RPS Design Manual Dec2016 0201
RPS Design Manual Dec2016 0201
RPS Design Manual Dec2016 0201
Design Manual
Design Manual
RPS COMPOSITES (RPS) produces fibreglass reinforced plastic (FRP)
pipe and fittings intended for use in a wide variety of applications.
The intent of this manual is to provide designers and users with the
tools necessary to confidently design or specify above-ground or
buried piping systems utilizing RPS components.
• CHOPPED STRAND MAT – This type of reinforcement utilizes • SURFACING VEIL – As the name implies, surfacing veils are
short glass fibres (typically ½” to 2” long), randomly oriented generally only used on the surface of laminates. The veil layer
and held together with a resinous binder. Chopped strand mat provides a high resin to reinforcement ratio (typically 90:10),
provides good chemical resistance due to the high resin, low which creates excellent chemical resistance at the part’s surface,
glass ratio achieved in the application of the material. Since the where it is most needed. All corrosion barriers in RPS products
Design Manual
are started with one layer of surfacing veil. For increased Isophthalic’s or “Iso’s” offer good chemical resistance at lower
chemical resistance, two layers of veil can be used; however, cost compared to vinyl esters. In mild to moderate corrosive
beyond this, the corrosion barrier may be susceptible to cracking applications, isophthalic’s can be an economical alternative.
due to the high resin content created with the surfacing veil.
• FIRE RETARDENT RESINS – All of the resin types mentioned
Nexus surfacing veil is a polyester product, which provides
above are available in fire retardant versions. These fire
good chemical resistance, appearance and workability. “C”
retardant derivatives generally incorporate bromine and
glass veil is a corrosion resistant glass veil which also provides
antimony compounds to improve fire resistance and create a
good characteristics. The choice to use C glass veil versus Nexus
laminate, which is self-extinguishing when the flame source is
is usually a matter of preference concerning workability, with
removed. Most fire retardant resins will provide a Class 1 flame
most manufacturers using one or the other. It should be noted,
spread rating when tested in accordance to ASTM E-84.
however, that C glass veil is not generally recommended in
services containing fluorides. • OTHER RESINS – RPS also has experience in the use of many
other resins including:
• OTHER REINFORCEMENTS – A wide variety of reinforcements
exist which can be used to meet specific needs (e.g. Carbon veil oo Chlorendic Polyesters
for electrical conductivity). RPS is experienced in the design of oo Bisphenol Fumarates
products utilizing various reinforcements and can provide assis-
tance in choosing the right reinforcements for the job. oo Phenolics
Resins oo Terephthalic
Design Manual
must begin and end with a layer of chopped strand glass to provide Alternatively, a chopper gun
proper adhesion. can be used to mechanically
apply the glass reinforcement.
The contact molding technique provides for an unlimited number
With this technique, one or
of plies and orientation of reinforcement, allowing the designer to
more strands of glass fibre
place the material where it is most needed. This creates parts which
are fed into a gun which cuts
or “chops” the glass to a set
length (typically 1” to 1¼”
long). The chopped glass is
then propelled into a stream
of catalyzed resin. Glass
content is controlled by adjusting the flow of resin relative to the
speed of the chop. The amount of time the chopper gun is held in
one spot determines how thick or how much material is applied. The
chopper gun can be used alone to produce an “all chop” component,
which would be similar to a laminate made of “all chopped strand
mat”. Alternatively, the chopper gun can be used in conjunction with
hand lay-up material, such as woven roving, to produce a laminate
range from quasi-isotropic to highly orthotropic. The manual nature
with higher glass content and strength. The resin spraying ability of
of the technique means a high skill level is required to produce a
the chopper gun can also be used alone to “wet-out” hand lay-up
high quality, consistent part. Materials such as chopped strand glass,
laminates, which can reduce labour costs on larger parts.
woven roving, Nexus veil, C-veil, and unidirectional reinforcement
are all applied using this technique. Traditionally, most corrosion
barriers are applied by contact molding.
As mentioned above, the contact molding technique is generally
broken down into two sub-methods; namely, hand lay-up and
spray-up. As the name implies, hand lay-up involves saturating glass
reinforcement and applying this material by hand to the mold.
