Bca Science Slip Sem II C & Dbms Feb2017
Bca Science Slip Sem II C & Dbms Feb2017
Bca Science Slip Sem II C & Dbms Feb2017
F.Y.B.C.A (Science)
Advanced Programming in C
Savitribai Phule Pune University
F.Y.B.C.A. (Science) Practical Examination. MAR / APR - 2017
Lab Course I
BCA205: Lab I: Advanced Programming in C
Q1. Write a macro to compute x raise to n. Write the c program that will use this macro to
computer x raise to n for given value of x and n.
Q2.Write a function slength( ) that will return the length of given string. Pass the string as
parameter to the function.
Q3. Write a function fcopy( ) which will have 2 filenames as parameters. Function will copy
source file to destination file.
Slip 1
Savitribai Phule Pune University
F.Y.B.C.A. (Science) Practical Examination. MAR / APR - 2017
Lab Course I
BCA205: Lab I: Advanced Programming in C
Q1. Write a macro MAX3 that will computer the greatest of given 3 numbers. Use this macro to
computer the greatest of given 3 numbers. [10]
Q2. Write a function replace(str, ch1, ch2) that will replace all the occurrences given character
ch1 by ch2 in a string str.
Q3. Write a program that will count the number of lines, characters and digits in given file.
Q1. Write a ‘C’ program to read n integers in an array. Display all numbers in array on separate
line and also find their sum an average.
Q2. Write a Boolean function scomp( ) that will compare 2 strings. Pass two strings as
parameters to the function. Compare two strings by using this function.
Q3. Write a ‘C’ program to read a matrix of size n x n. Display it in proper format. Find its
transpose of matrix and also display it in proper format.
Q1. Write a ‘C’ program to accept a string and count the number of vowels in it.
Q2. Write a ‘C’ program to read the matrix of size n x n. Display it in proper format along with
the sum of each row at the end of row.
. [20]
Q3. Write a ‘C’ program to read the student details such as Rno, Name, and marks of 3 subjects.
Read the details of n number of students. Display student details along with total, percentage
and class.
Q1. Write a macro CUBE that will computer the cube of given number. Using this macro find the
cube of given number.
Q2. Write a ‘C’ program to find the length of a given string without using library function.
. [20]
Q3. Write a ‘C’ program to accept the book details such as BookID, Tital, Author, Price. Read the
details of n number of books. Display the details of those books which are priced above
Q1. Write a macro MIN3 that will computer the minimum of 3 numbers. Using this macro find
the smallest of given 3 numbers.
Q2. Write a ‘C’ program to accept two strings. Join them without using any library function.
Display all 3 strings.
Q3. Write a ‘C’ program that will create a text file by given name. Display the contents of same
Q1. Write a ‘C’ program to read n integers in an array. Display odd integers on one line and even
on another line.
Q2. Write a program to read n number of strings. Find the length of smallest and largest string.
Q3. Write a ‘C’ program to accept file name from command prompt. Display the contents of that
file along with its size.
Q1. Write a macro ISODD that will computer the given number is odd or not. Using this macro
find the given number is odd or even.
Q2. Write ‘C’ program accept n integers from user. Place odd integers in on array and even in
another. Finally display both the arrays.
Q3. Write a ‘C’ program accept employee details such as EmpID, Name BasicSal. Read the
details of n number of employees. Display the employee details along with DA, HRA and
Gross Salary. The DA is 113% of Basic and DA is 15% of Basic if Basic is greater than
25000 and otherwise 10%
Q1. Write a macro AREA that will computer the area of circle. Using this macro find the area of
circle for given radius.
Q2. Write a function getavg( ) that will return the average of sum of the integers in given array.
Pass array as parameter to the function.
Q3. Write a ‘C’ program to read the voters details such as VoterId, Name, BoothNo, City,
Mobilno. Read the details of n number of voters. Display the details of the voters in given
booth number.
