Libretto - Hänsel Und Gretel
Libretto - Hänsel Und Gretel
Libretto - Hänsel Und Gretel
U s
New York
upon a time- a poor broom-maker and his wife lived in a lonesome
cottage in the Harz Mountains with their little son, Hansel, and
daughter, Gretel. When our story opens, the father and mother have gone
away to sell brooms in the neighboring villages, leaving the children at
work in the house. But work is tiresome, especially when empty stomachs
are clamoring for unattainable goodies; finally the youthful pair start to
romping about the room, and at the height of their frolic the mother enters,
weary from her long trip and unhappy because she has been unable to sell
her wares. She scolds the children, and sends them out into the forest to
pick wild strawberries for supper. Late that evening the father returns,
having disposed of his brooms at a good profit, and gaily unpacks a quantity
of dainties; then, missing the children, he asks after them, and is horror-
stricken at thought of their pitiful plight all alone after nightfall in the woods.
Act discovers the children roaming through the woods, gradually
filling t baskets
hi- ir with strawberries; heedless of direction and time, even-
tide finds them bewildered in the darkening forest haunted, as they have
been taught to believe, by fairies and witches. The steep, rocky bulk of the
Ilsenstein, a reputed gathering-place for evil sprites, looms up amid the
trees; the wind whispers and moans uncannily, and shadowy bush and
hollow take on strange and fearful shapes. The frightened children cower
together beneath a spreading tree, and repeat their usual bedtime prayer
to the "fourteen guardian angels," after which, calmer in spirit, they fall
asleep with a fairy vision of the radiant angels floating around them.
Act III opens at daybreak; the children awake, refreshed by a good
night's sleep, and sing merrily. All at once they notice an object overlooked
in the evening darkness a beautiful little house built of all manner of good
things to eat, and giving off a most appetizing odor. This is, alas! the abode
of a wicked witch, an ogress who entraps small boys and girls by her spells,
pops them into her oven, and bakes them into delectable gingerbread, upon
which she fares. Hansel and Gretel approach the house and begin to break
off tasty morsels from the walls; the witch appears and in due course casts
a spell over them to prevent their escape; she now shuts Hansel up in a sort
of cage and feeds him on sweets to fatten him then she tries to entice Gretel
to bend down in front of the oven, so that she may be able to push her
in and bake her; but Gretel pretends not to understand, and when the witch
herself crossly bends down to show her how, the two children quickly shove
her into the oven, bang the door shut, and dance around gleefully. There-
upon, all the gingerbread shapes that formed the hedge around the witch's
house are transformed her spell being broken into their rightful shapes
of happy boys and girls who thank Hansel and Gretel for their deliverance;
then the father and mother, who have been seeking their dear ones, burst
upon the scene, and all winds up with a chorus of thanksgiving.
Music Library
PETER, Broom-maker.
GERTRUDE, his wife.
, their children.
THE WITCH who eats children.
ERSTES BILD. Still, Hansel, denk daran, was Vater sagt,
wenn Mutter manchmal so verzagt:
DAHEIM. ,,Wenn die Not auf's hochste steigt,
Gott der Herr die Hand euch reicht!"
Erste Scene.
(Diirftige Stube. Im Hintergrunde
rechts cine nicdnge Thiir, in der Mitte Jawohl, das klingt ganz schon und glatt,
aber leider wird man davon nicht satt.
ein kleines Fcnster mit Aussicht in den
Wald. Links ein Herd mit einem Ach, Gretel, wie lang' ist's doch schon
Ranchfang An
darilbcr. dcr rcchten
dass wir nichts Gutes geschmauset mehr !
was im Stroh?
Gednlde dich fein, sieh freundlich drein !
Die Ganse gehn barfuss Dies lange Gesicht, hu, welcher Graus !
Scene I.
small and poorly furnished room. In
O Gret, it would be such a treat
(A ifwe had something nice to eat!
the background a door; a small window
near it, looking on to the forest. On the
Eggs and butter and suet paste,
I've almost forgotten how they taste.
left a fireplace with chimney above it.
On the walls are hanging brooms of (Stopping his mouth)
various sices. Hansel is sitting by the () Gretel, I wish
door, making brooms, and Gretel op- GRETEL.
posite him by the fireplace, knitting a
stocking. ) Hush, don't give way to grumps ;
they've no shoes !
me reach you,
Just let
The cobbler has leather, and plenty to I'll teach you
spare, how make trouble,
why can't he make the poor goose a new soon mount to double!
Crosspatch, crosspatch,
HANSEL what is the use,
Then they'll have to go barefoot!
growling and grumbling,
full of abuse?
Eia-popeia, pray what's to be done ?
