Term o Regulation
Term o Regulation
Term o Regulation
Tansey EA, Johnson CD. Recent advances in thermoregulation. Adv couple of degrees will challenge the body’s thermoregulatory
Physiol Educ 39: 139–148, 2015; doi:10.1152/advan.00126.2014.—Ther- mechanisms, and swings in temperature outside the normal
moregulation is the maintenance of a relatively constant core body range can prove fatal. For example, beyond a body temperature
temperature. Humans normally maintain a body temperature at 37°C, of 42°C, cytotoxicity occurs with protein denaturation and
and maintenance of this relatively high temperature is critical to
human survival. This concept is so important that control of thermo-
impaired DNA synthesis (38), resulting in end-organ failure
regulation is often the principal example cited when teaching physi- and neuronal impairment. If body temperature drops below
ological homeostasis. A basic understanding of the processes under- 27°C (severe hypothermia), the associated neuromuscular, car-
pinning temperature regulation is necessary for all undergraduate diovascular, hematological, and respiratory changes can
students studying biology and biology-related disciplines, and a thor- equally prove fatal (40). Despite the need for tight regulation of
ough understanding is necessary for those students in clinical training. core temperature, humans can survive in the most inhospitable
Our aim in this review is to broadly present the thermoregulatory of places and can challenge their thermoregulatory capacity in
process taking into account current advances in this area. First, we the most extreme ways. Humans participate in the Marathon
summarize the basic concepts of thermoregulation and subsequently Des Sables (a 251-km endurance running challenge in the
assess the physiological responses to heat and cold stress, including
vasodilation and vasoconstriction, sweating, nonshivering thermogen-
Sahara desert, a place where day time temperatures can reach
esis, piloerection, shivering, and altered behavior. Current research is 50°C) and ice diving, where water temperatures may only be a
presented concerning the body’s detection of thermal challenge, few degrees above freezing. How is it possible that they can do
peripheral and central thermoregulatory control mechanisms, includ- this and survive?
ing brown adipose tissue in adult humans and temperature transduc- To ensure optimal physiological function and survival, hu-
tion by the relatively recently discovered transient receptor potential mans must be able to preserve core body temperature (within
channels. Finally, we present an updated understanding of the neuro- the head, thorax, and abdomen) in the face of environmental
anatomic circuitry supporting thermoregulation. temperature challenges. Thus, heat gain to the body must equal
transient receptor potential channel; preoptic area of the hypothala- heat loss.
mus; set point; brown adipose tissue; thermoregulation; heat; cold As humans are endothermic homeotherms, we produce our
own body heat and can regulate our body temperature. Our
high core temperature is achieved principally through heat
AN UNDERSTANDING of body temperature regulation is necessary
production as a result of metabolism. Heat transfer always
to learn the basic concept of homeostasis and for a wide variety occurs down a thermal gradient (from hot to cold) through the
of physiological and clinical applications. It is covered in most processes of radiation, conduction, and/or convection. As hu-
elementary physiology courses, but often with a degree of mans are often the hottest objects in a given environment, the
superficiality and dogma, due to time and content constraints. normal direction of heat transfer is from the body to the
As research in this area has progressed over the last few surroundings. However, as core temperature rises, heat loss
decades, major advances in our understanding have been made, through evaporation becomes the primary mechanism of heat
particularly in the central circuitry involved in thermoregula- dissipation.
tory control and in the peripheral sensory mechanisms of The following heat balance equation addresses the internal
temperature transduction. These advances have not necessarily and external factors that contribute to thermal balance and,
filtered through to general textbooks that form the cornerstone therefore, the maintenance of core temperature:
of many medical-related and basic science courses (see Ref.
