
(i.e., IP/Ethernet-oriented) next-generation networks (NGN), which can effectively provide various
services with a common platform [b-ITU-T Y.2201], [b-ITU-T Y.2001].
Table 7-1 summarizes examples of PON services for NGN.

Table 7-1 – Examples of PON services for NGN

Service Remark
1 Telephony VoIP
2 TV (real time) IPTV To be transported using IP multicast/unicast
Digital TV Transported using RF-video overlay (see
broadcasting [b-ITU-T G.984.5], [b-ITU-T J.185] and
[b-ITU-T J.186])
3 High speed Internet UNI is typically Gigabit Ethernet
4 Mobile backhaul Accurate frequency/phase/time synchronization should
be supported
5 L2 VPN services Such as Ethernet services, etc.
6 IP services Such as L3 VPN, VoIP, etc.
NOTE – See [b-ITU-T G.810], [b-ITU-T G.8261], [b-ITU-T G.8262].
For the business applications, OMCI-EPON should provide access to Ethernet services such as
point-to-point, multipoint-to-multipoint and rooted-multipoint Ethernet virtual connection (EVC)
services. OMCI-EPON shall also support accurate frequency/phase/time synchronization for the
mobile backhaul application.
As a general requirement, OMCI-EPON needs to support IPv6.

7.3 Maximum/Mean signal transfer delay tolerance

OMCI-EPON may accommodate services that require a maximum mean signal transfer delay of
1.5 ms for 20 km PONs. Specifically, OMCI-EPON systems may have a maximum mean signal
transfer delay time of less than 1.5 ms between T-V (or (a)-V, depending on operator's preference).
See clause 12 of [b-ITU-T G.982]. Delays introduced by the adaptation functions such as circuit
emulation are not included in this value.
Although a section of the delay measurement is T-V for FTTH system or (a)-V for the other
application in [b-ITU-T G.982], in OMCI-EPON systems the reference points are not restricted by
the system configuration.

7.4 Frame length

OMCI-EPON technology shall support Ethernet frames having a maximum length of 2000 bytes.

7.5 Synchronization features and quality

Network operators are motivated to leverage the OMCI-EPON infrastructure and systems to deliver
high bandwidth to mobile cell sites optionally. This requires accurate synchronization and timing
delivery to the cell sites. Typically, T1 or E1 interfaces have been used for backhaul and these
provide the necessary synchronization and timing references. However, driven by the popularity of
3G/4G wireless, it is increasingly important to provide accurate synchronization and timing over
packet interfaces (e.g., Ethernet), especially to the cell sites where no T1/E1 interface is available.

12 Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013)

OMCI-EPON OLTs for this application may be able to receive a high-quality timing clock as well
as to serve as a master timing source for the ONUs. The ONUs may be able to distribute accurate
timing/synchronization to the cell sites to meet the cell site frequency/phase/time synchronization
For this purpose, OMCI-EPON may be required to transfer accurate phase/time information
between OLT and ONUs taking into account the propagation delay and the processing delay
between them. Additional inaccuracy incurred in the PON section should be much less than the
reference accuracy to leave a margin for other network sections in order to apply the optional
function. [b-ITU-T G.8261] and [b-ITU-T G.8262] contain synchronization requirements for
different wireless technologies.
The mechanisms, for instance as specified in [b-ITU-T G.8261] and [b-ITU-T G.8262], for
distributing accurate timing to the 3G/4G cell sites are for further study depending on the
performance and economics. In view of the extra complexity in delivering timing to applications
such as mobile backhaul, the additional functionality might be limited to specific "CBU" ONUs.

