Ijser: Parameters Influencing Connecting Rod: A Review

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 8, August-2015 8

ISSN 2229-5518

Parameters influencing connecting rod: A Review

Shubham Tiwari, Ajay Kumar Kaviti

Abstract— Connecting rod works as an intermediate link between piston and crankshaft. The function of connecting rod is to convert
reciprocating motion into rotary motion. Since it is subjected to variable tensile and compressive load, it should be strong enough to bear
that load. Manufacturing of connecting rod is one of the most important parameter that can affect the overall performance of connecting
rod. Selection of connecting rod for good performance of engine is very difficult. There are various factors that are to be considered before
selecting connecting rod, like type of engine, maximum rpm engine produces, requirement of relative weight, stiffness and strength of
connecting rods, type of cross section like I-section, H-section, Rectangular or circular, material of connecting rod etc. After selecting the
appropriate cross section, the material used in the connecting rod should be chosen wisely because during manufacturing process it has to
undergo various production processes and subsequent heat treatment process, which is very much important for strength and stiffness. In
this paper, a review has been attempted on selection parameter of connecting rod like cross section, manufacturing process and material
selection which can enhance the performance of engine.

Index Terms— Connecting Rod, ANSYS, Optimization, Material, Review

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Every engine uses connecting rod to convert recipro- This process enhances the microstructure and the me-
cating motion of piston into rotary motion of crank- chanical property of connecting rod. In place of steel,
shaft. Connecting rods small end is connected to pis- if titanium alloy is used to manufacture connecting rod

ton pin and big end is connected to crankpin. Connect- by this method then tensile strength and elongation of
ing rods are available in various sections like I-section connecting rod can be increased to a greater
and H-section. Generally I-section is preferred mostly. extend [3]. Studies show that due to high stress and
Its strength and stiffness can be increased by changing pressure near web and flange of connecting rod causes
its section or by changing some parameters of con- noise and vibration in the engine. This can be signifi-
necting rod. By changing the material of the connect- cantly reduced by modifying the design of connecting
ing rod weight and cost can also be reduced. However rod [4]
stress analysis of connecting rod can be done by using
Connecting rod can be manufactured by various pro- Connecting rods can be broadly classified on the basis
cesses. Approximately 20 to 40% of material of origi- of three major parameters like cross sectional area,
nal work piece is wasted in flash when connecting manufacturing technology and selection of material.
rods are manufactured by hot forging. So in order to On the basis of cross sectional area connecting rods
avoid wastage of material, the forging should be flash are as follow:
less i.e. it should be manufactured in closed cavity [1]. 1. I-section
For heavy vehicles, to enhance the performance of
connecting rod, good mechanical properties are re- 2. H-section
quired. Mechanical properties do not meet the re-
3. Rectangular section
quirement when connecting rod is quenched in oil. But
when it is quenched in aqueous polymer water appar- 4. Circular section
ently mechanical properties enhances but there are
chances of cracks to be appearing in connecting rod On the basis of production method connecting rods are
[2]. It can also be manufactured by powder metallurgy as follow:
process. 1. Forging
• Shubham Tiwari is currently pursuing masters degree program in ma-
2. Casting
chine design from SIStec,Bhopal_tshubham87@gmail.com
• Ajay kumar Kaviti, mechanical engineering department, SIStec Bhopal, 3. Powder Metallurgy
RGPV,INDIA. E-mail: sistec.hodme@sistec.ac.in

IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 8, August-2015 9
ISSN 2229-5518
On the basis of material connecting rods are as fol- the overall stress on connecting rod. To reduce the
lows: pressure impact and stress at connecting rod a spalling
1. Alloy investigation was done. This investigation is done on
engine dynamometer. First of all various modes of
2. Composite failure are calculated and then correlated with con-
necting rod. Then vehicle is made to run on dyna-
mometer at various speeds. The noise of engine was
3 CONNECTING ROD DESIGN ON THE BASIS 90Db, the engine failed and connecting rod was
OF CROSS SECTION checked for spalling investigation. When failed sam-
The design has great impact on connecting rod ple was checked for spalling investigation the clear-
strength. Connecting rod can be designed of various ance between connecting rod and crankpin was 15 mm
cross sections and summary is shown in Table 1. that was not matched with specified design and de-
Table 1. Results of optimised design of connecting rod crease to 12 mm as shown in Figure 1. This changed
design decreased the maximum pressure up to 33.70%
and decreased the von misses stress up to 15.60% [4].
Author Optimised Design Results Connecting rod is subjected to various stresses that are
name caused due to friction of piston ring piston, inertia of
Dantale, connecting rod etc. These stresses Caused changes in
Modification of Fatigue life of
A.D., and cross section at the connecting rod various parameters of connecting rod. In this paper,
A. J. structural analysis is carried out to find out suitable