26). In the present article, we describe the processes of ther- Heat storage ⫽ metabolism ⫺ work ⫺ evaporation
moregulation, taking these recent advances into account so that ⫾ radiation ⫾ conduction ⫾ convection
those involved in teaching thermoregulation provide a more
up-to-date representation. where
Normal core body temperature is around 37°C and con-
• Metabolism refers to the chemical reactions occurring within
trolled within a narrow range (33.2–38.2°C) and narrowing
the body that produce heat. During exercise, the working
further when disregarding oral measurements in favor of rectal,
muscle liberates large amounts of heat.
tympanic, or axillary measurements (68). There are normal
• Work is the external work done.
fluctuations that occur throughout the day (circadian rhythm),
• Evaporation is the heat loss to environment as water vapor-
throughout a month (menstrual cycle), and throughout a life-
time (aging). Abnormal core temperature deviations of even a ized from the respiratory passages and skin surface. Total
sweat vaporized from skin depends on the following three
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: C. D. Johnson,
Centre for Biomedical Sciences Education School of Medicine, Dentistry and
1. The surface area exposed to the environment
Biomedical Science Queen’s Univ., Whitla Medical Bldg., 97 Lisburn Road, 2. The temperature and relative humidity of ambient air
Belfast BT9 7AE, Northern Ireland (e-mail: c.johnson@qub.ac.uk). 3. Convective air currents around the body
1043-4046/15 Copyright © 2015 The American Physiological Society 139
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Staying Current
• Radiation is the electromagnetic radiation (heat) transferred ature (see Skin blood vessels below). As humans, we are
to bodies not in contact, including the ultraviolet light generally warmer than the ambient temperature, and so the
radiation from the sun, which penetrates through to the general flow of heat is from the shell to the environment.
surface of the earth, and the infrared radiation from the body. During cold stress, skin blood flow is reduced, leading to a
• Conduction is the movement of heat to/from the body decrease in shell temperature and conservation of heat to the
directly to objects in contact with the body. Usually the core. Temperature gradients between the core and skin can be
amount of heat exchanged in this way is minimal. a useful nonspecific monitor of thermal status. For example,
• Convection is the transfer of heat to a moving gas or liquid. there is an increased gradient between core and peripheral
When a body is warm, the air molecules that make contact temperature in shock states, and the gradient is useful in
with the body will be warmed, reducing their density, which distinguishing between cardiovascular or respiratory causes of
causes the molecules to rise and be replaced with cooler air. dyspnea (16).
Convective heat exchange is increased by movement of the The hypothalamus is the coordinating or central integration
body in air or water or movement of air or water across the center for thermoregulation. Evidence suggests that it is the
skin. preoptic anterior hypothamalus that is the most important
region for autonomic temperature control (57). The input to the
When the heat storage is zero, the body is thermally balanced. hypothalamus comes from peripheral as well as central ther-
In humans, normal thermoregulation involves a dynamic bal- moreceptors. Recent experimental work from a number of
ance between heat production/gain and heat loss, thereby laboratories has provided neural substrates for thermoregula-
minimalizing any heat exchange with the environment. Thus, a tory control and is discussed in more detail below. Both
constant core temperature is maintained. peripheral and central thermoreceptors have two subtypes:
those responding to cold and those responding to warmth.
Temperature Regulation Peripheral thermoreceptors are located in the skin, where cold
When discussing body temperature, we usually refer to the receptors are more abundant than warm receptors. Warm
central core and peripheral shell temperatures. The core tem- central thermoreceptors, located in the hypothalamus, spinal
perature reflects the temperature within the “deep” body tis- cord, viscera, and great veins, are more numerous than cold
sues, organs that have a high level of basal metabolism (such thermoreceptors. The impact of central thermoreceptor activa-
as the brain, heart, and liver). The shell temperature is influ- tion is most significant in terms of core temperature, and it
enced by blood flow to the skin, which is raised with a high seems that the activation of warm thermoreceptors causes
core temperature, and environmental temperature. It is usually inhibition of cold receptors (28). Table 1 shows physiological
measured at the skin of hands and feet. The surface area-to- and behavioral responses to the activation of these thermal
mass ratio of these sites is high (for example, the surface receptors.
