PEOPLE of The PHILIPPINES Vs Canaguran, Et Al. Case Digest

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G.R. No. 108174 October 28, 1999


That on or about the 14th day of February, 1987, in the Municipality of Barotac Viejo, Province
of Iloilo, Philippines the above-named accused, conspired, confederated and mutually helped one
another to better realize their purpose, with treachery and evident premeditation, with deliberate
intent and decided purpose to kill, armed with unlicensed homemade firearms and without any
justifiable cause or motive. Did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously assault, attack, shoot
and fire at Hugo Callao and Damaso Suelan, Jr., causing with a single shot, multiple pellet wounds on the
different parts of the body of Hugo Callao which caused his immediate death and multiple pellet wounds
on the right arm and shoulder of Damaso Suelan, Jr., thus performing all the acts of execution.

The lower Court in its decision dated January 24, 1992 found all the accused guilty beyond
reasonable doubt of the complex crime of Murder with Frustrated Murder committed by means of
conspiracy against the victims, HUGO CALLAO (deceased) and Damaso Suelan, Jr., respectively, and
hereby sentences the above-named accused to suffer the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua.


Whether or not, the above-named accused are guilty of the complex crime of murder with
frustrated murder by means of conspiracy against the victims.


Upon examination of the evidence of record, the Court found out that there is nothing therein
to show, or from which it may reasonably be deduced with moral certainty that a conspiracy in fact
existed among the accused-appellants. The above-enumerated factors are circumstantial in nature,
which even if taken collectively, do not reasonably lead to proof beyond reasonable doubt that a
conspiracy existed. The only logical inference that can be deduced therefrom is that SOBERANO and
BOLIVAR were drinking together in the evening in question with CANAGURAN, who was positively
identified as the gunman, when the incident occurred; that they were seen running away together from
the scene of the crime after the shots were fired. However, the mere presence of a person at the scene
of a crime does not make him a conspirator.

A conspiracy transcends companionship. We find that the conclusion of the court that the
accused-appellants were "abettors or gave moral support" is not convincingly supported by the
evidence and even if it were, does not establish conspiracy to commit a crime.

Moreover, he accused-appellant's denial that they were at the store of Balaito despite their
being positively identified as present thereat does not lead to the conclusion that the denial was
resorted to in order to cover up the conspiracy. It is but natural for a person to resort to any means to
save himself. While we do not condone the giving of false testimony in criminal proceedings, we also
cannot discharge the prosecution from its primary duty to prove the existence of the conspiracy beyond
reasonable doubt.

WHEREFORE, the decision of the Regional Trial Court of Iloilo City, Branch 36 is REVERSED and
SET ASIDE. Accused-appellants Joel Soberano, Renato Balbon and Diosdado Barrion are hereby
ACQUITTED based on reasonable doubt and are ordered released immediately from confinement unless
they are held for some other lawful cause.

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