Q1. Write a macro VOLUME that will compute the volume a box. Using this macro find the
volume of a box for given length, breadth and height.
Q2. Write a function that will return the middle letter in given string. Pass string as parameter to
the function.
Q3. Write a program to accept a file name from command prompt and display that file along with
number of vowels in it.
Q1. Write a ‘C’ language program to accept n integer in an array. Display the array in reverse
order. Also display the sum of the elements in array.
Q2. Write a Program to accept the names of n number of cities. Accept a character from user and
display only those city names which begin with given character.
Q3. Write a ‘C’ language program to accept the material details as ItemID, Name, Quantity and
Rate. Read the details of n number of items. Display the details of all the items along with
total amount ( qty X rate). Also display the total valuation of all the items.
Q1. Write a program to accept characters in array until the given character is ‘$’. Display the
Q2. Write a function getsum( ) that will return the sum of first, last and middle numbers in given
array. Pass array of integers as parameters to the function.
Q3. Write a program to read the sequence of integers from user and write them in file until the
given number is -999. Display the numbers in that file. Also count the number of odds and
Q1. Write a macro CALC that will compute the circumference of a circle. Using this macro find
the circumference for the given radius.
Q2. Write a function swap(x,y) that will interchange the values of given variables x and y. Write
a program that will accept 2 numbers and interchange their values by using the function
swap. Print the values before and after the swap in main function.
Q3. Write a program that will accept the file name and a string from user and display only those
lines from the file which contains the given patters. Also display the number of lines on
which the pattern was found.
Q1. Write a program to accept a string and count the number of uppercase and lowercase letters
in it.
Q2. Read the matrix of size n x n. Display it in proper format. Also find the sum of its diagonal
elements and display it.
Q3. Write a program to accept a file name from user. Also read 2 characters. Create new file in
which all occurrences of character ch1 are replaced by ch2. Open this newly created file and
display it s contents.
Q1. Write a program to accept a string and count the number of alphabets, digits in it.
Q2. Write a program that will read the strings until the given string is “Good Bye”. Display each
string on separate line along with its length.
Q3. Write a program to accept the student details such as Rollno, Name, Category and Class.
Read the details of n number of students. Display the count of students in each category for
a given class name.
Q1. Write a macro SIGN that will check given number is positive or negative. Using this macro
display given number is positive or negative.
Q2. Write a program to accept a string. Write a function to which pass that string as parameter.
The function will replace all the blank spaces by ‘$’ sign. Display the string after
replacement in main function.
Q3. Write a program to accept a file name from user open that file for reading. Write function
fcount(fp,flag) that will count the characters depending on the value of flag.
If status is 1 function will return the number of alphabets.
If status is 2 function will return the number of digits.
If status is 3 function will return the number of whitespaces.
Other wise it will return the count of number of other letters in given file.
Q1. Write a ‘C’ program to accept a string and display each word on separate line.
Q2. Write a ‘C’ function scompare( ) that allows to compare 2 strings and accordingly it will
return the value true(1) or false(0). Pass 2 strings as parameter to the function. Do not use any
built in function
Q3. Write a program to read a text file and display only those lines which contains some digit in
it. Also count number of such lines.
Q1. Write a program to read sequence of integers in an array. Display the array elements and sum
of odd and even integers in an array.
Q2. Write a function that will return the count of positive, negative numbers in given array. Pass
array as parameter to the function.
Q3. Write a menu driven program to perform following operations on strings by using standard
library functions.
1. Read 2 Strings 2. Display Strings 3) Length
4. Copy 5. Compare 6) Concatenate 7) Exit
Q1. Write a ‘C’ program to accept a string and count number of words in it.
Q2. Write a ‘C’ to open a text file and display it in reverse with its size.
Q3. Define the functions readmatrix() and showmatrix() that will read or display the given
matrix in proper format. Pass 2-D array as parameter to these functions. Read two matrices
using this function. Perform their addition and also display all the matrix by using function.
