No One Lives Forever 2 - Notepad
No One Lives Forever 2 - Notepad
No One Lives Forever 2 - Notepad
* *
* No One Lives Forever 2: *
* A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way *
* *
* A Single-Player FAQ/Walkthrough *
* *
* By: Halon50 (Tex Gotanda) *
* Email: *
* Version: 0.5 *
* Last Update: 10/27/02 *
* *
Go Angels!
| I - Table of Contents |
I. Table of Contents
II. Copyright Notice
III. Revision History
IV. Introduction
V. Gameplay
V.1 General Questions
V.2 Characters
V.3 Skills
V.4 Weapons
VI. Walkthrough
VII. Websites List
VIII. Credits
| II - Copyright notice |
| III - Revision History |
10/27/02: [0.5]
Updated Characters section
Walkthrough coverage through Chapter 6
10/24/02: [0.45]
Added a temporary FAQ section
Added website entries
Rearranged weapons list to match in-game selection order
Walkthrough coverage through half of Chapter 4
10/21/02: [0.4]
Page 1
Added gadgets to weapons section
Added section headings to items lists
Noted multiple locations of intel items
10/20/02: [0.35] (Not released)
Added weapons section
Added link to Official NOLF 2 FAQ
Walkthrough coverage through Chapter 2
10/19/02: [0.3]
Revised section headers (looks a lot cooler now :)
Expanded several sections
Skills section complete
Walkthrough coverage through Chapter 1
10/18/02: [0.2] (Not released)
Fleshed out most sections
Started walkthrough
| IV - Introduction |
For those unfamiliar with NOLF or its genre, No One Lives Forever was a
First-Person Shooter (FPS) game released at the end of 2000 in time for the
holidays. Sporting fancy human-like body movements in its cinematic
sequences, realistic AI routines for enemies, and a thoroughly enjoyable
story and plotline, it was pretty much inevitable that Monolith would once
again team up with Fox Interactive to create this sequel, No One Lives
Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way.
NOLF and its sequel are set in the post-World War II era of the 1960's, when
the Cold War was running full blast, fear of Communism was widespread, and
Spy-related entertainment a la Ian Fleming (author of James Bond), The Saint
(TV and book series), and Get Smart (classic TV series) were all the rage.
The star of NOLF and NOLF 2 is Cate Archer, the perky super spy from
Scotland with smoldering looks and a killer body. To get an idea of how she
looks, wait at the main menu for a few seconds, and she'll stroll in. Cate
works for UNITY, the spy organization for the post-World War II allies based
somewhere in the United Kingdom. UNITY's current nemesis is the underworld
organization H.A.R.M. If you're familiar with the spy spoof TV series Get
Smart, NOLF is a loosely-based spoof of that (making it a meta-spoof?).
Since NOLF is a modern-day spoof of a 60's-era spy genre, don't get too
concerned with its many anachronisms and quirks. For instance, the word
"Ninja" was officially coined in the mid 1970's (source: Webster's
Collegiate Dictionary, 10ed), even though the Japanese term for these
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assassins dates back to the 14th century. There were almost certainly no
female ninja in those times, and they definitely don't exist today. Still,
we see modern-day ninja stories in both literature and film, with the exotic
mystique of a female ninja portrayed quite well in anime like Yotoden
(released as "Wrath of the Ninja" in the US).
A good overview of the history of Shinobi-no-mono is here:
Other oddities appear, including the use of a 5-star general (of which there
were only 5 total, plus 4 5-star admirals, all from World War II) as a
trigger-happy anti-Soviet numbskull, a black man in American intelligence,
and, of course, a bodacious female spy operative. But hey, it's all in good
fun, and since it's a modern-day game, it's only fair to make it Politically
Correct as well, right? ^_^
The Official NOLF 2 website is at:
The latest, greatest version of this FAQ can _ALWAYS_ be found at GameFAQs:
| V.1 - Gameplay questions |
-----------< Specific questions >-------------------------------------------
Thanks to a suggestion from Kirijini, here is a temporary section intended
to answer questions for areas my walkthrough doesn't yet reach.
Q. Where is the "secret film vault?" I can see it through a hole in the
wall, but I can't get in?
A. Check around the theater's main floor. Does a particular seat look out
of place?
Q. Who is Abigail?
A. A lot of optional intel from the Ice Station Evil area will let you in on
"the secret." If you'd rather have a direct answer, check out this URL:
Page 3
Q. I'm stuck in a clear cage with Armstrong, and I can't get out!
A. Carefully look around for something you can weld open.
-----------< General tips >-------------------------------------------------
Try to carry bodies out of sight when possible. This helps keep guards from
chancing upon them and raising an alarm. If you do leave a body in plain
sight, stay out of view (or use your Hiding skill), and enemies will first
be confused, then will go ahead and dissolve the body for you. You can use
this time to pick off additional enemies as they come to the body!
Always search bodies when it's safe to do so. You'll often find notes,
weapons, and health/armor items, especially if you train up your Search
skill. Searching bodies will also often recover certain types of ammo, such
as crossbow bolts.
To help prevent you from being seen while inside buildings or enclosed
areas, look around for light switches and exposed light bulbs. Turning off
the lights or unscrewing a bulb will create a dark area in which you can
Try to pick up as many extra items as you can by exploring every level as
thoroughly as possible. Certain items such as Spy Training Manuals and the
completion of optional objectives will give you hundreds of bonus skill
points good toward improving your skill levels.
Be sure to read the tips on the bottom of the loading screens. They often
suggest what to do for the upcoming stage, and provide useful hints on how
to use your weapons and equipment to their full extent.
Your compass may occasionally have red marks on its display. A red "X"
marks an intermediary objective you need to reach or return to later. A red
"i" marks the location of a major objective or task. Red dots indicate
locations of people you have shot with tracking beacons.
Vending machines will often have coins on the ground in front of them. The
coins are very difficult to see, so you may have to crouch to get a better
Some enemies will have a Key Ring on their bodies. This will let you open
nearby locked doors without having to use your lock pick.
To skip the opening movies after clicking "Play" on the startup menu, you
can rapidly click the left and right mouse buttons a few times when the
screen starts to fade from black to orange. Done properly, the main menu
should appear within a second or two.
-----------< How to cheat >-------------------------------------------------
I don't condone cheating. NOLF 2 is a very well-balanced single-player game
at Normal difficulty. Cheating only disrupts this balance. If you really
Page 4
must cheat, I suggest looking at the GameFAQs codes site:
-----------< Patch information >--------------------------------------------
The current patch version is v1.1. This patch addresses a common sound
issue, where installed codecs other than what the game uses can cause a wide
variety of issues within the game. The patch is available from sites like
the following:
2) Machines with an ATI Radeon 8500 series video card may hang in Chapter 8.
- Try installing a patch available from the following URL:
3) Game will not load - "Graphics card does not support hardware TnL".
- You will need a graphics card with hardware T&L (Transformation and
Lighting) to play NOLF 2. There is a way to emulate HW T&L, but it
requires a card with at least 32MB of memory. Look at the following
forum thread for details:
4) The intro movies are very "laggy" and pause every few seconds for the
video to catch up. This is apparently due to the "precaching" feature
in the game's video options. Turning precaching off will make the movies
run smoothly, but then your gameplay may become slow and choppy.
5) Enemies in "search" mode (aware of your presence and looking for you) may
cause the game to become choppy and unresponsive.
6) NOLF 2 leaves behind several files in your Windows TEMP directory. It's
a minor annoyance, but the game should still properly clean up after
itself once you quit the game.