Design Manual
Composite Properties
t liner = 0.11”
t winding = 0.26”
total thickness = 0.37”
Composite Tensile Modulus = Modulus of Liner x Liner thickness + Modulus of Structure x Structure thickness
(hoop) Total thickness Total Thickness
= 1.0 e 6 x 0.11 + 2.3 e 6 x 0.26 = 1.91 e 6 psi
0.37 0.37
This technique can also be used to estimate other composite properties such as
Poisson’s ratio.
Design Manual
Design Manual
The above equations can be used to calculate the head loss for a a = Wave velocity (ft/s) = 12/[(ρ/g)(1/k + d/(E ∙ t))]0.5
given length of piping. However, when fittings are introduced into ρ = Fluid density (lb/ft3)
the system, the head loss can be significantly increased. A common g = Gravitational constant (32.2 ft/s2)
method for dealing with head loss in fittings is to calculate an k = Bulk modulus of fluid (300,000 psi for water)
“equivalent pipe length” which is added to the straight run of pipe. d = Pipe ID (in.)
An alternative and more accurate method for determining head loss t = Pipe wall thickness (in.)
in fittings is to determine the appropriate loss coefficients or “K” E = Modulus of elasticity of pipe (psi)
Type of Fitting K Factor
SG = Specific gravity (dimensionless)
Δ V = Change in velocity of fluid (ft./sec.)
90° smoth radius elbow 0.5
90° single-mitered elbow 1.4 The inherent flexibility of FRP piping minimizes the magnitude
90° double-mitered elbow 0.8 of water hammer; however, care must be taken when starting-up
90° triple-mitered elbow 0.6
systems and opening and closing valves. In general, steps should be
taken to minimize or eliminate water hammer in FRP piping systems.
Tee, straight flow 0.4
12” 6
Transient pressures such as “Water Hammer” can occur when fluid
velocity inside piping is rapidly changed. The change in velocity can 14” 5
Design Manual
With the hydrostatic design strength, the required wall thickness can However, in less aggressive environments, the designer may choose
be calculated using the ISO formula, as follows: to include the corrosion barrier (or some portion thereof) in the
structural calculations.
Structural Thickness = Pressure x Diameter
2 x HDB x Service Factor In some cases, the structural thickness may be increased to accom-
modate other factors such as vacuum or stiffness requirements.
Small diameter adhesively bonded piping may also have increased
thickness to provide adequate bond length in the joint.
Design Manual
Filament Wound Pipe Wall Thickness‡ (in.) Example: 6”Ø 150 psi, contact molded pipe with 10:1 FOS
Butt Joint System Adhesive Joint System
Unit Hoop Stress = Pressure x diameter x FOS / 2
150 psi 100 psi 50 psi 150 psi 100/50 psi
= 150 x 6 x 10 / 2 = 4500 lb/in.
Total Total Total Total Total
Diameter** Thickness Thickness Thickness Thickness Thickness Unit Axial Stress = Pressure x diameter x FOS / 4
1 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 = 150 x 6 x 10 / 4 = 2250 lb/in.
1.5 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 A variety of possible reinforcements could be used to meet these
2 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 requirements. However, a trial and error approach is generally
3 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 required. For example, if this pipe were to be constructed from 1.5
4 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.20 0.20
oz/ft2 chopped strand and 24 oz/yd2 woven roving, the following
combination could be used:
6 0.22 0.19 0.19 0.24 0.24
8 0.26 0.21 0.19 0.28 0.24 4 layers of chopped strand @ 600 lb/in. = 2400 lb/in.
10 0.30 0.24 0.19 0.32 0.27 2 layers of woven roving @ 1250 lb/in. = 2500 lb/in.
12 0.34 0.26 0.19 0.37 0.31 Total Strength = ( 2400 + 2500 ) = 4900 lb/in.
14 0.37 0.29 0.20 N/A N/A
This would satisfy both the hoop and axial strength requirements.
16 0.41 0.31 0.21 N/A N/A
Design Manual
Low to Moderate Vacuum Rating / Small Diameters: Ea = Axial tensile modulus of pipe/duct (psi)
• Increase wall thickness to provide required collapse pressure. L = Length between ribs (in.)