area-to-mass ratio of each hand is four to five times greater Effector Organ Responses to an Increase in Body
than that of the body) (72), and it is known that the surface- Temperature
area-to-mass ratio is important to the transfer of thermal
energy. With a high surface-area-to-mass ratio, the hand will Skin blood vessels. The skin plays a substantive role in the
chill faster than the torso, which has a lower surface area-to- thermoregulatory process. In response to increased or de-
mass ratio. Notwithstanding this, the shell temperature is an creased ambient or internal temperatures, skin blood flow is
important indicator of the heat exchange requirements of the modified accordingly through sympathetic vasodilation and
body. Shell temperature is usually around 4°C lower than core vasoconstriction mechanisms, respectively. Heat is dissipated
temperature. In a warm environment, the difference in temper- from the body when blood is brought in close proximity to the
ature between the core and shell decreases as skin blood flow skin’s surface. This is achieved through vasodilation of skin
is increased and skin temperature approaches ambient temper- blood vessels.
Body Temperature
Stimulus Sensors Control Center Effectors Responses
Increase Peripheral and central Hypothalamus 1. Skin blood vessels 1. Arteriolar and arteriovenous anastomosis vasodilation
thermoreceptors 2. Sweat glands 2. Sweating
3. Endocrine tissue 3. Decreased metabolic rate (adrenal and thyroid
4. Behavior 4. Reduced activity, stretched body position, and loss of
Decrease Peripheral and central Hypothalamus 1. Skin blood vessels 1. Arteriolar and arteriovenous anastomosis
thermoreceptors vasoconstriction
2. Arrector pili muscles 2. Piloerection and air trapping
3. Skeletal muscles 3. Shivering thermogenesis
4. Endocrine tissue 4. Increased metabolic rate (adrenal and thyroid glands
and brown adipose tissue)
5. Behavior 5. Increased activity, huddled body position, and
increased appetite
6. Brown adipose tissue 6. Nonshivering thermogenesis
The mechanisms of thermal control for the cutaneous circu- originates from the fact that active vasodilation and sweating
lation have been thoroughly reviewed recently (29 –31). The seem to occur concurrently.
autonomic nervous system plays a major role in the control of 3. There seems to be a role for nitric oxide in active
blood flow to the skin (15). Hair-bearing skin (nonglabrous vasodilation as the response is attenuated by nitric oxide
skin) is innervated by both noradrenergic vasoconstrictor and synthase inhibition.
cholinergic vasodilator nerves, whereas nonhair-bearing skin Sweat glands. Sweat production and the subsequent evapo-
(glaborous skin), present on the palms, soles, and lips, is ration are the principal modes of heat loss in humans when
innervated solely by vasoconstrictor nerve fibers. ambient temperature rises as well as during exercise. In fact,
In normothermia, there is a baseline level of vasoconstrictive evaporative cooling is the only mechanism of heat loss once
tone. In glaborous skin, the principal response to heat is to ambient temperature exceeds body temperature. Exposure to a
increase cutaneous blood flow through passive vasodilation of hot environment, or exercise, elevates core and skin tempera-
blood vessels through sympathetic nervous activity withdrawal tures, both of which contribute to the increased sweat rate. The
(25, 32). The presence of numerous arteriovenous anastomoses threshold for sweating normally exceeds the threshold for
in glaborous skin can lead to large changes in blood flow to vasoconstriction by ⬃0.2°C. However, it is known that sweat-
these regions, for example, in heat, arteriovenous anastomoses ing begins within seconds of the onset of exercise (74), before
open and blood flows directly from artery to vein, bypassing any measureable changes in internal temperature. This is
high-resistance arterioles and capillary loops (Fig. 1). thought to be mediated by a combination of inputs from central
In nonglarborous skin, if the convective heat loss resulting command and the exercise pressor reflex (61).