big end location was observed.
design parameter for connecting rod. The result of
[6] both existing and new connecting rod is compared.
Comparision be- Possibility to The changes are made in various parameters of con-
Doshi, tween production reduce mass of necting rod that reduces engine weight, inertia load
N.P., design of connect- connecting and increases fuel efficiency. The analysis of design of
and ing rod and con- rod. connecting rod is done using finite element method.
.N.K. necting rod de- First the model was prepared in CATIA and imported
Ingole signed via. Ma- to FEM, and then various analyses were done on new
[20] chine design ap- design of connecting rod. This has been found that the
proach design is safe and stresses are also safe [5].
Roy, Increase in fillet Design is safe
B.K. radius of connect- with good fa-
[5] ing rod tigue life.
Pal, S., Removed material Weight of con-
and from connecting necting rod is
S.kumar rod reduced.
Khare, The beginning area Maximum
S., O.P. of the flange and Pressure and Fig. 1 Four different web designs of connecting rod
Singh , end area of the web von misses There are mainly two types of cross section of con-
K. B. of the I-section of stress has been necting rods i.e. I-section and H-section. Mostly used
Dora, the connecting rod reduced. cross section of connecting rod is I-section because it
and C. is enlarged. has good strength and it also reduces weight of con-
Sasun necting rod. It provides good tensile strength; also it
[4] can support high compressive loads. But when it
comes to Compaq handling it thickness and strength
The most common shank area of connecting rod is I- of, material limit this ability. So, because of this rea-
section. This section is generally preferred because it son the cross section of I- beam is made thicker in
increases the strength of connecting rod and decreases some area to make it stronger and also material of high
IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 8, August-2015 10
ISSN 2229-5518
tensile and compressive strength is used. There are basically three types of production method
In case of H- section the design is completely differ- casting, forging and powder metallurgy. Out of which
ent. In H-section there are two large flat sides, having powder metallurgy method is more expensive because
thin section in middle and perpendicular to journal of it has high capital cost. Connecting rod manufacturing
crankshaft and piston pin. Because of this geometry is a high volume production which involves precise
the stiffness of connecting rod increases due to this it design and good performance.
does not bend during high compressive load.
The different sections of connecting rods are used as 4.1 Casting
per the function of engine and requirement of design Connecting rods are mainly manufactured by wrought
parameter. The fatigue life of connecting rod is tested process and powder metallurgy. There is great increase
by modifying its design. And the validation of results in manufacturing of connecting rod by powder metal-
is done experimentally. lurgy process. The manufacturing cost of connecting
First the 3D model is developed and meshing is done. rod by powder metallurgy process is economic com-
In this meshing connecting rod is treated as single pare to other process. Light weight connecting rods
part. During this analysis, the test were conducted on are highly in demand due to its reduced weight and
two ways firstly load is applied on big end by keeping cost effectiveness. For such light weight, titanium can
the small end fixed and then load is applied on small be preferred.
end by keeping the big end fixed. The force applied is In this process, first sintering of titanium alloy is done
assumed to axially compressive. After analysis it is in a furnace at 1300c. Then die forging is done at
seen that highly stressed area in connecting rod in both 1000c. After this extra flash is removed from die and

