Using Multimedia in Teaching English To Junior High School Students
Using Multimedia in Teaching English To Junior High School Students
Using Multimedia in Teaching English To Junior High School Students
Judul dari penelitian ini adalah Menggunakan Multimedia Dalam Mengajar Bahasa
Inggris kepada Siswa Menengah Pertama. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk
menginvestigasi persiapan dan implementasi multimedia dalam proses belajar mengajar
di SMP Immanuel Pontianak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi
kasus di mana subjek dari penelitian adalah dua orang guru bahasa Inggris. Hasil dari
penelitian menemukan bahwa dalam tahap persiapan guru mendapatkan materi dari
berbagai sumber, seperti internet, buku, dan video. Guru menghadapi masalah yaitu
keterbatasan dari alat-alat multimedia. Dalam implementasinya guru biasanya
menggunakan video pada pre-activity, dan menggunakan power=point untuk menjelaskan
materi pembelajaran. Guru jarang memberikan tugas yang melibatkan siswa
menggunakan multimedia.
Fenrich (1997) cited in Dr. Usha V. Reddi & Dr. Sanjaya Mishra (2003: 3)” that
“Multimedia is the exciting combination of computer hardware and software that
allows integrating video, animation, audio, graphics, and testing resources to develop
effective presentations on an affordable desktop computer,. In addition ”Multimedia is
characterized by the presence of text, pictures, sound, animation and video; some or all
of which are organized into some coherent program”, Phillips (1997) cited in Reddi et
al (2003: 4).
Today's multimedia is a carefully woven combination of text, graphic art,
sound, animation, and video elements. When you allow an end user, i.e. the viewer of a
multimedia project, to control 'what' and 'when' and 'how' of the elements that are
delivered and presented, it becomes interactive multimedia. As such multimedia can be
defined as an integration of multiple media elements (audio, video, graphics, text,
animation etc.) into one synergetic and symbiotic whole that results in more benefits
for the end user than any one of the media element can provide individually. Dr. Usha
V. Reddi & Dr. Sanjaya Mishra (2003: 4).
As explained above, the use of multimedia not only helps the teacher in
delivering the lesson, it also can make the students to learn individually and motivate
them to learn. The use of multimedia also gives real-life experience where it serves the
audio visual material to the learner.
With the rapid development of the Internet, computer use in the classroom also
offers additional possibilities for designing communicative tasks such as those
built around computer-mediated communication and tele-collaboration, including the
ability to interact in real time with oral and written communication, to conduct
information searches to find attractive and meaningful material, and to engage in
distance learning and e-learning, Anderson, et al (2006) cited in Mayora, C. A. (2006:
A Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Ogunbote and Adesoye (2006: 2) expressed that multimedia technology adds new
dimension to learning experiences because concepts were easier to present and
comprehend when the words are complemented with images and animations. Stating
further that it has been established that learners retain more when a variety of senses are
engaged in impacting knowledge; and the intensity of the experience aids retention and
recall by engaging social, emotional and intellectual senses.
Omagbemi (2004:3) supporting this view expressed that access to multimedia
information could stimulate changes and creates conductive learning environment and
make learning more meaningful and responsive to the localized and specific needs of
learners. As stated above, the multimedia in learning is very helpful in teaching
activities. Not only help the teacher deliver the materials, it also attract the students
attention to follow the teaching learning process. The multimedia make the teaching
learning process being fun and joyful.
In teaching learning using multimedia, there are some points that must be aware
by the teachers. One of them is a preparation before teaching process. In preparing the
multimedia teaching, the teacher needs to seek and select the materials that will be
used. The teacher also should aware the criteria in selecting the materials for teaching
learning in multimedia classroom. Mayer (2001: 41) concluded that successful learning
requires students to perform five actions, with direct implications for the design of
effective multimedia instruction:
a) Select relevant words from the presented text or narration.
b) Select relevant images from the presented illustrations.
c) Organize the selected words into a coherent verbal representation.
d) Organize selected images into a coherent visual representation.
e) Integrate the visual and verbal representations with prior knowledge.
