Effect of Maturity Stages and Postharvest Treatments On Physical Properties of Apple During Storage
Effect of Maturity Stages and Postharvest Treatments On Physical Properties of Apple During Storage
Effect of Maturity Stages and Postharvest Treatments On Physical Properties of Apple During Storage
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agriculture Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Shalimar, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, India
Department of Food Technology, IUST Awantipora, India
Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Kashmir, 190006, India
KEYWORDS Abstract The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of harvest dates and postharvest
Apple; treatments on physical properties of apple cv Red delicious during storage. Fruits from three harvest
Storage; dates (H1, H2 and H3) were subjected to various treatments such as T1 (shade cooling), T2 (Hydro-
Physical properties; cooling), T3 (Hydrocooling + calcium chloride), T4 (Hydrocooling + wax) and T5 (Hydrocooling
Hydrocooling; + calcium chloride + wax) and were stored under ambient and refrigerated conditions for
CaCl2 100 days. Results showed the significant differences in physical properties including fruit length,
fruit diameter, length/diameter (L/D) ratio, fruit weight and firmness in various treatments. Max-
imum fruit length and fruit diameter were observed at harvest date 2nd (H2), whereas, L/D ratio
and fruit weight were observed at harvest date 3rd (H3) on the storage at zero day. Among the treat-
ments T5 showed the % maximum fruit length, fruit diameter, L/D ratio and fruit weight. The firm-
ness was decreased in all treatments and harvest dates during storage. The% maximum fruit
firmness was exhibited by early harvested fruit (H1) at zero (0) day of storage. However, changes
were more pronounced under ambient conditions than cold storage.
Ó 2016 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
1. Introduction
* Corresponding author. The physical characteristics of fruits are important for the
E-mail address: wanisajad82@gmail.com (S.M. Wani). design of equipments for harvesting and post-harvesting
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University. operations such as transporting, cleaning, sorting, sizing and
packaging systems (Tabatabaeefar and Rajabipour, 2005).
Among these physical properties, mass, volume and projected
area are the most important ones in determining sizing systems
Production and hosting by Elsevier (Khodabandehloo, 1999). Therefore, determination and
1658-077X Ó 2016 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Effect of maturity stages and postharvest treatments 311
consideration of these criteria result in the decrease of product in calcium generally delays the ripening of the fruit and main-
loss. tains their quality during prolonged storage. The application
The harvesting of fruits at appropriate time is an important of calcium also reduces the incidence of storage decay
determinant for shelf life and quality. Fruits harvested at (Conway, 1982). Waxing is nowadays the common postharvest
advanced maturity are more prone to mechanical injury, having treatment used to increase the shelf life of fruits. Coating
short storage life and greater susceptibility to pathogens and apples prior to storage seems an excellent fit for ‘‘Red Deli-
physiological disorders (Juan et al., 1999). In addition, careless cious” because it imparts high gloss, hides bruises and forms
harvesting characterized by immature and over mature fruit, is a modified atmosphere condition that tends to preserve firm-
another serious cause of postharvest losses (Ingle et al., 2000). ness and prolongs shelf-life. The inhibition of biochemical pro-
Various pre-treatments were given to fruits during posthar- cesses, which cause the ageing of apples and shortening of their
vest processing to enhance their shelf life. Pre-cooling by storage, may be achieved with the help of natural and artifi-
removing field heat from freshly harvested fruits reduces cially made chemical substances, which are used for post har-
microbial activity and respiration rates. Furthermore, the res- vest treatment for fruits (Alleyne and Hagenmaier, 2000; Bai
piratory activity and senescence of fruit as well as ethylene pro- et al., 2002; Ganai et al., 2015).
duction are temperature dependent. Due to the pre-cooling Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) is one of the most impor-
treatments, metabolic activity and consequently respiration tant temperate fruit of the world with more than 80% of the
rate and ethylene production of the fruits are reduced consid- world’s supply being produced in Europe. In India commercial
erably. This also decreases the ripening rate, diminishes water cultivation of apple is largely confined to the state of Jammu
loss and decay, thus helps preserving quality and prolongs and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand which
shelf-life of the fruit (Ferreira et al., 1994). together accounts for about 2.5% of world production
Calcium is an important component and helps in regulation (Ahsan et al., 2008). Keeping in view the significance of this
of metabolism in apple fruit. The adequate concentration of fruit in the economy of the region, the present investigation
calcium maintains fruit flesh firmness and minimizes the inci- was aimed to study the effect of harvesting date, pre-cooling
dence of physiological disorders such as water core, bitter pit and various postharvest treatments on the physical properties
and internal breakdown (Bangerth et al., 1972). The increase of apple during storage.
Table 1 Effect of harvest dates, post harvest treatments and storage conditions on fruit length (mm) of apple.
Harvest dates Treatment Storage
Ambient storage (Days) Refrigerated storage (Days)
0 20 40 60 80 100 Mean 0 20 40 60 80 100 Mean
H1 T1 72.32 71.82 70.72 67.82 63.82 60.52 67.85 72.32 71.92 71.32 70.72 69.82 68.72 70.80
T2 72.32 71.92 70.82 67.92 63.92 60.62 67.92 72.32 72.02 71.62 70.92 69.92 68.92 70.95
T3 72.32 72.02 71.02 68.02 64.12 60.82 68.05 72.32 72.22 71.82 71.12 70.12 69.22 71.14
T4 72.32 71.92 70.92 67.92 64.02 60.72 67.97 72.32 72.12 71.72 71.02 70.02 69.02 71.04
T5 72.32 72.02 71.02 68.12 64.32 60.92 68.12 72.32 72.32 71.92 71.22 70.32 69.32 71.24
Sub mean 72.32 71.94 70.90 67.96 64.06 60.72 67.98 72.32 72.12 71.68 71.00 70.04 69.04 71.03
H2 T1 74.21 72.81 71.51 70.21 67.31 63.21 69.88 74.21 73.51 72.71 72.11 71.11 70.31 72.19
T2 74.21 72.81 71.51 70.31 67.41 63.41 69.94 74.21 73.51 72.71 72.11 70.31 70.31 72.43
T3 74.21 72.91 71.71 70.51 67.71 63.71 70.13 74.21 73.71 72.91 72.31 71.71 70.91 72.63
T4 74.21 72.91 71.61 70.51 67.51 63.51 70.04 74.21 73.61 72.81 72.21 71.41 70.71 72.49
T5 74.21 74.01 71.81 70.71 67.71 63.71 70.36 74.21 73.71 73.11 72.31 71.91 71.21 72.74
Sub mean 74.21 73.09 71.63 70.45 67.53 63.51 70.07 74.21 73.61 72.85 72.21 71.29 70.69 72.48
H3 T1 74.12 72.72 71.52 69.22 66.62 62.32 69.20 74.12 73.42 72.52 71.72 70.82 69.72 72.00
T2 74.12 72.72 71.62 69.42 66.42 62.42 69.45 74.12 73.42 72.52 71.72 70.82 69.82 72.07
T3 74.12 72.92 71.72 70.02 66.62 62.62 69.67 74.12 73.62 72.72 72.02 71.02 69.92 72.24
T4 74.12 72.82 71.62 69.12 66.52 62.52 69.45 74.12 73.52 72.62 71.92 70.92 69.92 72.17
T5 74.12 72.92 71.82 70.12 66.82 62.82 69.77 74.12 73.62 72.72 72.02 71.02 70.12 72.72
Sub mean 74.12 72.82 71.66 69.58 66.60 62.54 69.55 74.12 73.52 72.62 71.88 70.92 69.90 72.16
Grand mean 73.55 72.62 71.40 69.33 66.06 62.26 69.20 73.55 73.08 72.38 71.70 70.75 69.88 71.89
CD (p 6 0.05) CD (p 6 0.05)
Harvest (H) = 0.001 Harvest (H) = 0.006
Treatment (T) = 0.002 Treatment (T) = 0.001
H T = 0.012 H T = 0.021
Storage (S) = 0.019 Storage (S) = 0.023
H S = 0.025 H S = 0.024
H S T = 0.030 H S T = 0.029
T1 = Shade cooling (Control); T2 = Hydro cooling; T3 = Hydro cooling + CaCl2; T4 = Hydro cooling + wax; T5 = Hydro cooling
+ CaCl2 + wax.