7) Hitting your "Last weapon" key twice in rapid succession may cause all
standard ammo of a weapon to disappear. The ammo is still there, but
you will need to change to a different weapon, then change back, to get
the ammo displayed properly again.
Please refer to the readme.txt file in the NOLF 2 installation directory,
and the Official NOLF 2 FAQ for additional problems and resolutions. The
URL for the FAQ is:
| V.2 - Characters |
Page 5
-----------< The Good Guys >------------------------------------------------
Name: Cate Archer
Organization: UNITY
Position: Field Operative, UNITY Special Operations Division
History: Introduced as the former cutpurse/thief protégé of Bruno
Lawrie in the first NOLF, Cate is now a full-fledged Super
Spy in UNITY's field division. This time around, Cate
(through you) must stop the Director of H.A.R.M. from
unleashing a new wave of catastrophes.
Name: Pierre
Organization: Free Agent
Position: Mysterious Mime Assassin
History: Armed with a French accent, the strange ability to "glide"
along the ground, and backed by a legion of mime cronies,
Pierre has become gainfully employed by The Director to track
down and assassinate Cate Archer.
| VI.3 - Skills |
NOLF 2 includes a nice skill system that lets you train general categories
to improve Cate's skills. While it's not as complex as the system
introduced in Deus Ex, you can train up skill sets to fit your specific
playing style. Enjoy going Rambo and blasting your way through floods of
enemies? Concentrate on Weapons and Marksmanship. Prefer to go stealthy?
Concentrate on Stealth and Carry. Want to do both? Train up Marksmanship
and Stealth.
You start off at Novice level in every skill, with a 100% rating in each
sub-category. Training to Amateur (level 2) requires 1000 skill points,
Skilled (level 3) requires 2000, Expert (level 4) 3000, and Master (level 5)
4000, for a total of 10000 points to train to Master in any specific
category. Since there is a sum total of about 50000 skill points available
in the game, you won't be able to attain Master in all 8 skill categories,
so train according to your play style!
Following are descriptions of skills categories, what improvements in each
will accomplish, and the complete listing of skill level bonuses. Skill
bonuses are measured as a percentage; while some are direct multipliers
(e.g. a 200% health bonus means you will have twice as much health as your
original level), others are inverse multipliers (e.g. a 200% speed bonus for
Page 7
Search means your search time is half as long as your original time).
-----------< Stealth >------------------------------------------------------
This describes your overall stealthiness levels. I recommend training this
at least to level 3 or 4 to minimize detection as you run around, and
improve your ability to hide in shadows.
-----------< Marksmanship >-------------------------------------------------
This describes how accurately you can aim and fire weapons. In my opinion,
this is the best overall skill category, and should be trained first. I
highly recommend training this skill up to level 5 before mastering any
other skill.
Accuracy - Your aiming precision. A high accuracy makes headshots easy!
Steadiness - Describes how much your view will waver while using a scope.
Correction - How quickly you fix your aim (the crosshairs' blurry state)
after moving, firing, or being hit.
-----------< Carrying >-----------------------------------------------------
This affects how much ammunition you can stock, and how quickly you can move
while carrying a body. While this is one of the less-useful skills, I still
recommend training this to level 2 or 3 just for extra ammo capacity, and
the ability to quickly move corpses out of the way.
Ammo Capacity - The maximum amount of ammunition you can carry.
Carrying - How quickly you can move while carrying a body.
-----------< Armor >--------------------------------------------------------
This is a highly useful skill, affecting how much armor you can wear as well
as improving the amount your gauge fills when you pick up armor items. This
Page 8
is more useful than the Stamina skill IMO, as hits are absorbed far better
by armor, rather than your body (health).
Armor - How much armor you can wear, indicated by the blue bar in the
lower-left of your HUD.
Repair - Affects how much armor is gained when picking up armor items.
-----------< Weapons >------------------------------------------------------
This skill affects how much damage you can do, and reduces the time to
reload or swap weapons. Train this to at least level 4 for the later
chapters of the game.
-----------< Gadgets >------------------------------------------------------
While many people snub this skill as being the least useful of all the
categories, I found it wise to have a level 3 (skilled) proficiency just to
decrease the time it takes for critical operations, such as picking locks.
You can forego training this skill so long as you disable all enemies in the
area prior to engaging a gadget.
-----------< Search >-------------------------------------------------------
The Search skill helps you both decrease the length of time it takes to
search bodies and items, and improves your chances of finding random items
(ammo, armor, health, and +20 skill point items). While you can get by
without training this skill at all (see Gadgets, above), I found it useful
to train this to level 4 (expert) just for the improved chance of finding
items and intel.
Skills table:
Category | Novice | Amateur | Skilled | Expert | Master
| (Default) | (+1000) | (+2000) | (+3000) | (+4000)
Stealth | | | | |
Sneaking | 100% | 125% | 167% | 400% | 1000%
Hiding | 100% | 125% | 167% | 400% | 1000%
Evasion | 100% | 118% | 143% | 182% | 250%
Stamina | | | | |
Health | 100% | 140% | 170% | 220% | 300%
Endurance | 100% | 118% | 143% | 182% | 250%
Resistance | 100% | 118% | 143% | 182% | 250%
First Aid | 100% | 125% | 175% | 275% | 400%
Toughness | 100% | 114% | 133% | 160% | 200%
Page 9
Marksmanship | | | | |
Accuracy | 100% | 125% | 167% | 400% | 1000%
Steadiness | 100% | 125% | 167% | 400% | 1000%
Correction | 100% | 200% | 350% | 700% | 1000%
Carrying | | | | |
Ammo Capacity | 100% | 125% | 175% | 275% | 400%
Carrying | 100% | 125% | 167% | 400% | 1000%
Armor | | | | |
Armor | 100% | 130% | 170% | 230% | 300%
Repair | 100% | 130% | 170% | 230% | 300%
Weapons | | | | |
Proficiency | 100% | 125% | 150% | 175% | 200%
Efficiency | 100% | 120% | 140% | 170% | 200%
Gadgets | | | | |
Proficiency | 100% | 125% | 175% | 275% | 400%
Efficiency | 100% | 120% | 140% | 170% | 200%
Search | | | | |
Speed | 100% | 125% | 175% | 275% | 400%
Thoroughness | 100% | 125% | 167% | 400% | 1000%
| V.4 - Weapons |
-----------< Group 1, Melee >-----------------------------------------------
Weapon: Katana
Range: Close
Damage: Average
Description: The katana is a sword that is quick to strike, but does
relatively poor damage to enemies. It doesn't need reloading
though. You'll find these on ninja guards, and in Isako's den.
Weapon: Mascara Stun Gun
Range: Close
Damage: Instant knockout
Description: Useful for knocking out enemies with minimal noise. Note that
enemies will wake up after a few minutes.
-----------< Group 2, Stealth >---------------------------------------------
Weapon: Vindicator Sportsman's Crossbow
Range: Mid to Long
Damage: Very High
Ammo types: Bolt, Fire bolt, Poison bolt, Explosive bolt
Accessories: Crossbow scope
Description: The crossbow is a highly effective silent weapon that uses
ammunition which is often retrievable from dead bodies. A
single hit from the crossbow to the head or body will most
likely result in a kill.
Weapon: Shuriken
Range: Mid
Page 10
Damage: Average
Description: Also known as ninja stars, this silent weapon can be both a
lethal weapon and a useful distraction for guards by throwing
them at nearby walls. These are found on ninja guards.
Weapon: Bear Trap
Range: Set and Forget
Damage: Low
Description: Useful as enemy detection devices, these traps will snap shut
onto anyone who treads near them, causing a small amount of
damage and holding them in place for several seconds. You will
find these spread throughout Siberia, and are very effective
when set in front of an enemy spawn point.