Mayer, (2001: 172): articulated seven principles useful for guiding the design of
multimedia instruction. Under these principles, students have been shown to achieve
greater retention and transfer
a) Multimedia principle
Students learn better from words and pictures than from words alone.
b) Spatial contiguity principle
Students learn better when corresponding words and pictures are presented near
rather than far from each other on the page or screen.
c) Temporal contiguity principle
Students learn better when corresponding words and pictures are presented
simultaneously rather than successively.
d) Coherence principle
Students learn better when extraneous words, pictures, and sounds are excluded
rather than included. (“Extraneous” can refer either to topical or conceptual
relevance, with the latter being more important.)
e) Modality principle
Students learn better from animation and narration than from animation and on-
screen text. (This principle assumes use of a concise narrated animation, text
that omits unneeded words.)
f) Redundancy principle
Students learn better from animation and narration than from animation,
narration, and on-screen text. (This principle is based on capacity-limitation
hypothesis, which holds that learners have limited capacity to process material
visually and auditorily. Eliminating redundant material results in better learning
performance than including it.
g) Individual differences principle
A particularly important finding is that design effects are stronger for low-
knowledge learners than for high-knowledge learners and for high-spatial
learners than for low-spatial learners.
Form of Research
In order to answer the research questions, the method used in this research is
case study research. Case study research is an inquiry that focuses on describing,
understanding, predicting, and/or controlling the individual (i.e., process, animal,
person, household, organization, group, industry, culture, or nationality). This
definition is intentionally broader than the definition that Yin (1994, p. 13) proposes:
Subjects of Research
The subjects being observe in this research was the teachers of SMP
Immanuel Pontianak in academic year 2011/2012. There are three teachers that
teaches English in SMP Immanuel. In this research, the researcher observed two
teachers of class VII and VIII as the subjects of research. The teachers that being
observe used multimedia in teaching English, that is why the researcher took both
teachers as the subjects of research.
The technique used in this research was direct technique. It is because the
writer used interview and observation checklist in gathering the data.
Table 1
2. Observation checklist
The researcher used observation checklist to gather information about teacher
preparation and teaching process in the classroom. The researcher also videotaped the
teaching learning process to review missed events or process in teaching learning by
using multimedia. Here is the table of specification of observation checklist:
Table II
1. Teacher Preparation
Preparing multimedia used
Materials prepared
2 Classroom Management
Use multimedia in teaching
Involves the learners in using multimedia
Assignment to the students
Criteria of good quality of multimedia
3 Atmosphere in the classroom
Phases of analyze the data using Thematic analysis (Virginia Braun & Victoria
Clark, 2005: 16)
Figure I
Teaching Teaching
preparation implementation
The thematic map above consists of two main themes that are teaching
preparation and teaching implementation. In the first main theme that is teaching
preparation theme there are three sub themes that are Multimedia Selection, Finding
Material and Lending the multimedia. In the second main theme divided into two sub
theme that is teaching activities and assessment. The sub themes are represents the data
coding. Here are the data coding based on the themes:
Table III
From the table above, it is shown that there are several data coded in each sub-
theme. In the first sub-theme that is Finding Materials it tells about how the teacher
gets the material to teach by using multimedia. Teacher A gets the materials of learning
from internet, from several source books and CD that available in school. Almost same
with teacher A, teacher B gets the materials of learning from materials from school and
download from internet. These themes are important to be discuss in this research
where in teaching the preparation is one of the important factor whether to decide the
materials or activities that will be apply in teaching learning.
The second sub-theme shows how the teacher lends the multimedia devices.
Teacher A sated that in borrowing procedures she need to write in the journal of
borrowing and then take it. The one that write it first he/she will get it. Teacher B stated
in lending the multimedia he got some problems because of the availability of the
multimedia is not enough, it makes him struggle a lot to get it. From the statements of
teacher A & B, it can be conclude that the availability of the multimedia devices in
SMP Immanuel is not enough to cover all teachers that need to use it.