from relaxation of vasoconstrictor tone is insufficient to cool Sweat is released by eccrine glands, which are distributed in
the core, then a further increase in skin blood flow can occur by large numbers (1.6 – 4 million) over the entire surface of the
active vasodilatation (31), thus increasing convective heat loss body, with regional distributions in density. Sweating is me-
further. This active vasodilation is, at least in part, in response diated by the activation of sympathetic cholinergic fibers (62).
to the release of acetylcholine and other cotransmitters from Evaporation of sweat allows heat to be transferred to the
sympathetic cholinergic nerves and can increase cutaneous environment as water vapor from respiratory passages and the
blood flow from 300 ml/min up to or exceeding 8 l/min (31). skin surface. The major limiting factor in a human’s ability to
Various hypotheses that have been proposed with regard to the maintain body temperature in the face of a thermal challenge is
mechanisms involved in cutaneous active vasodilation. Very the availability of water for sweat production. High volumes of
little is known for certain about the control processes; however, sweat can be produced if a person becomes heat acclimatized,
the following have been proposed (31): 2–3 l/h (2), compared with 1 l/h in nonacclimatized individuals
1. Acetylcholine is the most important chemical for initial- (3). Heat acclimatization enhances the sweating mechanism
ising active vasodilator responses to body heating, but cotrans- and has previously been associated with a redistribution of
mitter(s) appear to be principally responsible for the overall sweat secretion toward the limbs (28). This could potentially
response. Candidates include vasoactive intestinal peptide, be desirable as limbs have a relatively large surface area-to-
substance P, histamine, prostaglandins, and transient receptor mass ratio. An elevation in sweating and evaporation at these
potential (TRP)V1 receptor activation. sites could therefore enhance thermal homeostasis. However,
2. The cholinergic nerves that govern sweating may be the more recent evidence suggests that a redistribution of sweating
same as those that control active vasodilation. This hypothesis from the trunk to the limbs does not occur (55, 71).
With heat acclimatization, there is a lower body temperature
threshold for sweating, and sweat gland sensitivity and capac-
ity improves, so for a given core temperature, the sweat rate
Epidermis increases (8, 17, 37, 56, 58). An increased sweat rate alters the
Capillary loop composition of sweat and is particularly associated with de-
pletion of plasma Na⫹ and Cl⫺ concentrations. However,
Venous plexus
acclimatization has been shown to attenuate this reduction.
This is likely to be related to the increased renin and aldoste-
Dermis rone levels that have been found in acclimatized individuals
producing a lower sweat Na⫹ concentration (49).
Oxygenated blood Behavioral adaptations. Physiological thermoregulatory
Arteriole Arteriovenous
Deoxygenated blood mechanisms have a finite capacity. Behavioral thermoregula-
Sympathetic varicosities tion does not; therefore, changes in human behavior can be
Postganglionic sympathetic neuron Precapillary sphincter
extremely effective in response to a change in body tempera-
Fig. 1. Control of peripheral blood flow to glaborous skin. With permission ture. Behavioral thermoregulation means that we can con-
from (69). Note the presence of arteriovenous anastomoses, which have a rich sciously and intentionally alter the heat exchange that takes
supply of sympathetic vasoconstrictive fibers. The arteriovenous anastomoses place with our environments. For example, we can seek shelter
connect arterioles directly to the venous plexus. Increased sympathetic tone in
response to a decrease in core temperature constricts arterioles and reduces from extreme heat by turning on the heating, grabbing a
blood flow through arteriovenous anastomoses to almost nothing, thereby sweater, staying in the shade, consume ice-cold drinks, etc. (for
reducing heat loss from the surface of the skin. In response to an increase in a review, see Ref. 22).