7.6 QoS and traffic management

OMCI-EPON may be capable of supporting multiple existing and emerging services across multiple
market segments, such as consumer, business and mobile backhaul. OMCI-EPON may provide
simultaneous access to packet-based services, such as high speed Internet access, IPTV and VoIP.
In addition, OMCI-EPON may provide access to carrier-grade Metro Ethernet services, such as
point-to-point, multipoint-to-multipoint and rooted-multipoint EVC services for business customers.
These varieties of services present a broad range of QoS characteristics, which demand systems that
provide appropriate traffic management mechanisms.
To provide access to various packet-based services, such as IPTV, VoIP, L2/L3 VPNs and high
speed Internet access, OMCI-EPON may provide at least 4 classes of services to map UNI flows. It
is desirable for OMCI-EPON to provide at least 6 classes of services to map UNI flows.
OMCI-EPON may also support drop precedence within at least 2 traffic classes.
In addition to the priority-based class of services, OMCI-EPON ONU may support rate-controlled
services (e.g., CIR/PIR) with policing and shaping function in addition to the priority-based traffic
management, for instance for business applications and mobile backhaul. Business customer ONUs
may also support industry specifications at UNI ports.
OMCI-EPON may support any mix of residential, business and mobile backhaul traffic within the
same PON as shown in clause 7.1. It may also support a mix of consumer and business users within
a multiple subscriber ONU. OMCI-EPON may support a mix of rate-based (including CIR/PIR
provisioning, policing, shaping, etc.) and priority-based traffic management within the same PON
and same ONU.
OMCI-EPON OLT must support Transparent VLAN mode, Tagging VLAN mode and Translation
VLAN mode. Furthermore OMCI-EPON ONU must support Transparent VLAN mode, Tagging
VLAN mode and ToS/CoS Conversion VLAN mode.

8 Requirements

8.1 Physical layer and MAC layer requirements

Physical layer specifications and MAC layer specifications of OMCI-EPON are the IEEE 802.3

Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013) 13

8.2 System level requirements
System level requirements and specifications are based on the IEEE 1904.1 standard, with some
additional requirements as below.
8.2.1 Power saving and energy efficiency
See clause 10.5.4 of [IEEE 1904.1].
8.2.2 Authentication/Identification/Encryption
See clause 11.3.4 of [IEEE 1904.1].
8.2.3 Dynamic bandwidth assignment (DBA)
OMCI-EPON OLT may support DBA for the efficient sharing of upstream bandwidth among the
connected ONUs and the traffic-bearing entities within the individual ONUs based on the dynamic
indication of their activity.
The OLT may support any of the dynamic activity indication methods or a combination thereof. It
is outside the scope of the requirement specification to define how the OLT utilizes the obtained
dynamic activity indication information, or how the OLT upstream scheduler is implemented.
8.2.4 Eye safety
Given the high launched optical powers that can be injected into the fibre in OMCI-EPONs, both at
the OLT level and the RE level, all necessary mechanisms must be provided to ensure that end users
unaware of the risks suffer no eye damage, especially if fibre is terminated inside the home. OMCI-
EPON elements need to conform to the following specific classes defined in the IEEE 802.3
standard, respectively:
• Class 1 for OLT
• Class 1 for ONU

8.3 Operational requirements

Operational requirements and specifications are defined in [IEEE 1904.1] Package B. Additional
requirements are described as below.
8.3.1 ONU management OMCI managed ONU
It is necessary from the network operation perspective to manage OMCI-EPON, i.e., an OLT
together with its ONUs, as a single entity, with ONUs being managed via OLTs, wherever possible.
Therefore, OMCI-EPON shall support full PON real time management through OMCI for EPON
defined by Annex C of [ITU-T G.988]. Dual managed ONU
OMCI-EPON should support collaborative ONU management partition between EPON OMCI and
remote configuration mechanisms.
8.3.2 PON supervision
While it is most important to minimize CAPEX in the initial stage of FTTH deployment, it is
getting more important to reduce OPEX as well as to optimize the balance between CAPEX and
OPEX according to the full deployment of FTTH. The goal of PON supervision is to reduce the
OPEX of PON systems, without significantly increasing the CAPEX by including as much test and
diagnostic capability as possible without compromising the available bandwidth for services. Test
and diagnostics must not impact the service.