Weapon: Banana
Range: Close/Set and Forget
Damage: Instant knockout
Description: One of the more amusing "weapons" in the game, the banana
offers you the ability to quickly "slip" your way past an
enemy that has you boxed in. >_<
-----------< Group 3, Pistols >---------------------------------------------
Weapon: McAllister .32 Automatic Handgun
Range: Mid
Damage: Average
Ammo types: .32 FMJ, .32 Cyanide
Accessories: Handgun silencer
Description: This is a standard pistol that is an effective stealth weapon
when silenced, for missions where a crossbow is not available.
-----------< Group 4, Heavy Weapons >---------------------------------------
Weapon: Gordon 9mm Submachinegun
Range: Mid to Long
Damage: Average
Ammo types: 9mm FMJ
Description: A side-loading SMG, the Gordon 9mm is a standard issue gun for
UNITY operatives.
Weapon: Silenced Gordon 9mm Submachinegun
Range: Mid to Long
Damage: Average
Ammo types: 9mm FMJ
Description: This SMG is fitted with an integral silencer which is,
unfortunately, not available as a separate attachment.
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Weapon: AK-47 Assault Rifle
Range: Mid to Long
Damage: High
Ammo types: 7.62x39 FMJ, 7.62x39 Phosphorous
Description: A common Soviet-issue rifle, the AK-47 is highly accurate, and
uses a readily available ammo type while in Siberia.
Weapon: Explosives
Range: None
Damage: Special
Description: These are used to accomplish specific objectives throughout the
game. They can only be planted at special points where you see
transparent red icons of explosives.
-----------< Group 6, Gadgets >---------------------------------------------
Gadget: Coin
Range: Short to Mid
Damage: None
Description: When you have no shuriken to distract guards, you can use these
instead. It is difficult to aim and arc these coins properly,
but like Santa says, nothing sounds quite as distinctive as the
clink of change on pavement.
Gadget: Lipstick Spy Camera
Range: Short
Damage: None
Description: No spy game would be complete without a miniaturized spy
Page 12
Gadget: Compact Code Breaker
Range: Close
Damage: None
Description: Any note marked with "Decode" must be decoded with the code
breaker. You do not need to equip this item prior to decoding
a note (see Lock Pick, above).
Gadget: Hairspray Welder
Range: Close
Damage: Very low
Description: The welder is useful for burning through locks and door hinges,
but can also be used to kill sleeping or unconscious enemies
without wasting ammo for a different weapon. Ya sicko! >_<
Gadget: Nail Clipper Lock Pick
Range: Close
Damage: None
Description: Any locked doors or visible padlocks can be unlocked using
this gadget. You do not need to equip this item prior to
picking a lock; just hold down your use key (right mouse
button), and you will automatically switch to the lock pick,
pick the lock, then switch back to your last weapon when
Gadget: Body remover
Range: Close
Damage: None
Description: If you should ever need to completely disintegrate a body, and
do not wish to alarm enemies (enemies will dissolve bodies they
come across if they cannot see you), you can use this item.
| VII - Walkthrough |
-----------< Introduction >-------------------------------------------------
I have split up each playable level into sub-sections that help describe
what's going on, include tips for accomplishing objectives, and show a line-
by-line list of available items. Please note that some items found in
locations such as stacks of paper, filing cabinets, and some bodies WILL BE
RANDOM. You may or may not get the exact same items from these locations,
and thus your skill point total may be slightly different than the totals I
report. I will try my best to be as accurate as possible, but there are
Page 13
well over 1000 skill points retrievable from random notes and events that I
will probably be unable to verify.
Items that I manage to verify are randomly positioned around the maps are
marked with an arrow (">>"). If an item is marked with an arrow and has no
skill point bonus following it, I probably found this item somewhere other
than where I found it the first time through.
|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 1 +|
| Chapter 1: Cate Archer Must Die! |
| The director |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This is a cinematic scene (cutscene). You are introduced to several main
characters in this sequence, namely The Director of H.A.R.M., his Evil
Mother, and Isako.
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Check out the choreographed movements of the characters; realistic body
movements (as seen in the first NOLF) are now coupled with independent eye
vectors _and_ a highly improved facial expression routine. Except for a
seemingly low incidence of blinking, and a slightly plastic look to their
faces, these characters move, talk, and act like real human beings!
What's with the leather leggings on Isako and her band?
| Chapter 1: Cate Archer Must Die! |
| Call it a hunch |
7:01 pm, Inatokimura
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This level is a straight shot pretty much, designed to teach you how the
game system works, and letting you get accustomed to the controls. Just
walk straight through, taking out any ninja guards you encounter with the
crossbow. Pay attention to the tips Santa gives you as you proceed. There
is a single ninja alarm towards the end of the level in town; if you or a
ninja hits the alarm, 2 additional guards will appear.
< From the loading screen >
UNITY has sent Cate Archer to Japan to investigate a rumored international
crime convention expected to take place in the pastoral village of
Inotakimura. Her objective is to photograph the meeting's participants
without arousing their suspicion.
Her first task will be to locate agent Isamu Hatori, who will provide
further information on her assignment. He's waiting somewhere in the
Page 14
Total skill points available: 960
-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Rendezvous with Hatori-san
You won't find Hatori-san until the next stage.
-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Starting area
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On hood of car near Yamata-san
Briefcase on ground 20 SP
Between car and railing
Note on pole (2 pages, page 1 of UNITY field manual) 40 SP
2nd pole on left beneath roof
< Santa > (Mynah bird, 3 conversation options) 60 SP
On railing past roof
Bridge area
Note on tree (Page 2 of UNITY field manual) 20 SP
On tree before bridge
< Package > 3 coins, 20 SP
On road in front of bridge
Note on bridge (Page 3 of UNITY field manual) 20 SP
Center of bridge on left railing
Village gate
< Santa > 20 SP
On bluff before gate
Note on ninja guard 20 SP
On body of guard (kill or stun her first)
Note on outer gate 20 SP
On pole to right of gate
** Infiltrating village ** 100 SP
Enter village for the first time
Village area
< Package > 3 bolts, 3 poison bolts
Behind first building on left side
< Santa > 40 SP
On wall near wind chimes
Page 15
Note on wall (Page 4 of UNITY field manual) 20 SP
On left side of road at first hiding place
before corner
< Santa > 20 SP
On wall near corner in town
< Armor > Heavy body armor
Left of vending machines
Note on pillar (Page 5 of UNITY field manual) 20 SP
Next to vending machines
< Health > Bandages
By bicycle near locked gate at end of road
Note on wall (Page 6 of UNITY field manual) 20 SP
On wall to right of level exit
** Recover all six pages of UNITY field manual ** 300 SP
Total skill points available this level: 960 SP
Cumulative total: 960 SP
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Shooting Santa (the bird) with crossbow bolts or ninja stars, or hitting it
with a katana, results in a series of interesting responses (4 total).
Listen to the ninja guard conversation for a rather ... unique approach to
dating. By the way, the same voice actress for Cate Archer (Jen Taylor)
also does the voices for Isako and some of the ninja guards. In case some
of the ninja guards sound eerily familiar, Jen Taylor also did the voices of
Princess Peach Toadstool and Toad in some recent Mario/Luigi games.
Does the license plate on the car (OG 29030) mean anything?
<< Update 0.45 >>
AMD makes a 29030 RISC processor, but I don't think it's related.