body temperature, the withdrawal of sympathetic tone leads to passive dilation Exercise in heat. Humans usually encounter thermal stress
of arterioles and arteriovenous anastomoses and enables heat loss by increasing
blood flow to the venous plexus. Precapillary sphincters are only sparsely
through adverse weather conditions, but thermal stress can
innervated by sympathetic nerves. At rest, there is a high degree of sympathetic result from the body’s overproduction of heat (e.g., during
tone to the skin. exercise or fever). Exercise of itself will increase body tem-
perature. This may be, in part, due to an initial cutaneous Brown adipose tissue. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is spe-
vasoconstriction, along with vasoconstriction in other nonac- cialized for the process of nonshivering thermogenesis, where
tive muscle vascular beds (splanchnic, renal, etc.), that results oxidative metabolism is uncoupled from ATP production and,
in more of the cardiac output being available to active skeletal in the process, energy is expended. This tissue is thermogenic
muscle (6, 33). Thus, exercising in the heat represents a by increasing the metabolic rate. BAT was, until recently,
particular challenge as heat loss is more difficult to maintain. It thought to be only important in small mammals and neonates.
is associated with early fatigue and decrements in exercise However, evidence for the activation of BAT in adult humans
capacity (23) and performance (70). If accompanied by a high in response to cold has recently emerged (48, 59, 76), and a
relative humidity, the situation is exacerbated. This is princi- role for BAT in thermoregulation for adults as well as neonates
pally due to the fact that less sweat can be evaporated from the has become established (75). There is some debate as to
skin’s surface in humid environments (the sweating response to whether this tissue that behaves like BAT is actually true BAT
heat acclimatization is described above). or is so-called “beige adipose tissue,” which can develop from
The development of fatigue during exercise in the heat is not white fat cells in response to cold or 3-adrenergic agonists
associated with a single factor but rather involves the interac- (77, 80).
tion of many physiologic processes (52). At high exercise BAT’s potential metabolic role has been recognized to the
intensities or during prolonged exercise in the heat, heart rate extent that it is considered as a potential site for drugs aimed at
increases and stroke volume reduces in parallel with a rise in altering energy expenditure (73). BAT could potentially be a
core temperature. In addition, cutaneous blood flow plateaus at therapeutic site for the treatment of obesity. Sympathetic ner-
a core temperature of ⬃38°C (24). Therefore, beyond this core vous system activity, in response to inputs from peripheral and
temperature, the ability of the athlete to dissipate heat is central thermoreceptors, can stimulate BAT thermogenesis.
reduced. A circulatory conflict is observed between the skin Catecholamines acting on 3-adrenergic receptors can activate
and skeletal muscle, which contributes to fatigue. This situa- an uncoupling protein on the inner mitochondrial membrane.
tion is made all the worse if accompanied by substantial sweat This uncoupling protein, thermogenin, allows H⫹ to cross the
loss and dehydration. mitochondrial membrane without ATP production. It is known
Training or repeated bouts of exercise have been shown to that sympathetic nervous system activity is increased in the
improve exercise performance (39) through various physiolog- cold, and nonshivering thermogenesis increases likewise (34).
ical adaptations; the most important of these are changes that In addition, BAT thermogenesis can be modulated by a number
facilitate increased peripheral blood flow while maintaining of nonthermal factors, including hypoxia, infection, hypogly-
arterial blood pressure. Endurance training and heat acclima- cemia, and psychological stress (42).
tization have been shown to improve vasodilatory ability (5, 7). Piloerection (goosebumps). The arrector pili muscle is a
There are alterations in energy metabolism when exercising small band of smooth muscle that connects the hair follicle to
in the heat. Fatigue occurs earlier and is associated with the connective tissue of the basement membrane in nongla-
glycogen depletion (21), whereas carbohydrate supplementa- borous skin. It is innervated by the autonomic nervous system.