312 S.A. Ganai et al.
Table 2 Effect of harvest dates, post harvest treatments and storage conditions on fruit diameter (mm) of apple.
Harvest dates Treatment Storage
Ambient storage (Days) Refrigerated storage (Days)
0 20 40 60 80 100 Mean 0 20 40 60 80 100 Mean
H1 T1 66.57 65.67 63.57 59.67 56.17 52.17 60.14 66.57 65.77 64.57 63.67 62.77 62.27 64.27
T2 66.57 65.67 63.67 59.67 56.27 52.27 60.69 66.57 65.87 64.77 63.77 62.97 62.27 64.37
T3 66.57 65.87 63.87 59.87 56.37 52.37 60.82 66.57 66.07 64.97 64.17 63.47 62.37 64.85
T4 66.57 65.77 63.77 59.77 56.27 52.27 60.74 66.57 65.87 64.87 63.97 63.07 62.37 64.45
T5 66.57 66.07 64.07 59.97 56.70 52.57 60.18 66.57 66.17 64.97 64.22 63.70 62.47 65.15
Sub mean 66.57 65.81 63.79 59.79 56.31 52.33 60.77 66.57 65.95 64.83 63.96 63.05 62.35 64.45
H2 T1 67.35 65.35 64.45 60.35 56.67 53.15 61.03 67.35 66.35 65.15 64.35 63.65 63.05 64.98
T2 67.35 65.75 64.55 60.55 56.95 53.15 61.38 67.35 66.55 65.25 64.55 63.75 63.15 65.10
T3 67.35 66.35 64.75 60.65 57.15 53.35 61.60 67.35 66.75 65.35 64.65 63.85 63.25 65.20
T4 67.35 66.05 64.75 60.55 57.05 53.15 61.48 67.35 66.65 65.25 64.55 63.75 63.15 65.12
T5 67.35 66.45 64.85 60.75 57.50 53.35 61.13 67.35 66.85 65.55 64.85 63.95 63.35 65.32
Sub mean 67.35 65.97 64.67 60.57 57.05 53.23 61.47 67.35 66.63 65.31 64.59 63.79 63.19 65.14
H3 T1 67.24 66.24 64.24 60.24 56.34 52.24 61.00 67.24 66.54 65.34 64.64 63.84 62.44 65.00
T2 67.24 66.44 64.34 60.44 56.34 52.44 61.21 67.24 66.64 65.54 64.94 63.94 62.64 65.16
T3 67.24 66.54 64.44 60.64 56.54 52.54 61.32 67.24 66.74 65.94 65.04 64.14 62.94 65.34
T4 67.24 66.44 64.44 60.54 56.44 52.44 61.26 67.24 66.64 65.74 65.04 63.84 62.94 65.24
T5 67.24 66.74 64.84 60.94 56.94 52.74 62.07 67.24 66.74 66.14 65.24 63.34 62.94 65.70
Sub mean 67.24 66.48 64.42 60.52 56.48 52.48 61.27 67.24 66.66 65.74 65.04 63.82 62.78 65.21
Grand mean 67.05 66.09 64.29 60.29 56.61 52.68 61.17 67.05 66.41 65.29 64.53 63.55 62.77 64.94
CD (p 6 0.05) CD (p 6 0.05)
Harvest (H) = 0.002 Harvest (H) = 0.002
Treatment (T) = 0.005 Treatment (T) = 0.001
H T = 0.003 H T = 0.005
Storage (S) = 0.013 Storage (S) = 0.014
H S = 0.015 H S = 0.012
H S T = 0.004 H S T = 0.006
T1 = Shade cooling (Control); T2 = Hydro cooling; T3 = Hydro cooling + CaCl2; T4 = Hydro cooling + wax; T5 = Hydro cooling
+ CaCl2 + wax.
2. Materials and methods well ventilated room and under refrigerated conditions at a
temperature of 2 ± 1 °C and relative humidity of 85 ± 5%
2.1. Material for storage. Samples of all treatments were taken out from cold
stores after 20 days of storage interval and kept at ambient
temperature for 15 min and evaluated for each parameter.
Apple cv. ‘‘Red Delicious” of uniform shape, size and firm tex-
ture was procured from local orchard of Pulwama, Kashmir, 2.2. Fruit length, diameter and length/diameter ratio (L/D
India. Apple fruits were harvested at three different dates with ratio)
an interval of seven days designated as H1, H2 and H3 at
around 6.00 pm with H2 being the optimum harvest time i.e.
2nd week of October with interval of 7 days between the har- The length and diameter of ten randomly selected fruits from
vest dates. After harvest, these were manually sorted by dis- each treatment in each replication were measured with the help
carding deformed, bruised, punctured and stemless fruits. of vernier calliper, averaged and expressed in millimetres
One lot of fruits was separated and kept under shade for (mm). L/D ratio was calculated by dividing the length of fruits
12 h for cooling which served as control T1 (shade-cooling). with that of diameter.
The remaining fruits were pre-cooled by spraying cold tap
2.3. Average fruit weight
water for 10 min with occasional turning which served as T2
(hydrocooling). Next day hydrocooled fruits were divided into
two more lots, one lot was sprayed with 3% calcium chloride The representative sample of 30 fruits in replicates was taken
which served as T3 (hydrocooling + CaCl2). Then these fruits and weighed on electronic balance (Metzer Biomedical and
were packed in plastic crates and brought to laboratory. Next Electronics Pvt. Ltd) to calculate average fruit weight in
day a portion from both hydrocooled fruits (T2) and (hydro- grams.
cooled + CaCl2) T3 was waxed by 6% paraffin wax which
served as T4 (hydrocooling + 6% paraffin wax) and T5 2.4. Firmness (lb/in.2)
(hydrocooling + 3% CaCl2 + 6% paraffin wax), and all trea-
ted samples were stored under ambient storage at a tempera- Fruit flesh firmness (lb/in.2) data pertaining to fruit flesh firm-
ture of 18 ± 2 °C and relative humidity of 75 ± 5% in a ness were recorded with the help of penetrometer (Effigi,
Effect of maturity stages and postharvest treatments 313
11 mm Prob.) for five fruits per treatment (Pocharski et al., The reason behind might be the effect of CaCl2 and wax coat-
2000). ing on the moisture loss and retardation of respiration (Bai
et al., 2003). The fruit length was decreased continuously
2.5. Statistical analysis throughout the storage period. These results are in conformity
with those reported by Khorshidi et al. (2010). Decrease in
The data were statistically analysed through R-Software using fruit length was more pronounced in ambient storage than in
Completely Randomized Design (CRD) in factorial experi- refrigerated storage.
ment (Gomez and Gomez, 1984).
3.2. Fruit diameter
3. Results and discussion
The fruit diameter of apples in various harvest dates and treat-
3.1. Fruit length ments is given in Table 2. Among different dates studied, early
(H1) and late harvested (H3) fruit, showed minimum fruit
diameter of 66.57 and 67.24 mm, respectively while fruits har-
Significant variation was observed in fruit length at different
vested at mid stage (H2) showed the maximum fruit diameter
harvest dates (Table 1). The mid harvested (H2) fruits showed
(67.35 mm). After 100 days of storage mid harvest (H2) fruit
maximum fruit length (74.21 mm), while early harvested (H1)
recorded the maximum fruit diameter of 53.23 and 63.19 under
apples showed minimum fruit length (72.32 mm). After the
ambient and cold storage, respectively. The possible reason
100 days of storage mid harvested apples (H2) proved to be
might be the full cuticle development which prevents the
the best to retain maximum fruit length. The possible reason
shrinkage while the reason for the minimum fruit diameter in
behind the retention might be the less water loss and shrinkage
H1 and H3 might be less cuticle development and more respi-
than early and late harvested apples. These results are in accor-
ration, respectively. These results are in accordance with
dance with Zerbini et al. (1999) and Juan et al. (1999).
Zerbini et al. (1999) and Juan et al. (1999).
Among the treatments T5 (Hydrocooling + CaCl2 + wax)
The treatment T5 (Hydrocooling + CaCl2 + wax) among
remained the best treatment to retain maximum fruit length
all the treatments showed the maximum fruit diameter irre-
while T1 (shade cooling) showed the minimum fruit length.
