Multimedia Instruction and Its Effectiveness
Multimedia Instruction and Its Effectiveness
Multimedia Instruction and Its Effectiveness
Multimedia applications for educational purposes are similar like the printed text
books and other teaching materials, but they can be come in a wider range of sources.
The potential of multimedia applications for educational purposes is well-recognized by
the universities, school, government and private organization. Educational multimedia
applications can be more focused on specific objectives or in more comprehensive ways
(Norhayati & Siew, 2004).
Definition of Terms
Academic Performance – Describes how will you perform in school include reporting, oral
examination and recitation, doing assignments etc. (Operationally)
Instruction – the act or process of imparting knowledge or skills to another. (From Merriam
Learning Competence – It refers to the learning skills of the students, on how excellent
they are when it comes in academic performances. (Operationally)
Multimedia – It is a tool that they use in teaching instructions and doing academic
performance without hassle or difficulty. (Operationally)
This study examines the effectiveness of multi-media in academic performances of
senior high school students. Multimedia can be used for a wide variety of audiences,
ranging from one person to a whole group. It may help to develop brain's ability that lead
to a deeper understanding.
Review of Related Literature
Research Design
The design that will be use in this study is the descriptive research. Wherein
descriptive research design aims to describe and analyze the effectiveness of multimedia
instruction among senior high school students of Bued National High School. Under the
descriptive research method, the technique always be compared with the standards. With
the survey method, researchers are able to statistically study specific areas where the
proponents must concentrate.
Research Locale
Setting or location of the study plays a vital role since the setting or content may
have an effect or impact on the behavior of the respondents. This research study will be
conducted at Bued National High School which located at Brgy. Bued, Calasiao,
Pangasinan. The total population of grade 11 and 12 senior high school student in Bued
National High School is 320.
In this study, the primary source of collecting data will be through the use of
structured survey questionnaire and documentary analysis. The researcher shall make a
survey questionnaire which will give to the respondents. The sample will receive
questionnaire that can be answered by checking the fixed choices given by the
researchers. The researcher will assist and guide the participants in answering the
To assure that each item selected for inclusion in the questionnaire were capable
to eliciting responses need to measure the set objectives for the study.
µ is the mean
∑x is the sum of observations
n is the number of observations
The frequency distribution is the basic building block of statistical analytical method
and the first step in analyzing survey data. It helps researcher organize and summarize
the survey data in a tabular format, interpret the data and detect outliers (extreme values)
in the survey data set.
Effects on students Tally Frequency
Getting a low grade IIIII-II 7
One of the most frequent ways to represent statistics is by percentage. A
percentage frequency distribution is a display data that specifies the percentage of
observations that exist for each data point or grouping data points. It is particularly useful
method of expressing the relative frequency of survey responses and other data.
Example: Profile of the students based on their gender.
Percentage= ∑x100
%is the percent
n is the number of respondents who answer
∑ is the total number of respondents
Weighted mean
Is a kind of average instead of each data point contributing equally to the final
mean, some data points contribute more weight than others. If all the weights are equal
then the weight mean equals the arithmetic mean, weighted mean is very common in
static especially when studying populations. This tool was to examine the significance of
contextualization and its effect to student’s academic performance.
𝛴 𝑓𝑥
𝑥̅𝑤 = where,
Data Analysis
The data which will be gathered will be subjected to analysis and interruption using
appropriate statistical data will be processed in detailed description to obtain more
detailed and define way of explaining the results of the data.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
October 15,2018
Dear Respondent,
Our group is conducting a research study entitled “Multimedia Instructions and its
Effectiveness to the Academic Performance of SHS Students in Bued National High
School S.Y. 2018-2019”. This study aims to know how multimedia affect performance of
senior high school student in Bued National High School S.Y. 2018-2019.
We would like to ask your cooperation by answering the questionnaire honestly
and completely. Any information you will provide shall highly be appreciated.
Thank you so much for your cooperation and stay blessed.
Sincerely yours,
Glaiza Mae J. Maningding
Danica Ellen F. Uson
Mary Joy Z. Cendana
Josha Mae Reyes
Pamela Joy Manaios
Andrei Kobe F. Chen
Roberson F. Abalos
Lorenz A. Dreje
Contents Noted:
Richard H. Ora
Practical Research II Teacher
Multimedia Instructions and its Effectiveness to the Academic Performance of SHS
Students in Bued National High School S.Y. 2018-2019
1. What are the common multimedia instructions as used in your senior high school
Others Please Specify _______________
2. The use of technology enhanced multimedia instructions helps the student to learn a
foreign language
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
3. The use of multimedia in doing school works/assignments
Very Important
Moderately Important
Of Little Importance
Not Important