Q1. Write a ‘C’ program to read n numbers in an array. Display only the number at odd index
Q2. Write a function that will return count of whitespaces in a given string. Using this function
write a program that will count the number of white spaces in given string.
Q3. Write a function getsum( ) that will return the sum of the integers in given matrix.
Read to matrices and find the difference of their sum. Also display both the matrices in
proper format.
Q1. Write a ‘C’ program to read n integers in an array. Display the contents of an array by using
pointer and pointer arithmetic.
Q2. Write a function changecase( ) that will change the case of the letter in given string. Pass the
string as parameter to the function.
Q3. Write a program to accept the customer details such as CustID, Name, City, Phone, Email.
Read the details of n number of customers. Write a function that will display the details of
particular customer. Pass customer ID as parameter to this function.
Q1. Write a Program that will dynamically allocate the memory for an integer, float and
character. Read values in it and display them.
Q2 Write a Program to read the string until the given character is ‘^’. Display the string. Also
count the vowels in it.
Q3. Write a program that will accept the 4 file names and add the contents of first 3 files into 4th
file. Display 4th file.
. [30]
Q1. Write a macro CALC that will compute the circumference of a circle. Using this macro find
the circumference for the given radius. [10]
Q2. Write a program that will read the strings until the given string is “NoMore”. Display each
string on separate line along with its length.
Q3. Write a program to accept a file name from user. Also read 2 characters. Create new file in
which all occurrences of character ch1 are replaced by ch2. Open this newly created file and
display it s contents. [30]
Q1. Write a ‘C’ program read and print the array of integers using pointers.
Q2. Write a program to declare and initialize 2 matrices of size 3 x 5. Display them on screen in
proper format along with their addition.
Q3. Write a program that will accept the list of file names from command prompt and display all
files one after another.
Q1. Write a Program to accept any character. Check that it is a alphabet and if it is in upper case
the display it in lower case but if it is in lower case then display it in upper case. [10]
Q2. Write a program that will read a string. If ASCII value of any character in string is between
97 to 122 then subtract 32 from it. Display new string.
Q3. Write program to accept a file name and string pattern from command prompt. Display only
those line in a file which contains the given pattern.
Q1. Write a macro MAX3 that will computer the greatest of given 3 numbers. Use this macro to
computer the greatest of given 3 numbers.
Q2. Write a Program to read a string and copy it in reverse order into another string. Print both
the strings.
Q3. Write a program to create a file of integers. Write integers in file until the given number is
greater not -9999. Display the file contents and the sum of the integers.
Q1. Write a macro that will generate the code to make the sum of given 3 integers.
Q2. Write a program to read the matrix of size 7 x 7. Display it in proper format. Count the
number of negative values on each row and display the counts.
Q3. Write a program to read the array of n integers. Copy the address if each element in an array
to another array. Display the contents of an array integers by using the array of addresses.
Q1. Write a Program read the n integers in an array. Find and display the sum of first an lat 3
integers in an array. Read at least 4 integer in an array.
Q2. Write a function strupper( ) that will convert the given string to upper case. Do not use any
library function. Pass string as parameter to the function.
Q3. Write a ‘C’ program to accept the book details such as BookID, Tital, Author, Price. Read the
details of n number of books. Display the details of those books which are priced below
Q1. Write a program to read a string and find its length without using any library function.
Q2. Write a Program to accept n integers in an array. Pass array and a flag having value ‘F’ or ‘R’
to the function. The function will display the contents of an array in forward direction if flag
value is ‘F’. Display it in reverse order if flag value is ‘R’.
Q3. Write a program to accept 2 file names from command prompt. Copy the contents of first
file to second file.
Q1. Write a macro ALLOCINT which can be used to allocate the memory for integer.
Q2. Write a Boolean function scomp( ) that will compare 2 strings. Pass two strings as
parameters to the function. Compare two strings by using this function.
Q3. Write a program to read the matrix of size 5 x 5. Write a function that will computer the sum
of each row and store it in one-D array of size 5. Pass matrix and one-D array as parameters
to the function. Display the sum of each row in main function.
. [30]
a) Draw E-R diagram for given relational schema and show normalization on paper. [10]
Q 2.Create the following tables (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks 35]
Employee (emp_no, emp_name, address, city, birth_date, designation, salary)
Project (project_no, project_name, status)
Department (Dept_no, dept_name, location)
Constraints: Designation of an employee is ‘Manager’, ‘worker' or ‘clerk’.
Salary should be greater than zero.
There exists a one-to-many relationship between Department and Employee. Many
employees can work on many projects controlled by a department. Create the relations
accordingly, so that the relationship is handled properly and the relations are in normalized
form (3NF) and insert 5 records into each table. Draw E-R diagram for given relational
schema and show normalization. [20]
Solve the following queries:
a) Increase salary of “managers” by 10%. [5]
b) List details of Projects. [5]
c) List names of employee(s) with maximum salary. [5]
Q3.Viva [10]
Slip 1
Q 1. Create the following tables (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks 25]
b) List the names of employees working on inventory project. [5]
Q3.Viva [10]
Slip 2
Q 1. Create the following tables (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks25]
Q 2.Create the following tables (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks 35]
Employee (emp_no, emp_name, address, city, birth_date, designation,salary)
Project (project_no, project_name, status)
Department (Dept_no, dept_name, location)
Constraints: Employee designation is either ‘manager’, ‘staff’ , ‘worker’.
There exists a one-to-many relationship between Department and Employee. Many
employees can work on many projects controlled by a department. Create the relations
accordingly, so that the relationship is handled properly and the relations are in normalized
form (3NF) and insert 5 records into each table. Draw E-R diagram for given relational
schema and show normalization [20]
Solve the following queries:
a) Find the details of employee who is having highest salary. [5]
b) Delete all employees of department 20. [5]
c) List the names and salary of employees sorted by their salary. [5]
Slip 3
Doctor (doctor_code,doctor_name)
Patient (Patient_code, Patient_name)
Doctor and patient are related with many to many relationship.
a) Draw E-R diagram for given relational schema and show normalization. [10]
b) Create database in normalized form (3NF). [10]
c) Insert 5 records into each table. [5]
Q 2.Create the following tables (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks 35]
Bus (bus_no, capacity, depot_name)
Route (route_no, source, destination, no_of_stations)
Driver (driver_no, driver_name, license_no, address, age, salary)
Constraints: License number must be unique.
Relationships : Route - Bus : 1 to Many.
Bus - Driver : Many to Many with descriptive attribute shift(‘morning’ or ‘evening’) and date of
Create the relations accordingly, so that the relationship is handled properly and the relations are
in normalized form (3NF) and insert 5 records into each table. Draw E-R diagram for given
relational schema and show normalization. [20]
Solve the following queries:
a) List buses with capacity greater than 20. [5]
b) List driver details with maximum salary. [5]
c) List the details of all drivers working on _____ date. [5]
Slip 4
Q 1. Create the following tables (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks25]
Game (g_no , g_name,no_of_players,coach_name,captain)
Players (p_no , p_name)
There exists a many-to-many relationship between Game and Players.
a) Draw E-R diagram for given relational schema and show normalization. [10]
b) Create database in normalized form (3NF). [10]
c) Insert 5 records into each table. [5]
Q 2.Create the following tables (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks 35]
Bus (bus_no, capacity, depot_name)
Route (route_no, source, destination, no_of_stations)
Driver (driver_no, driver_name, license_no, address, age, salary)
Constraints: 1) Bus capacity is not null. 2) Salary is greater than zero.
Relationships: Route - Bus: 1 to Many.
