Effect of Period of Steaming and Drying Temperatur
Effect of Period of Steaming and Drying Temperatur
Effect of Period of Steaming and Drying Temperatur
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This study investigated effect of period of steaming (20, 30 and 40 min) and drying temperature (50, 60
and 70°C) on the chemical properties of cashew nut. The nuts were packaged in glass bottle,
polyethylene bag and plastic bottle and stored under ambient condition (28 ± 3°C) for 12 weeks. The
samples were analyzed immediately after drying and at two weeks interval during storage for chemical
properties. The ranges of the properties studied are - moisture content (4.16 to 6.76%), oil extracted
(40.08 to 47.01%), oil colour intensity (0.08 to 0.58A), residual sugar content (1.57 to 6.04%), residual
cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) (0.30 to 3.77%), acid value (0.58 to 12.32 ml/g), peroxide value (2.80 to
25.32 mEq/kg) and anisidine value (0.85 to 5.94 ml/g). Steam boiling time and drying temperatures has
significant differences (p < 0.05) on the chemical properties of the dried cashew nuts. Cashew nuts
processed by steam boiling for 40 min and dried at 70°C recorded the best quality, as it reduces both
the residual CNSL and the moisture content of the kernel. It also had a positive influence on the %
residual sugar of the sample.
Key words: Cashew nut, steaming period, drying temperature, chemical properties.
Cashew nut tree, Anacardium occidentale L. is a medium again to the agricultural sector as it has the potential of
size tree belonging to the family Anacardiaceae (Wood- contributing substantially to the overall growth and econo-
roof, 1979). The nut (a fruit seed enclosed in a woody mic development. Cashew nut being a nut with a unique
covering - the pericarp) is attached to the end of the fruit smell and mouth feel (Esuruoso, 1974) and being recog-
of cashew tree (Ranken and Kill, 1993). The cashew nut nized as a luxury snacks that may be sold in every mar-
has within itself a whole kernel, a membrane and a thick ket which may be eaten at every meal time and in-
covering shell which effectively protect the kernel from between regardless of age (Hollingsworth, 1995) are
the ravage of nature from time of harvesting to priced accordingly (Ranken and Kill, 1993) making it an
processing. industrial and export cash crop yet to be fully exploited by
In Nigeria, cashew nut tree ranked among the tree Nigerian farmers and industrialist.
crops like cocoa, rubber, kola and coffee that have great However, the unprecedented interest in “healthy” food
cultivation potentials (RMRDC, 2004). But the crude oil by the consumers is of great importance (Hollingsworth,
boom of the early 70’s and 80’s has depressed local 1995) and the quality of cashew kernel like most other
production and international marketing of these produce product is very important in today’s export market
(Ihimodu, 1993). However, the on-going economic reform (Smithy, 2004). This quality is determined by the process-
of the government is now giving more attention once ing conditions, which the product is subjected to among
other things (Smithy, 2004). So, for Nigeria to reap the
full benefit from international market, the quality of this
product must also meet the international standards.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: sbabatunde2001@yahoo.com. Hence, there is need for better control of production
Tel.: 08033914577. processes in order to ensure a safe and high product
Kosoko et al. 157
Table 1. Chemical properties of processed cashew kernel produced from different period of steaming and drying temperature.
Period Of Drying Moisture Oil Oil Colour Residual Residual Acid Peroxide Anisidine
Temp ( C) Content Extracted Intensity Sugar CNSL Value Value Value
(Min) (%) (%) (Abs) (%) (%) (ml/g) (mEq/kg) (ml/g)
20 50 5.01d 44.58a 0.08a 3.85a 3.73h 0.61ab 2.81a 0.94cd
60 4.37c 46.63b 0.12b 5.92b 3.07g 0.61ab 2.80a 0.85a
70 4.20a 46.95d 0.14b 5.95b 2.85f 0.58a 2.79a 0.81a
30 50 5.03d 44.53a 0.08a 3.89a 1.75e 0.64b 2.80a 1.03e
60 4.34bc 46.76c 0.11b 5.95b 1.33d 0.62b 2.82ab 0.91bc
70 4.19a 46.97d 0.15c 6.03b 0.89bc 0.60ab 2.79a 0.87ab
40 50 5.03d 44.53a 0.07a 3.87a 1.09c 0.64b 2.84b 1.06e
60 4.28b 46.82c 0.12b 5.95b 0.65b 0.58a 2.82ab 0.98d
70 4.16a 47.01d 0.15c 6.04b 0.43a 0.61b 2.80a 0.94cd
Values are means of 3 replicate. Mean values with the same letter within column are not significantly different at 5% confidence level.
(Awonrin and Rotimi, 1992). And with the current effort to LEEC F2, LEEC Ltd, Colwick, Nottingham), at a temperature of 50,
stimulate local production leading to the establishment of 60 and 70°C for 2½, 3 and 4 h respectively to allow for the easy
various cashew plantation and few labour intensive removal of the peels from the Kernel. The peeled nuts were then
further dried in the cabinet dryer for 8, 6 and 5 h at 50, 60 and
processing Industries (RMRDC, 2004), there is need for 70°C, respectively. The dried nuts were packaged in glass bottles,
research into some conditions that will affect the quality plastic bottles and high density polyethylene bags (glass bottles,
of cashew nut. plastic bottles and high polyethylene bags were chosen because
Esuruoso (1974) studied the fungi associated with they are the most common means by which cashew nuts are being
kernel rot disease of cashew. Prichavudhi and Yamamoto sold in the retail market ) and stored at ambient condition [28 ± 3°C
and 78 ± 2% (relative humidity)].
