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Department of Energy ADMIN CHANGE

Washington, D.C.
DOE G 413.3-16A

Chg 1: 10-22-2015



1. EXPLANATION OF CHANGES. These Administrative Changes are limited to changing

the Office of Primary Interest (OPI) to the Office of Project Management Oversight and


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Office of Management Office of Project Management
Oversight & Assessments
DOE G 413.3-16A
Approved 10-26-2011
Chg 1 (Admin Chg) 10-22-2015

Project Completion/Closeout Guide

[This Guide describes suggested non-mandatory approaches for meeting requirements.

Guides are not requirements documents and are not to be construed as requirements in
any audit or appraisal for compliance with the parent Policy, Order, Notice, or Manual.]

U.S. Department of Energy

Washington, D.C. 20585

AVAILABLE ONLINE AT: INITIATED BY: Office of Project Management
Oversight & Assessments
DOE G 413.3-16A i


This Department of Energy Guide provides nonmandatory approaches for implementing the
requirements of DOE O 413.3B, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of
Capital Assets, dated 11-29-2010, and is for use by all DOE elements. Guides are not
requirement documents and should not be construed as such. DOE Guides are part of the
Departmental Directives Program and provide supplemental information that may be useful for
fulfilling requirements in Orders, Notices, and other regulatory documents.
DOE G 413.3-16A iii


FOREWORD ................................................................................................................................. i
INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................1

1.0 TAILORING .....................................................................................................................3

1.1 Action .............................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Discussion ....................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Action .............................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Discussion ....................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Guidance ......................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Action .............................................................................................................................. 4
3.2 Discussion ....................................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Guidance ......................................................................................................................... 7
4.0 COMMISSIONING PLAN ...............................................................................................8
4.1 Action .............................................................................................................................. 9
4.2 Discussion ....................................................................................................................... 9
4.3 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 11
5.0 TRANSITION TO OPERATIONS PLAN ....................................................................13
5.1 Action ............................................................................................................................ 13
5.2 Discussion ..................................................................................................................... 13
5.3 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 14
6.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE ...............................................................................................18
6.1 Action:........................................................................................................................... 18
6.2 Discussion: .................................................................................................................... 18
6.3 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 18
7.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REVISION ..................................19
7.1 Action ............................................................................................................................ 19
7.2 Discussion ..................................................................................................................... 19
7.3 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 19
8.0 SAFEGUARDS, SECURITY, AND SAFETY PLANS ................................................19
8.1 Action—Documented Safety Analysis/Safety Evaluation ........................................... 19
8.2 Action—Hazard Analysis ............................................................................................. 20
8.3 Action—Security Vulnerability Assessment ................................................................ 21
9.0 PROJECT CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS ................................................................22
9.1 Action—Lessons Learned ............................................................................................. 22
9.2 Action—Operational Documentation ........................................................................... 22
9.3 Action—Final Project Closeout Report ........................................................................ 25

APPENDIX A- REFERENCES .............................................................................................. A-1

APPENDIX B- ACRONYMS ..................................................................................................B-1
DOE G 413.3-16A 1

DOE projects are typically divided into Initiation Phase, Definition Phase, Execution Phase, and
Transition/Closeout Phase. This Guide is developed to provide processes and information for
project Closeout (see Figure 1). It is based on the principles and requirements taken from DOE
O 413.3B. This Guide addresses project transition to operations, lessons learned, physical
closeout, and financial closeout. This Guide is written for the federal project director (FPD) and
Integrated Project Teams (IPT) to ensure that processes progress smoothly and meets DOE asset
management goals and financial closure requirements.

Figure 1. Typical DOE Acquisition Management System for Line-Item Projects.

Part of the closeout process from delivery, project completion, construction and/or remediation
to operations or long term stewardship is to develop cost, schedule, and technical parameters that
define how the project is to be completed. This process, which is the FPD's responsibility,
should be as carefully planned and executed as any other project phase.
2 DOE G 413.3-16A

The process of completing a project requires that technical and administrative matters be
addressed during early phases of the project. Prior to CD-4 approval, the project personnel
should do the following:

Verify Achievement of Key Performance Parameters (KPP) and Project Completion

Criteria (PCC);

Conduct a Readiness to Operate assessment for non-nuclear projects and issue a Project
Transition to Operations Plan if applicable;

Finalize the Hazard Analysis Report for facilities that are below the Hazard Category 3
threshold as defined in 10 CFR Part 830, Subpart B;

Revise the Environmental Management System in accordance with DOE O 450.1A, as


If applicable, complete and submit Contractor Evaluation Documents to the Acquisition

Executive (AE), the appropriate Program Secretarial Officer (PSO), the Office of
Procurement and Assistance Management (OPAM), and the Office of Engineering and
Construction Management (OECM) in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation
(FAR) Subpart 42.15;

Conduct an Operational Readiness Review (ORR) or Readiness Assessment (RA) for

Hazard Category 1, 2, and 3 nuclear facilities in accordance with DOE O 425.1D and

Prepare the Documented Safety Analysis 3 with Technical Safety Requirements for
Hazard Category 1, 2, and 3 nuclear facilities (Refer to 10 CFR Part 830, Subpart B.);

Prepare a Safety Evaluation Report (SER)

Planning for project Transition to Operations may include activities such as the development of
operations and maintenance manuals, generation of as-built drawings, identification of
operations budget, and the procurement of any materials required for initial operations. Planning
should be developed in conjunction with the DOE contractor or user/operating organization who
will operate the facility or accept the final product to encourage complete mutual understanding.

Project closeout processes can be applied to all capital funded and expense funded projects that
meet DOE criteria for capitalization. The processes described in this Guide should be used in
preparation for project closeout and can apply to a portion of a project that functions
independently of other portions of a project.

Note: All personal property to follow requirements in DOE O 580.1, Department of Energy
Personal Property Management Program.
DOE G 413.3-16A 3

1.1 Action
Tailoring is subject to the project AE’s approval and should be identified as early as possible.
The tailoring strategy should be developed as part of the Project Execution Plan (PEP) and
should be reviewed and updated prior to each impacted Critical Decision request. Information
on the development of a PEP can be found in DOE G 413.3-15, Department of Energy Guide for
Project Execution Plans.”

1.2 Discussion

Tailoring should consider the risk, complexity, visibility, cost, safety, security, and schedule of a
project. Tailoring planning is addressed only as a reminder to the FPD to lead and implement a
tailored approach to all activities included in this Guide. Additional information on tailoring can
be found in the PEP guide.


2.1 Action
Verify that KPPs or PCC have been met and it has been demonstrated the project can achieve its
intended design requirements and should support the mission need. The FPD will verify and
document the scope accomplished, Total Project Cost (TPC), KPP’s met, and the completion
date as it relates to the original CD-2 performance baseline and the latest approved baseline

2.2 Discussion
KPPs and PCC are defined in the PEP during the project’s definition and execution phases. The
validation of PCC and KPP’s is a key activity for demonstrating that the project has met DOE
mission requirements. Additional information on preparing a PEP can be found in DOE G
413.3-15, Department of Energy Guide for Project Execution Plans.”

A KPP, in pertinent part, is defined in DOE O 413.3B as “A vital characteristic, function,

requirement or design basis, that if changed, would have a major impact on the facility or system
performance, scope, schedule, cost and/or risk, or the ability of an interfacing project to meet its
mission requirements.”

Tracking progress throughout project execution is accomplished using earned value data and
other performance indicators providing ongoing verification of progress towards meeting PCC.
Final verification that KPP’s and/or PCC have been met should be closely linked with project
performance testing (or project commissioning, see Section 4) and/or DOE acceptance as defined
in the PEP. The extent to which completion is documented depends on the nature of the project.
4 DOE G 413.3-16A

At a minimum the verification of meeting PCC should be documented with a statement of

acceptance which lists all remaining work (corrective actions or punch list items) to be
completed prior to final closeout including responsible individuals, completion dates, and
estimated resource needs (if any).

