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Metal Gear – Guide and Walkthrough

NES    
Home Guides Q&A Cheats Reviews Media News Board

Guide and Walkthrough (MSX) by Bagman007

Version: Final | Updated: 02/05/2004
 FAQ of the Month Winner: July 2001

Metal Gear FAQ/Walkthrough

Platform: MSX Computer
Written By: Bagman007
E-mail: Bagman007@sbcglobal.net (please put subject as "Metal
Version: Final
Created: June 11, 2001
Last Updated: February 5, 2004

Winner of GameFAQ's FAQ of the Week July 15, 2001!


************Table of Contents************
1. Introduction
2. Legal Stuff ***READ***
3. Update/Revision History
4. Controls
5. Prologue
6. Walkthrough
I. Solid Snake's Entrance
II. Captured On Purpose
III. Rescuing Grey Fox
IV. Parachuting to the Courtyard
V. Desert Storm
VI. Rescuing Dr. Pettrovich Madnar
VII. Rescuing Ellen Pettrovich
VIII. Ambushed
IX. The Traitor
7. Transceiver Frequencies
8. Weapons/Ammo/Equipment
I. Weapons
II. Ammo
III. Equipment
IV. Weapon/Equipment Chart
9. Characters
I. Main Characters
II. Boss Characters
10. Tips & Tricks
11. Metal Gear Story Transcript
12. Frequently Asked Questions
13. Credits
14. Authors Note

*1. Introduction*
Welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough for Metal Gear. The Original
Metal Gear
2: Solid Snake FAQ/Walkthrough. I decided to write this guide
it's an AWESOME part of one of the best gaming series EVER, and
no one has written a detailed guide for this game yet and
requested it. Other games I recommend playing either before or
this game are Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (MSX Computer), Snake's
(NES), Metal Gear Solid(PSX and PC), Metal Gear Solid: VR
Missions(PSX), Metal Gear: Ghost Babel(GBC), Metal Gear Solid
2: Sons
of Liberty(PS2), Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance(PS2, PC, and X-
Box), and
coming soon Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater(PS2).

*2. Legal Stuff*
(c) Copyright 2001-2004 Bradley "Bagman007" Greiner. It may not
stolen, altered, or used for profit. It may be reproduced
electronically or printed for private and personal use only. It
may not
be used in any type of magazine publication, book, or brochure.
If you
do not follow all terms above, legal action WILL be taken
against you!
If you want to contribute to this FAQ/Walkthrough (you will be
proper credit), e-mail me at Bagman007@sbcglobal.net (please
subject as "Metal Gear FAQ") as with any questions, comments,
corrections, to that address. This walkthrough is in no way
with Konami or the MSX Computer. If you would like you use this
FAQ/Walkthrough on your site, you may do so as long as it is
and you give me proper credit. Please try to keep it updated
with the
one on the following sites as well. I may change these legal
terms at
any time without notice.

The following sites will always have the latest version of my


-GameFAQs (Latest Version)

You may use this FAQ/Walkthrough on your site if it is
unaltered and
proper credit is given to me. Try to keep it updated with the
one from
the above sites.

*3. Update/Revision History*
Version Final: Fifteenth Edition
-Updated Introduction
-Updated Frequently Asked Questions section
-Updated Legal Stuff
-Corrected some grammatical errors.

Version Final: Fourteenth Edition

-Updated Introduction
-Updated Authors Note

Version Final: Thirteenth Edition

-Added Cheats.de to list of sites that my use this

Version Final: Twelfth Edition

-Updated Authors Note.
-Updated Legal Stuff.
-Updated Introduction.

Version Final: Eleventh Edition

-Removed dead links from the list of sites that may use this
-Updated contact information
-Corrected some grammatical errors.

Version Final: Tenth Edition

-Added GoldenX's Metal Gear Universe to the list of sites that
may use
this FAQ/Walkthrough.

Version Final: Ninth Edition

-Added "Metal Gear Solid 2 Fansite" to the list of sites that
may use
this FAQ/Walkthrough.
-Updated the Frequently Asked Questions Section
-Updated Legal Stuff.
-Corrected some grammatical errors.

Version Final: Eighth Edition

-Updated Boss Characters section.
-Updated the Metal Gear Story Transcript to 100%.

Version Final: Seventh Edition

-Changed contact e-mail address from Bagman007@msn.com to

Version Final: Sixth Edition

-Walkthrough 100% complete through the end of the game.
-Fixed some grammar errors.
-Fixed some errors I had in the Weapons/Ammo/Equipment section.

Version 2.0: Fifth Edition

-Walkthrough complete from the exit of Building Two through the
fight with Coward Duck.
Version 1.75: Fourth Edition
-Walkthrough complete from the boss fight with the Arnolds
through Dr.
Pettrovich revealing the location of Metal Gear and how to
defeat it.
-Boss section of the Characters section is 90% complete (thanks
Johnny Undaunted).
-Characters section updated (thanks to Johnny Undaunted).
-Updated Tips & Tricks section (thanks to Johnny Undaunted).
-Prologue updated in the walkthrough (thanks to Johnny
-Added new credits to the credits section.

Version 1.50: Third Edition

-Walkthrough complete from the courtyard parachute drop to boss
with the Arnold's.
-Boss section of the Characters section is about 80% complete.

Version 1.25: Second Edition

-Walkthrough complete from the Grey Fox rescue through the
parachute drop.
-Boss section of the Characters section is about 25% complete.
-Updated Weapons/Ammo/Equipment section.

Version 1.0: First Edition

-Introduction complete.
-Legal Stuff complete.
-Controls section complete.
-Prologue complete.
-Walkthrough complete from beginning of game through Solid
-Characters section added. Bosses not started yet.
-Weapons/Ammo/Equipment section complete.
-Transceiver Frequencies section complete.
-Credits added.
-Authors Note complete.

*4. Controls*
-Forward: Up Cursor
-Back: Down Cursor
-Left: Left Cursor
-Right: Right Cursor

Other Movements:
-Punch: N or M
-Fire Weapon: Space Bar

Game Functions:
-Pause Game: F1
-Select Weapon: F2
-Select Item: F3
-Use Transceiver: F4
-Save Game: F1 then F5 (If you get an error while saving, press
F6 and
try again until it says "verify success")
-Loading Game: F1 then F4 (If your game loads on a messed up
just reload the save)
*5. Prologue*
Operation Intrude N313: Your mission is to infiltrate Outer
locate missing FOX-HOUND operative Grey Fox. The last words of
Grey Fox
were, "Metal Gear..." During your mission, rescue any other
POWs, reveal the identity of the terrorist leader, and find out
about this Metal Gear.

*6. Walkthrough*
KEY: Here is a little key that tells you what my symbols mean.
+++NAME OF PLACE+++: New location
---NAME OF EQUIPMENT---: New Equipment
===NAME OF WEAPON===: New Weapon
==-NAME OF AMMO-==: New Ammo
I will only put symbols around new
equipment/locations/weapons/ammo. If
I mention it more than once it will only be in caps.