tion has been shown to improve exercise capacity in the heat
In response to increased sympathetic nerve discharge, the
(11). Exercise in the heat is associated with alterations in
arrector pili muscles at the base of tiny hairs in the skin
central nervous system function and motor drive, leading to
contract and cause the hairs to become upright, trapping air and
central fatigue (27, 51). Training and heat acclimatization are
thus increasing the insulating layer of air around the body and
invaluable to athletes who exercise in warm environments.
minimizing heat loss. This is known as piloerection. As the
Knodo and coworkers (35) have described five phenotypic
muscle contracts, the epidermis buckles, creating “goose-
adaptations to heat: reduced heart rate at a fixed workload,
bumps.” Piloerection is a known reaction to cold and also
expanded plasma volume, lower core temperature at an equiv-
alent workload (thus increasing time to fatigue), superior salt strong emotional stimuli. Piloerection is used as an index of
reabsorption from sweat, and an elevated sweat rate. All of autonomic sympathetic activity and is thought to be mediated
these adaptations contribute to increased exercise performance by ␣1-adrenergic receptors (1). As humans possess relatively
in the heat. little hair and are often clothed, heat conservation through
piloerection is usually regarded as insignificant and rudimen-
tary. However, piloerection may become more important in
Effector Organ Responses to a Decrease in Body
conjunction with shivering, potentially enhancing the effec-
tiveness of the shivering response (54).
Skin blood vessels. When vasoconstriction occurs as a re- Shivering. When exposed to mild cold, humans will con-
sponse to cold, then blood is shunted away from the skin serve heat through mechanisms such as vasoconstriction and
surface through the deeper veins. Heat is thus conserved, and piloerection, which are energetically inexpensive, and by
a widening of the gradient between core and peripheral tem- changes in behavior. If these adjustments are insufficient to
perature is observed. In response to cold, sympathetic vaso- maintain temperature, shivering occurs. The onset of shivering
constrictor nerves act primarily on ␣-noradrenergic receptors has been used as an indicator that maximal vasoconstriction
to cause blood vessel smooth muscle contraction and vasocon- has already been achieved (19). It is initiated by the hypotha-
striction. Other sympathetically released cotransmitters also lamic preoptic area but mediated by the somatic motor cortex
contribute to this vasoconstriction, such as ATP and neuropep- in response to signals from cold receptors in the skin in
tide Y (see Refs. 9 and 10), the latter of which has been shown particular; therefore, the normal stimulus for shivering is the
to contribute significantly to cutaneous vascular tone vasocon- skin temperature rather than the core temperature. Shivering
strictor responses to human body cooling (64, 66). threshold is normally described as the core temperature at
which shivering is triggered. This is usually related to a given yet overlapping of these sensitivities allows for a wide range of
skin temperature. temperature discrimination. TRPV1 and TRPV2 were among
Shivering is involuntary, rapid, oscillating contractions of the first to be identified with temperature sensitivity (13, 14).
skeletal muscle. ATP is hydrolyzed, but no work is done They are activated by temperatures higher than 43 and 52°C,
through the contraction, and so the energy produced is released respectively, and may mediate noxious hot sensation. TRPV4
as heat. In adults, shivering, at its peak, can elicit heat produc- and TRPV3 are activated by temperatures above 25 and 31°C,
tion equivalent to five times the basal metabolic rate (20); likely mediating innocuous warm sensation (63, 78). TRPM8 is
however, in neonates, there is a notable absence of shivering increasingly activated as temperature drops below 27°C and
due to the immaturity of their skeletal muscles, and nonshiv- is likely to mediate innocuous cold sensation (36). TRPA1 is
ering thermogenesis is the most important means by which heat activated at temperatures below 17°C and may contribute to
is generated (67). noxious cold sensation, although this role is more controver-
Behavioral adaptions to cold. Behavioral thermoregulation sial, as are the roles of TRPM2, TRPM4, and TRPM5 (12, 60).