Who'll give me milk and sugar, for bread
Off with you, out with you,
shame on you, goose!
have none ?
I'll go back to bed and I'll lie there all HANSEL.
where there's nought to eat, then there's Crosspatch. away!
Hard lines, I say.
nothing to pay !
Then we'll have to go hungry !
When I am hungry,
surely I can say so,
HANSEL. cannot allay so,
If mother would only come home again ! can't chase away so!
\ Yes, I am so hungry,
I don't know what to do !
Reisbrei, Reisbrei, herrlicher Brei! Ei, das hast Du gut gemacht,
Giebt's Reisbrei, da ist Hansel dabei !
Arbeiten? Wo
denkst du hin?
Brr! Ich Hebe Tanz und Frohlichkeit
Danach steht mir der Sinn,
jetzt nicht
und bin nicht gern allein ;
[miner mich plagen, das fallt mir nicht ich bin kein Freund von Traurigkeit,
und frohlich will ich sein.
uns tanzen und frohlich sein Tralala, tralala, tralala la la,
jetzt lass
Tanzen soil ich armer Wicht, Geh, dummer Hans, geh. stolzer Hans,
Schwesterlein, und kann es nicht. ich krieg dich doch herum !
brotherkin won't you be
Well, listen,
With your hands you clap, clap, clap;
Look here in the jug, here is fresh milk, with your foot you tap, tap, tap ;
That was very good indeed,
O, I'm sure you'll soon succeed!
Rice-blancmange !
HANSEL (gruffly).
right foot first,
left foot then, Go away from me, go away from me,
I 'm much too
round about and back again! proud for you :
Du willst mich hanseln noch! Wie auf der Kirmes tanzen und
Mit bosen Buben tanz ich nicht, springen ?
das ist mir viel zu dumm !
Indes die Eltern vom friihen Morgen
bis spat in die Nacht sich miihen und
Nicht bose sein, lieb Schwesterlein, Dass dich (debt Hanseln einen Puff.)
- Und du ? Du, Schlingel In all den !
ich holen,
mehr ganz,
den Faulpelz werd' ich euch beiden ver-
die Mutter strickt dir 'n neu'n!
Dreh dich doch herum! !
Sei nicht so dumm ! (In ihr em Eifer hinter den Kindern her
Tralala, tralala u. s. w. stosst sie den Milchtopf vom Tisch,
dass er klirrend zu Boden fdllt.)
Jesses ! Nun auch den Topf noch zer-
Tanz lustig, heissa, lustig tanz !
brochen !
ich zu leben,
Der Hansel . . .
Die Gretel . . .
Tropfchen im Topfe, kein Kriistchen
GRETEL. im Schrank,
Er wollte. . .
Ich sollte. .
HANSEL. (The mother comes in, unstraps the
and puts it down.)
O Gretel dear, O sister dear, basket,
They then seize each other's hands and How, saucy, how dare you laugh?
po round in a circle, quicker and
quicker, until at last they lose their
(Going with a stick after Hansel, who is
balance and tumble over one another running out of the open door.)
on the floor. )
Wait, wait till the father comes home!
aus dem Schlaf mich heraus? Gar ein viertel Pfund Kaf fee !
(A is
Tralala, tralala little mother, here am I
! !
So, so!
Tralala, tralala! bringing luck and jol- And this wild beast,
( Complainingly. ) FATHER.
Tralala, tralala! Tralalala, tralalala!
hunger is the devil to pay !
Cheer up, mother, for here am I,
Tralala, tralala!
bringing luck and jollity !
Mother, look what I have brought! (Husband, and they cost a fortune!)
Turnips, onions, and for me !
(Reels over to his sleeping wife and gives
her a smacking kiss.) Nearly half a pound of tea!
MOTHER (rubbing her eyes). Tralala, tralala,
Oho!- hip hurrah !
Vivat hoch die Besenbinder! (lassi den Besen fallen und ringt die
Wenn sie sich verirrten im Walde dort,
Doch halt wo bleiben die Kinder ? inder Nacht, ohne Stern und Mond !
Hansel Gretel
! ! Wo steckt der Hans ? Kennst Du nicht den schauerlich dtistern
Wo er steckt? Ja, wiisste man's! Ort?
Nur das weiss ich klar wie Tag, Weisst nicht, dass die Bose dort wohnt?
dass der Topf in Scherben lag!
Unfug viel und Arbeit keine
hatten sie getrieben alleine.
Horte schon draussen sie juchzen und Mein !
Sag doch, was soil denn der Be-
johlen, sen?
FATHER hopping and cutting the wildest capers,
till I was so cross that I
gave a push
and the jug of milk was spilt!