Table IV
The table above tells that there are three sub-themes in teaching implementation
theme. The first sub-theme teaching activities the teaching styles did by teacher A was
teacher center and students’ center, where Teacher B used teacher center, group activity
and individual work. Second sub-theme is the assessment. Teacher A & B sometimes
asks the students to do some task/project using multimedia then having presentation in
front of the class.
The third sub-theme is problems in using multimedia. the problems faces for
both teacher was black out. The teacher B also stated that another problem was the
availability of the multimedia is not enough to all teachers. From the description above,
it is important to see this matter in order to know the implementation of multimedia in
teaching learning.
1. Teaching preparation
a. Finding materials
In finding the materials used for teaching using multimedia, the teachers get
the it from internet, books, articles and videos and then organized it into power-
T.A : bisa dari internet, bisa dari berbagi sumber buku, kalau power point tentu
buat sendiri ya,, eee,,, kita tau misalnya materi nya apa terus di buat sendiri
, cari-cari gambar di internet, ya materinya tentu dari buku gitu, dari
berbagai sumber.Kalau listening dari buku anak-anak udah dapat CD
listening nya, kami menggunakan buku English in Mind,jadi khusus yang
guru jadi memang di sediakan VCD, tapi kalau misalnya gambar, yang saya
tampilkan lewat powerpoint itu tentu dapat dari internet tidak ada di buku
T.B : Di sediakan sekolah ada, download juga ada, bawa sendiri juga ada.
T.A : kalau misalnya peminjaman sangat mudah kami tinggal mencatat kami
ambil jurnalnya kami catat kemudian kami ambil di ruang kepala sekolah
selama masih ada tersedia dan siapa yang duluan mengisi list itu yang
T.B : sama ketersediannya terbatas, karna jumlahnya tidak terlalu memadai si,
agak sulit harus berebut kadang
2. Teaching implementation.
a. Teaching activities
The teachers oused teacher center while explaining the lesson, students
center when the students having presentation using multimedia in front of the
classroom, individual works and group activities when they need to have task.
T.A : activity nya bias berupa teacher center ketika say mengajarkan lewat
power point, bias juga students center ketika mereka harus
mempresentasikan, jadi mereka menggunakan itu, bias itu group activity,
tergantung, bias individual juga, bias group discussion juga, tergantung
materinya dan tergantung separti apa yang mereka perlukan seperti apa
T.B : Campur si, tergantung kebutuha materi si, kalau memang perlu teacher
center saya yang menjelaskan ia, kalau perlu siswa yang menyediakan
materinya ia, pernah juga group activity membuat presentasi ia,
individual work juga pernah, presentasi masing-masing tentang ini si
yang kemarin presntasi tentangg DREAM impian mereka yang berkaitan
dengan future tense menggunakan multimedia powerpoint
T.A : kadan-kadang kalau dia laptop otomatis di pasangkan dengan LCD kan?