Table 3 Effect of harvest dates, post harvest treatments and storage conditions on L/D ratio of apple.
Harvest dates Treatment Storage
Ambient storage (Days) Refrigerated storage (Days)
0 20 40 60 80 100 Mean 0 20 40 60 80 100 Mean
H1 T1 1.06 1.07 1.09 1.09 1.11 1.13 1.09 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.08
T2 1.06 1.07 1.09 1.11 1.11 1.13 1.10 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.08
T3 1.06 1.07 1.09 1.11 1.11 1.13 1.10 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.08
T4 1.06 1.07 1.09 1.11 1.11 1.13 1.10 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.08
T5 1.06 1.07 1.09 1.11 1.11 1.13 1.10 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.08
Sub mean 1.06 1.07 1.09 1.11 1.11 1.13 1.09 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.08
H2 T1 1.07 1.08 1.08 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.11 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09
T2 1.07 1.08 1.08 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.11 1.07 1.08 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.08
T3 1.07 1.07 1.08 1.13 1.15 1.15 1.11 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09
T4 1.07 1.07 1.08 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.11 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09
T5 1.07 1.08 1.08 1.13 1.15 1.17 1.11 1.07 1.07 1.09 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.08
Sub mean 1.07 1.08 1.08 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.11 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.08
H3 T1 1.08 1.08 1.09 1.13 1.15 1.16 1.12 1.08 1.08 1.09 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.09
T2 1.08 1.08 1.09 1.13 1.15 1.15 1.11 1.08 1.08 1.09 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.09
T3 1.08 1.08 1.09 1.13 1.15 1.16 1.12 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09
T4 1.08 1.08 1.09 1.13 1.15 1.16 1.12 1.08 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09
T5 1.08 1.07 1.09 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.12 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.09 1.08
Sub mean 1.08 1.08 1.09 1.13 1.15 1.16 1.11 1.08 1.08 1.09 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.08
Grand mean 1.07 1.07 1.09 1.12 1.13 1.15 1.11 1.07 1.08 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.08
CD (p 6 0.05) CD (p 6 0.05)
Harvest (H) = NS Harvest (H) = NS
Treatment (T) = NS Treatment (T) = NS
H T = NS H T = NS
Storage (S) = NS Storage (S) = NS
H S = NS H S = NS
H S T = NS H S T = NS
T1 = Shade cooling (Control); T2 = Hydro cooling; T3 = Hydro cooling + CaCl2; T4 = Hydro cooling + wax; T5 = Hydro cooling
+ CaCl2 + wax.
Table 4 Effect of harvest dates, post harvest treatments and storage conditions on fruit weight (g) ratio of apple.
Harvest dates Treatment Storage
Ambient storage (Days) Refrigerated storage (Days)
0 20 40 60 80 100 Mean 0 20 40 60 80 100 Mean
H1 T1 164.40 163.40 161.40 158.00 152.40 147.40 157.83 164.40 164.10 163.40 163.00 161.40 159.60 162.65
T2 164.40 163.50 161.60 158.10 152.80 147.60 158.00 164.40 164.10 163.50 163.10 161.60 159.70 162.73
T3 164.40 163.60 161.90 158.80 152.70 147.90 158.70 164.40 164.20 163.80 163.40 161.80 159.90 162.92
T4 164.40 163.60 161.80 158.20 152.60 147.80 158.07 164.40 164.20 163.60 163.20 161.70 159.80 162.82
T5 164.40 163.90 161.90 158.30 153.80 147.90 159.00 164.40 164.30 163.80 163.40 161.90 159.90 163.00
