Types of Assessment Brief Description Advantages and Disadvantages Classroom Application
Types of Assessment Brief Description Advantages and Disadvantages Classroom Application
Types of Assessment Brief Description Advantages and Disadvantages Classroom Application
1.Traditional Focus on learners’ ability of Has a lower level of cognition Paper and pencil tests,
memorization and recall skills quizzes
2.Authentic Focuses on the analytical and Students are able to use the Conducting an experiment
creative thinking skills acquired knowledge and skills
in the real world
3.Formative Provides feedback on the Determine and improve Quizzes, demonstration,
effectiveness of teaching and student’ learning outcomes project
learning process
4.Summative Serves as evaluative function Provides evidences of Long tests, exam, essays,
at the end of the unit or term students’ level of projects
5.Norm-referenced Describes student Gives information on what exhibits
performance in the class by the student can perform by
comparing to others comparing to another
6.Criteron-referenced Describes students’ mastery Describes performance of the Demonstration, reporting
of the course content, thus, students without reference
there is no competition for a to the performance of others
limited percentage for a high which uses preset criteria and
score absolute standard or
7.Contextualized It uses performance-based Measures skills and Theater play, film-making
tasks which are authentic in knowledge in dealing with
nature specific situations or perform
specific tasks which the
students have identified as
important and meaningful to
8.Decontextualized Focuses on the declarative Measures skills and Term papers. Book reports
knowledge and/or procedural knowledge in dealing with
knowledge an artificial specific situations or perform
situations detached from the specific tasks which the
real world context students have identified as
important and meaningful to
9.Analytic Refers to specific approach in Students are given feedback Speech, group presentation
the assessment of learning on how well they are doing
outcomes on each important aspect of
specific task expected from
10.Holistic Refers to a global approach in Students are competent to Reflection papers, journals,
the assessment of a student- handle assessment tasks peer assessment, self -
learning outcome accurately assessment
Analytic Rubric for Oral Presentation: An Interpretative Reading
Category 4 3 2 1
Characterization Voice, facial Voice, facial Voice, facial Voice, facial
expressions and expressions and expressions and expressions and
body language body language body language body language
clearly often contribute sometimes rarely contribute
contribute to to the selected contribute to to the selected
the selected character the selected character
character character
Preparedness Student is Student seems The student is Student does
completely pretty prepared somewhat not seem at all
prepared and but might have prepared, but it prepared to
has obviously needed a couple is clear that present
rehearsed more rehearsal rehearsal was
Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Often mumbles
and distinctly all and distinctly and distinctly or cannot be
(100-95%) the most (100-95%)) most (94-85%) understood or
time, but of the time, but of the time and mispronounces
mispronounces mispronounces mispronounces more than one
one word one word no more than word
Volume Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume often
enough to be enough to be enough to be too soft to be
heard by all heard by all heard by all heard by all
audience, audience audience audience
members at members at members at members
least 90% of the least 90% of the least 80% of the
time time time