MYP3 Empires Mapping and Timeline

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Individuals and Societies 


Unit: Why Them, Then? 

Empire Expansion Map and Timeline 
Criteria assessed in this assignment are: 
Criterion B: Investigating Maximum 8  
Criterion C: Communicating Maximum 8 
Students will look at one of the empires studied in class and construct a map showing 
the empire when it was at or near its greatest strength. The map should show the 
different areas that the empire acquired. Different colors should be used to show how 
the land within the empire increased over time. These colors need to be explained in the 
legend. The map should include: 
● Title 
● Color 
● Legend 
● Neat labels 
Students must also construct a timeline of events that they feel are responsible for the 
changes which have accounted for the great expanse of the empire. For example, what 
military actions/offensives led to the empire’s acquisition of such a great expanse of 
Individuals and Societies 

Criterion B: ​Investigating 
0  1-2  3-4  5-6  7-8 
The student does not  The student: The student: The student: The student:
reach a standard  • ​formulates a very • ​formulates an • ​formulates a clear • ​formulates a clear
described by any  general research adequate research research question and focused
of the descriptors below.  question question • ​formulates and research question
• ​formulates and • ​formulates and follows a satisfactory • ​formulates and
follows a limited follows a partial action action plan to follows a detailed
action plan to plan to investigate a investigate a action plan to
investigate a research research research question investigate a
question question • ​uses methods to research question
• ​collects and records • ​uses a method or collect and record • ​uses methods
limited information methods to collect and appropriate information accurately to collect
not always consistent record some consistent with the and record
with information research question appropriate and
the research question consistent with the • ​satisfactorily varied information
• ​makes a limited research question addresses the research consistent with the
attempt to address the • ​partially addresses question.  research question
research question.  the research question.  • ​effectively
addresses the
research question. 
Indicators to achieve the levels above 
The student does not  The student demonstrates  The student demonstrates  The student sometimes  The student consistently 
reach a standard  inefficient investigative  some investigative skills in  demonstrates effective  demonstrates engagement of 
described by any of the  skills in constructing the  constructing the timeline.  investigative skills in  well developed investigative 
descriptors.  timeline.  constructing the timeline.  skills in constructing the 
.The student does not  The student has collected  The student has collected  The student has collected  The student has collected 
reach a standard  reasons for the timeline  reasons for the timeline  reasons for the timeline  reasons for the timeline that 
described by any of the  that are not applicable to  that are sometimes  that are usually applicable  are always applicable to the 
descriptors.  the task.  applicable to the task.  to the task.  task. 

Individuals and Societies 

Criterion C: ​Communicating 
1-2  3-4  5-6  7-8 
The student: The student: The student: The student:
• ​communicates information • ​communicates information • ​communicates information • ​communicates information
and ideas by attempting in a and ideas by using a style and ideas by using a style and ideas effectively by
limited way to use a style that is sometimes that is often using a style that
that is appropriate to the appropriate to the audience appropriate to the audience is consistently appropriate to
audience and purpose and purpose and purpose the audience and purpose
• ​makes a limited attempt to • ​structures information and • ​structures information and • ​structures information and
structure information and ideas in a way that is ideas in a way that is often ideas in a way that is
ideas in a way sometimes appropriate to appropriate to the specified consistently appropriate to
that is appropriate to the the specified format format the specified format
specified format • ​sometimes documents • ​often documents sources • ​consistently documents
• ​makes a limited attempt to sources of information using of information using a sources of information using
document sources of a recognized convention.  recognized a recognized
information.  convention.  convention. 
Indicators to achieve the levels above 
There may be some evidence of  Sources of information are  Sources of information are  All sources of information are 
documentation. MLA  documented, though there may be  documented, with occasional  documented according to a 
omissions or consistent errors in  errors in adhering to conventions.  recognized convention. MLA. 
adhering to conventions. MLA  MLA 
The student communicates  The student communicates  The student communicates  The student communicates 
information on the timeline that  information on the timeline that is  information on the timeline that is  information on the timeline that is 
may not always be relevant.  sometimes relevant.  mostly relevant.  relevant. 
The student presents work in a  The student’s work is adequately  The student’s work is effectively  The student’s work is presented 
manner that is difficult to interpret.  presented in terms of neatness and  presented in terms of neatness and  with great care and effort in terms 
clarity.  clarity.  of neatness and clarity. 
Maps are not presented clearly.  Maps are sometimes presented  Maps are mostly clear and concise,  Maps are presented clearly and 
The absence of some required  with clarity. Some of the required  with required components present.  concisely, with all required 
components contribute to the lack  components may be missing.  components present. 
of clarity. 

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