• Use Stiffening Ribs to provide required collapse pressure Corrosion Barrier Addition: The corrosion barrier (liner) is generally
added to the thickness calculated above, as follows:
The decision to use stiffening ribs is generally a question of
economics. That is, stiffening ribs are used at the point when the cost t total = tliner + tstructure
associated with the required increase in pipe wall thickness exceeds In less aggressive environments, the designer may choose to include
the cost of applying the ribs. the corrosion barrier (or some portion there of) in the structural
For pressure piping, vacuum resistance is generally achieved through calculations. However, the composite properties (i.e Hoop Modulus
increased wall thickness as the application of ribs could create high of total wall, Poisson Ratio’s of total wall, etc.) must be determined
local stresses when the pipe operates under pressure. and used in the calculations. This is particularly important in vacuum
design since the collapse pressure is related to the thickness cubed (
The collapse pressure of pipe or ducting is calculated based on the Pcritical a t3 )
“Structural Plastic Design Manual” equations.
For Pipe/Duct without ribs
(assumed to be an infinitely long cyclinder)
Pcr = Eht3
4•(1- nT/L · nL/T)•R3
Design Manual
The design of piping systems using RPS piping, or most other FRP FRP does not yield (no plastic oo Stress concentrations and
piping, differs from steel piping system design. The differences deformation) point loads must be avoided
in design are related to the differences in mechanical and physical
Cold Temperature Design oo Most properties including
properties between FRP and steel. Following are some important
impact resistance remain
points to consider: unchanged for temperatures
down to -50 deg. F
FRP fittings may be significantly thicker than the adjoining FRP
pipe. Give careful consideration to clearances in tight areas.
Design Manual
• Control side-ways oscillations by replacing every forth hanger 1-1/2 7.3 7.1 9.3 8.7
• Water-hammer must be minimized Criteria: Strength Ratio (SR) in structures > 1.6; Deflection < 0.5”
*For 180 deg. F service, derate span by 0.90
• Incorporate field joints generally at each change of direction.
Keep in mind that FRP flanges should not be “drawn” into place For information on support spacing for pressure ratings,
and should freely line-up. specific gravities, or diameters other than those listed
above, please contact RPS directly
• Avoid bolting full face FRP flanges to raised face flanges. Use
FRP Vanstone style flanges or spacers as required.
• For other than flange supports, avoid locating supports at or
adjacent to fittings. Allow enough room between the support
and the fitting for the joint overlay.
Design Manual
Design Manual
Example: What is the required offset length for the given piping 8 7.7 10.9 13.4 15.5 17.3 24.4 34.6
arrangement and parameters? 10 8.4 11.9 14.6 16.9 18.8 26.7 37.7
Lf = 24 ft. = 288 in. DT = 100 deg. F 16 10.3 14.6 17.8 20.6 23.0 32.6 46.0
Ce = 1.4 x 10-5 in/in/deg.F 18 10.8 15.3 18.7 21.6 24.2 34.2 48.4
Design Manual
Solution: absorb the thermal growth and force. The length of the loop will be
the same as the free leg length calculated in the above example. The
Itotal = p/64 · (8.524 – 8.04) = 57.6 in4
axial portion of the loop is normally taken as ½ of the leg length.
DL = 1.4 x 10-5 · 288 · 100 = 0.40 in.
Guides should be included immediately upstream and downstream
Istruct = p/64 · (8.524 – (8.0+0.11x2)4) = 34.5 in4
of the expansion loop.
Zstruct = 2 · Is / OD = 2 · 34.5/8.52 = 8.1 in3
Mallow = Sb · Zs = 650 x 8.1 = 5265.0 in-lb Rigid Piping System
Therefore, An alternative to the semi-rigid piping system is the rigidly restrained
piping system. With this system, thermal expansion is prevented by
Lleg= 1/12 · { 3 · 1.29E6 · 57.6 · 0.40/5265.0}0.5 =10.85 ft.
anchoring the pipe in various locations. The corresponding forces
This is the minimum offset that should be used to ensure the bending are transferred into the support structure and the piping itself.
stress in the piping is maintained at an acceptable level. This system is possible due to the low elastic modulus of FRP in
comparison to steel. As demonstrated in the example calculation,
Corrosion Barrier Addition: When calculating thermal forces and
the low elastic modulus creates forces which are often easily handled
stresses, it is very important to consider the effect of the corrosion
by the support structure.
barrier. This is summarized below:
Force = E · A · Ce · D T
• The thermal force should be calculated based on the total wall
area (i.e include the corrosion barrier in this calculation). Where:
• The composite modulus should be used to calculate the thermal
E = Axial modulus of elasticity
load. However, since the structural modulus is generally slightly
A = Cross sectional Area of piping
higher, the structural modulus can be used to provide a slightly
Ce = Coefficient of thermal expansion
more conservative result.