2.3 Guidance
A key element in verifying that PCC have been met is the Checkout process. Checkout is an
activity performed largely in parallel with acceptance testing for construction projects and should
be completed prior to acceptance from the construction contractor. Checkout is also performed
on remediation projects prior to turnover to another contractor, to DOE, or to Long-Term
Stewardship (LTC). Checkout includes a facility walk-through for identification of visible
deficiencies. Checkout, in conjunction with acceptance testing (where required), provides the
basis for verifying that PCC have been met. For nuclear or environmental remediation
construction projects, a completed RA or ORR as appropriate will be used to support that
personnel, training, equipment, and programs/processes are in place for safe and compliant
operation of the facility (see Section 3).

Equipment, systems, and facility checkouts/walk-throughs are typically a combined effort

involving the user/operating organization and the project organization (DOE and contractor). The
purpose of a walk-through is to visually verify that all required work has been completed and to
inspect completed work and identify deficiencies. Walk-throughs are performed by establishing
combined project organization and user/operating organization teams to review and inspect the
site and/or the facility structures, systems, and components, and comparing the completed work
against approved requirements and design documents. Identification and correction of safety
deficiencies should be a key component of all checkout/walk-through activities.

Discrepancies and deficiencies are documented, corrective actions identified, responsible

individuals assigned, and corrective action completion dates identified. Corrective actions are
tracked to completion and then re-inspected for acceptability. Identification and correction of
safety deficiencies should be a key component of all checkout/walk-through activities.

Documentation of equipment, systems and facility acceptance should include project acceptance
checklists. Depending on the size and complexity of the project and project management
structure, there should be multiple levels of acceptance checklists that are tiered to allow more
detailed reviews and documentation for the acceptance of sub-systems and equipment. A higher
level checklist signoff can be accomplished based on the successful completion of the lower
level component reviews.

The PEP should define the process for documenting the closeout process from construction
and/or remediation to operations or long term stewardship. Specific information regarding what
should be included in the PEP can be found in the PEP guide. Ultimately an inspection and
acceptance report is issued, documenting that PCC have been met, technical performance has
been demonstrated to be acceptable, and the mission need has been satisfied. The inspection and
acceptance report allows the FPD to certify that work is complete and should be included in the
final project closure package.
DOE G 413.3-16A 5


3.1 Action
Complete a RA or ORR and resolve all pre-start findings ensuring that operations and
maintenance staff are properly trained and qualified to operate and maintain the equipment,
system, and facilities which are being turned over. ORRs and RAs are not required for projects
involving non-nuclear equipment, operations or facilities, or decommissioning projects unless
required by the head of the field organization or AE.

3.2 Discussion
Although the ORR/RA is conducted during the project execution phase in preparation for CD-4,
a project will not be successful in completing the readiness review unless adequate planning is
started early during the definition phase.

As stated in DOE-STD-3006-2010, Planning and Conducting Readiness Reviews, the guidance

contained in the standard should be useful to line managers when specifying other readiness
review methods and approaches for startup of radiological facilities or non-nuclear facilities.
DOE program requirements (or guidance) are available for other readiness reviews; for example,
accelerator projects should reference DOE O 420.2C, Safety of Accelerator Facilities, for
accelerator readiness review requirements.

3.2.1 Focus on Achieving Readiness

Common mistakes in readiness planning include:

Focusing on the scope of the readiness review, instead of identifying the scope of
activities and levels of detail required to make the facility/equipment/processes ready to
be operated;

Inadequate (or not) early planning for readiness activities;

Lack of funding or schedule to support readiness activities;

Premature declaration of readiness; and

Insufficient time allowed to perform the review and complete the Corrective Actions.

Readiness preparation includes:

Planning for the training and qualification of operations, maintenance, and surveillance

Conducting the necessary operational facility, systems, and equipment tests;

6 DOE G 413.3-16A

Developing and approving the safety analysis including implementation of the safety and
security analysis requirements, operations, maintenance, and surveillance procedures; and

Documenting the completed work required to achieve readiness.

Readiness planners should be sensitive to how facility, systems, and equipment interface with
existing operations, and plan to include those interfaces in readiness preparations.

3.2.2 Early Determination of the Readiness Review

Readiness planning should begin early in the project lifecycle; ideally no later than conceptual
design. DOE O 425.1D provides information and stipulates the type of review based on
project/facility characteristics. In areas requiring interpretation, a recommendation can be made
by the FPD, with assistance from the Integrated Project Team (IPT) to the local DOE office or
Headquarters who will determine the type of readiness review to be performed to verify initial
operations and the authorization authority (AA) or startup authority. Management documents
such as the PEP and Project Data Sheet (PDS) should identify the readiness planning schedule
and cost data. For nuclear facilities and equipment, the startup notification report is the formal
mechanism for the AA to approve the level of readiness review to be conducted. The project
should be identified on the startup notification report prior to CD-2 supporting development of
the project baseline. For non-nuclear facilities and equipment, line management should define
the process and develop a detailed schedule used to verify that the facility/operations are ready.

3.2.3 Developing a Project Approach to Readiness

Readiness planning includes—

Assigning a responsible individual (i.e., a readiness lead) for the project’s readiness
preparation activities;

Ensuring that the activities are included in the project’s Work Breakdown Structure
(WBS) and WBS dictionary;

Preparing a conceptual resource loaded schedule with milestones; and

Preparing a conceptual cost estimate.

The user/operating organization is key to the successful definition of work required to achieve
the necessary level of readiness to conduct operations, and should be a key member of the IPT
starting at the conceptual design phase. Additional information on IPT membership can be found
in the IPT guide. Readiness implementation should include a phased approach with a staged

A desirable (but not mandatory) activity for the readiness lead would be to prepare a
readiness/startup plan to be used in support of the readiness preparation and review. This plan
should be tailored to review needs. Prior to CD-3, the readiness/startup plan should provide
DOE G 413.3-16A 7

sufficient detail in the project schedule to clearly understand relationships between facility,
systems, or equipment operations documentation, user/operating personnel training, approval of
safety and security basis documents, testing of facility/systems/equipment, and the path to the
readiness review. The detailed schedule should be used by the IPT to successfully navigate the
next phase of the project. As with any other project activity, readiness preparations and the
associated required reviews should be planned, assigned, scheduled, estimated, and managed as a
sub-project within the larger project. Note: the facility or project readiness lead must, in most
cases, prepare, approve and issue a documented Plan of Action (POA) per DOE O 425.1D.

3.3 Guidance
The readiness lead should be project organization or user/operating organization personnel. The
FPD should have overall responsibility to ensure adequate continuing oversight and that progress
is maintained throughout all the readiness preparation activities. The FPD ensures that the
review provides an independent and credible assessment of the project’s readiness and that the
operating organization remains fully involved throughout the execution phase of the project.

A large part of the RA/ORR is a review of project documentation. A vital function of the
readiness lead is to ensure that project documentation is identified, approved (as appropriate),
filed, and maintained throughout the project. The project documentation should be maintained in
a centralized, controlled location and be readily retrievable on short notice. In addition, a
successful RA/ORR requires communication and coordination among several organizations,
including major contractors and subcontractors, DOE Headquarters, DOE field office/operations
office, State agencies and regulatory agencies.

3.3.1 Operational Readiness Review Scope

An ORR is a disciplined, systematic, documented, performance-based examination of facilities,
equipment, personnel, procedures, and management control systems for ensuring that a facility
can be operated safely and securely within its approved safety and security envelope as defined
by the facility safety basis and security plan. The ORR scope is defined in the Plan of Action
which addresses all of the core requirements identified in DOE O 425.1D, Verification of
Readiness to Start up or Restart Nuclear Facilities. A tailored approach should be used in
defining the depth of the ORR based on core requirements and is documented in the ORR
Implementation Plan approved by the ORR Team Leader. The ORR is effectively the
mechanism for the project organization to demonstrate that:

The facility/system/equipment is in a state of readiness to safely and securely conduct

operations in accordance with the safety basis and security plan;

Management control programs are in place to ensure safe and secure operations can be
sustained; and

User/operating organization personnel are trained and qualified.