I. Solid Snake's Entrance:

You(Solid Snake) start off swimming down a river around the
base, Outer Heaven. Snake receives a call from the commander-
of FOX-HOUND, Big Boss. He tells you that your mission is to
the terrorist fortress Outer Heaven and destroy the ultimate
Metal Gear. He will tell you that your first objective is to
search for
the missing FOX-HOUND operative Grey Fox and search for Metal
Gear. He
will tell you that if you need any help to contact him at
frequency 120.85. Make a note of that and end the transmission.
you start the game, you will be outside of +++BUILDING ONE+++
in Outer
Heaven. Proceed inside the building and you will get another
call (F4)
from Big Boss. He will suggest that you try not to be
discovered on
your mission. End the transmission and head up to the next
screen. On
this screen, you'll see two guards and lots of crates. Sneak
past the
guards and head right. On this screen, you'll see three trucks.
Go in
the one on the left to find some ---RATIONS---. Exit that truck
hide behind the center truck. When the guard exits the center
quickly go in and get ---CARD 1---. Exit the truck. Enter the
truck on
the right to find ---BINOCULARS---. Exit the truck and head
back to the
screen with the two guards and a lot of boxes. From here head
down to
the entrance to BUILDING ONE. Now go right. Sneak past the two
on this screen by using the tanks as cover and head right. Use
CARD 1 to enter the room. In here will be one guard and a ---
- on the table. Wait until the guard falls asleep and take him
Then grab the GAS MASK off the table and head back to the
screen to BUILDING ONE. From here, head north until you get to
elevator with two guards guarding it. Head east from here. On
screen you'll find three more trucks, a door on the south wall,
and a
door on the east wall. Enter the truck on the left to find the
===HANDGUN===. Don't try to use it just yet as you don't have
and ==-
AMMO-== for it yet. Exit the truck and hide behind the trucks.
Wait for
a guard to come out of the far right truck and enter it. In
here you
will find some ===MINES===. Exit the truck and head back to the
with the elevator. Wait until the two guards leave the screen,
enter the elevator using (F3) CARD 1. Take the elevator to the

Here you'll see two cameras in this room. One on the west wall
and one
on the north side of the square in the middle of the room.
Sneak pas
the cameras and head down on the far right wall. Avoid the two
in this area and go in the open door on the left. In here you
will find
the AMMO. Use (F3) CARD 1 to enter the door on the south wall.
In here,
you will find a POW tied to a chair. Go over to him to release
him. Now
use (F3) CARD 1 to OPEN the door on the east wall. Now equip
(F3) your
GAS MASK and enter the room. You will now receive a call (F4)
from Big
Boss. He will tell you to put on your GAS MASK in the gas room
(I guess
he's a little late on that one, huh). Make it through the gas
room and
use CARD 1 to enter the door in the southeast corner of the
room. In
this room, take out the guard by punching him when he comes to
Then avoid the camera and use (F3) CARD 1 to enter the door on
southwest part of the room. In this room, you will find another
will tell you that another FOX-HOUNDER infiltrated Outer Heaven
a few
days ago and was captured by the enemy. Exit the room and head
east. On
this screen, you will see an open door, enter it. In here you
will find
a rolling pin rolling across the room and a ===PLASTIC
Wait for the rolling pin to go to your right, and run and grab
PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES and hide in the slot on the left side of the
When you get the chance, run back to the entrance of the room.
Now wait
for the rolling pin to go to your left, and run through the
open door
on the right side of the room. Sneak past the guard on this
screen and
proceed right. On this screen, two guards will come down from
the slots
on the north part of the room. Take them out by punching and
proceed to
the next screen. On this screen you will see a guard, two
cameras, and
two doors, one on the north wall and one in the southeast part
of the
room. Avoid the cameras and use (F3) CARD 1 to enter the door
in the
southeast part of the room. In here, go to the desk and grab
Exit the room and use (F3) CARD 2 to enter the door on the
north wall.
In here you will find RATIONS. Exit the room and head back to
the room
after the gas room. In this room, take out the guard and avoid
camera again. Use (F3) CARD 2 to enter the door in the
northwest corner
of the room. In here you will find ===REMOTE-CONTROLLED
Exit the room and head back to the screen with two cameras, a
and two door (the southeastern most screen on the floor). From
head up to the next screen. Here you will see a flashing white
and a control box on the other side of the room. Big Boss will
(F4) you and tell you to use your REMOTE-CONTROLLED MISSLES on
power box to turn off the high-voltage. Use (F2) your REMOTE-
MISSLES to destroy the control box. That will turn off the
floor and allow you to cross it to the next screen.

II. Captured on Purpose:

The first and one of the hardest parts of the game is now
You've also picked up about 25% of your weapons up to this
point. Well,
enough of my talking, it's time to move on to the second
chapter of the
first Metal Gear.

On this screen there will be two guards and a door on the east
Take out the guard walking east and use (F3) CARD 1 to enter
the door.
In the room you will find the third POW. Rescue him and he will
you that resistance member Diane will help you on frequency
Make a note of that and exit the room. Head north to the next
On this screen you will see an elevator guarded by two guards
from a
distance. Ignore it for now and head west. On this screen, you
will see
three guards patrolling the area. As long as you stay lined up
with the
wall, they won't see you. Take out the two guards that approach
you by
punching them. Now you'll want to enter the door no the north
side of
the room. Wait until the guard on the west dies of the room is
towards the south and use (F3) CARD 2 to enter the room. In the
you will find the ---CARDBOARD BOX---. Now exit the room. When
you come
out of the room, there will be two guards on this screen, the
guard in
the south part of the room and the guard in the west part of
the room.
Take out both guards and use (F3) CARD 2 to enter the door.
Once in
this room, you will need to quickly move to the south wall and
use (F3)
CARD 2 to enter the room. In here you will find four trigger
guards just waiting to kill you. I like to call them Ultra Box
you've played Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, you'll know what I'm
about). Take them out, one shot a piece and pick up the
that appears after you kill them. Now that you have the
may use your gun without the guards hearing it. Use (F3) CARD 1
enter the room on the east wall. In here you will find the
LAUNCHER===. Exit the rooms and head west. You will notice that
you are
back by the elevator that you entered the floor at. Watch out
for the
camera and head south down the right path. Use (f3) CARD 2 to
open the
door here and rescue the fourth POW. Exit the room and head
back to the
elevator guarded by two guards from a distance. Take out the
two guards
and use (F3) CARD 2 to enter the elevator. Take the elevator
down to
the second floor.