cases is near big end of connecting rod as shown in annealing is done at 600c for 2h. After this structural
Figure 2. Even after heat treatment and by setting con- examination of connecting rod is done fluorescent de-
necting rod crack free the highly stressed region is big tection method, again annealing is performed at 600c
end of connecting rod compared to other section. Be- and then machining of connecting rod is done. The
cause of this high stress, the cross section area of this mechanical properties of titanium alloy connecting
location is needed to be modified. The results of modi- rods are then compared with PF-11C50/60 and it is
fied section have good fatigue life and also the new concluded that yield strength of powder metallurgy
design of connecting rod is safe [6]. connecting rods are greater than those of PF-11C50/60
material [3].
Another process of manufacturing connecting rod is
liquid die forging. The material used in this process is
aluminum alloy. This method replaces die casting and
hot die forging. In hot die forging, it requires great
machining allowance and material utilization was also
less. These factors affect the cost of production. To
overcome these losses, liquid die forging process is
Fig. 2 Highest Stress Location at Big End of Connecting Rod introduced. The aluminum alloy used in this process is
ZL202. When the manufacturing is done it has been
4. MANUFACTURING OF CONNECTING ROD seen that the structure of metal is homogeneous and
Connecting rod is subjected to high inertia forces. fine grain. This increases the quality of product. The
Light weight connecting rod with high fatigue strength die used for this process is simple and compact which
can reduce these forces with high fatigue strength. reduces its cost. It has been analyzed that forging cost
There are various types of manufacturing processes, is reduced up to 30-35% than old technology [7].
that are use to design connecting rods. Before select-
ing any manufacturing process, the economic, the
technical and quality constraints are applied. In eco- 4.2 Forging
nomic constraint, it involves cost of raw material. In There are two common methods to manufacture con-
technical aspect, it involves minimum weight of con- necting rods i.e. steel forging and powder forging.
necting rod. Quality aspect involves tolerances etc. Both processes have advantages and disadvantages.
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 8, August-2015 11
ISSN 2229-5518
The analysis of connecting rod is done in 3 ways: first close to reality [9].
to determine compressive load on connecting rod kin-
ematic, dynamic and thermodynamic study is per-
formed. In second step we apply load on various loca-
tion of connecting rod. In third step, comparison for
fatigue strength is done between steel forged and
powder forged connecting rods. After these three anal-
yses are performed it has been seen that compressive
and tensile strength of steel forged connecting rod is
much more than that of powder forged connecting rod. Fig. 3 Workpieces after forming stages 1–9 (from left toright). 1–5:
stretch-rolling, 6: flattening, 7,8: die-forging, 9: flash removal and
In early 90’s, all passengers cars used to have steel
connecting rod. Because of their heavy weight it has 4.3 Powder metallurgy
been tried to replace steel with some lighter material.
The attempt was made to replace steel with aluminum In powder forged manufacturing process the connect-
composite but because of their less strength and high ing rod is solidify metal powder into pre shape which
cost it was not successfully implemented. But alumi- is sintered. Then it is heated up to forging temperature
num composite connecting rod can be manufactured at till it gets completely dense to get final shape. After
economic cost by flash less forging. The only disad- this the work piece is machined to final dimension. In
vantage is that design of this forging is very complex powder forging process material quickly get dense.

as compare to close die flash forging. So in order to This process is to manufacture connecting rods where
reduce this complexity, finite element method is used. high strength and durability are required. The first step
In forging process flow of metal takes place in 3d involve in this process is to cool the powder metal till
stress and strain. The connecting rod is designed by it get shape close to final forged shape. This final
forging method and 3d analysis is performed separate- forged shape is then heated at a controlled temperature
ly in different parts of connecting rods. From result it in a furnace. The main advantage of this process is
is concluded that optimization of this part is difficult that material doesn’t waste as in case of forging pro-
from other parts, because of its complex geometry. In cess in which material wastes in the form of flash. An-
this process of manufacturing connecting rod, it is other advantage is that re-heating is not required after
concluded that the small end section can be easily forging. Also it requires less temperature as compare
formed [1]. to conventional forging. The steps involved in powder
Forging is one of the most common processes to man- metallurgy process are shown in Figure 4 [10].
ufacture connecting rods. The connecting rods pro-
duce in several stages by forging. The material used in
the production of connecting rod has to be performed
by stretch rolling before fabricating the connecting
rod. Preformed of material is done for better die fill-
ing, maximum material flow and proper material utili-
zation. After preformed of connecting rods, material
die forging is done in two steps (pre and final forging
is finished, extra flash is removed from the die and it
is kept at room temperature for cooling. This process
is called forming process and temperature of work Fig.4 Steps involved in powder metallurgy process
piece is measured. The work pieces after forming pro-
cess are shown in Figure 3. Now microstructure and 5. MATERIAL USED IN CONNECTING RODS
mechanical properties of work pieces are tested. After
There are some materials that are commonly used in
this several process are employed to manufacture con-
necting rod. After manufacturing it is concluded that connecting rods such as alloys of steel, aluminum and
titanium. Mostly connecting rods are made by forged
surface temperature and geometry of work piece are
IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 8, August-2015 12
ISSN 2229-5518
steel. It is widely use because it has high tensile and
compressive strength. There are large varieties of steel
alloy that are used to manufacture connecting rod. All
alloys can have different property because of heat
treatments. Sometimes, mixture of different materials
can also be used such as aluminum and titanium.
Titanium is used in making connecting rods, since
very long time but when it comes to lightweight of
connecting rod, aluminum is preferred. Titanium is the
most costly material among steel and aluminum. An-
other demerit of titanium is their fatigue life. Alumi-
num is also used for a long time.
Fig. 6 3D Model of connecting rod
When the existing material of connecting rod i.e. car-
5.1 Alloys
bon steel is replaced with aluminum 360 it has been
Most of the connecting rods are made of steel but
found that the weight of aluminum 360 connecting rod
aluminum can also be used to manufacture connecting
is 4 times lighter than carbon steel. It is because densi-
rods because of its light weight and it can also absorb
ty of Al360 is very less compared to carbon steel [12].
high impact shock but its durability will be suffered.
Stress analysis of aluminum connecting rod was per-
Titanium can also be used because it has good strength
formed by dynamic simulation. First of all, the meas-
but it is expensive. Different materials like aluminum