8 DOE G 413.3-16A

The ORR provides the basis for the government’s acceptance of the asset.

An RA is conducted to determine a facility’s readiness to startup or restart when an ORR is not

required or when a contractor’s standard procedures for startup are not judged by the contractor
or DOE management to provide an adequate verification of readiness. For restarts of nuclear
facilities not requiring an ORR as defined in DOE O 425.1D DOE line management evaluates
(and ensures that contractor line management evaluates) the need to perform an RA prior to

3.3.2 Certification and Verification

The following are prerequisites for starting the DOE ORR:

DOE line management has received correspondence from the responsible contractor
and/or DOE user/operating organization certifying that the facility/system/equipment
is ready for startup and this has been verified by the Contractor ORR;

DOE line management has verified that the contractor and/or DOE user/operating
organization preparations for startup have been completed; and

DOE line management has certified that it meets, as a minimum, the applicable
DOE-specific core requirements.

At the start of the DOE ORR, all startup actions should be completed, with the exception of a
manageable list of open pre-start findings that have a well-defined schedule for closure. These
results should be reviewed by the DOE ORR team. In the certification and verification process,
DOE line management documents the actions taken to verify DOE field office and contractor
readiness, including a review of closed contractor review findings, assessments of completed
defined prerequisites, and other assessments performed to ascertain readiness.

In addition to the preceding information, some specific recommendations related to performing

RA/ORR activities follow:

Contractor ORRs should not start prematurely.

Readiness should be achieved before starting the review.

ORRs are to confirm readiness, not achieve readiness.

s should conduct a management self assessment prior to starting the ORR.

DOE should reduce last minute perturbations by providing the ORR/RA

implementation plan to oversight groups well ahead of the review.
DOE G 413.3-16A 9

When planning for the review, the contractor and DOE should include not only time
for conducting interviews and observations but also time to consolidate individual
preparation, including preparing forms, and analyzing data.

Readiness is not achieved until all pre-start findings have been resolved. DOE line management
must ensure that all prestart findings of the DOE ORR or RA prior to startup or restart of the
facility are resolved. If appropriate, prestart findings from an RA must be resolved and approved
by the AA.


Much of this section is pulled from the Portland Energy Conservation’s Model Commissioning
Plan and Guide Specification. It has been modified, in places, to fit DOE’s needs for developing
Commissioning Plans.
4.1 Action
For nuclear facilities, post CD-1, develop a Checkout, Testing, and Commissioning Plan that
identifies subtasks, systems, and equipment in preparation for acceptance and turnover of the
structures, systems and components (SSC) at CD-4. The commissioning plan ensures that the
equipment, systems, and facilities including high performance sustainable building systems,
perform as designed and are optimized for greatest energy efficiency, resource conservation, and
occupant satisfaction. The Commissioning Plan includes checkout and testing criteria required
for initial operations.

Commissioning Plans are not applicable to environmental clean-up projects.

4.2 Discussion
Commissioning is defined as a systematic process for achieving, verifying, and documenting that
the performance of the facility or system and its various components meet the design intent and
the functional and operational needs of the owners, users, and occupants. Commissioning is a
systematic process of ensuring that building/facility systems perform interactively. This is
achieved beginning in the design phase by documenting the design intent and continuing through
construction, acceptance, and the warranty period with actual verification of performance,
operation and maintenance (O&M) documentation and the training of operating personnel.

Commissioning, including checkout and testing, is performed to demonstrate that SSC and
structures, systems, and equipment (SSE) meet or exceed previously established project
requirements. The KPPs and PCC (see Section 2) should be defined or referenced in the PEP.
Commissioning and the resulting transition to operations are best achieved by:

Early project planning, organization, and preparation for transition;

Systematically performing required inspections and testing; and

10 DOE G 413.3-16A

Providing adequate documentation of testing and transition activities.

If commissioning and testing are required for project transition and closeout, a commissioning
authority should be designated as a member of the IPT at CD-1. The Commissioning Authority
is responsible for commissioning and testing if the IPT believes that commissioning is required
for project transition and closeout. The commissioning authority approves the commissioning
plan including the elements described in Section 3. Additional information on membership of
the IPT can be found in DOE G 413.3-18, Integrated Project Teams for Use with DOE O
413.3B. If commissioning and testing costs are considered significant enough to influence
alternative analysis, a commissioning authority should be designated at CD-0 to be part of the
gap or alternative analysis process.

4.2.1 Commissioning Mission Objective

The objectives of the commissioning plan specifications during the design phase are as follows:

1. Ensure that the design team applies commissioning concepts to the design, e.g.,
clear and complete design intent documentation is developed, clear and concise
process system and integrated system performance test requirements and
acceptance criteria are specified, defined, and conveyed for inclusion in the
construction documents, and commissioning-focused design reviews are

2. Ensure that the design team prepares commissioning specifications and specific
forms or data sheets for documenting construction inspections and checks; and

3. Ensure that the commissioning authority develops a commissioning plan for

inclusion in the construction documents.

By meeting the above objectives during the design phase, the following can be achieved.

Commissioning work can be accurately bid.

The commissioning process can be effectively executed by the contractor.

Contractors or DOE user/operating organization can understand how to efficiently

execute the commissioning process.

There is a systematic, efficient and accountable method to accomplish the commissioning


The commissioning objectives are met by using a systematic and accountable method,
DOE G 413.3-16A 11

- Ensuring that applicable equipment and systems are installed properly and receive an
adequate operational checkout by installing contractors;

- Verifying and documenting proper performance of equipment and systems;

- Ensuring that O&M documentation left on site is complete; and

- Ensuring that the owner’s operating personnel are adequately trained. Commissioning Scope Description

The scope description provides a suggested outline (and checklist) for use in preparing a
commissioning plan. A tailoring approach should be applied to the development of the
commissioning plan, as necessary for the various types of DOE project scope, complexity, and
associated project risks. This document provides guidance and useful references related to each
of the outline items listed. The FPD and commissioning authority can refer to the Model
Commissioning Plan and Guide Specifications, Portland Energy Conservation, for further

The commissioning plan describes the high-level activities required for the project, such as
testing, startup, transition to operations, staffing, training, documentation preparation, etc. The
Commissioning Plan scope should be under configuration control.

4.3 Guidance
4.3.1 Commissioning Planning
The commissioning plan is comprised of the following four separate documents designated as

Part I. Commissioning Requirements Design Phase

Part II. Commissioning Plan Design Phase

Part III. Commissioning Guide Specifications

Part IV. Commissioning Plan Construction Phase

A brief description of each part follows: Part I. Commissioning Requirements—Design Phase

During this part, the requirements are defined for use in subsequent contract documents.
Included are the responsibilities for each member of the design team and for all players during
the construction phase. If a bid for an architect-engineer (A-E) firm is to be implemented, this
document should be included in the request for proposal (RFP).
12 DOE G 413.3-16A
10-26-11 Part II. Commissioning Plan—Design Phase

The commissioning plan describes the commissioning activities during the design phase. It
provides details of responsibilities called out in Part I, Commissioning Requirements Design
Phase, for the architect, design engineers, commissioning manager, construction manager,
project manager, and FPD. The plan describes the duties of the design team and commissioning
authority in developing the site-specific commissioning specifications and for developing the
first two drafts of the Commissioning Plan Construction Phase. Part III. Commissioning Guide Specifications

The commissioning guide specifications contain recommended language that describes both the
requirements and the processes to incorporate commissioning into construction specifications.
All divisions and sections that relate to commissioning should include language ensuring that the
contractors or DOE user/operating organization are clearly informed regarding their
commissioning responsibilities. An explanation of the commissioning process is also provided.
In addition, pre-functional checklists and sample functional tests are included for many common
types of equipment and systems. There are few systems and components that lend themselves to
a pre-functional checklist or generic type of testing. Most new facilities have very unique and
often one of a kind process systems requiring a dedicated test team to validate and put into
service. Part IV. Commissioning Plan—Construction Phase

The commissioning plan is developed in draft form for the specific project during the design
phase. The plan provides direction for the development of commissioning specifications by the
design team. During the construction phase, the plan provides direction for the commissioning
tasks during construction. The plan focuses on providing support to the specifications and
provides forms for application of the commissioning process.