When you exit the elevator, you will see two cameras. Both are
close together on the left side of the room. Use the crates to
the camera and head down to the next screen. On this screen,
you will
see a guard wandering around. Wait until he falls asleep, kill
him, and
head south once again. On this screen you will see peach
colored walls
with gray lines on them. These are laser traps. Unlike Metal
Solid, your ---CIGARETTES--- won't detect the lasers. Since you
currently have nothing to get through the laser traps, I'll do
my best
to give you directions on how to avoid the lasers. From the top
of the screen, head down until you hit a wall. Then turn right
you hit a wall. Then go down to the next screen. This screen it
to the last, but there is a room you need to enter at the top
of the
screen. From the entrance of the screen, go down. As you
proceed down,
count the number of laser trap walls you see. When you reach
the second
and third ones, go between them. Now go down until you hit a
wall and
then go right until pass three laser walls. Now go up past two
walls. Now you go right until you are standing in front of the
Use (F3) CARD 1 to enter the room. In here you will find the
fifth POW.
Rescue him and you will notice that your star rank is now up to
stars. Your star rank will move up with every five POWs that
rescue. If you kill a POW, your rank will decrease by one. You
can now
carry more equipment and AMMO. Check the Ammo/Equipment Chart
in the
Weapons/Ammo/Equipment section to find out exactly how much you
carry at your current rank. Exit the room and head back through
laser traps until you come to the screen with the sleeping
guard. Take
him out again and head up the left path. Go left again on the
screen and you will come to a screen with three guards. Watch
walking pattern and take them out one at a time. Then down the
path on
the southwest part of the room. On this screen you will see a
camera two open door. Avoid the camera and head in the door on
right to find AMMO. Exit that room and enter the room on the
left to
find PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES. Exit the room and head back to the
Take the elevator to the first floor. When you exit the
elevator you
will see two guards patrolling around three tanks. Take them
out and
head south. On this screen you will see three cameras. Two on
the right
wall and one on the left. Use the crates to avoid the cameras
and use
(F3) CARD 2 to enter the room on the left. In here you will
find the
sixth POW. Rescue him and he will tell you that a FOX-HOUNDER
Grey Fox is confined in a secret cell. Exit the room and head
When you enter the next screen, DON'T MOVE! Two guards will be
patrolling the area and if you move, the one on the right can
see you.
Take out the guard on the left, then the one on the right when
he's not
looking. Use (F3) CARD 2 to enter the door on the right. Inside
will find a ===SUB MACHINE GUN===. Exit the room and use (F3)
CARD 1 to
enter the door on the left. Inside you will find the seventh
will tell you that the best way to gain access to the secret
cell is to
allow yourself to be captured. Exit the room and head south. On
screen, you will be behind two tanks and two guards will be
the area. Take them out and head left. As you proceed through
the next
screen, a guard will come behind you and say "DON'T MOVE".
guard will then come and tell you that you are captured. The
will then fade to black as Snake is captured...

III. Rescuing Grey Fox:

After getting captured, it's time for Snake to complete his
objective of the game and to gain a new objective in his
operation. You
will also fight the first boss of the game.

With Snake captured and taken to the secret cell its time to
figure out
a way to rescue Grey Fox. Big Boss will call (F4) you and tell
you to
move out and locate Grey Fox's solitary cell. He suggest to you
you punch the walls to get out. End the call and punch on north
part of
the west wall until you hear a strange tap. Keep punching on it
to open
up a passageway to the next cell. Proceed into the next cell.
you will find the missing FOX-HOUND operative, Grey Fox. Rescue
him and
he will tell you that Metal Gear is nuclear armed and that you
destroy it before it is completed. He says that Dr. Pettrovich
the designer of Metal Gear, is the only one who knows how to
it. Punch on the south wall until you hear a strange tap and
punching that spot until the wall breaks. Exit the solitary
cell. You
will find yourself in a sewer looking area. This is the first
basement of BUILDING ONE. You have no equipment and no weapons
so you
must be cautious as you proceed. Head right from here. In this
room the
first boss of the game, Shoot Gunner, will meet you.
*****BOSS FIGHT #1*****
Shoot Gunner

Ok, you must fight this boss on your own with no weapons. Good

Just kidding:) You didn't think I would make you fight him with
no boss
strategy did ya? If you notice in this room you will see two
doors on
the south wall. Hide behind the crates on the right side of the
and call (F4) Big Boss(120.85). He will tell you that your
weapons and
equipment must be in one of those rooms. He will tell you to
break the
door to get in. Break the door on the right by punching it and
you will
get your weapons and equipment back. Exit that room and break
the door
on the left. Enter the room to find ---CARD 3--- and AMMO. Exit
room and hide back behind the crates again. Shoot Gunner will
fire a
spray of bullets at you as you move across the room. When your
the crates, equip (F3) your REMOTE-CONTROLLED MISSLES and fire
them at
Shoot Gunner. Three or four hits with it will kill him.

After the battle, check your equipment (F3). You will notice
that you
have a new little item called the ---TRANSMITTER---. The
will alert the guards of your presence as long as you have it
on you.
Press Space Bar on it to get rid of it. Use (F3) CARD 3 to exit
room via the door on the east side of the room. This next area
is one
big spiral with guard dogs littered around it. Kill the dog
next to the
door and go north of the door and punch the wall across from
it. You
should hear that strange tapping sound again. Use (F2) a
EXPLOSIVE to destroy the wall. Head east from here. Watch out
for dogs
on your way. Follow the path until you can go no further. Use
another PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE to destroy the wall on the left.
Enter the
passageway and continue along the path. When you reach a wall,
go back
one screen. Punch the south wall until you hear that strange
sound again. Use (F2) another PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE to blow up that
and follow the path until you reach a door. Use (F3) CARD 3 to
open the
door and enter the room. Inside the room you will find a ---
SUIT--- on the desk. Take it and head back around the spiral
from where
you entered it. When you are back on the screen where you
entered the
spiral, head north. On this screen, tap on the center of the
west wall
until you hear that strange tapping sound once again. Use (F2)
PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE to blow it up. Enter the room to find the ---
--. Exit the room and head back down. Follow the path around
outside of the spiral to the next screen. Tap on the left-
center part
of the south wall until you once again hear that strange
tapping sound.
Use (F2) a PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE to blow it up. Inside you will
find AMMO
and PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES. Exit the room and follow the path
north. Keep
going until you reach an elevator. Take the elevator to the

On the second floor, use the crates to avoid the camera again
and head
south. Take out the sleeping guard and take the left path up.
When you
emerge from the path, you will see the room with the three
again. Take them out and use (F3) CARD 3 to enter the door on
the west
wall. Proceed through this room. In the next room you will see
rolling pin. Proceed quickly through this room and exit the
room via
the door on the south wall. In the next area you will see a
bunch of
crates and a single guard behind them. Just easily avoid the
guard and
head south. In this room you will see a large wall in the
middle of the
room and three guards roaming the south part of the room. Take
them out
or avoid them and head south. In this area you will see an open
door to
your left and a closed door to your right. There will also be
guards patrolling the south part of the screen. Enter the door
on the
left and you will find MINES on a desk surrounded by three
guards. Quietly take out the guards, grab the MINES, and exit
the room.
Avoid the guards and use (F3) CARD 3 to enter the door on the
Inside you will find a POW. Rescue him and he will tell you
that the
only way to reach the courtyard is by parachute. Exit the room,
the guards, and head south. On the next screen you will see a
colored floor with gray colored floors near the entrance to the
and the room in the center of the room. If the guard in this
area sees
you, he will turn on the electric floor. Use the crate to avoid
guard or take him out with a REMOTE CONTROLLED MISSLE and use
3 to enter the door in the center of and grab the ---INFRARED
-. Exit the room and head back to the room with the sleeping
Take him out and head down. You will now be in the laser trap
area from
earlier. Use (F3) your INFRARED GOGGLES to se where the lasers
Snake through the first screen of lasers to the south and
through the
second screen of lasers and head west. In this area you will
see one
guard patrolling the area and a room in the middle of the area.
(F3) CARD 3 to enter the room in the middle and rescue the POW.
He will
tell you that Dr. Pettrovich is confined to a solitary cell in
courtyard. Exit the room and use (F3) CARD 3 to enter the door
on the
left. In here you will find the second boss of the game,
Machine Gun

*****BOSS FIGHT #2*****

Machine Gun Kid

Machine Gun Kid will run around the north part of the room
several shots downward. Hide behind a wall in the south part of
room and use REMOTE CONTROLLED MISSLES to kill him. Four REMOTE
CONTROLLED MISSLES should do the trick.

After the boss fight, use (F3) CARD 1 to enter the door in the
part of the room. In here you will find the ---PARACHUTE---.