Sub mean 164.40 163.60 161.72 158.18 152.66 147.72 158.05 164.40 164.18 163.62 163.22 161.68 159.78 162.81
H2 T1 166.30 165.30 163.40 159.30 154.60 147.80 159.45 166.30 165.90 164.90 164.30 163.00 160.80 164.20
T2 166.30 165.50 163.40 159.50 154.50 149.50 159.78 166.30 166.00 165.00 164.50 163.00 160.90 164.28
T3 166.30 165.70 163.70 159.70 154.80 149.70 159.98 166.30 166.20 165.20 164.60 162.70 161.00 164.20
T4 166.30 165.50 163.50 159.60 154.70 149.60 159.87 166.30 166.10 165.00 164.60 162.30 160.90 164.33
T5 166.30 165.80 163.70 159.70 154.80 149.90 160.03 166.30 166.20 165.20 164.70 162.80 162.00 164.53
Sub mean 166.30 165.56 163.54 159.56 154.68 149.30 159.82 166.30 166.08 165.06 164.54 162.76 161.12 164.31
H3 T1 166.40 165.10 162.50 158.60 153.40 148.60 159.10 166.40 165.50 164.10 163.40 161.50 160.40 163.55
T2 166.40 165.30 162.60 158.60 153.60 148.60 159.18 166.40 165.60 164.10 163.50 161.60 160.60 163.63
T3 166.40 165.30 162.90 158.90 153.90 148.80 159.37 166.40 165.80 164.30 163.60 161.80 160.90 163.80
T4 166.40 165.10 162.80 158.70 153.80 148.70 159.25 166.40 165.60 164.20 163.60 161.60 160.70 163.68
T5 166.40 165.40 162.90 158.90 153.90 148.90 159.40 166.40 165.80 164.40 163.70 161.80 161.10 163.64
Sub mean 166.40 165.24 162.74 158.74 153.72 148.72 159.26 166.40 165.66 164.22 163.56 161.66 160.74 163.71
Grand mean 166.40 165.27 162.83 158.80 153.82 148.78 159.32 166.40 165.71 164.28 163.62 161.71 160.87 163.76
CD (p 6 0.05) CD (p 6 0.05)
Harvest (H) = 0.123 Harvest (H) = 0.125
Treatment (T) = 0.120 Treatment (T) = 0.123
H T = 0.123 H T = 0.122
Storage (S) = 0.118 Storage (S) = 0.117
H S = 0.116 H S = 0.113
H S T = 0.113 H S T = 0.115
T1 = Shade cooling (Control); T2 = Hydro cooling; T3 = Hydro cooling + CaCl2; T4 = Hydro cooling + wax; T5 = Hydro cooling + CaCl2 + wax.
Table 5 Effect of harvest dates, post harvest treatments and storage conditions on fruit firmness (lb/in.2) of apple.
Harvest dates Treatment Storage
Ambient storage (Days) Refrigerated storage (Days)
0 20 40 60 80 100 Mean 0 20 40 60 80 100 Mean
H1 T1 19.70 18.40 16.80 15.40 14.20 12.90 16.23 19.70 18.90 18.20 17.30 16.20 15.50 17.63
T2 19.70 18.40 17.00 15.70 14.60 13.30 16.45 19.70 18.90 18.30 17.40 16.20 15.50 17.67
T3 19.70 18.70 17.60 16.20 15.00 13.60 16.80 19.70 19.10 18.60 17.60 16.40 15.80 17.87
T4 19.70 18.60 17.40 16.00 14.80 13.40 16.65 19.70 19.00 18.50 17.40 16.30 15.70 17.77
T5 19.70 18.90 17.70 16.60 15.40 13.70 17.00 19.70 19.20 18.70 17.80 16.60 16.00 18.00
Sub mean 19.70 18.60 17.30 15.98 14.80 13.38 16.63 19.70 19.02 18.46 17.50 16.34 15.70 17.79
H2 T1 19.40 17.70 16.10 15.10 13.90 12.90 15.85 19.40 18.60 17.50 16.90 16.30 15.70 17.40
T2 19.40 17.70 16.20 15.10 13.90 12.90 15.87 19.40 18.70 17.60 17.00 16.30 15.70 17.45
T3 19.40 17.90 16.70 15.60 14.50 13.40 16.00 19.40 18.90 17.90 17.40 16.50 15.90 17.67
T4 19.40 17.80 16.40 15.30 14.10 13.00 16.25 19.40 18.80 17.80 17.10 16.40 15.80 17.55
T5 19.40 18.10 17.10 16.00 15.00 14.20 16.63 19.40 18.90 18.10 17.60 16.80 16.30 17.85
Sub mean 19.40 17.84 16.50 15.42 14.28 13.28 16.12 19.40 18.78 17.78 17.20 16.46 15.88 17.58
H3 T1 18.60 17.30 16.00 14.80 13.50 12.70 15.48 18.60 17.90 17.00 16.40 15.80 15.30 16.83
T2 18.60 17.40 16.20 14.90 13.50 12.70 15.55 18.60 18.50 17.00 16.40 15.90 15.40 16.97
T3 18.60 17.60 16.50 15.30 13.80 13.00 15.80 18.60 18.10 17.30 16.60 16.10 15.50 17.03