In the demo, there were lightning-like flashes in the sky behind some hills
if you turned away from the bridge near the waterfall. They are not in the
retail game. Did these mean anything?
The reflective quality of the water is really nice, although the distortions
aren't applied quite right. The wave effects of the reflections make it
look like a small pool of water or a fountain, rather than a constant stream
of water flowing downstream.
| Chapter 1: Cate Archer Must Die! |
| I have bad news |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This level is circular in design. The items list is compiled as if you head
north at the first intersection. If you decide to head south, just traverse
the list from the bottom-up.
Note that there are two sets of vending machines. The single vending
machine is near Hatori-san's shop (the building with the sign of a crane
hanging outside), while there is a set of two vending machines in the
northwest corner of town.
Total skill points available: 1860
Total accumulated skill points: 2820
Page 16
-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Rendezvous with Hatori-san 400 SP
You'll need to decode 4 notes that are posted around this part of town
(see the first note to the left of where you start). First, find the
decoder near one of the vending machine locations described above. You
can then decode the notes at the following locations:
1) Go around east (the long way) to the east side of the ninja dojo, hop
into the trench, and crawl under the dojo itself. You should
overhear a conversation that will fulfill this objective.
2) Kill all the ninja guards around the dojo, then decode the note
posted on the pillar just outside the dojo.
Recover all four pages of the UNITY field manual (optional) 300 SP
The four pages are located as follows:
|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 2 +|
| Chapter 2: Goodbye, Spy |
| The spy is here! |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Your weapons and ammunition from the previous chapter are carried over into
this chapter.
This level is pretty much another straight shot. Since the main gate to the
house is barred from the inside, there are two other ways to enter the
estate grounds, detailed below. Your main objective is to snap a picture of
the meeting inside the main house, although this is technically optional.
Note that the map from Hatori-san, while drawn accurately, has the
directions marked incorrectly. "North" on his map is actually "West" on
your compass, so adjust your bearings accordingly.
< From the loading screen >
The meeting is scheduled to take place at the estate of an enigmatic figure
known only as The Director. Cate will have to infiltrate the estate
grounds, locate the main house, and find the window Hatori-san indicated on
the map. This vantage should allow her to take the photographs she needs
without exposing herself to unnecessary risk.
Once she's obtained the photos, she must return to the bridge where Yamata-
san is waiting. A UNITY intercept team is standing by to evacuate her to
Tokyo when the mission is complete.
Page 19
Total skill points available: 3060
Total accumulated skill points: 5880
-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Infiltrate the estate grounds 400 SP
There are two ways into the estate.
1) Go west down the side alley directly north of the barred main gate.
In the large dead-end courtyard with two trees, there is an open
window. Jump up onto the windowsill, then crouch and crawl into the
storage room.
2) Go through the closed gate on the north side of town and follow the
path to the northern gate to the estate.
After taking the photo, an alarm will sound and several ninja guards will
appear all around the map.
Page 20
-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Starting alley
Map: Estate 20 SP
From Hatori-san at start of level
Note on wall 20 SP
< Package > Utility launcher, 5 tracking darts, 20 SP
On ground
Note on wall 20 SP
< Chalk mark > (Dead drop mark #1)
Directly northwest across from alley beneath
exposed light bulb
Southeast village/Estate main gate
< Chalk mark > (Dead drop mark #2)
Across from barred main gate to estate
< Package > Angry kitty
Behind wooden partition near wind chime
< Health > First aid kit
Inside storage shed in side alley leading west
to the north of barred gate to estate
North village
>>Letter under door
Sticking out from under door to house on north
side of town
< Package > 10 bolts, 5 tracking darts
In corner south of stone walkway with zori
next to door
>>Letter in postbox 20 SP
Sticking out of slot of red postbox
< Chalk mark > (Dead drop mark #3)
West of red postbox to northeast of the
estate's side entrance
** Erasing enemy dead drop marks ** 400 SP
Page 22
| Chapter 2: Goodbye, Spy |
| The death of Cate Archer |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This is a cutscene. And yes, it looks like Cate dies! Oh no! Now who will
you play for the rest of the game?! (Flashback to Raiden from MGS2?)
Once the cinematic ends, the opening credits roll.
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Who is Terrence Sloggins?
|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 3 +|
| Chapter 3: Project: Omega |
| The specter of war |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This is a cutscene. There are a lot of plot points in this movie which I
won't cover, so I suggest you sit back, enjoy, and watch it all the way
through. ;)
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Did Director Jones get a cold, or is a different voice actor playing him in
this game?
If you have a really good graphics card, and have details set to High, try
reading some of the certificates in the background of Director Jones'
| Chapter 3: Project: Omega |
| Welcome to Siberia |
4:17pm, Siberia, USSR
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
I just *love* the snow animation on this level! At any rate, you start off
near a dacha (house) with a large frozen lake to the south (where your plane
is), and a small military outpost to the north past some hills. Your
objectives will change many times through this level, forcing you to talk
with the finicky pilot on several occasions. I thought he was rather
amusing, myself.
Page 23
Be careful while moving around on the lake's surface near the plane.
Venture out too far, and the ice will start making crackling sounds. If you
like to tempt fate, keep going!
< From the loading screen >
Spy plane photographs show a run-down, understaffed military base, but Mr.
Barnes warns that this decrepitude is likely a ruse. Although the Americans
often greatly overestimate Soviet military capacity, UNITY isn't taking any
The first phase of Cate's mission is to facilitate her own escape. A little
sabotage should go a long way toward preventing reinforcements from being
called in.
Santa has enlisted a pilot who is familiar with the region to get Cate in
and out. She must protect him at all costs.
Total skill points available: 1240
Total accumulated skill points: 7120
-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Radio UNITY mission central for instructions 300 SP
The pilot forgot his keys, and sure doesn't seem too concerned about it.
Pick the lock, then explore the dacha to get accustomed to its layout.
This will be important later! Make note of the secret room beneath the
staircase, as well as the side door with the padlock on it. I recommend
leaving the padlock alone (you'll see why later).
Once inside, talk to the pilot, then go out back and fire up the
generator. Back in the dacha, talk to the pilot again if you wish. It
may be wise to go around the dacha now and turn off all the light
switches. Then use the radio in the back room.
Next, head to the shed out back (north of the dacha), unlock it, and go
inside. You'll see an envelope on the desk which contains your mission
brief, a map, and the keys to the snowmobile.
When you try to start the snowmobile up, nothing happens! Chat up the
pilot again, then head for the military outpost to the north.
Page 24
Two more guards will have mysteriously appeared in the outpost, so be sure
to take them out (and move the bodies out of the way if necessary), before
attempting the next move: ride the snowmobile up the wooden ramp, over the
small fuel tank, and into the area beyond the outpost's fence!
On your way to the bridge, Santa gives you a bit of unnecessary advice.
Once you reach the bridge, hop off the snowmobile and crawl around the
underpinnings to plant 3 bombs. Watch for rotted planks that fall if you
try to cross them! On the way out, head left (south) to get back to the
snowmobile, then continue west to the checkpoint. Head through the
checkpoint building to reach the next stage.