IV. Parachuting to the Courtyard:

One objective completed and another one gained. Your goal now
is to
find Dr. Pettrovich and find out information about Metal Gear.

From here you will need to head to the roof. But before you do
now is a good time to restock your entire inventory. You should
where everything is in BUILDING ONE at this point in the game.
you restock your inventory, head to the elevator in the
northeast part
of the building. Take the elevator to the roof. When you exit
elevator, you will get a call (F4) from Big Boss. He will tell
you that
the wind barrier is extended on the roof and that you should
look for a
BOMB BLAST SUIT. If you listened to me earlier and got the BOMB
SUIT from the basement, equip (F3) it for use on the roof. If
not, then
go back to the basement and get it. After you equipped the BOMB
SUIT, head south. This screen will have two guards patrolling
the area.
Take them out of sneak past them and head south. The next
screen will
have one guard and a door in the southeast part of the area.
Take out
the guard and use (F3) CARD 3 to enter the room. Inside you
will find
REMOTE CONTROLLED MISSLES. If you don't have those completely
yet, do it now. Exit the room and head back to the elevator
area. From
here, head west. Here you will see three guards patrolling the
part of this area. Just stay south behind the walls and you
should be
safe. Head west again from here. This screen will have two
patrolling around a bunch of crates. This screen is also easy
to get by
on as long as you stay south and head west. Here will be two
guards. Take them out or sneak past them and head south to the
screen. No guards here just enter the open door and grab the
Exit the room and head south via the right path. Use (F3) CARD
2 to
enter the room here and rescue the POW. Exit the room and head
back to
the screen with the two guards and a bunch of crates. Head
south from
here. On this screen you will see a swaying bridge. You have to
make it
across the bridge. If you fall off, you die. It's tricky at
first, but
you'll get the hang of it. Just try to head straight down very
On the next screen you have to do the exact same thing, but the
is swaying the other direction. Head down slowly and as
straight as
possible. One across the bridge to the next screen, you will
see a
rocket man type guard. He'll probably spot you and more will
Quickly move out of that screen to the west. Use (F2) the
CONTROLLED MISSLES to destroy the control panel to the electric
in this area and use (F3) CARD 3 to enter the room. Stand by
the door
and take out all the rocket guards that enter the room until
they are
all dead the alarm stops. Grab the ---MINE DETECTOR--- on the
desk and
exit the room. Head back to the screen after the bridge and
head east.
Here you will face more rocket guard troubles. Just run past
them east
to the next screen. On this screen the third boss of the game,
the Hind
D, will confront you.

*****BOSS FIGHT #3*****

The Hind D will sit on the ground and fire rapid shots at you.
directly left of the cockpit grenade target distance away and
he won't
touch you. Use (F2) your GRENEDE LAUNCHER and fire that at him
he's dead. The most RATIONS you should use if you are hit is
one or

After the boss fight, head north. Then head west through the
here. You will now be on a balcony and the rest of the screen
will be
black. Equip (F3) the PARACHUTE and jump off the balcony to the

V. Desert Storm:
After beating the first Hind D in a Metal Gear game, it's time
continue on and fight two boss fights in a row.

When you land in the courtyard, you will land in the middle of
guard dogs. Take them out and head south. Here you will see two
DON'T ENTER THE TRUCK ON THE LEFT! If you do you will have to
go all
the way up to the roof again and PARACHUTE all the way back
down. Equip
(F3) your MINE DETECTOR and make your may through the MINES and
the truck on the right. In here you will find ---CARD 4---.
Exit the
truck and head back up. You can go into the room on this screen
(F3) CARD 4, but it's empty. From here head left. Take out the
two dogs
on this screen and use (F3) CARD 4 to enter the room on the far
side of the screen. Inside you will find a POW. He will tell
you that
Dr. Pettrovich was moved to +++BUILDING TWO+++ which is 10K
north of
here. Exit the room and use (F3) CARD 4 to exit the courtyard
via the
north door. Use (F3) CARD 4 on this screen to enter the door on
east side of the room. In this area will be six crates with
four guards
between them. Snake past the guards and use (F3) CARD 4 to exit

You will now be in the +++DESERT+++. The DESERT is covered with

so equip (F3) your MINE DETECTOR to see them. If you enter the
truck on
the left, it will take you back to the truck I told you not to
earlier. If you enter the truck on the left, you will get
EXPLOSIVES. Exit the truck and head north. There are more MINES
on this
screen. Just go through them and head north. This next screen
will have
a truck and no MINES. When you start moving, something will be
bombs on you. Try to get out of their way and enter the truck.
In here
you will find a RATION. Stock up on them to the max and exit
the truck
and head north. The next screen you will once again have to
bombs. Dodge them and head north. Use (F3) a RATION if needed.
On the
next screen you will encounter the fourth boss of the game, the

*****BOSS FIGHT #4*****


The Tank will fire machine gun rounds at you. Hide behind the
wall to
stay away from it. When the tank backs up, place a MINE down in
of the Tanks path. It will hit the MINE when it comes forward.
placing the MINE, watch out for the missiles that it shoots
out. If it
hits you, it will likely kill you. To avoid getting hit by the
just place the MINE to the side of the missile cannon. Try to
place two
or three MINES at a time to make the battle quicker. You might
need to
use a RATION or two if your hit by his machine gun.

When the tank is destroyed, proceed north. This next screen is

much empty. Proceed on to the next screen. Here you will see
guards talking and their commander will tell the other two that
a FOX-
HOUNDER infiltrated the base and they need to stop him at all
Big Boss will then call (F4) you and tell you that you have
reached the
checkpoint. He will tell you that you need an enemy uniform to
past the guards in this area. He will also inform you that his
frequency is 120.13. Make a note of that. End the transmission
equip (F3) the UNIFORM. Proceed forward and the guards will
open the
door and tell you to come in. Enter the door to go in BUILDING
From the entrance of the building, head right. On this screen
you will
see two guards. One will be patrolling the northwest corner of
screen and the other will be patrolling the other side of the
system. Head up to the guard in the northwest corner of the
screen and
take him out. Use (F3) CARD 4 to enter the room. Grab the MINES
and the
AMMO and exit the room. When you exit the room, the guard will
spot you across the drainage system. Take out the guard near
you and
the one across the drainage system. Then proceed back to where
entered the building. From here, go down into the drainage
system and
head left. Run through the drainage system and use (F3) CARD 4
to enter
the door in the drainage system. If the guards see you, just
them and keep going. In this room the fifth boss of the game,
Bulldozer, will confront you.

*****BOSS FIGHT #5*****


When you enter this room the Bulldozer will be slowly

approaching you.
You must defeat it before it crushes you. Exit the room and
equip (F2)
your GRENADE LAUNCHER. Enter the room again and fire the
grenades at
him as fast as you can. After it is hit with eight grenades, it
explode and the path will be cleared.

Use (F3) CARD 4 to enter the next room. In this room you will
see five
laser walls. Equip (F3) your INFRARED GOGGLES to see the
lasers. The
lasers will flash in different directions. Get past them and
enter the
elevator take the elevator to the roof.

VI. Rescuing Dr. Pettrovich Madnar:

In this section you will complete another objective and gain
objective. This is one of the hardest areas in the game. There
are tons
of guards in this area so be careful.

