Usm Postgraduate Handbook
Usm Postgraduate Handbook
Usm Postgraduate Handbook
This handbook contains the rules and regulations of postgraduate studies at Universiti Sains
All postgraduate candidates should comply with these rules and regulations.
USM reserves the right to amend the rules and regulations from time to time.
i|PG Handbook
18 Plagiarism 14
19 Graduation Requirements 19
20 Graduation-In-Council 19
21 Student Support Services 20
22 Smart Card 20
23 Dress Code 20
ii | P G H a n d b o o k
Main Campus
Institute of Postgraduate Studies Working hours:
Universiti Sains Malaysia Monday – Friday: 8.10 am – 5.10 pm
11800 USM Break Time Monday – Thursday: 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm
Penang, Malaysia Friday: 12.15 pm – 2.45 pm
Security Department (24 hours) Tel: 604-599 5999 ext: 5030 / 5032
iii | P G H a n d b o o k
Self-registration must be done according to the stipulated dates found in the offer package for admissions to
USM and the academic calendar. Latest announcements for course(s) registration are readily available from
the IPS website
1|PG Handbook
b. Upon successful, access to Campus Online Portal at, click LOGIN.
c. Enter your official registered email address (……… and password created.
e. For coursework/mixed mode students, steps are available at IPS website (refer the New Postgraduate
Students Activities Schedule document).
You can visit the Centre for Knowledge, Communication & Technology for assistance in setting up the USM
Wifi connection for your laptop or mobile devices. Smart Card (Student Identification Card) will be issued on
the day of registration (except for certain cases). Smart Card photo booth is available at IPS Office (Main
Campus) or Registry Office (Branch Campuses).
2|PG Handbook
Coursework and Mixed-Mode tuition fees will be determined by the number of units taken. The course(s)
registered will automatically be confirmed upon issuance of receipt. Research Mode tuition fees may vary
depending on the field of studies.
Online payment is advisable and mostly preferred. However, payment by credit/debit card is accepted at the
Bursary counter. Cash payment can only be made at the counter of any branch of CIMB Bank and please
ensure a copy of Payment Slip is presented to confirm payment made to the Bursary, Student Account Section
(Bursary at IPS) or email to
For international students, fees are to be paid in Ringgit Malaysia although the advertised fees were in US
Dollar. Amount to be paid will be charged based on current exchange rate.
A student who register for postgraduate study must fulfil the duration of candidature as stated in the offer
Full-Time Part-Time
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
It is the responsibility of a student to renew registration every semester and pay tuition fees within the renewal
registration period. The announcement for the registration renewal and courses registration period will be
published on the IPS website, usually two (2) months before the commencement of the new
semester. Students are advised to check the website regularly for information updates prior to the registration
3|PG Handbook
Renewal of Registration
Compulsory to be completed via the Campus Online Portal ( before the
beginning of each semester.
Login to the Campus Online Portal and click ‘Online Reg’. You will be directed to course registration page.
Complete the course selection process until invoice of the fees is generated. Fees payment need to be made
before the new semester commence.
Research Mode
Login to the Campus Online Portal and click ‘Progress Report’. Ensure that the report is complete for both
student and the main supervisor section. Invoice for the new semester will be generated after both reports
are ready. Then, fees payment need to be made before the new semester commence.
4|PG Handbook
Payment of Tuition Fees
Renewal of registration is considered complete upon completion of tuition fee payment. All payments MUST
be cleared by the stipulated period to avoid the late registration penalty. A copy of bill and proof of
payment/scholarship letter MUST to be sent to the Bursary and IPS at the respective campuses
(Main/Engineering/Health/Sains@KL) within the renewal period of every semester. Students who have
renewed the registration via online but did not complete the payment within the stipulated period will be
considered as registering late and as such, liable for the late registration penalty of RM200.
Students who fail to renew the registration within the stipulated period (without justifiable reasons) will be
terminated from their studies.
If any course(s) to be registered for that semester is not offered, students can apply for postponement of
studies for that semester. Hence, renewal of registration is not required but the postponement request must
be made before the date of the new semester commence. (Refer to page 6)
Coursework and Mixed-Mode Full-time students must register for at least two (2) courses each semester.
Part-time students are required to register for at least one (1) course each semester (excluding
project/dissertation/ repeating courses). This is not applicable for Master of Medicine and Research Mode
Compulsory for all international students and to be passed prior to graduation. The minimum required passing
grade is C. Registration of the course is at the School of Languages, Literacies and Translation.
Registration of all pre-requisite courses (if applicable) must be done within the first week of the semester.