14 Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013)

The ability to reliably differentiate between optical and electrical faults and establish if the faults
are in the ODN or in the electronics is a key operator requirement. Inference can usually be made
from the presence (i.e., power or equipment failure) or absence (i.e., fibre failure) of the ONU
Dying Gasp Alarm. Several key points for the supervision of OMCI-EPON can be summarized as
– Transceiver status monitoring:
See clause 9.1.5 of [IEEE 1904.1].
– ODN monitoring/checking:
Monitoring and on-demand checking the condition of ODN independently from a PON
system is important to differentiate ODN failures from device failures. It is desirable that
such monitoring and checking are available regardless of whether the ONU is in service or
even not connected. An Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) is a powerful tool for
diagnosing such faults in the ODN, and a power meter and light source can be used to aid
the process. Several demarcation devices are under research for further improving the ODN
monitoring and checking.
OMCI-EPON systems would benefit from the ability to automatically and autonomously
detect and locate ODN faults. This is especially critical for the feeder section between the
serving CO and the first-stage splitter, the length of which can be up to 60 km if RE is used.
– End-to-end performance monitoring up to the Ethernet layer:
End-to-end performance monitoring enables operators to diagnose and identify where
customer traffic may have been dropped or throttled. Higher layer tools, such as Ethernet
performance monitoring, need to support the capability of monitoring and verification of
ingress and egress traffic flows in PON network elements.
– Proactive versus reactive repair:
PON systems with their monitoring and control systems will allow operators to make
decisions regarding the utilization of proactive or reactive fault repairs in most fault cases.
It is of course up to the operators to decide on how to use PON status reports.

8.4 Resilience and protection on ODN

See clause 9.3.7 of [IEEE 1904.1].

9 Optical network requirements

9.1 Physical medium dependent (PMD) sublayer

This clause addresses physical media dependent layer requirements for OMCI-EPON.
OMCI-EPON shall support the parameters specified in the following clause of [IEEE 802.3].
For 1G link, see clause 60 of [IEEE 802.3].
For 10G link, see clause 75 of [IEEE 802.3].

9.2 Media access control (MAC), extensions of the reconciliation sublayer (RS) and
physical coding sublayer (PCS)/physical media attachment (PMA)
This clause addresses data link layer requirements and physical layer requirements except on the
PMD layer for OMCI-EPON.

Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013) 15

9.2.1 Extensions of the reconciliation sublayer (RS) and physical coding sublayer
(PCS)/physical media attachment (PMA)
This clause addresses the functions that modify the bit stream modulating the optical transmitter
with the goal of improving the detection, reception and delineation properties of the signal
transmitted over the optical medium. Forward error correction and line coding functionalities are
included in this clause. OMCI-EPON shall comply with the specifications described in the
following clauses of [IEEE 802.3].
For 1G link, see clause 65 of [IEEE 802.3].
For 10G link, see clause 76 of [IEEE 802.3].
9.2.2 Media access control (MAC) frame and packet specifications
This clause addresses the frame format of data link layer for OMCI-EPON. OMCI-EPON shall
comply with the specifications described in the following clause of [IEEE 802.3].
See clause 3 of [IEEE 802.3].
9.2.3 Multipoint MAC control
This clause addresses the mechanism and control protocols required in order to reconcile the point
to multi-point topology into the Ethernet framework. OMCI-EPON shall comply with the
specifications described in the following clause of [IEEE 802.3].
For 1G link, see clause 64 of [IEEE 802.3].
For 10G link, see clause 77 of [IEEE 802.3].
9.2.4 MAC control extension
As OMCI is adopted for EPON ONU management, the same functionality of PLOAM can be
adopted by the EPON system for supporting functionalities such as protection switching and ONU
power saving. For such functionalities, MAC control extension, which is defined in Annex 31C of
[IEEE 802.3], is the suitable control channel because of its broadcast capability and lack of frame
rate limitation. Definition of the MAC control extension frame payload is reserved for ITU-T. This
Recommendation provides a detailed definition of the MAC control extension frame.
Specifications for the MAC control-frame structure and the various messages for the optical link
protection function are found in clause 9.3.5 of [IEEE 1904.1].
Specifications for the MAC control-frame structure and the various messages for the ONU power
management function are found in clause 10.5.4 of [IEEE 1904.1].
9.2.5 Resource allocation and Quality of Service
This clause addresses the REPORT MPCPDU format and Quality of Service mechanisms.
OMCI-EPON shall support the requirements described in the following clause of [IEEE 1904.1].
See clause 8.4.3 of [IEEE 1904.1].
In EPON, REPORT MPCPDU format is configurable. The OLT configures the REPORT
MPCPDU with related attributes in ANI-E ME in [ITU-T G.988].
9.2.6 Performance monitoring, supervision and defects
This clause addresses the mechanisms to detect link failure and monitor the health and performance
of links. Performance monitoring
OMCI-EPON shall support the event monitoring functions described in the following clause of
[IEEE 1904.1].