-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
The dacha
On railing to south of dacha
< Item > 1 coin
On counter next to sink
< Health > Bandages
In cupboard above sink
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
Upstairs next to bed
< Item > 1 bear trap
Upstairs next to bed
< Ammo box > 5 tracking darts
Outside by generator
The shed
< Item > Hairspray welder, 20 SP
Inside chest
< Package > Utility launcher, 10 tranq darts, 20 SP
On desk
< Envelope > Mission brief, map, snowmobile keys, 40 SP
On desk
< Item > 1 stun grenade
Bottom-right drawer of desk
< Health > Bandages
Top-left drawer of desk
Military outpost/Large fuel tank/Room by generator
< Armor > Light body armor
On shelf across from tank
>>Note on post 20 SP
On post outside metal fence
>>Note on wall
On wall next to door
< Intel >
Page 25
Right drawer of desk
< Item > 1 bear trap
On shelf by generator
Military outpost/Central building
< Radio >
On desk in center
< Intel >
Left filing cabinet
< Intel >
Right filing cabinet
< Intel >
Right drawer of desk by door
Military outpost/Open storage area
>>Note on post
On post near to loading dock
< Ammo box > (9) .32 FMJ, (9) .32 cyanide
On shelf next to gas can
< Item > Gas can
On shelf
** Finding fuel for snowmobile ** 100 SP
< Health > Bandages
On barrels
Bridge area/Checkpoint
** Sabotaging the bridge ** 500 SP
< Item > 1 coin
On desktop
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet
Total skill points available this level: 1240 SP
Cumulative total: 7120 SP
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Kill the bunny! Kill the bunny! Death to all cute furry things! >8^P
(Yes, I enjoyed shooting cannon at seals in Warcraft as well...)
Turn on the radio inside the Soviet outpost for a nice reminiscence. If you
reach the building without killing anyone, wait out of sight and watch the
radio area; a guard will turn it on and start to bop!
| Chapter 3: Project: Omega |
| Causing trouble 1 |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This is an intermediary stage which connects several outlying areas. Refer
to your map to get your bearings.
Total skill points available: 0000
Total accumulated skill points: 7120
Page 26
-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Plant explosive at the base of the radio tower
Head towards the radio tower north of the idling truck. A set of freshly-
cut trees block you from riding your snowmobile directly there.
Total skill points available this level: 0000 SP
Cumulative total: 7120 SP
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
I can't figure out a way to get the skill point bonus from the Spy Training
Manual to register. Is this a bug in the game?
Check out the reflections in the pools of ice in the ravine and near the
hunting cabin. Very nice effects!
| Chapter 3: Project: Omega |
| The communications tower |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
You will get several objectives on this map. The tower looms above you at
the place Santa indicates, and needs to be taken out. Unfortunately,
something else comes up while you're on your way out....
The sniper rifle you can pick up has an integrated silencer, useful for
Page 27
stealthily picking off enemies from a distance.
Total skill points available: 1400
Total accumulated skill points: 8520
-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Plant explosive at the base of the radio tower 500 SP
First, you'll need to pick up the explosives in a cabinet in the large
warehouse. Then head up the path to the south and plant the explosives on
the box at the base of the tower. On your way to the tower, you will hear
a radio report of something happening back at the dacha.
On your way out of the level, the explosives will go off, and you'll need
to crouch beneath the fallen tower to leave.
Rescue your pilot from his Soviet captors and escort him 500 SP
out of the facility
On your way out of the tower area, Santa informs you that your bumbling
pilot has managed to get himself captured after all. Another set of
guards appear in the gatehouse area, and two guards "interrogate" your
pilot in the large warehouse. Now you must get him out of there!
After eliminating all the guards and talking to the pilot once, he will
say, "Let me know when it's safe." 1 guard will run around the side of
the first building towards you. Take him out, then talk to the pilot
again, and he will move.
Now the pilot will say, "Tell me when it's safe," and 2 guards run down
towards you. Take them out, talk to the pilot, and he'll move.
This time he says, "Tell me when," and 1 guard heads to you. After he
moves this time, no more guards appear, and you can get him to move next
to the gate.
Open the gate by pulling the lever inside the gatehouse, and your pilot
will escape.
The gatehouse
< Intel >
Right desk drawer
< Intel > (Page 1 of Soviet Military Readiness Report) 20 SP
Right filing cabinet
The warehouse
< Ammo box > (9) .32 FMJ, 5 tranq darts
In corner by 3 stacked boxes
< Item > 1 explosive
Inside cabinet
The radio tower/Northern building
< Item > Silenced sniper rifle, (5) .308 FMJ
On high shelf
< Item > 1 banana
On desktop
< Intel > 20 SP
Right desk drawer
< Intel > (Page 2 of Soviet Military Readiness Report) 20 SP
Right filing cabinet
** Recovering the Soviet Military Readiness Report ** 300 SP
The radio tower/Southern building
< Item > 1 grenade
On body of guard
< Ammo box > (9) .32 FMJ, (30) 7.62x39 Phos
Right side of desk
< Health > Bandages
On shelf
** Sabotaging the communications relay tower ** 500 SP
** Rescuing your pilot ** 500 SP
Total skill points available this level: 1400 SP
Cumulative total: 8520 SP
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
If you get into the first building without being detected, listen to the
conversation about acquiring supplies.
Listen to the "interrogation" of your pilot in the warehouse for some yuks.
| Chapter 3: Project: Omega |
| The power station |
Page 29
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
It is very difficult to try to get through this level with any stealth at
all. I wound up blasting my way through the power station area until all
the guards were dead, but of course any humorous conversations between the
guards were lost. Your objective is to find some explosives, sabotage the
power generators, then make it back to the hunting cabin you passed on the
way in.
Total skill points available: 780
Total accumulated skill points: 9300
-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Plant explosives at power relay station 500 SP
First, find the explosives in one of the locked chests inside the barracks
to the east. An additional three guards will appear from the gatehouse as
soon as you pick up the explosives. Take care of them, then head to the
generator room where you'll find a trapdoor with a padlock. Pick the
lock, plant the explosives, and hoof it outside. Once the generators are
offline, head back to the hunting cabin.
If you manage to infiltrate the mess hall (from the barracks) without being
detected, you will sometimes catch a guard in the bathroom. You can "knock"
on the bathroom door for a series of interesting responses. If you're
detected near the bathroom, you'll hear him flush, then see him run out the
The sadist in me enjoyed throwing the acid gas grenade into the gatehouse
when all three guards were still inside (I delayed them by leaving two
bodies in there). I'm a sicko! ^_^
Shoot the red tank near the truck in the center of the camp for some nice
| Chapter 3: Project: Omega |
| Causing trouble 2 |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Now that you've completed your main objectives, head to the hunting cabin in
the northwest corner of your map and radio UNITY to complete this chapter.
Total skill points available: 120
Total accumulated skill points: 9420
-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Return to the hunting cabin and wait for dark
Head back to the hunting cabin and use the radio to finish the chapter.
-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Page 31
Hunting cabin
** Locating the hunting cabin ** 100 SP
< Item > 1 angry kitty
On desk next to window
Note on table 20 SP
On table
< Health > First aid kit
On table
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On bed
< Item > Sniper rifle, (5) .308 FMJ
On bed
< Item > 2 bear traps
Inside chest
Total skill points available this level: 120 SP
Cumulative total: 9420 SP
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Those bunnies can sure run fast if they're scared! >8^P
|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 4 +|
| Chapter 4: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way |
| Outer yard |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Your weapons and ammunition from chapter 3 carry over into this chapter.
This level is fairly large, and can take a while to clear. The unfortunate
aspect of this level is that enemies will constantly spawn from the Records
Building through the small metal gate on the north side of the map. The
good part is that they always walk the exact same path, so you can predict
when they will arrive and act accordingly.
The two optional objectives can be completed on your way out of the records
building if you desire. It makes sense to complete them now in order to
pick up the skill point bonuses.
< From the loading screen >
After analyzing the Americans' intelligence data, UNITY is convinced that
Project: Omega is headquartered in the Main Records Building at the center
of the compound. Security will be tight, so it won't be easy for Cate to
reach the target site, let alone get inside and recover the data she
Fortunately, she's going in under the cover of night, which should afford
some small advantage.