Students need to complete the pre-requisite form, obtain approval from the respective School/Centre/Institute
and submit to IPS together with the evidence (receipt) of payment. Pre-requisite form is available at IPS or
can be downloaded from IPS website.
Any add/drop of course(s) must be made using the Add/Drop form available at IPS website. The form must
be signed by the respective Dean/Director/Deputy Dean and submitted to IPS immediately. Final confirmation
of course registration after the add/drop of courses can be checked through Campus Online Portal
Add of Course(s)
Course(s) can be added within the first two (2) weeks of the semester. The application must be made using
the Add/Drop Form.
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Drop of Course(s)
Course(s) can be dropped up to the sixth (6) week after the semester commence.
Tuition fee will be credited into the student’s account for the following semester if the course(s) is dropped
within the first two (2) weeks of the semester. No refund will be made for courses dropped after the second
(2) week of the semester.
a. Students are required to check the final list of courses registered through the Campus Online Portal
before the ninth (9) week of the semester.
b. For Bahasa Malaysia I (LKM 100), add/drop of course can be done at the School of Languages,
Literacies and Translation, within the first week of the semester.
Postponement of studies is only allowed after registration and completion of at least one (1) semester, except
for medical or valid personal reasons. Postponement Form is available at IPS website. Students are allowed
to postpone their studies maximum of two (2) semesters throughout the entire duration of the candidature
Tuition and Retaining Fees charges are subjected to the date of postponement application:
After 10 week Full tuition fee will be imposed
Student can apply for conversion of status from full-time to part-time or vice versa. Application must be made
using the Conversion of Status Form available at IPS website. The conversion of status is only permitted
twice during the entire period of candidature.
6|PG Handbook
Research mode Master’s degree students are eligible to apply for conversion to Doctor of Philosophy level.
Students can apply for conversion within the first 12 months (full-time student) or 24 months (part-time
student) from registration date by submitting an official request to the School/Centre/Institute.
Students are required to submit the development of research progress proposal to be evaluated by the main
supervisor. Present the research output in a seminar and the School/Centre/Institute may request the student
to sit for examination (if necessary).
The application will be reviewed by the School/Centre/Institute and endorsed by the University.
Student candidature for Doctor of Philosophy will be calculated from the registration date of Master’s degree.
Application for extension of candidature must be made two (2) months prior to the date of expiration of a
student’s candidature. The maximum period of extension allowed is two (2) semesters only. Application must
be made using the Extension of Candidature Form available at IPS website.
Coursework/Mixed mode student - Refunds of all fees (except registration and smart card fees) will be made
for withdrawals up to two (2) weeks from the date of registration.
Research mode student - Refunds of all fees (except registration and smart card fees) will be made for
withdrawals up to two (2) months from the date of registration.
13. CHANGE OF MODE OF STUDY (Not applicable for Professional Programme students)
Student must submit a new application together with the processing fees for change of mode of study.
The University reserves the right to terminate a student’s candidature based on:
a. Student’s failure to renew the registration before new semester commence.
b. Unsatisfactory academic performance (Coursework/Mixed mode)/research progress (Research
c. Failure to pay the tuition fees
d. Maximum candidature
7|PG Handbook
Student may reactivate his/her candidature within 1 year after termination subjected to period of candidature.
Reactivation for research mode student (terminated due to maximum period of candidature) will only be
considered if the student submits ten (10) draft copies of thesis within one (1) year from the date of maximum
candidature. The reactivation of the candidature is subjected to the decision of the University.
Examinations are conducted at the end of each semester. Examination slip is required for admission into the
Examination Hall and can be printed from the Campus Online Portal ( It is the
responsibility of the student to comply with and to be present at the Examination Hall during the stipulated
time, date and place of the examination.
If student is unable to sit for examination, the student is required to immediately notify the Examination Section
(Registry Department) in writing and attach evidence (if any) to accompany the notification. Students must
comply with all academic requirements (for lectures, tutorials, practical, etc.) to qualify them to sit for the
The examination process is based on the principle of continuous assessment that comprises the coursework
and the written examination components. The coursework component can be based on participation in
tutorials, tests, essays, project work, studio work, fieldwork, etc.
Performance is assessed according to the examination grading method, which is the Cumulative Grade Point
Average (CGPA) based on the following scale:
Professional and
Grade Points Master Degree
A 4.00
A– 3.67
Pass Pass
B+ 3.33
B 3.00
B– 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.00
C– 1.67
Fail Fail
D+ 1.33
D 1.00
D– 0.67
F 0.00
8|PG Handbook
Evaluation System (not applicable for Professional Programme students)
The passing grade for all master degree programmes is minimum grade C+ and for doctorate degree is
minimum grade B. Courses that are graded as follows will not be taken into account in the calculation of the
TL (Incomplete)
DK (with permission)
P/F (Dissertation)
Courses with code Y & Z
Dissertation course for Mixed Mode Programme will be taken into consideration for graduation and will be
awarded a PASS/FAIL grade.
