OCT. 16 Psat Test Day Schedule: Week of October 14 - 19, 2019

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Week of October 14 – 19, 2019


PSAT DAY is Wednesday - October 16th, and is a mandatory attendance day for all grade levels. School
starts at 8:30 am. This is an early release day, school is out at 1:45 pm
Schedules for each grade level are below:
SENIORS will be taking part in GET IT DONE DAY! This is a MANDATORY ATTENDANCE day for
ALL SENIORS! Seniors are to be in the Auxiliary Gym by 8:30 am. Lunch will be available at the conclusion
of their activities.
JUNIORS who will be taking the PSAT need to be in their assigned testing rooms by 8:30 am. Room
assignments will be posted in the main hall the day before the test. Lunch will be available after they are
released from testing.
JUNIORS that are not testing are to sign up for one of three field trips being offered by the Career Center.
The field trips are to PCC Cascade Campus, Concordia University or Portland State University. This field trip
will qualify for one of two required CRLE’s for graduation once the written portion of the experience is
completed and submitted. Permissions slips are required and are available in the Career Center (room 128.)
Lunch will be available after the completion of the activity.
SOPHOMORES will be taking the PSAT and need to be in their assigned rooms by 8:30 am. Room
assignments will be posted in the main hall the day before the test. Testing is from 8:30 am to approximately
1:00 pm. Lunch will be served after they are released from testing. Students testing with accommodations
will test beyond the 1:45 pm dismissal.
FRESHMEN are to report to the auditorium at 8:30 am for a presentation. At 10:00am they will start a
modified rotation between their 3 team teachers and counselor. Lunch time is 11:45 am to 12:15 pm.


Are you interested in being a part of the development of school improvement? Please consider joining this
year's Site Council. I have attached an application, as well as information on Site Council. Please return the
application to the main office. Teacher Invite / Student Invite / Parent Invite
Monday, November 25th Tuesday, November 26th
8:30 – 11:30 8:30 – 11:30
12:15 – 4:30 12:15 – 4:30
5:30 – 8:00 5:30 – 6:30
More information coming soon.


 The main office will not accept food deliveries for students.
 Please be respectful of our neighborhood by picking up your trash.
 Doors to the building unlock at 7:30am and lock at 8:30am (one door at front entrance
remains open all day) / Inner front doors open at 7:45am and lock at 8:30am. All
students arriving before 7:45am, and after 8:30am, must enter through the main office.
 All exterior building doors close at 4:00pm.
 Late students need to check in at the attendance window in hallway outside
the main office. Parents can check students in and out in the main office or
send a note with specific instructions. Please call the attendance line at 503-
916-5171 or email granattend@pps.net within three school days of absence.
 The parking lot is for staff only.
 Students need to eat in the Upper or Lower Commons, not in the hallways.


14th – A / 15th – B / 16th – PSAT / 17th – A/Flex / 18th – B/Flex

Go to https://www.pps.net/Page/6982
Or get the Grant Bell Schedule App for your Iphone or Android


The Haunted Harvest Homecoming Dance will be held Saturday, October 26th from 7-10pm in Grant's
Upper Gym. This dance is only for Grant students (guest passes will be available for future dances). To protect
the new gym floor, we ask that no heels are worn to the dance (casual attire encouraged).
Students can purchase dance tickets for $10 (cash only) during lunch and after school during the week leading
up to the dance. No tickets will be sold at the door.
Students must have their ID and a 2019-20 Dance Permission Form on file (these do not roll over from
previous years) to purchase tickets. Permission slips can be found on the Student Activities web page, or can
be picked up in the main office. 700 students have already turned in permission forms! Check the bulletin
board across from the main office for a list of people who have forms on file.
Student Leadership needs some parent volunteers to help with the coat check. Please sign up using the link
below if you can help.

Student Clubs:
 We have 57 clubs currently registered and approved for the school year.
 It is not too late to add a club - applications can be found in the main office.
 Student Leadership is working to update the Clubs web page and will be setting up a wall dedicated
to advertising the various clubs on campus.
 All clubs must get approval from Mr. Taylor (main office) prior to hanging flyers in the school.
 Fundraising Forms must be completed and approved prior to holding any fundraisers on/off campus.
These can also be found on the Clubs web page.
 American Sign Language (ASL) Club- come and learn a new way to communicate. Mondays at lunch
in Room 255.