DT = Difference between operating and installed
• The structural wall area should be used to determine the pipe
stress resulting from the thermal force. In some less aggressive
environments, the designer may choose to consider the contri- Example Part A: What is the thermal force at anchor #1 for the given
bution of the corrosion barrier (or some part there of) for the piping arrangement?
stress calculation.
OD = 6.48 in.
Expansion Loops ID = 6.00 in.
Ce = 1.4 x 10-5 in/in/deg.F
When changes in direction are not possible or practical, the designer
E = 1.5e6 psi
may want to consider creating an expansion loop in the system to
DT = 50 deg. F
Design Manual
Design Manual
Expansion Joint Use and Design oo Different modulus values are required for each diameter or
In some situations, it is not possible or practical to deal with diameter range.
expansion using changes in direction oo Different coefficients of thermal expansion are required for
or expansion loops and/or the forces each diameter or diameter range.
associated with a rigid system are too
oo Different Poisson’s ratios are required for each diameter or
high for the piping or supports. In these
diameter range.
situations, expansion joints can be used
to absorb thermal growth. Some general oo The same allowable stress can be used for all sizes, since
comments regarding expansion joints and the analysis is based on the structural wall only.
FRP piping are summarized below: TIP – Consider setting-up a computer spreadsheet to quickly
calculate the composite pipe properties for the required diameters!
• Expansion joints are not normally
required on small bore FRP piping systems • Consider entering the “maximum operating pressure” rather
as they are generally inherently flexible. than the “rated pressure”. Very often companies purchase,
for example, 150 psi rated piping, and use the piping for low
• Expansion joints may be required to absorb large differential
pressure or even gravity feed. By using the maximum operating
expansion between, for example, steel tanks and FRP piping.
pressure in the pipe stress analysis, the user may be able to solve
• Expansion joints may be used to isolate the FRP piping system many stress problems.
from vibrating equipment such as large pumps or fans.
• Stress analysis without a corrosion allowance (i.e. including
• When choosing expansion joints, the designer needs to consider some contribution of the corrosion barrier in the stress calcu-
that the required activation force needs to be smaller than lations) requires different allowable stresses for different
would normally be suitable on similar diameter steel piping. diameter ranges, since the corrosion barrier will contribute less
and less structurally as the diameter increases. This makes the
• The use of tie-rods or limiting rods should be avoided if possible
analysis more complex and the designer should contact RPS
as these act to concentrate forces on the FRP flange and could
directly for more information on this approach.
result in damage to the FRP flange. If tie-rods are necessary, the
FRP flange may require a steel backing ring to better distribute Allowable Stresses
the pressure load.
RPS piping is filament wound and highly orthotropic in nature.
Pipe Stress Analysis and Allowable Stresses In particular, the piping has different strength values related to
pressure and bending.
An ever increasing number of companies are choosing to design and
analyze their piping systems using computerized pipe stress analysis For stress analysis based on the structural wall only (i.e. total
programs. These programs can quickly provide the user with infor- thickness less the corrosion allowance). The following allowable
mation on deflections, stresses and forces. Below are some general stresses apply:
tips for analyzing RPS FRP piping using computerized analysis
Allowable Stress 1” – 2500 psi
@ 150 psi 1.5” – 2300 psi
• An easy, yet accurate and conservative way to analyze FRP 2” – 2400 psi
piping is to input a total wall thickness and a corrosion 3” – 2550 psi
allowance. This will allow the program to calculate forces and ≥ 4” – 2600 psi
weights based on the total wall but determine stress based on
the structural or corroded wall. The inputs should be based on
composite wall properties, keeping in mind the following:
Design Manual
Design Manual
BURIED PIPE DESIGN & INSTALLATION WL = Live load on pipe = P · If / (144 · L1 · L2), psi
P = wheel load = 16,000 lbs for HS-20
If = Impact factor
= 1.1 for 2’ < H < 3’
= 1.0 for H > 3’
L1 = load width parallel to direction of travel
= 0.83 + 1.75 H
L2 = load width in direction perpendicular to travel
= 1.67 + 1.75H for 2’ < H < 2.48’
= (43.67 + 1.75H)/8 for H > 2.48’
Kx = Bedding coefficient = 0.083 to 0.1
FRP piping is considered to be flexible pipe and the design relies on
the passive support of the soil around the pipe to resist loads from PS = Pipe stiffness = EI / {0.149 (r + ∆ y/2)3 }
above. Therefore the designer needs to appreciate that the proper E’ = Modulus of soil reaction, psi
installation of buried FRP piping is at least as important as a proper (depends on soil type and compaction)
The designer can examine the effects of the deflection in terms
Buried Pipe Design of stress or strain by using an empirical equation, which has been
The design of buried FRP piping generally follows the guidelines of shown to provide a good correlation between field measurements
the American Water Works Association document AWWA M45. This and experimental results.