(Sits down. Meanwhile the mother packs
away the things, lights a fire, breaks
eggs into a saucepan, etc.).
And the jug of milk was spilt !
I la ha ha ha!
Yonder to the town I went,
therewas to be a great event, (Both laughing.)
weddings, fairs, and preparation Such anger, mother, don't take it ill,
for all kinds of jubilation! seems stupid to me, I must say !
Now's my chance to do some selling, But where, where think you the chil-
and for that you may be thankful !
dren can be?
He who wants a feast to keep,
he must scrub and brush and sweep.
So I brought my best goods out, MOTHER (snappishly and curtly).
tramped with them from house to house
For aught I know, at the Ilsenstein !
MOTHER. The besom, just put it
away again !
FATHER. (lets the broom fall and -wrings his
But stay, why, where are the children ? hands).
Hansel, Gretel, what's gone with Hans? My children astray in the gloomy wood,
all alone without moon or stars !
Gone with Hans ? O, who's to know ? MOTHER.
But do know this,
at least I O Heaven !
Dost thou not know the awful magic
What! the jug is smashed to bits?
the place where the eyil one dwells?
And the cream all run away. MOTHER (surprised).
The evil one ! What mean'st thou ?
(striking his fist on the table \n a rage). FATHER (with mysterious emphasis).
Hang it all ! So those little scapegraces The gobbling ogress !
Braus !
(Im Hintergrunde der Ilsenstein, von
t)ber Berg und Kluft, dichtem Tannengeholz umgeben.
t)ber Thai und Gruft Rechts eine machtige Tanne; darunter
durch Nebelduft sitzt Gretel auf einer moosbedeckten
im Sturm durch die Luft: Wurzel und windet einen Kranz von
Ja so reiten, ja so reiten, Hagebutten; neben ihr liegt ein Blu-
juchheissa, die Hexen ! menstrauss. Links, abseits im Gebusch,
Hansel, nach Erdbeeren suchend.
MUTTER. Abendrot.
Entsetzlich ! GRETEL.
VATER. Ein Mannlein steht im Walde
ganz still und stumm;
Ja, bei Tag, o Graus :
es hatvon Tauter Purpur
zum Hexenschmaus ein Mantlein um.
ins Knisper-Knasper-Knusperhaus
Sagt, wer mag das Mannlein sein,
die Kinderlein,
das da steht im Wald allein
Armsiinderlein, mit dem purpurroten Mantelein?
mit Zauberkuchen lockt sie herein.
Das Mannlein steht im Walde
Doch ubelgesinnt auf einem Bein
ergreift sie
geschwind und hat auf seinem Kopfe
das arme Kuchen knuspernde Kind. schwarz Kapplein klein.
In den Ofen, hitzhell,
Sagt, wer mag das Mannlein sein,
schiebt's die Hexe blitzschnell ;
das da steht im Wald allein
dann kommen zur Stell,
mit dem kleinen schwarzen Kappelein?
gebraunt das Fell,
aus dem Ofen, aus dem Ofen HANSEL
die Lebkuchenkinder ! (kommt hervor und schwenkt jubelnd
sein Kbrbchen).
MUTTER. Juchhe !
Die werden gefressen!
Mein Kranzel ist auch schon fertig, sieh !
(Expressively.) HANSEL
the gingerbread children !
For the ogress ? GRETEL (standing up).
For the ogress !
My garland is ready also !
O horror !
(Tries to put the wreath on Hansel's
Heav'n help us the children ! !
O what shall we do?
HANSEL (drawing back roughly).
(Runs out of the house.)
FATHER. You won't catch a boy wearing that!
It is only fit for a girl !
tel in den Mund rollen.) Weisst Du, was der Wald jetzt spricht?
Wir machen's, wie der Kuckuck schluckt, ,,Kindlein !" sagt er, ,,fiirchtet ihr euch
wenn er in fremde Nester guckt. nicht ?"
Setzest Deine Kinder aus! Ich bin ein Bub', ich fiirchte mich nicht !
Kuckuck !
Trinkst die fremden Eier aus!
Ach, Hansel ! Gewiss geschieht uns ein
Gluckgluck !
(La'sst sich cine ganze Handvoll Erdbee-
ren in den Mund HANSEL.
Ach, Gretel, geh, sei doch gescheit!
Sammelst Beeren schon zuhauf !
kneeling before her in homage. At this Why, naught can we see of fruit or
moment the cuckoo is heard.) leaves !
Cuckoo, cuckoo, where are you? O Hansel O Hansel O what shall we
! !
(It begins to grow dark.) Know" you what the forest says ?
Children, children," it says,
(helping himself again). "
Are you not afraid ?