Bus - Driver: Many to Many with descriptive attribute shift (‘morning’ or ‘evening’) and date of
Create the relations accordingly, so that the relationship is handled properly and the relations are
in normalized form (3NF) and insert 5 records into each table. Draw E-R diagram for given
relational schema and show normalization. [20]
Solve the following queries:
1) Update salary of driver by 15 %. [5]
2) Give count of drivers working in evening shift. [5]
3) List details of all of drivers whose name starts with ‘___’ [5]
Q3.Viva [10]
Slip 5
Q 1. Create the following tables (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks25]
Musician(m_no, m_name,age,m_city)
Instrument(i_no , i_name , company_name)
There exists a many-to-many relationship between Musician & Instrument.
a) Draw E-R diagram for given relational schema and show normalization. [10]
b) Create database in normalized form (3NF). [10]
c) Insert 5 records into each table. [5]
Q 2.Create the following tables (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks 35]
Bus (bus_no, capacity, depot_name)
Route (route_no, source, destination, no_of_stations)
Driver (driver_no, driver_name, license_no, address, age, salary)
Constraints: 1) Bus capacity is not null. 2) Salary is greater than zero.
Relationships: Route - Bus: 1 to Many.
Bus - Driver: Many to Many with descriptive attribute shift (‘morning’ or ‘evening’) and date of
Create the relations accordingly, so that the relationship is handled properly and the relations are
in normalized form (3NF) and insert 5 records into each table. Draw E-R diagram for given
relational schema and show normalization. [20]
Solve the following queries:
1) Change the capacity to 55 of buses having route number 23; [5]
2) Find average salary of drivers. [5]
3) List the details of buses with source ‘shivajinagar’ & destination ‘sangvi’. [5]
Slip 6
Q 1. Create the following tables (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks25]
a) Draw E-R diagram for given relational schema and show normalization. [10]
b) Create database in normalized form (3NF). [10]
c) Insert 5 records into each table. [5]
Q 2.Create the following tables (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks 35]
Movie (movie_name, release_year, budget)
Actor (actor_name, role, charges, address)
Producer (producer_no, name, address, age)
Constraint: Budget is greater than zero & charges not null.
Many actors act in many movies. Many producers produce many movies. Create the relations
accordingly, so that the relationship is handled properly and the relations are in normalized form
(3NF) and insert 5 records into each table. Draw E-R diagram for given relational schema and
show normalization. [20]
Solve the following queries:
Slip 7
Q 1. Create the following tables (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks25]
book (bid , bname , bprice , publication)
author(ano , aname , acity , qualification)
book and author is related with many to many relationship.
a) Draw E-R diagram for given relational schema and show normalization. [10]
b) Create database in normalized form (3NF). [10]
c) Insert 5 records into each table. [5]
Q 2.Create the following tables (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks 35]
Movie (movie_name, release_year, budget)
Actor (actor_name, role, charges, address)
Producer (producer_no, name, address, age)
Constraints: Budget is greater than zero & charges are not null.
Many actors act in many movies. Many producers produce many movies. Create the relations
accordingly, so that the relationship is handled properly and the relations are in normalized form
(3NF) and insert 5 records into each table. Draw E-R diagram for given relational schema and
show normalization. [20]
Solve the following queries:
a) List the actor name and release year of movie in which they have acted. [5]
b) Find details of oldest producer. [5]
c) Find all details of movies except which are released after 2014. [5]
Slip 8
Slip 9
Q 1. Create the following tables (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks25]
a) Find details of all teachers who teaches either ‘Database’ or ‘c’ subject. [5]
b) Find the student name having highest marks. [5]
c) List teacher details sorted by their name. [5]
Slip 10
Q.2) Create the following tables(Primary keys are underlined): [Total Mark:35]
b) List the details of account whose balance between 4000 and 6000. [5]
Slip 11
Q.1) Create the following relation (Primary keys are underlined): [Total Mark: 25]
Q.2) Create the following tables(Primary keys are underlined): [Total Mark:35]
Create the relations accordingly, so that the relationship is handled properly and the relations are
in normalized form(3NF) and insert 5 records into each table.