JOIN THE EASTSIDE SNOWBOARD TEAM! Riders from Eastside metro high schools (Grant,
Cleveland, Central Catholic, Franklin, Benson and Madison) can join the team and compete for their school.
Riders train together with coaches at Mt Hood Meadows Wednesday nights and compete in OISA comps on
weekends Jan/Feb with state competitions mid-March. Buses transportation provided and all skill levels

INFO NIGHT - Tuesday October 15 @ 7pm in the Cleveland High School library. Learn about logistics, costs,
this year's schedule, and parent volunteer opportunities. REGISTRATION NIGHT November 5th to get
riders signed-up with completed paperwork, payments, etc.

Reminder! Discounted Mt Hood Meadows season passes available until November 3. Required for team
members: https://www.skihood.com/store/season-passes. If you’re planning to participate and want to get a
jump on submitting your contact info please do so here.

Questions? Email eastsidesnowboarding@gmail.com

“Are you a skier?” If so, the Eastside High Schools Portland Alpine Ski Race Team is a great opportunity to
improve your skiing, enjoy spending time with other like-minded kids, and promote responsibility, discipline,
and dedication to your team. High school students from Cleveland, Grant, Franklin, Madison, Benson, and
other high schools or private schools on the east side of Portland are eligible to ski on the club team. The
program is a ski racing team, is open to skiers (intermediate and above) and has a strong tradition of
supporting every member regardless of competitive placement. 8th Graders are welcome too!
Contacts and More Information: If you and your student are interested in learning about the team, please
attend one of our informational/registration meetings, or contact Coach Randy Hewitt
at grantskiraceteam@gmail.com or Parent Director Sharon Johnson at sharon@peniron.com (503) 778-0701.

2019-2020 Eastside High Schools Ski Race Team Informational Meetings:

 Benson HS, Thursday, October 10, 7:30-8:30 pm, Benson HS Room TBD
 Cleveland HS, Monday, October 14, 7:30-8:30 pm, Cleveland HS Library
 Paperwork Turn In Meeting - Cleveland HS, Thursday, October 24, 7:30-8:30 pm, Cleveland HS
 Completed paperwork can be dropped off at this meeting.
 All meetings are open to new and returning racers.

Come to any one of the informational meetings that fits with your schedule – regardless of school

For current game/competition schedules visit our Grant Athletics website at:

We have over 500 athletes competing in fall sports this year! Thank you to everyone supporting these
hardworking, dedicated student-athletes at Grant as they balance personal, school, athletic, and many other
activities and commitments.

Winter Sports Registration is open! If you plan to try out for a Winter Sport, you must be registered through
FamilyID https://www.familyid.com/organizations/grant-high-school with a current physical (in the last two
years) on file PRIOR to trying out. Information about clearance can be found at GrantAthletics.com under the
Clearance tab. The first day for Winter Sports is Monday, November 18th.


 When arriving to events held in the gym at Grant, please use the East Gymnasium entrance.
 Students may not bring backpacks into any athletic events (at Grant or other campuses), please plan
 Grant Fans are encouraged to stay positive as they cheer on their teams - please refrain from yelling
profanity at refs.

Visit Grant's Online Eastbay store if you are in need of some swag to wear to Grant events. Quick, easy, and
ships directly to you! Link: Grant High School


As Dr. Campbell says, "Everybody works. What are you going to do?" Sign up for a Career Day and find out
what it's like in the real world of work. You'll spend a morning at a company's office meeting people who are
actually working in the field. You'll learn about career pathways in that company or industry. And you'll do
specially-designed activities that will show you what real work experience is like.

This isn't just a boring presentation. Here's an example of the kinds of things you'll do on a Career Day:

1. Suit up and try Portland Fire & Rescue's physical agility tests and experience what it's like to be a firefighter.
Work with real paramedics to apply your skills in CPR. Friday, October 18th.