CUCKOO, cuckoo, how are you ?
(Hansel spies all around uneasily, at last
GRETEL. he turns in despair to Gretel. )
Cuckoo, where are you ?
Gretel, I cannot find the way !
O Hansel, some dreadful thing may
And you are very greedy too! come!
Tell me, cuckoo, why are you? HANSEL.
HANSEL. O Gretel, come, don't be afraid !
Cuckoo, cuckoo !
(They get rude and begin to quarrel for
the strawberries. Hansel gains the vic- What's glimmering there in the darkness ?
mer nah'r !
Euch Kleinen lieb ich innig s-t !
(Die Kinder schaudern zusammen.) GRETEL (ebcnso).
GRETEL. Lass uns den Abendsegen beten !
Hast Du's gehort? 's rief leise: Ja! (Sie kauern nieder -und fait en die
Hansel, sicher ist jemand nah' !
(weinend:) BEIDE.
Ich fiircht' mich, ich fiircht' mich! O will ich schlafen gehn,
war' ich zu Haus !
vierzehn Engel um mich stehn,
Wie sieht der Wald so gespenstig aus !
GRETEL (terrified).
and guard the little sleepers, sh !
There !
Then slumber, children, slumber,
(The children cower together.) for happy dreams are sent you
I see the wood all filled with goblin two my head are guarding,
forms !
two my feet are guiding,
HANSEL. two are on my right hand,
two are on my left hand,
Gretelkin, stick to me close and tight, two who warmly cover,
I'll shelter you. I'll shelter you!
two who o'er me hover,
(A thick mist rises and competely hides two to whom 'tis given
the background.) to guide my steps to Heaven.
GRETEL. (They sink down on to the moss, and go
to sleep with their arms fanned round
I some shadowy women coming!
each other. Complete darkness.)
See, how they nod and beckon, beckon !
(Crying out, rushes horror-struck under (Here a bright light suddenly breaks
the tree and falls on her knees, hiding through the mist which forthwith mils
herself behind Hansel.) itself together into the form of a stair-
Father! mother Ah! ! case, vanishing in perspective, in die
middle of the stage. Fourteen angels.
HANSEL. in light floating garments, pass down
See there, the mankin, sister dear! the staircase, two and two. at intervals,
I wonder who the mankin is
while it is
getting gradually lighter.
(At this moment the mist lifts on the left; The angels place themselves, according
a little grey man is seen -with a little to the order mentioned in the evening
sack on his back.) hymn, around the sleeping children:
und haben ihr Morgenlied dargebracht.
Guten Morgen, liebe Voglein, guten
Morgen !
Paare, so doss der Kreis der Engel Wart nur, Dich week' ich!
vollstandig gcschlossen wird. Zuletzt
tritt das siebentc Paar in den Kreis und
(Sie biickt sich zu ihm nieder und singt
ihni ins Ohr.)
niinmt als ,,S chut zen gel" zu beiden
Seitrn der Kinder PlotC'U'aehrend sie 's ist mehr f ruh
nicht !
Tirelireli !
Erste Scene. Kikeriki !
noch friih
's ist !
Die Engel sind verschwunden.) Mir ist so wohl, ich weiss nicht wie ;
(Friiher Morgen. Taumannchen tritt so gut wie heute schlief ich nie.
auf und schilttelt aus einer Glocken-
blume Tautrc^fen auf die schlafenden GRETEL.
Kinder; Doch hore nur! Hier unter dem Baum,
da hatt' ich emen wunderschonen Traum.
Der kleine Tau-Mann heiss' ich kling! HANSEL.
Mit Mutter Sonne reis' ich klang! Audi mir traumte so was
Richtig ! !
and sixth couples distribute themselves from early dawn they are all awake,
amongst the other couples, so that the and warble their morning hymn of praise.
angels is completed. Last-
circle of the Dear little singers, little singers,
ly the seventh couple comes
into the good morning !
circle and takesplace asits
guardian (Turns to Hansel.}
angels on each side of the children. See there, the sleepy lazybones?
The remaining angels noiv join hands Wait now, I'll wake him!
and dance a stately step around the
Tirelireli, it's getting late !
group. The whole stage is filled with Tirelireli, it's getting late!
an intense light. Whilst the angels The lark his flight is winging,
group themselves in a picturesque tab- on high his matin singing,
leau, the curtain slowly falls.) Tirelireli ! tirelireli !
(suddenly jumps up with a start}.
Kikeriki it's early yet
! !
( The curtain rises. Scene the same as I feel so well, I know not why!
the end of Act II. The background is I never slept so well, no, not I !