Total skill points available: 1380
Page 32
Total accumulated skill points: 10800
-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Infiltrate the Main Records Building
There are two ways into the main compound. You can crawl into the bunker,
then weld off the hinges of the locked door inside, or you can go through
the gatehouse by picking its lock, or waiting for a guard to come out for
a smoke break. The guard carries a key ring which will unlock the
gatehouse door.
Once inside the compound, you can either complete the optional objectives,
or skip them altogether (possibly doing them later) and head straight for
the large building at the north end of the compound. Whatever you decide,
beware the enemy spawn point at the old Records Building; a new Soviet
guard will emerge from the Building approximately every 30 to 60 seconds,
so plan your movements accordingly. Note that by setting a bear trap in
front of the small metal gate from which they emerge, you will hear an
audible snap (and possibly a scream) from anywhere nearby, alerting you
that another guard has appeared.
Place explosive at the fuel depot in the motor pool (optional) 400 SP
The second explosive bundle is found inside the building by the motor
pool. Tote it up the ladder between the two large vertical fuel tanks,
and plant it on the side of the northern tank. Like the other explosive
charge, it will not detonate until the end of the chapter. Note that if
you leave this level, then immediately return, the transparent explosives
icons will disappear. I suggest either planting them before you enter
the Records Building, or after you accomplish your mission and are on
your way out.
-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On floor in corner
< Item > 2 grenades
On shelf
< Item > 2 bear traps
Under shelf
< Item > AK-47, (5) 7.62x39 FMJ
On desk
< Intel > 20 SP
Right desk drawer
** Infiltrating the Soviet installation ** 200 SP
Page 33
Storage shed north of bunker
< Item > 1 bear trap
Upper shelf
< Ammo box > (10) .308 FMJ, (5) tranq darts
Lower shelf
Mess hall
Note on board 20 SP
On corkboard by door
< Package > 3 body removers
In chest near bed north of SE bed
< Package > 1 explosive, 20 SP
On bed south of NW bed
Lavatory/East building
< Health > Bandages
On bench in lavatory
Note on bench 20 SP
On bench in showers
Page 34
Motor pool
< Package > 1 angry kitty
On flatbed of NW truck
** Planting explosive at the fuel depot ** 400 SP
Building south of Records Building
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet
< Ammo box > (30) 7.62x39 Phos, 5 tracking darts
Lower shelf
Total skill points available this level: 1380 SP
Cumulative total: 10800 SP
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Listen to one of the guards chat at length about his girlfriend.
If you haven't tried the angry kitty yet, now is a good time to see it in
| Chapter 4: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way |
| The old records building |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
There is nothing you can accomplish immediately, but you will return here
after picking up some items from the next stage. There are two ways to get
up to the second floor. You can head up the stairs to the east, or jump up
the boxes inside the cargo elevator, hop on top of the elevator cage, then
open the maintenance door and climb through.
There are two spawn points for continuous guards. They will come in from
the second floor exit to the inner yard and walk down the stairs onto the
first floor. Guards will also walk in from the outer yard on the ground
floor, so keep the outer door closed to get some warning of their arrival.
Take note of the wall safe in the back office on the third floor. It will
be an optional objective later on.
Total skill points available: 1120
Total accumulated skill points: 11920
-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Infiltrate the Main Records Building
Since this level is set in the old records building, your objective is to
penetrate further inside the base and get into the new records building.
Head through the building and onto the inner grounds via the exit on the
second floor, or the window on the third floor.
Once you retrieve a bag of sugar from the kitchen outside, return to this
level and use it on the gas cap on the generator in the basement. This
will disable the electric fence outside, permitting you to open the gates
and head towards the Main Records Building.
Page 35
Ground floor/Elevator
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
On boxes
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
Inside maintenance room on second floor
< Ammo box > (18).32 FMJ, (9) .32 Cyanide
On shelf by barrels
< Ammo box > (5) .308 FMJ
On shelf in generator room
< Package > 3 body removers
On shelf in generator room
Note on fence 20 SP
Next to generator fuel tank
Page 36
** Sabotaging the generator ** 400 SP
Second floor
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet in alarm room
< Intel >
Right desk drawer in alarm room
< Ammo box > 3 grenades
On shelf in west store room
>>Note on board 20 SP
On corkboard in hallway near stairs up
Third floor
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet on north wall
< Ammo box > 2 tracking darts
On boxes in SW store room
>>Note on board 20 SP
On corkboard in SW store room
< Health > First aid kit
On shelf in south store room
Total skill points available this level: 1120 SP
Cumulative total: 11920 SP
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Listen to the guards talk on your way in. I never thought of using
"Patriotic Literature" in that fashion....
Has anyone actually tried the "top secret" recipe?
| Chapter 4: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way |
| Inner yard |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Your mission here is twofold: find a way to disable the electric fence
Page 37
barring your progress to the new records building, and create a distraction
to facilitate your escape. There are three cameras on this level: above the
second floor entrance, near the small northern gate, and above the locked
main entrance to the records building. Shooting them will automatically
raise an alarm, so I recommend using camera disablers on them unless you've
already raised the alarm. Sounding the alarm will cause three guards to
The two guard towers each have a sniper near the searchlight. Shooting the
searchlight will raise an alarm, sometimes even if you shoot the sniper
before shooting out the light. Allowing the searchlight to track you will
also raise the alarm. Basically I thought it best to go ahead and raise the
alarm, clear the level of enemies, then dispatch the cameras and
searchlights, since the guards always appear from the same points.
The level entrance door is a continual spawn point for guards. I found it
useful to leave some guard bodies near the doors to delay arriving guards
long enough for me to run there and kill them. Note how the music changes
when a guard discovers a corpse; this is a good indicator for when a new
guard arrives.
Total skill points available: 1520
Total accumulated skill points: 13440
-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Infiltrate the Main Records Building
Once you disable the electric fence (see previous stage), you will be able
to open the northern gate and move on.
Page 39
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
The radio operator is a real wuss. By the way, killing scientists and other
non-combatants appear to have no effect on your objectives or the mission.
The only stages where there are innocent civilians is around the India
levels; do NOT kill the civilians there, or your mission will fail.
| Chapter 4: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way |
| The basement |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
The basement of the Main Records Building is a cluttered mess. Its layout
is essentially a large counterclockwise curl, with the entrance at the outer
end, and the stairs inside. To get past the gates with electronic locks,
you can either pick up a card key from one of the guards, or use the code
breaker on the card slot.
Many items are randomly placed around the level. Two light body armors, the
computer vacuum tube, and an ammo box will appear inside various cabinets or
on shelves throughout the area. If you don't find these items where I have
listed them, continue to search the shelves and cabinets.
There is a single camera in the hallway outside the SE store room. Also, be
sure to pick up the vacuum tube before leaving this stage, as you will need
it later.
Guards will spawn at the stairs to the first floor. Fortunately this is a
tiny level, so they are of little consequence.
-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Infiltrate the Main Records Building
Just head inside the outer door to complete this objective.
Laundry room
< Item > 1 coin, 1 sleeping gas grenade
Top of washing machine
>> < Armor > Light body armor
Inside cabinet
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet outside window
Boiler room
< Package > 1 angry kitty
On ground behind large boiler
Total skill points available this level: 360 SP
Cumulative total: 13800 SP
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Listen to the conversation by the vent in the kitchen.
| Chapter 4: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way |
| Main records building |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This level has two floors, along with a small section on the second floor
where the central archive is located. The first floor is circular in
design, and there are two stairwells to the second floor. The "Foyer," as
marked on the map you find, looks more like a large store room or receiving
warehouse than the main entrance to the facility.
