Poser Pro 2014: Quickly & Easily Design With 3D Figures!
Poser Pro 2014: Quickly & Easily Design With 3D Figures!
Poser Pro 2014: Quickly & Easily Design With 3D Figures!
Poser Pro 2014 is the fully featured choice for creating new poser content
and adding 3D characters to Max, Maya, Lightwave and C4D projects.
Poser Pro 2014 provides the fastest way for professionals to create content
and render 3D character images and animations from Poser scenes. COLLADA
support enables Poser content integration with game engines and other
2D/3D tools. Fully 64-bit native and optimised for multi-core systems, Poser
Pro 2014 saves time by efficiently using system memory and processing
This is the ideal 3D program for the professional artist and 3D production
RRP: £299.99
Product Code: AVQ-SPP14-DVD
Barcode: 5 016488 126854
Poser Pro 2014 Uses:-
Gamma Correction
Now in both Poser 10 and Pro 2014, gamma controlled
content can be developed and delivered to every Poser user,
supporting uniform materials across versions.
Poser Generic New Features:-
Background Rendering
Increase personal productivity with background rendering in
Poser Pro 2014. Work on 3D scenes in the foreground, while
rendering images with the Firefly render engine in the
background. When rendering in the background you can open
or close other scene files, save your project and continue
working without interrupting the background render.
Poser Pro 2014 Exclusive Key Features:-
Grouping Objects
Need a way to move, scale or hide a bunch of objects in a Poser
scene, at the same time? Now you can simply add any number
of scene elements, from figures and props to lights, into a
Grouping Object. They can be moved, rotated, scaled and
animated or even hidden and revealed. Create multiple
Grouping Objects to hold different areas of a scene, or related
props and figures. Adding selected scene elements into any
Grouping Object is easy using our powerful new Context Menu
controls. This significant new feature will change how you
manage your scenes, providing you plenty of control over whole
groups of objects in that scene.
Poser Pro 2014 Exclusive Key Features:-
Normal Mapping
Normal Mapping is a resource-efficient technique to add the
appearance of complexity and surface detail to 3D objects. It
can transform object surfaces, making them appear more
intricate than they actually are, without the added overhead of
polygonal detail. This will save designers valuable time and
offers increased creative flexibility by allowing faster and more
light-weight computation of rendered detail.
Poser Pro 2014 Exclusive Key Features:-
Subsurface Scattering
Skin, wax and marble are just some of the materials that are
translucent when struck by light. To recreate this subtle yet
crucial effect when rendering these materials in Poser, we've
incorporated a set of easy to configure SubSurface Scattering
Material Nodes. New Nodes include SubSurface Skin, Fast
Scatter, and basic Scatter. The Scatter Node includes a number
of optimised pre-sets for Skin, Marble, Milk, Fruit and
Vegetables. With Poser's new SubSurface Materials, you'll
transform your scenes into rendered masterpieces with lifelike
translucent surfaces.
System Requirements:-
Windows: Windows® 8, 7, Vista™ or XP® (64-bit OS required for 64-bit installation); 1.3 GHz Pentium 4 or newer,
Athlon 64 or newer (1.65 GHz or faster recommended); Windows® Internet Explorer® 7 or newer; Hosting plugins
require a valid English language installation of their respective host application: Maxon CINEMA 4D R10-14 (64 & 32-
bit), Autodesk 3ds Max 2010-2014 (64 & 32-bit), Autodesk Maya 2010-2014 (64 & 32-bit), Newtek Light Wave 3D*;
Mac: Mac OS® X 10.6, 10.7 or 10.8; 1.5 GHz Intel Core processor (Core 2 Duo or faster recommended, 64-bit CPU
required for 64-bit support); Hosting plugins require a valid English language installation of their respective host
application: Maxon CINEMA 4D R10-14 (64 & 32-bit); Autodesk Maya 2010-2014 (64 & 32-bit), Newtek Lightwave 3D*;
Common System Requirements:1 GB system RAM (4 GB or more recommended); OpenGL enabled graphics card or
chipset recommended (recent NVIDIA GeForce and ATI Radeon required for advanced real-time preview features); 24-
bit colour display, 1440 x 900 minimum resolution; 3 GB free hard disk space (6 GB recommended); DVD-ROM drive;
Internet connection required for Content Paradise | Adobe® Flash® Player 11 or newer | Adobe® AIR® (external