T4 18.60 17.40 16.30 15.10 13.60 12.80 15.63 18.60 18.10 17.10 16.50 16.00 15.50 16.97
T5 18.60 17.80 16.80 15.70 14.70 13.90 16.25 18.60 18.30 17.40 16.70 16.20 15.60 17.13
Sub mean 18.60 17.50 16.36 15.16 13.82 13.02 15.74 18.60 18.18 17.16 16.52 16.00 15.46 16.99
Grand mean 19.23 17.98 16.72 15.52 14.30 13.23 16.16 19.23 18.66 17.80 17.07 16.27 15.68 17.45
CD (p 6 0.05) CD (p 6 0.05)
Harvest (H) = 0.315 Harvest (H) = 0.319
Treatment (T) = 0.213 Treatment (T) = 0.213
H T = 0.119 H T = 0.116
Storage (S) = 0.221 Storage (S) = 0.225
H S = 0.220 H S = 0.226
H S T = 0.215 H S T = 0.219
T1 = Shade cooling (Control); T2 = Hydro cooling; T3 = Hydro cooling + CaCl2; T4 = Hydro cooling + wax; T5 = Hydro cooling
+ CaCl2 + wax.
spective of harvest dates. Protective effect of CaCl2 and wax on we calculate L/D ratio from length and breadth both of which
moisture loss and shrinkage can be the possible reason. These showed similar decreasing trend. The storage period did not
findings are in agreement with Bai et al. (2003). The results show significant effect on L/D ratio. However, ambient storage
showed that there was continuous decrease in fruit diameter showed more prominent changes than refrigerated storage.
throughout the storage in all treatments and harvest dates.
The reason might be moisture loss and shrinkage (Khorshidi 3.4. Fruit weight
et al., 2010). Decrease in fruit diameter was more pronounced
in ambient storage than in refrigerated storage. The fruit weight of samples is shown in Table 4. Late harvested
apples showed more fruit weight of 166.40 g while early har-
3.3. L/D ratio vested fruits showed less fruit weight (164.40 g) when effect
of harvesting dates was studied. After the storage period of
During the study period L/D ratio changed according to the 100 days fruit harvested at mid maturity (H2) proved best to
harvest dates and varied significantly at different dates retain the more fruit weight. These results resemble the work
(Table 3). Late harvested (H3) apples recorded the maximum of Maguire (2000). Among the treatments T5 (Hydrocooling
L/D ratio (1.08) while fruits harvested at early maturity (H1) + CaCl2 + wax) proved best to retain more fruit weight
recorded the minimum L/D ratio of 1.06. After 100 days of whereas T1 (shade cooling) recorded the less fruit weight.
storage, fruits harvested at late maturity stage (H3) showed The reason behind the retention of more fruit weight by T5
the maximum L/D ratio of 1.16 and 1.09 under ambient and might be the protective effect of calcium chloride and wax
cold storage, respectively while fruits harvested at early matu- coating on moisture loss hence more fruit weight. These results
rity (H1) showed minimum L/D ratio of 1.13 and 1.09 under are in agreement with the statement of Bai et al. (2003).
ambient and cold storage, respectively. These results resemble There was continuous decrease in fruit weight during the
the statement of Kvikliene et al. (2008). storage period in all treatments as well as in harvest dates both
The different treatments given to apple fruits during the under ambient as well as cold storage conditions. Cold storage
study showed non-significant effect on L/D ratio. The reason recorded less changes than ambient storage. The reason might
for non-significant effect on L/D ratio most probably is that be the continuous respiration and water loss. These results are
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