The following graphic illustrates the above process.

DOE G 413.3-16A 13

Commissioning (Cx) Contract Document Development

Part I Part II Part III Part IV

A/E Cx Cx Plan Cx Guide Model Cx Plan

Requirements Design Phase Specifications Const. Phase

Provided to
A/E & CA* with Cx Plan
Const. Phase
RFP. (All parts
Building Specific
are in this Draft 1

Design Documents


Design Intent

Cx Plan
Cx Const. Phase
Specifications Building Specific
Draft 2

Bid / Contract Documents

* Commissioning Agent

For details of each section including more detailed scope, roles and responsibilities, checklists,
and suggested documents, see “Model Commissioning Plan and Guide Specifications”.


5.1 Action
Issue a Project Transition to Operations Plan (TOP)** that clearly defines the basis for
attaining initial operating capability, full operating capability, or project closeout, as
applicable. The plan includes documentation, training, interfaces, and draft schedules.

** Not applicable to environmental clean-up projects.

5.2 Discussion
The TOP is a prerequisite to obtain Secretarial Acquisition Executive (SAE) and/or AE approval
for CD-4. The purpose of the TOP, if applicable is to identify and plan for project transition
phase activities that are required for approval to begin initial or full operations of project
deliverables. The overall goal is to ensure a smooth turnover of the project deliverables (i.e.,
equipment, facility, product, or asset) and a seamless hand-off of responsibility/ownership from
14 DOE G 413.3-16A

the project organization to the user/operating organization. A TOP is prepared to ensure efficient
and effective management of the transition scope; align schedules, identify resources to facilitate
project transition; and provide proper customer/sponsor/stakeholder interfaces.

A TOP is an agreement between the FPD, DOE program, and the user/operating organization
that describes the process for implementing transition to operations activities, if applicable. A
tailored approach should be used when developing the TOP based upon the programmatic
importance and complexity of the project. Systems engineering techniques should be applied
when developing and implementing the TOP.

The key to a successful transition to operations is early, thorough, forward-looking planning.

The TOP is a living document that should be kept current by the IPT throughout the project life-
cycle. For additional information on the responsibilities of the IPT see the IPT guide. A
preliminary TOP should be included/referenced in the PEP. Project funded activities associated
with transition to operations should be identified and incorporated into the project performance
baseline, and DOE program funded activities associated with transition to operations should be
planned for by the program. A draft TOP should be started during design and completed as soon
as possible after final design is completed. The final TOP is completed during construction
before the project’s integrated startup and commissioning activities, and is a prerequisite for
CD-4 under DOE O 413.3B. For projects that are implemented in phases, the TOP should be
started during the initial phase of design, with incremental updates to the plan made as necessary
during project phases.

IPT members who are responsible for TOP should prepare the plan. It is very important to have
participation (i.e., buy-in) by the user/operating organization and DOE program. In addition,
participation by other key stakeholders should be considered.

The TOP should be approved by the project’s DOE program sponsor, the FPD, the contractor
project manager and the user/operating organization in accordance with the roles, responsibilities
and authorities outlined in the PEP. The TOP should be under configuration control.

5.3 Guidance
Using a tailored approach, the FPD and the IPT should assess each component of the project and
their applicability for project transition to operations planning. The TOP should be
comprehensive and address all transition phase activities. It does not need to be voluminous and
should reference other supporting documents as appropriate.

5.3.1 Project Description and Mission

The summary project description from the PEP or PDS could be used. The description should
include detailed benefits that DOE and key stakeholders will realize at the completion of the
project transition phase and list any potential negative impact on DOE mission including project
cost and schedule, security, environmental, safety, technical and operational dependencies or
efficiency if transition to operations is delayed.
DOE G 413.3-16A 15

5.3.2 Planning Management, Organization and Control

Describe the transition phase scope and activities such as testing (components, equipment,
subsystems, systems, facilities, and software), activation, acceptance, beneficial occupancy,
startup, commissioning, staffing, training, and readiness review. The transition to operations
scope should be under configuration control (see Section 5.3.9).

5.3.3 DOE Orders and Program Guidance

List the DOE Directives and program guidance applicable to the transition to operations scope.

5.3.4 Key Transition Phase Steps and Deliverables

Key transition phase steps should include project activities to be undertaken to meet
requirements identified in applicable DOE Directives. These can include agreements between
DOE program offices, or with regulatory agencies and other stakeholders (e.g., memorandum of
agreement). The transition phase deliverables include the list of CD-4 prerequisites provided in
Table 2.4 of DOE O 413.3B. Transition phase deliverables can also include transition to
operation documentation. The key transition phase steps and deliverables should be under
configuration control (see section 5.3.10 below).

5.3.5 Strategy
Consistent with the PEP and project performance baseline, describe the strategy for completing
the transition to operations scope, steps and deliverables. The strategy can be supported by a
sequence logic/network diagram or a Gantt chart. DOE Headquarters program personnel should
be actively engaged in the strategy development because of its programmatic importance to DOE
missions and budget planning.

5.3.6 Operation or Long Term Stewardship Cost

Summarize the program’s annual and life-cycle cost estimates for operation or long term
stewardship of the project deliverables. Include the cost basis and assumptions for operation,
maintenance, decontamination and decommissioning, and/or future surveillance activities, as

5.3.7 Organizations, Stakeholders and Public Interfaces

Describe the transition phase information and communications interfaces between DOE and
contractor organizations, stakeholders, and the public. Identify the information needs and
process for meeting those needs. Transition to operations interfaces should be consistent with
the PEP, the project organization chart, and organization breakdown structure.

5.3.8 Transition Team Roles and Responsibilities

Identify the membership and leader of the transition team, and describe their roles and
responsibilities for completing all of the transition to operations activities. Lines of
16 DOE G 413.3-16A

communication should be clearly defined in this section. A responsibility assignment matrix

(RAM) could be used.

5.3.9 Configuration Control

The PEP provides the configuration control process and responsibilities for the project funded
transition to operations scope. Describe or reference the process and responsibilities for non-
project-funded transition to operations scope. Describe how these processes will be integrated.

5.3.10 Project Key Performance Elements and Completion Criteria

Describe the initial operations and/or full operations key performance requirements, and list the
PCC (from the PEP or other project documentation, e.g., project functional requirements).
Summarize the plan and process for verifying that these standards and criteria can be met (see
Section 2.0).

5.3.11 Schedule and Key Milestones

Provide a comprehensive, integrated (project and program), transition to operations schedule and
identify key milestones. The schedule and key milestones should be consistent with the
integrated project schedule, the transition to operations strategy, and sequence logic/network

5.3.12 Readiness Review

Consistent with the PEP, identify the type of readiness review, readiness review preparation roles
and responsibilities, schedule and key milestones, interfaces with other transition to operations
activities, resource requirements, readiness review documentation (e.g., contractor and DOE:
plan of action, implementation plan, final report, and resolution of findings), and proposed AA
(see Section 3.3.1).