manual superseeds the design information previously presented in σ b = Df · E · ∆ya tt (stress due to deflection)
AWWA C950. Buried pipe deflection is predicted using the Spangler D D
equation which combines material properties with soil properties
and live loads to predict an overall deflection. ε b = Df · ∆ya tt (strain due to deflection)
∆ y = (Dl · Wc + WL) · Kx (deflection)
D 0.149 · PS + 0.061 · E’ where,
Wc = Vertical soil load = γs · H / 144 , psi ∆ ya = Maximum allowable long term deflection, in.
Design Manual
These values are compared with the long term ring bending strain for stress basis,
divided by a design factor.
σpr ≤ 1 – { (σb · rc) / (Sb · E) }
σb ≤ Sb · E HDB FSpr
σb · rc ≤ 1 – { σpr / HDB }
εb ≤ Sb Sb · E FSb
for strain basis,
εpr ≤ 1 – { (εb · rc) /Sb }
Sb = Long term ring bending strain HDB FSpr
FS = Design factor = 1.5 and
The effects of pressure also need to be examined and the pressure εb · rc ≤ 1 – { εpr / HDB }
class of the piping determined based on the HDB. Sb FSb
for stress basis, where,
Pc < {HDB/FS} · {2· t/D) FSpr = Pressure design factor = 1.8
for strain basis, FSb = Bending design factor = 1.5
Pc < {HDB/FS} · {2 · Eh · t / D) σpr = Working stress due to pressure, psi
where, = Pw · D / 2 · t
FS = Minimum design factor = 1.8 εpr = Working strain due to internal pressure
= Pw · D / (2 · t · Eh)
t = Thickness of pipe reinforced wall, in.
εb = Working strain due to max. deflection
D = Mean diameter of pipe, in. = Df · (δ d/D)(tt/D)
Eh = Hoop tensile modulus, psi δ d = Maximum permitted long term installed deflection, in.
The working pressure must be less than the pressure class denoted The possibility of buckling also needs to be examined with the
as: allowable buckling pressure calculated as follows:
Pw ≤ Pc qa = ( 1/FS) { 32 · Rw · B’ · E’ · EI / D3 }1/2
The surge pressure should be less than: where,
Ps ≤ 1.4 · Pc - Pw FS = Design factor = 2.5
The effects of combined loading of pressure and bending are also Rw = Water buoyancy factor
examined and evaluated as follows: = 1 – 0.33 (hw/h) ≥ 0
Design Manual
For more information on buried piping design and installation refer
RPS Pipe & Fittings Installation Manual
American Water Works Association - “Fiberglass Pipe Design –
“Standard Practice for Underground Installation of Fiberglass Pipe –
ASTM D 3839” – ASTM Standard
Design Manual
JOINING SYSTEMS • Adhesive formulated using the same resin as the pipe (bis-A
vinyl ester or epoxy novolac vinyl ester)
• Some limitations on fittings available (see RPS Dimensional
Catalogue for more information)
• Requires minimal training
• Requires specialized tool for field tapering (available to rent or
• Pipe wall thickness and/or liner thickness may be limited;
however various options do exist (consult RPS directly for more
Butt & Wrap Joint
RPS utilizes four (4) major types of joining systems on our products. The Butt and Wrap joint is an industry standard providing
The designer needs to carefully examine each system to determine simple assembly of an unlimited number of components. RPS
which best suits the particular application. A description of each offers both a “straight” and “tapered” butt joint with the details
joining system from a design standpoint is provided below: summarized below.
RPS Tapered Adhesive Joint Straight Butt & Wrap Joint
Design Manual
Design Manual
Design Manual