And with the golden light of day rosy clouds above me were floating
I chase the fading night away, hovering and floating in the distance
fresh dew around me shaking, away,
and and dale awaking.
hill Sudden all around a light was stream-
Then up, with all your powers ing,
enjoy the morning hours, rays of glory from Heaven beaming,
the scent of trees and flowers and a golden ladder saw I descending,
then up, ye sleepers, awaken! angels adown it gliding,
The rosy dawn is
smiling, such lovely angels with shining golden
then up, ye sleepers, awake, awake! wings.
(Hurries off singing. The children begin HANSEL (interrupting her quickly} .
Where am I ?
Waking ? Or do I dream ? Truly, 'twas wondrous fair!
How come I in the wood to lie ? And upward I saw them float.
(Er wendet sich nach dem Hintergrunde. Junge, wie magst du so dreist nur sein?
In diesem Augenblick zerreisst der Wer weiss, wer da drin wohl im Haus-
letste Nebelschleier. An Stelle des chen fein?
Tannengeholzcs erscheint glitzernd im HANSEL.
Strahl der aufgehenden Sonne das
,,Knusperhduschen" am Ilsenstein. O sieh nur, wie das Hauschen uns lacht!
Links davon in einiger Entfernung be- (Begeistert.)
Die Englein haben's uns hergebracht!
findet sich ein Backofen, diesem rechts
gegeniibcr ein grosser K'dfig, beide mit GRETEL (sinnend).
dem Knusperhduschen durch einen
Die Englein ? Ei, so wird es wohl sein
Zaun von Kuchenm'dnnern verbun- !
den.) HANSEL.
Ja, Gretel, sie laden freundlich uns ein !
Himmel, welch Wunder ist hier ge- (Sie h up fen Hand in Hand nach dem
schehn !
Hintergrunde, bleiben wiederum stehen
und schleichen dann vorsichtig auf den
Nein, so was hab ich mein Tag nicht ge-
sehn !
Fussspitzen bis an das Hauschen
heran. Nach einigem Zogern bricht
GRETEL Hansel an der rechten Kante ein Stuck-
(gewinnt allmahlich die Fassung wieder). chen Kuchen heraus.)
Wie duftet's von dorten,
O schau nur die Pracht !
Dritte Scene.
Von Kuchen und Torten
Ein Hauslein gemacht! STIMME AUS DEM HAUSCHEN.
Mit Fladen, mit Torten Knusper, knusper Knauschen,
ist's hoch tiberdacht! wer knuspert mir am Hauschen ?
Die Fenster wahrhaftig HANSEL
wie Zucker so blank,
Rosinen gar. saftig (idsst erschrocken das Stuck zu Boden
den Giebel entlang! fallen).
Und -traun ! GRETEL (zaghaft}.
Rings zu schaun Der Wind!
gar ein Lebkuchen-Zaun t
HANSEL (ebenso).
BEIDE. Der Wind!
O herrliches Schlossch^n, BEIDE.
Wie du schmuck und
bist fein Das himmlische Kind.
Ach war' doch zu Hause GRETEL
die Wald-Prinzessin fein
(hebt das Stuck wieder auf und versucht
Sie liide zum Schmause
bei Kuchen und Wein
zum herrlichen Schmause
HANSEL (Gretel bcgchrlich anschauend) .
zur Klause
sie liide
Wie schmeckt das?
uns beide wohl ein!
HANSEL (nach einer Pause'). GRETEL (ihn beissen lassend).
Alles bleibt still. Nichts regt sich da Da hast du auch was !
Komm lass uns hineingehn !
(legt entziickt die Hand auf die Brust).
(erschrocken ihn zuruckhaltend ) .
GRETEL (ebenso).
Bist du bei Sinnen? Hei!
(He turns towards the background; at Ah, the angels did our footsteps beguile 1
trees is seen the Witch's house at the The angels ? Yes, it must be so !
(holds Hansel back in astonishment). (They hop along, hand in hand, towards
Stand still, be still !
the back of the stage; then stand still,
and then steal along cautiously on tip-
HANSEL (surprised).
toe to the house. After some hesita-
O Heaven, what wondrous place is this, tion Hansel breaks off a bit of cake
as ne'er in all my life have I seen!
from the right-hand corner. )
(gradually regains her self-possession).
Scene III.
What odor delicious!
O say, do I dream ? A VOICE FROM THE HOUSE.
BOTH. Nibble, nibble, mousekin,
A cottage all made who's nibbling at my housekin ?
of chocolate cream. who's nibbling at my housekin ?
HANSEL (after a while).
(picks up the piece of cake and tastes it).
No sound do I hear ; no, nothing is stir-
Come, let's go inside it! HANSEL (looking longingly at Gretel).
