One Week STTP Brochure - Link

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One Week STTP on Chief Patron One Week STTP on

Reflections on Professional Disposition Shri Santosh Rungta Reflections on Professional Disposition

and Campus Empowerment Hon’ble Chairman and Campus Empowerment
Rungta Group of Institutions
through Academic Integrity through Academic Integrity
23 Sep – 28 Sep. 2019
Dr. Sourabh Rungta
Registration Form Director (Tech). SRGI 23 Sep – 28 Sep. 2019

(Participation confirmation will be intimated) Shri Sonal Rungta

Director (F&A) SRGI
Name ………………...…………………...
Dr. B. K. Sthapak
Designation ………...………………… Group Director, SRGI
Department ………...………………… Organizing Chair
Organized by
Organization ………...………………… Dr. Mohan Awasthi
Principal, RCET Bhilai Rungta College of Engineering and
Address ………...…………………
Technology, Bhilai (C.G.)
Dr. S. P. Dubey
………...………………… Professor & Dean (R&D), R.C.E.T. Bhilai All India Council for Technical
Email ………...………………… Education
Prof. Satyadharma Bharti
Mobile Number ………...………………… Dean (ECS), R.C.E.T. Bhilai

Organizing Committee

Date ………… Signature of the Applicant Prof. S. B. Burje, Dean (Academics)

Dr. Manoj Verghese, Dean (FY)
Dr. Pankaj Mishra, Dean (Student)
Signature of the Head of the Institution
with Seal Dr. Manisha Agrawal, Dean (Basic Sciences)
About the Institute Program objectives Registration

RCET Bhilai, established in 1999, is Society benefits when colleges and  There is no registration fee.
universities have standards of integrity that  Registration kit, snacks and working
approved by AICTE New Delhi and is lunch (during the session break) will
provide the foundation for an energetic
accredited by National Board of academic life, promote methodical be provided.
scientific progress, and prepare students for  No accommodation will be provided
accreditation NBA and National and no TA/DA will be paid to the
responsible citizenship. An academic
Assessment and Accreditation Council community flourishes when its members participants.
are committed to the fundamental values.  On the spot registration will be
(NAAC). Institute has been ranked 34 by provided only if the seats are left
Integrity is built upon continuous
Outlook, 35 by The Week, 32 by conversations about how these values are, vacant.
or are not, embodied in institutional life.  Participants can apply through online
Competition Success Review and within Google link given below. Registration
The proposed program is designed to
the top 50 - 60 Private Engineering improve the importance of social trust and link:
the components of emotional intelligence
Colleges in India by other agencies. The
required to sustain.
campus of RCET is spread over 80 acres aM6
The core objectives of the program are;
with levish lush green landscapes with full
Wi-Fi compass facility, e-Learning 1. Help to understand the importance of
social trust, self-discipline, and mutual Important Dates
classrooms, well equipped Laboratories and obligation to individuals and societies.
modern library facilities. Registration start date 14 Sept. 2019
2. Highlight implicit ethical components of
the scientific method, including Last date of registration 20 Sept. 2019
RCET is the youngest institution in India to truthfulness and a willingness to accept
receive that to grant from World Bank and constructive criticism. Date of confirmation 21 Sept.2019
approved as Scientific and Industrial 3. To create an awareness on engineering Target Participants
ethics and human values.
Research Organization (SIRO) by the
4. To understand the social responsibility of an Faculties of all Engineering and Pharmacy
government of India. Institute receives
engineer. Colleges, Polytechnic Colleges and ITI
grants from DST, CSIR, AICTE and institutes can take part in this STTP.
5. To appreciate ethical dilemma while
CGCOST on a regular basis to carry out
discharging duties in professional life.
outstanding R&D Work.

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