Draw ER diagram for given relational schema and show normalization. [20]
Solve the following quesries:
a. Count all the movie names released in the year 2000. [5]
b. Display all actor details of movie ‘Dhoom’ [5]
c. Display all movies of ‘Abhishek’ [5]
Slip 12
Q.1) Create the following relation(Primary keys are underlined): [Total Mark:25]
Q.2) Create the following tables(Primary keys are underlined): [Total Mark:35]
Politician & party are related with many-to-one.
Draw ER diagram for given relational schema and show normalization. [20]
Solve the following quesries:
a) Display details of all politician of party ‘BJP’. [5]
b) Count the total number of politicians for each party [5]
c) Count the number of politicians having political description as ‘AP’. [5]
Slip 13
Q.1) Create the following relation (Primary keys are underlined): [Total Mark: 25]
Q.2) Create the following tables (Primary keys are underlined): [Total Mark: 35]
Primary Key mno ,pno,
Machine name not be null.
Create the relations accordingly, so that the relationship is handled properly and the relations are
in normalized form(3NF) and insert 5 records into each table.
Draw ER diagram for given relational schema and show normalization. [20]
Solve the following quesries:
a) Increase the cost of machine by 10 % [5]
b) List all the parts of ‘CNC’ machine [5]
c) Delete the record from part table whose part name is wheel. [5]
Slip 14
Item & sup are related with many-to-many relationships with rate, discount.
a) Draw E-R diagram for given relational schema and show normalization on paper. [10]
b) Create database in normalized form.(3NF) [10]
c) Insert 5 records into each table. [5]
Q.2) Create the following tables(Primary keys are underlined): [Total Mark:35]
Wholesaler (wno,wname,addr,city)
Product (pno,pname)
Wholesaler & Product are related with many-to-many relationship.
Constraints :
Primary key wno,pno
pname should starts with letter ’A’
wname should not be null
Create the relations accordingly,so that the relationship is handled properly and the relations
are in normalized form(3NF) and insert 5 records into each table.
Draw ER diagram for given relational schema and show normalization. [20]
Solve the following quesries:
a ) Display wholesaler wise product details [5]
b) Display the details of wholesalers living in the ‘Mumbai’ City [5]
c) Count the number of products sold by wholesaler ‘Dev Enterprise’. [5]
Slip 15
Q.1) Create the following relation (Primary keys are underlined): [Total Mark: 25]
Q.2) Create the following tables (Primary keys are underlined): [Total Mark: 35]
Item (item_no,name,quantity)
Item & sup are related with many-to-many relationships with rate, discount.
Constraints: Primary key item_no,sno and item qty > 5 and rate > 0.
Create the relations accordingly,so that the relationship is handled properly and the relations
are in normalized form(3NF) and insert 5 records into each table.
Draw ER diagram for given relational schema and show normalization. [20]
Solve the following quesries:
a ) List all the details of items having quantity > 500 [5]
b) Increase the 5% rate of the item mouse. [5]
c) Count the number of suppliers from each city. [5]
Slip 16
Q1) Create the following relations. (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks 25]
b) Create a normalized database for the schema (3NF) [10]
c) Insert 5 records into each table [5]
Q2) Create the following relations. (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks 35]
Customer (cust_id, cust_name, cust_addr, contactph,area_type)
A customer can own many vehicles and a vehicle can belong to exactly one customer.