5.3.13 Operations and Maintenance Management

Identify the O&M requirements for facility equipment, structures, systems and components.
This section could reference the O&M manuals for project deliverables. Also identify spare
parts, chemicals, supplies, and required specialized vendor support for initial operation.

5.3.14 Facility Support, Operations and Maintenance Training

Summarize as appropriate the plan for training the project test team, activation team, startup
team, commissioning team, user/operating O&M personnel, and support personnel (e.g.,
emergency response, hazard containment, security, etc.), including training materials
development, qualification and/or certification.
DOE G 413.3-16A 17

5.3.15 Environment, Safety and Health (ES&H), and Quality Assurance

Summarize the plan for preparing key ES&H documents needed to support CD-4, such as:
documented safety analysis (DSA) and technical safety requirements (TSRs) for Hazard
Category 1, 2, and 3 nuclear facilities; hazards analysis plan; DOE Safety Evaluation Report
(SER); Unreviewed Safety Question (USQ) procedure; updated construction project safety and
health plan; energy and resource conservation plan; revision of the environmental management
system and Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) to incorporate any new aspects related to turnover and
operations; and updated site emergency plan and facility emergency planning hazards
assessment, if applicable (see Section 8).

5.3.16 Safeguards and Security (S&S)

Describe the process for validation of S&S equipment, programs, and processes, as applicable.
Summarize the plan for preparing key S&S documents needed to support CD-4, such as the
security vulnerability assessment report, and the facility and/or site security plan (see Section 8).

5.3.17 Permits and Licenses

Identify any permits and licenses that are required for initial operation and/or full operation of
the project. Discuss the process for obtaining these permits and licenses, and providing any
formal notifications to satisfy intra-Program and inter-agency agreements.

5.3.18 Authorization and Notification

Describe the process and responsibilities for formal authorization of initial operation and/or full
operation of the project deliverables or reference the relevant document that contains this
information. The description (or reference document) should list any required notifications, both
internal and external to DOE, such as to regulatory agencies.

5.3.19 Project Acceptance, Beneficial Occupancy, and Transfer to Operations

Describe the process for formal acceptance and/or beneficial occupancy of the project
deliverables and transfer/handover to the user/operating organization. This should be based on
meeting the terms of the project contract, with deliverable acceptance by the contract
administrator and formal acceptance. This denotes beneficial occupancy documentation which is
acceptance of the deliverables from the project organization by the user/operating organization
consistent with the PEP and transition to operations strategy.

5.3.20 Business Functions

Discuss the transition strategy for project business functions; the process to transfer licenses,
contracts, equipment, assets, real property, and records to the user/operating organization, as
applicable; disposition of any Government-furnished equipment provided to project contractors;
and the process for handling unresolved project litigation and liabilities.
18 DOE G 413.3-16A

5.3.21 Project Information and Records Turnover

Identify the project information and records that will be transferred from the project organization
to the user/operating organization, and describe the sequence, responsibilities, and formal
acceptance process for turnover. Project information and records could include test reports,
operation and maintenance manuals, training materials, agreements, acceptance documents,
ES&H documents, design basis documents, as-built drawings, specifications, equipment
manuals, warranties and configuration management documents.

5.3.22 Transition to Operations Reporting

Describe how transition to operations reporting will be handled. For example, it could be a
separate report or it could be incorporated into the project quarterly review with the DOE
program sponsor. Discuss the report content, frequency and responsibility for preparation.

5.3.23 User/Operating Organization Staff Planning

Summarize the plan for mobilizing the user/operating organization workforce, as required, so
that it can assume responsibility for operation of the project deliverables by CD-4 or according to
the schedule stipulated in the Program Budget Decision memo signed by the CFO. This may
include a ramp-up of staff during testing, activation, startup and/or commissioning as
appropriate, so that the user/operating organization staff gain experience. This section could
reference a more detailed user/operating organization staffing plan.

5.3.24 Lessons Learned and Process Improvement

Document transition to operations lessons learned, including performance history leading to
successful operation of the project. Implement process improvement opportunities throughout
the life of the project to improve transition workflow (see Section 9.2).

5.3.25 Project Organization De-staffing Planning

Summarize the plan for demobilizing the contractor’s project workforce and for DOE project
staff, as applicable for a smooth transition to operations. This section could reference a more
detailed project organization de-staffing plan.


6.1 Action
Issue an updated QAP to address testing, identified deficiencies, and startup, transition, and
operation activities.

6.2 Discussion
Over the duration of the project changes could occur. They should be in the area of testing,
startup, transition, operational activities or other identified deficiencies. These are likely to
DOE G 413.3-16A 19

affect the existing project quality assurance program. In addition each of these changes should
have useful lessons learned for specific areas. Incorporation of all lessons learned for similar
projects at the same or other sites could be very useful. An update of the QAP may be necessary
and should be done under guidance of the FPD.

6.3 Guidance
The QAP is developed at the inception of the project and is updated, as necessary, over the
project’s life cycle. The FPD is responsible for planning and implementing the Quality
Assurance Program for the project. During the preparation of the project documentation
appropriate consideration needs to be given to Quality Assurance because quality affects cost,
availability, effectiveness, safety, security, and performance. Quality assurance needs to address
the following 10 criteria:


Personnel training and qualification

Quality improvement

Documents and records

Work processes



Inspection and acceptance

Management assessment

Independent assessment

Depending on the nature of the project, the key requirements/elements of a quality assurance
program are provided in DOE O 414.1D and CFR Part 830, Subpart A. Also, apply ASME
NQA-1-2008 (Edition) and NQA-1a-2009 (Addenda) for Hazard Category 1, 2, or 3 nuclear


7.1 Action
Revise the Environmental Management System (EMS) to ensure that it incorporates new
environmental aspects related to turnover and operations.
20 DOE G 413.3-16A

7.2 Discussion
DOE O 413.3B requires a revision of the EMS when a construction/or remediation project
initiates project closeout and transition activities. This revision is required upon the completion
of a project and the transfer or turnover of the project deliverables to another organization for
operations or long-term stewardship responsibilities. The purpose of revising the EMS is to
ensure that project facility/systems/equipment operations or long-term stewardship activities
continue to achieve environmental protection and regulatory compliance. The revision should to
reflect the environmental aspects necessary to ensure continued protection of human health and
the environment and compliance with environmental regulations after a project is turned over for
operations or long-term stewardship activities.

The EMS is to address the environmental aspects of project operations or activities and to ensure
ongoing compliance with environmental regulatory requirements. Executive Order (EO) 13423,
Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management, requires that
all agencies implement an EMS at the appropriate organizational levels. DOE sites have met this
requirement principally through compliance with and/or certification to ISO 14001,
Environmental Management Systems—Specification with Guidance for Use. For information on
what should be included in an EMS, refer to the DOE G 450.1 series.

7.3 Guidance
Prior to CD-4, an EMS should be revised and implemented upon the turnover/transition date to
reflect the project’s operational configuration and/or the long-term stewardship activities. This
EMS can either be under a site-wide management system or be facility-specific. Further, the
EMS should reflect the environmental aspects related to turnover, i.e., project operations or long-
term stewardship, as well as the six elements of an EMS according to ISO 14001.


8.1 Action—Documented Safety Analysis/Safety Evaluation
Prepare the Documented Safety Analysis with Technical Safety Requirements for Hazard
Category 1, 2, and 3 nuclear facilities.

Prepare a Safety Evaluation Report based on a review of the Documented Safety Analysis and
Technical Safety Requirements for Hazard Category 1, 2, and 3 nuclear facilities.

8.1.1 Discussion
During the transition/closeout phase, the project team should continue to update and finalize
safety documents and procedures that have been initiated in the prior phases of project activity.