GPA above 3.00 is necessary for an “ACTIVE” status and opportunity to continue the programme.
GPA below 3.00 for any one semester will be categorized as “MONITORING” status.
Fail and Out (F&O) status will be awarded for failure to obtain any credits.
Student will be terminated if the CGPA is between 0.00-0.99 accumulated after 2 semesters.
Repeating Course (not applicable for Professional Programme and Research Mode students)
Student is allowed to repeat course(s) to improve the CGPA to be minimum of 3.00 as long as the
duration of student candidature is still active.
If student obtains grade B- or below for any course, the course can be repeated if offered either in
Semester I or Semester II or Inter-Academic Session Break (KSCP).
Repeating of course(s) is not allowed in KSCP for students who obtain grade F* or X in the normal
Project/dissertation must be completed during the stipulated period according to the programme.
Student who repeats the project/dissertation is required to select a new topic.
9|PG Handbook
Title Page
Title of Thesis.
Student full name
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Master of
Science, Master of Social Science or Master of Arts).
Month and Year thesis was submitted for examination to IPS (3 hard bound copies)
DO NOT number this page.
Table of Contents
List of Tables
An abstract is a summary of the entire thesis and should contain a brief write-up of the problem
statement, objective, methodology, and summary of the findings in context of the whole study.
The Bahasa Malaysia abstract appears first.
Both versions must have their respective titles.
Not more than 400 words and double spacing.
Indent in one paragraph
Abstract (in English)
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Chapter 1 : Introduction
Gives a background and highlights the problems under investigation by describing the status of
the problem(s) conceptually or theoretically.
Sets forth the scope and objectives of the study
Outlines plan of action or research protocol. Can include a fully-referenced review of the existing
Chapter 3 : Methodology
Chapter 4 : Results
Chapter 5 : Discussion
Discusses the outcome of research in relation to results obtained and existing evidence/reports
Chapter 6 : Conclusion
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List of Publication
List of all the publications (including conference articles from the research work).
List only accepted publications.
Manuscript that has been accepted but not published must be printed as •in press...
Use the same style as the references.
Obtain written permission to borrow any copyrighted material. You need to keep your own file of
permission letters for any copyrighted materials used in your dissertation or thesis.
USM upholds the policy of ensuring all students for higher degrees are trained to practice highest
standards of intellectual honesty and integrity. This means that ideas and data of other researchers
that you used must be duly acknowledge in your thesis by citing the quoted materials and providing
the full references in the reference list. Failure to do this will make you liable for plagiarism. Please
remember that a writer may unconsciously commit plagiarism but nonetheless it does not absolve him/her
from the charge.
Masters or PhD student is required to submit the Notice of Submission of Thesis form, at least three (3)
months prior to submitting eight (8) copies of the thesis. A student’s status must be active during submission
of this notice.
Submission of a thesis must be made after a candidate has fulfilled the minimum period of candidature. IPS
will not accept any thesis that has not been written in accordance with the prescribed format. Format checking
must be made at IPS before submitting the eight (8) copies of the thesis.
Student is compulsory to submit the softcopy of the draft thesis from first until last chapter for Turn-it-in
screening to respective School/ Centre/ Institute.
Students from School or Institute/Centre (CDR, INFORMM, INOR, PTPM, IPPT and IPPTN) must
submit seven (7) copies of the thesis to the School and one (1) copy to the IPS.
Students from Centre / Institute (ABrC, CCB, CENPRIS, CGSS, CEMACS, CEDEC, IPharm,
ISDEV, KANITA, NAv6, PPAG and PRN) must submit four (4) copies of the thesis to the Centre /
Institute and four (4) copies to the IPS.
Should there be any changes of the thesis title, written confirmation from the main supervisor and approval
from the respective Dean/Director of the School/Centre/Institute need to be obtained before the thesis be
submitted to IPS.
Payment of the Thesis Examination Fee must be made and a copy of the receipt should be submitted to IPS
together with the eight (8) copies of the thesis.
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The Viva Voce (Oral Examination)
In general, the purpose of the viva-voce is to demonstrate the originality of student’s work and to ensure
understanding of the research and defend it verbally. The student must answer question(s) in such a way as
to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the subject to pass the viva-voce.