Draw an ER Diagram for the given relational schema. and Create the normalized tables (in
3NF) accordingly and insert 5 records in each table. Solve the following querries. [20]
Slip 17
Q1) Create the following relations. (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks 25]
There exists a many to many relationship between Watchman and area with shift ('M' for
morning, 'A' for Afternoon and 'N' for night) as descriptive attributes.
a) Draw E-R diagram for the given relational schema and show the normalized schema on paper
Q2) Create the following relations. (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks 35]
Slip 18
There exists a one to one relationship between Room and guest with room_type as ('U' for
private suite, 'S' for Single and 'D' for double).
a) Draw E-R diagram for the given relational schema and show the normalized schema on paper
Q2) Create the following relations. (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks 35]
Book(Bookid, book_title, ISBN_No, Price)
An author can write many books, a book can be written by many authors, a book has exactly one
publisher and a publisher publishes many books. Draw an ER Diagram for the given relational
schema. and Create the normalized tables (in 3NF) accordingly and insert 5 records in each table.
Solve the following queries. [20]
a) Count the number of books written by 'Larry Gomes' [5]
b) List all authors sorted by name [5]
c) Change the publisher_name from 'Niyati Publications' to 'Jagruti Publications' [5]
Q3) Viva [10]
Slip 19
Q1) Create the following relations. (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks 25]
Q2) Create the following relations. (Primary keys are underlined) [Total Marks 35]
Salesman(Saleamanid, name, commission_amt)
There exists a many-to-many relationship between customer and salesman with descriptive
attributes purchase amount and order date. One customer can order form many salesman and one
salesman can accept orders from many customers. Draw an ER Diagram for the given relational
schema. and Create the normalized tables (in 3NF) accordingly and insert 5 records in each table.
Solve the following queries. [20]
a) Count the number of salesman whose commission is less than 50000 [5]
b) List salesman details sorted on commission_amt [5]
c) Display all orders having order date as 10-9-2016 and issued by the salesman whose ID is 505
Q3) Viva [10]
Slip 20
There exists a many-to-many relationship between recipe and ingredients. A recipe can have
many ingredients and an ingredient can belong to many recipes. Draw an ER Diagram for the
given relational schema. and Create the normalized tables (in 3NF) accordingly and insert 5
records in each table. Solve the following queries. [20]
a) Count the number of ingredients required in the recipe 'Veg Biryani' [5]
b) List all ingredients sorted on rate [5]
c) Display the manufacturers of all ingredients [5]
Q3) Viva [10]
Slip 21
Q.1) Create the following relation(Primary keys are underlined): [Total Mark:25]
Slip 22
Q.1) Create the following relation(Primary keys are underlined): [Total Mark:25]
Book (bno, bname, price)
Dealer (dno, dname, addr)
Dept (deptno, deptname, head)
One dealer can sale one or many book and one department have many books.
a)Draw E-R diagram for given relational schema and show normalization on paper. [10]
b)Create database in normalized form.(3NF) [10]
c)Insert 5 records into each table. [5]
Slip 23
One or more client can take one or more trucks on rent.
A truck can use one or more routes.
a)Draw E-R diagram for given relational schema and show normalization on paper. [10]
b)Create database in normalized form.(3NF) [10]
c)Insert 5 records into each table. [5]
Create the relations accordingly,so that the relationship is handled properly and the relations
are in normalized form(3NF) and insert 5 records into each table.
Draw ER diagram for given relational schema and show normalization. [20]
Solve the following quesries:
a)List the name of passenger whose f_no=205 [5]
b)List the flight number whose ticket amount=2000 [5]
c)List the flight details whose source=”Pune” [5]
Q.3) Viva [10]
Slip 24
Q.1) Create the following relation(Primary keys are underlined): [Total Mark:25]
A customer can give one or more quotation but quotation belongs
to exactly one customer.
a)Draw E-R diagram for given relational schema and show normalization on paper. [10]
b)Create database in normalized form.(3NF) [10]
c)Insert 5 records into each table. [5]
Slip 25
Q.1) Create the following relation(Primary keys are underlined): [Total Mark:25]
Each actor has acted in one or more movies.Each producer has produced many movies and
Each movie can be produced by more than one producers.Each movie has one or more actors
acting in it,in different roles.
