Offering Something
Offering Something
Offering Something
Offering Something
Offering Something is one type of expression that use when want to offer something to
other people. Another definition Offer is giving an offer both physical and abstract to someone as
a gift or trade, etc. In this material we can find out how to offer something in English and also
how to accept or reject an offer. We can use the following expressions in various situations, the
host offers something to guests or when in the office wants to offer something to coworkers.
Social function is to facilitate interpersonal communication between several different people.
Untuk perincian lebih lanjut, mari kita lihat beberapa Mengekspresikan Penawaran Untuk
Seseorang. Hal pertama adalah bagaimana melakukan penawaran. Dalam mengajukan
penawaran, ada beberapa kata spesifik yang pasti digunakan.
When making offers, we often use the following
expressions. (Saat mengajukan penawaran, kami sering
menggunakan ungkapan berikut)
May I ... ?
Can I ... ?
Shall I ... ?
Would you ... ?
How about I ... ?
Example of Offers
May I give you a hand ?
Can I help you ?
Shall I bring you some tea ?
Would you like another piece of cake ?
How about I help you with this ?
Can I clean the car for you ?
Shall I help yiy with your homework ?
I will do the washing, if you like.
Responding to Offers
Making Offers Accepting Offers Declining Offers
Yes, please. I really
Can I help you ? It's okay, I can do it myself.
appreciate it.
Would you like another Yes, please. That would be No, thanks. I don't want
helping of cake ? lovely . another helping.
How about I help you Yes, please. That would be Don't worry, I will do it
with this ? very kind of you. myself.