Student is required to attend a viva-voce to defend the research and duration of the viva-voce may vary
between one to two hours. On the day of the viva-voce, student must make sure that they present at the
venue at least 30 minutes before the event.
Scale 1 – Pass
A student is awarded a Doctor of Philosophy/Master’s Degree
Scale 5 – Fail
A student is not eligible to be awarded a Doctor of Philosophy/Master’s Degree and is not allowed to re-
submit the thesis for examination.
After the viva-voce, a student must obtain the result of the viva-voce and reports for making the necessary
corrections and improvements from the viva-voce Secretary. Student will be given a specific period to correct
and complete the thesis before submitting the final two (2) hard bound copies. Period given for correction
includes correction checking, endorsement by the assigned Panel and submission of the hard bound to IPS.
In any case, if a student is required by the Viva-voce Panel to resubmit the thesis for re-examination, student
must complete Re-submission of Thesis form. This document is then submitted together with the seven (7)
softbound copies of the thesis to:
13 | P G H a n d b o o k
Students from School or Institute/Centre (CDR, INFORMM, INOR, PTPM, IPPT and IPPTN) must
submit six (6) copies of the thesis to the School and one (1) copy to the IPS.
Students from Centre / Institute (ABRC, CCB, CENPRIS, CGSS, CEMACS, CEDEC, IPharm,
ISDEV, KANITA, NAv6, PPAG and PRN) must submit three (3) copies of the thesis to the Centre /
Institute and four (4) copies to the IPS.
When all corrections have been made and incorporated into the thesis, a student is required to complete the
Submission of Final Copy of Thesis form. The final content of the thesis is to be produced on a CD. The
documentation of the thesis must be written clearly on the CD label. The two (2) copies of the CD with two
(2) copies of hardbound final thesis must be submitted to:
Student from School must submit both one (1) copy to the School and IPS
Student from Centre/Institute must submit two (2) copies to IPS
The copyright to a thesis belongs to the student. However, as a condition of being awarded the degree, the
student hereby grants to the University, a free, ongoing, non-exclusive right to use the relevant work and/or
thesis for the University's teaching, research and promotional purposes as well as free and the non-exclusive
right to retain, re-produce, display and distribute a limited number of copies of the thesis, together with the
right to require its publication for further research and archival use.
Plagiarism is defined as the act of presenting, quoting, copying, paraphrasing or passing off of ideas, images,
processes, works, data, own words or those of other people or sources without proper acknowledgement,
reference or quotation to the original source(s). The acts of plagiarism include but are not limited to the
14 | P G H a n d b o o k
Good Academic Practice
Academic Integrity
All parties shall help the University to prevent any misconduct which comprise misattribution of data, stealing
of ideas or direct plagiarism, deliberate interference and failure to act with integrity in the creation,
development, application and use of knowledge, ideas and information in relation to the work of others.
Levels of Plagiarism
The University reserves the right to take one or more action in the event depend on the levels of plagiarism
defined as below:-
Level One
The extent of plagiarism at this level includes but is not limited to inadequate or misleading quoting,
referencing or paraphrasing. Rather than intention to deceive, it is determined that plagiarism at this level
would have arisen from limited knowledge about plagiarism, conform to academic honesty and integrity, or
from carelessness or neglect. At this level, plagiarism does not amount to an academic misconduct. If the
degree of plagiarism falls within Level One, repeat offenders will be reclassified as Level Two or Level Three
15 | P G H a n d b o o k
Level Two
The extent of plagiarism at this level includes inappropriate or fraudulent acts of work due to ignorance of
academic honesty and integrity, where it would be expected that there is adequate knowledge of honesty and
integrity. It is also classified as Level Two if it is apparent that there was an intention to deceive or cheat by
way of plagiarism. Plagiarism at this level is considered as an academic misconduct.
Level Three
The extent of plagiarism at this level includes a copied work that arises from a clear intention to deceive by
way of plagiarism. Level Three plagiarism is considered as an academic misconduct. Repeat offenders of
Level Two will be classified as Level Three offenders.
Level Four
The extent of plagiarism at this level is beyond reasonable doubt which includes a substantive plagiarised
work as evident from the quantified degree of similarities (such as that from a credible detection tool), that
arises from an irrefutable intention to deceive. Level Four plagiarism is considered as an academic
misconduct. Repeat offenders of Level Three will be classified as Level Four offenders.
