Mail - Indian Trail Pto News - 9-29-19
Mail - Indian Trail Pto News - 9-29-19
Mail - Indian Trail Pto News - 9-29-19
¡No se pierdan la diversión! La inscripción en línea para el FUNd Run finaliza el martes, 1 de octubre a las
12:00 p.m. Regístrese hoy en: Detalles de la carrera: el sábado 5 de octubre en el Ravinia
Festival. 5K comienza a las 8 a.m., seguido de inmediato por la caminata familiar. Para más información, visite
Military families: Please use discount code Military112 at the end of the online registration process before you pay. A separate transaction is required for
each family member to receive the discount. Teachers: Please use discount code Teach112 at the end of the registration process before you pay.
Students who are eligible for free/reduced lunch can register for FREE along with one adult. Please contact your school principal for a discount code. 1/3
9/29/2019 Mail - Indian Trail PTO News - 9/29/19
Ice Cream Day ordering for October will close on Tuesday, 10/1 at NOON on our PTO website. Our next Ice
Cream Day is Tuesday, October 8th.
We are STILL looking for a few Indian Trail parents to cheer on students and help us direct traffic
around school.
Please email us at if you would like to help! 2/3
9/29/2019 Mail - Indian Trail PTO News - 9/29/19
Upcoming Events
Monday, 9/30 - No School (Rosh Hashanah)
Tuesday, 10/1, 12:00 PM - Deadline for online FUNd Run registration
Tuesday, 10/1, 12:00 PM - Deadline for October Ice Cream Orders
Wednesday, 10/2 - D112 Bike & Walk to School Day (Rain Date 10/3)
Saturday, 10/5, 8:00 AM - FUNd Run: Wear Your Spirit Wear and Tiger Colors!
Tuesday, 10/8 - October Ice Cream Day
Wednesday, 10/9 - No School (Yom Kippur)
Monday, 10/14 & Tuesday, 10/15 - No School (Fall Break)
Friday, 11/8 - Early Release @ 1:40 PM (Lunch at School)
Monday, 11/11 - No School (Veteran’s Day)
Friday, 11/15 - Bingo Night Family Event (5:00 - 6:30 PM Grades K-2; 7:00 - 8:30 PM Grades 3-5) 3/3