D'you like it?
(pulling him back horrified). GRETEL Hansel bite it).
Are you senseless?
Just taste and try it !
O look, do look how the house seems to
smile !
GRETEL (ditto).
( Enthusiastically. ) Hi!
O Kuchen,
Wie schmeckst du nach mehr! HEXE (kichernd).
Mir ist ja, als wenn ich
im Himmel schon war! Hihi, hihi, hihihi !
Hei, wie das schmeckt! 's ist gar zu
lecker !
HANSEL (entsetzt).
Lass los ! Wer bist du ?
Vielleicht gar wohnt hier ein Zucker- HEXE
backer !
Engelchen !
wer knuspert mir am Hauschen ? Wisst denn, dass euch vor mir nicht
wetter. )
Wart, du naschiges Mauschen, Hihihi !
gleich kommt die Katz' aus dem Haus- Was seid ihr fur leckere Teufelsbratchen,
chen! besonders du, mein herzig Madchen !
HANSEL. (Lockend.)
Knuspre nur zu Kommt, kleine Mauslein,
und lass mich in Ruh !
kommt in mein Hauslein !
(makes despairing efforts to free him-
How tasty, sweet how !
p'r'aps the house of a sweety-maker
Who are you, ugly one?
HANSEL. Let me go!
Hi, sweety-maker ! Have
a care !
breaks a big piece of cake off the Now, darling, don't you give yourself
(He airs!
wall. )
Dear heart, what makes you say such
(snatches the piece front his hand). Come with me, my precious,
Don't be unkind, I'll
give you sweetmeats delicious!
Sir wind, Sir wind!
Of chocolate, tarts, and marzipan
HANSEL (takes it back from her). you shall both eat all you can,
and wedding-cake and strawberry ices,
Heavenly wind,
1 take what I find !
blancmange, and everything else that nice
BOTH (laughing). and raisins and almonds,
Ha, ha, ha! and peaches and citrons are waiting
THE WITCH you'll both find it quite captivating,
yes, quite captivating!
I won't come with you, hideous fright!
You are quite too friendly !
Hi, hi !
hi, hi !
HANSEL (horror-struck). See, see, see how sly !
Let go Who ! are you ? Dear children, you really may trust me in
Let me go !
seid ja bei mir wie im Himmelreich ! Hocus pocus, nun kommt Jocus !
Sollt es gut bei mir haben, Nun zum Stall hinein, du Tropf !
(Leitet Hansel sum Stalle und schliesst
Was willst du meinem Bruder thun ? hinter ihm die Gitterthiire.)
I nun, kh f uettern und nudeln
will ihn HEXE (verg ntigt zu Gretel).
mit afierhand" vortrefflichen Sachen
will ich ihn zart und wohlschmeckend Nun, Gretelchen, sei verniinftig und nett !
Welche Freude steht mir bevor ? Hu Wie mir vor der Hexe graut !
Ja Hebe Kinder, Hoeren und Sehen Gretel! Pst! sprich nicht so laut!
wird euch bei diesem Vergniigen ver- Sei hiibsch gescheit und gieb fein acht
gehn! auf jedes, was die Hexe macht.
HANSEL. Zum Schein thu alles, was sie will
da kommt sie schon zuriick Pst! still!
Ei,meine Augen und Ohren sind gut,
haben wohl acht, was Schaden mir thut.
Gretel, trau nicht dem Wort HEXE
(dem Hansel aus einem Korbe Mandeln
( Leise. ) und Rosinen hinstreuend) .
Nun, Jiingelchen,
(Er hat sich inzwischen von der Schlinaet ergotze dein Ziingelchen !
b'efreit und
will mit Gretel fortlaufen, Friss,Vogel, oder stirb
sic werden aber von der Hexe
zuriick- Kuchen-Heil dir erwirb !
and living with me will be perfect bliss ! Hocus pocus, bonus jocus,
Come, little mousey, malus locus, hocus pocus,
come into my housey ! bonus jocus, malus locus!
Come with me, my precious, (The stage gradually becomes lighter,
I'll give you sweetmeats delicious!
whilst the light of the magic head di-
minishes. The Witch, contentedly to
Gretel, who still stands there motion-
But say, what will you with my brother less. )
Now Gretel, be obedient and wise,
THE WITCH-. while Hansel's growing fat and nice.
We'll feed him up, you'll see my reason,
Well, well !
I'llfeed and fatten him up well, and with sweet almonds and raisins
with every sort of dainty delicious, season.
I'll go indoors, the things to prepare,
to make him tender and tasty.
And if he's brave and patient too, and you remain here where .you are !
and docile and obedient like a lamb, (She grins as she holds up her finger
then, Hansel, I'll whisper it you, warningly, and goes into the house.)