Approved final DSA, TSRs and other hazard control documents contain the principal safety basis
for a DOE decision to authorize facility operation. Once facility operation is authorized, the final
DSA and hazard controls will be the principal safety basis for sustaining authorization and safety
DOE G 413.3-16A 21

oversight. A final DSA documents the safety basis and provides detailed information for a
determination that the facility can be operated, maintained, shut down, and decommissioned
safely and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. This has much the same meaning
as does the similar language for preliminary documented safety analysis (PDSA), except that for
the final DSA the descriptions of operations are complete, detailed, and based on final

8.1.2 Guidance
During construction, the final DSA is developed. It is based on the facility as built and as it will
be operated and finalizes the description of needed safety management programs. After the
construction has been completed and the DSA has been updated to reflect the as-built drawings
and development of the TSR bases, DOE reviews the revised DSA and updates the SER
authorizing operations subject to any necessary conditions, including the need for an ORR (see
Section 3.1). DOE then issues the SER that documents its review and approval of the DSA.

8.2 Action—Hazard Analysis

Finalize the Hazard Analysis Report for facilities that are below the Hazard Category 3
threshold and obtain DOE approval (field level).

8.2.1 Discussion
Additional analyses to prepare the DSA include evaluation of equipment that was not part of the
preliminary and final design, such as government furnished equipment or specialty equipment
designs that were performed in separate design activities not fully addressed in the PDSA, and
detailed operational analysis for those activities that did not need to be considered for
development of the design. In addition, hazards analyses that were completed as part of the
PDSA should be reviewed to ensure that they remain accurate and that changes were made as
necessary. Note that Government-furnished equipment ideally should be included in the early
hazard and accident analysis activities and treated as though it was part of the design. Otherwise
the design interfaces, and potentially the acceptability of the Government-furnished equipment
may not be determined in a timely fashion. Then this additional task would be a final check on
interfacing facilities or systems that are not under the direct control of the project.

8.2.2 Guidance
In order to complete operational hazards analyses and to analyze other upset conditions that were
not developed in the PDSA, the hazards analysis process should engage the operations staff.
Detailed operational concepts should be developed by the operations staff in conjunction with
the safety analysis efforts and should include government furnished equipment that should be
used in these operations.

The DSA cannot be completed until there is a high degree of certainty that facility configuration
matches the design documentation, safety basis documentation, and the operating procedures for
that configuration. Final verification that the DSA information is consistent with the as-built
22 DOE G 413.3-16A

configuration is necessary before sending the DSA and TSR to DOE for approval. A rigorous
change control process will help in this regard.

The final development of the DSA and TSR should provide for implementation planning. The
initial planning for these activities should be included in the TOP, which should be baselined
during preliminary design. The TOP provides the concepts that support when and how many
operations staff is brought into the project to support transition and defines (to the extent known
at the time) the activities that need to be performed, including those needed to implement the
commitments expected to be in the DSA and TSR. Many of the details of activities needed to
implement the DSA and TSR are based on limited information that is available in preliminary
design. Consequently, the detailed strategy and activities needed to implement the DSA and TSR
should be addressed and compared to the baseline in the TOP so that appropriate adjustments can
be made.

8.3 Action—Security Vulnerability Assessment

Finalize the Security Vulnerability Assessment Report (SVAR) and any required security plan.

8.3.1 Discussion
During the transition/close-out, all security system documentation is reviewed and an acceptance
determination made. System component and complete system acceptance testing is evaluated
against the test and acceptance plan. The SVAR and any required security plan (including the
presence of trained security professionals) should be completed prior to a CD-4.

8.3.2 Guidance
Prior to CD-3, the final update of the vulnerability assessment is required, if necessary, with a
resulting SVAR. This report should document the proposed security systems and features, as
well as demonstrate how the facility design, construction, and operations satisfy security
requirements. Also, any required updates to the resulting security plan should be incorporated for

At CD-4, there is a transition from the project organization to the user/operating organization for
assumption of responsibility for management operations and maintenance. The facility/site
management and operations group takes over the responsibility for the management, operation,
and associated support.


9.1 Action—Lessons Learned
Within 90 days of CD-4 approval, submit Lessons Learned regarding project execution and
facility start-up to OECM and PSO for broader sharing among the DOE project management
DOE G 413.3-16A 23

9.1.1 Discussion
The DOE lessons learned program is designed to enhance the lines of communications between
all Elements of the DOE including its contractors, and is a key element in the Department’s
commitment to continuous improvement. The Lessons Learned Program includes two processes:

1. A development process that includes identification, documentation, validation,

and dissemination of lessons learned; and

2. A utilization and incorporation process that includes identification of applicable

lessons learned, distribution to appropriate personnel, identification of actions that
will be taken as a result of the lessons learned, and follow-up to ensure that
appropriate actions were taken.

In addition, the lessons learned program contains processes designed to measure operational
performance improvements and program effectiveness.

9.2 Action—Operational Documentation

Complete project operational documentation.

9.2.1 Discussion
Converting a facility from construction project status to operating status requires that technical
and administrative matters be addressed during earlier stages of the project. As early in the
execution phase as feasible, the project organization should initiate planning for and
development of the documentation for transition to operations. During transition, the
user/operator will normally accept beneficial occupancy of the facility and take ownership of
project documentation.

Project documentation transferred from the project organization to the user/operating

organization could include, for example, environmental and safety, design basis, drawings
(as-built) and specifications, configuration management (required by DOE O 420.1B),
equipment and operating manuals, project records, and other relevant information. As
appropriate, project documentation that supports transition, turnover, ORR, RA, or other
readiness review and operation and maintenance should be made available to the user/operating
organization. Project records that are not provided to the user/operating organization are
prepared for storage or disposal in accordance with DOE O 243.1, Records Management
Program. Records should be complete, properly identified, approved, and orderly. In certain
cases, electronic and hard copies of project records should be provided.

The project organization is responsible for delivering a completed project to the user/operating
organization. A successful turnover for operations includes providing the user/operating
organization a comprehensive set of operational documentation and records. This will be best
accomplished by partnering with the user/operating organization to identify all operational
documentation and records required to turn over a completed project. The project organization is
responsible for assembling the documentation and records needed to properly transition and
turnover a completed project to the user/operating organization. All records that are turned over
24 DOE G 413.3-16A

to the user/operating organization or sent to storage should be accompanied by a complete

inventory list. A duplicate of these lists should be kept by the project organization and turned
over to the field/site project management organization when the project office is closed.

9.2.2 Guidance
The list of operational documentation and records will depend on the project type and the needs
of the user/operating organization. Provided below is a typical list of documents and records that
should be considered for turnover to the user/operating organization. Partnership with the
user/operating organization and a tailored approach should be used to develop a comprehensive
list of all operational documents and records to be transferred from the project organization to
the user/operating organization. Final Design

The final design is the completion of the design effort and production of all the approved design
documentation necessary to permit Project procurement. The final design is used to permit
construction, testing, checkout, and turnover to proceed. Procurement

The procurement documentation includes key documents used to execute the project. These
could include the construction/restoration contract, statement of work, contract amendments, and
other related documents. Construction

Construction documentations include the documents that record the execution of construction.
These documents could include drawings and specifications, construction meeting minutes,
inspection reports, material submittals, and other related records. Pre-Operational Testing

As part of the commissioning activities, most facility systems and equipment will undergo
thorough testing as part of its acceptance process to verify that the systems and equipment were
installed correctly and that it satisfies the manufacture’s operational specifications. Important for
operations, this documentation demonstrates that the systems and equipment were installed and
operated as required by the project specifications. Startup

Startup activities of facility systems and equipments are part of the commissioning activities.
Systems and equipment that are installed and completed by the construction contractor should be
tested and accepted by the project organization before they are made available to the
user/operating organization. To facilitate the turnover to the user/operating organization, the
acceptance process should be in partnership with the user/operating representative; in most cases
this representative is a technician or mechanic who will assume ownership of the system or
DOE G 413.3-16A 25

equipment once accepted and started. Startup activities are an important part of the transfer of
knowledge to the user/operating organization. These documents could include testing and
startup procedures, checklists, and records. Safety