Kalau saya buat powerpointnya dan saya pakai untuk menjelaskan materi-
materi misalnya emm,, yang apa nama nya,,physical appearance
menampilkan gambar-gambar tentang pointed nose, flat nose, kemudian
saya pakai juga untuk tampilkan gambar-gambar misalnya kalau saya lagi
jelasin, ada materi di buku anak-anak itu tentang ee,, ini tempat-tempat di
berbagai Negara, saya carikan gambar tempat2 itu kemudian tampilkan ke
T.B : Emm prosedur penggunaannya standar si, jadi maksudnya lebih banyak ke
penggunaan media misalnya video atau tape untuk pembukaan jadi
membawa siswa untuk masuk ke dalam materi dulu jadi mereka udah dapat
gambaran langsung materi apa yang akan di ajarkan intinya akan ada
campuran penggunaan ada listening untuk penggunaan tugas, untuk
lanjutan penjelasan, macam-macam sih
T.A : di dlm RPP kadang di pre-activity, kadang dia masuk ke dalam whilst
activity nya, di bagian yang elaborasi, karna kan listening tentu mereka
mengerjakan latihan sambil mendengarkan kan, dan itu tergolong ke
dalam elaborasievaluasi juga kadang-kadang ketika anak-anak harus
membuat project nya sendiri kan powerpointnya itu sendiri kan di nilai,
post activity nggak, jarang sangat jarang
b. Assessment
(7) Seperti itu tadi yang saya bilang ketika melakukan presentasi, tentu
mereka sendiri yang mengoprasikan dan menggunakannya mereka yang
muat ya mereka yang mengoprasikan dan menjalankannya,
(7) Tergantung materi, jika memang menuntut mereka untuk terlibat secara
active misalnya mereka mendownload sendiri, kemudian mereka membuat
sendiri menampilkan sendiri maka mereka harus melakukan itu semua
sendiri gitu, tapi dalam materi itu guru harus banyak berperan maka peran
mereka di minimalisir gitu
T.B : Listrik sering padam, sama ketersediannya terbatas, karna jumlahnya tidak
terlalu memadai si, agak sulit mendapatkan multimedia nya, harus berebut
dengan guru lainnya karna keterbatasan media.
Besides gathering the data through Interview, the researcher also collected
the data by using observation checklist. From the observation checklist, there are
three main themes being collected. They are teacher preparation, classroom
management and atmosphere in the classroom.
1) Teacher preparation
Before begin the lesson, the teachers of SMP 11 Pontianak preparing the
multimedia that will be used. The multimedia used by both teachers was laptop,
projector and speaker. The materials given through multimedia was video and
computer based software (Power Point) to deliver the lesson to the students.
2) Classroom management.
While conducting the teaching learning process, the criteria of materials used in
multimedia was include text and pictures when using power point, it also
include video and sound while using video player. The video, pictures and text
are clear and interesting. In teaching learning process, the students was not
involved in using multimedia because the teachers only used one laptop for
themselves, but the multimedia used was activate the students prior knowledge.
3) Atmosphere in the classroom
In teaching learning process, the students in Teacher B class are follow the class
rules and active in teaching learning without making unnecessary act or loud
arguing and they look interest with the topic being taught. While in teachers A
class, the students are interest to the lesson too and follow the rules, but there
are some students loud arguing during the teaching learning.
The writer had analyzed the teachers’ preparation and teaching learning
process in teaching English by using multimedia. The data had been collected from
the interview and observation check list. From the interview there are some
problems in teacher preparation especially in preparing the multimedia that will be
used in teaching learning. The problems that the teacher of SMP Immanuel faces in
preparation stages was about the availability of the multimedia that so view of them
that available. In the implementation process, the teachers seldom involve the
learner to engage in using multimedia in teaching learning process, the teachers
only give assessment that involves learners using multimedia once a month. The
teacher mostly use the multimedia in pre-activity and explaining the materials in
whilst activity.
Based on the research questions and the research purpose of this research,
the researcher investigated the teachers’ preparation and implementation in teaching
learning English by using multimedia to the students of SMP Immanuel Pontianak
Academic Year 2011/2012, the researcher can conclude that, in preparing the
teaching learning using multimedia the teachers of SMP Immanuel finding the
materials from internet and some source books and then organized it into good form
through computer software that is power-point. The teachers also download videos
that appropriate to the materials they taught. In preparing the teaching learning
using multimedia, they got problems in getting the multimedia devices that going to
used because of the availability of it is limited. In teaching learning process the
teachers used video in pre-activity and used power point to explain the lesson. The
teachers sometimes give assessment to the learner that involved them in using
multimedia. In teaching learning using multimedia, the teachers can find various
interesting activities using multimedia to the learners that can make them involved
mostly in using it.
The writer has some suggestions for the teachers and for the writer research
related to this issue.
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