Australian Builders Ground Slag
Australian Builders Ground Slag
Australian Builders Ground Slag
Recommended Use: Australian Builders Ground Slag may be used as a cement component, being
partial replacement for Portland cement. Requires alkali to initiate setting.
Used in concrete, mortars and grouts. As a hydraulic binder when mixed
with small quantities of lime.
This Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is issued by Building Products Supplies Pty Ltd in accordance with
the Code and guidelines from the Australian Safety and Compensation Council (ASCC). The information in it
must not be altered, deleted or added to. Building Products Supplies Pty Ltd will not accept any responsibility
for any changes made to its MSDS by any other person or organisation. Building Products Supplies Pty Ltd
will issue a new MSDS when there is a change in product specifications and/ or ASCC standards, guidelines
or regulations.
Risk Phrases:
Safety Phrases:
S22: Do not breathe dust.
S24/25: Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
Swallowed: Rinse mouth and lips with water. Do not induce vomiting. Give water to drink. If symptoms
persist, seek medical attention.
Eyes: Flush thoroughly with flowing water, while holding eyelids open, for 15 minutes to remove all
traces. Do not attempt to remove solid particles embedded in the eye. If symptoms such as
irritation, pain or redness persist, seek medical attention.
Skin: Wash off skin thoroughly with water. Use a mild soap if available. Shower if necessary. Seek
medical attention for persistent irritation of the skin.
Inhaled: Remove to fresh air, away from dusty area. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention.
Incompatibilities: None
Engineering Controls:
Keep exposure to dust as low as practicable, with the aim of maintaining inspirable dust levels to below
10mg/m TWA (time-weighted average). Working in the open air and external openings (such as doors and
windows in buildings) generally provides adequate ventilation. Local mechanical ventilation or local dust
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extraction may be used, if necessary, to control airborne dust levels. If generated dust cannot be avoided
follow personal protection recommendations. Where possible vacuum or wash down all gear, equipment or
mobile plant prior to maintenance and repair work. If compressed air cleaning cannot be avoided, wear eye
and respiratory protection, and clothing as listed below.
For bulk deliveries, closed pumping systems are recommended. For handling of individual bags, follow
personal protection instructions if no local exhaust ventilation is available.
Personal Protection:
Skin Protection:
Minimise contact when handling product.
Wear loose comfortable clothing, impervious footwear and gloves (standard duty leather or equivalent AS
Eye Protection:
Safety glasses with side shields or safety goggles (AS/NZ 1336) or face shield should be worn.
Respiratory Protection:
None required if engineering and handling controls are adequate. Where engineering and handling controls
are not adequate to minimize exposure to total dust, personal respiratory protection may be required.
The type of respiratory protection required is dependent on the concentration of the respirable crystalline
silica dust in the air and the frequency and length of exposure time. Amount of exertion required during the
work and personal comfort are other considerations in choice of respirator. A suitable P1 or P2 particulate
respirator chosen and used in accordance with AS/NZS 1715 and AS/NZS 1716 may be sufficient for many
situations, where high levels of dust are encountered, more efficient cartridge-type powered respirators or
supplied-air helmets may be necessary.
Use only respirators that bear the Australian Standards mark and are fitted and maintained correctly.
Note that persons with facial hair will have difficulty in obtaining a satisfactory face seal. For alternatives see
AS/NZS 1715: Selection and use of respirator protective devices.
Odour: None
Specification: None
Swallowed: Unlikely under normal industrial use. Mildly abrasive to mouth and throat if swallowed. The
material is a physical irritant to the gastro-intestinal tract.
Skin: May cause drying of the skin, which may lead to dermatitis. The material may accentuate
any pre-existing dermatitis condition.
Inhaled: Dust is discomforting to the nose, throat and respiratory tract and may cause coughing and
sneezing. Persons with impaired respiratory function, may incur further disability id excessive
concentrations of particulates are inhaled.
Chronic (long term) Exposure- (Effects may occur after repeated or prolonged exposure)
Eyes: May cause irritation and inflammation of the eyes and aggravate pre-existing eye conditions.
Skin: Repeated contact may cause drying of the skin and may result in skin rash (dermatitis)
typically affecting the hands.
Inhaled: Repeated exposure to high dust concentrations may cause changes in lung function. Pre-
existing upper respiratory and lung diseases including asthma and bronchitis may be
Incompatibilities: None
Classified as NOT HAZARDOUS according to the Australian Safety and Compensation Council (ASCC)
Approved Criteria for Classifying Hazardous Substances (NOHSC:1008) 3 Edition.
Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag is classified as non-Dangerous Good according to the Australian
Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail.
AS 2161 Industrial safety gloves and mittens (excluding electrical and medical glove.
Advice Note:
The information in this document is believed to be accurate. Please check the currency of this MSDS by
contacting: (03) 9676 0000.
The provision of this information should not be construed as a recommendation to use this product in violation
of any patent rights or in breach of any statute or regulation. Users are advised to make their own
determination as to the suitability of this information in relation to their particular purposes and specific
circumstances. Users should read this MSDS and consider the information in the context of how the product
will be handled and used in the workplace and in conjunction with other substances or products.