The second you enter the roof; you will be attacked by three
You can't stop the alarm so use (F3) CARD 2 to enter the room
on the
left. Inside you will find a POW. He will tell you that Dr.
is being held in the basement. Exit the room and proceed east.
you'll see four guards that will attack you. Sneak past them
and head
south. On this screen three guards will be patrolling the south
Run past them and proceed south. The next area will hold
several of
those rocket guards. Use (F3) CARD 4 to enter the door in the
center of
the screen. Inside you will find a rocket guard, AMMO, and ---
CARD 5---
. Grab those, exit the room, and head east. More rocket guards
come. Run past them and use (F3) CARD 5 to enter the room. Once
again a
rocket guard will greet you. Run past him and use (F3) CARD 5
to enter
the elevator. Take the elevator down to the first floor

Once you exit the elevator you will see two guard dogs. Take
them out
and use (F3) CARD 5 to exit the room. In this area you will see
doors. Use (F3) CARD 5 to enter the door in the northwest
corner of the
room. In here you will find a POW. Rescue him and exit the
room. Use
(F3) CARD 5 to open the door on the far west wall. Before
entering the
door, equip (F3) your GAS MASK. After you have your GAS MASK
on, enter
the door. From here head north and follow the path until you
reach a
dead end. On the opposite side of the dead end wall, you should
see two
paths. A north path and a south path. Punch the north path wall
and you
will hear that strange tapping sound. Use (F2) a PLASTIC
blow up the wall and proceed. Follow the path until you reach a
Use (F3) CARD 1 to open the door. Inside you will find a POW.
him and exit the room. Be sure to re-equip your GAS MASK before
the room. Head left from here. Use CARD 5 to enter the room.
you'll find Dr. Pettrovich Madnar. Approach him and he will
tell you
that you are caught in a trap. He will reveal that Dr.
Pettrovich is
really on the second floor. The floor will create a large hole.
At this
time you will need to run away from the fake Dr. Pettrovich and
to the
door. After the hole stops expanding, head through the open
door on the
left side of the room. In here you will find ---CARD 6---. Take
and exit the room. Head back out of the fake Dr. Pettrovich's
room and
head south. Follow the path until you reach a door. Use (F3)
CARD 5 to
enter the room. Inside you will find RATIONS on the desk. Stock
up on
those and head east. On this screen you will be in a small
corner. Head
south from here. On this screen you will need to punch the
center of
the west wall until you hear a strange tapping sound. Use (F2)
PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE to destroy the wall. Head through the
passageway. As
soon as you enter the next screen a trap will open in the
floor. Go
around it and head into the open door. In here you can stock up
AMMO. After your finished stocking up, head back to the room
where you
found CARD 6. Use (F3) CARD 6 to exit that room via the south
door. On
this screen you will see a door on the west wall. Use (F3) CARD
6 to
enter it. In here you will find the sixth boss, the Fire

*****BOSS FIGHT #6*****

Fire Trooper

Fire Trooper will stand by the elevator and fire his

flamethrower at
you. Run up to behind him or right next to him and unload on
him with
your HANDGUN. About ten shots should put an end to Flame
torching. You might need to use (F3) a RATION if you were
touched by
his flame or him while running up to him.

Exit Fire Trooper's room and head east. Don't forget to use
(F3) your
GAS MASK in the hall. Follow the path until you reach an open
Enter the open door and you will be in a room with a rolling
pin, AMMO,
a RATION, and PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES. Grab those while avoiding the
pin and exit the room. Head back to Fire Trooper's room and
take the
elevator to the first floor. When you exit the elevator you
will notice
that you are in the laser wall area. Use (F3) the INFRARED
maneuver through the lasers and head right. On the next screen,
south. Enter the water in this area and go around the shallow
area to
the opposite side and head south. On this next screen, head
west. You
will now be on the opposite side of the drainage system from
Kill the guard and use (F3) CARD 3 to open the door. Inside you
find the ---FLASHLIGHT---. Grab the FLASHLIGHT and head back to
drainage system. In this room you will see three guards. One
will be on
the other side of the drainage system, one will be walking in
front of
you, and the third will be near the door on the west wall. Kill
guard in front of you and the one near the door. Use (F3) CARD
2 to
enter the door. In this room you will find a guard patrolling
some crates. Kill him and grab the ---ANTENNA--- on the desk
and you
will get a call (F4) from Big Boss. He will tell you that the
transceiver was jamming, but now it's ok. Exit the room and
head east.
On this screen you will see two guards on your side of the
system and one on the other side of the drainage system. Take
out the
guards on your side of the drainage system and head up. Use
(F3) CARD 5
to enter the door on the west wall. Inside you will find a POW.
him and he will tell you that the drainage system will lead you
+++BUILDING THREE+++. Exit the room and head back to the
elevator. Take
it to the second floor.

When you enter the second floor the guards will see you and
sound the
alarm. Run past them and head south. On this screen, head
right. You
will now be in a room with the seventh bosses of the game, the
Arnold's. It's not time to face them just yet. Run through the
in the middle of the room and use (F3) CARD 5 to enter the door
on the
east wall. In here you will see three guards. Take out the one
to you and use (F3) CARD 3 to enter the room on the northwest
part of
the screen. Inside will be a POW. Rescue him and he will tell
you that
you can contact resistance member Jennifer on frequency 120.48.
He says
that she is proud and might not answer. Exit the room and take
out the
guards. Now call (F4) Jennifer at 120.48. If you don't have a
four star
ranking, she won't answer you. If you rescued all the POWs that
I told
you to rescue up to this point, then you shouldn't have a
problem. She
will tell you that she can arrange a ===ROCKET LAUNCHER=== for
you to
pickup. End the transmission and use (F3) CARD 6 to enter the
door in
the northeast corner of the room. Inside you will find the
LAUNCHER. Take the ROCKET LAUNCHER and head back to the room
with the
Aronlds. When the Arnold in the north part of the room isn't
use (F3) CARD 1 to enter the door in the northwest part of the
When you enter the door, guards will spot you. Run right down
the path
and use (F3) CARD 6 to enter the room. Take out all the guards
in the
room until the alarm stops and grab the ---ANTIDOTE--- on the
Exit the room and head back to the Arnold's room. When the
Arnold in
the south part of the room isn't looking, use (F3) CARD 1 to
enter the
door in the southeast part of the room. Take out the guard in
front of
you when you enter the room and head left. In this room you
will see
four guards patrolling and an open door in the northwest
section of the
room. Take out the four guards and enter the open door. In here
will find three boxes of AMMO and two guards. Kill the guards,
grab the
AMMO, and exit the room. Kill the guards again and head north.
On this
screen, you will see three guards patrolling the area. Take
them out
and head north again. Here you will need to use (F3) CARD 6 to
the room. In here you will find the real Dr. Pettrovich. He
will tell
you that he is Dr. Pettrovich and that his daughter, Ellen, was
hostage. He says that he won't discuss Metal Gear unless you
rescue his
daughter. Exit the room and head back to the room with the

*****BOSS FIGHT #7*****


The Arnolds are pretty easy to beat. Just stand in front of

them and
launch four rockets at each of them. The only way they can
touch you is
by running up and touching you. Use (F3) a RATION if needed
during this
fight. After the fight is over, collect ---CARD 7--- that they

VII. Rescuing Ellen Pettrovich:

Your pretty close to the end of the game. This section is
pretty short
and somewhat easy. Dr. Pettrovich will reveal an important
piece of
information at the end of this section, so pay attention.