2. Visit Laundry Service, the full-service marketing agency in SE Portland that serves clients such as Nike,
Disney, T-Mobile and Amazon. Spend the day engaging in hands-on, creative activities and learning what the
advertising industry is all about. Participate in a production shoot and take home your own photos! Tuesday,
October 22nd.
3. Come to Prescott Elementary to talk with caring professionals in careers such as teacher, counselor,
principal, speech pathologist and classified staff about their jobs and educational paths. Then develop a lesson
plan, deliver that lesson plan to students in an elementary classroom and finally debrief the experience with
the principal afterward.

Come to the Career Center, Room 128, to sign up for these opportunities. And be quick – only a limited
number of spots are available.

As always, follow us on Instagram @ghscollegeandcareercentral for all the news in college and career – both
in the Career Center and beyond!

College visits at Grant this week! All students are welcome. Best to sign up for the visit in Naviance and
check in with your teacher first. Students will receive a pass back to class.

Syracuse University Jake Deitrich Mon October 14, 2019 8:30 AM

Tulane University Aguiluz, Robert N Mon October 14, 2019 11:45 AM
ACT SIX Scholarship Info Adam Resnik Mon, October 14, 2019 2:00 PM
Boston University Wilson, Bode Mon October 14, 2019 7:00 PM
University of California, Santa Cruz Emily Strain Tue October 15, 2019 8:30 AM
School of the Art Institute of Chicago Claire Frances Spaulding Tue October 15, 2019 10:15 AM
Carroll College (Montana) Ty Eisbach Tue October 15, 2019 11:45 AM
Willamette University Karla Gutierrez-Hernandez Tue October 15, 2019 2:00 PM
PSAT Day Wed October 16, 2019 -
Senior Advisory (College 101) Grant Counselors Thu October 17, 2019 10:00 AM
University of Oregon Melea Tejedas Fri October 18, 2019 10:00 AM
Linfield College Aaron Garcia Fri October 18, 2019 10:15 AM
Pomona College Ariana Gonzalez-Bonillas Fri October 18, 2019 11:00 AM
Grinnell College Arseneault, Rachel D Fri October 18, 2019 1:00 PM
Cornish College of the Arts Brooke Morrison Fri October 18, 2019 2:15 PM


Hispanic Chamber of Commerce- Free Financial Aid Workshop, October 12th @ University of Portland. Click
here to RSVP.

If you’re looking for great deals on skiing and snowboarding equipment for the whole family, please come to
the 15th Annual Winter Ski Swap & Sale to benefit the Eastside PDX High School Ski Team, helping athletes
from Cleveland, Grant, Benson, Franklin, Madison and Jefferson High Schools. You’ll find great prices on
skis, boots, poles, snowboards, hats, goggles, apparel and much more!
Saturday, Nov. 9 from 10am-5pm*
*(Early Bird Shopping $10 from 8-10am)
Sunday, Nov. 10 from 9am-12pm.
NE Community Center Annex at 1606 NE 37th Ave.
If you’d like to sell any used ski equipment, consignment drop off is Friday, Nov. 8 from 4-6pm and Saturday,
Nov. 9 from 8-10am.

Want to improve inclusion in our school? Let Ms. Angell in 277

(aangell@pps.net) know if you want to attend the Special Olympics
Youth Leadership Summit on October 15th (8:30-2pm). The Youth Summit will gather over
200 students with and without intellectual disabilities, educators and administrators to rally
for inclusion, share best practices, attend activity specific breakout sessions, listen to guest
speakers and network with other schools. Join us for a fun and exciting day! This is a fantastic
resume or CRLE experience!

TEEN READ IN - Monday, October 14th
The Library will be hosting a reading event to celebrate the start of Teen Read Week.
Students who have turned in a signed permission slip will be spending all or part
of their school day reading and enjoying treats.
The library will reopen on Tuesday, October 15th, at 7:30 a.m.


