Plastone Language School Inc: Branch Name Dumaguete

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2814-B Violeta Court F.B. Harrison St., Pasay City Branch name
Email address : DUMAGUETE
Last name First name Middle name Gender Age
□F □M
Birthdate Birthplace Civil Status Contact Information
□Single □Married

Present Address
Employment Record
Company Name From~To Position Salary
(Placement Interview Test)
① Tell me about yourself. (Please write.) ②Tell me about your life plan. (Please write.)

③Where did you find/hear the school advertisement?

□Social Media/Face book □Tarpaulin/Flyers □Others, Please specify: 【         】
□Referred by someone. If YES,
What is his/her name: 【          】   Branch name:【         】
④Can you attend the classes from Monday to Friday for six months? □YES □NO
⑤Do you have any caregiving certificates/Japanese language proficiency
level of N4 or N5?/Are you a registered nurse?
※If YES, which of the following written above do you have?
 (Caregiving certificate/N4/N5/Registered nurse)
【        】
⑥Have you been to japan? □YES □NO
※If YES:Travel・Work 【□Travel □Work :how long? 】
⑦Can you come to school even on Sunday without any long holidays?
Tests, events, special lessons and so on.
⑧Do you have Tattoo? □YES □NO
※If YES:Is it visible? How big is it? 【          】
⑨Can you manage the minimum necessary money to come to school,
such as transportation expenses?
⑩If your children become sick, who will take care of them?

⑪If your parent/relatives become sick, who will take care of them?

Placement Interview Test (Administration)

A:a person with common sense. □YES □NO
B:has a good manner. □YES □NO
C:can speak English well. (Can understand in English in the class)
5(No problem at all) 4(80%~) 3(50%~) 2(~30%) 1(Not at all)
【    】
D:is a little strange? □YES □NO
If, YES, write more detail beiow.

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