(1987) also studied the effect of drying temperature on
chemical composition and quality of Macadamia nuts
while Kershaw (1985) worked on aflatoxions in imported Analyses
edible nut. Adebayo and Diyaolu (2003) worked on the
mycology spoilage of retailed cashew nuts. This study Moisture content, % oil extracted, total soluble sugar and residual
total polyphenol were carried out using AOAC, (1990) method while
investigated the effects of period of steaming, drying acid value, peroxide value and anisidine value were done using Kirk
temperature and packaging materials on the chemical and Sawyer (1991) method.
properties of cashew nut. The analyses were carried out with samples in powdery form
using a dry milling blender (Moulinex - Model MR, Type 276. No.-
2424A0F716. Made in France). These were done upon the prepar-
MATERIALS AND METHODS ation of the product prior to packaging and at intervals of 2 weeks
up to 3 months of storage. The analyses were made in triplicates.
Raw cashew nuts, weighing scale, knife, metal tool (for the removal Collection of cashew samples
of the kernels), hand gloves (rubber), glass bottles, plastic bottles
and high density polyethylene bags. Cashew nut samples for the research work were procured after some
preliminary quality tests (raw nut weight, floatation and cut test) on the
raw nut to determine the quality of the raw materials.
Statistical analysis
Collection of cashew samples/Production of cashew nut
Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means
Raw cashew nuts (50 kg each) were steam boiled using a steam
separated using Duncan’s multiple range test using SPSS version
boiler (at a pressure of 0.62 Mpa) for 20, 30 and 40 min contact
time (between steam and cashew nuts). The steamed nuts, after
cooling (24 h), were shelled (using a foot-pedaled shelling machine.
It makes use of a pair of knife each shaped into the contour of half
nut. When the knives come together by means of a foot operated
lever, they cut through the shell all around the nut, leaving the
kernel untouched. The kernel is then removed from the shell using
Table 1 shows the results of the chemical composition of
a small metal tool resembling pen knife) to remove the Kernels form cashew kernel produced from different combination of
the nuts. The kernels were then pre-dried in a cabinet drier (model steaming period and drying temperatures prior to storage,
158 Afr. J. Food Sci.
Figure 7. Changes in the chemical properties of cashew kernel boiled for 40 min
and dried for 500C.Note: Glass B- glass bottle, poly B- polyethylene bag, plastic B-
plastic bottle.
Figure 8. Changes in the chemical properties of cashew kernel boiled for 40 min
and dried for 600CNote: Glass B- glass bottle, poly B- polyethylene bag, Plastic
B- plastic bottle.
162 Afr. J. Food Sci.
while Figures 1 - 9 depict the changes in chemical com- report of Fellow and Axtell (1993).
position of the processed cashew kernel packaged inside Both drying temperature and storage period have a
glass bottle, plastic bottle and polyethylene bag during significant effect (P < 0.05) on the percentage oil extrac-
storage at ambient condition for 12 week. The decrease ted from the sample. The oil extracted was found to be
In percentage moisture content with increase in drying increasing as the drying temperature increases. This is
temperature can generally be attributed to the higher probably due to the fact that drying at a higher tempera-
energy supplied with increase in drying temperature, ture helps in the removal of more bound water from the
which helps in removing bound water from the product product (Rozis, 1997) and this also aid the extraction of
(Rozis, 1997). Moisture content, oil colour intensity, acid the oil as the product becomes drier the extraction of the
value, peroxide value and anisidine value increased oil in it is enhanced. This same trend was observed by
during storage irrespective of the packaging material. Vossen (1984), who reported that it was difficult to extract
Residual sugar content and % oil extracted decreased oil form fruits that have high moisture content than fruits
during storage while there appears to be no marked with low moisture content.
changes in the % CNSL during storage in all the packa- The oil colour intensity showed a significant differences
ging materials (that is, glass bottles, plastic bottles and (P < 0.05) and increased with increasing drying tempera-
polyethylene bags which are chosen because they are ture and storage period. The same trend was reported by
the most common means by which cashew nuts are Hebbar and Ramesh (2004). The increase in oil colour
being sold in the retail market). The general increase in intensity with increase in temperature may be due to the
the % moisture content of the kernel with storage period effects of non-enzymic browning of the product with
is in agreement with the findings of Butt et al., (2004). increase in temperature (Rozis, 1997).
Changes in moisture content vary with the packaging The sugar content of the samples generally increased
materials during storage. This might be due to differences with increase in drying temperature due to the elimination
in the level of moisture permeability possessed by the of more water from the sample with increase in tempe-
packaging materials (Brown, 1992) with glass and plastic rature leading to concentration of the product giving it a
bottle offering a better protective barrier against moisture pleasant taste and flavour (Adebayo and Diyaola, 2003).
than polyethylene bag. This is in agreement with the This same trend was also observed by Prichavudhi and
Kosoko et al. 163
Yamamoto (1987), who reported that higher dying tempe- processed cashew nut. From the result, cashew nuts pro-
rature increases the level of sugar in the nuts. However, cessed using 40 min steaming period and dried at 70°C
the decrease in the level of sugar with storage period recorded the best quality in terms of the various proper-
might be linked with increases in the moisture content as ties studied. This processing combination reduces the
storage period increases. residual CNSL, as well as the moisture content of the
Residual cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) of the Kernel kernel.
decreased with increase in the period of steaming and
drying temperature. This decrease with increase in period REFERENCES
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