urements of connecting rod were taken and then the
alloy 6061, aluminum 7075 are used in place of forged
model of connecting rod was drawn in CATIA soft-
steel. First of all connecting rod is modeled in proE
ware in IGES format. The dynamic simulation of con-
software. Ansys software is use for testing the material
necting rod was performed by finite element analysis
for stress and strain. The model of connecting rod was
using ANSYS. In Finite Element Analysis, the load is
analyzed for displacement, von misses stress etc as
applied in operating condition. The result shows that
shown in Figure 5. After analysis result, it has been
maximum deformation occurs at small and big end
seen that stresses on aluminum 6061, aluminum 7075
bearing as shown in Figure 7. Because of maximum
are within the limit. Therefore, steel connecting rod
deformation in this area the fatigue crack is likely to
can be replaced with aluminum alloy for lighter and
appear in these areas [13].
better performance [11].

Fig. 7 Stress field in X and Y direction

Now day’s aluminum alloys are replacing carbon steel

connecting rods. Von misses stress and total defor-
Fig.5 Analysis of aluminium alloy connecting rod mation of forged steel is compared with two aluminum
The comparison between steel forged connecting rod alloy. All the analysis is done by finite element method
and powder forged connecting rod is done for better using ansys. 3D model of connecting rod is designed
fatigue strength. The 3D model of connecting rod was and imported to ANSYS. Meshing is done in ANSYS.
designed in Pro/E software as shown in Figure 6. Static structural analysis is performed. Various param-
eters like deformation , von misses stress are calculat-
ed for three material viz. forged steel, Aluminum
6061-T6 and aluminum 5083. It is found that stresses
of all three materials are in safe limit. There is reduc-
IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 8, August-2015 13
ISSN 2229-5518
tion in weight of AL5083 connecting rod i.e. forged at crank end and other end is kept load free and sec-
steel can be replaced with Al 5083. The weight of ondly load is applied at piston end keeping other end
connecting rod reduces by 63.19% [14]. is load free. Now, analysis is performed in ANSYS
A comparison is done among various material of con- workbench 12.0. Weight can be reduced up to 63.95%
necting rod like genetic steel aluminum titanium and using Al 7068 alloy in place of AISI 340. Also stress
cast iron for weight reduction. It was performed by in Al7068 is less by 3. 59% [16].
load analysis. In this work, first various forces acting
on the connecting rod has been considered like inertia 5.2 Composites
and bending forces as shown in Figure 8. Connecting rod of four stroke single cylinder engine is
used for making comparison between conventional
orthotropic and isotropic material using finite element
analysis. The isotropic material is of steel and it is
compared with orthotropic composite material (E-
Glass/E-Poxy). Fem analysis of connecting rod is per-
formed to calculate von misses stress and total defor-
mation as shown in Figure 9.