I have a great treat in store for you !
Yes, my dear children, hearing and sight Gretel, sh don't speak so loud
! !
in this great pleasure will disappear quite ? Be very sharp, watch well and see
whatever she may do to me!-
HANSEL. Pretend to do all she commands
Eh? my hearing and seeing are
both O, there she's coming back, sh hush ! ! .
You'd better take care you do me no (The Witch comes out, satisfies herself
that Gretel is still standing motionless,
and then spreads before Hansel
almonds and raisins from a basket.)
Gretel, trust not her flattering words,
come, sister, come, let's run away!
(He has in the meantime got out of the
rope, qnd runs with Gretel to the fore- Now, little man,
ground. Here they are stopped by the come prithee enjoy yourself !
head, into the stable, and shuts the lat- Now get everything ready and nice,
tice door upon him.) or else I shall lock you up too in a trice 1
Bei dunkler Nacht,
ins Haus.}
(Sie droht kichernd; Gretcl
wann niemand wacht,
zum Hexenschmaus
am Schornstein raus!
Aus und sechs,
(zu dent sich schlafend stellenden Han-
so sagt dieHex,
mach sieb und acht,
so ist's vollbracht
Der Liimmel schlaft ja nun sieh mal ;
Hei, wie im Ofen die Scheite krachen ! (Hansel streckt die Zunge heraus.)
Schlicker, schlecker,
lecker, lecker!
Kleines leckres Schlingerchen,
Zeige mir dein Fingerchen !
Das Bratelchen soil sich verwandeln Hansel meint, es schmeckt nach mehr !
Galopp, Galopp !
(She threatens and titters. Gretel hurries and five and six
Well, sleep away, you simple sheep, And thus they ride till dawn of day!
soon you will sleep your last long sleep !
But first with Gretel I'll begin - (Hopping madly along, she rides to the
back of the stage and vanishes for a
off you, dear maiden, I will dine ;
Here the
time behind the cottage.
you are so tender, plump, and good, Witch becomes visible again; she comes
just the thing for witches' food! to the foreground, ivhere she suddenly
(She opens the oven door and sniffs in it, pulls up and dismounts.)
her face lighted up by the deep red Prr, broomstick, hi!
glare of the fire.) (She hobbles back to the stable and
tickles Hansel with a birch twig till he
The dough has risen, so we'll go on pre-
awakes. )
Hark, how the sticks in the fire are Up, awake, my mankin young ;
crackling !
again. The Witch, rubbing her hands Little toothsome mankin come,
with glee. ) now let me see your thumb !
See, see, O how sly !
O how
scraggy, how lean !
Hi hi ! hi hi !
Here are the almonds.
(In her wild delight she seizes a broom-
stick and begins to ride upon it.) (Whilst the Witch is feeding Hansel,
So Gretel gets behind her and makes the
hop, hop, hop,
gallop, lop, lop! gestures of disenchantment with the
My broomstick nag, juniper-branch.)
come do not lag !
GRETEL (softly).
(She rides excitedly round on the broom-
Hocus pocus, elder-bush,
stick. )
Rigid body loosen, hush !
At dawn of day
I ride away, THE WITCH (turning suddenly round).
am here and there What were you saying, little goose?
and everywhere!
GRETEL (confusedly).
(She rides again; Gretel meanwhile is
Only much good may it do to Hans !
matching at the window.)
At midnight hour, when none can know, THE WITCH.
to join the witches' dance I Eh?
go !
in den Back-
HANSEL (leise die Stallthur
(Sie schickt sich murrend an,
dffnend). zu kricehen: indent sie sich mit hal-
Schwesterlein, bem Leibe vorbeugt, geben ihr Haensel
hiitdich fein !
und Gretel einen derben Stoss, so dass
sie vollends hineinfliegt, und schlagen
dann rasch die Tuere zu.)
HEXE (Gretel gierig betrachtend).
Wie wassert mir das Miindchen
nach diesem siissen Kindchen !
Und bist du dann drin schwaps !
Komm, Gretelchen !
Geht die Thiir klaps !
Zuckermadelchen !
Du bist dann statt Gretelchen
Sollst inden Backofen hucken ein Bratelchen !
obere Luke Aepfcl, Birnen, Apfelsinen,
GRETEL (schiichtern) .
rergoldetc Nuesse und dllerhand Zuck-
erwerk in die anfgehaltene Schuerze.
Bin gar so Mittlerweile facngt der Hexenofen ge-
nimm mir's nicht krumm u'altig an zu knistern; die Flamme .