seems to be particularly important in situations where the body The role of these TRP channels can now be effectively mapped
is exposed to extreme cold, where vasoconstriction and onto textbook figures produced before the knowledge of TRP
shivering have a limited effect. Recent research suggests channels, describing discharge frequencies at different temper-
that behavioral control is influenced by many different areas atures of neurons from these temperature receptors (see Fig. 2).
of the brain: the medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain, somato- However, this must be viewed cautiously at present as few
sensory cortex, amygdala, and thermoregulatory centers in studies have identified these channels as the transduction
the hypothalamus as well as the prefrontal cortex (for a mechanisms on primary thermosensitive afferents (46, 60, 65).
review, see Ref. 22). Nevertheless, for many (thousands of) years, we have been
aware of chemical agonist stimulation of these channels. We
Transduction of Temperature may be familiar with the cooling sensation of menthol (a
Major advances in the transduction processes in peripheral TRPM8 agonist) as we chew our gum or the warming/burning
thermal sensation have been made since the discovery of the sensation we experience when eating food spiced with chili
TRP family of ion channels in the last decade and a half. TRP (capcaisin, a TRPV1 agonist).
channels are a superfamily of proteins that can be expressed in It is likely that TRP channels are involved in thermal
cell membranes and in membranes of internal structures (see sensation. They may contribute by direct activation of sensory
Ref. 81). Many are polymodal in their activation, all resulting fibers; for example, TRPM8 channels are expressed in primary
in cation influx. Nine are established as being sensitive to somatosensory neurons (4). They may also indirectly stimulate
temperature, and their roles have been extensively reviewed primary sensory fibers; for example, TRPV3 and TRPV4
(12, 60). The classic notion of activation of a thermoreceptive channels are expressed in abundance in skin keratinocytes,
neuron might describe a rather vague idea of receptor stimu- which may secrete diffusible factors that stimulate sensory
lation resulting from a change in intracellular metabolic chem- fibers (81). The molecular mechanisms responsible for temper-
ical reactions in proportion to temperature (26). Yet this may ature transduction in the brain, particularly the hypothalamus,
also describe specific subpopulations of temperature receptors are largely unknown, although the involvement of TRP chan-
that discriminate cold noxious, cold, warm, and hot noxious nels has not been found to date (see Ref. 47). With regard to
stimuli with overlap between the stimulatory temperatures (see neurons in the preoptic hypothalamus (POA), it has been
Fig. 2). Individual TRP channels have now been identified that proposed that spontaneous activity in their membranes repre-
may subserve these specific temperature discrimination roles. sents pacemaker activity capable of generating spontaneous
Each has a relatively narrow band of temperature activation, action potentials, and their temperature sensitivity reflects the
temperature sensitivity of these membrane currents (79, 83). It
has been proposed that thermal sensation in the spinal cord
Freezing Cold Cool Indiffer- Warm Hot Burning may reflect the activation of TRP channels in the central end of
cold ent hot sensory neurons located in the spinal dorsal horn (45). Tem-
perature transduction mechanisms for receptive neurons that
(TRPV4 & TRPV3) exist in the viscera (the abdominal blood vessels, esophagus,
10 Warm and stomach, among other organs) are also less well elucidated.
Impulses per second
ulatory information rather than those relaying noxious hot or Afferents arising in the viscera travel to the central nervous
cold sensations (18). system mainly in vagus and splanchnic nerves. The majority of
More recent experiments by Morrison and Nakamura (43, this sensory information, including temperature, converges at
44) have incorporated labeling of neurons, to delineate projec- the level of the nucleus tractus solitarius before passing to the
tions, and electrophysiological recordings from the same neu- LPB, so the LPB may integrate both skin and visceral thermal
rons to examine their responses to peripheral thermal stimula- information (45, 47).