16 Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013)

See clause 9.2.7 of [IEEE 1904.1]. Defects
See clauses 9.2.6 and 9.2.8 of [IEEE 1904.1].
9.2.7 Security
This clause addresses the encryption mechanism and the authentication mechanism for OMCI-
EPON. OMCI-EPON shall support the requirements described in the following clauses in
[IEEE 1904.1].
For encryption mechanism, see clause 11.2.3 of [IEEE 1904.1].
For authentication mechanism, see clause 11.3.4 of [IEEE 1904.1].
In [IEEE 1904.1] Package B, encryption capability is mandatory for 10G-EPON. The OLT enables
or disables encryption function with the encryption capability and configuration attribute in ANI-E
ME in [ITU-T G.988].
9.2.8 ONU power management
This clause addresses the ONU power management mechanism for OMCI-EPON. OMCI-EPON
shall optionally support the requirements described in the following clauses in [IEEE 1904.1].
For signalling protocol, see clause 10.5.4 of [IEEE 1904.1].
The OLT configures parameters for ONU power management with ONU dynamic power
management control ME in [ITU-T G.988].
9.2.9 Optical link protection
This clause addresses the optical link protection mechanism for OMCI-EPON. That protection
scheme is the same configuration as type-B protection in [ITU-T G.984.1]. OMCI-EPON shall
optionally support the requirements described in the following clauses in [IEEE 1904.1].
For signalling protocol, see clause 9.3.7 of [IEEE 1904.1].
In EPON, a timer for the type-B protection is defined as HoldOver timer. It is similar to timer TO2
in G-PON/XG-PON, and its value is configurable. Triggers for state transition of the ONU to the
HoldOver state are defined as LoS_Optical and LoS_MAC. Durations for these parameters are
configurable. The OLT configures the parameters for the optical link protection with related
attributes of ANI-E ME in [ITU-T G.988].
9.2.10 Connectivity configurations
This clause addresses the VLAN configurations and multicast configurations for OMCI-EPON.
OMCI-EPON shall support the requirements in the following clause in [IEEE 1904.1].
For VLAN configurations, see clauses, and of [IEEE 1904.1].
For multicast configurations, see clause 7.4.2 of [IEEE 1904.1].
The OLT configures parameters for multicast configurations with L2 multicast GEM interworking
termination point ME in [ITU-T G.988].

9.3 OMCI-EPON management

See Annex C of [ITU-T G.988].

Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013) 17


[b-ITU-T G.810] Recommendation ITU-T G.810 (1996), Definitions and terminology

for synchronization networks.
[b-ITU-T G.982] Recommendation ITU-T G.982 (1996), Optical access networks to
support services up to the ISDN primary rate or equivalent bit rates.
[b-ITU-T G.983.x] Recommendation ITU-T G.983.x-series, Broadband optical access
[b-ITU-T G.983.1] Recommendation ITU-T G.983.1 (2005), Broadband optical access
systems based on Passive Optical Networks (PON).
[b-ITU-T G.983.2] Recommendation ITU-T G.983.2 (2005), ONT management and
control interface specification for B-PON.
[b-ITU-T G.983.3] Recommendation ITU-T G.983.3 (2001), A broadband optical access
system with increased service capability by wavelength allocation.
[b-ITU-T G.984.x] Recommendation ITU-T G.984.x-series, Gigabit-capable passive
optical networks (GPON).
[b-ITU-T G.984.2] Recommendation ITU-T G.984.2 (2003), Gigabit-capable Passive
Optical Networks (G-PON): Physical Media Dependent (PMD) layer
[b-ITU-T G.984.3] Recommendation ITU-T G.984.3 (2008), Gigabit-capable Passive
Optical Networks (G-PON): Transmission convergence layer
[b-ITU-T G.984.5] Recommendation ITU-T G.984.5 (2007), Gigabit-capable Passive
Optical Networks (G-PON): Enhancement band.
[b-ITU-T G.987.x] Recommendation ITU-T G.987.x-series (2012), 10-Gigabit-capable
passive optical networks (XG-PON).
[b-ITU-T G.987] Recommendation ITU-T G.987 (2012), 10-Gigabit-capable passive
optical network (XG-PON) systems: Definitions, abbreviations and
[b-ITU-T G.987.1] Recommendation ITU-T G.987.1 (2010), 10-Gigabit-capable passive
optical networks (XG-PON): General requirements.
[b-ITU-T G.987.2] Recommendation ITU-T G.987.2 (2010), 10-Gigabit-capable passive
optical networks (XG-PON): Physical media dependent (PMD) layer
[b-ITU-T G.987.3] Recommendation ITU-T G.987.3 (2010), 10-Gigabit-capable passive
optical networks (XG-PON): Transmission convergence (TC) layer
[b-ITU-T G.8261] Recommendation ITU-T G.8261/Y.1361 (2008), Timing and
synchronization aspects in packet networks.
[b-ITU-T G.8262] Recommendation ITU-T G.8262/Y.1362 (2010), Timing
characteristics of a synchronous Ethernet equipment slave clock.
[b-ITU-T I.112] Recommendation ITU-T I.112 (1993), Vocabulary of terms for

18 Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013)

[b-ITU-T J.185] Recommendation ITU-T J.185 (2012), Transmission equipment for
transferring multi-channel television signals over optical access
networks by frequency modulation conversion.
[b-ITU-T J.186] Recommendation ITU-T J.186 (2008), Transmission equipment for
multi-channel television signals over optical access networks by
sub-carrier multiplexing (SCM).
[b-ITU-T Y.2001] Recommendation ITU-T Y.2001 (2004), General overview of NGN.
[b-ITU-T Y.2201] Recommendation ITU-T Y.2201 (2009), Requirements and
capabilities for ITU-T NGN.
[b-BBF TR-200] BBF TR-200 (2011), Using EPON in the Context of TR-101.
[b-MEF 6.1] MEF Technical Specification MEF 6.1 (2008), Ethernet Services
Definitions – Phase 2.
[b-MEF 10.1] MEF Technical Specification MEF 10.1 (2006), Ethernet Services
Attributes Phase 2.

Rec. ITU-T G.9801 (08/2013) 19


Series A Organization of the work of ITU-T

Series D General tariff principles

Series E Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors

Series F Non-telephone telecommunication services

Series G Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks

Series H Audiovisual and multimedia systems

Series I Integrated services digital network

Series J Cable networks and transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia signals

Series K Protection against interference

Series L Construction, installation and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant

Series M Telecommunication management, including TMN and network maintenance

Series N Maintenance: international sound programme and television transmission circuits

Series O Specifications of measuring equipment

Series P Terminals and subjective and objective assessment methods

Series Q Switching and signalling

Series R Telegraph transmission

Series S Telegraph services terminal equipment

Series T Terminals for telematic services

Series U Telegraph switching

Series V Data communication over the telephone network

Series X Data networks, open system communications and security

Series Y Global information infrastructure, Internet protocol aspects and next-generation networks

Series Z Languages and general software aspects for telecommunication systems

Printed in Switzerland
Geneva, 2014

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