(Sticks a raisin into Gretel's mouth.) give her a good push, which sends her
Eat, minion, eat or die !
toppling over into it, upon which they
Here are cakes, so nice ! O quickly shut the door. )
(softly opening the stable door). (Hansel and Gretel fall into one an-
other's arms.)
Sister dear,
beware! BOTH.
Hurrah! now sing the witch is dead,
THE WITCH (looking greedily at Gretel). dead!
She makes my mouth water, No more to dread!
this pretty little
daughter !
have a care !
(They take each other round the waist
GRETEL and waltz together, first in the front of
(making herself out very awkward). the stage, and then gradually in the di-
1 don't understand what I have to do !
rection of the Witch's house. When
they get there Hansel breaks loose
THE WITCH. from Gretel and rushes into the house,
shutting the door after him. Then
Just stand on tip-toe,
head bending forward ;
from the upper window he throws
down apples, pears, oranges, gilded
try it, pray,
nuts, and all kinds of sweetmeats into
it's merely play !
Kommt, Kinderlein,
Vierte Scene. zum Ringelreihn,
reicht allzumal die Handchen fein !
Erlost befreit
fiir alle Zeit! HANSEL UND GRETEL.
Die Englein haben's im Traum
GRETEL. gesagt
in stiller Nacht,
Geschlossen sind ihre Augelein ;
was nun so herrlich uns der Tag
sieschlafen und singen doch so fein ! hat wahr gemacht.
Ihr Englein, die uns so treu bewacht
bei Tag und Nacht,
KUCHENKINDER (leise). habt Lob und Dank fiir all die Pracht,
O riihre mich an, die uns hier lacht.
dass ich erwachen kann !
HANSEL (vcrlegen).
Habt Dank, habt Dank
Riihr du sie doch an ich traue mir's euer Leben lang!
(Grctel gcht strcichelnd su den iibrigcn (Er crblickt Hansel und Gretel.)
Kindern, die Idchelnd die Augen off- Juch !
Ei, da sind sie ja !
Habt Dank, habt Dank Da sind ja die armen Siinderchen!
euer Leben lang!
Juchhei !
(Frolic Umarmung; unterdcs haben zivei
Die Hcxerei Knaben die Hexe als grossen Lebku-
ist nun vorbei :
chen aus den Trummcrn des Zaubero-
nun singen und springcn wir froh und fens gczogen.
frei !
Tralala, tralalala!
O touch me too, O touch me tdo, (The Father appears in the background
that I alsomay awake ! with the Mother, and stops when he
sees the children.)
(Gretel goes and caresses all the rest of
the children, who open their eyes and Ha !
Why, they're really there !
THE CHILDREN. O welcome,
The spell is broke and we are free, poor children innocent !
we'll sing and we'll dance and we'll shout (Joyfully embracing. Meanwhile two of
for glee! the boys have dragged the Witch, in
Come, children all, and form a ring, the form of a big gingerbread cake, out
join hands together while we sing. of the ruins of the magic oven. At the
Then sing and spring, sight of her the-j till burst into a shout
then dance and sing, of joy. The boys place the Witch in
for cakes and all good things we bring. the middle of the stage.)
Kinder, schaut das Wunder an, Children, see the wonder wrought,
wie solch Hexlein hexen kann, how the Witch herself was caught
Wie sie hart, unaware
in the snare
selber nun zum Kuchen ward !
laid for you with cunning rare !
r IP
Both my hands I of-ferthee, Right foot first, Left foot then, Round a-bout and
Jl Tl Jl
JIJ'l J'l
p J'lf p
don't know how, When to jump or when to bow, Show me what I ought to do,
p p p
^r r
With your hand you clap clap clap, Right foot first, Left foot then, Round about and
back a-gain! With your foot you tap tap tap, With your hand you clap clap clap,
Right foot first, Left footthen,Round and back a-gain! That was ve-ry good indeed,
Second Act.
In the forest.
Scene I.
Molto tranquillo.(J = M)
Gretel (humming *ietly to
*^SE J -I'
7 *
) ^
gold, and his cheeks are red, Ho \vearsa lit -tie black cap up- on his
Abendsegen Evening-Prayer
aus Hansel und Gretcl. from Hansel and Gretel.
Abends, will ich schlafen gehn. 'When at night I go to sleep.'
E. Humperdinek.
zwei-e die mich we - cken, zwei.e, die mieh wei . ben zu Him.mels Pa . ra -
Two who o'er me hov -
er. Two to whom 'tin fi'v
- en To guide my trp to
_ ' ' * I II
A 001 130406
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REC'O /r.
JAN 1 6 2001
JUL 1979
M, 3 1 1980
DEC 4 1989
DEC 1 ^ 1989