(In) (As) (In) (On) (From) (That (Who) : Historians Have Focused A Great Deal of Attention
(In) (As) (In) (On) (From) (That (Who) : Historians Have Focused A Great Deal of Attention
(In) (As) (In) (On) (From) (That (Who) : Historians Have Focused A Great Deal of Attention
8. Islam, (on the other hand), represented a radical breakaway (from the
Arab paganism (that preceded it)); Islamic law is the result of an
examination, (from a religious angle), (of legal subject matter) (that
was far from uniform), (comprising (as it did) the various components
(of the laws of pre-Islamic Arabia) and numerous legal elements (taken
over from the non-Arab peoples of the conquered territories)).
这里的 components 和 elements 平行,都是跟在 comprising 后面的。
9. A critique (of Handlin’s interpretation) (of why legal slavery did not
appear until the 1660’s) suggests (that assumptions (about the relation
between slavery and racial prejudice) should be re-examined), and (that
explanations (for the different treatment of black slaves in north and
South America) should be expanded).
两个 that 从句的平行是关键
10. The best evidence (for the layered-mantle thesis) is the well-
established fact (that volcanic rocks (found on oceanic islands), (islands
believed to result from mantle plumes arising from the lower mantle),
are composed of material (fundamentally different from that of the mid-
ocean ridge system), (whose source, most geologists contend, is the
upper mantle.))
这里 island 是重复性同位语,同位语的一种,正课的时候也会详细讲到的。