a)Draw E-R diagram for given relational schema and show normalization on paper. [10]
b)Create database in normalized form.(3NF) [10]
c)Insert 5 records into each table. [5]
c) Update the salary of driver by 1000 if his age > 35. [5]
Q.3) Viva [10]
Slip 26
Q.1) Create the following relation(Primary keys are underlined): [Total Mark:25]
One or more property is belongs to only one owner and one or more property is present
in one district.
a)Draw E-R diagram for given relational schema and show normalization on paper. [10]
b)Create database in normalized form.(3NF) [10]
c)Insert 5 records into each table. [5]
Car and drivers relationship is many to many and car and accident relationship one to many.
Constraints : primary key
Accidents year >1990
Create the relations accordingly,so that the relationship is handled properly and the relations
are in normalized form(3NF) and insert 5 records into each table.
Draw ER diagram for given relational schema and show normalization. [20]
Solve the following quesries:
a)Delete all records from driver relation who live in “Pune”. [5]
b)List the drivers invoved in accidents which took place in “Mumbai”. [5]
c)Find the number of accidents in which the cars belonging to “Rahul” were involved. [5]
Slip 27
Q.1) Create the following relation(Primary keys are underlined): [Total Mark:25]
A employee have one or more Reward.One employee is belongs to one posting.
a)Draw E-R diagram for given relational schema and show normalization on paper. [10]
b)Create database in normalized form.(3NF) [10]
c)Insert 5 records into each table. [5]
Cutomer and plants are related with one to many and plant and nutrients are related
one to many relationship.
Constraints : primary key
Plant type flowering and non flowering
Create the relations accordingly,so that the relationship is handled properly and the relations
are in normalized form(3NF) and insert 5 records into each table.
Draw ER diagram for given relational schema and show normalization. [20]
Solve the following quesries:
a)List the customer who purchase plant ‘Rose’. [5]
b)List the cutomer name who purchase plant type flowering. [5]
c)List all those plants to whom nutrient ‘manure’is given. [5]
Slip 28
Q.1) Create the following relation(Primary keys are underlined): [Total Mark:25]
A employee have one or more Reward.One employee is belongs to one posting.
a)Draw E-R diagram for given relational schema and show normalization on paper. [10]
b)Create database in normalized form.(3NF) [10]
c)Insert 5 records into each table. [5]
Person (pnumber integer, pname varchar (20), birthdate date, income money)
Area ( aname varchar (20), area-type varchar (5) )
An area can have one or more persons living in it, but a person belongs to exactly one area. The
attribute ‘area_type’ can have values either ‘urban’ or ‘rural’.
Create the relations accordingly,so that the relationship is handled properly and the relations are
in normalized form(3NF) and insert 5 records into each table.
Draw ER diagram for given relational schema and show normalization.
Solve the following quesries:
Slip 29
Q.1) Create the following relation(Primary keys are underlined): [Total Mark:25]
Consider the following Entities and Relationships
Department( dno,dname,HOD)
Project (pno, pname, status)
Department and Project are related with one to many relationships
a) Draw E-R diagram for given relational schema and show normalization on paper. [10]
b) Create database in normalized form.(3NF) [10]
c) add new column location to the table department. Change the data type for column dno and
pno as varchar. Insert 5 records into each table. [5]
Car and drivers relationship is many to many and car and accident relationship one to many.
Constraints : primary key
Accidents year >1990
Create the relations accordingly,so that the relationship is handled properly and the relations
are in normalized form(3NF) and insert 5 records into each table.
Draw ER diagram for given relational schema and show normalization. [20]
Solve the following quesries:
a)Delete all records from driver relation who live in “Pune”. [5]
b)List the drivers invoved in accidents which took place in “Mumbai”. [5]
c)Find the number of accidents in which the cars belonging to “Rahul” were involved. [5]
Slip 30