Project On Turnover Intentions:-: Submitted To-MS. ESHA SHARMA Bhagra Submitted by - Aman Karanwal (BBA - LLB. 1ST Year)
Project On Turnover Intentions:-: Submitted To-MS. ESHA SHARMA Bhagra Submitted by - Aman Karanwal (BBA - LLB. 1ST Year)
Project On Turnover Intentions:-: Submitted To-MS. ESHA SHARMA Bhagra Submitted by - Aman Karanwal (BBA - LLB. 1ST Year)
Turnover Intention Applebaum indicated that turnover intention is positively correlated with
workload, stress for work, and burnout. Firth et al. (2004) defined that a person has immediate
decided behavior to leave a job in the organization. Similarly, Meeusen presented that
excessive workload and lack of coworker and supervisor support lead to emotional and
psychological fitness of deteriorated. Consequently, turnover intention is increased. Recent
studies indicated that turnover or their intention to quit is associated with transformational
leadership style .Mebley (1977) described that people dissatisfied with their jobs, look for
choosing, and compare those chooses (such as: salary, job stabile, organizational commitment
etc.) with their current jobs using an expected value like decision process, and leave if any of
the choosing is better than their current situation . Likewise, Kalbers and Fogarty (1995) stated
that turnover intention is an intention of employees to quit their job or look for new job.
Moreover, Tett and Meyer (1993) mentioned that turnover intentions can be considered
relevant to an individual’s view as person who thinks of quitting a job or intent to leave the
organization or even for the management facing with lack of employee permanence. Turnover
intentions comprise the latest perceptive step of decision making process of an individual’s
decision to quit and search for alternative occupation. Even if employee’s intentions are not
actual turnovers, they are possibly the best indicator or important antecedent of turnover in
the future. On the other hand, Mitchell) and mentioned that the organizations have to
concentrate more on the effect of employee turnover due to cost of hiring replacement, social
capital losses, organizational productivity, and time consumed when the organization has to
find a new one to maintain the existing position of leaving experienced employees. Besides
with the increasing various change in organizations, managers should constantly look for
different ways to create greater employees’ commitment . Similarly, reported that fresh
graduates are highly intended to quit the current work within their first year of employee
Arocas and Camps (2008) designed a conceptual framework on the base of the High
performance work practice (HPWP) model to analyze which factors would influence
employee turnover intention. They presented that turnover continually posed as a
serious problem for businesses. Therefore, reducing turnover intention should consider
main factors which develop satisfaction and commitment as a mediator step, but the
relationship between employee commitment and turnover intention in not clearly
In fact, there is lack of evidence to show the relationship among job stress, leadership
support, and job satisfaction and organization commitment are presented in the paper
of Igbaria and Greenhaus (1992) and Tinker and Moore (2001). The result can imply that
they found there are indirect effects among job stress, leadership support, and job
satisfaction and organization commitment.
Kalbers and Cenkers (2007) designed a merged model according to pervious study. The
researcher attempts to test the relationships among the designs of experience, role
ambiguity, organizational commitment (affective and continuance), job satisfaction, and
turnover intentions.
They found that, the employee with higher levels of affective organizational commitment and
job satisfaction are less probable to leave their job, however, there was no evidence to show
the relationship between continuance commitment and turnover intentions.
Although there are evidences showing the possibility of relationship among stress,
experience, salary, leadership support, job satisfaction, organization commitment and
turnover intention, but, no research papers confirm their association exactly. Further,
turnover intention study is not only important for the King Power Group in Thailand but
also a significant goal for all kinds of businesses. In fact, the turnover intention is
affected by many factors, but in this study the researcher focuses only on six of them:
stress, experience, salary, leadership support, job satisfaction and organization
commitment. The research questions of this study are as follows: