Unit 1 Summative Criterion D 2024

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Chemistry | Unit 1 Summative

Criterion D
Day 1: Day 2: Day 3:
Introduce Summatives Summative Workday Test & Summative

•Instructions •Formative: •Criterion D

•Deadlines Upload work uploaded by
•Research on summative the start of
for brief class on
feedback Managebac

Class: A3 B5 B6 B8

Introduction: A publishing company has contacted you, an avid science author, to write a
children’s book on a scientist contributed to the atomic theory. This is your opportunity to build
your reputation as a children’s science author as well as inspire this unique audience to explore
Format: You may choose any platform to create your book, but make sure you have parental
permission if signing up on websites. Use legible font size & type for all text. Label strands in
Things to consider- what elements make a book successful, how many images are required, and
the reading level of the text in the book, etc.

To turn in: By due date, upload summative to Managebac summative task.

Acceptable file types: PDF – all other formats must be pre-approved otherwise they will not be
accepted. NO external links, unless screenshots of each page are provided into 1 document.

https://www.imaginenorthtexas.org/General_Documents/Enrollment/IIA -NT_Family_Student_Handbook_2024_2025_Final.pdf
Name: Score: Year 5 Criterion D Rubric
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
Outline the ways in which science is Summarize the ways in which Describe the ways in which science is Explain the ways in which science is
used to address specific problem or science is applied and used to applied and used to address specific applied and used to address specific
issue address specific problem or issue problem or issue problem or issue
Strand 1: Apply science

❑ Biography describes life of ❑ Biography describes life of ❑ Biography describes life of ❑ Biography describes life of
scientist, including one of scientist, including one of scientist, including one of scientist, including one of
these: birth, childhood, these: birth, childhood, these: birth, childhood, these: birth, childhood,
education & family life education & family life education & family life education & family life
❑ Outline how the scientist ❑ Outline how the scientist ❑ Outline how the scientist ❑ Outline how the scientist
solved a problem or made a solved a problem or made a solved a problem or made a solved a problem or made a
discovery discovery discovery discovery
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

Outline the implications of using Describe the implications of using Discuss the implications of using Discuss and evaluate the
science to solve a specific problem or science and its application to solve a science and its application to solve a implications of using science and its
issue, interacting with a factor specific problem or issue, interacting specific problem or issue, interacting application to solve a specific
with a factor with a factor problem or issue, interacting with a

Factors: social, economic, political, environmental, cultural, ethical

Strand 2: Implications on society

❑ Outline how the scientist’s ❑ Describe how the scientist’s ❑ Discuss how the scientist’s ❑ Discuss how the scientist’s
work impacted modern work impacted modern work impacted modern work impacted modern careers
careers in science or scientific careers in science or scientific careers in science or scientific in science or scientific
knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge
❑ Outline pros & cons when a ❑ Describe pros & cons when a ❑ Discuss pros & cons when a ❑ Evaluate pros & cons when a
factor was affected by this factor was affected by this factor was affected by this factor was affected by this
work work work work

Apply scientific language to Sometimes apply scientific language Usually apply scientific language to Consistently apply scientific
communicate understanding but to communicate understanding communicate understanding clearly language to communicate
does so with limited success and precisely understanding clearly and precisely

❑ Product is somewhat ❑ Product is somewhat ❑ Product is presentable & ❑ Product is presentable, neat &
presentable presentable & organized organized organized
Strand 3: Using scientific language

❑ Some strands are labeled ❑ Most strands are labeled ❑ Each strand is labeled ❑ Each strand is clearly labeled
appropriately appropriately appropriately appropriately
❑ Diagrams/Models are relevant ❑ Diagrams/Models are relevant ❑ Diagrams/Models relevant & ❑ Diagrams/Models relevant &
❑ Diagram(s) are given & outlined summarized discussed
❑ Glossary is missing most: title, ❑ Diagram(s) are labeled or ❑ Diagrams are labeled and ❑ Diagrams are correctly labeled
organization, alphabetization captioned captioned and captioned
& definitions ❑ Glossary is somewhat titled, ❑ Glossary is mostly titled, ❑ Glossary is titled, organized,
organized, alphabetized & organized, alphabetized & alphabetized & includes clear
includes definitions includes clear definitions definitions

Document sources, with limited Sometimes document sources Usually document sources correctly Document sources completely
success correctly

❑ Included 1 credible sources, ❑ Included 2 credible sources, ❑ Included 3 credible sources, ❑ At least 4 credible sources,
❑ Limited sources are ❑ Some sources are ❑ Most sources are ❑ All sources are alphabetized
alphabetized alphabetized alphabetized ❑ All links are appropriate and
Strand 4: Document sources

❑ Limited links are appropriately ❑ Some links are appropriately ❑ Most links are appropriate not extraneous
written written and not extraneous ❑ All sources spaced out &
❑ Most sources spaced out ❑ Some sources spaced out ❑ Most sources spaced out indented correctly
evenly & indented correctly evenly & indented correctly evenly & indented correctly

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