After the fight with the Arnolds, use (F3) CARD 2 to exit the
room via
the door in the northeast corner. Kill the guard in front of
you and
proceed east. This next room has three guards. Kill them and
call (F4)
Jennifer at 120.48. She will tell you that she opened the door.
door on the north wall will open. Enter the room and grab the -
COMPASS---. Exit the room and head back to the room where you
the Arnolds. Use (F3) CARD 5 to enter the door in the southeast
of the room. In this room you will see three guards. Kill them
enter the open door in the west part of the room. In here you
will find
a POW. Rescue him and he will tell you that you must have a
get through the +++SCORPION DESERT+++. Exit the room and head
right. On
this screen there will be a sleeping guard between the four
Sneak past him and use (F3) CARD 5 to enter the door. In this
room you
will see a rolling pin. Get past it and enter the elevator.
Watch out
for the trap on the right side of the room. Take the elevator
to the
first floor basement.

Kill the dogs in this room and exit the room. Schneider will
you here and warn you about the gas. Use (F3) and enter the
door on the
left. Equip (F3) your GAS MASK and follow the path until you
reach the
room with the trap. Use (F3) CARD 6 to enter the door on the
wall. This next area has LOTS of traps so be careful. When you
the room, it will be dark. Diane will call (F4) you and tell
you to
watch out for pitfalls. End the transmission and equip (F3) the
FLASHLIGHT. This screen is clear of traps, head down via the
left path.
When you enter this screen, go left by the crates to avoid the
Then quickly run down to the next screen to avoid the second
trap. This
next screen is tricky. There is a trap in the top center of the
Slowly walk towards it to activate it and step back. Another
connects to the southeast corner of that trap. Quickly move
that way
and avoid the trap. Head down to the next screen. This screen
isn't as
hard as the last. There are crates on all parts of this room
except for
the south part. The north crates have two big boxes in the
middle and
two small ones on the sides. Your first objective in this room
is to
get on the south side of the north crates. The northeast corner
of the
trap on the left connects with the southwest corner of the
crates the
same way the two traps did on the last screen. Do the same
thing as
last screen to get to the south side of that crate. Now
yourself directly in front of the small crate on the right side
head straight down to the next screen. This next screen, is a
tricky, but easily avoidable. Stay on the west side of the box
on the
right and head down and two steps to the right. Here you should
be just
to the right of the small box and half in front of the door.
The trap
on the right should have also activated, but it shouldn't have
you. Proceed down and use (F3) CARD 1 to enter the door.

You will now be in the first floor basement of BUILDING ONE.

You will
see five guard dogs on this screen that will be alerted and run
attack you. Take them out as they come and head south. Two more
dogs here. Take them out and use (F3) CARD 6 to enter the room
on the
east side of the screen. Inside you will see nothing, but
someone will
say, "HELP ME!". Precede right along the wall and north along
the east
wall until you reach the middle of it. You will then hear
someone say,
"HELP ME!" again. Punch the north part of the east wall until
you hear
that strange tapping sound. Use (F2) a PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE to
blow open
the wall and enter the room. Inside you will find Ellen
Rescue her and she will thank you and tell you that she is the
of Dr. Pettrovich. She will tell you that her father was forced
create Metal Gear. She will tell you to help her father. Exit
confinement cells (remember to stay on the wall while exiting
room). Use (F3) CARD 6 to exit through the door on the south
wall. You
will now be In the area outside of the confinement cell where
rescued Grey Fox earlier. Move through this room and through
the room
where you fought Shoot Gunner earlier in the game. When you get
to the
spiral room, use (F3) CARD 4 to enter the door on the south
Inside you will find the ---BODY ARMOR---. Take it and exit the
From here you must head back to Dr. Pettrovich. There are two
paths you
can take to make it back there. You can either go through the
again or go back through the trap screens again. Whichever you
is up to you. If you go through the DESERT, remember to use
(F3) your
MINE DETECTOR to avoid the MINES. When you reach Dr.
Pettrovich, he
will tell you that Metal Gear is in the 100th floor basement of
BUILDING THREE. He will tell you that the only way to destroy
Gear is to attach PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES to his feet. He will tell
you that
you need to attach them to his feet in this order: R, R, L, R,
L, L, R,
L, L, R, R, L, R, L, R... He says that he forgot the last one
(it's R).
He will then talk about the Arnold's and stuff you've already
After the conversation, exit the room and take the elevator
down to the
first floor.

VIII. Ambushed:
Once on the first floor, you will see two guards firing at you
in a
room with crates. Kill them and exit the room. The next room is
so exit the room via the door on the west wall. Once here, head
Kill the guards here and enter the water. Swim to the other
side of the
shallow water and head east. On the next screen, head north
until you
can't go any further and get on the dry land. Head south. Take
out the
guard here and head west. There's another guard on this screen,
him and head up. Use (F3) CARD 6 to enter the room on the right
In here you will find PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES. Stock up on those and
back to where you got on land. Head north from here. Use (F3)
CARD 7 to
exit BUILDING TWO. You will now be in the SCORPION DESERT. The
scorpions will run towards you when you enter the desert. If
they sting
you, your life will gradually drain. Use (F3) the ANTIDOTE to
yourself of the poison. Equip (F3) yourself with the COMPASS
and head
north. You will have to go through several screens of
scorpions. Kill
them or run past them. Use (F3) a RATION if need. Keep going
until you
reach the trucks and the door. Several guards will come out of
trucks and ambush you. Then Big Boss will call (F4) you. He
will tell
you to enter the truck on the far right. Don't listen to him!
There are
only two trucks that you need to enter, the center truck on the
and the truck near the door on the right. Inside those trucks
you will
find AMMO. Only enter the truck on the right if you really need
four guards guard it. When your done there, use (F3) CARD 7 to

You will be ambushed once again by four guards (it seems that
from your side is leaking your location to the enemy... Big
Boss will
contact you and tell you to enter the door on the left. Use
(F3) CARD 1
to enter it to get the guards off your tail, but DON'T MOVE
when you
enter this room as it is a trap. Exit the room and use (F2) a
EXPLOSIVE on the right side of the north wall. Hug the right
wall and
head north. This room has several traps on your way to the
Stay on the right wall and head up until you reach the boxes.
Now head
left and up at the corner of the box. That will keep you out of
the way
of the first trap. Now head on the top of the first trap all
the way
until you pass the elevator. Now head north and right to enter
elevator. Now take the elevator down, down, down to the 100th
basement and exit the elevator. This room will have two cameras
on the
north wall. They are easy to avoid if you hide behind the wall
in the
center of the room. Jennifer (F4) will call you and tell you
that there
is an ---OXYGEN TANK--- beyond the wall. Use (F2) a PLASTIC
to blow open the wall in front of the wall in the center of the
Grab the OXYGEN TANK and head back up to the first floor and
back to
BUILDING TWO. Don't forget to use your (F3) COMPASS in the

When you're back at BUILDING TWO, head right. Now equip (F3)
OXYGEN TANK and swim north. Keep swimming north until you come
shallow water. Get out of the water; avoid the guards, and head
(head north directly in front of where you got out of the
water). On
this screen you will see an electrified floor. Use (F2) your
CONTROLLED MISSLES to destroy the control panel next to the
door on the
left. Enter the door on the left using (F3) CARD 1. Inside you
find two boxes of AMMO. Schneider will call (F4) you. He will
tell you
that the person in charge of Outer Heaven is... The
transmission gets
cut off before he can tell you. Take the AMMO and exit the
room. Use
(F3) CARD 7 to enter the door on the right. In here you will
find the
eighth boss of the game, Coward Duck.