Operational safety of the new or restored facility is critical at the turnover of the completed
project to the user/operating organization. Safe operation of the facility and its systems and
equipment should be documented. Operational procedures are developed to document the
appropriate use and safe operations of the facility systems and equipments. Quality

Important to the project and user/operating organization is the quality assurance of the
construction activities and the systems and equipment provided by the project. Proper
documentation of the construction and/or installation, inspection, and acceptance will facilitate
quality assurance and ensure that the completed project satisfies the project’s objectives and
specifications. Safeguards and Security

Safeguards and security refers to an integrated system of activities, systems, programs, facilities,
and policies for the protection of classified information and/or classified matter, unclassified
controlled information, nuclear materials, nuclear weapons, nuclear weapon components, and/or
the Department’s and its contractors’ facilities, property, and equipment. Project success will
depend upon the satisfaction of safeguards and security requirements. The project organization’s
safeguards and security plans and related documents, which describes the applicable
requirements and assure that these have been satisfied, should be turned over to the
user/operating organization. Permits and Licensing

Permits and licensing required for facility operations should be identified and provided to the
user/operating organization to facilitate the transition to operations. In many cases the project
organization has the expert staff to research and identify the permits and licensing requirements
to operate the constructed facility. Operations and Maintenance Manuals

One method of transferring knowledge from the project organization to the user/operating
organization is the transfer of M&O manuals for systems and equipment provided by the various
vendors. The turnover of these manuals to the user/operating organization is critical for the
proper operation and maintenance of the facility’s systems and equipment by the user/operating
O&M staff.
26 DOE G 413.3-16A
10-26-11 Manufacturer’s Warranties

All warranty documents for new systems and equipment installed as part of the project should be
collected, properly categorized, and turned over to the user/operating organization to facilitate
their use in the future if necessary. As-Built Drawings

As-built drawings record the actual construction details used to construct or restore a facility.
They record required deviations from the original design and in most cases are recorded on as-
built drawings. This knowledge should be captured and transferred to the user/operating
organization for operation and future reference if necessary.

9.3 Action—Final Project Closeout Report

Within 90 days of CD-4 approval, submit an Initial Project Closeout Report. This report
includes preliminary final cost details, since contract closure, for example, may be a lengthy
process due to request of equitable adjustments.

Prior to Project Closeout, perform final administrative and financial closeout. Prepare the
Final Project Closeout Report once all project costs are incurred and invoiced and all contracts
are closed. The report includes final cost details as required to include claims and claims
settlement strategy where appropriate.

9.3.1 Discussion
Project closeout begins prior to CD-4 approval or at the point when all environmental activities
KPPs or PCCs are completed and the site is ready for turnover for alternative use. This includes
long-term stewardship, surveillance for environmental remediation, disposition, or at project
termination. Generally, closeout starts after all physical, regulatory, and contractual activities are
complete. Following CD-4 approval, the FPD submits a Final Project Closeout Report through
the site financial officer (FO) to the DOE Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and OECM. If project
cost details are unable to be finalized within 90 days of CD-4 approval, then submit an Initial
Project Closeout Report. Use the guidance specified for the Final Project Closeout Report, but
note those cost components that are projected and awaiting finalization.

The purpose of the Final Project Closeout Report is to provide a determination of the overall
closure status of the project, contracts, regulatory drivers, and fiscal condition in accordance with
performance goals and measures established for closeout.

9.3.2 Guidance
The Final Project Closeout Report should consist of two key deliverables, a project completion
report typically prepared by the DOE contractor and a project final cost report prepared by the

The DOE contractor, who has prime contracting responsibility for the DOE project, is
responsible for compiling the technical, contractual, and financial information required to
DOE G 413.3-16A 27

finalize the project completion report. However, the FPD should work closely with the
contractor project manager to ensure that the project completion report is accurate and reflects
the project’s condition. For projects that are managed directly by DOE, the FPD is responsible
for preparing the project completion report. The essential elements of the project completion
report and the project final cost report are discussed in Section and Section of this
Guide respectively. The requirement of a project completion report should be identified in the
PEP so that adequate time and resources can be allocated to facilitate project closeout.

The FPD approves and submits the Final Project Closeout Report to the cognizant site CFO, who
reviews, assembles, approves, and forwards the report to the DOE CFO. In addition, the
closeout package should contain a summary of financial actions requested of the DOE CFO for
project closeout as well as the site FO’s signature and date of approval of this action.

Ultimately, The DOE CFO places all unused funds into the project overrun reserve to resolve
any remaining costs of the project. Use of these funds should be requested in writing and include
a description of the problem, causes of the problem, and corrective actions. In addition, the
current status of the contractual, regulatory, financial, and physical project should be explained.
The DOE CFO is responsible for approving all requests. Project Completion Report

The FPD approval of the final project completion report is the official acceptance of the
contractor deliverables and other reporting requirements on behalf of the Government. Elements
of the project completion report should address the following key activities. Physical Closeout

Physical closeout provides documentation to affirm all work associated with the project is
complete and the Government accepts beneficial occupancy or environmental completion of the
project. As applicable, elements of project physical closeout can include:

1. confirmation that all PCC/KPP were satisfactorily completed;

2. all turnover/closeout punch list items have been completed, verified and
documented as closed;

3. excess material and equipment have been identified, retrieved, and disposed of in
accordance with DOE property disposition regulations;

4. all purchase orders have been closed or placed in a single account;

5. all real property and installed equipment warranty information has been

6. outstanding obligations have been identified, described and dispositioned in the

contractor’s financial closeout;
28 DOE G 413.3-16A

7. an occupancy checklist has been prepared and used to accelerate the transition
process (where applicable);

8. remaining project control accounts, except for outstanding obligations have been

9. project lessons learned report has been completed and submitted to DOE (see
Section 9.1); and

10. an Acquisition Executive CD-4 approval statement is included. Contractual Closeout

Contractual closeout is performed by the contracting officer and includes the identification and
status of each project contract and subcontract, their values, and their terms and conditions. The
contract status should include any incomplete deliverables; terms, conditions, and dates for
obtaining remaining deliverables; real and potential claims; pending and any ongoing legal
actions; warranties made as part of the contract; and any other information that might prove
useful to the user organization in relation to legal, contractual, warranty, or deliverables. Financial Closure

The FPD is responsible for the financial closeout of the project. Although financial closeout and
physical closeout can occur in parallel, financial closeout can only be finalized after a successful
physical closeout is complete. Financial closeout follows two parallel paths to identify unspent
project fund balances and deobligate them to use these funds elsewhere as needed; these paths
are adjusting the Department’s construction and capital asset accounts and preparing the project
Final Cost Report.

The general steps involved in the financial closeout process can include:

Attain CD-4 approval, which marks the beginning of project closeout.

Remove Project from Construction Work in Progress (CWIP) Account.

Capitalize project funds and begin depreciation.

The prime contractor prepares the Closing Statement of Cost.

The CFO uses the contractor’s Closing Statement of Cost to adjust the Department’s
construction and capital asset accounts, determine whether any unspent balances
remain, prepare the Final Closing Statement of Cost, and deobligate remaining
balances using the approved funding program.

Finalize PARS II reporting (include earned value data). Regulatory Closeout

DOE G 413.3-16A 29

A major component of closing an environmental remediation or facility transition project is the

demonstration of regulatory compliance with the Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA)
and/or the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
(CERCLA). Failure to comply with these regulations could lead to legal actions and ultimately
delay final closure. The regulatory closeout process varies depending on the type of project,
applicable regulation, and the government agencies having jurisdiction. Regulatory closeout
includes certifying that applicable environmental actions have met all requirements and no
additional active management is needed, with the possible exception of long-term monitoring.
Regulatory closeout also provides for possible site turnover to other responsible agencies or
private parties for transition to other use. Project Final Cost Report

The contractor project manager should provide the FPD an estimate of any outstanding costs
required to complete the project, which enables the de-obligation process to start prior to
complete closeout of all actions. The FPD works with the site FO to ensure that DOE accounting
requirements are met for project closeout. The FPD project final cost report includes:

project name;

budget classification;

original de-obligation amount and subsequent obligations or de-obligations;

actual cost summary organized in same categories as the original PDS;

capital investment for the project; and

value of plant and capital equipment adjustments.