Ta-Nehisi Coates, acclaimed author and journalist will be in conversation
with best-selling author Renée Watson on Monday, October 21st, from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall.
There are only a few tickets left for students. Any Grant student who is interested in going, should
email Ms. Battle (pbattle@pps.net) ASAP!
A signed permission slip must be turned in by Thursday, October 17th, in order to attend the lecture.


George Packer, journalist, novelist, playwright, and staff writer for The New Yorker will be giving a lecture
in celebration of his latest book Our Man: Richard Holbrooke and the End of the American Century on
Thursday, October 24th, from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall.
Any Grant student who is interested in going, should email Ms. Battle (pbattle@pps.net) ASAP!
A signed permission slip must be turned in by Tuesday, October 22nd, in order to attend the lecture.


The Portland Book Festival will be taking place on Saturday, November 9th.
Admission is FREE to everyone age 17 and younger, and/or with a valid High School ID!
You can get a ticket in advance online at literary-arts.org.

Parent Support Groups

For parents/caregivers of children/adolescents with mental health barriers.
Third Tuesday of every month 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
NAMI Multnomah
522 NE 52nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213
Third Thursday of every month at 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
NAMI Multnomah
522 NE 52nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213


Presented by Big Village
PPS schools have identified concerns about youth vaping. School personnel have observed
students engaging in risky behaviors such as buying, exchanging, and selling vaping devices,
cannabis, and other illegal substances. Schools also report that there is a growing concern among
their parent population that youth use is impacting their ability to function at school, home, and
with friends. In response to these concerns, we have collaborated with Big Village to host a
presentation to provide more information and allow space for parents to ask questions.
When: October 22nd, 6:30-8:30pm
Where: Grant High School, 2245 NE 36th Ave Portland, OR 97212
Catrina Knoerzer, School Social Worker - Grant High 503-916-5160
Liz Kobs, School Counselor - Beverly Cleary 503-916-6480


Grant High School 101

Please join us for a PTA-sponsored information session for all new and returning Grant parents. Get your
burning questions answered, and learn the ins and outs of Grant HS. Please send any questions to us at pta-
PTA general meeting and Grant 101 Session
October 15, 2019 at 6:30 pm-8:00 pm in the Upper Commons
Refreshments provided

Tax Professional Needed ASAP - Do you know anyone with tax prep expertise who might be willing to donate
their time to prepare Grant PTA’s tax forms by November 15th? Everything is in order and should be very
straightforward to someone with Form 990 experience. Please email us at pta-board@granthighpta.org


Attention class of 2020! All yearbook submissions are due October 31. This is a hard deadline for all senior
portraits, senior quotes, and baby ads. Please visit the GHS website > Student Activities > Yearbook for
submission information and forms.


Monday – Friday during lunch

AP Registration is now happening on line at https://www.pps.net/Page/11960. You must register for
your AP test by November 1, 2019. There will be no late registration or walk-in’s this year. Since registration
is early this year you are only being asked to make a nonrefundable $40.00 deposit at the time of registration.
Final payment will be due before testing begins. If you are in need of financial assistance please see Ms.
Martin in the main office.

SAT Test - Grant 11th graders will be taking the SAT this year NOT the ACT. The test will take place on
Wednesday March 4, 2020. The test will include the essay and it will not be optional.

Attention parents of freshmen, sophomores and juniors! Now is the time to pay it forward and volunteer
to be part of the Senior All Night Party (ANP) organizing committee. The ANP committee needs assistance
in planning and executing this fantastic Grant tradition, and we need your help. There are many ways to be
part of the planning, but we have some critical roles where we need new volunteers to partner with our existing
committee members:

· Co-Chair
· Treasurer
· Logistics / Transportation
· Registration
· Food
· Prizes
· Casino
· Website
· Event night volunteers
· Marketing and communications

Can you help in one of these areas? 2019- 2020 will be the last year on the committee for many of our
members, and we’d love to engage with interested Grant parents who want to be part of the ANP so this
tradition continues in the future.

Our kickoff meeting is Wednesday, October 23rd at Pour Wine Bar, 2755 NE Broadway, at 7:00pm. If you
can’t make the meeting, but are interested in helping out, please contact Beth Shiffman
(beshiffman@gmail.com). THANK YOU!

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