*****BOSS FIGHT #8*****

Coward Duck

At the start of the fight, you will get a call (F4) from
Jennifer. She
will tell you that Coward Duck has ---CARD 8---. She will also
tell you
that her brother is among one of the captives so don't kill and
of the
POWs. After the transmission, head north along the left wall.
Now head
up hugging the boxes and rescue the POW on the left. Now
use(F2) you
HANDGUN to kill Coward Duck. 10 shots should do it with ease.
After the
fight, grab CARD 8 that Coward Duck leaves. Rescue the POW on
the right
and the POW in the center, who is Jennifer's brother. When you
him, he will tell you that he is Jennifer's brother. He will
tell you
that when escaping from Outer Heaven; use the ladder on the
left. Keep
that in mind and exit the room.

IX. The Traitor:

Now that you have all eight CARDS, you have access to any area
in the
game. First you will need to stock up on AMMO, PLASTIC
as many RATIONS as you can carry. You can stock up on AMMO in
the room
next to the Coward Duck room. You can find PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES
in the
room before you exit BUILDING TWO and you can find RATIONS in
the first
floor basement of BUILDING TWO. Stock up on as many of each as
you can
carry and head back to the 100th floor basement of BUILDING
soon as you arrive at the 100th floor basement, avoid the
cameras and
use (F3) CARD 8 to enter the door on the right wall. Don't
worry too
much about the camera seeing you. All it will do is fire a
laser at
you, it won't alert the guards. Enter the room and rescue the
will tell you that the leader of Outer Heaven is none other
than.....................the Commander-in-Chief of FOX-HOUND,
Big Boss!
Exit the room and head west. Big Boss will call (F4) you and
tell you
to stop the operation at once! He will tell you to switch off
your MSX.
Ignore him of course. This screen has one camera on each of the
facing south. Run past them and use (F3) CARD 8 to enter the
door on
the north wall. Equip (F3) your GAS MASK and head up to the
part of the room. Punch the wall until you hear that strange
sound. Use (F2) a PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE to blow up the wall. Head
the passage to enter the next room. Head along the left wall of
room until you reach the door. Use (F3) CARD 1 to enter. This
room has
MINES and gas. Equip (F3) you MINE DETECTOR and quickly move
the room. Use (F3) CARD 1 to enter the door. This room has an
floor with no switch. Jennifer will call (F4) you and tell you
that you
must run through it as quick as you can. Run through it as
quick as you
can and enter the open door on the north wall. Before entering
door, heal yourself with a RATION. Through the door is the
ninth boss
of the game, Metal Gear.

*****BOSS FIHGT #9*****

Metal Gear

To defeat Metal Gear, you must use (F2) PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES and
order that Dr. Pettrovich gave you earlier. Put the PLASTIC
on his feet in the order R, R, L, R, L, L, R, L, L, R, R, L, R,
L, R,
R. The cameras move back and forth along the wall firing lasers
at you
when they see you. Use (F3) RATIONS to heal you when needed.

When you place all 16 PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES in the correct place,

Gear will explode taking the two cameras with it and setting
off the
Outer Heaven self-destruct system. A timer will appear on the
bottom of
the screen and an emergency message will appear in a text box.
The door
to your left will then open. Heal yourself with a RATION (F3).
the door to fight your final battle.

*****BOSS FIGHT #10*****

Big Boss

Big Boss will tell you that you were sent here to get false
on Metal Gear, but you accomplished too much. He will tell you
that you
have crushed his ambitions. He will then say that he will not
die alone
and that you are coming with him. Diane then calls (F4) you and
you that she doesn't know how to defeat Big Boss. She then
attempts to
say she loves Solid Snake, but then says that it was nothing.
The fight
begins. You must use (F2) your ROCKET LAUNCHER to defeat Big
Boss. 5-10
hits with the ROCKET LAUNCHER should take care of the traitor.
Use the
crates for protection from his gunshots. The BODY ARMOR also
comes in
handy for that too. Use (F3) a RATION or two if needed.

After the fight, smoke (F3) some CIGARETTES to give yourself

more time
to escape. The door on the north wall will open. Enter the
door. There
will be three ladders. Climb the one on the left like
brother told you to do earlier. Climb up to the surface and it
will cut
to a scene where Solid Snake is running away from Outer Heaven
just as
it explodes. Solid Snake then calls Big Boss's frequency and
says that
Metal Gear was destroyed and Operation Intrude N313 was a
success. He
then tunes into a radio station and they saw that there was a
explosion at Outer Heaven around midnight. The credits will
then role
and the screen will fade to black. It will then display a text
box with
Big Boss saying that it's not over yet and he'll meet Snake
someday... Congratulations, you've just completed Metal Gear.
Now it's
time to pop in the sequel, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake for MSX.
Check out
my FAQ/Walkthrough for it as well.

*7. Transceiver Frequencies*
Big Boss - 120.85(later in the game 120.13)
Kyle Schneider - 120.79(later in the game 120.16)

Diane - 120.33(later in the game 120.91)

Jennifer - 120.48

*8. Weapons/Items/Ammo*
I. Weapons:

Handgun - A semi-automatic pistol. Fires one shot each time you

the Space Bar. Can add Silencer for suppression.

Sub Machine Gun - Small-lightweight SMG. Hold Space Bar to auto

Can add Silencer for suppression.

Grenade Launcher - Launches grenades to the target area. The

moves as you move.

Rocket Launcher - Launches rockets across the screen.

Plastic Explosive - When placed on a wall, it explodes within a


Remote-Controlled Missile - Anti-tank missile. Sight-guided

control system allows adjustment with the cursor keys after
launch. Its range is limited to inside the screen.

Mine - A mine that explodes by applying weight to them. Set

with the
Space Bar. If you equip a Mine Detector you can see where the
Mines are
placed on the ground.

Silencer - Allows you to silence your gun so guards do not hear


II. Ammo:

Ammo - Refills ammo in your Handgun, your Sub Machine Gun, your
Launcher, and your Rocket Launcher.

III. Equipment:

Cigarettes - Snake's favorite brand. Used to give you more


Body Armor - Cuts damage taken by bullets in half.

Gas Mask - Doubles your O2 gauge and causes it to decrease

Useful to protect against any type of gas.
Oxygen Tank - Same as Gas Mask but used underwater.

Mine Detector - Will display the location of mines on the


Binoculars - Useful to see one screen up, down, left, or right

of your
present location.

Cardboard Box - Hide in Cardboard Box from guards or use to

you to different places.

Antenna - Allows you to use you transceiver in places where

there is
electronic jamming.

Infrared Goggles - Used to see where laser sensors are in a


Flashlight - Used to see in dark places.

Bomb Blast Suit - Protective gear that protects you from


Compass - Used to make your way through uncharted territory.

Antidote - Used to cure you of any type of poison.

Uniform - An Outer Heaven guard's uniform. Put this on and the

will think that your one of them.

Cards 1-8 - Used to open a door with the corresponding card

number that
you have.

Transmitter - Will alert the guards of your presence until


Rations - Regenerates Snakes health.

IV. Weapon/Equipment Chart:

This chart tells how much ammo you can carry in your gun or how
much of
one item you can carry at a time based on your rank.