tion. They have provided much more detailed information
regarding central projections from the lateral parabrachial nu- Central Control of Thermoregulatory Responses
cleus (LPB) where these second-order neurons synapse. The Previously, temperature control was taught as involving
LPB receives spinal input from cold-sensitive neurons (exter- integration of central and peripheral thermal signals coor-
nal lateral subnucleus of the LPB) and warm-sensitive neurons dinated in the POA and somehow involving a comparison of
(the dorsal subnucleus of the LBP). Third-order LPB neurons this integrated signal with a “set-point” signal. If an error
arise from these regions, which then project to the median between the input temperatures and the set point occurs,
preoptic nucleus (MnPO) of the POA (45, 47). Activation of then this would trigger appropriate heat gain or heat loss
these pathways will initiate either heat gain or heat loss mechanisms. Although part of this model was based on the
mechanisms (45, 47). Other second-order neurons travel to the observation of thermal responses to heating and cooling of
thalamus and then to the cortex to allow conscious sensation of the skin and discrete regions of the hypothalamus (26), evi-
temperature (Figs. 3 and 4). dence of the central circuitry necessary for this model has been
+ Dorso-medial
Fig. 3. Central circuitry mediating the re- +
sponse to cold. POA, preoptic area of the
hypothalamus; MnPO, median preoptic nu- Thalamus
cleus; MPO, medial preoptic area; DMH, dor-
somedial hypothalamus; rRPa, rostral raphae parabrachial
+ +
pallidus nucleus; LPB, lateral parabrachial nu- nucleus
cleus; BAT, brown adipose tissue (after Ref. (LBP) Rostral raphae
45, which also gives details of putative/known KEY
central neurotransmitters in these pathways); inactive or pallidus nuclei
PGE2, prostaglandin E2. Nonsteroidal anti- inhibited neurone + (rRPa)
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have an anti-
pyretic affect by inhibiting the enzyme [cy- active or
clooxygenase (COX)] responsible for produc- excited neurone
ing PGE2.
receptor BAT
Spinal cord
cortex + + +
hypothalamus (DMH)
Thalamus Lateral
(LBP) Rostral raphae
Fig. 4. Central circuitry mediating the re-
KEY pallidus nuclei (rRPa) sponses to warm (after Ref. 45).
inactive or
inhibited neurone +
active or
excited neurone
receptor BAT
lacking. The application of several techniques has allowed skin temperature compared with the cutaneous circulation
these concepts to be updated. What appears to be emerging is being influenced more by core temperature changes (41).
a model in which an individual set point within the hypothal- There is evidence that the individual effector circuits have
amus is no longer necessary. Evidence is accumulating that distinctly different threshold temperatures. By carefully simul-
central and peripheral temperatures influence individual effec- taneously recording the neural drive to individual effector
tor circuits independently (45, 47, 57). Thermoreceptive neu- organs, it has been possible to determine a threshold hierarchy
rons are activated when the appropriate temperature threshold for the activation of each effector (41). For example, activation
for that neuron is reached, and action potentials ascend, via of cutaneous sympathetic vasoconstriction occurs slightly be-
synaptic relays, to the POA. These signals, along with thermo- fore (higher core temperature) the activation of BAT in rats
receptive signals arising within the POA, act on several effec- (Ref. 53; not confirmed in humans). Yet the contribution of all
tor outputs, and the influence of central and peripheral signals the relatively independent individual effector pathways collec-
varies between different effectors (47, 57). Cold responses, in tively contributes to a steady core temperature of 37°C. In this
general, are more sensitive to skin temperature (potentially way, the concept of the set point has been updated with a more
reflecting the preponderance of cold receptors), whereas hot nuanced model, and the term “balance point” has been pro-
responses are more sensitive to core temperature [where warm posed as an alternative (57).
receptors are more numerous (57)]. Indeed, there are distin- The combination of immunohistochemical identification and
guishable variations in the sensitivity of specific effector mech- other identification techniques, such as the use of c-Fos, along
anisms to skin and core temperature. For example, the shiver- with electrophysiological recordings from identified neurons
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