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9th Class Biology Full Book Test

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BIOLOGY CLASS 9th-019 Paper: (Objective Type)
Time Allowed: 15 Minutes Maximum Marks: 12_
Note : Write answers to the questions on the objective answer sheet provided. Four possible answers A, B, C and D to each
question are given. Which answer you consider correct, fill the circle in front of A, B, C or D with pen ink to each question
on the answer sheet provided.
Q.l QUESTIONS (A) (B) (C) (D)
1. Which of the following is not unicellular Amoeba Parameciu Frog Euglena
organism? m

Which for the following are supporting tissues Epithelial Muscular Connective
2. in animals? Nervous
3. Quinine is obtained from Quina-quina Deodar Cinchona Shisham

4. Cellular organization is absent in. Viruses Bacteria Algae Protozoans

5. In 1965 British Scientist first of all discovered Robert Brown Robert Aristotle Lamark
cell Hooks
Cell organelle which contain digestive Ribosomes Lysosomes Centrioles Endoplasmi c
6. enzyme: reticulum
7. The longest phase of Meiosis is Metaphse-I Anaphase Telophase Prophase-
-1 -1 1
8. The name of compound that HCI Water Mucus Lipase
coverts inactive enzyme
pepsinogen in to pepsin.
9. Photosynthesis is a/an __ Metabolic Catabolic Chemical Anabolic
Rickets develops due to deficiency B A D C
of vitamin.
These bloods called universal Group A Group -B Group-o Group-
donner ABO
12. Tissue responsible for the Phloem Xylem Cambium Ground
transport of water and dissolved
substance from roots to aerial
parts in plants is.
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BIOLOGY (CLASS 9TH)-019 Paper: (Essay Type)
Time Allowed: 1:45 hours Maximum Marks: 48

2. Write short answers to any FIVE (5) questions: 10
(i) What are Prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Give examples.
(ii) Define Organelle and Cell level.
(iii) What do you know about Quina quina?
(iv) Write three steps of solving biological problems.
(v) What is two kingdom system of classification?
(vi) What is deforestation?
(vii) Draw the diagram of mitochondria and write the name of its two parts.
(viii) Define Ribosomes. Also describe the importance of Ribosomes.
3. Write short answers to any FIVE (5) questions: 10
(i) Define Mitosis. Which biologist discover Meiosis?
(ii) What is Tumor and what are benign and Malignant Tumors?
(iii) Define Homologous Chromosomes.
(iv) Define substrate and product
(v) What is the main use of enzyme in food industry?
(vi) Describe the effect of temperature on speed of enzyme action.
(vii) Difference between Photosynthesis and respiration.
(viii) Define Krebs cycle.
4. Write short answers to any FIVE (5) questions: 10
(i) What is difference between Autotrophs and Hetetrophs?
(ii) Why meat is not a good source of vitamin C?
(iii) What is difference between Organic and inorganic fertilization
(iv) What three parts of large intestine.
(v) Define cohension tension theory.
(vi) What is meant by Arteriosclerosis?
(vii) Which person are Universal Donors and Universal Recipients?
(viii) Define blood group systems.
Note: - Attempt any TWO questions.
5. (a) Biology is divided and explain its Four main major division 5
(b) Write down the structure and function of ribosomes. 4

6. (a) Explain the mechanism of enzyme action. 5

(b) What is the role of chlorophyll and light in Photosynthesis? 4

7. (a) Define macronutrients and micronutrients. Explain mineral requirements of plants (b) . Write a note
A.B.O blood system

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