Sub Machine Gun-------------50---100----200----250
Grenade Launcher------------15----30-----60-----60
Rocket Launcher--------------5----10-----20-----30
Remote-Controlled Missile----5----10-----15-----20
Plastic Explosive------------5----10-----15-----20

*9. Characters*
I. Main Characters:

"Solid Snake" - Rookie member of FOX-HOUND. Trained by McDonnel

Operation Intrude N313 is his first mission. Real name is

"Big Boss" - Commander-in-Chief of FOX-HOUND. After his career

Special Forces like Green Beret, SAS and GSG9, he became FOX-
chief commander. He gives tips to Solid Snake about various
things like
the usage of weapons and equipment through wireless

"Grey Fox" - Considered by many to be the leader of FOX-HOUND

due to
his durable physique and superb intelligence. Only person to
receive the code name "Fox". All contact with him has been lost
he infiltrated Outer Heaven.

Diane - A member of the local resistance against Outer Heaven.

vocalist of Thin Wall, the positive punk band. She uses her
charm for intelligence activities. She knows a lot about the
mercenaries and war machines of Outer Heaven.

Jennifer - A member of the local resistance against Outer

Heaven. To
save her brother, who was captured in Outer Heaven, she crept
Outer Heaven as one of its medical staff. She supports you

Kyle Schneider - Former architecture engineer and current

leader of the
local resistance against Outer Heaven. Forced to help build
Heaven, but escaped after his wife and children were killed.
Knows much
about the layout of Outer Heaven.

Dr. Pettrovich Madnar - A brilliant scientist. He was captured

by Outer
Heaven while trying to seek asylum in the United States. Since
then he
developed weapons against his will, while his daughter, Ellen
Pettrovich, is held hostage. He developed TX-11 (Arnold) and
55(Metal Gear).

Ellen Pettrovich - Dr.Pettrovich's only daughter. Former

Bolshoi Ballet
star. She was captured by Outer Heaven to blackmail her father
in to
creating Metal Gear.

II. Boss Characters:

Shoot Gunner - Former member of Spetsnaz and master of riot

guns. He
guards a top-secret underground prison at Outer Heaven.

Machine Gun Kid - He prefer to use Machine Guns. Once served

Special Air Service.

Hind D - A Russian gunship. Stays grounded and fires rapid

machine gun
shots at you. Weak against explosives.

Tank - A standard military tank. Has two machine guns on its

sides and
a missile launcher in the front.

Bulldozer - A slow-moving deathtrap. The Bulldozer will run

anything in its path.

Fire Trooper - Former member of Grenz Schutz Grouppe 9(GSG9).

the flamethrower like a mere rifle.

Arnolds - TX-11 twin cyberoids developed for Outer Heaven using

Dr.Pettrovich's robo-technology. They are virtually

Coward Duck - A former leader of Egg-Plant, an extremist

group. He attacks with boomerangs while using hostages as

Metal Gear - A TX-55 nuclear equipped walking battle tank built

by Dr.
Pettrovich Madnar. It is not believed to be active yet, but the
terrorists plan to use it to support their cause.

? - Leader of Outer Heaven. Very little is known of him

(including his
identity), except for the fact that he's the legendary
mercenary who
built Outer Heaven during the late 1980s.

*10. Tips & Tricks*
Pause (F1) the game to enter the following codes on the first
screen of
the game. Then un-pause (F1) after you have entered the codes.

DS 4 - Improves your rank by one (not to exceed four stars).

INTRUDER - Enter this code while you have your weapon equipped
(F2) to
carry max ammo for it.

ISOLATION - Enter this code while you have rations equipped

(F3) to get
max rations.

ANTA WA ERAI - This is Japanese for "You're the Best". Use this
code to get to the highest rank.(Thanks to Johnny Undaunted for

HIRAKE GOMA - All-Access Pass code. Use this to get all the
(Thanks to Johnny Undaunted for this code)
Trick #1 - Keep entering and exiting trucks and rooms that
rations or ammo to get max ammo or rations.

Trick #2 - To make an item reappear without the need of leaving

and re-
entering the room, simply pause the game (F1) and press F4.
Then press
ESC and then F1 to un-pause. The item will regenerate itself in
same position. (Thanks to Johnny Undaunted for this trick)

*11. Metal Gear Story Transcript*


*12. Frequently Asked Questions*
Here are questions and other things I know people will probably
me and ask me so I'll just answer them here to save you the
trouble of
e-mailing me and save me the trouble of answering the same
over and over again. I will also add any questions people e-
mail me
with in here.

Q. I can't do/find something. Can you help me out???

A. Everything is well outlined in the walkthrough. Make sure

thoroughly read it to make sure you are doing what you are
suppose to

Q. In the characters section, why are "Grey Fox" and "Solid

names unknown when they were both revealed in Metal Gear Solid?

A. Because they were revealed AFTER Metal Gear took place so

they would
not be known at the time Metal Gear took place.

Q. Where can I find a MSX Computer and/or the Metal Gear game?

A. Just type "MSX Computer", "MSX", or "Metal Gear" in a search

and I'm sure you'll find the results your looking for.

*13. Credits*
-My friend Wayne Claridge for getting me interested in the
Metal Gear
series by giving me the Metal Gear Solid demo.

-Johnny Undaunted for letting me use info from his web site
such as
boss and character descriptions, very useful codes and tricks,
added info for the prologue. He gave me some good info for my
Gear 2: Solid Snake FAQ/Walkthrough as well. Visit his Metal
Gear page
at http://www.angelfire.com/games3/johnnyundaunted/metalgear
That site
has some great info on the older games in the Metal Gear
series. I
highly recommend that you check it out. Don't forget to check
out the
main page of his site at
http://www.angelfire.com/games3/johnnyundaunted for info on the
kun games.

-My parents for buying me this PC so I could write this


-GameFAQs for having the best video gaming site in the world
and for
putting this FAQ/Walkthrough on their site. It's impossible to
how many times this place has helped me on games.

-Hideo Kojima for making such one of the best game series in
the world.

-Konami for publishing the Metal Gear series.

*14. Authors Note*
My FAQ/Walkthrough for Metal Gear finally finished. It took a
lot of
hard work to do this, but it was fun. I would like to thank you
reading this FAQ/Walkthrough. If you have any questions,
corrections, or if you would like me to explain something in
this guide
in more detail, please e-mail me at Bagman007@sbcglobal.net and
put the
subject as "Metal Gear FAQ". Please understand that it has been
a few
years since I have written this FAQ/Walkthrough and I cannot
most aspects of this game. I will try to do my best to respond
to e-
mails that I can answer, but please don't be offended if you
don't get
a response.

Here is a list of things I WILL respond to:

-Constructive Criticism (not flaming)
-Any questions not answered in full detail in this walkthrough.
-Any questions not answered in the Frequently Asked Questions
-Any questions pertaining to the story of the Metal Gear
-Anyone asking to put this walkthrough on their site.

Here is a list of things I WILL NOT respond to:

-Flaming of any kind.
-Any question already answered in full detail in this
-Any question already answered in the Frequently Asked
-Any question not pertaining to the Metal Gear series.
-Anyone asking me when I will update this walkthrough.

Here is a list of FAQ/Walkthroughs that are posted at GameFAQs:

Commodore 64:
Metal Gear

Game Boy Color:

Metal Gear: Ghost Babel

Metal Gear
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake

Metal Gear

Here is a list of FAQ/Walkthroughs that I'm currently working

on and
hope to get posted at GameFAQs upon their completion:

Metal Gear II: Snake's Revenge


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