Fig. 8 Inertia and bending forces

After this various parameters of connecting rod are

calculated to design connecting rod. Then model of
connecting rod is prepared using Pro-E software. The
model of connecting rod is imported to ANSYS form
Pro-E. Solid 92 and solid 95 elements are chosen in
Fig. 9 Von misses stress calculation
Also linear static analysis is performed to get different
results using MSC PARTAN for steel and for E-
Glass/E-Poxy. CATIA V5 software is use to design
connecting rod. In this analysis, load constraint and
ANSYS. After this meshing of connecting rod is done.
displacement constraint are used. In displacement con-
Load is applied on big end of connecting rod. After
straint big end is kept fixed and small end is kept free
load application solution is done to obtain various re-
in Y- direction only. In load constraint, load of 700n is
sults like von misses and total deformation. This anal-
applied in small end. After applying load and dis-
ysis is repeated for each material. From results it has
placement constraint analysis is performed. Results
been concluded that genetic steel connecting rod has
shows that stresses are reduced to 33.99% when E-
less stress and deflection as compare to titanium, cast
Glass/E-Poxy is used. Reduction in displacement is
iron and aluminum [15].
noted to be .0026% in case of E-Glass/E-Poxy. The
The steel connecting rods can be easily replaced with
result shows the conventional steel can be replaced
aluminum alloy connecting rod where weight is the
with E-Glass/E-Poxy [17].
major concerned because connecting rod of aluminum
Different types of materials can be used in manufac-
alloy is lighter in weight than that of steel connecting
turing connecting rods. Mostly used material is alumi-
rod. The alloys that are used to replace AISI 4340 is
num alloy and aluminum composite because it pro-
AL7068. First of all design parameters of connecting
vides weight reduction in connecting rod than conven-
rods are calculated numerically. The cross section of
tional steel .There are many kinds of aluminum com-
connecting rod is I –section. These parameters are
posited that are available. Aluminum reinforced with
used in pro-E for 3D modeling of connecting rod.
silicon carbide can also be used to manufacture con-
Load is applied in two condition, first load is applied
IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 8, August-2015 14
ISSN 2229-5518
necting rods. The analysis of Aluminum alloy connect- Author name Existing New mate- Results
ing rod. For creating a 3D model of connecting rod material rial
PRO- E software is used for performing static analysis
ANSYS 14.5 workbench is used. Different loading
condition will be applied at small end and big end of Fegade,V.T., Forged Forged Titanium increases
connecting rod. and K. S. steel steel+titani the strength and
In this work Aluminum alloy 5083 is used which is Bhole [22] um stiffness of shank
later reinforced with silicon carbide. The process used
in the fabrication of this composite is ultrasonic assist- Lohan, N., and steel Alumini- High strength with
ed stir casting process. When the model is designed in S.Nandal [23] um com- unit cost reduction
PRO-E it is imported to ANSYS. Load is applied by posite of connecting rod.
keeping big end fixed and applying pressure at small
end. Pressure applied is of 1.4 Mpa. Parameters like Venkatesh, S., Steel Alumini- New connecting rod
I.B. Clement, um rein- is 50% lighter than
equivalent stress, maximum shear stress; total defor- C. A. Kumar, forced existing connecting
mation etc. is analyzed for both materials. When the D.B. Raja, and with fly rod
result for both the material are compared, it has been S. Anand [19] ash
found that weight of aluminum composite is 1/3 times
lighter than that of steel. The value of von misses 14)Savanoor, Forged Aluminum AL5083 is 63.19%
stress is less in aluminum alloy. Thus aluminum com- R.A., A. Patil, steel alloy lighter in weight.
R. Patil ,and
posite connecting rod can be replaced with existing

A. Rodagi
steel connecting rod [18]. [14]
Another composite that can be used to manufacture
connecting rod is aluminum fly ash. Experimental test Ahmed, Forged Alumini- The aluminium
and spectrometer test are performed to check its G.M.S., S. E. steel um com- 7075 and carbon
strength and stability against steel connecting rod. Al- Khany, and posite and fibre connecting rod
S.H. Shareef carbon are the best to be
so analysis of aluminum composite connecting rod is [11] fibre. used as they with
performed in ANSYS. The material used as a compo- stand the forces
site is aluminum Lm6.
It has good corrosion resistance property and ductility. Idrisi,A.M., Steel aluminium Stresses in alumini-
This material is reinforced with fly ash which is finely and S. Roy alloy rein- um alloy connect-
divided residue of pulverized coal. Both aluminum [18] forced ing rod are less
with sic compared to exiting
alloy and fly ash are first heated in a crucible furnace material.
and then mixed together in the ratio of 5:1.
When tensile and compression test is performed in Vegi, L.K., carbon Forged Forged steel con-
both the connecting rod, the results were nearly same. and V.G. Vegi steel steel necting rod has
Their hardness number is also same. When weight of [24] more stiffness and
less stress than car-
both connecting rod materials is compared, it is seen bon steel connect-
that aluminum composite is lighter than steel connect- ing rod.
ing rod. Weight reduction up to 50% is achieved [19]
and summary of different materials is shown in Table HariPriya ,M., Forged Al360 The stress value of
2. and, K.M. steel aluminum connect-
Reddy [12] ing rod is less than
steel cconnecting

Table 2. Results of different materials when replaced

with existing material


IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 8, August-2015 15
ISSN 2229-5518
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