There are three security cameras, one on the first floor, and two on the
second. There are no guard spawn points though, so once you clear out the
floors, no more guards will appear. You will need the vacuum tube from the
previous stage, as well as a security code from the second floor in order to
reach the central archives.
Take note of the laundry room immediately east of the entrance. You will
need to head there to exit the level after retrieving information about
Project: Omega.
Total skill points available: 2500
Total accumulated skill points: 16300
-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Recover information on Project: Omega 800 SP
First, make sure you have the computer vacuum tube from the basement. You
will also need the security code from a note on the second floor. Armed
with both, head through the security office on the first floor and into
the computer room. Replace the vacuum tube, enter the security code, and
you'll head up into the Central Archive.
Page 42
You can get 100 SP by entering numbers randomly on the tape reel reader 5
Next you'll need to find the tape reel number for Project: Omega, found in
a note someplace on this level. Armed with the number, go to the robotic
tape reader on the north wall, enter it, and pick up the paper that comes
out. As soon as you're finished reading, the alarm will sound and several
guards will appear on both floors.
-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
First floor/Mess hall
Note on table (Map of first floor) 20 SP
On SE table
First floor/SW office
>> < Ammo box > 5 tranq darts
Inside cabinet
< Armor > Heavy body armor
Inside cabinet
First floor/Foyer
< Ammo box > 2 body removers, (10) .308 FMJ, 3 tranq darts
On top of pallet
< Intel >
Left filing cabinet, west wall
< Intel >
Right filing cabinet, west wall
< Intel >
Left filing cabinet, east wall
< Intel >
Right filing cabinet, east wall
< Intel >
Filing cabinet, north wall
Page 43
First floor/SE office/General's office
Note on desk (Map of second floor) 20 SP
On desk
< Intel >
Filing cabinet
< Intel > (Page 1 of ANATOLI) 20 SP
Right desk drawer, General's office
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
In drawer of table by couch
>> < Ammo box > 5 tranq darts
On table by couch
** Liquidating General Nikolai Zhukov ** 400 SP
First floor/NE store room
Note on vending machine 20 SP
On machine next to staircase
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On boxes
< Health > First aid kit
On shelf
< Ammo box > 3 tranq darts
On shelf
|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 5 +|
| Chapter 5: Night Flight |
| The basement |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Your weapons and ammo carry over from the previous chapter.
Now your objective is to escape with the Project: Omega information you've
just recovered. If you planted the optional explosives in the outer yard,
they will create distractions for the guards when you reach those areas.
Just head through the basement and back outdoors. There are lots of ammo
boxes and a few intel items scattered through the levels on the way back to
the plane, so be sure to check around for them. There are no more guard
respawn points on any level, so you can clear a level of enemies without
worrying that more will appear.
You will not find any intel from file cabinets or desk drawers on the way
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On counter by stove
Total skill points available this level: 220 SP
Cumulative total: 16520 SP
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Is there a reason why the ammo box in the central room is hidden like that?
It's a glowing white color instead of a dark green, so it may be
| Chapter 5: Night Flight |
| Inner yard |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
The sniper rifle comes in very handy for the next few stages. Head for the
south wall by the large fuel tank. If you didn't plant explosives on the
fuel tank on the way in, you can find an explosive bundle in the lockers
near the showers. Note that setting off the alarm here will not spawn more
Page 47
Total skill points available: 520
Total accumulated skill points: 17040
-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Get back to the plane
Head for the large fuel tank by the wall on the south side of the yard.
If you planted the explosives there earlier, you will earn an additional
300 SP just for watching it explode. Once it blows up, hop through the
hole it makes in the wall.
-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Radio room
< Ammo box > (18) .32 FMJ, (30) 7.62x39 Phos
Next to desk
NW store room
< Ammo box > 2 sleeping gas grenades
Outside west wall next to pallet
< Item > 1 acid gas grenade
Second locker from right
< Health > Bandages
Second locker from left
< Item > 1 explosive
Leftmost locker
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On bench
< Armor > Heavy body armor
Inside SE chest
< Health > First aid kit
On bed near NW corner
Mess hall
< Intel > 20 SP
On SE table
< Ammo box > 3 tranq darts, 3 tracking darts
On SE table
Total skill points available this level: 520 SP
Cumulative total: 17040 SP
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Trying to jump up into the backs of the flatbed trucks is not possible. Is
it because they're running?
Page 48
| Chapter 5: Night Flight |
| Outer yard |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Once again, be sure to hunt around for items and ammo boxes for extra skill
points and ammunition. There are a limited number of guards here again, and
no spawn point. Even if the alarm goes off, no new guards appear.
Total skill points available: 720
Total accumulated skill points: 17760
-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Get back to the plane
If you haven't planted explosives at the motor pool and the front gate,
you can do so now. Unlike the last stage, you get no bonus skill points
for planting them on the way in. When you're ready to leave, take a
snowmobile that's parked in the motor pool (near where the large vertical
fuel tanks used to be), drive through the main gates, and aim it over the
small hill to jump the fence and get outside the compound.
-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Building east of motor pool
Note on pole 20 SP
Outside of north entrance
Motor pool
< Item > 1 explosive
On ground by snowmobile
< Ammo box > (28) 7.62x39 FMJ
On ground by snowmobile
Lavatory/East building
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
Inside west stall
< Item > AK-47, (30) 7.62x39 Phos
On floor by door
< Ammo box > (10) .308 FMJ
On floor by NE chest
< Armor > Light body armor
Inside chest south of NE chest
Mess hall
< Health > First aid kit
On counter by refrigerator
Storage shed north of bunker
Page 49
< Item > 1 stun grenade
On shelf
< Ammo box > (30) 7.62x39 Phos
On floor by NE chest
| Chapter 5: Night Flight |
| Exfiltration |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Now your objective is to make it to the checkpoint at the south end of the
map. The exits to the radio tower and power station are conveniently fenced
off, so you can't head to either map.
The Soviet guards will have Phosphorous ammunition loaded in their weapons
for this stage, so make sure you have at least a level 2 Stamina skill to
help survive their bullets.
Page 50
< Ammo box > (30) 7.62x39 Phos, (30) 7.62x39 FMJ
On floor by desk
< Armor > Light body armor
On floor by stove
Total skill points available this level: 200 SP
Cumulative total: 17960 SP
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Where did all the bunnies go? :(
| Chapter 5: Night Flight |
| Surprise, surprise |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This stage is split into a few smaller objectives. You'll have to find and
sober up your pilot who's hiding beneath the stairs in the dacha. You will
also need to defuse a bomb that's planted on your airplane. You can do
these tasks in any order.
The dacha
< Health > First aid kit
By sink
Note on floor 20 SP
By dining table
< Ammo box > (10) .308 FMJ
In chest by fireplace
< Armor > Heavy body armor
By radio
|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 6 +|
| Chapter 6: Diary of a Double Agent |
| Grasping at straws |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Page 52
This is a rather long cutscene. I won't go into the plot, but I do have two
words: "Man crates." :)
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
There are some minor clipping errors with Cate's skirt when she walks (in
this uniform). I assume it's just a problem with the skin, and not the
| Chapter 6: Diary of a Double Agent |
| The house where Melvin used to |
| live |
3:36 PM, Akron, Ohio
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
The house is nothing but a treasure hunt for the first half. There are
plenty of rooms to explore, and even though it's dark, you cannot hide in
the shadows; therefore I suggest turning on all the light switches for
You can play back the tapes on the tape recorder sitting on the dining room
table. In conjunction with the letters, the tapes give you a bit of history
on what Blitzny did to prepare for his role as Tom Goodman.