The project final cost report will be used to zero out the uncosted balance of the project budget,
establish a reserve account for open items, and satisfy the requirements to remove a project from
the Construction Work in Progress Account in accordance with DOE O 534.1B, Accounting.
The accounting data from the project final cost Report provides physical evidence that all of the
conditions necessary to closeout the project and/or retire the contract have been met. Closeout
document requirements differ for cost reimbursement contracts and fixed-price contracts. A
review of the final contract modification is required for cost reimbursable contracts with the
contractor finance confirming the final contract price. A review and payment of the final
invoice is required in accordance with DOE and field office procedures. The site FO or
designee should confirm the required closeout documents to the extent warranted by the
individual circumstances and applicable procurement regulations, such as Federal Acquisition
Regulation (FAR) 4.804-5, Procedures for Closing Out Contract Files, and advise the DOE
CFO accordingly. This should include a review and reconciliation of financial/closeout records
by the site FO with any discrepancies being resolved with the contractor’s finance officer.
30 DOE G 413.3-16A
10-26-11 Project Facility Sustainment Goal

The FPD should complete and document achievement of the Facility Sustainment goals (e.g.,
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold, LEED Silver, etc…), as
applicable, via an independent third-party entity within one year of facility occupancy in
accordance with EO 13423, Section 2(f), EO 13514, Section 3, and DOE O 436.1. Facilities Information Management System Update

The FPD should ensure the establishment and/or update of the property record in the Facility
Information Management System (FIMS) for all construction and/or modifications to real
property, followed by adjusting the site’s Ten Year Site Plan. (Refer to DOE O 430.1B for
additional information.)
DOE G 413.3-16A Appendix A
10-26-11 A-1


1. 10 CFR 830, Subpart A, Quality Assurance Requirements.

2. 42 USC 82, Solid Waste Disposal.

3. 42 USC 103, Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act.

4. ANSI/PMI 99-001-2010, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge,

Fourth Edition, Chapter 10, Project Communications Management.

5. ASME/NQA-1-2008 (Edition) dated 3-18-08 and NQA-1a-2009 (Addenda)

6. DEAR 904.804-1, Closeout by the Office Administering the Contract.

7. DOE Accounting Handbook, Chapter 21, Financial Closeout.

8. DOE Acquisition Guide,

9. DOE G 413.3-series.

10. DOE G 414.1-2B, Quality Assurance Program Guide, dated 08-16-11.

11. DOE G 421.1-1, Criticality Safety Good Practices Program Guide for DOE Nonreactor
Nuclear Facilities, dated 08-25-99.

12. DOE G 421.1-2, Implementation Guide for Use in Developing Documented Safety
Analyses to Meet Subpart B of 10 CFR 830, dated 10-24-01.

13. DOE G 423.1-1A, Implementation Guide for Use in Developing Technical Safety
Requirements, dated 11-03-10.

14. DOE G 424.1-1B, Implementation Guide for Use in Addressing Unreviewed Safety
Question Requirements, dated 04-08-10.

15. DOE G 430.1-1, Chapter 8, Startup Costs, dated 03-28-97.

16. DOE G 430.1-1, Chapter 9, Operating Costs, dated 03-28-97.

17. DOE G 450.1-series.

18. DOE M 140.1-1B, Interface with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, dated

19. DOE M 470.4-1 Chg2, Safeguards and Security Program Planning and Management,
dated 10-20-10.
Appendix A DOE G 413.3-16A
A-2 10-26-11

20. DOE O 231.1B, Environment, Safety and Health Reporting, dated 06-27-11.

21. DOE O 243.1, Records Management Program, dated 02-03-06.

22. DOE O 413.3B, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets,
dated 11-29-2010.

23. DOE O 414.1D, Quality Assurance, dated 04-25-11.

24. DOE O 420.1B Chg 1, Facility Safety, dated 12-22-05.

25. DOE O 420.2C, Safety of Accelerator Facilities, dated 07-21-11.

26. DOE O 425.1D, Verification of Readiness to Start Up or Restart Nuclear Facilities, dated

27. DOE O 430.1B, Chg 2, Real Property Asset Management, dated 04-25-11.

28. DOE O 436.1, Departmental Sustainability, dated 03-02-11.

29. DOE O 433.1B, Maintenance Management Program for DOE Nuclear Facilities, dated

30. DOE O 470.4A, Safeguards and Security Program, dated 05-25-07.

31. DOE O 471.1B, Identification and Protection of Unclassified Controlled Nuclear

Information, dated 03-1-10.

32. DOE O 534.1B, Accounting, dated 01-06-03.

33. DOE O 580.1, Chg. 1, Department of Energy Personal Property Management Program,
dated 05-08-08.

34. DOE P 141.2, Public Participation and Community Relations, dated 05-02-03.

35. DOE-STD-1189-2008, Integration of Safety into the Design Process, dated March 2008.

36. DOE-STD-3006-2010, Planning and Conducting Readiness Reviews.

37. DOE-STD-7501-99, The DOE Corporate Lessons Learned Program, dated December

38. EO 13423, Section 2(f), dated 01-24-07.

39. EO 13514, Section 3, dated 07-2011.

40. FAR 52.216-7, Allowable Cost and Payment.

41. FAR 4.804, Closeout of Contract Files.

DOE G 413.3-16A Appendix A
10-26-11 A-3 (and A-4)

42. ISO 14001: 2004/Cor 1:2009, Environmental Management Systems – Specification with
Guidance for Use, dated July 2009.

43. OMB Circular A-11, Part 7, Capital Programming Guide.

44. Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. Model Commissioning Plan and Guide
Specifications, dated February 1998.
DOE G 413.3-16A Appendix B
10-26-11 B-1


ANSI American National Standards Institute

AA Authorization/Approval Authority
AE Acquisition Executive
A-E Architect-Engineer
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CD Critical Decision
CWIP Construction Work in Progress
Cx Commissioning
DOE Department of Energy
DSA Documented Safety Analysis
EIR External Independent Review
EMS Environmental Management System
EO Executive Order
ES&H Environmental Safety and Health
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation
FIMS Facility Information Management System
FPD Federal Project Director
FO Financial Officer
G Guide
IPT Integrated Project Team
ISO International Standards Organization
KPP Key Performance Parameter
LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
M Manual
NQA Nuclear Quality Assurance
O Order
OECM Office of Engineering and Construction Management
O&M Operation and Maintenance
OPAM Office of Procurement and Assistance Management
ORR Operational Readiness Review
P Policy
Appendix B DOE G 413.3-16A
B-2 10-26-11

PARS Project Assessment and Reporting System

PB Performance Baseline
PCC Project Completion Criteria
PDS Project Data Sheet
PDSA Preliminary Documented Safety Analysis
PED Project Engineering and Design
PEP Project Execution Plan
PSO Program Secretarial Office
QAP Quality Assurance Plan
RA Readiness Assessment
RFP Request for Proposal
RAM Responsibility Assignment Matrix
S&S Safeguards and Security
SAE Secretarial Acquisition Executive
SER Safety Evaluation Report
SSC Structures, Systems, and Components
SSE Structures, Systems, and Equipment
SVAR Security Vulnerability Assessment Report
TSR Technical Safety Requirement
TOP Transition to Operations Plan
USQ Unreviewed Safety Question
WBS Work Breakdown Structure

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