A Coursework/Mixed Mode student must comply with the following graduation requirements:
a. Pass all courses and other pre-requisite courses determined by the respective
b. Pass dissertation/research project;
c. Obtain at least a CGPA of 3.00; and
d. Fulfill the minimum duration of candidature;
e. Master of Medicine/Pathology/Surgery students must pass all Professional examination and
satisfactory in dissertation;
f. The Bahasa Malaysia 1 (LKM 100) is compulsory for all international students. Minimum grade C
must be obtained prior to graduation.
g. Fulfilled the publication requirements as below (for Doctorate Programme from School of Dental
Sciences and School of Medical Sciences only);-
16 | P G H a n d b o o k
At least one (1) full length articles accepted or published in journals indexed by ISI/SCOPUS/PUBMED
Topic of Publications accepted must be related and conform to the candidate’s current research in
publications his/her thesis.
17 | P G H a n d b o o k
A Research Mode student must comply with the following graduation requirements:
a. Fulfill the minimum duration of candidature.
b. Pass the pre-requisite courses (if any) as determined by the School/Centre/Institute.
c. The Bahasa Malaysia 1 (LKM 100) is compulsory for all international students. Minimum grade C
must be obtained prior to graduation.
d. Fulfilled the publication requirements as below;
Sciences/ At least one (1) full length article, At least two (2) full length articles
Engineering/ accepted or published in journals indexed accepted or published in journals indexed
Health & Medical by ISI / SCOPUS by ISI / SCOPUS
Topic of Publications accepted must be related and conform to the candidate’s current research
publications in his/her thesis/dissertation.
18 | P G H a n d b o o k
GIC is a policy on the submission of degree scrolls and academic transcripts to the graduates after graduation
approval by the Senate.
Terms and Conditions:
Graduates are required to settle all outstanding debts with the University (tuition fees, accommodation
fees, library, etc).
All applications are subject to the approval of the Registrar.
The degree scroll and academic transcripts will be given after 14 working days from the date of
GiC graduates are permitted to attend the Convocation Ceremony.
University provides various of student support services to enhance postgraduate student knowledge and
values. Below are the services provided:
PPD is series of workshops provided to research mode students to equip them with the essential knowledge
that they may need throughout their research journey and skills after graduation. The workshops/seminars
under this programme are conducted by expert speakers and comprise of modules as below:
Advisory Services
Advisory Services provide Statistician and Editor to assist student in terms of statistical data analysis and
thesis writing. The editorial service is to support student in developing better skills in writing and publishing
their research finding in reputable journals. Student will be guided by the experienced academicians located
at all three (3) campuses (Main, Engineering and Health Campus).
Conference Fund
The fund is to assist research mode student to participate and present their research findings at any local or
international conference. USM will cover a portion of total payment comprises of conference
fees/accommodation/transportation. Eligibility to receive the fund is only once during the student candidature.
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Student Ambassadors
USM Student Ambassadors is a group of postgraduate volunteers from various countries assisting their
countrymen coming to USM to pursue their postgraduate studies. The responsibilities of USM Student
Ambassadors are to:
assist new student registration and orientation programme
become the contact person/reference for students in campus
contact person for new students from home country coming to USM
assisting new students in airport transfer/finding accommodation in USM/Visa matter
promoting USM for postgraduate and undergraduate studies destination
A smart card is issued to all registered USM postgraduate students upon completion of the registration
process. This card is non-transferable and used for the following purposes:
Identification/security check for entry and movement within the Campuses
Access to and use of University facilities (i.e. Library, Laboratory, Recreation and Sports, etc.)
Examination (accessible to enter examination hall)
Medical treatment at the University’s Wellness Centre/Panel Clinics or Hospitals
Other related matters pertaining to immigration authorities and police.
Loss of the smart card must be reported immediately to USM Security Office and IPS. A charge of RM60.00
is applicable for every card replacement.
Students must observe the rules for the stipulated dress code of the University and be appropriately attired
at all times.
Formal attire
Students are required to wear formal attire at any official functions, attending lectures/tutorials/laboratories,
visiting library/wellness centre/Chancellory building/IPS office/Schools/Centres/Institutes, meeting with
officials/lecturers. Smart attire includes sleeved shirts, uniforms, t-shirts with collar, traditional clothes, proper
shoes, long pants/skirts. Denied of access is applicable if students fail to follow the rules.
Casual attire
Students are not allowed to wear casual attire for official events as in the above example (formal attire). In
other situations, University is strictly not allowed for female students to wear sleeveless shirts, miniskirts or
extremely short shorts and revealing/skimpy clothes. Flip flops should not be worn by all students while
attending classes or interviews, visiting University departments, etc. Male students should not have long hair
that touches the collar.
Sports attire (shorts) can be used for areas allocated for sports only.
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