Once you finish your objectives, the house fills with ninja guards, so be
prepared for a lot of fighting to get to the escape route in the SE room
< From the loading screen >
Without any other compelling leads to follow, Cate heads to Akron, Ohio to
search for clues at the former residence of the notorious Melvin Blitzny.
Blitzny, a vacuum cleaner salesman by trade, had been groomed to assume the
identity of UNITY operative Tom Goodman as part of H.A.R.M.'s last
despicable plot. He met his end at the hands of his own mentor.
Whatever trepidation Cate may feel at entering the domain of this
treacherous man must be set aside if she is to achieve her goal.
Total skill points available: 1960
Total accumulated skill points: 21540
-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Find information on Project Omega 800 SP
Clear the poster on the wall in the basement to find a switch. You will
need to find fresh batteries to operate this switch, open the door, and
complete this objective. The batteries will be randomly placed throughout
the level; here are a few places I have found them:
1) Upper-right drawer in desk in NE bedroom upstairs
2) Drawer under lamp in NE bedroom upstairs
3) On high closet shelf in NE bedroom upstairs
Page 53
When you pick up both notes in the Inner Sanctum, ninja guards will appear
throughout the house.
Find all correspondence between Goodman and Mr. Smith (optional) 400 SP
These letters are found in the stacks of paper located as follows:
-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
< Ammo box > (9) .32 FMJ, (30) 9mm FMJ
On table by stairs
<< Red audio tape >>
Upper-right drawer of shelves
< Intel > (Page 1 of correspondence) 20 SP
Inside cabinet
<< Green audio tape >>
Upper large drawer by refrigerator
< Intel > (Page 2 of correspondence) 20 SP
Upper-right drawer by sink
< Health > Bandages
Under sink
Dining room
< Intel > (Page 3 of correspondence) 20 SP
On table in NE corner
<< Purple audio tape >>
Page 54
On mantle above fireplace
Upstairs/SW closet
< Intel > (Page 4 of correspondence) 20 SP
On boxes
Upstairs/SE bathroom
< Health > Bandages
By toilet
<< Blue audio tape >>
Inside bathtub
Upstairs/West room
< Ammo box > (30) 9mm FMJ
In NW corner
Upstairs/Central closet
<< Orange audio tape >>
On shelf
Upstairs/NW bedroom
<< Yellow audio tape >>
Middle drawer of desk
** Collecting the voice recordings ** 400 SP
Upstairs/NE bedroom
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On bed
< Intel > (Page 5 of correspondence) 20 SP
On desk
<< Batteries >>
On shelf in closet/Upper-right desk drawer/Drawer under lamp
Inner Sanctum
< Item > Gordon 9mm SMG, (60) 9mm FMJ
On minibar
Note on minibar 20 SP
< Armor > Heavy body armor
Under minibar
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On bookshelf
< Intel > (Page 6 of correspondence) 20 SP
On shelf next to projector
** Collecting the correspondence between Blitzny and Mr. Smith ** 400 SP
< Item > Katana
On bureau
Note on bureau 20 SP
** Collecting information on Project Omega ** 800 SP
Total skill points available this level: 1960 SP
Cumulative total: 21540 SP
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Running around on carpet will stir up motes of dust that hang in the air
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around you. Nice effects!
The old audio turntable entertainment center in the dining room brought back
some ancient memories....
Listen to the sixth recording for the classic quote, "She wasn't good
looking and she smelled like a horse, but she was woman enough for me!"
| Chapter 6: Diary of a Double Agent |
| Storm rolling in |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This has to be one of the most annoying levels in the game. There are an
infinite number of ninja in this stage, and they are relentless. You have a
very limited amount of ammunition, and the ninja bodies instantly disappear
when they die. You will have to RUN from the house to various cover points
all through the map, and it will be impossible to escape without being hit
dozens of times.
I would definitely suggest ignoring the extra skill point items here and go
as fast as you can to the end of the road, then double back to the exit (see
below for more detail).
SW corner/Shed
< Armor > Light body armor
In shed
< Ammo box > (120) 9mm FMJ, (27) .32 FMJ
In shed
South side/Backyards
< Armor > Light body armor
In shed
< Health > First aid kit
Next to red BBQ
** Escaping from Blitzny's house ** 300 SP
Total skill points available this level: 540 SP
Cumulative total: 22080 SP
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
| Chapter 6: Diary of a Double Agent |
| Tornado trouble |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This level is a complete mess. I am still working on taking a complete
inventory of all the armors, ammo boxes, and other items strewn throughout
the trailer park. Suffice it to say, there are plenty of items to go
Kill 20 ninja (the twister will tip over a trailer after you dispatch 10),
and Isako will appear and challenge you.
Total skill points available: 240
Total accumulated skill points: 22320
-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Fight off the ninja attackers
Once you kill 10 ninja, the twister will tip over a trailer. Kill 20
ninja, and Isako will appear.
Defeat Isako
Hit Isako enough times, and she will run into a mobile home. Follow her
in to end the stage.
| Chapter 6: Diary of a Double Agent |
| Carried away |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Like the tornado scene in the Wizard of Oz, you are now stuck inside a house
as it twirls within a cyclone! While scripted events take the house apart
piece by piece, it's too bad the physics of the situation wasn't applied
fully (you don't float weightless from time to time as the house bobs up and
down, and you don't spin or shake as you would inside a washing machine).
At any rate, it's an out-and-out swordfight between you and Isako now! She
will use her smoke bombs after taking a certain amount of damage; use the
time while she's gone to replenish your armor as necessary, and try to get
at the Spy Training Manual.
|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 7 +|
| Chapter 7: Double Cross |
| Knife in the back |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This is a cutscene. Welcome back to Magnus Armstrong! We are also
introduced to Pierre, the assassin, and get a "hint" of why Volkov is stuck
in his wheelchair.
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Check out the cheesy animation on the "lava" in the H.A.R.M. headquarters.
The guards comment on it in later chapters!
| Chapter 7: Double Cross |
| The password |
1:25 PM, Calcutta, India
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
< From the loading screen >
Magnus Armstrong has contacted his old friend Kamal, a disillusioned
H.A.R.M. operative in India who promises his assistance. While Kamal isn't
familiar with Project Omega, he's certain any pertinent information can be
found in the central vault at the Indian headquarters.
Bruno has concluded that a direct infiltration of the compound is too risky,
given the intense security Cate would likely face. Therefore, Kamal will
help her accomplish perhaps her strangest objective thus far: to get a job
with H.A.R.M. Once hired, she'll have the security clearance necessary to
Page 59
move about the compound freely.
Total skill points available: 0000
Total accumulated skill points: 00000
-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Rendezvous with Kamal
Be careful not to injure innocents or police patrolling the area.
-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Total skill points available this level: 0000 SP
Cumulative total: 00000 SP
-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
- More to come!
| VIII - Websites list |
This section includes the URLs of websites that host this FAQ.
Action Trip:
Cheat Happens:
Game Guru Mania:
| IX - Credits |
Monolith Productions. Holy cow what a great game! The facial expressions
are greatly enhanced by the addition of independent eye movement. All
that's left to create completely realistic characters is to improve minute
facial muscle movements, figure out a way to enhance hair strand animation,
and apply more detailed textures over the face.
CJayC, for being kind enough to post this FAQ.
The people credited throughout this FAQ for their suggestions and comments.
Thanks to you all!
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