A Review On Causes and Risk Factors of Hyperlipidemia
A Review On Causes and Risk Factors of Hyperlipidemia
A Review On Causes and Risk Factors of Hyperlipidemia
Review Article
June 2017 Vol.:9, Issue:3
© All rights are reserved by TREESA VARGHESE et al.
Hyperlipidemia is too much cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol is a waxy, fat protein
produced by the liver and is essential for healthy cell membranes, hormone production,
and vitamin storage [1]
Fig. 1: Hyperlipidemia
The term hyperlipidemia means high lipid levels. Hyperlipidemia includes several conditions,
but it usually means that you have high cholesterol and high triglyceride levels. Cholesterol is
essential for the proper functioning of the brain. Cholesterol becomes a problem when too
much of the bad kind is ingested through regular eating of unhealthy foods. Cholesterol is
carried through the blood to cells by lipoproteins that are either low density (LDL) or high
density (HDL). The lipoprotein as the vehicle and cholesterol as the passenger. HDL is the
good lipoprotein because it carries extra cholesterol back to the liver where it can be
eliminated. LDL is bad, it will build up excess cholesterol in the blood. Triglycerides are
another type of fat in the blood, are different from cholesterol, but because of their strong
association with heart disease, triglycerides are measured as well. Both the LDL and
triglycerides that are elevated in hyperlipidemia. In the fasting state, most plasma
triglycerides are present in VLDL. In the non-fasting state, chylomicrons appear transiently
and contribute significantly to total plasma triglycerides level. LDL contains about 70% of
total plasma cholesterol and HDL contains about 20% to 30% of plasma cholesterol. [2]
Dietary Causes Dietary Fats and Fatty Acids: Dietary fatty acids are divided into three
major classes (saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids). The foods that
contribute to saturated fatty acids (e.g. myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, etc) meats
(e.g. beef, pork, processed meat products, poultry), 2) milk and other dairy products (e.g.
butter, cheese, ice cream, yoghurt), 3) tropical fats (e.g. coconut, palm oils) and
4) egg (contain proportionately less saturated fat compared to other animal food sources).
Monounsaturated fatty acids are present as oleic acid in olive oil, avocado, animal fats, etc.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids are the omega-3 fatty acids (e.g. linoleic acid) and omega-6 fatty
acids (e.g. linolenic acid). [2]
Food choices made by individuals can influence intake of the different saturated fatty acids.
Selecting leaner cuts of meat are high in palmitic acid and limiting the amount of lean meat
would help in lowering saturated fat intake [3]. Milk and other dairy products are high in
myristic acid content. Substituting skim milk and non-fat dairy products for whole milk
products will result in a reduction of saturated fat such as myristic acid intake.
Dietary Cholesterol: Like other sterols, cholesterol is a sterol i.e. a combination of steroid
and alcohol) and lipid (a type of fat). It is found in foods such as eggs and dairy products and
is also manufactured in the body, especially the liver. Cholesterol also stabilizes a cell against
temperature changes. It is a major part of the membranes of the nervous system, the brain, the
spinal cord and the peripheral nerves. In particular, it is incorporated into the myelin sheath
that insulates the nerves from the surrounding tissue. Cholesterol is also the forerunner of
important hormones such as the female sex hormone, oestradiol and the male sex hormone,
testosterone and of vitamin D. Cholesterol is also used to produce the bile which is required
to digest the fats in food. Nearly most of the body tissues are capable of making cholesterol,
but the liver and intestines make the most.
The dietary cholesterol is responsible for both the development of hypercholesterolemia and
atherosclerosis has been the focus of many investigators. Many studies in rabbits (and other
animal models) and in human diet and epidemiologic investigations indicated the importance
of dietary cholesterol on serum cholesterol levels and its associated effects [3]. However,
other investigations have come to opposite conclusions after reviewing numerous human
feeding studies (although many continue to support the view that dietary cholesterol is the
major hypercholesterolemic and atherogenic nutrient in the diet) [4].
Dietary recommendations to lower the total fat intake include increasing dietary carbohydrate
intake because favorable plasma lipid and lipoprotein levels have been reported for
populations and individuals whose habitual diet is rich in carbohydrates. High carbohydrate
consumption being associated with a decrease in HDL cholesterol levels. Plasma triglyceride
levels are not elevated in these individuals, possibly because obesity is rare [5].
Fiber: Studies have shown that only water-soluble fiber plays a role in lipoprotein
metabolism in humans. A meta-analysis of 20 studies found that intake of oat products
reduces serum cholesterol levels [5]. The mechanism by which dietary fiber affects plasma
lipid levels is unknown. Insoluble fibers in wheat and vegetables do not to reduce cholesterol,
but they do have other beneficial effects.
Protein: Soy protein also lowers serum cholesterol levels in animals and in
hypercholesterolemic individuals when compared with casein (a dairy protein) and beef
proteins. The mechanism underlying these changes is unknown but it has been stated that soy
protein affects cholesterol absorption, bile acid absorption, the insulin-glucagon ratio, serum
thyroxine levels and hepatic LDL-receptor activity.
Obesity: For a given level of body mass index (BMI), obesity is associated with
hyperlipidemia, insulin resistance and hypertension and independent predictor of coronary
artery disease (CAD). A meta-analysis of 70 studies indicated that weight reduction was
related to increases in HDL cholesterol levels and significant decreases in total, LDL and
VLDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels [6]. Although they are not always coincident,
obesity is also often accompanied by hyperlipidemia. Both obesity and hyperlipidemia are
independently associated with atherosclerosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin
resistance [7]
Diabetes and Insulin Resistance: Insulin resistance (type II diabetes) is associated with a
number of lipid and lipoprotein abnormalities [8]. The lipid abnormality is associated with
insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia is hypertriglyceridemia. VLDL and total triglycerides
are elevated in individuals with type II diabetes although the exact roles of insulin resistance
and hypertriglyceridemia are disputed.
Alcohol Intake: Low dose ethanol consumption in healthy volunteers modestly activates
hepatic de novo lipogenesis and that the major quantitative fate of ethanol is acetate produced
in the liver. The acetate released into the plasma which inhibits lipolysis in peripheral tissues
by 53% and whole body lipid oxidation is decreased by 73%.
Antihypertensives have variable effects on lipids and lipoproteins. Although short-term use of
thiazide raises cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, long-term usage is not
associated with significant alterations in lipid levels. [10]
Although food rich in saturated fats and cholesterol are most common cause of
hyperlipidemia seen in our society, alcohol excess, diabetes mellitus, weight gain, physical
exercise and genetic factors can explain this metabolic syndrome. Several classes of drugs
(including contraceptives) to be considered as common causes of altered lipid profiles. A
relationship of cause and effect appears to exist among the known chronic metabolic illnesses
(diabetes, obesity, hypertension and hyperlipidemia) which show a growing burden on our
society. In high cholesterol levels or hyperlipidemia, lipid deposits and damage caused by
reduced blood flow are not limited to major arteries and vessels only. The effect may also
occur around the eye and in other parts of the body as well.
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