Art Appreciation

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1. Formalistic Aspect

a) Description of artwork :-

Name : Mona lisa

Artist : Leonardo da vinci
Year/Period : 1503 (Renaissance)
Medium : Oil Paint

Based on this painting,there a women whose wearing a old blouse are smiling while looking
to the painter. She has a long beautiful hair and brushed neatly. Another that,her hand
looked cross each other. She didn’t has eyebrow. However,this painting have view behind
the woman which is a road to the river.

b) Elements Of Art
In this painting it has value of tone which is darkness side at her blouse while at her
face,chest and her hand are bright. Another that,it has texture at the blouse which is shows
that the painter want make it looked real. Next, the colour looked sepia at the woman.

c) Principles Of Art
This picture looked emphasis because it’s looked real and gradation at the river which is it’s dark hue
to light hue.

1. Formalistic Aspect

a) Description of artwork :-

Name : Modonna Enthroned

Artist : Giotto
Year/Period : 1310 (Renaissance)
Medium : Tempera On Panel

Based on this painting,there are are women are sitting on a big chair carrying a child.The
Boy are holding a scroll with his left hand while his right hand touched the women. Another
that, two angel are looked to the women while holding a vase.

b) Elements Of Art
In this painting it has intensity which is high intensity at the women robes.It’s colour is
strong and at the robes. Another that,it’s line looked triangle on head of the painting.
Behind the chair has some texture looked like the wall. The stairs looked three-dimensional.

c) Principles Of Art
This picture looked balance because the angel have at both side. Another that, it has emphasis at the
women to more focus.

1. Formalistic Aspect

a) Description of artwork :-

Name : The School Of Athens

Artist : Raphael
Year/Period : 1510 - 1511 (High Renaissance)
Medium : Fresco

Based on this painting,there are many people are doing own work such as reading, writing
and stamping on a wood plate.However, the building looked like a big hall which is a place
that people can accumulate. Another that, there are a cruly hair men looked rushing while
holding a some paper and book.
b) Elements Of Art
In this painting,it’s looked three dimensional at the building such the stairs,pillar and the
archway. This painting too have some texture at the archway and ceiling of that
building.Other than that’s, this painting have value which is at the at the ceiling its looked
darkness to show that the shawdow while other part are lightest.
c) Principles Of Art
This painting looked balance at the building and some emphasis such as at the people in the

2. Formalistic Aspect

a) Description of artwork :-
Name : PersonaL Values
Artist : Rene Magritte
Year/Period : 1952 (Surrealism)
Medium : Oil On Canvas

Based on this painting,its have many things like comb on the bed while lean at the
wall,match stick on the carpet, brush on the closet and a goblet. The wall looked painted
with some cloud. It’s has the wooden floor. The ceiling looked classic and looked cracked at
the tip.
b) Elements Of Art
In this painting,it’s use value to show the shadow for each things. The things looked three
dimensional with appropriate height and width. Other than that,it’s have line at the ceiling
to show that some crack and three-dimensional ceiling. The wall have own intensity which is
bright at the left side and right side looked dark.
c) Principles Of Art
This painting shows that the painter use proportion to make different between the room
and the things in the painting.

3. Formalistic Aspect

a) Description of artwork :-

Name : Hall Of Bulls At Lascaux

Artist :
Year/Period : 28,000 and 10,000 BCE
Medium : Charcoal And Ochre

Based on this painting,it’s looked like two bulls are wanted to fight each other. Behind the
bulls have some animal liked deer are running and a horse looking to the right side.
b) Elements Of Art
In this painting looked some texture which is like rock. However the colour at the animal
looked like soil colour. It’s has intensity at the animal which is the line look darkness to show
that the bulls are in front.
c) Principles Of Art
This painting looked emphasis because the animal are more focus in the painting. Another that,it’s
looked harmony because the viewer easily to understand

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